I do not know what is going on in Japan, but there is definitely something going on with the high school band programs! TREMENDOUS display of talent from the band members to the instructors and all of the support reams at each school. Be it pop, classical, jazz or marching music, these programs know how to do it and do it well!
どこの高校吹奏楽部も演奏してる、DeepPurpleメドレーより、ChaseのGet it onを何処の吹奏楽部が演奏するか、興味あったんですが、出雲商業がやってくれましたね。思うにBill Chase作曲のこの曲は、トランペット🎺がどんどん追いかけて来て、迫力満点の曲構成になっていて、吹奏楽では実演し易いと思うし、スピード感もあり、聴衆を魅了出来ると思いましたが、見事に出雲商業は自分達のレパートリーにまで、昇華出来てますね。私も他校の演奏より、出雲商業バージョンがお気に入りです。是非、生で聴きたいもんです👏👏👏 また、🌸さくらパレードに来て欲しいですね。
Some multi-skilled Matsue favorites from 2021 have gone - graduated I guess? The DM with the brilliant smile who also danced and played a euphonium. The sousaphone player and lead singer of Another Day of Sun. The euphonium player who danced and also sang Another Day of Sun. The sousaphone player who alternated playing the guitar. Their younger replacements are also highly skilled and this band is right up there with Izumo Commercial and Kyoto Tachibana.
松江商業は歌も唄うんだね。それも、Another day of sunを男子部員交えて、コミカルに踊りながら、、歌も上手いと思いますよ。定期演奏会でミュージカルもされてるみたいだから、なかなかオリジナリティがあり、面白いと思います。こんな感じで松江商業らしさが、もっと出てくるとこの地区は激戦区になってくると思うので、頑張って下さいね❗当然、応援📣してますよ。
So excited every time I get to hear one of these bands' take on "Paradise has no border" -- this was a really nice rendition. She nailed that trombone solo! I also love that they took the innovative step of adding in singing. Whether it worked or not is up to the listeners to decide, but even the fact they did it at all says they're willing to take risks and come up with new ideas.
Some wonderful playing from the Matsue Commercial High School Band and talented individual players, not quite so keen on their singing and dancing routine though.
That is not Fanfare for Tachibana. If you watch the KT SHS 2022 field performance in Taiwan, Fanfare for Tachibana is played at the start. The fanfare you hear right here is played before the Disney Medley, which almost every Japanese school band performs. Also, Izumo High School is a different school from Izumo Business High School, which is the school which has the close relationship with KT SHS and a style similar to the Orange Devils.
出雲高等学校【West side story】のメドレー!! バーンスタインの名曲がマーチングで演奏されてるのに驚きました!Manboも聞きたかった~!
🎬West side storyの主演
I do not know what is going on in Japan, but there is definitely something going on with the high school band programs! TREMENDOUS display of talent from the band members to the instructors and all of the support reams at each school. Be it pop, classical, jazz or marching music, these programs know how to do it and do it well!
どこの高校吹奏楽部も演奏してる、DeepPurpleメドレーより、ChaseのGet it onを何処の吹奏楽部が演奏するか、興味あったんですが、出雲商業がやってくれましたね。思うにBill Chase作曲のこの曲は、トランペット🎺がどんどん追いかけて来て、迫力満点の曲構成になっていて、吹奏楽では実演し易いと思うし、スピード感もあり、聴衆を魅了出来ると思いましたが、見事に出雲商業は自分達のレパートリーにまで、昇華出来てますね。私も他校の演奏より、出雲商業バージョンがお気に入りです。是非、生で聴きたいもんです👏👏👏 また、🌸さくらパレードに来て欲しいですね。
Some multi-skilled Matsue favorites from 2021 have gone - graduated I guess? The DM with the brilliant smile who also danced and played a euphonium. The sousaphone player and lead singer of Another Day of Sun. The euphonium player who danced and also sang Another Day of Sun. The sousaphone player who alternated playing the guitar. Their younger replacements are also highly skilled and this band is right up there with Izumo Commercial and Kyoto Tachibana.
松江商業は歌も唄うんだね。それも、Another day of sunを男子部員交えて、コミカルに踊りながら、、歌も上手いと思いますよ。定期演奏会でミュージカルもされてるみたいだから、なかなかオリジナリティがあり、面白いと思います。こんな感じで松江商業らしさが、もっと出てくるとこの地区は激戦区になってくると思うので、頑張って下さいね❗当然、応援📣してますよ。
Excellent tone and projection from the trumpet soloist at the beginning!
そして松江商業 パフォーマンスも演奏も最高にカッコ良かった
So excited every time I get to hear one of these bands' take on "Paradise has no border" -- this was a really nice rendition. She nailed that trombone solo!
I also love that they took the innovative step of adding in singing. Whether it worked or not is up to the listeners to decide, but even the fact they did it at all says they're willing to take risks and come up with new ideas.
I love watching these tacticians si beautifully skilled at their craft!!!
Awesome show by awesome bands! Bravo!
I would feel honored to see any of these bands in person.
いやはや、島根県が大変な事になっている(笑) 橘の情熱の炎が出雲に飛び火し、独自に燃え広がっている😦 この先、どうなっていくんだろう🌞
少子化で生徒を集めるのが難しい現在、早くから吹奏楽に着目して取り組んだところにsnsと動画発達の流れがマッチして学生吹奏楽界の隆盛が来てると思いました。さすが出雲。神が助けてくれます。 松江商業の白と黒のスカート衣装がハイセンス。瀬織津姫を遣わせたわたくしの目にまちがいはない。 さて、九州と出雲と京の妖精族は熱心だというのに奈良国、越の国、あずまの国の使いからは動画が奉納されませぬ。ぷんぷんじゃ。地上界の妖精族は彼らにさいそくしてたもれ。そして菓子(コメント)の奉納も欠かさぬようにな。退屈な天界でおもしろき便りを待っておるよ。
Some wonderful playing from the Matsue Commercial High School Band and talented individual players, not quite so keen on their singing and dancing routine though.
これら両校もRose Paradeに呼ばれてほしい。
Is that "Fanfare for Tachibana" at 13:05 played by Izumo? Maybe a little "wink and nod" to their friends?
That is not Fanfare for Tachibana. If you watch the KT SHS 2022 field performance in Taiwan, Fanfare for Tachibana is played at the start. The fanfare you hear right here is played before the Disney Medley, which almost every Japanese school band performs. Also, Izumo High School is a different school from Izumo Business High School, which is the school which has the close relationship with KT SHS and a style similar to the Orange Devils.
There ought to be a rule that the name of school be displayed in English on the sousaphone. Lol
Another great Japanese high school band.
new friend here watching from USA
松商 急成長したなぁ~
出商 無難過ぎるような…?
Beautiful baby baby sakura