• @NWsmallbatchBrewing
    @NWsmallbatchBrewing 11 місяців тому +11

    I do the whisky tribe thing where you do a dry week once a quarter to check in and make sure you aren't having any dependency.

  • @Nate_H.
    @Nate_H. 11 місяців тому +14

    I was drinking 3 pints a night (max) and was feeling extremely anxious day after day. I then quit that and started only drinking Fri, Sat, and Sun (again, 3 pints a night) and honestly, my anxiety was going through the roof the day after. I decided to completely stop drinking for at least the next month. I'm now two weeks into it and my anxiety has greatly subsided. Just my anecdotal evidence, but for me, cutting it out has helped me tremendously. It sucks because I love beer and love brewing, it's a huge part of my social life, but I haven't felt this good in years.

    • @vexy1987
      @vexy1987 11 місяців тому +1

      Hey man, try quit the booze for a short time, I'm talking a few weeks, just to prove to yourself you can do it. Hell, next time you kick your last keg, why not brew something with a 6 week maturation time, in the meantime, take up meditation and avoid booze, you'll swiftly sort your anxiety out in a matter of days, and you'll have a better relationship with alcohol for it. And when you're done, you've hopefully got a great brew to enjoy.

  • @Eagle1846ytown
    @Eagle1846ytown 11 місяців тому +4

    I don’t drink during the week, so beer is something that I look forward to enjoying on the weekend. I even work from home and my kegerator is right outside my office, and I actively have beer fermenting within 3 feet of my office desk. I also don’t drink during the week because of the extra calories and to help preserve my liver.

  • @YukonKornelius-ur4xw
    @YukonKornelius-ur4xw 11 місяців тому +5

    I just don't worry about this question anymore, honestly. If I want to enjoy a beer or 6 every now and again, then that is what I'm going to do and I don't feel guilty about it. I don't get drunk very often anymore but when I do sit down to intentionally catch a buzz, I typically never go past 4, 5 beers at the max. Not that I've set a limit or anything, I just don't really enjoy drinking 7 or 8 beers in one sitting anymore.... Also, I thought I was the only person who knew the magic of a sourdough jack 🤔.. prost, braj

  • @WildcatWarrior15
    @WildcatWarrior15 11 місяців тому +3

    Alcoholism is tricky because it is such a spectrum. There is not one answer. The most important thing is listening when the world tells you it's become a problem. If your doctor tells you your metabolism is a mess because of your drinking, it's a problem. If you have a dependency issue, it's a problem. If you aren't present around your kids because you had six beers on a Thursday night, it's a problem. If you're spending too much money, it's a problem. There are many different issues that can come about from alcohol. The important part is LISTENING when the universe tells you to put down the bottle. For me, it was my health that made me slow down with homebrewing. I couldn't keep my weight down with the high calorie beers I was making. Instead, I only drink homebrews as a special occasion thing. For me to keep my weight in check and my metabolism together, I have to stick to light beer or whiskey/water.

  • @joshuapinter
    @joshuapinter 11 місяців тому +2

    I'm with you guys on this. One thing I like to do once in a while is not drink throughout the week (Monday - Thursday). This does two things:
    1. Tells me I have control over "the drink".
    2. Keeps me sharp and energetic for work and getting shit done around the house after the kids go to bed.
    Bonus 3. It makes getting off work on Friday and having a beer fucking orgasmic and well-earned.
    Longer story: We just moved our family across the country and I'm out of my element here. My coping was drinking more to make things okay because everything is better with beer. So I implemented this for consecutive weeks until I get into a good rhythm here and stop using it as a coping mechanism, if that makes sense. It's been super effective. I'll keep it going until I'm in a better spot and maybe that coincides with getting the brewery setup here, which I'm stoked about having a dedicated room in the basement for now.
    Anyway, love your shit. Keep it up my braj!

