Please pray for my husband and 3 daughters who reject the Christ and the gospel. The more I pray for them, the worse they get. Truly, there is a curse on my husband's bloodline. Please ABBA, break the curse on my family.
Always looking forward to the next sermon. Love these enlightened sermons. The very best. Praying for Pastor Hibbs. Loved the prayer at the White House!!
By understanding Israel we will understand ourselves 'cos we all behave like that to our LORD GOD. It is thro' the dedicated nature of the JEWS that the world has the WORD of GOD in the form of the Bible.The long-suffering nature of Christ is inherited by the Jews towards their behaviours towards their enemies thus it helps to debunk all the lies n propaganda against the Jews. Just a bit longer,the LORD says
What can I say. Just blown away Jack. Please keep on with the truth. The way you stand up for the truth is such an encouragement and so good to hear. Don’t hear anything like this in the UK. The church seems one asleep here.
What a moving message pastor Hibbs! Thank you for preaching the truth as always...may God bless you and keep you strong and continue to use you ❤️ Loved your prayer at the congress!
I have a palisaidan neighbor that I through frirlendshi share Gods love Pleaae pray for Mike will open his life to Jesus! He knows the word! He has been treating for Cancer.
Please pray for my daughter and son who have given up on their faith. My daughter is now raising my grand daughter's outside the Lord. I'm heartbroken🙏
Lord God please touch their hearts and turn them back to you Father and help the grandchild to learn the truth about you Jesus name I pray amen
False prophet Luke warm double minded Judaeo Christian old new covenant commandment man with Spiritual Stockholm Syndrome. Continental drift should be called continental rebound as when Noah's tidal wave deluges hit up against the continents pushing the mid Atlantic ridge up and tearing the ring of fire apart. No man will be able to stand soon so I get time to work is now. Mystery of the 7 crossings of our stars Milky Way ecliptic not you or co2 is causing these the birthing pains and Mother earth y Israel's water will break soon.
I also understand your feelings in this. I have a son and his wife who have turned their backs on their faith. They are raising our precious granddaughter to be an unbeliever. So heartbreaking 💔. I pray for them daily and for all others in that same condition. In Jesus Name I ask you Lord to reach them quickly. Do whatever it takes Father. Amen
This Wort is so so important im praying for all in Israel and for this greatest Armee for all people and for the World tis Istrael helpdesk God plessing for you Pastor and for all in Israel , Im praying for ever Israel 🌸❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏💯❤️❤️❤️🇨🇭
I used to live not far from the Key bridge. I grew up in Baltimore not far from Dundalk, then moved to Dundalk. I recall seeing the bridge being built. I never went over it much, not much on the southern side of that bridge that I cared about. I wonder if I knew anyone involved in the incident. It was a big wow.
All I want to know is: what's really happening in Heaven? Tell me about Heaven. Tell me about where He resides and the place Jesus is preparing for me there... Tell Him to cast me out and instead to take my children. Away from this here. Out of this mess. And their children. All those who have made Earth into this. But to cast me down, for I miss the mark in sin. I keep mistaking... And needing His corrections. If casting me down to the lake of fire could save anyone let alone everyone else, let me go in His place. To pay that debt to Heaven. It would be an honor to go down there for Him. Lord, bring people through this. For Your good glory. Amen.
Please pray for my sister had to admit her to a mental clinic. She was saying demons are all over her she was putting them in a baggie and has scratched her self so badly. Husband is atheist.but sister believes I.n God. . Sis has picked all her body and all female private areas. Found out she has very low potassium. What do you think it could be I checked on her yesterday she’s already sounding better. They’ve got her own medicine for her potassium but I know when these days Satan’s out to destroy who he can so I need your prayers her name I don’t wanna say, but pray pray for Cynthia‘s sister I asked this and hopes that my prayers and your prayers as I do believe in my heavenly father I know I’ll be coming in the rapture and I’m watching for him daily. I’m in my Bible daily and I love him with all my heart and I believe he died on the cross to save me for my sins so please pray for my sister thank you.
If pre-tribers believed their policy of believing the ‘ whole counsel of God ‘ , should stop insisting their Own Rapture Teaching as Biblical !!….to Escape the Wrath , does not mean raptured Ahead of God’s Own schedule !! …….my heart melts down because of this !
Paul writes about believers going to meet God IN THE AIR. Most Christians believe a rapture, they only disagree about when it happens. The removal of God's people from the earth is a form of judgement. Imagine the chaos and confusion this brings. What it will do to the workforce and to the economy. ALL the tribulation is wrath. But God says his people are not destined to wrath! Why??? Because Jesus already endured the wrath of God on the cross! Paul writes that believers are to comfort one another with these "no wrath" words. Now immediately AFTER the rapture, the 2 witnesses come and they preach for 3.5 years bringing lots of people to Christ. Jews who become believers are protected from the A.C. by God when they flee to the wilderness. At the end of the 7 year trib. Christ and his bride return to the earth to rule and reign for the 1,000 year Millennial kingdom.
One last push. one last chance. outgoing Holy Spirit outpouring. the bride needs to wake up. put it everywhere the bride needs to wake up last chance to Go into the Ark.
Please pray my husband comes back to church. We been married 50 years. We were at the church with our children whenever the doors were open. He stop going around 2009. The only reason he gives is he felt like he has no fruit. He does nothing for God.
I shared this link on FB and the comments I got were do you respond to comments like this, I never expected this response from this person because I never would have thought she was a Christian..." To spread fear and conspiracies about our non-Christian neighbors is not the most Christian way of spreading the gospel".
Actually, according to God's Word Gal. 6:15 Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is the new creation. 16 Peace and mercy to all who follow this rule-to the Israel of God.
The reason Some modern churches may not concede that natural flawed Israel as the apple of God's eye / epicentre of bible prophecies for the millenial kingdom future is due to the fact many no longer even read the Old Testament (they seem to be getting taught that way from pulpits over the last couple of decades). And then they skip the last book of Revelation too assuming almost everything is not for them. So look, people can do with some teaching. Im okay with listening as long as whats said does not contain lies & distractions with political agendas, and just teaches the Whole Counsel of the Word of God (holy bible). My feedback for you dear Pastor, if you are teaching the Word to a wide public audience of christians on the internet, plz do consider doing so without what sounds like a blanket scold or stemming from a place of offence/anger/upset. Appreciate your service to the Lord and may it bring God the highest glory. Agape in Christ.
