These stories give a vivid imagine of how poor the people living in these areas were. They lived in mud huts with dirt floors and thatched roofs. No electricity, indoor plumbing, ventilation, etc. It's a tough life for a soldier it seems like they live the same clothing day after day with no bathing, no warm coats, lice over their body, and often no food.
@@christopherconard2831 That made me laugh Just read some of the great Russian authors, it is really a nightmare. I was reading a book of short stories by a bunch of Russians I hadn't read before and it was one bad dream after another until one story! But no, it had to end in another recurring nightmare.
Did anyone catch what he said about the tank? The shells ricochet off. It's one of the dreaded Christie tanks. "John Walter Christie (May 6, 1865 - January 11, 1944) was an American engineer and inventor.[1] He is known best for developing the Christie suspension system used for several World War II-era tank designs, most notably the Soviet BT and T-34[2] tanks series, and the United Kingdom Covenanter and Crusader Cruiser tanks, as well as the Comet heavy cruiser tank." "The Cavalry's thinking at that time was based on armored cars, and it wanted to develop the M1928 as an armored car chassis. Once again, Christie's concept of how his vehicles should be used, together with his difficult nature, resulted in disputes with Army officials. One member of the Cavalry Evaluation Board who appreciated both Christie's design and tank warfare concepts, was Lt. Colonel George S. Patton. Patton, and his friend Major Clarence Corinth Benson, strongly endorsed adoption of the M1928 as the basis for a Cavalry tank.[9][10] Ultimately, the Secretary of War rejected mass production of the M1928, citing excessive acquisition costs. Christie then felt he was justified in selling his inventions to the highest bidder. He began discussing his advanced chassis and suspension systems with foreign governments; Poland, the USSR and the United Kingdom had all expressed interest in the designs. A long and complex series of exchanges between Christie and foreign governments followed. These were technically illegal, since Christie never obtained approval of the US Department of State, Army Ordnance, or the Department of War to transfer his designs to potentially hostile governments. " We in the USA treat Patton and others as hero's. Thousands and thousands of people dies unnecessarily in Patton's and the other Military experts tanks.
"... Patton, and his friend Major Clarence Corinth Benson, strongly endorsed adoption of the M1928 as the basis for a Cavalry tank... the Secretary of War rejected mass production of the M1928... Thousands and thousands of people die[d] unnecessarily in Patton's and the other [m]ilitary experts' tanks."
I've definitely already heard this episode or this diary on one of these WWII diary channels spent a couple series since I've really enjoyed it but this one is starting to get a little better though I keep remembering parts of it.
in spite of his raggedy beard and blackened stinking shorts, cancelled leave, frost blisters and dragging ammunition boxes 30 kilometers, this young officer still fluffs himself up with Goebels-speak, until he positively goose-steps while singing christmas carols................
@@markmaki4460UA-cam really needs to work on its bot problem. I see these once in a blue moon (very uncommon) but sometimes they slip through. They are always sharing some gibberish but they're getting closer to sounding like a human, a really dumb one lmao
Perhaps you would be happier reading the diary of a blue-haired obese lesbian's struggle against the patriarchy, a lack of open borders, and a shortage of child transsexuals. I think you would be happier listening to that sort of diary.
Germany learned the hard way about taking war beyond the limits of supply of food, ammunition, and additional support. They repeated Napoleon's mistake during a Russian winter.
A lot of people made mistakes, as I sit here with nuclear weapons pouted at me, from Russia, China and North Korea, and being told how brilliant our leaders were, in WW2, and I just don’t see it! One thing the Germans got right, kill as many communists as possible, and they managed to kill 20 million of them, in 4 short years! Maybe we should have realized, we made a big dumb mistake, built a 3rd atomic bomb, and drop it on Stalin, on his birthday! I hate ungrateful people….
@@christopherconard2831 sending 500 Japanese soldiers to charge a 2 man 50 caliber machine gun nest didn’t help either, if they fought a guerrilla war, the war would have continued much longer, and cost even more American lives, retreat, and live to fight another day, is a better tactic. Hitler was also an idiot, who gave stand ground or die orders, that never worked in his favor.
30 against thousands! That's pure silliness. Who does he think he is.... Leonidas? Also pure silliness! The valiant civilised, few in number, against the Asiatic hordes? Propaganda hasn't changed, despite thousands of years passing!!!
@@germanautoguys6537 You should probably double-check your numbers. Even pessimistic estimates are 8.7 mil, including MIA and POW deaths. You probably thought of civilian death count, which was indeed around this number.
