If you just study and analyze your own body. You will be in a convincing position that there is somewhere but always near to your heart and he is Allah Almighty. Allah will bless you so much sister ... take care
aahlstrom93 get a life ... would you.cause I don't care if you worship God or satan. Would you do the same for me ? Thank's . Now go back to your game.
recite Surrah Baqarah in your house it will elimibate everything which is bad and opens up new positive oppertunities blessed by one and only Allah Almighty
I've suffered from black magic for as long as I can remember and evil really does exist. Even if u have faith. These acts of evil are to cause harm only. We've come to a point where it's just so rare to find someone who will genuinely do Ruqya for the sake of Allah alone
Masha Allah! Thank you so much brother for helping our ummah. I make a mistake one time and Saxir guy recite me something I did not know and I have been sick and getting sicker ever since. Lesson learned in the hard way.
Ubax Omar Assalam Aleykum Brother sorry for late reply. You have back pain for about 15 years. it may not be the reason what you think of rather you should consult with doctor who is specialized in such illness. Secondly, certain things you have to check that may lead to back pain, as follows 1. What is occupation in which you handle things that is called manual handling. 2. If you drive vehicle what is the condition of your car in terms of its suspension including shock absorbers and seats and the route you are using whether it is bumpy or smooth road/track. 3. What is the condition of your sleeping mattress is it medically approved it should be hard not soft. Your body should not form curve when you are in your bed. Please consider the above mentioned possible causes before you think of magic on you. I suggest you one thing that you try to sleep on the ground with hard mattress instead of using soft bed. I'm sure you will feel batter give a try and get back to me with a good news InshaAllah. You can reach me at mikniazi37@gmail.com
There are two types of exorcism (Ruqy) 1. Ruqya shar-iyyah (allowed in islam 2. Ruqya shirkiyya (Not allowed in islam) *Recitation only from the book of Allah *Reading must be clear and not mumbling *Shifa/cure is only from Allah. Jazakallah khairan.
jazaAllah khair , you helped us to identify because i met onetime in my life who asked us for our and our mother's name. may Allah protect us and forgive us because we didnot have knowledge at that time which you have given now. thanks
And I really have been benefitted by the learnings and knowledge from your video and thank you for sharing your knowledge with the mass. Alhamdulillah. May Allah(swt) bless you.
This is why I will never allow anyone do my daughters hair my hair I bury my nails and hair in the earth becoz people and jinns use it as a way to do magic auollohibilahminsaytanrajim
InshaAllah Allah gouge out the eyes of the evil eye givers and make them blind in this dunya and the hereafter InshaAllah Allah make them and their ilk blind those who intentionally or unintentionally give evil eye.
I remember when I was living in the family of Said Alkaabi in Bulaimi Oman,they had lots of Jinns and black magic n wanted to kill me but thru listening to those powerful Raqya,Allah saved me.Am a Christian but I know they work.Thx so much
I know someone who has "problems" at the home. The family asked a "learnered" person, who firstly said the house was haunted/possessed, this person then did some of the things that are mentioned in this video as signs of a magician, such as drawing a chart, something to burn, "water" mixture, burying nails in the corners of the house. There was other things but to me the things that the person did was enough for me to be convinced that they cannot be trusted and stay away. It made sense then to me why this person's lectures was sometimes controversial and off jokes.
Signs of the Practitioners of Magic (Sihr) From these signs are: The magician will ask you for some clothing which has been in direct contact with your body, they are looking for something which has traces of sweat upon it. It can also be a comb, or some hair, or a picture (photo). The magician will ask you for your name and the name of your mother. This type of magician is potentially greater in his disbelief than others, because the devils are prepared to work for him through names alone, without the need for any clothing or hair and the likes, which indicates his obedience to the devils is greater than others, and that he has reached a level with these devils that other lesser magicians have not. He will chant or mumble what are talismans (spells, amulets) but in a language that is not understandable. He will ask a person to keep away from the people for a defined time in a room in which no sunlight enters. He will often be found in a dark room. He will often use bukhoor (incense) or a fire in which he will put bukhoor (incense). The magician will ask you for a sacrificial animal (chicken, sheep etc.) with a given description (i.e. age, size etc.) so that it is sacrificed in a specific way (without Allaah's name being mentioned), and then its blood is used to smear on to the patient's body (where he has his pain or disease), or the patient may be requested to go to a deserted buildings or places and asked to smear the blood, or it may be on stones or on trees in a certain location. On some occasions the magician may tell the person his name, his mother's name, the place he has come from, or the reason (problem, ailment, need) for which he has come. He gets this knowledge through the devils he is giving obedience to, and which he is summoning for this purpose. He may give the person an amulet in the shape of a triangle or a square (made out of paper, or a cloth), or it could be out of leather, or it could be made out of silver, and inside of it there are written calls for help from the devils, coded through numbers and symbols, and words written backwards. He may ask the person to hang them around his neck or put them under the pillow. He will write talismans, or amulets in which he mixes parts of the Qur'an, the names of the Prophets, or Companions, along with unknown names, symbols and combinations of numbers and letters. He will write or prepare talismans on paper or otherwise and which will often contain five pointed stars - these five pointed stars represent Satan in occult symbolism. He may give the person certain artifacts and ask him to bury them in the earth, in a specific location. He may give the person pieces of paper mixed with pieces of wood and ask him to burn these papers and wood and use them as bukhoor (incense, fumigation) to fumigate himself with the smoke. And these papers are likely to be pages of the Qur'an torn into small pieces. He may give him the skin of an animal (like a fox or wolf or jackal), or its teeth and ask him to carry them, or he may give him black threads, or cords to hang in his car. He may ask the person to wear a garment he gives him and ask him to wear it on a specific defined days, and the garment will be filled with talismans and amulets (they will be stitched into the garment). He may give the person a ring to wear onto which talismans are etched, or a small padlock with its key inserted around which a talisman is attached with sellotape. And other odd things like this. From the signs of the magician is belittlement of the Qur'an and its desecration, and this takes place in many ways. These signs are found amongst many people claiming to be "faith-healers", and they come out in the garb of faith, pretending to be pious, and they place advertisements in the papers and on the radio and television (in some Muslim lands) and in the Western lands also. So you should beware of these liars and worshipers of the devils, and warn everyone against them.