Some people need it to jump start their reading of the Bible. A pastor should be concerned! Even worried b/c knowing God's word is a necessity to growing and maturing, that God rewards! God will hold accountable those who don't encourage their flocks to read and study the WHOLE bible. But each individual is likewise accountable to God for what they do with the Word while here on earth. The Word is a lamp to their feet. The word is food to them. They can feed themselves. If they have questions, they can ask their pastor or elder or Christian friend. Or look it up on line. Can't blame it all on the pastor.
The Gospel offends and as an outspoken Christian for over 6 decades, I know the power of the spirit of “religion” is really the spirit of “pride” and will send billions of humans to hell and YAHWEH will cast “death” and “hell” into the “Lake of Fire”, prepared for the devil and fallen angels immediately following GOD’s “Great White Throne Judgement”. True Believers works will have already been tried by fire and anything done by any motivation, other than Godly Love will be burnt up but they will be saved as a “New Creation in Christ”. I was personally “Born Again” as a whole “New Creation in Christ Jesus of Nazareth” on June 27, 1960 @ 7:30pm. YAHWEH removed the death sentence instantly and I was granted citizenship in Heaven. I Know my eternal destination when my physical heart stops and my eternal spirit is snatched up into Heaven. All Christians will receive our hyper sentient eternal body’s at the instantaneous rescue of the global Church to celebrate the “Marriage Supper of the LAMB”, as His Bride. We will then return with Him to the Temple Mount, ruling with Him for 1,000 years. Satan will be bound in the “bottomless pit” until he is released for a short time to test and deceive the untested generations born during this time of peace and safety. The survivors of the soon coming 7 years of YAHWEH’s 7 years of “Jacob’s Troubles” will all have chosen to serve MESSIAH HAMASHIACH. But will still pass on Adam’s old sin nature. When Satan is temporarily released from his captivity, he will have a jump start by the old “sin nature”, inherited from Adam.
Actually Jesus was 32 years old when He gave this Sermon. We know that a generation is 38 years according to the bible. Israel in the desert. 32 plus 38 =70. In 70 AD what happened this first rock in the desert was struck by Moses. Who is the rock, Paul tells us the rock is Jesus. Well Jesus did say I will destroy this Temple and rebuild it in 3 days. We also know that the olivit discourse is to two different audiences, the temple and the next one is to four disciples. Two different audiences.
Jeremiah 31:31 "Israel is God's house planet not a nation of man." Be in the world not of the world like the Antichrist Jews for this world is passing away."
Israel still exists but they have experienced captivity destruction and dispersion, because of disobedience, they have forgotten God. America has forgotten God.
Look to the internet. Thousands of sermons, worship songs, conferences, testimonies all across the nation let alone multiple churches in every town and city. We haven’t forgotten.
But what, or who, is Israel? In the nation of Israel and in Judaism (which is only two tribes) a person can convert to Judaism. So there are many who are not biological Jews. We also know that many, even in Ancient times, became Israelites by conversation including Ruth and Rahab through whose bloodline was the Messiah born. Many Egyptians also went with the Jews that were with the Exodus from Israel. First Israel was given as a name to Jacob. Then he gave it to his children. Isaac was the son of promise & he was Born to Sarah after she was no longer able to conceive. So his birth was miraculous, supernatural, ? The seed of the woman? Something to ponder. The same thing happened to Elizabeth and Mary. Then the name of a Israel passed to the children of the sons of Jacob. Eventually there were 12 tribes, but these tribes were disobedient..10 of the northern tribes were spread throughout the pagan kingdoms. 2 remained and became captives of Babylon. But they returned to the land so that the Messiah's birth and the prophecies of his birth could happen. But after Messiah paid the sin debt for the world He adopted us all into His tribe, His family, and sons & daughters of YHUH. All who followed Him were grafted in to Israel and became the beneficiaries of ALL the promises that were made to Israel. He renewed the Covenant with all of the rejected and lost tribes as well. So Israel is NOT a land or a piece of real estate. It is YHUHs people, His portion who were bought and paid for by His son's sacrifice, which was the fulfillment of the plan He announced in the Garden of Eden. But the New Jerusalem, the city whose builder and maker is YHUH, will come down from Heaven as the Bride and our Messiah will return to that city which I personally believe is also Eden, which was taken from us. All scripture has two meanings, the literal physical meaning and the spiritual one. YHUH does not change. We all need to know who we are and what He desires from us, which is LOVE for Him and for each other. The world as we know it now, to include the religions of this world, is anything but love. I pray that our eyes and our hearts will be opened and the deception will be revealed to all those who want to know the Truth in Him more than life itself. 🙏🙌❤️
I appreciate you Pastor Jack. But the church not being in parts of Revelation is not a strong argument because the church or ecclesia is not used in some epistles either. However you do see saints, brethren, etc.
Yes.. and the "multitudes out of every tongue, tribe, nations and peoples" making it to Heaven out of the tribulation in Revelation 7. So actually it's truly high time to seriously Prepare Prepare Prepare. Readiness does not come from some hyper excitement buzz I dont believe. To me, JESUS Christ's own words of Luke 21:36 (pre trib) sounds a reasonable goalpost for the church to do/maintain doing At This Time.. As is Rev 2:5 - REPENT if the people have forgotten to make Him their First Love, and finally.. (I believe applicable to the saints /believers & followers of Him during the tribulation period), the following.. Rev 3:2-3. Strengthen what remains, remember How you first heard and received (aka Through Faith), hold fast and REPENT from imperfect works before God, And Rev 3:8-10 - Keep My command to PERSEVERE.. then Because you have kept it, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that shall come upon the whole world, to test all who dwell on the earth. Rev 3:11-12 instruction - Hold fast what you have (aka the Faith of His and In Him alone).. that no one may steal your crown! Overcome for the Glory of God, HIS Name and the Name of the SPIRITUAL City of Zion (NOT ON THE EARTH but of that in HEAVEN) aka eyes on the 1 true final resting place destiny of a 'New Jerusalem' future. Verse 12 suggesting we be as pillars in That eternal minded house. (for then I perceive those who do this will get to be part of that Rev 12 New Jerusalem's offsprings, kept safe/hidden there from the AC Beasts, just as God places a supernatural protection over the 'man child' illustration of the Remnant messiah Jesus centred believers of the tribes of Israel who will be kept from harm in the wilderness away from the earthly capital site then). So I pray for His mercies and that those who lean in to hear what His Spirit teaches from the Living Word, through the whole bible, can all wise up and heed Him (the Lord) now whilst the hour is late but it is yet day. Where various pastors are telling the flock these are just for the churches in the ancient reached asia minor regions of apostle John's time, that is Untrue. Consider these wisely and we will all make it to heaven/rapture whenever it happens. They will have to stand before the Lord one day soon for all their teachings, and we who listen for the voice of God amongst the teachings will have to account for what we accept as truth as well. God Bless!
