Kana mati wese atenda zvatoita nekuti in the name of Jesus, sei vamwe vachazonzi - Matthew 7:21-23 "21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’"
Muparinga if you remain consistent on this line of teachings, you will impart good motive in the hearts of many saints and our land of Zimbabwe shall be healed as the church stand on righteousness in place of coveteousness and greedy. Good articulation.
Saka title irikuti "Nyaya yechegumi" mazenge mati kudii? Bible kana pandaona richizarurwa, apart from disparate anecdotes of Biblical characters. Murikutiiko "Mufundisi", sermon renyu rapera risina katanga. I come in peace.
ukunyepa iwe , wamboti nyasha hadzitengwi wani
Muparinga is a motivational speaker vhangeri haana
I've listened to this "sermon" title yacho haisi kupindirana nengano dzaarikunakidza vanhu nadzo. Hapana shoko riripo apo, kuvaraidzana chete uku.
Kana zvirizvo zvawanzwa ukaturikira nenzira yaunoda haisi mhosva. Pamwe ndiwe usina nzeve dzekunzwa zvikuparidzwa.
Wajaira zvekunotsva kwevanhu kudenga handiti?
Sorry hako.
uhmm i don't agree with you
Endai pedyo naye muparidze vhangeri imimi
Amen ipapo hamusi mega pashoko I like your teachings
Paridzai tipone hedu isu tinoshuvira denga
Kana mati wese atenda zvatoita nekuti in the name of Jesus, sei vamwe vachazonzi - Matthew 7:21-23 "21 “Not everyone who says to Me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ shall enter the kingdom of heaven, but he who does the will of My Father in heaven. 22 Many will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ 23 And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me, you who practice lawlessness!’"
Muparinga if you remain consistent on this line of teachings, you will impart good motive in the hearts of many saints and our land of Zimbabwe shall be healed as the church stand on righteousness in place of coveteousness and greedy. Good articulation.
Inokuziviswa nyika yevanhu izive mwari
he is a motivational speaker not a preacher of the gospel
In agreement
Thank you man of God
Pane nyaya pamari mukereke zveshuwa
Chokwadi Mwari ndewe Revelation. Amen
Amen 🙏 ndinotenda muranda washe.
God bless you and keep on praying and preaching for us 🙏
Amen wakatendeka wekumusoro
Amen pashoko tiri kudzidza hedu veduwe
Aiwa unoxodei.Shoko rarohwa haro
Amen neshoko benyu ,, tinotenda.
Muparinga unoparidza zvinoita kuti ndigare ndichitya kana mweya vekutadza vakuda kubata
Mwari ngava rumbidzwee
Good teachings
Amen and Amen.. Powerful Sermon 🙏
hapana favour inouya kana wabvisa offering No, we are actually returning what God has already given us!
Amen, shoko ne dzidziso yezvokwadi.
Mwari ngaavongwe ndinodzidza hangu
May Jesus christ continue using you to lead us to the light
I thank the Almighty God for this revelation.
Ndabaiwa moyo.
Wonderful sermon man of God!
Beautiful and powerful word
Thank you man of God for this word in season listening from Zambia
Happy new year
Great teaching man of God!
Chinodhura kudarika mari ropa raJesu ummmmm amen.
We are serving a a living God
Makatumwa naMwari mupenyu evangelist. Fambai naro shoko dzvene.
Haayas pane chokwadi chorwadza ,amen👏👏
Amen man of God
Live long Apostle. You don't shout "back to Christ movement" but this is it. God's idea of gospel
Amen...wisdom ye soko ramwari riri kuvhura pfungwa dzedu Amen
Amen....Taking notes
Mwari ngavarumbidzwe
😂😂😂😂shoko rinonakidza iri🔥🔥🔥🔥
Powerful indeed
Ungangotuka Moses iwe uri Joseph rumbidzwai jehovha
Amen Mwari tibatsirei
Oh yes
Amen man of Jesus Cristo
Powerful msg
Ndopakati shoko menyu. 🙏🙏🙏🙏
Amen shoko benyu
Munhu haangararami nechingwa basi asi neshoko
May God keep on using u
Powerfull message
Ndipeiwo cell ya pastor muparinga
Revelation indeed
Saka title irikuti "Nyaya yechegumi" mazenge mati kudii? Bible kana pandaona richizarurwa, apart from disparate anecdotes of Biblical characters. Murikutiiko "Mufundisi", sermon renyu rapera risina katanga. I come in peace.
Hauna kunzwa zvemari?
you are a lier, Mwari haadi kuponese munhu wese, anoda vashoma vaakatenga neropa rake
You lie
Beautiful and powerful word
Ff no nog GT
Amen and Amen
May God keep on blessing you with more teachings.
Amen and amen
Powerful word Evangelist. Mwari ngaavongwe