  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024

КОМЕНТАРІ • 2 тис.

  • @nidyapermata496
    @nidyapermata496 6 років тому +573

    SM : visual
    JYP : aegyo
    YG : swag
    hayo luh cocok yang mana?

    • @jessicaertiabustami807
      @jessicaertiabustami807 5 років тому +84

      Gw visual ga gmnaa gtuu :v aegyo ga bisa swag juga ga terlalu :v
      Suaraku klo nyanyi ala alaa gfriend :v
      Klo dance aku ga bisa ngecover kesannya kaku,, tpi kloo buat gerakan sndiri lancar"aja wkwkkw

    • @claritykim37
      @claritykim37 5 років тому +28

      Kalo 4D di Agensi apa?😆😆😆
      Kalo BigHit apaan?
      ●Kalo Visual aku sih Kurang:>
      ●Aegyo aku sih Lumayan hehe:v
      ●Swagg? Gayaku gak Terlalu sihh

    • @jungmoluv6644
      @jungmoluv6644 5 років тому +14

      @@jessicaertiabustami807 suara lu ala ala gfriend maksudnya suara lu bagus atau gak

    • @Kezia-fq2hu
      @Kezia-fq2hu 4 роки тому +12

      @@claritykim37 klo bighit 4D, soalnya bobrok semua🤣

    • @justren815
      @justren815 4 роки тому +24

      Please kalau YG buka audisi kasih kabar gw lebih bisa di YG 😭😁

  • @andri_liuziu
    @andri_liuziu 6 років тому +1377

    Gw rasa sih kalo yang ikut ginian harus udah jam terbang tinggi (manggung dll) , Regina mukamu udah SM-esque banget , gw rasa kalo lu ikut lagi , lu harus tingkatin skill nyanyi lu ma dance, kalo kagak lu harus work it personality lu yah kayak2 personality variety2 show (bubbly personality) gitu lah , semangat yang audisiiiiiiii

    • @NoName-wg6wg
      @NoName-wg6wg 6 років тому +30

      Siapa yg tau, jangan judge seenaknya, namanya juga audisi pertama kali, yg banyak jam terbang belum tentu yg dicari, yg terlalu bertalenta belum tentu dibutuhin, SM kadang butuh yg pure macem yg punya chanel biar SM bisa ngasih ilmu "how to become sm's idol" buat dia

    • @iikyadez5390
      @iikyadez5390 6 років тому +10

      aku bisa pak :v tapi muka ku kurasa gk memadai :v

    • @andri_liuziu
      @andri_liuziu 6 років тому +26

      Hehehehe mas gini ye , komen gw Nggak menjatuhkan tp bikin dia mentality Nggak weak , dia masih bisa lebih jauh berkembang daripada sekarang , kalo Gagal di Audisi pertama kali , dia harusnya nanti kagak ulangi kesalahan yang sama , karena SM udah tau ni anak potential tp mentality masih belum siap , dan technically harus improve , karena mereka mencari talent bukan di indo doang , semangat!!!!!!!

    • @melvinantonius4953
      @melvinantonius4953 6 років тому

      Gagap banget sih

    • @keylab.s3714
      @keylab.s3714 6 років тому +1

      njir @@iikyadez5390

  • @ginacharvi3563
    @ginacharvi3563 6 років тому +972

    sudah sampai ke tahap itu artinya sm udah liat kamu, wajah sudah tipe2 kesukaan sm jadi asah terus skill dance+sing mu ya smpai bener2 bagus kayak idol beneran,coba lagi dan semoga berhasil :)

    • @farisrahman8190
      @farisrahman8190 6 років тому +11

      @@Reginapeach banyakin senyum kak, nonton video kakak jarang liat kakak senyum

    • @bungaladia5561
      @bungaladia5561 5 років тому +9

      @@Reginapeach jangan malu" juga pede aja lagi, kamu kan udah cantiik. Malu" beda ya sama jaga atittude

    • @Draft_labels
      @Draft_labels 3 роки тому +2


  • @silviawidyakusumaningtyas779
    @silviawidyakusumaningtyas779 6 років тому +621

    Harusnya dancenya jangan jaim .. pasti km jaim .. mo jelek atau gabisa dance penting berusaha.. SM liat sikapmu juga.. kalo pemalu pasti di skip.. pemalu sama jaga attitude itu beda .. jangan pemalu aja .. sama senyum selalu .. jangan tanpa ekspresi .. itu di skip juga pasti kalo tanpa ekspresi.. sayang loh .. padahal udah modal fisiknya

    • @woodzeunim5924
      @woodzeunim5924 6 років тому +61

      Nah iya, andaikan fisikku kaya kakaknya,,, aku udah lolos. Kan aku PD nya ga ketulungan, tp juga gaada malu😂

    • @ghostpiggychannelgpc8293
      @ghostpiggychannelgpc8293 5 років тому

      lu lolos?