@@ansbremen naw I’ve heard figures are closer to 16. Even high end estimates as high 20 million. You also have to think this is late 41-early 42” where the Soviet’s weren’t having terrific luck holding back the Germans without horrific losses.
@@ansbremen also yeah the asiatic hordes is bs. And the “39 vs thounsands” I think is more likely an exaggeration made by the author. You have to remember this guy is a frontline soldier he doesn’t know the exact numbers but he’s saying what it felt like to him. I’m sure soviets thought the same thing more or less.
Historians I have read on the most part make light of what a cakewalk it was for the German army in Russia during 1941. These diaries tell a different story. From June 22nd onward.. One mention of America entering the war and not really that. More the mention of British losses in Singapore etc. I am surprised is there is no mention of Americas entry into the war?
It literally meant nothing to them. Totally Eurocentric. Taught even before Hitler that Germany was central and surrounded by enemies. Then victory after victory with low casualties. Focused on the Eastern front. What was USA involvement to affect Russian campaign. Pretty amazing that Lend Lease actually made a big difference. Took a couple of years to do it though.
*Your timeline is a off* up until early 1942 Americans participation (other than individual volunteers ) was lend leased to Britain and training pilots. _Until June 1941 Russia and Germany were allies._ After Germany attacked Russia we started sending lend lease to them about the time Germany declared war on the United States.
@@jammyscouser2583 Someone from the most expansionist, most far flung, cruelest Empire ever denigrating Americans for their foreign policy..... that's rich! Self-awareness is your friend.... if you're capable of it, that is....
@Neillybob63 everyone should critique American foreign policy. You guys are wanting war on several fronts. Who will it be first, Iran, China, or Russia? It's starting to look like you're gonna get all three at once
What a load of bull. This guy never loses any battle he's in. And when they shoot, it doesn't matter what their shooting. Tanks, artillery, rifles. They never miss. What nonsense. And 150 dead Russians, all shot in the head. Makes you wonder how they lost the war.
Yup, 1942, the year of the inevitable German victory. Got some bad news for you, bud: "The morning roads leads to Stalingrad, and the sky is softly humming..."
What is sad is that they believed the propaganda of the Nazis! I will be the first to say that the Versailles Treaty brought about the conditions that enabled the Nazis to rise to power. However it was the German military that infused the country with militaristic fervor. Since the 1870's "Lebensraum" was a thing; it didn't begin with the Nazis.
When the Russians were kicking the Germans with MGs and Stalin Organs they called the soldiers and civilians swine for fighting back from invading Germans...The number of die hard Nazi's in the German army was higher than I thought...All the soldiers knew what the SS did to the civilians,especially the Jewish people after they moved on to the next battle.
Where do you get your so-called facts from? Or are you just regurgitating the blather with which you have been programmed? Maybe you should listen to Eli Wiesel rather. Maybe you can pay for him to finally get a tattoo.
True. After the war everyone claimed they knew nothing of the death camps, despite the fact that there were over a thousand of them. Dachau was just outside Munich. You couldn’t find any Nazis either, after April, 1945. Everybody was suddenly politically innocent.
Yea, poor german soldiers. No one will call them hitier's murderers. Whatever they suffered, they deserved. It's sad to see how deceived these thugs are
Sad account of human tragedy in War . Did all the Wehrmacht hold the same deluded attitude concerning the campaign on the Russian front ?.I suppose his views were typical of the time .Very interesting , thanks for this history .
I listen to these to hear NAZIs lose, but this guy was really eloquent. I have never heard their barbarism explained so. I want to hear if he got to his family.
The question you have to ask is if you received a decade of indoctrination would you be any different?Some SS Soldiers in the Hitler Jugend were 16 years old.Some Ukrainians fought for the Germans.The Communist induced famine that killed 10 million Ukrainians made many Volunteers a certainty.
Its easier to reset a country like america if they get you to hate it. They will use AI to break into everyones bank accounts and drain them so they can usser in their new money system that will be simular to bitcoin. Then after that they can just cut off your money if you say something or call them put on their propaganda.
@@alphaomega938they are stupid and meaningless in peacetime, but you're going to need people who believe in those things if (when) WW3 pops off..because you cannot win without it
These stories give a vivid imagine of how poor the people living in these areas were. They lived in mud huts with dirt floors and thatched roofs. No electricity, indoor plumbing, ventilation, etc. It's a tough life for a soldier it seems like they live the same clothing day after day with no bathing, no warm coats, lice over their body, and often no food.
Then they were invaded and lost even that.
Most stories involving Russia inevitably contain one phrase, "And then things got worse."
