Man I can't believe the wheel landed on Night Shift. I could've sworn it was going to land on Night Shift, not Night Shift. It looked really close too! I was thinking for sure it was going to stop on Night Shift, but then last second, it shifted to Night Shift. Absolutely wild
I love how he still spun the wheel
Do kaos element next
Make a post with all elements and let us choose
Man I can't believe the wheel landed on Night Shift. I could've sworn it was going to land on Night Shift, not Night Shift. It looked really close too! I was thinking for sure it was going to stop on Night Shift, but then last second, it shifted to Night Shift. Absolutely wild
You Night Shift? No fcking way
I’m excited for the next element but man night shift is still just a peak skylander
Arent you gonna do elites? Since you are already doing minis
Top path on top is best because extra damage on bite and more health
But I want lego dimensions
Same dimensions would be cool
now do rattle shift and night shake
No way, he finally got Night Shift from the wheel?!??!?
Next Element?
The german goverment wants to know more about your ss rank