    • @bungaladia5561
      @bungaladia5561 5 років тому

      @@woodzeunim5924 sama aku juga berpikir gitu

    • @hay16
      @hay16 5 років тому

      Bacot loe jelek

    • @sa-pc9wq
      @sa-pc9wq 4 роки тому +2

      Dih, saran itu, met.

  • @bluematcha8739
    @bluematcha8739 6 років тому +69

    Kak aku punya firasat kakak bakal lolos :) aku liat video kakak cover lagu itu suara kakak bagus banget, cuma rada kurang power gitu :( dan kakak gak usah nervous, percaya diri ajaaaa ceria gitu kalo kakak ke terima bisa jadi org kedua yang jadi idol korea dari indo >< fighting kak! ❤ semoga keterima ya kak

  • @aurorasyahnatirta5871
    @aurorasyahnatirta5871 6 років тому +1602

    Visualnya dapet. Tapi kakak masih jaim:(

    • @piscesboo961
      @piscesboo961 6 років тому


    • @melatishafira2177
      @melatishafira2177 6 років тому +23

      Kalem banget wkwk

    • @dhuranddhara7589
      @dhuranddhara7589 5 років тому

      Icy but she beautifull,,

    • @serlyfirnanda3627
      @serlyfirnanda3627 4 роки тому +7

      Iy woii gua yg muka dibwh standar sm,sok²an mo ikut audisi pula,dahla nngis dipojokn🙂

    • @sunflower4899
      @sunflower4899 4 роки тому

      @@serlyfirnanda3627 di yg aja
      Kan yg gak mandang fisik
      Asal usaha pasti bisa.

  • @ada3658
    @ada3658 6 років тому +549

    I think you should be more confident with yourself next time but HEY YOU'RE REALLY BEAUTIFUL and i'm sure you're so talented too! You should try again in this october's global audition! Good luck!

    • @tanisaand
      @tanisaand 6 років тому +1

      •penumbra • think

    • @ada3658
      @ada3658 6 років тому +1

      Tan Isa lol thanks

  • @mellyvflo
    @mellyvflo 6 років тому +403

    Your visuals give me SM vibes!

  • @jaehyunjustwantssomemilk8298
    @jaehyunjustwantssomemilk8298 6 років тому +235

    Your visuals are totally SM style and I'm sure you're very talented. You should try out for more auditions. :)
    Ps: Youre so pretty, you somehow remind me of a young Boa.

  • @TR-bz9xn
    @TR-bz9xn 6 років тому +132

    *ceritanya menarik menurut aku. Tapi kenapa kamu kok tidak bersemangat dan lemes gitu??? Kamu cantik dan bertalent loh jadi harus lebih percaya diri lagi. Fighting!*

  • @ayyacruvkaya3583
    @ayyacruvkaya3583 6 років тому +941


  • @Karen-xo4he
    @Karen-xo4he 6 років тому +467

    Saya bertanya" kapan JYP, CUBE, BIGHIT, YG global audition dan Indonesia masuk ke salah satu kategori mereka :")

  • @Tiamawarni
    @Tiamawarni 6 років тому +209

    Next video Jangan lemes Ka😂😂😂

    • @novitauny2
      @novitauny2 6 років тому


  • @valenciachrstellaa4913
    @valenciachrstellaa4913 5 років тому +14

    *Semangat kak,semoga ada org Indo yg bs jadi artis SM,soalnya belom pernah ada sih.Kalo ada sih daebakk Indo pasti bangga,semoga kakak lolos audisi dan bisa debut di SM ya*

  • @MadhuBala-yb8vn
    @MadhuBala-yb8vn 4 роки тому +13

    You are gorgeous how can SM entertainment not gonna accept you your visuals are amazing

  • @Laura-nx1mb
    @Laura-nx1mb 6 років тому +224

    you should audition again in october because they're coming back! your voice and visuals are amazing and you'd be the perfect girl group memeber~ i'm waiting for an indonesian idol TT

    • @mero2627
      @mero2627 6 років тому

      Yes but they haven't responded to her yet

    • @rebelrick3217
      @rebelrick3217 6 років тому

      if u already auditioned urself this year, you can't apply more for audition percisely on *november* .