the word "church" is a GREEK word...but all born-again believers are part of it, whether an epistle writer uses the word church or not. It refers to a collective group of believers. So in Rev 4:1...and going forward, it's revelation and John doesn't "see" the church in what is revealed to him. You also do not hear anything about individual believers either, except for those who get saved during the trib and refuse the mark. And the Jewish believers who are protected by God from the A.C. in the wilderness. But those who belong to God prior to the tribulation are not mentioned after Rev. 4 as being present on the earth.
@@kristenspencer9751The word Saints, brethren is used alot after Revelation 4 and like I said some books in the NT don't even mention the church (such as 1 John) so it doesn't mean the church doesn't exist Brethren - Rev 6:11, Rev 12:10, Rev 19:10, Rev 22:9 Saints - 5:8, 8:3, 8:4, 11:18, 13:7 and numerous others I am a historic pre-millenial which is the same view of Charles Spurgeon and really the historic church. Revelation 20 clearly states that the 1ST resurrection involves those who didn't take the mark or were beheaded so that means this is AFTER the tribulation clearly. John 6 talks about the resurrection being on the LAST DAY. This 1st resurrection is the same one in 1 Thess 4 and 1 Corinthians 15:50-56 at the sound of the LAST TRUMPET and v54 says that death will be swallowed up which is referring to Hosea so how could death be swallowed before the tribulation? Revelation 20 and 2 Thess 2 and reading all the Olivet Discourses by Christ clearly showed me that the "coming of our Lord and our gathering" will not occur until the man of Sin is revealed and the great rebellion which again we know is after the tribulation. Jesus said in His olivet discourses in the synoptic gospels that He will come in the clouds and great glory and that this would be "AFTER THE TRIBULATION OF THOSE DAYS". Anyways no matter what view you hold, amillennial, historic pre-millennial, dispensation pre-millennial (the pretrib view), post millennial it doesn't really matter because Jesus talked about how we should always be ready for His coming and eschatology views should not change how we live as Christians, amen?
I saw this in my feed. I've been going through a lot of difficult things I'm trying to make sense of. I was raised as a Christian who didn't know I was really Jewish until my mom found out in 1998. I knew more history about Israel and Jews but didn't have intimate knowledge as much as I knew should to have been given to it's understanding. I learned things that I've heard from the Calvary Satellite radio channels for which I've come to learn were not at all correct. One of the biggest and most fraudulent being that on Yom Kippur Jews take that day to weigh out good deeds only done to Jews as forgiveness for the evils they've done to Christians. Which is patently false. According to Solomons prophetic words when dedicating the temple he told them this temple will be destroyed so without a temple, how would sins be forgiven? As he stated to look towards Israel towards Jerusalem, not to outweigh anything but to stand with broken spirit and contrite heart and Ha-Shem will hear and forgive them their sins. 2 examples of bloodless atonement one being Daniel's explanation to King Nebuchadnezzar, then the Book of Jonah the Nineveh people who did not kill anything and God forgave them their sins by just them crying crying out to him wearing sack cloth and Ashes on their head. Neither of those two things had any kind of blood in them but forgiveness was attained by them. But I'm just bringing that up as a things out there for people to look through and to think about these different things. I've been seeing a lot of things in different news feeds that have been the most made up and falsified things claiming the genocide of Palestinians to an extent where if those numbers are correct then there shouldn't be anybody living there right now. And that when you took a look at the numbers that the Palestinians put forward to get the money from the UN if those numbers are made up then there's been no one who's died but if they're not made up then how does 600% increase from 1948 to the present time how is that a genocide? I don't need to stand up and defend us to other people especially to Christians and especially with what has gone on just going through the history of Britain itself is enough to get my tackles up with what they've done much and for what they did in Germany Britain's right up there with them.
I think what's really happening in Israel is that word that you keep saying. It's on the tip of my tongue and hanging on a Brain nerve and I can't remember the word because you men keep saying my brain is strong but it's not.. After writing all this I thought I could remember the word but I can't... Anyways
Lord tells us by scripture...his very word, his coming is the end, the last day @ the last trump....and that is when the dead rise and those that endure to the end will hear Revelation 18:4 kjv. Not one prophet disagrees....not one! All tell us same! "Last Day, End of the World @ the Last Trump" I believe the Lord, do you? Peace!
the rapture is the first global event on GOD Prophetic timeline, then the 7 years tribulation, read your bible people daily, study escatology and theology,
Pastor gods am let. Us celebrate March 30 is the true xmass day not Dec 24-25 admitted by no least than Vatican pls read 2kings 11:1-21 It's 7bc march 30 added not 2nd coming already done in 25ad march 30 when he rise again the 3rd coming is 2040.1ad god bless
yes, but none the less, Western Christians hold to traditions. The truth of God's word concerning the coming of his Son is most important. But you're right. It's good to know the more historic dates.
Pharaoh? No, no, no... Pharaoh ruled over ALL 12 TRIBES, NOT JUST THE TRIBE OF YAHUWDAH (the House of Yahuwdah (Oholibah)). Ya'aqob/Yisra'el, came down into Mitzrayim with his eleven sons and their families (not just his son Yahuwdah) for Yowseph was already in Mitzrayim.