@Vedant Shetty brother it is clear that that person you went to was a magician ..he did not follow sharia ..black magic can only be removed through quran nd sunnah that is it ..getting help from jinn is prohibited in islam .... dhagas nd taweez is fraud .. a dhaga is a fabric how can a string of clothe protect anyone?
@Vedant Shetty honestly contact the people behind this page ..visit their instagram page which is ...mybetterhalf_community ...ok and ask them about the dhaga ...this is serious ..whatever that guy did it can harm you in this world ..so ask professionals nd email them bro
Oh that is so helpfull thank you so much Allah bless you . P.s : the true love of Allah purifyies hearts & souls & what makes/keeps a believers healthy and self accepting .satanics wonders why we are always happy and strong and the best they do to harm us isnt nearly hurting us .because our hearts is pure we dont look to whats in the others pockets or gets drivens by cheap lusts we look only to others good to Allah to love them or if they not to ignore them after cuting them off our life a lone with those who follows them with a great sense of joy and satisfaction. 😊😊
Asalam o Alykom. Peace be upon you. I know this person is saying the truth. Anything he said, happened to me and to people I know . I have spoken to a mejician , i know him. He told me the stories. He does the same things mentioned in this video.
*VIDEO NOTES* 0:33 Importance of this topic - this knowledge is not being spread and if you go to the wrong person you can end up disbelieving in Allaah 1:21 Magicians will not say they are magicians, they will actually claim to be pious 2:18 There are three conditions of ruqyah which MUST be fulfilled 2:45 FIRST CONDITION OF RUQYAH: that which is recited must be from the Qur'aan and the sunnah of the Prophet (salla Allaahu 'alayhi wa salaam) if it is a dua or from one of the adhkaar, and if you are reciting and calling upon Allaah then you must use His Names mentioned in the Qur'aan and sunnah. So if you hear someone making weird noises and it's not from the Qur'aan and sunnah, then know that this person is upon shirk 3:40 SECOND CONDITION OF RUQYAH: whatever he recites must be audible, you have to know what he is reciting. So if someone has his hand over his mouth or is whispering something then tell him to raise his voice 4:34 THIRD CONDITION OF RUQYAH: you have to believe that this person does not carry the cure, he does not have the cure with him, rather he is a means which Allaah has placed and he is reciting hoping for a cure from Allaah -------------------------------------------- SIGNS OF A MAGICIAN: 6:40 he asks for your name and your mother's name 10:15 he asks for your date of birth or a photograph of you 12:08 asking for your jewellery or clothing or underwear or hair (anything with your DNA on it) 13:05 asking you to bring a sacrifice or an animal or the head of an animal or some obscure feature e.g. black frog or white rat 13:35 if he gives you a ta'weez 14:15 he gives you a string and makes a knot in it and whispers something over the knot 14:29 if you hear him whispering or murmuring and you can't hear, tell him to make it clear what he is reciting or you will walk away 14:45 if he gives you something to burn and tells you to inhale the fumes 15:08 you hear him seeking assistance from anyone other than Allaah e.g. you hear him calling upon Jibreel or Israafeel or Izraaeel 15:36 giving you a bead or different coloured stones and saying wear this, put this in a ring, carry it with you, put this in your bag etc - he may say this will protect you 15:58 he gives you nails and tells you to put them in the corners of your house 16:18 when you visit him he turns the lights off and makes weird noises and then tells you what is wrong with you, or you hear something or you feel something 16:38 before he begins his ritual he burns incense and then starts to invoke others besides Allaah or says that he has jinn working for him 16:50 he writes the Qur'aan in a disjointed manner - he disrespects the Qur'aan 17:07 he tells you to bring a young child or he has one and he says he will catch your jinn in this young child or in this portal. What happens is you feel something and the jinn apparently leaves, enters the child and begins to speak through the child 17:32 he draws a line on your arm then recites something and you don't know what he recites and he blows on your arm then he measures the line and it has either increased or decreased in size 17:48 he gets string and measures you from head to toe and cuts it to your height then he recites something under his breath, he breathes on the string which increases or decreases in size 18:06 anyone who says he can help you cause divorce or kill a person or cause someone to fall in love 18:25 he says he can make you have children if you cannot have children 19:04 he claims to be able to do jinn catching ---------------------------------------------- 19:52 a story about a fake
may there be peace on both of us,,,as I am living in India , people including my family members and relatives depend on these people without any hesitation whether they are Muslim or Hindu fortune tellers,I was told that I might fall in relationship with a boy who would dump me in a year. their predictions are turning true. but I wish Allah to help me out to remove that curse and let mine and his affection last for life here n life after. he went behind his girlfriend which makes him difficult to accept our relationship. I wish he could get relieved from that girls love angle.
