A casa de vocês deve ser um espetáculo de limpa! Amo assistir esses tipo de vídeo, é tão satisfatório o final, parabéns a todos que fazem esse trabalho tão bem.
At least all you guys are honest to save the jewels and the money and put it aside for the person that you're cleaning up. I give you a lot of credit for that.God bless your cleaning crew
Gk gmpang mmbersihkn rmh kotor dgn penuh sampah didlmx., Pasti capek n sumpek dan bau.. Smoga mas2x dberikn kesehatan,, rezeki melimpah, dan bahagia sllu bersama org2 tercinta Amiiin ... Slam dr Indonesia❤
Bravo! Felicitări ! Pentru toată munca depusă. A fost dezgustător să privesc, dar am fost foarte bucuroasă, după ce ați efectuat curățenia. Finalul a fost super ! Să vă dea Dumnezeu multă sănătate și să fiți binecuvântați !
Naxotki odamlar xam shu darajada beparvo bolsa oz uyiga axlatni koprip xayoron qoldim sizlarga kotta raxmat manga judayam yoqadi shunaqa vidyolaringizni korish ozbegistondan salom😊
Меня всегда поражает, что в таких квартирах никогда ничего не поломано, не разбито, не порвано, не порезано, не отбито, не сожжено, всё цело! А под слоем мусора и грязи всё как новенькое!😮
IT WOULD BE NICE to paint THE WALLS with HAPPY COLORS like yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, ETC. to keep him from getting depressed. AS WELL AS, have people come TO assist him WEEKLY with cleaning.
So basically, there are hoarders and nasty housekeepers all over the world. Oh heck no, I'm not cleaning where mice are running over my feet. I would have a heart attack. OMG, that rat was the size of a cat. Guys, you done awesome. I hope you got paid very well. Im not gonna say anything about the person you all moved in the bed.just i hope they were sick or couldn't get out of bed.God Bless Everyone
how can someone live among the rubbish?n how many days they need to clean it🙄?they have beautiful home n furnitures,but why they so lazy to clean n tidy,if I have home n furniture like that, it must be lovely
@ la maladie a bon dos,le minimum n'est pas fait.Il ne faut pas se laisser envahir,en rangeant tout de suite.Même si on est riche,on pense à ceux qui feront le travail à votre place : On appelle celà le respect.Vous faites un bon job.Il en faut des gens comme vous.NAMASTÉ.
A mi me da mucha bronca acumuladores mientra en el mundo hay tanta gente que no tiene nada se mueren de hambre y está gente a acumula y acumula. Esta gente que limpia son dignos de admiración Yo la verdad que esta gente que vive así para mi es inexplicable por más depresión que se tenga es una falta total de respeto para ellos mismo y para los demás egoísmo total nada de amor para ellos y para el prójimo vergüenza ajena es injustificable la falta de empatia hacia los demás
Эти люди не эгоисты..это или пожилые одинокие люди..много люди больные,которые не могут себя обслуживать и плюс просто пожилые,там деформация личности.плюс к старости,многие откладывают и говорят- пригодится....
I want to know the same thing I clean houses also and have not found a good cleaner for built up grease on the back of stoves. Anyone has any ideas please let me know !
Unfortunately people actually do live like this, and stains such as these are from years of neglect that can’t be recreated. You can tell that they scrub hard and pass the rags over multiple times to get those stains out. To stage this would be ridiculous since there are so many homes like this irl
@@tonyam3898 oprosti što pisem hrvatski,neču se dobro moć izraziti na engleskom.Moja baka iza smrti mojeg djede nikog u svoju kuću nije puštala.Punih 30 godina nitko kod nje nije ušao,kuća joj je bila u dvorištu sa našom i kod nas bi dolazila ručati i preko dana na toalet.Nikad se nine prala,nije nosila donje rublje.Neopisivo je smrdila.Nokte na nogama nije rezala,sve cipele i papuce su joj bile probusene.Druzila se sa umirovljenicima,kad bi slavili Novu Godinu onda se kao oprala i obukla nešta čisto.Kad je umrla danima smo iznosili i spremali.Kupovala je svasta preko oglasa,na prezentacijama skupog suđa.Zamisliti ne mozete koje su to vrijednosti a stalno se žalila da nema novaca.Struju i vodu nije trosila,kod nje je bilo hladno,jela je kod nas.Nuzdu je po noći obavljala u kante.Takvih kanti bilo je sigurno 15.Jedino čega nije bilo to su štakori i miševi.Prije smrti na silu smo je smjestili kod nas i htjeli da ide spavati u maminu sobu ali nije htjela jer nam je mama umrla 8 mj prije nje.Spavala je u dnevnom boravku i nije se htjela okupati.Zadnjih tjedan dana namolili smo doktora za patronaznu sestru koja ju je dosla obići i bez milosti uzela i okupala.Eto ovo je moje iskustvo.Dok nam je djed bio živ ona je bila žena koja je sve drzala uredno,kuhala,kupala se.Imala je 57 god kad je postala udovica.Eto.
