Virgin Goddess Hekate Is Not A Goddess of Witchcraft & Black Magic 🗝 Facts & Misconceptions

  • Опубліковано 16 вер 2024


  • @AaryaRose
    @AaryaRose Рік тому +3

    Beautiful, informative video. Hail Hecate!! ⚕💜⚛

  • @ishaanvedant
    @ishaanvedant Рік тому +11

    Thank you for sharing this! Excellent informative video. I did not know much of this about the Greek Virgin Goddess Hekate. So much of Her legacy has been tarnished now, and the search engines spread lies and untruths about her. Its good to know she is not associated with any black magic, demonic interests that are being propagated about her in our day and age. It seems indeed that the lies are intentionally done about Hekate so that people will fall into the abyss at a much faster rate and in greater number. Thank you for taking the time to clarify the Goddess Hekate's true role and legacy from the Gnostics.

  • @LawsMusic108
    @LawsMusic108 10 місяців тому +1

    Glorian is the TRUTH 🙏

  • @EnchantedEvening
    @EnchantedEvening  Рік тому +14

    ⏸ Pause the parts that contain words/writing in order to read it. Feel free to rewind and rewatch as needed. Also, you can zoom the screen when it's in full screen mode on your cellphone in order to make the image larger to read/see the content better.
    Edit: Here is the content used in the video for better clear reading, along with the links/authors/sources for your reference file:
    (Hecate; Greek Ἑκατη) Virgin goddess of the Greek mysteries, one of the symbolic aspects of the Divine Mother. She was often represented with three faces, a symbol of the eternal trinity. While always worshipped as one of the highest aspects of divinity, because she had dominion over the three worlds (heaven, earth, and hell) as demonstrated by the aid she gave to Persephone and her role in guiding the suffering souls in the underworld, some later cults used her name in reference to witchcraft and black magic, demonic interests that the Greek mysteries were steadfastly opposed to.
    "Tender-hearted Hekate, bright-coiffed, the daughter of Persaios." - Homeric Hymn 2 to Demeter 19 (7th - 4th B.C.)
    "The only-begotten virgin (Koure mounogenes) [Hekate]." - Apollonius Rhodius, Argonautica 3. 840 (C3rd B.C.)
    "Hekate whom Zeus the son of Kronos honoured above all. He gave her splendid gifts, to have a share of the earth and the unfruitful sea. She received honour also in starry heaven, and is honoured exceedingly by the deathless gods . . . For as many as were born of Gaia (Earth) and Ouranos (Heaven) [the Titanes] amongst all these she has her due portion. The son of Kronos [Zeus] did her no wrong nor took anything away of all that was her portion among the former Titan gods: but she holds, as the division was at the first from the beginning, privilege both in earth, and in heaven, and in sea. Also, because she is an only child, the goddess receives not less honour, but much more still, for Zeus honours her." - Hesiod, Theogony 404 (C8th or C7th B.C.)
    "[After Persephone was returned from the underworld to Demeter:] Then bright-coiffed Hekate came near to them, and often did she embrace the daughter of holy Demeter: and from that time the lady Hekate was minister and companion to Persephone." - Homeric Hymn 2 to Demeter 436
    As an archetype, she has similarities to other archetypes, such as Isis, which was even mentioned by Lucius Apuleius:
    "I am she that is the natural mother of all things, mistress and governess of all the elements, the initial progeny of worlds, chief of powers divine, Queen of heaven, the principal of the Gods celestial, the light of the goddesses: at my will the planets of the air, the wholesome winds of the Seas, and the silences of hell be disposed; my name, my divinity is adored throughout all the world in divers manners, in variable customs and in many names, [...] Some call me Juno, others Bellona of the Battles, and still others Hecate. Principally the Ethiopians which dwell in the Orient, and the Egyptians which are excellent in all kind of ancient doctrine, and by their proper ceremonies accustomed to worship me, do call me Queen Isis." - Lucius Apuleius, The Golden Ass
    "Proserpine, the Queen of Hell, is also Hecate, the blessed Goddess Mother Death, under whose direction the Angels of Death work. The Mother Space converted into the Mother Death loves her sons and daughters in a very odd way, for she takes them away." - Samael Aun Weor, Tarot and Kabbalah
    "Suddenly, something unusual happened beyond the muddy waters of Aqueronte. The horrible door that gives access to the abode of Pluto turned upon its hinges of steel... Intensely moved, I shook myself, I forebode that something amazing had happened. I was not mistaken... I saw her, it was she, the unmanifested Kundalini. She had crossed the threshold where the lost souls abide... Magnificent Madonna, excellent, extraordinary, and terrifically divine, she approached me with a magistral step. I did not know what to do, I was confused, I simultaneously felt fear and love... A cosmic reminder? Recrimination? The Beloved One spoke with a voice from paradise. She blessed me, and then continued on her way as if she was going towards the frightful walls of the city of Dis. In those moments, from within the depth of my consciousness, I felt that she wanted also to help the others who dwelled around that city of pain where no one can enter without just indignation..." - Samael Aun Weor, The Three Mountains

