Mdou Moctar - "Imouhar" (English Lyric Video)

  • Опубліковано 26 вер 2024
  • Taken from the new album 'Funeral for Justice' out now on Matador Records. Purchase / Stream here:
    Mdou Moctar Store:
    Matador Store US / CA / MX:
    Matador Store ROW:
    Tamasheq Transliteration:
    Imuhagh Atarikh nilay yiktab tissanim
    Yiktab fel ilkadan tissan felas alghalim
    Yiktaba fel ilkadan tissan felas alghalim
    Imuhagh, Imuhagh edag tilam Toumast
    Chiguilmass adunogaz d-ewenn nimnass
    Chiguilmass adunogaz d-ewenn nimnass
    Imuhagh tamasheq mafel ass titoyem
    Toyamm awal net
    Toyamm aktabnet
    Toyamm awal net
    Toyamm akatabnet
    Imuhagh Imuhagh awen alghar felana
    Adifo iliyadan wirissenan tamashaq
    Wirissenan tamashaq wirissenan akatabnet
    Imuhagh, Imuhagh edag tilam Toumast
    Chiguilmass adunogaz d-ewenn nimnass
    Chiguilmass adunogaz d-ewenn nimnass
    ⵉⵎⵓⵀⴰⵄ ⴰⵜⴰⵔⵉⵅ ⵏⵉⵍⴻ ⵢⵉⴽⵜⴰⴱ ⵜⵉⵙⴰⵏⴰⵎ
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    ⵛⵉⴳⵉⵍⵎⴰⵙ ⴰⴷⵓⵏⵓⴳⴰⵣ ⴷⴻⵓⴻⵏ ⵏⵉⵎⵏⴰⵙ
    Mdou Moctar:
    / mdou_moctar
    / mdoumoctar
    / mdoumoctarofficial
    Matador Records on the web:
    / matadorrecords
    / matadorrecords​
    / matadorrecords
    #MdouMoctar #FuneralForJustice


  • @aquasagleo
    @aquasagleo 2 дні тому +4

    the transition at the beginning makes me tear up every single time

  • @CharlesHess
    @CharlesHess 2 дні тому +7

    Rock and Roll Hall Of Fame contenders

  • @Moleskineman
    @Moleskineman День тому +2

    My favourite track off the new album, absolutely monstrous.

  • @wildlifegardenssydney7492
    @wildlifegardenssydney7492 День тому +2

    Such a beautiful song and guitar solos. I love magpies too. Great to understand with your subtitles. Keeping your culture, language, writing and customs are really important indeed.

  • 2 дні тому +13

    The guitar tho 🔥🔥🔥🔥

  • @TheWalkingSteakhouse
    @TheWalkingSteakhouse 2 дні тому +8

    Great message in the song, and the guitar is insanely good

  • @harish1105
    @harish1105 2 дні тому +11

    Mahamadou, imidiwan, please come to India. Tinariwen came last year too, would love to see you Live!

  • @davidjulesarseneau6364
    @davidjulesarseneau6364 2 дні тому +4

    This is freakin awesome! 1:19!!🫶🏼🙌🏻
    Big fan from Canada 🇨🇦

  • @davekrochenski
    @davekrochenski 2 дні тому +4

    the introduction transition caught me by surprise. Super cool brothers. Thanks for something new to show the bro's at work.

  • @lukeshawmusic
    @lukeshawmusic 2 дні тому +8

    I love your music. Sending love from the u.k 🙏🏼🎶

  • @videotrexx
    @videotrexx 2 дні тому +2

    Thank you so much for the translation to English! I hope sometime that you can come to central New York state! Love your music!

  • @Robert_Herring
    @Robert_Herring 2 дні тому +2


  • @Tsotha
    @Tsotha 2 дні тому +5

    this is one of my favourite songs on "Funeral For Justice" and the 2nd half of the song has some of my favourite guitar solos from Moctar

  • @jacek460
    @jacek460 День тому +2

    love it

  • @raonsss
    @raonsss 2 дні тому +6

    Wow! What a important message. And what a beautiful song, as usual.

