Iahavasyopanishad_008, 6-10-2024 (Shantipath) Swami Tadrupanand ji Manan Ashram.

  • Опубліковано 14 жов 2024
  • Manan is an institution dedicated to the learning and promulgation of the Vedic Scriptures through the ‘Guru-Shishya Parampara’. Since its inception in the year 1986, pujya swamiji has created dedicated sadhaks who regularly pursue the study of our ancient texts. The institution has completed 36 years of service to the age-old Vedic tradition.
    મનન એ 'ગુરુ-શિષ્ય પરંપરા' દ્વારા વૈદિક ગ્રંથોના શીખવા અને પ્રચાર માટે સમર્પિત સંસ્થા છે. વર્ષ 1986 માં તેની સ્થાપના થઈ ત્યારથી, સમર્પિત સાધકો નિયમિતપણે આપણા પ્રાચીન ગ્રંથોનો અભ્યાસ કરે છે. સંસ્થાએ વર્ષો જૂની વૈદિક પરંપરાની સેવાના 36 વર્ષ પૂર્ણ કર્યા છે.
    "Ashtavakra Gita" Chintan Satra
    Ashtavakra geeta pravachan by Param Pujya Swami Tadrupanand Saraswati in shibir at Manan Ashram, Zadeshwar Bharuch, Gujarat. Vedanta discourses dialogues between king Janaka and Rishi Ashtavakra.
    The projection on the dialogue of "Ashtavakragita" is very difficult. There is little consolation for the common race. It is not possible for every class to become intimate with him. It speaks only from a transcendental point of view and is a great effort to break down all the walls of relativity. As a result, it did not become popular, nor was it criticised. In "Ashtavakra Gita" the listener is not at the center, the truth is at the center. Thus, the place of 'Ashtavakragita' is unique in the texts of philosophy or in the highest peaks of spirituality.
    Any seeker or seeker who does not want to waste the precious time of life should use such simple texts for self-realisation.
    A simple explanation of the terminology of a mysterious and profound subject like Vedanta is 'Tattvabodh'. The first step of Moksha like Param Purushartha is the same as Tattvabodha. For those who want to study profound scriptures like Bhagavad Gita, Upanishads, or Brahmasutra, first of all, the study of primary chapter texts like Tattvabodh is helpful as well as indispensable.
    The four-fold qualifications required to become eligible to ascend the advanced peak of self-knowledge are unequivocally discussed at the outset. The three main knowledge acquisition processes are explained here.
    In the direction of self-realization, 'Tattvabodh' equips the seeker with all the four-fold qualifications and thought processes and prepares him to become steadfast in the supernatural state of self-realization. Therefore, it is the simplest as well as the foremost text.
    This book is indispensable for all those who are curious as well as students of Vedanta.
    There are many branches in the Vedas regarding reading. E.g. Branch of Krishnayajurveda and branch of Shuklayajurveda in Yajurveda. The present Kathopanishad falls under the Katha branch of Krishnayajurveda hence it has been named as Kathopanishad.
    Mndukya Upanishad
    Brahman is the only reality. Nothing else is real. All the Universe, consisting of this ever-shining sun, moon, and stars, is a dream---a long long dream. How can this everlasting Universe perceived in the waking state be a dream? In the great Mandukya Karika, the illustrious Seer and Acharya Shri Gaudapada tries to answer this question. The Karika explains clearly and proves with various inferences and logic that this Universe is nothing but a dream.
    ‘Upadēśa Sāram’
    Maharṣi Vēda Vyāsa, while dictating the great epic Mahābhārata once froze into a trance but, from his silence tip-toed this great implications couched in words, which were collected by the mighty saviour, the remember of obstructions, Lord Gaṇapati and which came to be known as the divine song, the Bhagavad Gītā. Much in the same way, while journeying in solitude towards the inner Self, Ramaṇa Maharṣi entered into the realm of perfection, and it was probably on one such occasion of inarticulateness of subjective experience that his silence sprang forth into a stream of words. The result was a small but precise poetical composition which came to be popularly known to the spiritual world as ‘Upadēśa Sāram’.
    "Bhaja govindam"
    The period of manifestation of Bhagavaddapāda śrīmadda śaṅkarācāryajī is considered to be from 690 to 722 AD. There was a time in India when atheism was strengthening its foundations, nihilism was spreading, satvadi pundits did not rise above strife, kapalikos were dominating their bases, practice of animal sacrifice was also prevalent, sexuality was given the name of Dharmacharan, at that time Shri Shankaracharyaji was quoted. He was the incarnation of God. He is considered to be the incarnation of Lord Shiva.
    They were kind. Were sensitive to all mankind. In the midst of general ignorance, in order to be useful to the common man in addition to the devoted learner and seeker, for those who have reached Grihasthashram for their upliftment 'Bhajagovind' and for those who have already reached Vanprastha, they have composed two very beautiful, lyrical, memorizing hymns called 'Prashnottari'. Both the hymns are a guide for the inquisitive. Of these, 'Bhajagovind' is discussed here.