RPM Heads Cam 6th Gen Camaro = Killer Power on Pump Gas! | RPM S9 E48

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @baddbradd89
    @baddbradd89 4 роки тому +8

    This channel deserves more than double the subscribers

  • @allthathpandnotire3019
    @allthathpandnotire3019 4 роки тому +9

    I never realized how much the coolant rises during a pull until I seen it at 21:50 here. Crazy

    • @macxl3903
      @macxl3903 2 роки тому +1

      facts didn't realize it was that quick

  • @CPAJayhawk
    @CPAJayhawk 4 роки тому +3

    I hope we can all appreciate how amazing a heads cam Camaro SS putting down that power is... I remember 4th gen LS1 days when 450 was a moon shot!

  • @snoopergnar3719
    @snoopergnar3719 4 роки тому +30

    Thanks to the blue 6th Gen I know what my car would make on pump with an RPM Stage 3. Now if I could find a brief case full of money 👀

    • @03Memito
      @03Memito 6 місяців тому

      Same here brother Dx

  • @johnheinonen1176
    @johnheinonen1176 4 роки тому +7

    Getting the LT1s figured right out. That's good power!

  • @dennisswab6020
    @dennisswab6020 4 роки тому +3

    man you guys get cars from all over the usa ...do great work

  • @robertscaringella3927
    @robertscaringella3927 4 роки тому +4

    Sick numbers on the SS! One of these days I’ll be there for the same setup

  • @ultrazls1
    @ultrazls1 4 роки тому +4

    Very nice. The crazier hi ram heads cam lt1 cars with aftermarket castings have hit 650 rwhp range. 600 with an msd and ported stock castings is good

  • @jaredthisdelle5617
    @jaredthisdelle5617 4 роки тому +2

    Such sweet whips all around . Rpm for the win

  • @jonl3301
    @jonl3301 3 роки тому

    14:56 I honestly respect how he uses his body to block just in case both cars im thinking bout sending my car to yall

  • @Christopher.dreamless
    @Christopher.dreamless 3 роки тому +1

    I just purchased an SS just like the orange one. I'll definitely be coming through for a stage three once I'm back in the states.

  • @wesleybeeson1818
    @wesleybeeson1818 4 роки тому +7

    So TSP heads make about the same as Frankenstein on the lt1? That’s good because it means there is an optimal head design that two companies have figured out. That’s my take on it anyway...

    • @Bmackins94
      @Bmackins94 4 роки тому +1

      The Frankenstein heads flow a little better than the texas speed heads

    • @picklepee2771
      @picklepee2771 2 роки тому

      but at what cost...

  • @flyingtarpon6.249
    @flyingtarpon6.249 4 роки тому +4

    New Castle don’t need no hassle!

  • @dennisrobinson8008
    @dennisrobinson8008 Рік тому

    The best number from these LT1 builds is the rwtq of just over 500rwtq out of 6.2L. Outstanding.

  • @Jorge-ud9vq
    @Jorge-ud9vq 4 роки тому +3

    These LT1 builds are sick! Really tempting to add heads since i got everything else already😭

    • @brandontovar1505
      @brandontovar1505 4 роки тому

      Do it I don’t even have a Chevy but I love these cars

  • @pittsponies4790
    @pittsponies4790 4 роки тому +4

    You just showed a video with snow are you in Florida. I love when Fran is being sweet to the idiots

  • @HemivsNinja
    @HemivsNinja 4 роки тому +1

    That orange camaro I believe GM calls that color “crush” is badass that would be my exact spec if I were to purchase one.

  • @leefraser8025
    @leefraser8025 Рік тому

    wow I got a 19 zl1 and keep doing blower upgrades for power and was thinking heads cam upgrade, I think I'm sold on all these 6.2 cam upgrades and that sound is insane lol

  • @Mors_Atra_
    @Mors_Atra_ 2 роки тому

    I keep coming back to this vid for that blue ss.

  • @ceatonhaggerty41
    @ceatonhaggerty41 4 роки тому

    Paris is a small town a few hours east of Dallas.

  • @bidenbecheatin2245
    @bidenbecheatin2245 4 роки тому +1

    Hey where are you guys located at ? I heard it was Florida?

  • @larrynewberry3500
    @larrynewberry3500 4 роки тому +1

    Damn LT1 numbers keep climbing.
    Great job guy's. What's the highest
    LT1 na number with and without E85.
    Thanks guys, great video and great builds. 🇺🇸🇺🇸👍👍

    • @ultrazls1
      @ultrazls1 4 роки тому +1

      CID heads and ported hi ram manifold will hit 650 rwhp range with large cam on pump E85.