  • @labronrobinson3656
    @labronrobinson3656 2 дні тому +8

    I love this band!

  • @grimgolf79
    @grimgolf79 2 дні тому +4


  • @younessck1990
    @younessck1990 2 дні тому +4

    Mdou ❤❤❤

  • @Bestvids777
    @Bestvids777 2 дні тому +3

    Please mdou moctar make a plan for south africa 🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦🇿🇦

    • @audioslavewithamastermind
      @audioslavewithamastermind 2 дні тому

      I’ve asked them a few times on Twitter. But I guess it can’t happen now if they’re to do solo shows as there’s not a lot of people here who even know them. If some festival can bring them, that’d great.

  • @coobapo
    @coobapo 2 дні тому +4

    Soooo stoked to see yall in October.

  • @finobadtrip
    @finobadtrip 2 дні тому +2

    Come to Brazil ❤ Luv U all

  • @thonnish
    @thonnish 2 дні тому +2

    Puissant !!!!!!!!!

  • @JohnsysChannel
    @JohnsysChannel 2 дні тому +2

    Nice and Early for this. Excellent as always.

  • @albertangeloro5832
    @albertangeloro5832 2 дні тому +3

    to be heard Saturday, 9/28/24 on Radio Soleil (2-6 pm) Little Haiti, Brooklyn, N Y

  • @joser.herrera9811
    @joser.herrera9811 2 дні тому

    Yessss, get to see you guys in December!!

  • @GonzaloCalvoPerez
    @GonzaloCalvoPerez 2 дні тому +4

    Tamazight language is the aboriginal language of the amazigh people, of North Africa. It is part of the capsian language family, the same family as other aboriginal mediterranean languages such as basque/euskara, etruscan, and ionian greek!

    • @ldieulesaint0
      @ldieulesaint0 День тому

      sorry but i found no trustworthy sources to support what you say, afaik basque, etruscan and ionian are assembled in a "paleo-european" family of languages and this family has no link to north africa, furthermore "Capsian" seems to refer to a prehistoric culture from north africa, and does not seem to refer to any language family ever. (not taking away from the beauty of tamazight but please, there is enough interesting facts in reality, no need to spread misinformation for likes)

  • @kepttt4319
    @kepttt4319 2 дні тому

    COME TO BRAZIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  • @saturnative
    @saturnative 12 годин тому

    I love it! It's got that "Voodoo Chille" groove.

  • @benjaminjoeBF3
    @benjaminjoeBF3 2 дні тому +13

    why autotune, please don't ruin all the nuances of your voice 😢

    • @VodkaSelekta
      @VodkaSelekta 2 дні тому +4

      I agree, the over production really gets in the way on these studio productions. I love the raw feel of the live recordings and this sounds like a different band entirely.

    • @oopskapootz7276
      @oopskapootz7276 2 дні тому +4

      I, for one, don't mind the autotune at all. It sounds great. If you prefer their raw voice you can always listen to the live recordings.

    • @lestersmiley1781
      @lestersmiley1781 2 дні тому +3

      @@VodkaSelektathis production is raw! I don’t hear any auto tune.

    • @lestersmiley1781
      @lestersmiley1781 2 дні тому +7

      @@oopskapootz7276 there’s no discernible auto tune here. It’s multitracked and a great vocal, but there’s no over the top auto tune.

    • @Otherfolker
      @Otherfolker 2 дні тому +3

      Fun fact: not everyone tunelessly warbles off key and can actually produce notes with their voices. Crazy world out there

  • @koiRT
    @koiRT 20 годин тому


  • @АлександрКомаров-п4л

    Ждём в Москве!❤

  • @Son_Of_Bangoua
    @Son_Of_Bangoua 15 годин тому

    Love it!

  • @lukadjurasin1959
    @lukadjurasin1959 День тому

    Come to Serbi❤a!