Tbh I highly doubt anyone could just make something lol this dirty it happens over time and yes ppl are filthy and lazy at times others have mental health issues mostly. We never know what someone is going through. And sometimes just ppl being extremely lazy.
Su labor muy bueno lo que único es que veo que luego de limpiar no friega los pisos con algún detergente solo barren y porque no les pinta también las paredes ya que se ve que sacan toda la basura y mugre pero las casas quedan igual de deterioradas y feas
Thanks to your hard work, I always appreciate it and inspired to always keep clean
A casa de vocês deve ser um espetáculo de limpa!
Amo assistir esses tipo de vídeo, é tão satisfatório o final, parabéns a todos que fazem esse trabalho tão bem.
At least all you guys are honest to save the jewels and the money and put it aside for the person that you're cleaning up.
I give you a lot of credit for that.God bless your cleaning crew
Spero tanto che, le persone che hanno ridotto così queste case, vengano aiutate a ritrovare la salute ed una vita decente. ❤️🙏❤️
Gk gmpang mmbersihkn rmh kotor dgn penuh sampah didlmx., Pasti capek n sumpek dan bau.. Smoga mas2x dberikn kesehatan,, rezeki melimpah, dan bahagia sllu bersama org2 tercinta Amiiin ... Slam dr Indonesia❤
Vocês são uma benção na vida dessas pessoas
Felicitări !
Pentru toată munca depusă.
A fost dezgustător să privesc, dar am fost foarte bucuroasă, după ce ați efectuat curățenia.
Finalul a fost super !
Să vă dea Dumnezeu multă sănătate și să fiți binecuvântați !
Amo ver esses vídeos de limpeza amo uma casa limpa 🇧🇷
What is that stuff your spraying on everything because it’s doing a fantastic job
I guess we will never know which cleaner they are using😅
They love you comment. Still no answer 😂😅
I was also about to ask the same question. Then I saw your comment 😊
That powder did an amazing job
Misericórdia como consegue viver nesse ambiente!?
Naxotki odamlar xam shu darajada beparvo bolsa oz uyiga axlatni koprip xayoron qoldim sizlarga kotta raxmat manga judayam yoqadi shunaqa vidyolaringizni korish ozbegistondan salom😊
Меня всегда поражает, что в таких квартирах никогда ничего не поломано, не разбито, не порвано, не порезано, не отбито, не сожжено, всё цело! А под слоем мусора и грязи всё как новенькое!😮
Estes produtos que eles usam fazem milagres em manda o nome pra gente compra 😮😮😮😮
Também queria saber o produto que usam, é mágico!
Aunque lo dejen limpio ,sigue siendo un lugar completamente insalubre
This must be sooo satisfying to do!!
Que produto milagroso será esse que usam?
I would like to know the name of the product you use and where it is sold.
I guess we will never know
It is a mystery😂
Of course, I myself suffer from this, but after videos like this I want to clean up so that the house is definitely not a garbage dump.
I’m surprised there wasn’t any bugs. Depression and laziness can let this happen unfortunately I’ve seen it with my own eyes.
❤ Excelente trabalho.
Ребята молодцы ❤❤❤❤❤
Would have liked to see each room when all done
The owner of the house had many treasures😂😂😂😂
I need to know what that cleaner is!!
Me too
Me too
Y yo también.
God bless tour lives for so loving hearts
Классно!где найти таких ребят!