Assalamaleikum warahmatulahi wabarakatu. Can you please give an advice? .. My family has a background of shirk.. pass through generation😭.. my grandma does it and there is a certain prayer pass down .. they said it's very effective , gives wisdom, and it's for protection.. do you have an advice brother?
assalamualaikum First and Foremost is Asking Allah Subhanahuwataalaa For Guidance...Only of Allah wills then it is possibble next is You Getting Knowledge about it and 3rd is spreading that knowledge with hikma meaning In a manner that is suitable from person to person...Such that person doen not get angry or gets more far away from islam
Many years ago I had a terrible dream that my son killed himself and I saw him shrouded in some room filled with the people. Then one woman stood up and raised a rooster above him and killed that rooster. I screamed and cried and woke up. After that my son tried to kill himself many times and he lives dangerous life destroying himself. I am trying not to think about that dream but for some reason it comes up each time he does something. He started twitching when he was only 8 years old and doctors cannot figure out anything for so many years. I asked imam for help and he told me flat out that we were feeding him haram, that our money is haram even he doesn't know us and I got hurt by that slander, cried for months. My son found some hair recently in the window of his room, not sure if it is human hair or animal but it was a lot of hair and he is not sleeping there any more. He is grown up man now yet still...his outbursts of anger, his foul language, his way of life makes my husband and I living like a hostages. As a mother I cannot give up on my son but at the same time I don't want seek wrong help, Allah is in the first place. I cry and pray and do dua but I cannot forget that dream and makes me think i am loosing my mind.
Sahare it was black magic my family and I experienced worst than that I I really don't lake to talk about about it but I felt it may help you give charity to tha poor people pray midnight eat date in tha morning also read Quran with water and drink in tha morning and fannaly remember it is test from Allah
give detail about amulets and taweez. i watched a ruqya series of you with tim humble in which you said that amulets is haram and i asked from some people (mollas etc) and they said that there is difference between amulets and taweez and amulets is haram but taweez is not. furhter they said that amulets were before Islam and taweez are after Islam. i also saw some practical uses of it for good reasons like the bad dreaming of childrens, weeping a lot etc and it works fine. so kindly explain it and is there any room for such kind of things in islam, is there a difference between these two if yes then explain.
There is a raaqi in Islamabad. He claims that he was trained by Tim Humble. Which I seriously doubt. He was reciting something on Bukhoor under his breath. I was not aware that this is problematic. How what made me run away was his insistence of doing hijama on ladies himself for diagnosis. He said if I don't feel comfortable then a lady will do hijama with Ruqya audio playing & no diagnosis. So many fraudsters taking advantage of people's miseries. May Allah protect us all ameen
Hello dear, thank you so much for the good clarification, I have one question, my wife is like magician, I lost my all my asset, I lost my job and this is continuous story, How can I protect my self
assalam aleykoum if the raqy do the roqya with histoire wife... and she enter in transe and said some thing about thé qarin... and thé differends jinns come to her is it normal or is it shirk sorry but i m not fluent in english
Brother why does any music I hear even unintentionally when cars drive by make my jinn manifest even though I am fine otherwise. How to deal with this as it is troubling and I have to start all over with ruqyah treatment to make him go down.
Salam I want to expose some of these things I’ve seen and noticed and also this same person has my children what do I do please could you contact so I can explain
Or if after has taken all of the information he writes down something on a paper wraps it and puts it in a bottle of water and makes you drink it for a week or two, the you know he is a magician . Wright ?!
I have been suffering from evil magic done by few of our distant relatives and some neighbours who want to harm us and for fulfilling their najayez wishes.What should we do?They probably get sadistic pleasure troubling others.How can we easily get rid of them.We offer namaaz,recite quran,still the problem persists.Please suggest some cure and pls pray for my mother and family.jazakallahekhair.
Oh man that's your voice in the background. You are the only one on earth that hears it. Try lowering your voice so that you can listen to the lecture very well
Assalamualaikum, brother Abu Ibraheem! I have a question to you after watching your video about how to identify magician. Brother, if anyone asks for money once before he prepares for Rokaya even in Islamic and Sunnah way, you described, what is the explanation about asking money? Zazakallah!
Assalamualaikum... my name is Fouzan and I need a help from you my father is suffering from jinn or black magic I don't know exactly. consulted many hakims but no one honest everyone greedy of money so please help me
ANYONE HELP : Aslaamu alaikum wrwb, Now a days my mother is having fever and un explained violet round marks on her body. But after consulting doctor the marks gone but she is still having health problem daily. im really worried about my mom. yesterday before when i was taking money from her purse i found a transparent paper ( a rubber band was wrapped inside ) when i opened it .it was slightly shining and has a good smell coming out of it. when i saw this to her she has no idea where it come from. i dont know is it a black magic or bad thing. i throw it out. im not feeling well about this. PLEASE HELP US!!