  • @EnchantedEvening
    @EnchantedEvening  Рік тому +10

    Other links and quotes from the video for anyone who wishes to study:
    "Hekate will guide you through the darkness and out into the light when you work with her.... "Remember Herakles, who has to go into the infernal worlds to capture and train Cerberus, the three-headed dog, to become his servant, his guide. That dog is Nephesh, the animal nature, which is unbridled power: it is our sexual power. It is the power in the blood and in sex. Herakles (which means "the aura of the Divine Mother") trains that animal nature, elevates it, and converts it from something that creates suffering into a power that redeems the soul. Ruach is that power related with Tiphereth and Chesed. We need to convert our wild animal nature into a loyal and powerful protector and guide. Ruach is how we do it."
    Study this here:
    The Greek Hekate, "(the queen of the infernos and death, terror of love and law)."
    "Those who do not eliminate the psychological errors by their own will are subjected to purification in hell. That is the domain of Persephone, Hekate, the goddess of the underworld, who oversees the purification of conditioned consciousness.
    Therefore, whether by our will during our daily life now, or against our will while descending into hell after death, the Divine Mother cleanses us of our errors. It is better to do it on our own. This is a superior action that originates enormous benefits. One of those benefits is that She can forgive us of many kinds of karma. She is our mother, and loves us dearly. She does not want to see us suffer."
    ~ Written by Nikias Annas, Karma is Negotiable, Source Link:
    The Goddess ~
    "If the Divine Mother is the fabric of everything, she is also the fabric of Hell. She is also the fundamental ground of our lust, anger, and pride. Is it not so? That is why in Hinduism we find that the Divine Mother is symbolized as dual. She is Durga, Parvati, Shakti, Lakshmi, which are all names of the beautiful goddess. Yet, she is also Kali, “the black one.” She is also Proserpine, Hekate, the goddess of hell, the one who takes her children by the hand into the abyss to suffer and pay what they owe. She does this out of love, to purify her children, because they do not want to purify themselves.
    Many worship that aspect of the Divine Mother related to the hell realms, although many do not realize that is what they are doing. They perform sacrifices to her. They think that by appeasing her through committing crimes, they will gain benefit. They seek to expand desire on the earth, to incite others to indulge in animalism, lust, violence. They are mistaken. She does not work that way.
    The Divine Mother of the hell realms is the same Divine Mother of the heavens. She always works in harmony with her own laws. That is, she herself is the law of action and consequence: karma. She rewards us for our deeds. If we act in ways that help her children rise out of suffering, she ensures that we receive our due reward. Similarly, if we act in ways that cause her children to suffer, she ensures that we receive our compensation: lessons to show us that suffering is unpleasant and that we should stop.
    She is the wheel. She is the fabric of everything. We see everything according to the conditioning of our mind. If our mind is conditioned by anger, lust, pride, envy, we see everything through that veil.
    In other words, as we produce actions through ourselves, we create our reality. As we indulge in our pride, anger, lust, and continually think in those ways, we see the world through our anger, pride, envy.
    The one who suffers from envy feels that they deserve what others have. When they perceive the world, they always look at it in that way. They say, "She has what I want!" or, "He has what I want!" So, that person is not seeing reality. They are seeing through the filter of their desire. So, they are a victim of Maya as illusion. They are transforming energy and interacting with nature at that level. For them, the body of the Divine Mother is illusion. Or should I say for us, because we are all victims of that perception. That is not her fault. She is not doing that to us to punish us. We are doing it to ourselves.
    This is a common, grave misunderstanding of people who study Hinduism and Buddhism, and they learn about Maya, and come to believe that the Divine Mother is evil and cruel, that she is surrounding us with illusion to mock us. That is not true. We are mocking ourselves. We are hurting the Divine Mother with our behavior. She suffers when she see us suffering. She loves us. Actually, she can help us, because she is also the mother of the Buddha.
    When you study this type of philosophy, you see symbolized in many different myths this terrible situation of suffering that all of us are trapped within. The mythological heroes have to descend into the abyss in order to rise up as heroes, and that is our situation. We are trapped in illusion and deception that is self-created, but it is precisely in that deception and illusion that we can acquire the knowledge in order to emerge out, greater than before, like a phoenix rising out of the darkness. So, the Divine Mother is the one who makes all of this possible."
    - Written by a Gnostic Instructor, Source Link:
    "Among the Aztecs, the third aspect of the Divine Mother is the terrible Coatlicue; among the Egyptians she is Proserpina, and among the Greeks she is the tremendous Hekate, lady of enchantments and death.
    Mother-space herself is the same Roman Apia, the Nordic Urwala, the Scandinavian Erda, the chivalrous Urgada, the primeval Sibyl of the Earth.
    Any of the three aspects of the Prakriti can (if she wishes) take on a feminine shape in order to communicate something to any illuminated mystic." Source:
    Hell, the Devil, and Karma: Secret Knowledge in Dante's Inferno A Book by Samael Aun Weor
    Read Book for Free or Purchase at:
    Picture Credits: First Hekate painting by Kaysha Siemens, Triple Goddess Hekate with Hounds picture by Victoria Frances
    VIdeo : Caucasus Mountains "Wildflower Season" by Jake Guzman
    Song/Artist: "The Mystery Deepens" by Adam Saunders and Mark Cousins
    Additional Images/Pictures: Google and Pinterest