When you read the bible, you know that Israel is Jacobs name, not the land, it is the remnant of Jacob of his 12 male children which after the repatriation (mosiac, joshua) were broken into tribes. These tribes are not todays JEWs, nor are they todays Israelis part of the chosen... nor are they the Israel of the ancient bible... These type of videos are done by lunatic evangelical pastors trying to force their heretical interpretation of a pre-trib "rapture" This is an unbiblical theory used by radical evangelicals to spread fear to gain more converts who eventually give them money... Pre-trib rapture is heresy! Read your bible, and don't just listen to scripture quotes that are used out of biblical context.. its your life not this pastors--but he does need your money! So let tribulation fear rule you? We don't live under a spirit of fear! I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have TRIBULATION. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
God cares less about the numbers of those believers. Jesus will come as stated, these "millions" as you say need not be afraid of the Anti-Christ, but of the one who can kill both body and spirit! These millions as you say follow The broad road to perdition.. pre-trib is a lie started by J. Nelson Darby, promoted by Scofield bible of the mid-1800's. Later popularized by the movie "thief in the night", "late Great planet earth" and the fictional "Left behind series". Surprising how many pop cultural Christians find their theology outside of the bible's context from fictional books and movies, TV shows, from idols they set on their book shelves like easter and Christmas manger scenes and icons. He will say to those types of believers" be gone I never knew you!" They will be Like the man without proper wedding clothes who was thrown out into weeping and gnashing of teeth... You will know these stories if you read your bible. Or do you just listen to pastors, watch movies, and read pop cultural Christian books? Read each book of the bible completely, don't just listen to evangelical "blowhards" who "cherry pick" scriptures out of context!@@brendabrinkmanpasichnyk3500
The Bible is the living WORD of GOD ALMIGHTY.All the WORDS of GOD will come to pass.Just watch n observe the world events n happenings unfolding to reveal GOD'S TRUTH.
@lizzyp70 I used to believe that the 70th week was still future, until I really began to study the words of Scripture. What does it say? If we read the text carefully it becomes apparent that Daniel 9:26 does not say that the cutting off of Messiah is what ends the 7+62 weeks, as the full futurist view assumes. Rather, Daniel is saying that AFTER the 7+62 weeks is when the Messiah would be “cut off.” In other words, the Messiah is killed during the 70th week. Furthermore, a careful study of Daniel 9:27 shows us that the Messiah is the one who confirms the covenant, not Antichrist. Notice how Daniel 9:26 speaks of two subjects, namely, the Messiah and the “people of the prince that shall come.” Even the original Hebrew of Daniel 9:27 infers that two separate subjects are in view. Contextually, this would have to be the Messiah and “the people of the prince that shall come” per the preceding verse. A careful reading shows that "he" of v27 does not refer to the prince, but rather to the Messiah. Notice the phrase in v26 "the people of the prince." It is not grammatically correct to assign the singular pronoun "he" in v27 to the plural "people" in verse 26. If "he" were to refer to the prince, the phrase should have been stated differently: "the prince of the people." But since the verse refers to the "people of the prince," the prince is not the proper antecedent of the pronoun. The Messiah is the only person mentioned in v26 that can be the antecedent of the pronoun "he", therefore the phrase "he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week" refers to the Messiah. The Apostle Paul himself - who was an expert when it came to the Old Testament scriptures - obviously believed that Christ was the One who confirmed the covenant and caused the sacrifices to cease, almost quoting Daniel 9:27a verbatim in Galatians 3:17 and Hebrews 10:2. Why would an expert of the Old Testament do that, unless it was because Christ was indeed the One who confirmed the covenant and caused the sacrifices to cease because Christ Himself was the final sacrifice? If the Apostle Paul clearly believed that Christ confirmed (strengthened) the promises of the Abrahamic covenant (cf. Galatians 3:14) per Daniel 9:27a, then so must I.
Empires.Haderine took the name of Judea and Israel off all the known map's and replaced there names with Palestine after the Jewish rebellion of 136AD he hated the Jewish people because that would not bow to Rome and worship Caesar and the Roman Gods ... 😎🇺🇲
Roll over Jonah, they found Ninevah' and much more . If you haven't already seen these videos they will knock your socks off , so to soeak. Oh how I am enjoying archeology & expeditions proving the Scriptures to be true ! 'Bible Evidence Unearthed at Ninevah' EXPEDITION BIBLE
Please pray for my husband and 3 daughters who reject the Christ and the gospel. The more I pray for them, the worse they get. Truly, there is a curse on my husband's bloodline. Please ABBA, break the curse on my family.
Excellent talk pray for Israel
God has promised to bless those who bless Israel.
Always looking forward to the next sermon. Love these enlightened sermons. The very best. Praying for Pastor Hibbs. Loved the prayer at the White House!!
By understanding Israel we will understand ourselves 'cos we all behave like that to our LORD GOD. It is thro' the dedicated nature of the JEWS that the world has the WORD of GOD in the form of the Bible.The long-suffering nature of Christ is inherited by the Jews towards their behaviours towards their enemies thus it helps to debunk all the lies n propaganda against the Jews. Just a bit longer,the LORD says
Thank you Pastor Jack Hibbs for this amazing sermon. So true.
What can I say. Just blown away Jack. Please keep on with the truth. The way you stand up for the truth is such an encouragement and so good to hear. Don’t hear anything like this in the UK. The church seems one asleep here.
Pray for Pastor Jack.
Amen Great message waiting for part2 God bless you and I am praying for you and your safety and ministry Amen
what God will do and is doing is amazing, bless Israel.
What a moving message pastor Hibbs! Thank you for preaching the truth as always...may God bless you and keep you strong and continue to use you ❤️
Loved your prayer at the congress!
Amen Pastor 🙏 🙏 🙏 love from Cape Town South Africa 🇿🇦..we pray for Israelxx ❤
YES I love how he see's the end time's! God has gifted this man tremendously about Israel & the End Time's, he's a real Bible Scholar!🤦🙏💪
Thank you Pastor Jack for all these truths!!! I pray many will hear this and share it with many!! ❤❤❤
I have a palisaidan neighbor that I through frirlendshi share Gods love
Pleaae pray for Mike will open his life to Jesus! He knows the word! He has been treating for Cancer.
Love this pastor - love, & prayers - God bless
God bless you and your ministry! I'm praying for you in Michigan. Keep up the great work!
Its time that more Christian Preacher's stand up for isreal and Preacher the truth.
Wish you were here for me to hear you all the time love you
Amen Pastor Hibbs!
Thank you for the word and thank you for your humor!!
Please pray for my daughter and son who have given up on their faith. My daughter is now raising my grand daughter's outside the Lord. I'm heartbroken🙏
Lord God please touch their hearts and turn them back to you Father and help the grandchild to learn the truth about you Jesus name I pray amen
False prophet Luke warm double minded Judaeo Christian old new covenant commandment man with Spiritual Stockholm Syndrome.