Magic doesn't exist. I would advise you to continue seeking medical advice from an actual doctor. That's more likely to get your mother the help you need.
Continue seeking medical help from a doctor sure, but what you found should not be ignored. I'm not sure you should throw out what you found as I'm not sure that would get rid of the curse that was placed Upon her. I'm not too knowledgeable on this subject so maybe you should contact a sheik who knows more about these things to help you. And remember nothing happens except that Allah wills it and Allows it. Just keep praying for her. I will too.
what if a person asks for a vest and measures it and that has been worn for a day and also says to burn red chillies and give u water and says to u to drink it for 3-4 weeks?
This is a magician, do not continue contact with this person. A real Ragi will not give you anything to burn or dissolve in water or to wear, they will just use Quran to recite and water upon which Quran was recited upon.
walk away from him as fast as possible, he's definitely a magician, don't ever do these instructions he gave you, just forget that you visited him and forget what he told you, and seek a real Raqi, الحمد لله على نعمة الاسلام
Salaam please help ..my son was having some peronormal activities that he seen comming from his wife....my husband and i had a so called Ameer saab come to my house...he tied some black cloth around my four donors of the house and in my businesses.. Im scared as all hell is going loose in my home...my business is gone and my two married sons have moved to der in-laws...they don't want to be in this town..I feel its this...he read on them...tied knots blew and hung it....PLEASE TELL ME HOW TO GET RID OF IT...and make things normal again with happiness..... please reply with help...jzkl
I was so mad at the part when he said about the pageant thing I mean if you can’t have kids adopt !!! There’s so many innocent baby’s that are in the streets and are being in warehouses just to left to die adoption is the best ! Or you can go to hospital and get fertiley shots don’t go to these people if you want kids aughhh
salamu alikum, jinn and emon can also cause sterility. if dr says there is no physical problm then you must try ruqyah, very extended ruqyah. anyway do ruqyah all the time.
May Allah bless you . I am a revert , and I don't trust people so easy . This is helping me so much . Alhamdulillah .
If you just study and analyze your own body. You will be in a convincing position that there is somewhere but always near to your heart and he is Allah Almighty. Allah will bless you so much sister ... take care
DistortedDj May Allah bless you .
Why the se gameRS always jumps in my conversation ...😨 I hate gameRS , all lazy loosers !
aahlstrom93 get a life ... would you.cause I don't care if you worship God or satan. Would you do the same for me ? Thank's . Now go back to your game.
recite Surrah Baqarah in your house it will elimibate everything which is bad and opens up new positive oppertunities blessed by one and only Allah Almighty
DistortedDj my mother daily recites Surah Bakra
Only cheitan leaves the house not Jinn
Houda Ibrahim jinn are harmful without shaytan
@@houdaibrahim9489 the evil and kuffar jinn will leave too.
I've suffered from black magic for as long as I can remember and evil really does exist. Even if u have faith. These acts of evil are to cause harm only. We've come to a point where it's just so rare to find someone who will genuinely do Ruqya for the sake of Allah alone
ash ahmad how do you know it’s magic
So true 😓
Exactly um suffering from the same I don't know who to go to get rid of it😣
@@sumasurm9638 go to Allah my brother
MAY ALLAH[swt] increase you with more knowledge brother and give you peace and security in this life and the hereafter.
Islam is beautiful! It has the answers to all the nagging questions of life. May Almighty Allah save us from ourselves. Ameen
Masha Allah! Thank you so much brother for helping our ummah. I make a mistake one time and Saxir guy recite me something I did not know and I have been sick and getting sicker ever since. Lesson learned in the hard way.
What's saxir?
@@brazenbold2749 saxiir or sahiir:Means someone who do to posses Evil eye to you or other people .This kind of person/people are called Sahiir.
Mashallah! Bless you may Allah keep all of you safe. This is so helpful
big help may Allah give you reward
Maa shaa Allah i've learn something new today alhamdulillah! Jazaaka allahi khairan yaa sheikh.
exactly according to our Islamic teachings....May Allah swt bless you.
asalamaalaykum I had back pain for 15year is it jin possesion
asalamaalaykum I had back pain for 15year is it jin possesion
Ubax Omar
Assalam Aleykum
Brother sorry for late reply.
You have back pain for about 15 years. it may not be the reason what you think of rather you should consult with doctor who is specialized in such illness.
Secondly, certain things you have to check that may lead to back pain, as follows
1. What is occupation in which you handle things that is called manual handling.
2. If you drive vehicle what is the condition of your car in terms of its suspension including shock absorbers and seats and the route you are using whether it is bumpy or smooth road/track.
3. What is the condition of your sleeping mattress is it medically approved it should be hard not soft. Your body should not form curve when you are in your bed.
Please consider the above mentioned possible causes before you think of magic on you.
I suggest you one thing that you try to sleep on the ground with hard mattress instead of using soft bed.
I'm sure you will feel batter give a try and get back to me with a good news InshaAllah.
You can reach me at
There are two types of exorcism (Ruqy)
1. Ruqya shar-iyyah (allowed in islam
2. Ruqya shirkiyya (Not allowed in islam)
*Recitation only from the book of Allah
*Reading must be clear and not mumbling
*Shifa/cure is only from Allah.
Jazakallah khairan.
