The story of Adam and Eve is one of divergence from our instincts and laws of nature when we as a species began to see ourselves as separate from God. When we make judgments about life and ourselves, as egocentric beings, it causes spiritual suffering. This is just our nature as human beings, we suffer mentally, spiritually. Let’s not make this more complicated than it is folks! Life is suffering.
Exude the way; it goes.:.🏹°🌕;°💖;°👒°
God will do anything he wants. Roman's 9 - 14 , 16. Ask Job how he Felt!
The story of Adam and Eve is one of divergence from our instincts and laws of nature when we as a species began to see ourselves as separate from God. When we make judgments about life and ourselves, as egocentric beings, it causes spiritual suffering. This is just our nature as human beings, we suffer mentally, spiritually. Let’s not make this more complicated than it is folks! Life is suffering.