Continental drift should be called continental rebound as when Noah's tidal wave deluges hit up against the continents pushing the mid Atlantic ridge up and tearing the ring of fire apart. No man will be able to stand soon so I get time to work is now.
Mystery of the 7 crossings of our stars Milky Way ecliptic not you or co2 is causing these the birthing pains and Mother earth y Israel's water will break soon.
I'm in the same boat. I do pray that their eyes be opened that they Accept Jesus as their Lord and Savior
I know how you feel. Keep Praying and keep looking 🙏👑 UP❣️🙏👑
I also understand your feelings in this. I have a son and his wife who have turned their backs on their faith. They are raising our precious granddaughter to be an unbeliever. So heartbreaking 💔. I pray for them daily and for all others in that same condition. In Jesus Name I ask you Lord to reach them quickly. Do whatever it takes Father. Amen
This Wort is so so important im praying for all in Israel and for this greatest Armee for all people and for the World tis Istrael helpdesk God plessing for you Pastor and for all in Israel , Im praying for ever Israel 🌸❤️🙏🙏🙏🙏💯❤️❤️❤️🇨🇭
Amen,We overcome by the Power Of Our Own Testimony ✨
We overcome by the blood of the lamb 🐏 and the word of our testimony, read your bible people daily
Blessings from Kalispell Montana USA
I used to live in Missoula but left in 1997 to move to Kauai Hawaii
Ill pray Dana,I have a similar situation, take care and be at the Ready.some might say not faith, for 7 years they stored grain,,love you Pastor!!
I’ll need to visit this church.
❤️❤️❤️Please pray for salvation for Chris, Pete and Nick who no longer believes in God 😢
If they confessed Romans 10:9 and 10 at some time in the past and believed you don't have to worry about it you cannot lose salvation know the Bible
Yes I will pray for them in Jesus Christ mighty name 🙏
Just prayed for Nick Pete and Chris
Prayers sent. Pray also for their repentance & the God to soften their hearts & turn back to Jesus, Amen 🙏🕊️🎚️♥️
Pray for all our prodigal sons and daughters to return to Jesus asap now 🙏 or He goes out after the Jesus name amen 🙏 🙌 ✨️ ❤️
58:21 excellent! Thank you
I used to live not far from the Key bridge. I grew up in Baltimore not far from Dundalk, then moved to Dundalk. I recall seeing the bridge being built. I never went over it much, not much on the southern side of that bridge that I cared about. I wonder if I knew anyone involved in the incident. It was a big wow.
Please pray for my daughter Kaitlin. Thank you.
Amen I believe there's real Prophets left,
All I want to know is: what's really happening in Heaven?
Tell me about Heaven. Tell me about where He resides and the place Jesus is preparing for me there... Tell Him to cast me out and instead to take my children. Away from this here. Out of this mess. And their children. All those who have made Earth into this. But to cast me down, for I miss the mark in sin. I keep mistaking... And needing His corrections. If casting me down to the lake of fire could save anyone let alone everyone else, let me go in His place. To pay that debt to Heaven. It would be an honor to go down there for Him. Lord, bring people through this. For Your good glory. Amen.
Psalm 121 and 122
Please pray for my sister had to admit her to a mental clinic. She was saying demons are all over her she was putting them in a baggie and has scratched her self so badly. Husband is atheist.but sister believes I.n God. . Sis has picked all her body and all female private areas. Found out she has very low potassium. What do you think it could be I checked on her yesterday she’s already sounding better. They’ve got her own medicine for her potassium but I know when these days Satan’s out to destroy who he can so I need your prayers her name I don’t wanna say, but pray pray for Cynthia‘s sister I asked this and hopes that my prayers and your prayers as I do believe in my heavenly father I know I’ll be coming in the rapture and I’m watching for him daily. I’m in my Bible daily and I love him with all my heart and I believe he died on the cross to save me for my sins so please pray for my sister thank you.
It's hard to believe a minister who has made millions and lives lavish lifestyle in the name of God.
Prove it. Or are you just jealous and envious because you live in poverty
If pre-tribers believed their policy of believing the ‘ whole counsel of God ‘ , should stop insisting their Own Rapture Teaching as Biblical !!….to Escape the Wrath , does not mean raptured Ahead of God’s Own schedule !! …….my heart melts down because of this !
Paul writes about believers going to meet God IN THE AIR. Most Christians believe a rapture, they only disagree about when it happens. The removal of God's people from the earth is a form of judgement. Imagine the chaos and confusion this brings. What it will do to the workforce and to the economy. ALL the tribulation is wrath. But God says his people are not destined to wrath! Why??? Because Jesus already endured the wrath of God on the cross! Paul writes that believers are to comfort one another with these "no wrath" words. Now immediately AFTER the rapture, the 2 witnesses come and they preach for 3.5 years bringing lots of people to Christ. Jews who become believers are protected from the A.C. by God when they flee to the wilderness. At the end of the 7 year trib. Christ and his bride return to the earth to rule and reign for the 1,000 year Millennial kingdom.
Jack Hibbs, you are in for a huge AWAKENING!!!!
One last push. one last chance. outgoing Holy Spirit outpouring. the bride needs to wake up. put it everywhere the bride needs to wake up last chance to Go into the Ark.
Please pray my husband comes back to church. We been married 50 years. We were at the church with our children whenever the doors were open. He stop going around 2009. The only reason he gives is he felt like he has no fruit. He does nothing for God.
If you can't do anything you can pray. Works aren't required.
Hurricanes can have the same humbling effect in Florida
I shared this link on FB and the comments I got were do you respond to comments like this, I never expected this response from this person because I never would have thought she was a Christian..." To spread fear and conspiracies about our non-Christian neighbors is not the most Christian way of spreading the gospel".
Many who claim to be Christian, are not. Respond with prayer
Epicenter is ISRAEL 🇮🇱 ❤Pray for the Peace of JerUSAlem 🇮🇱 🇺🇲 SoCal LOVES YOU'ALL! ✝️🛐
Actually, according to God's Word
Gal. 6:15 Neither circumcision nor uncircumcision means anything; what counts is the new creation.