    • @mero2627
      @mero2627 6 років тому +1

      @@rebelrick3217 even if they reject you?

    • @rebelrick3217
      @rebelrick3217 6 років тому +1

      @@mero2627 yeah, because they actually made it into 2 periods so the line ups dont get too many, yet the judges could get an easier job at looking at the contestant which is still many too, and not giving any second chances to whom already join the audition but failed.

    • @rebelrick3217
      @rebelrick3217 6 років тому

      @@vina6155 well its a different case for you bcos you didnt enter the audition at april, and if you were already joined the audition, im sure they'll ask you to go home or maybe disqualified. if only i could send you the proof tho but they already said that in the application web for audition. thank me later

  • @anggiprastika1461
    @anggiprastika1461 6 років тому +144

    kakak ngejelasiinnya lemes karena sedih gak ketrima apa gimana ya??? coba lebih semangat trus lebih keras kak...kayanya lebih asik

    • @anggiprastika1461
      @anggiprastika1461 6 років тому +4

      iya kak gak papa...semangat terus yaa
      moga sukseess :))

  • @hiez9277
    @hiez9277 6 років тому +40

    Girl, you're so pretty! Visualnya tipe SM banget. I wish the best for you ❤️

  • @venus-me2eo
    @venus-me2eo 6 років тому +492

    Ka lemes bgt ngomongnya :( lain kali kalo mau bikin vidio harus semangat yaka, sukses teruss💪💪💪❤

    • @baozibrother5093
      @baozibrother5093 6 років тому +1

      Hii d.o,ini umiinnn..kakaknya lemes,itu buku diarinya kayak punyaku mirip banget

  • @andreytaff9993
    @andreytaff9993 6 років тому +36

    Aku juga ditahan kak tapi gak sampe tahap 3.
    Btw aku audisi dibogor bagian dance.

    • @fzzzzzr4
      @fzzzzzr4 6 років тому +1

      boleh minta kontak gk bro misalnya ig gitu? mau tanya2 soal audisi dancenya

    • @andreytaff9993
      @andreytaff9993 6 років тому +1

      LazyAfternoon @andreytaff

    • @imahandayani7011
      @imahandayani7011 5 років тому +1

      Btw..harus bisa bhs inggris ya?..hihihhi

  • @shafiratiara4703
    @shafiratiara4703 6 років тому +77

    Semoga kamu lebih ekspresif lagi!!

  • @shflysilver7420
    @shflysilver7420 6 років тому +6

    Wah aku beberapa tahun lalu pernah follow IG kaka dan pengin banget nyuruh kaka ikut SM Global Audition😂 eh ikut juga taunya, walaupun belum tau keterima/engga tapi good luck ka, GBU!

  • @thrm-ex9893
    @thrm-ex9893 6 років тому +26

    belom ada orang indo yang jadi artis SM ni,moga lolos neng 👌

  • @ernahidayatjo3269
    @ernahidayatjo3269 6 років тому +267

    Visualnya kyk tiffany kalau gua liat cuman kurang ekspresi. Perbanyakin senyum

  • @jadeneyo189
    @jadeneyo189 6 років тому +40

    I have got a feeling that you will be called by them soon
    I don't know ...☺

    • @alsyfr3340
      @alsyfr3340 6 років тому +1

      Regina Eklesia Utama please inform us if you got the good news from them:)

  • @user-cblfYlkcBHhjhsMin8
    @user-cblfYlkcBHhjhsMin8 6 років тому +268

    Mbaknya cerita kurang seru kkk coba lebih ekspresif :')

  • @mero2627
    @mero2627 6 років тому +45

    Can you include part 2 if you got rejected? Like how long you had to wait for letter or email? What it said etc etc? Or if you pass?

