The Ecology of Anti-Entropy

  • Опубліковано 12 вер 2024
  • September 16, 2011 - Life expresses creativity, though in a unique way. Whereas man's creativity is willful, the advance of life is seen through the process of evolution, where new organisms, within new systems of life with higher rates of energy-flux-density emerge, and those that can't keep up with the new, more energetic system go extinct.


  • @justinv588
    @justinv588 3 роки тому +1

    I have thought for a while that perhaps the meaning of life was the slowing of entropy, as living organisms become more organized. When I looked this up, it turns out that I had it backwards. According to Jeremy England, life is better at absorbing and dissipating energy. Therefore speeding up entropy. Oh well, at least I was in the ballpark.

  • @lucaspierce3328
    @lucaspierce3328 8 років тому +1

    Anti-entropy or negentropy is or should be called syntropy which clarifies it's opposite effect on systems and it matches better with quantum physics such coherence, advanced waves, synchronization etc. organisms are evolved integrated complex systems that are more than the sum of its parts and synergized within the dynamic Flux of their environment. There is also co-evolution, co-adaptation and organisms evolve as integrated wholes where compromises are made between it's component parts and trade-offs/costs and modularity is relative with varying degrees of integration and transient. I'm referring to the "correlated progression model of evolution". organisms must maintain integrity to insure functionality and reproductive fitness. So reductionism actually hinders our understanding of evolution, disease, development, organismal function, and ecology. I see that evolution can't be explained by reductionism, pure materialism, and Neodarwinism. There is a certain level and degree of directionality and progress to it and unfolding of potentiality and compexification & diversity.

    • @StanislavMudrets
      @StanislavMudrets 6 років тому

      1) Organizations are less, not more than the sum of their parts and all their interactions. This is simple to show. Parts can interact in many different ways. But organizations restrict the ways the parts interact in order to increase functional interaction and decrease unwanted interaction thereby reducing entropy in the process. If things gain degrees of freedom, the organization can't do its job and falls apart. This is what happens to people when they die. The molecules in their cells are no longer restricted in what they do and gain extra degrees of freedom. This causes everything to fall apart.
      2) Instead of progress in evolution how about the left wall of complexity. There is no life beyond a certain level of simplicity. However, complexity can grow away from simplicity given that it pays more than it costs. So simple random walk will ultimately lead to greater complexity without any need of introducing directionality and progress. Direction away from simplicity simply emerges by the nature of bounded random walk.
      3) Reductionism fails when an observed process proceeds by exclusion. The forms we see today exist because unlike 99.9% of all the other forms that existed in the past, they weren't excluded by the natural selection. You can analyze the extant forms as much as you like, but that will not give you any information about the 99.9% of forms that no longer exist, nor does it tell you much about what is currently kept at bay and why.

  • @alexcontreras6103
    @alexcontreras6103 4 роки тому

    synapsids werent they somewhat Mammals during the Permian era, also an immortal species is pushing it

  • @lucaspierce3328
    @lucaspierce3328 8 років тому

    self-organization is essentially the same as syntropy and symbiosis is yet another aspect of it.

    • @StanislavMudrets
      @StanislavMudrets 6 років тому

      For life, self organization is not enough. Something else is missing. What's missing is the self that actively maintains itself away from thermodynamic equilibrium. A hurricane is a self organizing (or self simplifying system) that pumps the maximum amount of entropy in the environment that it can. Living systems by contrast can't pump the maximum amount of entropy in the environment. They need to redirect energy and resources into self maintenance functions as well as seeking food and avoiding destruction. Hurricane doesn't do any of these. It isn't organized to avoid its destruction. It isn't organized to seek more energy, or to fix itself. For a hurricane there is no inside and outside. It doesn't have a self defined with respect to the external world which it maintains.

  • @waltercrane9863
    @waltercrane9863 8 років тому

    I've never understood how the LaRouche pack believes in Imago Dei and relies on evolution (theory!!). Is Imago Dei just an Idea and not the truth?

    • @PrometheanAction
      @PrometheanAction  8 років тому +1

      To recognize the anti-entropic nature of the geological development of life on Earth is NOT to say that human life is simply advanced animal life. The point raised in this video is that the development of life on Earth implies a fundamentally different quality of causality than the neo-darwinian synthesis. It is that higher quality of causality which shows a universe that is inherently creative, within which mankind is the highest expression of creativity.

  • @robaquarian
    @robaquarian 8 років тому

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