16 Peace and mercy to all who follow this rule-to the Israel of God.
Isreal is forever
The reason Some modern churches may not concede that natural flawed Israel as the apple of God's eye / epicentre of bible prophecies for the millenial kingdom future is due to the fact many no longer even read the Old Testament (they seem to be getting taught that way from pulpits over the last couple of decades). And then they skip the last book of Revelation too assuming almost everything is not for them.
So look, people can do with some teaching. Im okay with listening as long as whats said does not contain lies & distractions with political agendas, and just teaches the Whole Counsel of the Word of God (holy bible).
My feedback for you dear Pastor, if you are teaching the Word to a wide public audience of christians on the internet, plz do consider doing so without what sounds like a blanket scold or stemming from a place of offence/anger/upset.
Appreciate your service to the Lord and may it bring God the highest glory. Agape in Christ.
Some people need it to jump start their reading of the Bible. A pastor should be concerned! Even worried b/c knowing God's word is a necessity to growing and maturing, that God rewards! God will hold accountable those who don't encourage their flocks to read and study the WHOLE bible. But each individual is likewise accountable to God for what they do with the Word while here on earth. The Word is a lamp to their feet. The word is food to them. They can feed themselves. If they have questions, they can ask their pastor or elder or Christian friend. Or look it up on line. Can't blame it all on the pastor.
The Gospel offends and as an outspoken Christian for over 6 decades, I know the power of the spirit of “religion” is really the spirit of “pride” and will send billions of humans to hell and YAHWEH will cast “death” and “hell” into the “Lake of Fire”, prepared for the devil and fallen angels immediately following GOD’s “Great White Throne Judgement”. True Believers works will have already been tried by fire and anything done by any motivation, other than Godly Love will be burnt up but they will be saved as a “New Creation in Christ”. I was personally “Born Again” as a whole “New Creation in Christ Jesus of Nazareth” on June 27, 1960 @ 7:30pm. YAHWEH removed the death sentence instantly and I was granted citizenship in Heaven. I Know my eternal destination when my physical heart stops and my eternal spirit is snatched up into Heaven. All Christians will receive our hyper sentient eternal body’s at the instantaneous rescue of the global Church to celebrate the “Marriage Supper of the LAMB”, as His Bride. We will then return with Him to the Temple Mount, ruling with Him for 1,000 years. Satan will be bound in the “bottomless pit” until he is released for a short time to test and deceive the untested generations born during this time of peace and safety. The survivors of the soon coming 7 years of YAHWEH’s 7 years of “Jacob’s Troubles” will all have chosen to serve MESSIAH HAMASHIACH. But will still pass on Adam’s old sin nature. When Satan is temporarily released from his captivity, he will have a jump start by the old “sin nature”, inherited from Adam.
For you and me… not for you and I
Actually Jesus was 32 years old when He gave this Sermon. We know that a generation is 38 years according to the bible. Israel in the desert. 32 plus 38 =70. In 70 AD what happened this first rock in the desert was struck by Moses. Who is the rock, Paul tells us the rock is Jesus. Well Jesus did say I will destroy this Temple and rebuild it in 3 days. We also know that the olivit discourse is to two different audiences, the temple and the next one is to four disciples. Two different audiences.
Isreal is the apple of God's eyes.
Jack there’s a state or province in USA just with Muslims and their mosques!!
Jeremiah 31:31 "Israel is God's house planet not a nation of man."
Be in the world not of the world like the Antichrist Jews for this world is passing away."
Thank you this message should be broadcast on "loop". by the media until some of the incompetent leaders get it NOW THAT WOULD BE A REAL MIRACLE
America: sand sifting through an hour glass…
Israel still exists but they have experienced captivity destruction and dispersion, because of disobedience, they have forgotten God.
America has forgotten God.
Look to the internet. Thousands of sermons, worship songs, conferences, testimonies all across the nation let alone multiple churches in every town and city. We haven’t forgotten.
Study Zionism
But what, or who, is Israel? In the nation of Israel and in Judaism (which is only two tribes) a person can convert to Judaism. So there are many who are not biological Jews. We also know that many, even in Ancient times, became Israelites by conversation including Ruth and Rahab through whose bloodline was the Messiah born. Many Egyptians also went with the Jews that were with the Exodus from Israel. First Israel was given as a name to Jacob. Then he gave it to his children. Isaac was the son of promise & he was Born to Sarah after she was no longer able to conceive. So his birth was miraculous, supernatural, ? The seed of the woman? Something to ponder. The same thing happened to Elizabeth and Mary. Then the name of a Israel passed to the children of the sons of Jacob. Eventually there were 12 tribes, but these tribes were disobedient..10 of the northern tribes were spread throughout the pagan kingdoms. 2 remained and became captives of Babylon. But they returned to the land so that the Messiah's birth and the prophecies of his birth could happen. But after Messiah paid the sin debt for the world He adopted us all into His tribe, His family, and sons & daughters of YHUH. All who followed Him were grafted in to Israel and became the beneficiaries of ALL the promises that were made to Israel. He renewed the Covenant with all of the rejected and lost tribes as well. So Israel is NOT a land or a piece of real estate. It is YHUHs people, His portion who were bought and paid for by His son's sacrifice, which was the fulfillment of the plan He announced in the Garden of Eden. But the New Jerusalem, the city whose builder and maker is YHUH, will come down from Heaven as the Bride and our Messiah will return to that city which I personally believe is also Eden, which was taken from us. All scripture has two meanings, the literal physical meaning and the spiritual one. YHUH does not change. We all need to know who we are and what He desires from us, which is LOVE for Him and for each other. The world as we know it now, to include the religions of this world, is anything but love. I pray that our eyes and our hearts will be opened and the deception will be revealed to all those who want to know the Truth in Him more than life itself. 🙏🙌❤️
I appreciate you Pastor Jack. But the church not being in parts of Revelation is not a strong argument because the church or ecclesia is not used in some epistles either. However you do see saints, brethren, etc.
Yes.. and the "multitudes out of every tongue, tribe, nations and peoples" making it to Heaven out of the tribulation in Revelation 7.
So actually it's truly high time to seriously Prepare Prepare Prepare. Readiness does not come from some hyper excitement buzz I dont believe.
To me,
JESUS Christ's own words of Luke 21:36 (pre trib) sounds a reasonable goalpost for the church to do/maintain doing At This Time..
As is Rev 2:5 - REPENT if the people have forgotten to make Him their First Love, and finally.. (I believe applicable to the saints /believers & followers of Him during the tribulation period), the following..
