愛 ● 常傳 - 耶穌的道路 Jesus and The Way (English and Chinese Subtitles)
- Опубліковано 20 січ 2025
- 聖子耶穌基督化成血肉之軀來到世上,給我們展示了真理的道路。耶穌在世期間行了不少奇蹟,顯示祂對我們的愛和藉此增強我們的信德;祂的教導如山中聖訓更言簡意賅地提示了我們追隨祂應有的生活方式和態度。《愛•常傳》特別去到以色列聖地耶穌曾踏足過的地方,與大家一起體會主耶穌的一言一行。
Jesus Christ, Son of God, incarnated himself and came on earth show us the true way. While he was on earth, Jesus revealed his love for us and strengthened our faith through his miracles. His teachings such as the Sermon on the Mount remind us the correct way to live our lives. Fountain of Grace takes you to the sites in Holy Land where Jesus once set foot, to recall our Lord's deeds and words.