Can you elaborate on number 2
@Ali Ajmeri which islam do you follow, are you shaitaans friend, are you putting a stone above Allah, thats shirk, fear hellfire
jazaAllah khair , you helped us to identify because i met onetime in my life who asked us for our and our mother's name. may Allah protect us and forgive us because we didnot have knowledge at that time which you have given now. thanks
And I really have been benefitted by the learnings and knowledge from your video and thank you for sharing your knowledge with the mass. Alhamdulillah. May Allah(swt) bless you.
you are really good in giving a clear knowledge .clear video ..
Brother this video is too good...May Almighty Allah bless u
it's a big yes that the black magic is really really exist. I'm suffering from it. it's a very dangerous evil practice. it's a silent killer.
Me too..I'm suffering from it until now.
You're right...its a silent killer😭😭😭
@@kimlove5896 me too, I tried some stuff to reduce it dramatically, almost gone. let me know and I can share it
This is why I will never allow anyone do my daughters hair my hair I bury my nails and hair in the earth becoz people and jinns use it as a way to do magic auollohibilahminsaytanrajim
@@mramsey1073 hey going through same ,can you advise or suggest something?
be humble shall I share here or somewhere more private
Alhamdulillah!! It gives me so much learning.
Thank you for sharing knowledge. May Allah Almighty Bless you. ❤
May Allah bless you
your explanation is very good and correct
May ALLAH be pleased with you ..... brother
SubhaanAllah ! May Allah bless you more..Alhamdulillah.. your important explanation would protect many human beings through Allah Subhaanuwatalah
May Allah Bless u USTAZ :) Ameen !
Thanks bro, Allah protect you always.
Thank you sir may ALLAH bless you and may you continue guide people to al islam ameen
Love this page akhi keep up the good work! Jazakallah
InshaAllah Allah gouge out the eyes of the evil eye givers and make them blind in this dunya and the hereafter InshaAllah Allah make them and their ilk blind those who intentionally or unintentionally give evil eye.
I remember when I was living in the family of Said Alkaabi in Bulaimi Oman,they had lots of Jinns and black magic n wanted to kill me but thru listening to those powerful Raqya,Allah saved me.Am a Christian but I know they work.Thx so much
Is there a link?
Please link bohat pareshan hain Black Magic sy sary gharr ko tabah kr deya
Please send me Raqya
JAZAKALLAH Khair brother, that was very helpful.
Wa alaykumu s-salam wa rahmatullahi wa barakatuh brother Abu Ibrahim.
I know someone who has "problems" at the home. The family asked a "learnered" person, who firstly said the house was haunted/possessed, this person then did some of the things that are mentioned in this video as signs of a magician, such as drawing a chart, something to burn, "water" mixture, burying nails in the corners of the house. There was other things but to me the things that the person did was enough for me to be convinced that they cannot be trusted and stay away. It made sense then to me why this person's lectures was sometimes controversial and off jokes.
May Allah bless you ,Ameen , so informative and so clear ..
Thank you for this information.
Thank you very much for this video ya Abu Ibrahim.
Signs of the Practitioners of Magic (Sihr)
From these signs are:
The magician will ask you for some clothing which has been in direct contact with your body, they are looking for something which has traces of sweat upon it. It can also be a comb, or some hair, or a picture (photo).
The magician will ask you for your name and the name of your mother. This type of magician is potentially greater in his disbelief than others, because the devils are prepared to work for him through names alone, without the need for any clothing or hair and the likes, which indicates his obedience to the devils is greater than others, and that he has reached a level with these devils that other lesser magicians have not.
He will chant or mumble what are talismans (spells, amulets) but in a language that is not understandable.
He will ask a person to keep away from the people for a defined time in a room in which no sunlight enters.
He will often be found in a dark room.
He will often use bukhoor (incense) or a fire in which he will put bukhoor (incense).
The magician will ask you for a sacrificial animal (chicken, sheep etc.) with a given description (i.e. age, size etc.) so that it is sacrificed in a specific way (without Allaah's name being mentioned), and then its blood is used to smear on to the patient's body (where he has his pain or disease), or the patient may be requested to go to a deserted buildings or places and asked to smear the blood, or it may be on stones or on trees in a certain location.
On some occasions the magician may tell the person his name, his mother's name, the place he has come from, or the reason (problem, ailment, need) for which he has come. He gets this knowledge through the devils he is giving obedience to, and which he is summoning for this purpose.
He may give the person an amulet in the shape of a triangle or a square (made out of paper, or a cloth), or it could be out of leather, or it could be made out of silver, and inside of it there are written calls for help from the devils, coded through numbers and symbols, and words written backwards. He may ask the person to hang them around his neck or put them under the pillow.
He will write talismans, or amulets in which he mixes parts of the Qur'an, the names of the Prophets, or Companions, along with unknown names, symbols and combinations of numbers and letters.
He will write or prepare talismans on paper or otherwise and which will often contain five pointed stars - these five pointed stars represent Satan in occult symbolism.
He may give the person certain artifacts and ask him to bury them in the earth, in a specific location.
He may give the person pieces of paper mixed with pieces of wood and ask him to burn these papers and wood and use them as bukhoor (incense, fumigation) to fumigate himself with the smoke. And these papers are likely to be pages of the Qur'an torn into small pieces.
