Everything that creates division among people is bad. To live in peace we need to avoid unnecessary divisions. For me everybody is equal than me: Nobody better and nobody worse than me.
All these discussions fail to mention that Europeans were also polytheistic and worshipped idols Africans. So the belief that Christianity is European or colonial is not really true. There is a reason why Europeans left all their pagan religions and embraced Christianity. I think we should find out why. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anglo-Saxon_paganism
When someone doesn't know is heritage it called stupidity. Who told you Christianity is white man religion? Please go and study why the middle east is separate from Africa maybe you will understand your heritage before talking nonsense on social media.
Everything that creates division among people is bad. To live in peace we need to avoid unnecessary divisions. For me everybody is equal than me: Nobody better and nobody worse than me.
You said it all ❤❤❤❤
All these discussions fail to mention that Europeans were also polytheistic and worshipped idols Africans. So the belief that Christianity is European or colonial is not really true. There is a reason why Europeans left all their pagan religions and embraced Christianity. I think we should find out why.
When someone doesn't know is heritage it called stupidity. Who told you Christianity is white man religion? Please go and study why the middle east is separate from Africa maybe you will understand your heritage before talking nonsense on social media.