P0507 Nissan Altima 2.5l throttle body idle air relearn.

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @IAm-qp2pi
    @IAm-qp2pi 4 роки тому +17

    This what this man clearly said: 1. TAKE OUT 2.3&4 COIL. 2. DO THE RELEARN, & CRANK IT! ADD 2 PLUG, RELEAN, CRANK! 3. ADD 3, THEN 4, THEN ITS DONE. YALL WELCOME ;)

    • @koreancook
      @koreancook 3 роки тому


  • @123clis321
    @123clis321 5 років тому +20

    UGH. Does not get to the point until 6:30

  • @AndreKuykendall-lk1cl
    @AndreKuykendall-lk1cl Рік тому +1

    I just want to say thank you from the bottom of my heart, I was having the same problem with a 2004 Nissan Altima 2.5, I did the relearn over 25 times.. Seen this video and tried it with the coils disconnected just as you explained and it worked engine running smoothly now at idle.. Thank you once again and may God continue to bless you..

  • @JamesDvorak
    @JamesDvorak 2 роки тому +4

    I've been trying for days to get my son's Nissan to relearn idle after I installed a new throttle body. What you described worked!! Thank you!

    • @Rajgaragesautocares
      @Rajgaragesautocares 2 роки тому

      I have same problem, I did relearn process but can’t got solved,is this really works?

    • @JamesDvorak
      @JamesDvorak 2 роки тому

      @@Rajgaragesautocares It worked for me.

    • @kennytorres686
      @kennytorres686 2 роки тому +1

      Kumar lumjel his method works in some cars not in all of them but after you do the 3 second on and 10 seconds off 3times then turn key on press pedal 5 times and then wait 10 seconds and press pedal to the floor check engine light will blink different wait till comes solid and withing 3 seconds start your car and leave it running for till rpms drop to about 600 to 800 and problem solve

  • @koreancook
    @koreancook 3 роки тому +1

    Omg this it!!! It works.
    TAKE OFF ALL COILS EXCEPT #1 -> RELEARN and start engine and then turn off-> ADD COIL #2 -> RELEARN start engine turn off. UNTIL ALL COILS ADDED
    This Altima is a quirky one aside from having sensitive battery issues.

  • @reel_images
    @reel_images 4 роки тому +14

    I saw a few negative comments, I really appreciate videos like this. You went through what you did and what didn't work and that helps. As I've done some of what you did and it didn't help either. Videos of what didn't work help as most of us have tried things and have no change in the problem. Myself I own an 05 Altima and it's have a rough idle in gear at a stop. Either reverse or drive, I've done most of what you said. The idle is staying steady at about 700 or 800 but the steering wheel shakes at a red light. Not sure what it is. I've ordered a new valve cover and gasket. Maybe the PCV valve is shot. Anyway, not everyone will appreciate videos such as this but I'm the one that does. Thank you as it has helped narrow a few things down.

    • @rainypath96
      @rainypath96 3 роки тому

      @@gman9033 I’ve tried replacing motor mounts with this same issue and the problem continued. I’m about to try idle air control valve replacement

    • @princesslayna5527
      @princesslayna5527 3 роки тому

      @@gman9033 Lmfaoo

  • @alexdiaz4021
    @alexdiaz4021 3 роки тому +1

    Everything you described worked perfectly, I have tried several methods to fix it up until I tried this one and it worked. Thanks for the video it really helped

  • @blackandyellowgarage7856
    @blackandyellowgarage7856  6 років тому +2

    Thanks for your input to this issue. After two days of a attempting to resolve this issue anyone will try all methods to get a successful relearn. Thanks again.

  • @922liddojoker
    @922liddojoker 3 роки тому +2

    Thanks for that idea ! That was the problem the RPM was too high for it to relearn

  • @walvarado2969
    @walvarado2969 5 років тому +12

    Yes you can, mine was going up to 2000 rpm, but after the 5 pumps to the gas pedal, you haveto wait exactly 10 seconds then hold the gas pedal, the SES light will blink eraticly, not consistent like the manuel says, hold the pedal until the SES light turns solid, then within 3 secons release the pedal and start the car. Problem solved

  • @rusco321
    @rusco321 4 роки тому +5

    It'll run on one cylinder?

  • @Platinumtag
    @Platinumtag Рік тому +1

    I did a lot of method the one that work is turn key to last position as soon as at last position count 2 seconds hit gas pedal 5 time way down then release wait 6 seconds then hold down for 10s or more until light blinks then release gas pedal again for 1 second hold down until light solid then release gas pedal quickly and then start car up quickly.....and rev car 3 times at 3000 rmp with 4 seconds between shut car of and start it up and idle should be around 5 to 700 rpm . Once engine is at operating temperature....this method is effective after a little drive..