He may give him the skin of an animal (like a fox or wolf or jackal), or its teeth and ask him to carry them, or he may give him black threads, or cords to hang in his car.
He may ask the person to wear a garment he gives him and ask him to wear it on a specific defined days, and the garment will be filled with talismans and amulets (they will be stitched into the garment).
He may give the person a ring to wear onto which talismans are etched, or a small padlock with its key inserted around which a talisman is attached with sellotape. And other odd things like this.
From the signs of the magician is belittlement of the Qur'an and its desecration, and this takes place in many ways.
These signs are found amongst many people claiming to be "faith-healers", and they come out in the garb of faith, pretending to be pious, and they place advertisements in the papers and on the radio and television (in some Muslim lands) and in the Western lands also. So you should beware of these liars and worshipers of the devils, and warn everyone against them.
@Vedant Shetty brother it is clear that that person you went to was a magician ..he did not follow sharia ..black magic can only be removed through quran nd sunnah that is it ..getting help from jinn is prohibited in islam .... dhagas nd taweez is fraud .. a dhaga is a fabric how can a string of clothe protect anyone?
@Vedant Shetty magic is haram ..if someone gets help from magic then it is choosing hellfire over heaven
@Vedant Shetty ua-cam.com/video/-A2HpCr0Y3U/v-deo.html
see this lecture it'll clear things up
@Vedant Shetty honestly contact the people behind this page ..visit their instagram page which is ...mybetterhalf_community ...ok and ask them about the dhaga ...this is serious ..whatever that guy did it can harm you in this world ..so ask professionals nd email them bro
@Vedant Shetty i hope this helps
Oh that is so helpfull thank you so much Allah bless you .
P.s : the true love of Allah purifyies hearts & souls & what makes/keeps a believers healthy and self accepting .satanics wonders why we are always happy and strong and the best they do to harm us isnt nearly hurting us .because our hearts is pure we dont look to whats in the others pockets or gets drivens by cheap lusts we look only to others good to Allah to love them or if they not to ignore them after cuting them off our life a lone with those who follows them with a great sense of joy and satisfaction. 😊😊
May Allah bless you brother Ameen thank you brother
may Allah bless you and reward you -AMEEN.
You know this is very common these days. Make Allah SWT protect us.
Asslam alykum
Well done great work brother. Love you
Thank u so much brother. Dis has been so helpful to me.
Nice informatn JazakAllahu khair you are blessing
Thankyou for ur knowledge
MashaAllah.....very good knowledge!
thanks brother to put lights on an important topic.
Asalam o Alykom. Peace be upon you. I know this person is saying the truth. Anything he said, happened to me and to people I know . I have spoken to a mejician , i know him. He told me the stories. He does the same things mentioned in this video.
جزاك الله خيرا
Realy did away many confusions.
*jazak Allah kheyr ya Abu Ibraheem*
0:33 Importance of this topic - this knowledge is not being spread and if you go to the wrong person you can end up disbelieving in Allaah
1:21 Magicians will not say they are magicians, they will actually claim to be pious
2:18 There are three conditions of ruqyah which MUST be fulfilled
2:45 FIRST CONDITION OF RUQYAH: that which is recited must be from the Qur'aan and the sunnah of the Prophet (salla Allaahu 'alayhi wa salaam) if it is a dua or from one of the adhkaar, and if you are reciting and calling upon Allaah then you must use His Names mentioned in the Qur'aan and sunnah. So if you hear someone making weird noises and it's not from the Qur'aan and sunnah, then know that this person is upon shirk
3:40 SECOND CONDITION OF RUQYAH: whatever he recites must be audible, you have to know what he is reciting. So if someone has his hand over his mouth or is whispering something then tell him to raise his voice
4:34 THIRD CONDITION OF RUQYAH: you have to believe that this person does not carry the cure, he does not have the cure with him, rather he is a means which Allaah has placed and he is reciting hoping for a cure from Allaah
6:40 he asks for your name and your mother's name
10:15 he asks for your date of birth or a photograph of you
12:08 asking for your jewellery or clothing or underwear or hair (anything with your DNA on it)
13:05 asking you to bring a sacrifice or an animal or the head of an animal or some obscure feature e.g. black frog or white rat
13:35 if he gives you a ta'weez
14:15 he gives you a string and makes a knot in it and whispers something over the knot
14:29 if you hear him whispering or murmuring and you can't hear, tell him to make it clear what he is reciting or you will walk away
14:45 if he gives you something to burn and tells you to inhale the fumes
15:08 you hear him seeking assistance from anyone other than Allaah e.g. you hear him calling upon Jibreel or Israafeel or Izraaeel
15:36 giving you a bead or different coloured stones and saying wear this, put this in a ring, carry it with you, put this in your bag etc - he may say this will protect you
15:58 he gives you nails and tells you to put them in the corners of your house
16:18 when you visit him he turns the lights off and makes weird noises and then tells you what is wrong with you, or you hear something or you feel something
16:38 before he begins his ritual he burns incense and then starts to invoke others besides Allaah or says that he has jinn working for him
16:50 he writes the Qur'aan in a disjointed manner - he disrespects the Qur'aan
17:07 he tells you to bring a young child or he has one and he says he will catch your jinn in this young child or in this portal. What happens is you feel something and the jinn apparently leaves, enters the child and begins to speak through the child
17:32 he draws a line on your arm then recites something and you don't know what he recites and he blows on your arm then he measures the line and it has either increased or decreased in size
17:48 he gets string and measures you from head to toe and cuts it to your height then he recites something under his breath, he breathes on the string which increases or decreases in size
18:06 anyone who says he can help you cause divorce or kill a person or cause someone to fall in love
18:25 he says he can make you have children if you cannot have children
19:04 he claims to be able to do jinn catching
19:52 a story about a fake
may there be peace on both of us,,,as I am living in India , people including my family members and relatives depend on these people without any hesitation whether they are Muslim or Hindu fortune tellers,I was told that I might fall in relationship with a boy who would dump me in a year. their predictions are turning true. but I wish Allah to help me out to remove that curse and let mine and his affection last for life here n life after. he went behind his girlfriend which makes him difficult to accept our relationship. I wish he could get relieved from that girls love angle.