Rev 3:2-3. Strengthen what remains, remember How you first heard and received (aka Through Faith), hold fast and REPENT from imperfect works before God,
And Rev 3:8-10 - Keep My command to PERSEVERE.. then Because you have kept it, I will also keep you from the hour of trial that shall come upon the whole world, to test all who dwell on the earth. Rev 3:11-12 instruction - Hold fast what you have (aka the Faith of His and In Him alone).. that no one may steal your crown! Overcome for the Glory of God, HIS Name and the Name of the SPIRITUAL City of Zion (NOT ON THE EARTH but of that in HEAVEN) aka eyes on the 1 true final resting place destiny of a 'New Jerusalem' future. Verse 12 suggesting we be as pillars in That eternal minded house. (for then I perceive those who do this will get to be part of that Rev 12 New Jerusalem's offsprings, kept safe/hidden there from the AC Beasts, just as God places a supernatural protection over the 'man child' illustration of the Remnant messiah Jesus centred believers of the tribes of Israel who will be kept from harm in the wilderness away from the earthly capital site then).
So I pray for His mercies and that those who lean in to hear what His Spirit teaches from the Living Word, through the whole bible, can all wise up and heed Him (the Lord) now whilst the hour is late but it is yet day. Where various pastors are telling the flock these are just for the churches in the ancient reached asia minor regions of apostle John's time, that is Untrue.
Consider these wisely and we will all make it to heaven/rapture whenever it happens. They will have to stand before the Lord one day soon for all their teachings, and we who listen for the voice of God amongst the teachings will have to account for what we accept as truth as well.
God Bless!
The Church isn’t mentioned because it, we have been Raptured before the Wrath of God.
the word "church" is a GREEK word...but all born-again believers are part of it, whether an epistle writer uses the word church or not. It refers to a collective group of believers. So in Rev 4:1...and going forward, it's revelation and John doesn't "see" the church in what is revealed to him. You also do not hear anything about individual believers either, except for those who get saved during the trib and refuse the mark. And the Jewish believers who are protected by God from the A.C. in the wilderness. But those who belong to God prior to the tribulation are not mentioned after Rev. 4 as being present on the earth.
@@kristenspencer9751The word Saints, brethren is used alot after Revelation 4 and like I said some books in the NT don't even mention the church (such as 1 John) so it doesn't mean the church doesn't exist
Brethren - Rev 6:11, Rev 12:10, Rev 19:10, Rev 22:9
Saints - 5:8, 8:3, 8:4, 11:18, 13:7 and numerous others
I am a historic pre-millenial which is the same view of Charles Spurgeon and really the historic church. Revelation 20 clearly states that the 1ST resurrection involves those who didn't take the mark or were beheaded so that means this is AFTER the tribulation clearly. John 6 talks about the resurrection being on the LAST DAY. This 1st resurrection is the same one in 1 Thess 4 and 1 Corinthians 15:50-56 at the sound of the LAST TRUMPET and v54 says that death will be swallowed up which is referring to Hosea so how could death be swallowed before the tribulation? Revelation 20 and 2 Thess 2 and reading all the Olivet Discourses by Christ clearly showed me that the "coming of our Lord and our gathering" will not occur until the man of Sin is revealed and the great rebellion which again we know is after the tribulation. Jesus said in His olivet discourses in the synoptic gospels that He will come in the clouds and great glory and that this would be "AFTER THE TRIBULATION OF THOSE DAYS".
Anyways no matter what view you hold, amillennial, historic pre-millennial, dispensation pre-millennial (the pretrib view), post millennial it doesn't really matter because Jesus talked about how we should always be ready for His coming and eschatology views should not change how we live as Christians, amen?
I saw this in my feed. I've been going through a lot of difficult things I'm trying to make sense of. I was raised as a Christian who didn't know I was really Jewish until my mom found out in 1998. I knew more history about Israel and Jews but didn't have intimate knowledge as much as I knew should to have been given to it's understanding. I learned things that I've heard from the Calvary Satellite radio channels for which I've come to learn were not at all correct. One of the biggest and most fraudulent being that on Yom Kippur Jews take that day to weigh out good deeds only done to Jews as forgiveness for the evils they've done to Christians. Which is patently false. According to Solomons prophetic words when dedicating the temple he told them this temple will be destroyed so without a temple, how would sins be forgiven? As he stated to look towards Israel towards Jerusalem, not to outweigh anything but to stand with broken spirit and contrite heart and Ha-Shem will hear and forgive them their sins. 2 examples of bloodless atonement one being Daniel's explanation to King Nebuchadnezzar, then the Book of Jonah the Nineveh people who did not kill anything and God forgave them their sins by just them crying crying out to him wearing sack cloth and Ashes on their head. Neither of those two things had any kind of blood in them but forgiveness was attained by them. But I'm just bringing that up as a things out there for people to look through and to think about these different things. I've been seeing a lot of things in different news feeds that have been the most made up and falsified things claiming the genocide of Palestinians to an extent where if those numbers are correct then there shouldn't be anybody living there right now. And that when you took a look at the numbers that the Palestinians put forward to get the money from the UN if those numbers are made up then there's been no one who's died but if they're not made up then how does 600% increase from 1948 to the present time how is that a genocide? I don't need to stand up and defend us to other people especially to Christians and especially with what has gone on just going through the history of Britain itself is enough to get my tackles up with what they've done much and for what they did in Germany Britain's right up there with them.
I think what's really happening in Israel is that word that you keep saying. It's on the tip of my tongue and hanging on a Brain nerve and I can't remember the word because you men keep saying my brain is strong but it's not.. After writing all this I thought I could remember the word but I can't... Anyways
The earthquake, which had a magnitude of 3.8 on the Richter scale, was reportedly felt by residents of northern and central Israel on Wednesday.
Lord tells us by scripture...his very word, his coming is the end, the last day @ the last trump....and that is when the dead rise and those that endure to the end will hear Revelation 18:4 kjv. Not one prophet disagrees....not one! All tell us same! "Last Day, End of the World @ the Last Trump" I believe the Lord, do you?
the rapture is the first global event on GOD Prophetic timeline, then the 7 years tribulation, read your bible people daily, study escatology and theology,
@@carolbassant2490 What chapter, verse and you need two to three witnesses. Give the scripture!