  • @67judge
    @67judge 4 роки тому +1

    The most recent New York State license plates look 👀 good also.

  • @xforce687
    @xforce687 4 роки тому +9

    At least you're not turning rotors.
    Oh, I never did that, I just told them they were out of spec. Got to buy new ones.
    Talk about a scumbag...
    C'mon Jerry!

  • @kyle81426
    @kyle81426 4 роки тому

    Let’s start the weekend

  • @nicholasnelson3791
    @nicholasnelson3791 9 місяців тому

    How much to do a heads/cam/E85 hi ram setup on these cars ?

  • @nopal4025
    @nopal4025 Рік тому

    Around how much did it cost including all parts and labor

  • @Gym-bars-cars
    @Gym-bars-cars 4 роки тому

    Do you offer what’s done to the 6th gen as a cam kit ? Lifters, pushrods, timing chain, etc? I looked on your website and couldn’t find it. Working on a LT1 10l90e swap

  • @jeffclayton9968
    @jeffclayton9968 4 роки тому

    Great job fellas.

  • @overtherailing
    @overtherailing 3 роки тому

    On a car like this, is there much power to be picked up with aftermarket ported heads vs porting the stock heads? Also, what are your thought on the Holley high rise I/M vs a ported MSD? Is it worth cutting your hood to run it?

  • @Vetteman372
    @Vetteman372 4 роки тому

    I thought the C7 that Jerry doing maint. on I thought it takes 0-40 oil and not 5-30. Can you use 5-30 instead of 0-40 without hurting bearing in motor

    • @RaceProvenMotorsports
      @RaceProvenMotorsports  4 роки тому

      Yes. No different oil will ever hurt the bearings in an engine

    • @justinreid8851
      @justinreid8851 4 роки тому

      0w40 is jus a combo between a track fluid and a everyday oil you can use without having to swap oils everytime you track the car. I prefer 5w30 in my heads cam c7 stick car. Good question though!

    • @Vetteman372
      @Vetteman372 4 роки тому

      My 2019 Gransport says dexion 0-40 and track 15w50

    • @justinreid8851
      @justinreid8851 4 роки тому

      @@Vetteman372 I've done track days with 5w30 with no problems. Everything stays happy. 15 50 seems so thick. I keep oil alittle above half on the stick and it does great.

  • @ajkarrer8476
    @ajkarrer8476 4 роки тому

    shoutout JayRocc Trailer Park Boyz!

  • @TBagr
    @TBagr 4 роки тому

    Always great video.

  • @fixerson-9089
    @fixerson-9089 4 роки тому

    Do yall suggest 2" headers for H/C/I 416 or stay 1 7/8

  • @showmakertb
    @showmakertb 2 роки тому

    How long do you guys recommend for break in period before being on the dyno?

    • @RaceProvenMotorsports
      @RaceProvenMotorsports  2 роки тому

      We build them and put them directly on the dyno

    • @showmakertb
      @showmakertb 2 роки тому

      @@RaceProvenMotorsports To clarify I'm not speaking of heads cam installation. I'm speaking of Long Block build

  • @Joshuapsalm
    @Joshuapsalm 4 роки тому

    Soo does that mean frankien stien heads are better than the Texas spead heads
    If thats the only difference in the blue and red camaro?

  • @ManBearPigJake
    @ManBearPigJake 4 роки тому +1

    I would love to know how much that build cost on the 6th gen blue Camaro????? Cus that’s the build ok gunna do.

    • @davidmcnew4214
      @davidmcnew4214 4 роки тому

      Packages at raceprovenmotorsports.com, with prices. I look at 5th gen items every now and then, plan on sending it to them next winter

    • @snoopergnar3719
      @snoopergnar3719 4 роки тому +1

      It’s on their website

    • @zenithskull
      @zenithskull 4 роки тому +1

      Around 10k-12k

    • @kennyrogers1243
      @kennyrogers1243 4 роки тому

      @@zenithskull that’s crazy, but I guess you get what you pay for

    • @LineMUp321
      @LineMUp321 4 роки тому +2

      @@kennyrogers1243 3 days of work that you aren't doing and the cost of the parts??? I'm sorry I forgot that @raceprovenmotorsports was a charity.

  • @JIH_III
    @JIH_III 4 роки тому +1

    Bad lil unit

  • @kolbyhumbert2680
    @kolbyhumbert2680 4 роки тому

    Love a good RPM vid during dinner

  • @trevorcunning6248
    @trevorcunning6248 4 роки тому +1

    Super jealous watching these videos! I'm still rocking an LS1 GTO! Fml!

    • @pali1H
      @pali1H 4 роки тому +1

      LS1 still rocks. I loved mine.