ىتىةنلةنل❤😂🎉😢😮😅 ىورةزرةنلةنىةنىىنلةنىةز تة
يغللهببللنىىنىكمبتىهبلتلىتىىنل ةتلىتلىهلةنبةتلةرغىىتىلعل اعلىاعللهلبعقمبلتللهلالاهلاتىتىةىةنلةنللاهلاينىلبسزىرتىالىتىةنىةنلىووىىتى
ىنلىنلىتلرتلرتلىهىتبرلهلىعب ربلللتللهللعلىتلةمىلتلىنللهللتلرالةنىىتىىنىلهىىىاتىىنىىتىةىىتلىنلىنلىهى❤😂🎉😢😮😅ةولنلىنبلنرلنللتبلهب
Even an abnormal person would not hoard their house this much as this. And oh my gosh the money they found😮😮
There's a lot of collectible items ( coins, paper bill, watches etc. ).
IT WOULD BE NICE to paint THE WALLS with HAPPY COLORS like yellow, green, blue, purple, pink, ETC. to keep him from getting depressed.
AS WELL AS, have people come TO assist him WEEKLY with cleaning.
Siete persone meravigliosi ragazzi bravi😘
I feel like this is a treasure hunt ❤
Great working!!!!!!!!!!
спасиба парне вам увас залатие руке ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤. нискией паклон вам очен окуратно. стала везде нет слов❤❤❤❤❤❤
WOUAW ! Beautiful floor !
Great job guys !!! 👍👍👍👍💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖
a great job rich people should sponsor the cleaners
So basically, there are hoarders and nasty housekeepers all over the world. Oh heck no, I'm not cleaning where mice are running over my feet. I would have a heart attack. OMG, that rat was the size of a cat. Guys, you done awesome. I hope you got paid very well. Im not gonna say anything about the person you all moved in the bed.just i hope they were sick or couldn't get out of bed.God Bless Everyone
O que ocorreu com a pessoa que vivia no local,? Estava doente sem cuidados será? Que triste chegar a esse estado!!😢
Super, but nobody paints the walls and the floor to be in hygienic?
how can someone live among the rubbish?n how many days they need to clean it🙄?they have beautiful home n furnitures,but why they so lazy to clean n tidy,if I have home n furniture like that, it must be lovely
12:40 Che bell'armadio! 😃
Povera casa comunque, spazzatura e topi sono i padroni di casa. 😥
Sooooo many 'Post it's.....😂❤
Так довести свое жильё могут только психически нездоровые люди, ну или глубокие инвалиды. Почему они живут без присмотра?
Verdade . Muito triste
@ la maladie a bon dos,le minimum n'est pas fait.Il ne faut pas se laisser envahir,en rangeant tout de suite.Même si on est riche,on pense à ceux qui feront le travail à votre place : On appelle celà le respect.Vous faites un bon job.Il en faut des gens comme vous.NAMASTÉ.
Thanks for your hardwork. I want to know what cleanser you are using becuase it looks like it can deal with all that filth.
A mi me da mucha bronca acumuladores mientra en el mundo hay tanta gente que no tiene nada se mueren de hambre y está gente a acumula y acumula. Esta gente que limpia son dignos de admiración Yo la verdad que esta gente que vive así para mi es inexplicable por más depresión que se tenga es una falta total de respeto para ellos mismo y para los demás egoísmo total nada de amor para ellos y para el prójimo vergüenza ajena es injustificable la falta de empatia hacia los demás
Эти люди не эгоисты..это или пожилые одинокие люди..много люди больные,которые не могут себя обслуживать и плюс просто пожилые,там деформация личности.плюс к старости,многие откладывают и говорят- пригодится....
@@alexandraf.7923 No se que me de si por que no está traduciendo en español
Напишите пожалуйста что за средство наносите от грязи? И без всяких усилий затем вытираете.
Dios mio cómo se puede vivir en essa condiciones?
Meu Deus rato e demais.
I want to know the same thing I clean houses also and have not found a good cleaner for built up grease on the back of stoves. Anyone has any ideas please let me know !
Excellent work….
Такие хозяева за год опять превратят в свалку
Показали бы горе-хозяев этих квартир-свалок
I believe that cleaning companies agreed with some people to make thier homes dirty for advertising and photography purposes.
Скорее всего жильцы вынуждены были покинуть жилье, так как не могли больше оплачивать
Unfortunately people actually do live like this, and stains such as these are from years of neglect that can’t be recreated. You can tell that they scrub hard and pass the rags over multiple times to get those stains out.