  • @Aadhila162
    @Aadhila162 Рік тому +12

    Yes, contrary to popular belief she is not the goddess of witchcraft, black magic, or other demonic interests. I think where later cults used her name in reference to those things were because as the video indicates by the Gnostics she is the mother of all, including those who go to hell because they do not want to cleanse themselves and repent while still on earth or alive in a physical body, so as the Divine Mother she takes them away into hell to pay what they owe, i.e.., if people do black magic, and other demonic things and interests, etc., that will be their fate in the end, hell, the abyss, the underworld. Thus, people have now gotten it backwards and started associating the Virgin Goddess Hekate with witchcraft because the lost souls end up in hell a domain Hecate is in charge of also, to cleanse the lost souls and purge them of that evil they don't want to purge themselves of while they had the chance on earth. The ancient Greeks (Eleusinian Mysteries) did not teach black magic, witchcraft, demonic interests - later cults used her name to do those things themselves. It is impossible for a Divine Virgin Goddess to be in any kind of way associated with black magic, or demonic interests anyway. That fact alone is enough to know the things being propagated about her in modern times are flawed, incorrect, distorted to suit the interests of the ego. She is however a Goddess of magic and enchantments, white magic as a clear clarification that the Gnostics teach, NOT black magic and demonic interests. You should do a video next on the difference between white magic (white magicians) and black magic (black magicians) from the Gnostics.
    Love this video on Hecate! Thanks for sharing.

    • @Iris-ro6qh
      @Iris-ro6qh Рік тому +13

      Exactly. She is the Mother of All and loves her children and like the video indicates from the Gnostics she takes her children by the hand, the lost souls, those who have corrupted themselves unrepentant, beyond hope... Hecate oversees their purging/cleansing in the hell realms the domain she is in charge of also, because they did not want to do the work to cleanse themselves psychologically while alive on earth in a physical body. From what is said, it is very painful the cleansing process in hell (hades, pluto) but it must be done to free the lost souls trapped within the ego.
      Hail Hecate! 🙌🏻

    • @Aadhila162
      @Aadhila162 Рік тому +6

      @@Iris-ro6qh Yes, many false things being put out there and here about Hecate from people who are completely mistaken. Everything gets filtered through Maya Illusion from everyone's flawed filter of things. The ego of people corrupts everything holy and sacred. They only see what they want to see, not the reality, truth as it really is. This is why daily meditation is needed to not only cleanse us psychologically, but to also help us to get outside of the ego to see things as they really are and to awaken our consciousness.

    • @EnchantedEvening
      @EnchantedEvening  Рік тому +8

      Yes, I concur. 💗 Hecate is a Virgin Goddess of White Magic & Enchantments, NOT witchcraft, black magic, demonic interests, necromancy, etc. She governs and oversees the purging of those things in the realm of Hades (hell, the abyss) yet it doesn't mean she teaches for her children to do those inverted demonic things that lead to the path of spiritual failure that people are propagating.
      Perhaps I'll do a video on the difference taken from and Samael Aun Weor. Thank you for your comment and good idea, dear. ❤

    • @Iris-ro6qh
      @Iris-ro6qh Рік тому +1
