A Troublesome Inheritance -- A discussion on genes, race and human history with author Nicholas Wade

  • Опубліковано 11 вер 2024


  • @59Gretsch
    @59Gretsch 8 років тому +23

    In Lay mans terms, the reason the Professor has such a difficult hill to climb is because we all can see there are distinct groups within a species such as a canary and an eagle, a black bear and a grizzly bear. He (and many others) are asking us to suspend logic and to believe this is true of all other species... except humans.

    • @Kraznan
      @Kraznan 5 років тому +5

      You can not breed a canary and an eagle. Humans anywhere can breed together. We are one race. Fuck off bigot.

    • @Soaring_Hawk
      @Soaring_Hawk 4 роки тому +8

      @@Kraznan Post modernism belongs strictly in philosophical works to be discussed over cocktails. NOT in physical science.

    • @hre2044
      @hre2044 3 роки тому +7

      @@Kraznan There's plenty of brown bear sub-species that can breed together, but they're still taxonomically different. Interbreeding does not determine the validity of race or a taxonomic group alone.

    • @theobiggs6611
      @theobiggs6611 3 роки тому +9

      @@Kraznan so a french bulldog and a poodle are " the same " - you are just moving a label... I would rather live in a world where we discern the differences ... and label them... that is how things become more real ... see the similarities, that's big picture ... but the differences are the detail... giving you insight to deeper reality.

    • @magnificent6668
      @magnificent6668 2 роки тому

      But you CAN breed a black bear to a grizzly bear, or a grizzly bear to a polar bear. They're rather distinct, no? Yet they're all bears. "Racism" is trying yo argue that a black bear is vastly superior to a polar bear because there's more them/spread out geographically/and have a more varied diet. A difference is all the difference it makes in most situations, but pretending it's not there is denying reality. These knee-jerk reactions are childish.

  • @FarFromEquilibrium
    @FarFromEquilibrium 9 років тому +26

    Wade was very brave to go against the mainstream dogma on race, and follow the evidence where it lead. His book helped me understand race a lot better, and understand the inconsistencies and disingenuous tactics of race deniers. It also gave me some very good sources for my own academic improvement on this issue.

    • @keithhunt5328
      @keithhunt5328 3 роки тому +2

      Why do you want race to exist??

    • @FarFromEquilibrium
      @FarFromEquilibrium 3 роки тому +4

      @@keithhunt5328 It's natural, and it's beautiful.

    • @hre2044
      @hre2044 3 роки тому +4

      @@keithhunt5328 Because biodiversity is good and humans are naturally tribal.

    • @leonardu6094
      @leonardu6094 3 роки тому +1

      @@keithhunt5328 why do you want race to *not* exist?

  • @KidScipio
    @KidScipio 6 років тому +9

    isn't this just a replay of Lewontin and edward's critique of Lewontin. Lewontinites try to obfuscate by arguing diversity witihin populations means you can't determine anything. but the counter is that the difference between groups is determinable and profides meaninful distinctions. but there is some artificial convention to how close or far you frame. but wade's point is there is sufficient meaninful data to frame at the 5 "races"

  • @lewis1544
    @lewis1544 4 роки тому +7

    A 2005 study entitled “Genetic structure, self-identified race/ethnicity, and confounding in case-control association studies,” by S.C. Hunt, N.J. Risch, Hua Tang, and others, found that 3631 out of 3636 persons of different races were correctly assigned to their self-identified racial group by researchers who had only their DNA to use as a basis for prediction. That’s a success rate of 99.8625%. Doesn't it depend on how many loci are examined and how the same alleles are clustered in the same locations in the same populations!

    • @mergenocide
      @mergenocide Рік тому

      Its effectively meanignless because It effectively asked people what four racial groupings "white, African-American, East Asian or Hispanic" they belonged to and then sorted them into those same four groups. The only way for it to be wrong is if they asked someone like Chris Tucker and he said he was white, or someone like Jackie Chan and he said he was black. Or conversely, if Chris Tucker said he was black, but he was 100% swedish. It's tautological.
      Nevertheless it falls with the same selection issues that Wade had where Americas populations are very heterogenus. Most whites came from North Western Euope, most blacks from a small region of SubSaharan West Africa, most Asians from Far East China and Japan, and most hispanics being mestizos from Mexico, with a specific mixture of Central American Indigenous and Iberian. They never attempted to bridge the gap with intermediate populations, all it proves is the populations that came to America are very distinct...duh.

  • @chuckmorgan313
    @chuckmorgan313 9 років тому +18

    Did the speaker opposing Nicholas Wade seriously just ask to define what the races are...after he listed them?!
    Oh...my...god. Leftists cannot possibly get any dumber.

    • @chuckmorgan313
      @chuckmorgan313 9 років тому +5

      Chuck Morgan His notion that there are continual sub-groups can be applied to ANY species. Using this logic, why classify ANYTHING? After all, it is all on a spectrum and thus does not exist individually.