  • @Joeschmo63
    @Joeschmo63 Рік тому +1

    Thanks for this great information, a lot of folks will benefit from this video!

  • @mcw1906
    @mcw1906 4 роки тому +4

    This has got to be my issue. For the last 2 years, My sister had to tap gas pedal for it to crank. After researching. I cleaned the throttle body with cleaner direct spray, and from there, it started to have the up and down rpm and code p0507 but it cranks right up. Regarding relearn....nothing has worked. I can’t even get check engine light to start flashing like other videos say, so I have been feeling very discouraged. I even unplugged the ecm fuse for 30 min and disconnected battery. I’m gonna try this and I really hope this helps. We seem to have the exact same issue foe exact same car and the problem was created the same way.

  • @amerahmed5886
    @amerahmed5886 3 роки тому +1

    Thanks thanks thanks.
    I hv done the idle relearn many times but didn't work. Because the idle was high.
    Then i did as u said but I disconnected 2 my spark plugs sockets.
    Then i did the relearn then yes it worked.

  • @JasonSmith-qx3zh
    @JasonSmith-qx3zh 4 роки тому +1

    I understand what you are saying,but on a 1.8 engine with the same problem how would you do this when your intake is built over the coils and all codes need to be cleared for this procedure???

  • @tlotv4696
    @tlotv4696 5 років тому +15

    Dude all u did was talk....didnt touch a thing 😑

  • @filmwithlenon
    @filmwithlenon Рік тому

    Did you mean the coils on the spark plugs or fuel injectors plug?

  • @o.g.-reala3326
    @o.g.-reala3326 5 років тому +2

    Do you start the car after every coil pack you reconnect?

    • @blackandyellowgarage7856
      @blackandyellowgarage7856  5 років тому +2

      Sorry so late. Yes

    • @o.g.-reala3326
      @o.g.-reala3326 5 років тому

      @@blackandyellowgarage7856 ok thanks

    • @fazalabbas
      @fazalabbas 3 роки тому

      @@blackandyellowgarage7856 And for how long you have to let it run before you add another coil? Thanks

  • @jeffwongwiwat3928
    @jeffwongwiwat3928 5 років тому +1

    Hi, I have the same problem, do I start the car while taken out the coil? And doing the relearn process.

    • @darring.9161
      @darring.9161 5 років тому +2

      Start by taking out 3 Coils first, do the re-learn and add them one at a time until all Coils are replaced. You probably wouldn't have to remove the Coil in itself...just carefully take off the Electrical Connectors that come out from the wiring harness.

  • @ramonsolis3967
    @ramonsolis3967 5 років тому +1

    Having this issue right now, so do you remove 3 coils and star the vehicle and then do the relearn, added one coil started vehicle and then did another relearn and so on till you have all coils in?

    • @YordyShippuden
      @YordyShippuden 5 років тому

      That is my exact question, if we have to turn the car on with the coils disconnected, thats kinda weird, do we need to start the car for the process or just keep doing it and adding coils?

    • @ramonsolis3967
      @ramonsolis3967 5 років тому

      Yordy Shippuden I ended just doing the relearning process but you have to be on point with the seconds when turning the ignition on and off it finally worked!!

    • @YordyShippuden
      @YordyShippuden 5 років тому

      @@ramonsolis3967 Man this thing is driving me crazy, do you do it with an scan tool or all manually? Pls help me!! Mine is an altima coupe 2.5 2008, same process still apply right?

  • @karmalove2221
    @karmalove2221 2 роки тому

    🤔 If I unplug a coil an my engine dies .... can u tell me what that means?
    Number one out of four makes it completely die. Number three almost did but kept goin.

  • @rosapantoja9504
    @rosapantoja9504 10 місяців тому

    I have the exact same car with the same problem can u show a video with that process being done please?

  • @myutube977
    @myutube977 5 років тому +1

    I'm having the same issue with the rpm going up too high at some points after the car has been driving for at least 15 minutes everything is normal then it gose to erratic high idle, I try to do the relearn process but this car is a hybrid so when I turn on the car it goes in to EV mode. Can you help

    • @Darkxhop
      @Darkxhop 4 роки тому

      nolberto gonzalez I have same issue same car did you find anyway to fix it please let me know?