  • @beeroquoisnation
    @beeroquoisnation 11 місяців тому +2

    I have a buddy that I met at work in 1995 that had a DUI he was paying for when we met. He said he had to go to classes as a portion of his consequences handed down by the court. He told the class he wasn't an alcoholic but that he was a high volume social drinker when they suggested AA. MBC's would have been his wheelhouse. He can actually recite the entire label from a Budweiser from memory. "This is the famous Budweiser beer. We know of no other brand...etc." He said that he perfected this incredibly useful skill in the US Navy during Desert Storm. He was on a Ticonderoga Class Cruiser vectoring aircraft as an air traffic controller. My takeaway is, the environment one finds himself in influences discipline. By removing standards and replacing them with indulgence we will find attrition. That is why I can only drink beer and no liquor.

  • @loicbourrit518
    @loicbourrit518 10 місяців тому +1

    Hi Ch! I love your UA-cam channel and I’ve been a home brewer for almost 7 years now. I highly recommend you to listen the podcast from Hubermanlab about alcohol. It is backup by a ton of scientific references and it’s very interesting.
    Imo, the relationship we have with alcohol as brewers is complicated. We love the craft and the creative process behind the beers but we also know that alcohol is armful.
    All in all, it is important to be aware of the impact of alcohol on ourself and the others and to consume it when we are happy and not to make us happy.

  • @jonvia
    @jonvia 6 місяців тому +2

    When any drinker compares themselves to Burnt Chrysler, its time to slow down on the booze. Burt is a text book alcoholic. He has a romantic bond with the drink that I think most of us really dont have. I get the idea of booze=fun, thats why I started drinking in the first place, but nothing is fun about liver disease and obesity. I think if he was a regular joe with a 9-5 job, people would look at his drinking a bit differently. Similar to John Daly, its cool to say he was drinking beer on the golf course while playing rounds with guys like Tiger Woods and Phil Mickelson, but if he was a cashier at Trader Joe's sneaking sips of IPA in a brown bag, it would just be sad.

  • @insaneshadow1
    @insaneshadow1 9 місяців тому +1

    As a homebrewer, i will usually have a beer or two every night for weeks on end. I just enjoy brewing too much, and feel like I constantly have to drink to empty the kegs.
    Im actually moving to 10 gallon batches, which is opposite of what you should do if you want to drink less, but im doing it so I can brew less and not feel like I always have to have something going into a keg. I can let stuff lager and not worry about brewing the next thing. doesnt make a whole lot of sense, but for me it works.
    My issue is the weight gain with beer. I gained a bunch of weight, so now im drinking less and working out to lose some belly fat.

  • @budkingston3347
    @budkingston3347 11 місяців тому

    As a healthcare provider, we use a screening tool called “CAGE”. It is 1. So you feel you need to Cut back? 2. Are you Annoyed by people complaining about your drinking? 3. Do you feel Guilty about drinking? 4. Do you need an Eye opener to help with shakes? So that acronym is a way to open conversation. But more than anything, can you go 2 weeks without one? If you can’t, you’re probably living at First & Main Street in Palookaville.

  • @thebubbacontinuum2645
    @thebubbacontinuum2645 11 місяців тому +2

    "Alcoholic" is like "racist." There are so many ways to qualify, there is no hope of defending yourself from the accusation.

  • @Billy-burner
    @Billy-burner 11 місяців тому +1

    An alcoholic is someone who wakes up at 5am in the morning and cracks open a bottle of cheap wine just to function and feel normal. I was at a point where if i didn't have a drink for over 10 hours I'd start panicking, and the withdrawals would kick in, full on seizure type withdrawals with crazy sweating and my heart pounding out of my chest.

  • @charlesbenson8677
    @charlesbenson8677 5 місяців тому +1

    I got into brewing cause I was an alcoholic and didn’t want to be. I woke up one day and I had had 8 or more beers everyday for the past 5 years. I was drinking because of pain from troubles with my family screwing me over. Realised I loved beer and wanted to enjoy it again not punish myself with it. Now I have weekend session of less beers and rarely drink on weekdays. If I do it’s one or two. Life is better it’s a good balance and I really enjoy every beer.

      @HOMEBREW4LIFE 5 місяців тому

      I completely agree!