@@christopherconard2831 That made me laugh Just read some of the great Russian authors, it is really a nightmare. I was reading a book of short stories by a bunch of Russians I hadn't read before and it was one bad dream after another until one story! But no, it had to end in another recurring nightmare.
Imagine todays snowflakes in that situation.
@@Pete-z6ethey would adapt and be living like it was normal within a month. That's what people do
Awesome work. Simply brilliant.
Oh brother.
Did anyone catch what he said about the tank? The shells ricochet off. It's one of the dreaded Christie tanks. "John Walter Christie (May 6, 1865 - January 11, 1944) was an American engineer and inventor.[1] He is known best for developing the Christie suspension system used for several World War II-era tank designs, most notably the Soviet BT and T-34[2] tanks series, and the United Kingdom Covenanter and Crusader Cruiser tanks, as well as the Comet heavy cruiser tank." "The Cavalry's thinking at that time was based on armored cars, and it wanted to develop the M1928 as an armored car chassis. Once again, Christie's concept of how his vehicles should be used, together with his difficult nature, resulted in disputes with Army officials. One member of the Cavalry Evaluation Board who appreciated both Christie's design and tank warfare concepts, was Lt. Colonel George S. Patton. Patton, and his friend Major Clarence Corinth Benson, strongly endorsed adoption of the M1928 as the basis for a Cavalry tank.[9][10]
Ultimately, the Secretary of War rejected mass production of the M1928, citing excessive acquisition costs. Christie then felt he was justified in selling his inventions to the highest bidder. He began discussing his advanced chassis and suspension systems with foreign governments; Poland, the USSR and the United Kingdom had all expressed interest in the designs. A long and complex series of exchanges between Christie and foreign governments followed. These were technically illegal, since Christie never obtained approval of the US Department of State, Army Ordnance, or the Department of War to transfer his designs to potentially hostile governments. " We in the USA treat Patton and others as hero's. Thousands and thousands of people dies unnecessarily in Patton's and the other Military experts tanks.
"... Patton, and his friend Major Clarence Corinth Benson, strongly endorsed adoption of the M1928 as the basis for a Cavalry tank... the Secretary of War rejected mass production of the M1928... Thousands and thousands of people die[d] unnecessarily in Patton's and the other [m]ilitary experts' tanks."
Not Strongly enough it seems. @@markmaki4460
I've definitely already heard this episode or this diary on one of these WWII diary channels spent a couple series since I've really enjoyed it but this one is starting to get a little better though I keep remembering parts of it.
in spite of his raggedy beard and blackened stinking shorts, cancelled leave, frost blisters and dragging ammunition boxes 30 kilometers, this young officer still fluffs himself up with Goebels-speak, until he positively goose-steps while singing christmas carols................
At least Goebbels is easier to spell than Zelensky.
@@markmaki4460UA-cam really needs to work on its bot problem. I see these once in a blue moon (very uncommon) but sometimes they slip through. They are always sharing some gibberish but they're getting closer to sounding like a human, a really dumb one lmao
Zelensky is a Jew, not a Nazi. The Nazis are the invaders and child killers. So the russians today.
@@markmaki4460Göbbels easier to spell than Zelensky?😅😂
Perhaps you would be happier reading the diary of a blue-haired obese lesbian's struggle against the patriarchy, a lack of open borders, and a shortage of child transsexuals. I think you would be happier listening to that sort of diary.
"Retreat? We dont know what that word really means" - this german
Interesting &informative.
Germany learned the hard way about taking war beyond the limits of supply of food, ammunition, and additional support. They repeated Napoleon's mistake during a Russian winter.
Adolf and his divine appointment nonsense and no step back etc.
A lot of people made mistakes, as I sit here with nuclear weapons pouted at me, from Russia, China and North Korea, and being told how brilliant our leaders were, in WW2, and I just don’t see it! One thing the Germans got right, kill as many communists as possible, and they managed to kill 20 million of them, in 4 short years! Maybe we should have realized, we made a big dumb mistake, built a 3rd atomic bomb, and drop it on Stalin, on his birthday! I hate ungrateful people….
Logistics matter. Ask the Japanese who scattered their military across islands. Then saw the supply ships disappear.
@@christopherconard2831 sending 500 Japanese soldiers to charge a 2 man 50 caliber machine gun nest didn’t help either, if they fought a guerrilla war, the war would have continued much longer, and cost even more American lives, retreat, and live to fight another day, is a better tactic. Hitler was also an idiot, who gave stand ground or die orders, that never worked in his favor.