  • @antonelladelaguila7030
    @antonelladelaguila7030 6 років тому +10

    How long did it take for SM to reply to your mail of registration? Did you have to attach a video or picture to it because on the website I thought it said you were supposed to? Do you recommend singing a song in a language you're fluent in or should one practice one in korean just in case?
    Thank you very much for making this video

  • @enhypenxo
    @enhypenxo 6 років тому +3

    you have a such angelic face! hope you audition again soon ♡

  • @ahyaaaa7452
    @ahyaaaa7452 5 років тому +6

    Gwe item 😭 tapi gak jelek,suara gue lumayan,dance aku lumayan,apakah aku bisa jadi trainee? 😭😭😭 Bikin putus asa 😭😭😭

  • @aikaatikah2303
    @aikaatikah2303 6 років тому +9

    Can foreigner come SM Global Audition at other country? Maybe Thailand, Singapore or Indonesia...

  • @moehwong
    @moehwong 6 років тому +11

    how long did it take for sm to reply to your application email?

  • @DeesLife9
    @DeesLife9 6 років тому +80

    Kok kayak gue lg dgr ASMR nih? 😂

  • @bravetaylor5602
    @bravetaylor5602 6 років тому +1

    What is the song playing in the background? Please Does anyone know? Thank You❤

  • @feardzy
    @feardzy 4 роки тому +1

    Coucou tout d'abord je voulais dire que tu est très talentueuse et j'ai aussi une question est-ce possible de faire une audition en ligne ?

    • @feardzy
      @feardzy 4 роки тому

      @@Reginapeach thank you very much !

  • @luluda4966
    @luluda4966 6 років тому +6

    waduh, untuk visual sih udah dapet, jangan menyerah aja. Kamu cantik kok :D

  • @rinaparliya
    @rinaparliya 6 років тому +18

    Lebih ekspresif & lugas coba kak story tellingnya, biar lbh hidup & lbh attractive 🙂 anyway tq udh sharing ☺

  • @animemvs4249
    @animemvs4249 6 років тому +63

    my questiion is, DID SHE MAKE IT?!

    • @lazes2109
      @lazes2109 6 років тому +29

      I think no because she shouldve been a trainee then? And trainees aren't allowed to expose themselves or share any stories idk

    • @mero2627
      @mero2627 6 років тому +8

      Idk if she did... SM takes a while but its October 1st now... So I don't think so... But think about the time auditions happen and when they finally sign the contract

    • @mero2627
      @mero2627 6 років тому

      I asked her if she got accept and she said not yet... Then I said so no response? She said yep. So basically she SM hasn't rejected or accepted her yet

    • @yipyip7834
      @yipyip7834 6 років тому +2

      lazes 1432 but she didn't get responses from SM yet tho, and maybe it take times and have to wait

  • @priscillaDR18
    @priscillaDR18 6 років тому +8

    So what happened after the audition like what was the outcome of everything

  • @jojovedio123
    @jojovedio123 4 роки тому

    Hi regina, saya kasih saran boleh yaaa saya juga bukan manusia yg perfeck.... 🙏
    Biasakan klw ngomong atau bicara'sama orang buat dirimu atau your TALK itu powerful, Krn aku yakin banget apa pun audisinya, cara kita bicara itu pasti jadi penilaian pertama, aku yakin banget kamu itu cewek pintar'dan berbakat, kurang ny cuman disitu aja sih..trus Jng malu2 yaaa

  • @dilyaTebya
    @dilyaTebya 6 років тому +13

    So beautiful 😀 really like an idol

  • @nabilayasmine3319
    @nabilayasmine3319 6 років тому +10

    Your voice is so smooth omg for real tho. Anw I did signed up for the one in Hiroshima and then I only sent them my dancing video through the online registration, uh based on your experience, would it be okay for me to like, do the audition for singing? Or is it necessary for me to do the dance one? Just curious since the thought of me freestyling freaks me out lol I'll be looking like a dying chicken. Thanks!

    • @nabilayasmine3319
      @nabilayasmine3319 6 років тому

      Regina Eklesia Utama oof I'd doubt that they will like my singing (and face!) lol but one more thing though, the highlight part of the song that you mentioned, will it be better if those are the high notes part? Thanks again and sorry for asking too much!

  • @vouchheangpoch8211
    @vouchheangpoch8211 6 років тому +7

    What song did they play for dance?