    • @fishingjoe2197
      @fishingjoe2197 Місяць тому

      @@HOMEBREW4LIFE I prefer the term alcohol aficionado

  • @charleshatt1281
    @charleshatt1281 11 місяців тому +1

    Sad truth is that more than 5 drinks a weeks is definitely normal as fuck but definitely deteriorating your health as well as your emotional resiliency. You can easily verify this by tracking your heart rate variability when not drinking at all and when drinking even a little bit.

  • @williamrodrigues2902
    @williamrodrigues2902 11 місяців тому +1

    If you are drinking only on the weekends, then you have it completely under control and are being responsible. That's my opinion anyway and I say carry on if you are enjoying yourself and aren't having life problems.

  • @chrisgeo1642
    @chrisgeo1642 11 місяців тому +2

    I don’t consider myself an “alcoholic” I do drink daily but it’s two beers maybe three way short of being drunk and no compulsion to keep drinking. I like beer some people will down soda or coffee or energy drinks at a far greater rate than I drink beer. I do consider myself a “habitual drinker” it’s part of my routine, I come home from work check in with my kids handle anything needing handling and have a beer it’s part of the routine I make dinner and have another beer and then it’s into my pre bedding routine. I also go out on Sunday’s and golf or go to the bar with my friends and tend to drink a bit more but still no compulsion to drink three maybe four if we are there for awhile but again not drunk, not trying to get drunk. I actually don’t like being drunk it’s not a good time to me, if I am drunk it was an accident either at a wedding or a party where I just kind of lost track.
    I have had to stop brewing or at least take a break because when I have beer on tap I tend to drink at an increased rate because it’s tasty and because I am constantly trying to pick out things I do right and what I need to improve in my brewing.
    I think the difference is the ability to moderate and make choices. I never have to think about whether or not I should have a drink or not. If someone needs to consciously tell themselves they can’t have a drink because they have things they need to do such as work, family responsibility, driving or any time where a person would not want any impairment then they probably do have a problem but if drinking never crosses the mind when those things need doing then even if they have a few after I don’t consider them “alcoholics”. In terms of binge drinkers I am not sure alcoholism is the issue those people are acting on an impulse that isn’t being dictated by dependence on alcohol.
    Finally we have multi billion “recovery” industries that have deep pockets and influence. They have an interest in making people concerned about being an alcoholic or addict. Don’t get me wrong drug addiction is a problem but in my opinion it’s easier to stay as a casual drinker than a casual drug user. I know way more people who have lost themselves to drug use than have become clinical alcoholics.

  • @TFrakesTanks
    @TFrakesTanks 11 місяців тому +2

    Checked out your Hommies brewery South O in Oceanside and damn hes killin it. That South African Pilsner is Gold in my book dude. Cheers

    • @TFrakesTanks
      @TFrakesTanks 11 місяців тому

      From a fellow commercial brewer not a fucking nark

      @HOMEBREW4LIFE 11 місяців тому +2

      Hell yeah braj cheers!

    • @trevgoldie
      @trevgoldie 11 місяців тому +1

  • @CasperDaCat
    @CasperDaCat 11 місяців тому +1

    Honestly I think being a alcoholic is when you use it to escape the reality of life and avoiding it's problems. That or when your life is controlled by it. When you have other priorities yet you choose to have that drink instead of doin what needs to be done. You spend that last amount of cash on some drinks instead of using it for something that's needed more. I drink on the daily but I make sure that it doesn't control my life. If I had to stop immediately for a certain period of time to put my money elsewhere in life I can do that, I did that when I became a father. I went from drinking daily to drinking a few drinks a month. If I had to do it again, I'm confident I could do it again even though that modern society considers me a hardcore alcoholic since I drink pretty much every day. I enjoy drinking, not something I'm ashamed of. Have had some of the best experiences drinking with friends.

  • @lexsteel8528
    @lexsteel8528 11 місяців тому +3


  • @SmokeNFermentables
    @SmokeNFermentables 11 місяців тому +1

    I definitely think I have a “relationship” with booze but it’s a pretty healthy one. I respect alcohol and know when to have a good time. Drinking at home I’m never alone technically but I don’t feel sometimes like I don’t want to drink or something when I’m just hanging out with the family.