    • @JoabSalceII
      @JoabSalceII 4 роки тому

      Sana Soroush sane car and issue. Going to try the coil removal process today.
      Did either one of you get your hybrid to relearn?

  • @tittleone
    @tittleone 5 років тому +1

    Can you damaged the ignition coil if you disconnect it and start the engine.

  • @princedeking
    @princedeking 4 роки тому

    Please do I need a new throttle body and a scan tool to perform the relearn?

  • @spyguy2112
    @spyguy2112 Місяць тому +1

    I had same issue with retraining throttle because it was bouncing above 1500 rpm. Tried the coil removal but did not work. Found this video which showed you can simply put the car in drive to keep the idle below 1000 instead. ua-cam.com/users/livekXNw_fIvfJQ?si=DxxMXeZk7ci0n1cF

  • @josedelcastillo7766
    @josedelcastillo7766 4 роки тому +2

    I did the relearning after unplugging the coil one by one and it took me a lot of time but it actually works. Thanks!

    • @blackandyellowgarage7856
      @blackandyellowgarage7856  4 роки тому +7

      I am glad that you were able to have success. It worked for me. I don't know why others are giving negative comments about this video. It is free.

    • @phillipfisher1453
      @phillipfisher1453 3 роки тому +3

      I have Watched a lot of videos and read a lot on the reprogram and could never get it to work, till I watched your video . Great information, thank you . Save me several hundred dollars by not having to go to the dealer

    • @filmwithlenon
      @filmwithlenon Рік тому

      Just curious, when you say coils, you meant unplug the spark plugs coils right?

  • @Chris-ux5nl
    @Chris-ux5nl 5 років тому

    How did you do the ignition coil removal

  • @andreatrone5647
    @andreatrone5647 3 роки тому

    BLACKANDYELLOW I have a problem with my car and its had a high idle to it my dad out the throttle body on and thats it. i dont think he relearn anything can you give me more options

  • @markoreyloc5905
    @markoreyloc5905 5 років тому

    I think he just dont need to be working on cars.if you cant do a relearn on your nissan.you have to be on point with your counts and it always works for me.

  • @royquesada5295
    @royquesada5295 3 роки тому

    My goodness!! Disconnect battery on both terminals touch positive and negative cables to erase learned parameters from computer, reattach and go through relearn procedure.
    Cannot believe tech didn't no this.
    Before even cleaning T.B. , it should be disconnected, to avoid problems such as this. Being doing this procedure for quite some time without any priblems.

  • @feloniusduck183
    @feloniusduck183 Рік тому

    Good shit thanks man this video helps so much!!!

  •  3 роки тому

    Thanks for the help

  • @KobeCorona-uj3zb
    @KobeCorona-uj3zb 4 роки тому

    My altima fixed itself I did the same thing sprayed throttlebody cleaner on my Nissan Altima Idled rough

    • @Santi-hh8lo
      @Santi-hh8lo 15 днів тому

      How long did it take before it fixed itself

  • @ammarfadhul9026
    @ammarfadhul9026 3 роки тому +1

    Thank you

  • @stephendukes
    @stephendukes 4 роки тому +2

    Talk to much where is the meat!

  • @MS-lm6jx
    @MS-lm6jx 5 років тому +2

    What a terrible video. John Hermann On UA-cam has a very easy video on this problem.

    • @TheyCallMeAwesome
      @TheyCallMeAwesome 5 років тому +1

      Thank you! Lol I am a woman who does a lot of minor work on my 05 Nissan (as well as other vehicles) and this guy lost me! Too much talking and not enough (actually none) action! Meaning, he doesnt show how to do any of it!

    • @travisflaishans2300
      @travisflaishans2300 3 роки тому

      Guy doesnt even know you dont have to completely start car to run diagnostics. Smfh

  • @user-wk8gg2uj8b
    @user-wk8gg2uj8b 3 роки тому

    Hunting or SURGING lmao.

  • @allenng5204
    @allenng5204 4 роки тому

    Work for me, thanks.

  • @bryanreyes7100
    @bryanreyes7100 5 років тому +1

    Stop talking and start doing more

  • @amarrana2658
    @amarrana2658 3 роки тому

    So when i start i start with three coils? Two then one?

  • @travisflaishans2300
    @travisflaishans2300 3 роки тому

    This dude doesnt even know you dont completely start the car to use diagnostics. Smfh stay off youtube

  • @nicolebraxton6273
    @nicolebraxton6273 2 роки тому

    Too much talking

  • @VTLT13
    @VTLT13 4 роки тому

    get to the fucking point man!!

  • @mridware9694
    @mridware9694 3 роки тому