  • @olivehallelya5819
    @olivehallelya5819 3 роки тому +1

    Kkk kasih tips untuk menjadi mau trainnie baru di SM ENTERTAINMENT

  • @btsjungkookvjiminsugarmjin6925
    @btsjungkookvjiminsugarmjin6925 5 років тому +1

    Woahhhhhh eonni Daebak
    Oh ya eonni aku mau tau cara gimana kita dapat info kalo SM ENTERTAINMENT buka audisi lagi di indo

  • @이수민-z2g
    @이수민-z2g 6 років тому +11

    So did you pass or fail the audition?

  • @asdfg-hr3cy
    @asdfg-hr3cy 6 років тому +10

    Did they accept you?? I think you have a looks and i think you really have a talent.

  • @aikaatikah2303
    @aikaatikah2303 6 років тому +7

    Actually if you pass all levels of audition, it's enough to remember only 10 songs?

    • @aikaatikah2303
      @aikaatikah2303 6 років тому +1

      Thanks a lot for the answer... If I go to the audition soon, I would like to tell to you. Thanks again.

  • @kadekdewik4916
    @kadekdewik4916 4 роки тому +1

    Kak aku boleh tanya gk kalau kita ambil bagian dance kan lagunya diacak misalnya kita dpt lagu red Velvet kita boleh dance bebas atau hrs sama kayak dance practice nya? Tolong baless kak🙏

  • @PutriFathia18
    @PutriFathia18 6 років тому +6

    "Nomer yg disebut itu nomer aku ..."
    mbak teh, senyum atuuhhhh, aku yg dengernya seneng, jdi bingung sendiri ini si mba teh seneng ato ga :"

  • @RikhaAfifahS
    @RikhaAfifahS 6 років тому +5

    kaka ambil nyanyi sebelumnya ada les nyanyi atau pernah perform atau emang suka dan berbakat dibidang nyanyi? nanti buat video kaka pas nyanyi kaya waktu audisi dong

  • @Ain_hseena
    @Ain_hseena 6 років тому +11


  • @rubyauxliena6666
    @rubyauxliena6666 6 років тому

    I hope you lolos kak... i like you so much and saran dari aku, perbanyak senyum... senyum selain ibadah membuat kakak jauh lebih cantik♡

    • @rubyauxliena6666
      @rubyauxliena6666 6 років тому

      Regina Eklesia Utama Kapan ya kak kira2 pemberitahuan lolosnya? Saya penasaran~

  • @SeptianD.K
    @SeptianD.K 6 років тому +1

    Semangat terus unnie semoga bisa jadi trannie sm town tahun depan 😍😍 visualnya udh dpt banget. Hwating

    • @SeptianD.K
      @SeptianD.K 6 років тому

      Sama" cc semangat terus ya, Hwaiting jangan pernah menyerah utk mencapai mimpi, aku support via youtube, semoga kpn" bisa ketemu cc hehe.. 😍😍😍

  • @ladolcevita4517
    @ladolcevita4517 6 років тому +13

    So did they accept you?

    • @mero2627
      @mero2627 6 років тому

      She said no response yet

  • @pmonika864
    @pmonika864 6 років тому +16

    My country dint held live it online audition need registration...or is it okay to send videos directly to the SMaudition official..Will they see the will we know that...plis tell me....

    • @sakuraworld372
      @sakuraworld372 6 років тому

      Hmm. You're from the Philippines right? if yes then i'm really curious why tf SM never held an audition in PH?

    • @mewo1724
      @mewo1724 6 років тому

      Sakura World exactly

    • @zoraijsm
      @zoraijsm 4 роки тому

      There Is Online Auditions, u share You singing Or dance etc

    • @pmonika864
      @pmonika864 4 роки тому +1

      @@sakuraworld372 no m Indian

    • @babubhaipatel184
      @babubhaipatel184 4 роки тому

      I am also from India. I am so sad that sm or bighit never Heald a online audition in india.

  • @zhirongkoh3841
    @zhirongkoh3841 6 років тому +16

    I think you need to be more confident (easy to say, hard to achieve i know) but hey! you look like an idol and go for your dreams~

  • @bayuindradinata9209
    @bayuindradinata9209 6 років тому +2

    Kyknya kk lagi tertekan sehabis audisi pas bikin vidionya. Tapi tetap semanngat y kk. Aku dengerin sampe akhir vidio loh. 😊😊

  • @ratusheryn9650
    @ratusheryn9650 6 років тому

    Ka kalo dance random nya Lagu Sm entertainment gitu yg ky EXO,RED VELVEL,DLL?