Absolutely correct Bhaijnn.
jazakkallahu khair brother
Wa alaykum ssalaam warahmatullahi wabarakaatuhu ya Sheikh
Assalamaleikum warahmatulahi wabarakatu. Can you please give an advice? .. My family has a background of shirk.. pass through generation😭.. my grandma does it and there is a certain prayer pass down .. they said it's very effective , gives wisdom, and it's for protection.. do you have an advice brother?
First and Foremost is Asking Allah Subhanahuwataalaa For Guidance...Only of Allah wills then it is possibble next is You Getting Knowledge about it and 3rd is spreading that knowledge with hikma meaning In a manner that is suitable from person to person...Such that person doen not get angry or gets more far away from islam
I totally wish this was in English his last video was good , oh I spoke too soon it is in English , sorry about that. Bless this man I ask you god.
Many years ago I had a terrible dream that my son killed himself and I saw him shrouded in some room filled with the people. Then one woman stood up and raised a rooster above him and killed that rooster. I screamed and cried and woke up. After that my son tried to kill himself many times and he lives dangerous life destroying himself. I am trying not to think about that dream but for some reason it comes up each time he does something. He started twitching when he was only 8 years old and doctors cannot figure out anything for so many years. I asked imam for help and he told me flat out that we were feeding him haram, that our money is haram even he doesn't know us and I got hurt by that slander, cried for months. My son found some hair recently in the window of his room, not sure if it is human hair or animal but it was a lot of hair and he is not sleeping there any more. He is grown up man now yet still...his outbursts of anger, his foul language, his way of life makes my husband and I living like a hostages. As a mother I cannot give up on my son but at the same time I don't want seek wrong help, Allah is in the first place. I cry and pray and do dua but I cannot forget that dream and makes me think i am loosing my mind.
Salamu alikum, u still need ruqyah ?
Sahare it was black magic my family and I experienced worst than that I I really don't lake to talk about about it but I felt it may help you give charity to tha poor people pray midnight eat date in tha morning also read Quran with water and drink in tha morning and fannaly remember it is test from Allah
thank you so much
La illaha illallah❤️
Your beard is magnificent!
If we have doubts afterwards about the validity of ruqyah what should we do?! Thank you!
give detail about amulets and taweez. i watched a ruqya series of you with tim humble in which you said that amulets is haram and i asked from some people (mollas etc) and they said that there is difference between amulets and taweez and amulets is haram but taweez is not. furhter they said that amulets were before Islam and taweez are after Islam. i also saw some practical uses of it for good reasons like the bad dreaming of childrens, weeping a lot etc and it works fine. so kindly explain it and is there any room for such kind of things in islam, is there a difference between these two if yes then explain.
Taweez and amulets are both haram.
There is a raaqi in Islamabad. He claims that he was trained by Tim Humble. Which I seriously doubt. He was reciting something on Bukhoor under his breath. I was not aware that this is problematic. How what made me run away was his insistence of doing hijama on ladies himself for diagnosis. He said if I don't feel comfortable then a lady will do hijama with Ruqya audio playing & no diagnosis. So many fraudsters taking advantage of people's miseries. May Allah protect us all ameen
#Subhannallah #Maashallah #AlhamdulillahirRabilAlamin
Try to do bangoli dubbing about this discussion pls because it is very important for ashian comunity.
Dilruba Akhter open captions on his video
Hello dear, thank you so much for the good clarification, I have one question, my wife is like magician, I lost my all my asset, I lost my job and this is continuous story, How can I protect my self
Tariq star meray beity sy bi black magic ke waja sy job chali gaie ore oss ka gharr bi
assalam aleykoum if the raqy do the roqya with histoire wife... and she enter in transe and said some thing about thé qarin... and thé differends jinns come to her is it normal or is it shirk sorry but i m not fluent in english
May I know this person name plz?You tube channel or his name whatever .
Thank you for sharing.
masallah thanks brother nice video
Thanku so much brother...
how to identify whether a person is possessed with evil things or not
jazakumullahu qairan i am following your instructions i have one question i read 7 Times sura fateha and blow on water 3 time is it right or not
Where I go he will tell us to close our eyes while reciting ... so it is right
Did he put that undercover recording online? It would be interesting to see
Brother why does any music I hear even unintentionally when cars drive by make my jinn manifest even though I am fine otherwise. How to deal with this as it is troubling and I have to start all over with ruqyah treatment to make him go down.