Mistakes Julius Caesar did not make. Poor students of history.
30 against thousands! That's pure silliness. Who does he think he is.... Leonidas? Also pure silliness! The valiant civilised, few in number, against the Asiatic hordes? Propaganda hasn't changed, despite thousands of years passing!!!
Tell me how did 16 million Soviet soldiers die in the war? Frostbite?
@@germanautoguys6537 You should probably double-check your numbers. Even pessimistic estimates are 8.7 mil, including MIA and POW deaths. You probably thought of civilian death count, which was indeed around this number.
@@ansbremen naw I’ve heard figures are closer to 16. Even high end estimates as high 20 million. You also have to think this is late 41-early 42” where the Soviet’s weren’t having terrific luck holding back the Germans without horrific losses.
@@ansbremen also yeah the asiatic hordes is bs. And the “39 vs thounsands” I think is more likely an exaggeration made by the author. You have to remember this guy is a frontline soldier he doesn’t know the exact numbers but he’s saying what it felt like to him. I’m sure soviets thought the same thing more or less.
Historians I have read on the most part make light of what a cakewalk it was for the German army in Russia during 1941. These diaries tell a different story. From June 22nd onward.. One mention of America entering the war and not really that. More the mention of British losses in Singapore etc. I am surprised is there is no mention of Americas entry into the war?
It literally meant nothing to them. Totally Eurocentric. Taught even before Hitler that Germany was central and surrounded by enemies. Then victory after victory with low casualties. Focused on the Eastern front. What was USA involvement to affect Russian campaign. Pretty amazing that Lend Lease actually made a big difference. Took a couple of years to do it though.
America officialy entered the war after Pearl Harbour in late 1941 so..
*Your timeline is a off* up until early 1942 Americans participation (other than individual volunteers ) was lend leased to Britain and training pilots. _Until June 1941 Russia and Germany were allies._
After Germany attacked Russia we started sending lend lease to them about the time Germany declared war on the United States.
This channel is going to be big..
i know eh but is it fuckin AI?
These diaries give great perspective over 80s years later
40:58 To Turkey? My dear ‘sligjhtly’ arrogant Austrian friend, i congratulate you for your enthusiasm 😀
Fighting for Peace.
No limit on self-delusion.
@@jammyscouser2583 Someone from the most expansionist, most far flung, cruelest Empire ever denigrating Americans for their foreign policy..... that's rich! Self-awareness is your friend.... if you're capable of it, that is....
@Neillybob63 everyone should critique American foreign policy. You guys are wanting war on several fronts. Who will it be first, Iran, China, or Russia? It's starting to look like you're gonna get all three at once
@@jammyscouser2583 Paranoid much? Wow....
@@Neillybob63 no skin off my teeth
What a load of bull. This guy never loses any battle he's in. And when they shoot, it doesn't matter what their shooting. Tanks, artillery, rifles. They never miss. What nonsense. And 150 dead Russians, all shot in the head. Makes you wonder how they lost the war.
>"I Spent Christmas Eve Defending A Mud Hut With 30 Men Against Thousands Of Russians"<
*That about sums up the Eastern Front!*
Yup, 1942, the year of the inevitable German victory. Got some bad news for you, bud: "The morning roads leads to Stalingrad, and the sky is softly humming..."
One of these days I will dance with the little chiefs
Obviously this writer never heard of Babi Yar.
Eh, ‘fight against Bolshevism’?
Stalin did not attack Germany.
"The dreaded christie tank", hmm didnt know anyone feared that little armored car/light tank, Imagine the upgrade to T-34 those are miles apart.
Gave him powder for his toothache? lol cocaine ?
when they say peace & safety run for the hills and don't look back
"Dear God, we thank Thee that this war must not be fought on German soil" did not work out so well
Karma -- "What goes around comes around" as they say in the borough of Brooklyn, NYC
I am surprised how modest he is he could have easily said millions of Soviet/Asian orcs
To me the tragedy, and good for us, I’d that the Germans repeated the same .2 front war as in ww1. Too bad for them.
Germany lost I know that's sad but foolish ways come from foolish people.
I know. I’m so glad they lost. Can you imagine not being in a world where a man is a woman and vise versa? So glad they lost.
What is sad is that they
believed the propaganda
of the Nazis!
I will be the first to say that
the Versailles Treaty brought
about the conditions that
enabled the Nazis to rise to
However it was the German
military that infused the country
with militaristic fervor. Since
the 1870's "Lebensraum"
was a thing; it didn't begin
with the Nazis.