  • @nailanur398
    @nailanur398 6 років тому +24

    lemes bgt plis gemes liatnya ;(

  • @theendoes6254
    @theendoes6254 6 років тому +62

    ngantuk....😢 padahal penasaran... tp cara ceritanya...uhuk uhuk...ngantuk

  • @whoami9623
    @whoami9623 6 років тому +8

    Satu lagi pertanyaan : knpa milih jadi idol, secara kan jdi idol itu susah misalnya udah lolos audisi trus jadi trainee tapi belom2 debut juga

    • @imahandayani7011
      @imahandayani7011 5 років тому

      whoami Maaf mau nanya...tau biaya trainee perbulannya gak?hehehe

  • @ragilputra7244
    @ragilputra7244 5 років тому +1

    Lagu dancenya apa saja kak saat audisi di SM entertainment?

  • @ceriadhj3325
    @ceriadhj3325 4 роки тому +1

    Dance ny lgu ap kk dn stiap pindh rungan brp kli danceny,ohya staffny ngomong pke bhs indo ya??
    Pls jwb🥺

    • @Reginapeach
      @Reginapeach  4 роки тому +1

      lagu barat, judulnya aku lupa.. Staffnya org korea & ngomong korea. ada penerjemah org indo yang bantu nanti

    • @Reginapeach
      @Reginapeach  4 роки тому +1

      maksud aku jurinya org korea & ngomong korea. kalo staff yg ngurus audisi disana itu org korea tapi wkt itu bisa ngomong indo.

  • @cillamimi2670
    @cillamimi2670 6 років тому +3

    If you upload a video about your SM Experiment or the company you audition for they won’t accept you because you’re not supposed to tell for some reason and reveal it (Sorry if you don’t understand what I am saying).
    Editor:You might wondering how I know this??,Well my sister audition and pass but when she uploaded a video a the audition she immediately/Kinda got rejected after that but the company she audition told her to deleted the video and she got accepted..(Sorry again that I am speaking English instead of Indonesia.

  • @almafitriarahma7242
    @almafitriarahma7242 6 років тому +62

    Maaf nih.. Sebelumnya makasih share pengalamannya, tapi agak semangat dong kak bikin videonya... Serasa kayak curhat sama temen hehe ... Semangat!

  • @raissaramadhina
    @raissaramadhina 6 років тому +59

    tbh dia suaranya ga bagus se wow yg dipikirin tp keknya sm bales email dia dan ngehold dia krn visual kan emg sm mikirin visual. tp klo diasah lagi suaranya pasti bagus lah

    • @yuraarchstudio
      @yuraarchstudio 6 років тому

      Macem Taemin Shinee, awal Debut Suara dia gak teralu di pake, part dia paling Seditit bingiiiiiittt, tpi Siapa Sangka Dia duluan yg Debut Solo, padahal Vocalis utama Jonghyun & Onew

    • @alicevydyan
      @alicevydyan 6 років тому +1

      dance nya Taemin juga Uhhhhhhhhhyeah bgt hehehe

    • @keziathereni9317
      @keziathereni9317 6 років тому

      cepetan kek ngmngnya. gedeg anjer

    • @fefiherlinda8987
      @fefiherlinda8987 6 років тому +1

      Krn taemin dilatih trs sma jonghyun, klo soal onew dia emg smpet jujur blm siap buat debut solo skrg taemin jd main vocal krn ilmu dr jjong :')

    • @sistarnctwjsnlovers7805
      @sistarnctwjsnlovers7805 6 років тому +2

      JELAS SM SI UTAMA NYA MUKA bakat nanti2 dulu wkwkw

  • @widyaktvw3651
    @widyaktvw3651 4 роки тому

    Kaka tahun ke berikutnya 2027 jauh amat ya☹️kan umur 20 itu boleh ga ka trus apa ada audisinya🥰aku na ikuttt

  • @gladysmaya2778
    @gladysmaya2778 5 років тому +1

    Kak dance nya lagunya milih apa dipilihin y kak? Makasih

  • @TheJerrymy
    @TheJerrymy 6 років тому +5

    Ka.. Yakin kah kk masuknya jam 12? Aku masuk stengah 2 siang di hari yang sama aja antriannya di 3rb an loh..

  • @ahray6657
    @ahray6657 6 років тому +6

    My eyes keep looking at your dimple >< so cute

  • @dailykate101
    @dailykate101 6 років тому +5

    What happend now?😊
    What language did you speak the entire audition?