  • @thebubbacontinuum2645
    @thebubbacontinuum2645 11 місяців тому +1

    I have FOPMO. The feeling that other people are missing out.

  • @samlynes7015
    @samlynes7015 11 місяців тому +3

    I think I was getting into dangerous territory, especially when Covid isolation started and I was going stir crazy. That's when I started drinking to the point of being incoherent at least a couple times a week. That lasted close to two years. I was out of shape, felt sick a lot, and was drinking alone. Also, at that time I wasn't drinking beer, I was just drinking bourbon with flavored mineral waters. I went through a lot. Then, about a year ago.. I wanted to at least drop the hard alcohol and go back to just beer and I also wanted to start brewing. Anyway, a year later... brewing my own lagers, drinking beer a few times a week... but; not to the point of being drunk... just two or three usually. I'm in a better place now. Thanks beer.

  • @gnomebrewing
    @gnomebrewing 11 місяців тому

    All the footage of us hanging in person has me looking forward to the next trip! Great f_cking times!

  • @blackwoodbrews
    @blackwoodbrews 11 місяців тому +4

    Do I believe I’m an Alcoholic? No. Do I come from work and have a few beers nightly yes. Do I over do it sometimes while catching the hoppy hour? Yes. ( Gnomes birthday when I was trying to video call in on discord to have a drink with you all. Lol) But an alcoholic no. If I’m to the point I can’t care for my kids and not take care of my daily responsibilities, then I might consider myself an alcoholic. On that note, let’s get hammered Wednesday night. Lol… 🍻🍻🍻

    • @marklpaulick
      @marklpaulick 11 місяців тому

      That’s fair but just a comment if you don’t mind. If you can’t take care of your kids or job - that’s like the definition of alcoholic - it’s keeping you from what you need to do. The tricky part is almost no one recognizes that until it’s too late and they’re paying bigger consequences in the professional and family life.

    • @blackwoodbrews
      @blackwoodbrews 11 місяців тому

      @@marklpaulick exactly, I’ve never been to a point where I couldn’t take care of my family or work. And if I were to that point in my life I would change it. But I don’t see anything wrong about coming home from work and having a few pints to unwind from work.

  • @Tsamados
    @Tsamados 11 місяців тому +1

    I drink pretty much every night, as I like the taste of beer and I brew so I have a pretty much constant supply. However I'm only having a couple of pints a night, if that and don't get drunk. A couple of times a month I'll go out with friends and get ruined.
    Do I consider myself an alcoholic, no!
    I do have a friend who is a recovering one he in contrast would be drinking bottles of rum that he'd have hidden away from his wife and if I went out with him would be drinking 3 pints (UK size ones) in the time it took me to drink one. In the end he nearly topped himself and is now in AA, there's a massive difference between someone who has a few beers to unwind and someone who is so dependent on it they can't function without it.

  • @kevinfidler8074
    @kevinfidler8074 11 місяців тому +1

    I think we're more addicted to phones and the internet then alcohol. I drink alcohol after work similar to drinking coffee in the morning. Throw in a cigar too
    This came to mind a bit later. Back in '06-'07 I worked for East a company that makes aluminum dump trucks. I was training a guy who was clearly an alcoholic. If he wasn't drinking he had the shakes, and his welds looked like a heart rate monitor. When I could smell alcohol on him he could weld straight. I've seen worse then that though. The video about systemic alcoholism in russia was eye opening. I would almost compare liquor to hard drugs

  • @markduret9538
    @markduret9538 11 місяців тому

    I'll have to ask my wife who's a therapist what the specifics are now, because it's no longer clinically called alcoholism, but this is a question I struggle with daily because I'm definitely the out of sight type, but now that I'm brewing at home, it's always around.
    But, it's also because I think the process is fascinating, but is that fascination coming from genuine curiosity, or, is it my relationship with alcohol?