To stage this would be ridiculous since there are so many homes like this irl
@@tonyam3898 oprosti što pisem hrvatski,neču se dobro moć izraziti na engleskom.Moja baka iza smrti mojeg djede nikog u svoju kuću nije puštala.Punih 30 godina nitko kod nje nije ušao,kuća joj je bila u dvorištu sa našom i kod nas bi dolazila ručati i preko dana na toalet.Nikad se nine prala,nije nosila donje rublje.Neopisivo je smrdila.Nokte na nogama nije rezala,sve cipele i papuce su joj bile probusene.Druzila se sa umirovljenicima,kad bi slavili Novu Godinu onda se kao oprala i obukla nešta čisto.Kad je umrla danima smo iznosili i spremali.Kupovala je svasta preko oglasa,na prezentacijama skupog suđa.Zamisliti ne mozete koje su to vrijednosti a stalno se žalila da nema novaca.Struju i vodu nije trosila,kod nje je bilo hladno,jela je kod nas.Nuzdu je po noći obavljala u kante.Takvih kanti bilo je sigurno 15.Jedino čega nije bilo to su štakori i miševi.Prije smrti na silu smo je smjestili kod nas i htjeli da ide spavati u maminu sobu ali nije htjela jer nam je mama umrla 8 mj prije nje.Spavala je u dnevnom boravku i nije se htjela okupati.Zadnjih tjedan dana namolili smo doktora za patronaznu sestru koja ju je dosla obići i bez milosti uzela i okupala.Eto ovo je moje iskustvo.Dok nam je djed bio živ ona je bila žena koja je sve drzala uredno,kuhala,kupala se.Imala je 57 god kad je postala udovica.Eto.
Tbh I highly doubt anyone could just make something lol this dirty it happens over time and yes ppl are filthy and lazy at times others have mental health issues mostly. We never know what someone is going through. And sometimes just ppl being extremely lazy.
If you visit china at least once, you will understand that tgere is no need to stage such homes
Столько хороших вещей на этой свалке
23:05 👍 :)
Penasaran merek sabun pembersihnya
It's hard for me to believe people in their right mind lives like that
👌 😮❤
Merece la pena ayuda a alguien tan guarro
just one question: what is that spray?
and amazing job!
Слушайте ето не уборка а шедевр ❤❤
What is the cleaning product they are spraying to clean?
I have yet to see a response to this question...
Perfect team❤
напишите название чудо средство
AZELIT вам в помощь!!
عاشت ايدك لو عدنه بالعراق جان ماكعدو بيه
Su labor muy bueno lo que único es que veo que luego de limpiar no friega los pisos con algún detergente solo barren y porque no les pinta también las paredes ya que se ve que sacan toda la basura y mugre pero las casas quedan igual de deterioradas y feas
Dommage que ça ne soit pas traduit en français. Merci 😢😢😢
O que será que tem nesse borrifador?! Adoraria saber?
O que é esse produto q usa na limpeza?
what spray are you using? Amazing work.
Yo voy a esa casa y me voy esa guarrería yo no la limpio que lo haga la gente que son capaces de vivir así 😮😮😮😮😮😮😮
وشنو نوع المنضف رجاء
Supongo que al tener semejante coleccion la mujeres que estaban le compraron una cama decente 🤔🤔🤔🤔🤔
انتم الاحسن الي الان لانكم لا ترمون كل شي في الزبالة وانما تقمون بالفرز والترتيب ثم النظافة..
فقط اضيفوا الترجمة للمقطع
Gente tinha que jogar tudo fora😮
Не слабо погуляли!!!!
من این مایع تميز کننده رو میخوام ❤🎉🎉
Pobre gente la q limpia
Si je pouvais vous dire de venir chez moi
Для сьемки видео так загадили квартиру
Dios mio viven en un basurero
What name your products use for cleaning spray please help us I need that product
Пойду плиту помою
Please, english subtitles 🙏😥
Bó tay
A casa se torna moradia pra muitos ratos
Onde vende esses produtos? mdss preciso
Diambil buat dihuni
Kayaknya yang punya orang kaya
Что за средство такое как называется кто знает напишите
прямо не квартира помойка а квартира клад ,чего там только нет