    • @farahbungarasyadha1570
      @farahbungarasyadha1570 6 років тому +1

      Clariz kate Indonesia

    • @dailykate101
      @dailykate101 6 років тому

      Thank you for the reply☺️
      By the way did you put make up on when you auditioned?

    • @dailykate101
      @dailykate101 6 років тому

      Ah and lastly what song did they play when they asked you to dance?😊

  • @irarosiana1454
    @irarosiana1454 6 років тому

    Gakebayang pas audisi ka kamu se nervous apa.. curhat video inipun kamu lemes n gemeter gitu suaranya pede aja kaaa!!!👌

  • @mylin_1119
    @mylin_1119 3 роки тому

    Kak mau tau donk... Email nya buat daftar ke audisi ke Jakarta...🙏🙏🙏🙏

  • @way.h1700
    @way.h1700 6 років тому +5

    How old are you?

  • @aikaatikah2303
    @aikaatikah2303 6 років тому +7

    Hey if you know Germany language... Can you speak in Germany?

    • @aikaatikah2303
      @aikaatikah2303 6 років тому

      Hey I have 2 questions before this.. You give the answer...

    • @aikaatikah2303
      @aikaatikah2303 6 років тому +1

      Can foreigner come SM Global Audition at other country? Maybe Thailand, Singapore or Indonesia...

    • @aikaatikah2303
      @aikaatikah2303 6 років тому

      Actually if you pass all levels of audition, it's enough to remember only 10 songs?

    • @akemity9505
      @akemity9505 6 років тому

      @@aikaatikah2303 Yes

    • @aikaatikah2303
      @aikaatikah2303 6 років тому

      @@Reginapeach Ooo.. Thanks

  • @randompeople8473
    @randompeople8473 6 років тому +4

    Coba lagi next audisi nya kak good luck moga lolos buat haru indonesia god bless you
    Dah di subcribe juga hehe :) biar makin semangat bikin konten nya

  • @a.marsha8743
    @a.marsha8743 4 роки тому +1

    hi kak! kalau untuk dance random itu lagu korea atau lagu luar?

  • @Leanyjordania
    @Leanyjordania 4 роки тому

    Kak kan kita di suruh dance, dan dance nya random terus kalau misalnya kita di pilihin lagu blackpink forever young buat dance tapi kita gk afal sama gerakan dance forever young nya itu gimana?

  • @mero2627
    @mero2627 6 років тому +10

    Accept or Reject?

  • @aztre
    @aztre 6 років тому +7

    Is it really true that they only choose visuals and others who looks alright and has talent?

    • @aztre
      @aztre 6 років тому +11

      @LlamaLlama SM is about looks and talents too. Lmao. They're not only about looks. I was just curious if they're really what people think they are.

    • @imnotuglyimjustpredebut
      @imnotuglyimjustpredebut 6 років тому +14

      Lol stop saying sm is mostly about visual they have some of the best vocalists and dancers in the industry even way much more than jyp dare i say and its not even an opinion its a fact.

    • @aztre
      @aztre 6 років тому +1

      @@imnotuglyimjustpredebut Preach.

    • @aztre
      @aztre 6 років тому

      @Abigail Yambao True.

    • @haze3103
      @haze3103 6 років тому +3

      @LlamaLlama the thing is SM might take u in for looks even if u do not have the talent but you have potential to learn and improve and then they are gonna train you to be good and SM has a reputation for having the best dance and vocal teachers in the industry

  • @bangtanloves1075
    @bangtanloves1075 5 років тому +3

    Queria muito que esse vídeo tivesse legendas em português Brasil...Acho que tem muitas brasileiras que assistem seus vídeos ^^

  • @connor.become.detroit8747
    @connor.become.detroit8747 6 років тому +2

    Kak, aku 14 tahun dan aku ingin daftar di Jakarta November ini, agak gugup... Rame ga kak yang seumuran aku? Atau udah pada 18+ semua?

  • @fitriani5060
    @fitriani5060 6 років тому +1

    Boleh nanyak...
    Apakah ada idol yg lewat di SM..
    Dan jadi idol korea..
    Tolong di jawab ya..
    Penasaran soalnya

  • @tunankpopstan458
    @tunankpopstan458 6 років тому +3

    She really has such a type of face which is preferred by SM

  • @valebyun1277
    @valebyun1277 6 років тому +7

    What is the age limits for joining sm?