Phonetians were known as the sea ppl. They traveled by sea and settled in many coastal regions. There are no true Palestinian ppl
When we are raptured Israel will have no friends on earth but the God of Abraham and Isaac and Jacob knew that because he is not moved by 😂hamas
Pastor gods am let. Us celebrate March 30 is the true xmass day not Dec 24-25 admitted by no least than Vatican pls read 2kings 11:1-21 It's 7bc march 30 added not 2nd coming already done in 25ad march 30 when he rise again the 3rd coming is 2040.1ad god bless
yes, but none the less, Western Christians hold to traditions. The truth of God's word concerning the coming of his Son is most important. But you're right. It's good to know the more historic dates.
No one knows the return. You are believing lies.
No, no, no... Pharaoh ruled over ALL 12 TRIBES, NOT JUST THE TRIBE OF YAHUWDAH (the House of Yahuwdah (Oholibah)).
Ya'aqob/Yisra'el, came down into Mitzrayim with his eleven sons and their families (not just his son Yahuwdah) for Yowseph was already in Mitzrayim.
When you read the bible, you know that Israel is Jacobs name, not the land, it is the remnant of Jacob of his 12 male children which after the repatriation (mosiac, joshua) were broken into tribes. These tribes are not todays JEWs, nor are they todays Israelis part of the chosen... nor are they the Israel of the ancient bible... These type of videos are done by lunatic evangelical pastors trying to force their heretical interpretation of a pre-trib "rapture" This is an unbiblical theory used by radical evangelicals to spread fear to gain more converts who eventually give them money... Pre-trib rapture is heresy! Read your bible, and don't just listen to scripture quotes that are used out of biblical context.. its your life not this pastors--but he does need your money! So let tribulation fear rule you? We don't live under a spirit of fear! I have said these things to you, that in me you may have peace. In the world you will have TRIBULATION. But take heart; I have overcome the world.”
Millions believe in pre trib. You believe what you worries.
God cares less about the numbers of those believers. Jesus will come as stated, these "millions" as you say need not be afraid of the Anti-Christ, but of the one who can kill both body and spirit! These millions as you say follow The broad road to perdition.. pre-trib is a lie started by J. Nelson Darby, promoted by Scofield bible of the mid-1800's. Later popularized by the movie "thief in the night", "late Great planet earth" and the fictional "Left behind series". Surprising how many pop cultural Christians find their theology outside of the bible's context from fictional books and movies, TV shows, from idols they set on their book shelves like easter and Christmas manger scenes and icons. He will say to those types of believers" be gone I never knew you!" They will be Like the man without proper wedding clothes who was thrown out into weeping and gnashing of teeth... You will know these stories if you read your bible. Or do you just listen to pastors, watch movies, and read pop cultural Christian books? Read each book of the bible completely, don't just listen to evangelical "blowhards" who "cherry pick" scriptures out of context!@@brendabrinkmanpasichnyk3500
The Bible is the living WORD of GOD ALMIGHTY.All the WORDS of GOD will come to pass.Just watch n observe the world events n happenings unfolding to reveal GOD'S TRUTH.
They're Planning a Cake Raptured
Haman and Hitler
There is no 7 year tribulation taught in the Bible. That's a common, erroneous misconception.
Daniel? Or how do you interpret it?
See Gal 3:17, Matt 26:26, Heb 10:1-2.
Actually.. you're correct
There is a 3 1/2 year Tribulation followed immediately by a Great Tribulation of 3 1/2 years
Thank you for clarification
Study Daniel 9. It’s talking about weeks of years. The 70th week is a 7 year period. Even an atheist who knows basic Hebrew would be able to confirm.
@lizzyp70 I used to believe that the 70th week was still future, until I really began to study the words of Scripture. What does it say? If we read the text carefully it becomes apparent that Daniel 9:26 does not say that the cutting off of Messiah is what ends the 7+62 weeks, as the full futurist view assumes. Rather, Daniel is saying that AFTER the 7+62 weeks is when the Messiah would be “cut off.” In other words, the Messiah is killed during the 70th week.
Furthermore, a careful study of Daniel 9:27 shows us that the Messiah is the one who confirms the covenant, not Antichrist.
Notice how Daniel 9:26 speaks of two subjects, namely, the Messiah and the “people of the prince that shall come.” Even the original Hebrew of Daniel 9:27 infers that two separate subjects are in view. Contextually, this would have to be the Messiah and “the people of the prince that shall come” per the preceding verse. A careful reading shows that "he" of v27 does not refer to the prince, but rather to the Messiah. Notice the phrase in v26 "the people of the prince." It is not grammatically correct to assign the singular pronoun "he" in v27 to the plural "people" in verse 26. If "he" were to refer to the prince, the phrase should have been stated differently: "the prince of the people." But since the verse refers to the "people of the prince," the prince is not the proper antecedent of the pronoun. The Messiah is the only person mentioned in v26 that can be the antecedent of the pronoun "he", therefore the phrase "he shall confirm a covenant with many for one week" refers to the Messiah.
The Apostle Paul himself - who was an expert when it came to the Old Testament scriptures - obviously believed that Christ was the One who confirmed the covenant and caused the sacrifices to cease, almost quoting Daniel 9:27a verbatim in Galatians 3:17 and Hebrews 10:2. Why would an expert of the Old Testament do that, unless it was because Christ was indeed the One who confirmed the covenant and caused the sacrifices to cease because Christ Himself was the final sacrifice? If the Apostle Paul clearly believed that Christ confirmed (strengthened) the promises of the Abrahamic covenant (cf. Galatians 3:14) per Daniel 9:27a, then so must I.
I wanted to know what actually happened I sure wouldn’t go on here. You do not speak for God you do not even speak for a decent human being.
False poster 👍👍👍
Creepy pastor.
Empires.Haderine took the name of Judea and Israel off all the known map's and replaced there names with Palestine after the Jewish rebellion of 136AD he hated the Jewish people because that would not bow to Rome and worship Caesar and the Roman Gods ... 😎🇺🇲
Roll over Jonah, they found Ninevah' and much more .
If you haven't already seen these videos they will knock your socks off , so to soeak. Oh how I am enjoying archeology & expeditions proving the Scriptures to be true !
'Bible Evidence Unearthed at Ninevah'
Amen,We overcome by the Power Of Our Own Testimony ✨