    • @trevorcunning6248
      @trevorcunning6248 4 роки тому +1

      @@pali1H oh I love mine too but compared to these monsters, I feel like I'm a basic bitch! LOL

    • @Ws6Ms
      @Ws6Ms 4 роки тому +1

      @@trevorcunning6248 it wont be with a HCI build on in though

    • @trevorcunning6248
      @trevorcunning6248 4 роки тому

      @@Ws6Ms how much do you think all of that would cost?

  • @geraldwalker4655
    @geraldwalker4655 3 роки тому

    On 19:08 what’s season and episode is that Camaro

  • @msftap
    @msftap 4 роки тому

    What do you do when your not recording ?

  • @zirxfusion907
    @zirxfusion907 2 роки тому

    What’s the best heads for lt1 Camaros ?

  • @showmakertb
    @showmakertb 2 роки тому

    I have and Ls1 engine and I'm using a Ls2 throttle body. I also purchased the adapter for it. I have zero throttle any idea what's wrong

    • @RaceProvenMotorsports
      @RaceProvenMotorsports  2 роки тому

      Is it an ls1 intake? If so it won’t work. LS 2 Tb is 90mm. Ls1 intake opening is only 78

    • @showmakertb
      @showmakertb 2 роки тому

      @@RaceProvenMotorsports Ls2 intake Ls2 throttlebidy. Purchased the Ls2 to Ls1 wiring harness adapter that makes the Ls2 throttle body work with the Ls1 wiring harness. Car starts but NO pedal

  • @audrece
    @audrece 4 роки тому

    Paris TX is northeast of Dallas

  • @dominickirkwood
    @dominickirkwood 4 роки тому +1

    I love it my guys rpm keep up the work and I love the video lot and I love blue Camaro ss 💯💯💯💯💯💯

  • @GTOGregory
    @GTOGregory 4 роки тому +1

    The LT direct-injection motors are efficient.

  • @Htxpedro
    @Htxpedro 2 роки тому

    Blue cam frm Texas

  • @scottsigmon926
    @scottsigmon926 4 роки тому

    Would you show the cam card on the B3 cam? Just curious. It’s awesome.

  • @vbmods8945
    @vbmods8945 4 роки тому

    with my og hoodie on ls2 sitten chillen

  • @adams733
    @adams733 4 роки тому +2

    For all those who read this.... you better not be an idiot when you talk to Fran.

  • @ls1transam87
    @ls1transam87 4 роки тому +6

    One day...jerry is gona flip, and smash ur camera to pieces

  • @EvilPOKES
    @EvilPOKES 4 роки тому +1

    You don't wanna see Paris Texas lol...In-laws have friends there and its BFE dump lol

  • @ToG_7
    @ToG_7 4 роки тому

    lmao roasting Jerry too hard

  • @PhillyDee215
    @PhillyDee215 4 роки тому

    Damn, and E85 would've made even more👍

  • @Chrisjohnson-bp5rk
    @Chrisjohnson-bp5rk 4 роки тому

    Heads n cammy

  • @nurburgringdreaming2221
    @nurburgringdreaming2221 4 роки тому +1

    Yea I read that dumb shit about early models I mostly just read and hardly ever ever comment. Not worth it

  • @kermitalexander6655
    @kermitalexander6655 4 роки тому

    Dayuumm 😬👀🤭

  • @leodcaribbean6224
    @leodcaribbean6224 4 роки тому

    c7 owner got a shop and still send it to them lmao

    • @RaceProvenMotorsports
      @RaceProvenMotorsports  4 роки тому +1

      Send it to us to tune and check over a few things. They mainly do lifted trucks

    • @LineMUp321
      @LineMUp321 4 роки тому

      Was going to say... the Canadian Tire I worked at, the owner had a C7 and I think we had done the environmental test on it for his sticker and that was it.

  • @straightlinepainting5967
    @straightlinepainting5967 4 роки тому

    Is it me or is there like 500 fucking commercials now. Wtf

  • @pali1H
    @pali1H 4 роки тому +3

    19k on a 2007 lol. I have 100k on my 2017 Camaro 2SS.

    • @Reaper17ZeN
      @Reaper17ZeN 4 роки тому

      I have 18k on my 2007 zo6 lololol no mods though lmao

    • @MrKeef23
      @MrKeef23 4 роки тому +1

      72k on my 2007 c6z here

  • @adamspencer2515
    @adamspencer2515 4 роки тому

    The only thing more swollen than frans body is his ego

    • @Modsnake98
      @Modsnake98 4 роки тому

      Lol douchebag

    • @sykwookiee
      @sykwookiee 4 роки тому +3

      Says a guy on the innerwebz....brave...