  • @claytongarred3870
    @claytongarred3870 11 місяців тому +3

    I just got Gout for the first time and it sucks so bad and I asked myself the same question hahaha

    • @patrickglaser1560
      @patrickglaser1560 11 місяців тому

      Gout is Mostly from food sources

    • @budkingston3347
      @budkingston3347 11 місяців тому

      People usually get their first attack after July 4th. Steaks, Brats and beer. Gout really can suck

  • @craigkinney853
    @craigkinney853 11 місяців тому +1

    You need to consume alcohol to function to be an alcoholic. I.e when you wake up in the morning it's the first thing on your mind. During your work day need it to settle anxiety.etc.

  • @patchworxbrewing4164
    @patchworxbrewing4164 11 місяців тому +1

    I dink beer everyday, probably 2-3 beers. I don't drink more on the weekends. I love coming home having dinner at relaxing with a few great beers nightly. Am I an alcoholic???? Idk I don't like being drunk actually I hate it but I just love beer. I enjoy relaxing and enjoying a beer. I've never not be able to stop drinking or not have will power to control myself. Maybe I'm an alcoholic Idk but I go to work everyday, take care of my family, pay my bills. Hardly ever get buzzed or drunk maybe 2-3 times a year. I just love beer if people consider me an alcoholic oh well I'm not hurting anyone, as long as my wife and kids don't think I'm drinking too much I'm okay with it. If they told me my drinking conserned them I'd look into my habits

  • @trevgoldie
    @trevgoldie 11 місяців тому +4

    Alcohol isn’t in beer…🤷

  • @lethalbydefault
    @lethalbydefault 11 місяців тому

    I don't want to consider myself an alcoholic, but I can admit that I'm a horrible binge drinker. I don't drink that often anymore - used to go party every weekend during my 20s - I only drink on special occasions now. However, when I do decide to drink, I go way too hard in the paint. I get absolutely trashed. It sucks. hahaha

  • @jordanmercier3616
    @jordanmercier3616 11 місяців тому +2

    Lol the insomniac part at the end is relatable man, my single friends that don't have kids and work retail or in an office telling me they can't sleep drives me nuts.

    • @ffwast
      @ffwast 11 місяців тому +2

      "Have you considered adding work and stress to your life until you can sleep like a rock?"

    • @jordanmercier3616
      @jordanmercier3616 11 місяців тому

      @@ffwast exactly lol. Even worse when they say they don't have time for themselves, people without kids don't even know what that means. I haven't had a night without kids in 6 years, not one night lol. I'm sounding like a real biiitch right now but it really just grinds my gears brothers.

  • @Level20HT
    @Level20HT 11 місяців тому

    I think that the term Alcoholic is too Obtuse.
    There are people who are Habitual Drinkers, and there are people who are Compulsory Drinkers. The Ability to stop drinking after you start drinking in a given day is a defining difference.
    I think Alcoholic is a more appropriate term for the Compulsory Drinker who cannot stop themselves from drinking too much once they commence.
    I also consider that Excess consumption of Alcohol week to week does lead to many health ailments. It's not different than Sugar in that Respect.

  • @patrickglaser1560
    @patrickglaser1560 11 місяців тому +2

    There's very few people I'd want to drink with... all my former friends turn into anti-brajs with a single beer. The professionals will drink listerine

  • @Leadership_matters
    @Leadership_matters 11 місяців тому

    Alcohol Use Disorder DSM-5 (F10.20)

  • @Pokersmith
    @Pokersmith 4 місяці тому +1

    What do people who don't drink do?

    • @rbwduece1
      @rbwduece1 3 місяці тому +1

      Be more productive, feel better, maintain health, maintain more meaningful relationships, not nurse hangovers, thrive in careers, break unhealthy cycles of family addiction, enjoy rewarding hobbies, etc.

  • @l.a.beltranmusic4554
    @l.a.beltranmusic4554 11 місяців тому

    Suds and buds 🎉

  • @ElementaryBrewingCo
    @ElementaryBrewingCo 11 місяців тому +1