The poxy adverts just ruin it
When the Russians were kicking the Germans with MGs and Stalin Organs they called the soldiers and civilians swine for fighting back from invading Germans...The number of die hard Nazi's in the German army was higher than I thought...All the soldiers knew what the SS did to the civilians,especially the Jewish people after they moved on to the next battle.
What makes you believe that "all the soldiers knew . . ." when they were moved forward and fighting essentially for their own lives much of the time?
@@peterzavon3012 I guess David was there.
SS were fighting at the Tip of The Spear.
Where do you get your so-called facts from? Or are you just regurgitating the blather with which you have been programmed? Maybe you should listen to Eli Wiesel rather. Maybe you can pay for him to finally get a tattoo.
True. After the war everyone claimed they knew nothing of the death camps, despite the fact that there were over a thousand of them. Dachau was just outside Munich. You couldn’t find any Nazis either, after April, 1945. Everybody was suddenly politically innocent.
Goes to show you which ever side u look at they each believed their cause was good and just. Now only the victors remain to write the story.
I Always wonder if anyone heard a dog wistle. I doubt it .I believe that all the people hated what was pushed on them
"You can never tell with those rats," says the rat who justified shelling a surrendering female Russian soldier as "such things happen."
Why is a female Russian soldier's death more tragic than a male Russian soldiers death? Simp, much?
What incredible misery.
The Germans supported HItler
So... the "most holy" of German holidays is actualy the birthday of a Jew (Jesus)?
Yep, no interest in the truth. Like now. Read 2tess2v10.
The Russians are gonna return again.
Well if a nation invaded my homeland I know I wouldn’t let them enjoy the holidays either.
Yea, poor german soldiers. No one will call them hitier's murderers. Whatever they suffered, they deserved. It's sad to see how deceived these thugs are
Justin Trudeau and the whole Canadian parliament would disagree...
I understand commercials but when they compete with the program in length , it’s too much.
Army going into oblivion…..
The Prime Minister of Canada needs to take a look. In this country they love fascists very much
Sad,sad sad.
The communists sang communist carols!
Such Selfless Sacrifices of these "Fantastic Fellows" to Mercilessly Kill for Merciful Peace.....& Culture !.
Sad account of human tragedy in War . Did all the Wehrmacht hold the same deluded attitude concerning the campaign on the Russian front ?.I suppose his views were typical of the time .Very interesting , thanks for this history .
All soldiers believe they are fighting a just war, buoyed up by political views. It is only at the end do people realize what they lost on both sides.
The Germans lost the war because they were too busy writing diaries ...apparently 😉
Hitlers boy’s singing Christmas carols? Oh please!
They did! The
delusion was
Austrian? That explains a lot.
Fighting the russians seems like an appropriate xmas gift as the Germans could use coal to warm themselves.
Great narration. Not too fond of the diarist.
This kind of Christian Soldier is the kind that ENDANGERS all of humanity. A TERRIBLE misguided individual.
I listen to these to hear NAZIs lose, but this guy was really eloquent. I have never heard their barbarism explained so. I want to hear if he got to his family.
I was shocked by the Russian barbarism as well. They really were animals.
@@deadlyoneable 😆
@@markprange2430 he was an SS officer. What dont you get?
It's a lesson to us all right now - don't be brain-washed. All this nationalism, military glory and religion is sickening.
The question you have to ask is if you received a decade of indoctrination would you be any different?Some SS Soldiers in the Hitler Jugend were 16 years old.Some Ukrainians fought for the Germans.The Communist induced famine that killed 10 million Ukrainians made many Volunteers a certainty.
Yeah what stupid, meaningless concepts to cherish and preserve
We’re much better off without those things
Yes; better to worship yourself and the almighty dollar.
Its easier to reset a country like america if they get you to hate it. They will use AI to break into everyones bank accounts and drain them so they can usser in their new money system that will be simular to bitcoin. Then after that they can just cut off your money if you say something or call them put on their propaganda.
@@alphaomega938they are stupid and meaningless in peacetime, but you're going to need people who believe in those things if (when) WW3 pops off..because you cannot win without it
the german reasoning for all is amazing..what a crock
I hate videos narrated in British accent
Better then an American one
No such thing as a British accent. If they change it to a Yankee accent then a lot of people will stop listening to these diaries.
Never change the narration voice, if you ever put an American accent, I will curse you.
@@openphotothere's no tinge of German in this accent.
They give me the strength against adversity !! 💪🦾
Cold, o food, exhausted ! Their BAD s™π• was INCREDIBLE !! 😵💀💀💀