Wow the ive talked to three people all have asked for picture and mothers name it’s scary 😣
Please pray for me to fight this
Thank you.
Thank you brother
Change your picture it’s not allowed in islam
Is burning bhukhoor / sage and wearing crystals not allowed in islam
How can i get in touch with you coz i have afew issues please let me know thank you
What if they ask for your mothers name for the daughter but the fathers name for the son
Brother how can we reach you
Salam I want to expose some of these things I’ve seen and noticed and also this same person has my children what do I do please could you contact so I can explain
Or if after has taken all of the information he writes down something on a paper wraps it and puts it in a bottle of water and makes you drink it for a week or two, the you know he is a magician . Wright ?!
I have been suffering from evil magic done by few of our distant relatives and some neighbours who want to harm us and for fulfilling their najayez wishes.What should we do?They probably get sadistic pleasure troubling others.How can we easily get rid of them.We offer namaaz,recite quran,still the problem persists.Please suggest some cure and pls pray for my mother and family.jazakallahekhair.
How do you know if it’s magic tho 🤔
What about if once you’ve given someone your hair for ruqya and you didn’t know at that time that he was a magician .. what should be done now ?
That's not ruqya my friend but magic! Stay away from that sorcerer
Jins are weak just ask Allah for protection and they will flee like rats at any place at any time. 💪❤
What is those voices in the background? When you're talking, there's something else whispering
THE_HERO _R_MAN it’s a bird
Oh man that's your voice in the background. You are the only one on earth that hears it. Try lowering your voice so that you can listen to the lecture very well
Assalamualaikum, brother Abu Ibraheem! I have a question to you after watching your video about how to identify magician. Brother, if anyone asks for money once before he prepares for Rokaya even in Islamic and Sunnah way, you described, what is the explanation about asking money? Zazakallah!
Its " Jazaak Allaah " not Zazak.
is it true that they are scary in appearance and unkempt and stinky and that their face changes
Assalamualaikum... my name is Fouzan and I need a help from you my father is suffering from jinn or black magic I don't know exactly. consulted many hakims but no one honest everyone greedy of money so please help me
Moto Madness what is the status of your father?
Assalamualaikum Brother and sister i want know that can black magic and jinn store false memory in your mind is it possible by jinn???????
An imam prayed over water and told us to spray that water in the corners of every room in the house (to get rid of black magic). Is this ok or not?
ANYONE HELP : Aslaamu alaikum wrwb, Now a days my mother is having fever and un explained violet round marks on her body. But after consulting doctor the marks gone but she is still having health problem daily. im really worried about my mom.
yesterday before when i was taking money from her purse i found a transparent paper ( a rubber band was wrapped inside ) when i opened it .it was slightly shining and has a good smell coming out of it. when i saw this to her she has no idea where it come from. i dont know is it a black magic or bad thing. i throw it out. im not feeling well about this. PLEASE HELP US!!
Magic doesn't exist.
I would advise you to continue seeking medical advice from an actual doctor. That's more likely to get your mother the help you need.
Continue seeking medical help from a doctor sure, but what you found should not be ignored. I'm not sure you should throw out what you found as I'm not sure that would get rid of the curse that was placed Upon her. I'm not too knowledgeable on this subject so maybe you should contact a sheik who knows more about these things to help you. And remember nothing happens except that Allah wills it and Allows it. Just keep praying for her. I will too.
Me right now am suffering and am in alot of pain i tried different hospitals but nothing to be seen whenever i get a job it start oh plz some help
salamu alkum where located?
what if a person asks for a vest and measures it and that has been worn for a day and also says to burn red chillies and give u water and says to u to drink it for 3-4 weeks?
This is a magician, do not continue contact with this person. A real Ragi will not give you anything to burn or dissolve in water or to wear, they will just use Quran to recite and water upon which Quran was recited upon.
walk away from him as fast as possible, he's definitely a magician, don't ever do these instructions he gave you, just forget that you visited him and forget what he told you, and seek a real Raqi, الحمد لله على نعمة الاسلام
How are you stay away from weird things like that
Jabrill Charles just avoid dem nd do go to dem. Seek allahs help surely allah will bless u nd protect u from any harm.
It's like the Enlightenment never happened. wow
jsmall10671 yeah you’re evidence it didn’t
Salaam please help ..my son was having some peronormal activities that he seen comming from his wife....my husband and i had a so called Ameer saab come to my house...he tied some black cloth around my four donors of the house and in my businesses.. Im scared as all hell is going loose in my home...my business is gone and my two married sons have moved to der in-laws...they don't want to be in this town..I feel its this...he read on them...tied knots blew and hung it....PLEASE TELL ME HOW TO GET RID OF IT...and make things normal again with happiness.....
please reply with help...jzkl
you should email the guy in the video
I was so mad at the part when he said about the pageant thing I mean if you can’t have kids adopt !!! There’s so many innocent baby’s that are in the streets and are being in warehouses just to left to die adoption is the best ! Or you can go to hospital and get fertiley shots don’t go to these people if you want kids aughhh
salamu alikum, jinn and emon can also cause sterility. if dr says there is no physical problm then you must try ruqyah, very extended ruqyah.
anyway do ruqyah all the time.
Poor animals getting sacrificed for the wrong reasons !!
I had found bhilawa seeds at my in laws home can this be a sign of black magic??