    • @yxqi1079
      @yxqi1079 6 років тому +6

      There is none but typically people audition from 12-19

    • @valebyun1277
      @valebyun1277 6 років тому +1

      @@yxqi1079 oh thank you~

    • @fransheskaanotherone5754
      @fransheskaanotherone5754 6 років тому +5

      Theres none even in Yuta recent post asking people to join tge sm auditions say the regards of your age sex your go if you want

  • @nourhanshamssy7434
    @nourhanshamssy7434 6 років тому +4

    OMG you are soo pretty I wish you got accepted !!!

  • @allynapark4707
    @allynapark4707 5 років тому +1

    Bleh gak share sdikit tip2 untuk lolos sm global audition?

  • @sitimasrah4992
    @sitimasrah4992 6 років тому

    kak mau tanyak dunk rasanya gimana setelah ikut audisi, kalau kakak nggk ke Terima kunci tetap kuat itu apa?? doa kan aja aq besok ikutan audisinya dan semoga ke terima, dan lolos hingga jadi treen sm amin..... 🙏

  • @alhathaway5820
    @alhathaway5820 6 років тому +7

    good luck 💕 u can make it !
    I got a question . should we be rich and pay company? if u dont have any money or supportive parents, will the company pay your food and for example fixing teeth if u have bad teeth, will u pay for teeth? what if u dont debut and cant pay that big money back to them? u go to jail?

    • @alhathaway5820
      @alhathaway5820 6 років тому +1

      Regina Eklesia Utama you can still audition as many times as you want. stay positive. u can be successful ! ❤😊

    • @fzzzzzr4
      @fzzzzzr4 6 років тому

      they will pay things when you're a trainee, there's even money to buy foods eveyday. when you're being chosen as a trainee, basicly they put some investment on you, and when you finally debuted, you slowly pay your "trainee debt" with some of your wages. there's plenty of ex trainee videos that explain the same thing

  • @アイズウォン
    @アイズウォン 6 років тому +5

    Wah, kakak mukanya cocok banget tuh buat debut :D
    (Eh kamvret gua :V)
    cocok jadi visual ituh

  • @catherine4590
    @catherine4590 6 років тому +4

    Iyaa Indonesia harus bisaaa
    Kalau Indonesia bisa nanti ke depannya entertaiment lain mau coba ke Indonesia

  • @suharsih7876
    @suharsih7876 4 роки тому +1

    Kalau udah ikut terus ga lolos boleh ikut lagi ka?? Tolong dijawab 😭😭

  • @keith_florist128
    @keith_florist128 4 роки тому +1

    Sekarang masih ada gak kak

    • @Reginapeach
      @Reginapeach  4 роки тому

      cuma audisi online aja, cek ya

  • @z.ryentv3104
    @z.ryentv3104 6 років тому +3

    Klo aku sihh nunggu YG Global Audition😭
    Krna Klo YG yang penting bisa Nyanyi, Rap, itu udh bisa keterima yg penting skill nya harus oke. Nah klo msalah dance nnti kita bisa latihan menarinya pas jd Trainee di YG nnti.

    • @hakemasad
      @hakemasad 4 роки тому

      visual jg keles cm brp persen aja liat noh rose dara jennie jisoo dan bg nya juga

  • @osakizen2192
    @osakizen2192 6 років тому +8

    did u get accepted ?

    • @osakizen2192
      @osakizen2192 6 років тому

      @@Reginapeach i hope you get accepted !! u deserve it ^^

  • @buddynctzen1214
    @buddynctzen1214 6 років тому +8

    mukanya kyk yuju gfriend. cantiikk bgt >

  • @xxplayer8072
    @xxplayer8072 5 років тому +1

    Saya pernah kak ikut sampai tahap 2 .tapi gk l mau ke 3 gk lolos

  • @mheavillebillones6349
    @mheavillebillones6349 5 років тому +1

    Among all the audition experience I have watched this is more helpful. Thanks

  • @jannatnaaz8544
    @jannatnaaz8544 6 років тому +6

    So did you got selected?

    • @mero2627
      @mero2627 6 років тому +1

      They didn't respond to her yet

    • @Vaniaasanjaya
      @Vaniaasanjaya 6 років тому

      @@mero2627 tp ak pernah baca di blog yg pernah audisi SM, 3 bulan kalo gada email berarti ga keterima