    • @ericm4658
      @ericm4658 8 років тому +8

      +Chuck Morgan He wanted a mathematical definition, how much variance can be in a race to still be a race?
      These questions are never answered
      There are any ways you could cut this. There could be thousands of races if you're willing to accept smaller differences.
      There is sure as shit no way you can cut us into 3 or 5 if you include island nations. His data sample was just limited.

  • @larryparis925
    @larryparis925 4 роки тому +6

    Such an important topic, and such lousy audio. What a waste of an opportunity for serious information exchange.

  • @59Gretsch
    @59Gretsch 8 років тому +8

    (asked with humor) Why is it these super smart academic folks always have trouble with their internet hook-up?

    • @kagillogly
      @kagillogly 6 років тому +1

      It's not the academic having problem - it's Nicholas Wade, the journalist. And you'll notice that he neatly has 'internet connection problems' whenever Augustin asks him a question had can't answer.

  • @appletree8441
    @appletree8441 6 років тому +5

    Human race...Different races only exist when it benifits some groups of the human race.

  • @TimPiatek
    @TimPiatek 5 років тому +1

    Terrible audio quality all around. Unfortunate, since a clear discussion between all parties involved would be fascinating.

  • @SK-yb7bx
    @SK-yb7bx 9 років тому +5

    So he resorts to arguing over what name to call the genetic findings. Calling them racial and ethnic differences seems accurate, although these words come with negative associations.

    • @magnificent6668
      @magnificent6668 2 роки тому +1

      That's the whole push. I see why this these attitudes were adopted, since there's a nasty history of discrimination based on race, but it stifles science. Especially when the future of medicine is genetic based medicine.

  • @oraz.
    @oraz. 3 роки тому +1

    The fact that you can continue clustering isn't really a good argument against looking at larger clusters. In any science you select K to minimize variance, it's not like it's arbitrary, it's a way to discern patterns.

  • @blue-xb1cq
    @blue-xb1cq Рік тому

    "race" is more like a social and economic class than anything else. Since when did the Irish and Jews became "white" for example ( that's some evolution - quantum speed ).

  • @brightertomorrow9514
    @brightertomorrow9514 10 років тому +6

    Diversity means the different humanoidic sub species. Which is what "Race" means.
    To say their is no different races, is to say that there is no diversity.
    The differences between the different sub-species is staggering, and yet so beautiful.
    As vast as the different sub-species of dogs and birds, equally are as vast the differences between the different genomes of humanoids.
    To learn more visit
    IHR dottorgg
    DavidDuke dottcomm
    CofCC dottorgg
    RealJewNews dottcomm

    • @Kraznan
      @Kraznan 5 років тому

      Oh look, a fucking nazi. David Duke fuckign dot com. Fuck of nazi.

  • @Cinicraft00
    @Cinicraft00 9 років тому +3

    this doesnt have to be offensive and controversial. we should stress that one day we'll be able to splice our genes on demand and give ourselves good genes for everyone. that's how this very controversial but true idea could be considered more acceptable in the mainstream.
    just imagine, could we call the guy trying to discover genetic modifications for all people an evil racist?

  • @nschultz4714
    @nschultz4714 3 роки тому

    Mr Wade is a scientist.

    • @mrglasses8953
      @mrglasses8953 3 роки тому +2

      He's qualified, (BA+MA Natural Sciences) but he's not a practising scientist.

  • @shaunballagh196
    @shaunballagh196 6 років тому +6

    Augustine is continually lead by his own social views. He shows bias when pursuing scientific fact. It has become evident to me that anyone who brings political views to a scientific discussion, is not necessarily looking for the truth.

    • @dias8726
      @dias8726 4 роки тому

      Blah blah blah. How does it feeling knowing your extremely anti science?

    • @shaunballagh196
      @shaunballagh196 4 роки тому +5

      @@dias8726 lol. It is obvious that your reply is an emotional reaction, showing no self control to compose an intelligent response.
      I haven't the time, nor the enthusiasm to enter into any more discussion with such childish behaviour.

  • @doniakarinechrhila
    @doniakarinechrhila 10 місяців тому

    Too bad it's not translated into French

  • @generalturner9628
    @generalturner9628 9 років тому +1

    Lol he used clusters? Doi.

  • @neinundnein6358
    @neinundnein6358 8 років тому +2

    I've just started to read the book and it promisses a very interesting lecture. But quite from the begining I've noticed a plenty of basic errors - a proof of lack in basical knowledge. For example he states on the 1st site: "Ever since the first modern humans dispersed from the ancestral homeland in northeast Africa some 50,000 years ago..." He repeats that on site 225. It's not a superficial error, it's really his belief, his scientific input.
    The problem is, that evidence of "first modern humans" is to be found in Australia for about 60,000 years ago, in South Spain + France about 42,000 years ago, not to speak about the Sibirian and Chinese paleonthological sites of the first modern humans, and about the new theories of modern humans mixing genetically with the homo neandertalensis or with the homo Denisova like stated by the genetician Svante Pääbo.
    There are many more mistakes of this kind in the book, and they show a rather superficial handling of the topic.
    Moreover, when he states the Jewish superiority (I've just read a couple of sentences there), he gives as a proof exactly the same points which he condemns in the introduction: arbitrary approval by an academic community, which is biased by it's own ideological point of view when it aknowledges something or while giving prices (like the nobel price etc.) Why are there scarcely nobel prices for Japanese, Chinese, etc. but some prices for Turks, Africans or Iranians on the field of NP for literature or for peace?
    So NP and the like is -to use his own argumentation in the introduction - no proof for Jewish (+Chinese) superiority. What else could be then? Where is the Jewish culture? Where can I see the TYPICAL JEWISH CULTURE, so that I can make my own mind about "Jewish superiority" and check the arguments of the others "in vito"? In architecture? There is no typical jewish architecture. Everywhere the Jewish architecture accomodated to the tipical style and culture of the people and coutnry where they lived. A Morrokan synagogue looks typical Moroccan, one in Prague of the 13th century looks typical - not Jewish, but typical Gothic, typical medieval German! Same aplies to music, literature, science or other arts.
    That doesn't apply to Chinese culture, of course. I admire those cultures of East Asia and I've even read their literature, studied some of their philosophy, admired their music, painting etc. They're really fine. But before I accept their genetical superiority, I'd like someone to explain to me, why do they have to steal all the time the copyright of the products from the Western cultures, if they're so superior to us? As it is, the Chinese copied (stole) complete technical plans of German products - and surely of products of other Western products. Why do they have to do that, if they are "superior" to the Western culture?

    • @zandrew2742
      @zandrew2742 8 років тому

      +nein und nein what do you mean by “copied (stole) complete technical plans of German products - and surely of products of other Western products.”?

    • @neinundnein6358
      @neinundnein6358 8 років тому

      I mean articles like this in the German media: Chinesen kopieren Bus komplett (The Chinese copied the plan of a whole bus and built it (without buying the right to do it) www.ksta.de/wirtschaft/chinesen-kopieren-bus-komplett,15187248,13571290.html

    • @zandrew2742
      @zandrew2742 8 років тому

      +nein und nein Dude, Everytime when Chinese make progress, westerners always use the same tried excuse without evidence, so just be used to it.

    • @eyewitness8145
      @eyewitness8145 8 років тому +1

      I definitely agree with you. Chinese is by no means superior to the West. We didn't even have words for philosophy, for science etc. before western army kicked open Chinese door around the beginning of last century. I may believe that the I.Q scores are good among the Chinese, but the culture can be said to be hostile to creativity and super geniuses are rare. China will be relying on the west for advancement for now and probably for ever.

    • @noturdaddyblameyomomma8354
      @noturdaddyblameyomomma8354 2 роки тому

      The "modern" human/ homo sapiens originated from Africa.

  • @kennetherxleben8628
    @kennetherxleben8628 Рік тому

    No difference in but you can have 100 genders... 😂

  • @neinundnein6358
    @neinundnein6358 8 років тому +1

    Now that I've read more than the half of the book, I can only warn you: be carefull, because the author is very superficial. I don't have much knowledge in genetics, but I can judge well the part concerning history, sociology and anthropology (like all those hominids, their spreading, their extinction, their skills, cultures etc). And there he is very superficial. He overstresses the Osmanic or the Jewish culture, (where he sometimes seems to use the 1001-Nights instead of serious reliable historical sources) but he reduces the European culture (of which he says, that "is well understood") mainly to the British society, and perhaps once or twice mentions the French. But the main characteristic of the European society throughout the history from stone age until now is diversity. It was a special diversity in unity. Continental Europe, Eastern Europe have a totally different historical and cultural input, but they influenced the evolution of all Europeans. This thing escapes him. Furthermore he doesn't even takes notice of the most recent discoveries on the field of geographical genetics (like the studies of
    Svante Pääbo about the Denisova, the Neanderthal etc. And he (Wade) also uses a kind of dating for the spreading of homo sapiens, which has been long refuted (at least these last 60 years) That's really a pity, because I have expected much from this book. I've hoped for many new and interesting revelations to a topic which has not been properly dealt with for over a century. It's a pity, because I can somehow follow his ideas and as a whole I think he is very much right. But that's not enough. He should have been more careful about the details, about the "small facts". Now I can't trust all those things he writes about the genetical facts either.

    • @joaquinmunoz9905
      @joaquinmunoz9905 Рік тому

      Then talk to him and change the world we need you , do another research together, im being totally serious

  • @carriersailor2474
    @carriersailor2474 Рік тому

    The long haired guy is so gad, its sad.

  • @johnhungerford6073
    @johnhungerford6073 Рік тому

    This is a roundabout way of saying, think twice about letting a minority doctor, do your brain surgery because he may have gotten his degree through affirmative action. Andmay not be that bright.