Hypnosis: Increase Confidence (Request)

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @TonusFabri2024
    @TonusFabri2024 6 місяців тому +1

    Just what I needed. I've been suffering from acute social anxiety, almost agoraphobia, for 6 months, and I have cancelled out at the last minute from several family get-togethers. I committed myself earlier to joining my family today at a public concert by my daughter's folk choir, and I would hate to miss it. But I foolishly doomscrolled until nearly 4 AM, setting myself up for self-sabotage, as lack of sleep is one of the main triggers for my last-minute cancelling out of social commitments. So I was really worried that I would be quite incapable of leaving my apartment by 11:00 this morning.
    You've restored my confidence, Ultra! It remains to be seen whether I will follow through and make it to the concert, but at least I don't feel panicked, that I can't possibly do it. I really felt that warm glow you suggested, and now I have confidence that I can keep my commitment regardless of how tired I may be. I'm going to listen to this mp3 at least once more before I have to get ready to go.

    • @amandam480
      @amandam480 2 місяці тому

      im sorry your anxiety is that bad. glad this helped. Ultra has an hypnosis for social anxiety. Just search social anxiety Ultra Hypnosis.
      Hope your anxiety eases soon.

  • @pizza9113
    @pizza9113 8 років тому +10

    Right after listening to this i went outside to skateboard and did my first ollie! I'm so thankful!

  • @UltraHypnosis
    @UltraHypnosis  12 років тому +1

    I did do one on that subject actually. It is called Hypnosis: Phobia Management. I hope this answered your question. Thank you for your interest in my videos and have a good day.

  • @scarletsynnie8396
    @scarletsynnie8396 11 років тому +1

    Wow, this is one of the most amazing hypnosis videos I have ever viewed. I definitely fell asleep for brief seconds throughout the video, but it was easy for me to listen back to his voice. My chest felt so heavy and relaxed that I thought my kitten fell asleep on me :3. And now I'm so grateful that my heart doesn't race for the little things in life, like reading a paragraph in front of the class, or even thinking about it. Thank you so much, you have an amazing gift :)

  • @lexiiramirez790
    @lexiiramirez790 10 років тому +1

    I dont really remember anything but I took a ton of pictures today and I almost never do that, but when I opened youtube I realized that you actually helped me so thank you so much

  • @Angela-ki5kl
    @Angela-ki5kl 10 років тому +2

    i dont rember a thing!!!! but i feel so happy and i just wanana go talk to this guy i like!

  • @jadeweimer6565
    @jadeweimer6565 11 років тому +2

    I...I'm.....I'm at a loss for words right now! That was great! I fell asleep there for a while just listening to you, that was amazing thank you so much!

  • @e2eg
    @e2eg 10 років тому

    Just an FYI before you start this set the quality to 140p because mine paused halfway through and I had to wake up, but this is still an amazing video I'm so happy right now!!

  • @ingasuumadre
    @ingasuumadre 11 років тому +1

    I do feel a tingling sensation and it feels amazing! great video we need more videos like this for longer memory happiness, and for success!

  • @drugo800
    @drugo800 10 років тому +3

    I'm feel better. Tomorrow I'll take on my task under a new perspective: more assertive and confident! thanks for your help

    • @knuckledraggers5396
      @knuckledraggers5396 10 років тому

      did it work at the end

    • @knuckledraggers5396
      @knuckledraggers5396 8 років тому

      a little but theres a natural one. but i found cold showers had more result of feeling less anxious

  • @Urboo4eva24
    @Urboo4eva24 9 років тому +2

    Make's me feel unstoppable! Great Video!

  • @zakeenaharis9903
    @zakeenaharis9903 9 років тому +1

    i woke up eight hours later and I think I'm pretty confident

  • @connceited
    @connceited 10 років тому

    I thought this would be a waste of time and throughout found myself straying from the voice but when I woke up at the end I felt amazing, genuinely like I've never felt before, this is effective! I feel like a new person!

  • @jodeejuan3282
    @jodeejuan3282 12 років тому


  • @finley5065
    @finley5065 8 років тому +1

    it worked perfect on me I fell asleep when he snapped and now I feel like I can finally talk to my crush thanks dude

  • @crispymelonztwitch
    @crispymelonztwitch 9 років тому +1

    Thank you so much. I feel so confident now. I'm glad I found your videos. It really works. Btw can you do one on crying so you can let all of the sadness out directly? If you can that would be great.

    • @zoeym101
      @zoeym101 3 роки тому

      Yes please I need a good cry like a "now you can release" with a suggestion of a mental place to put it back that I can access when I like.

  • @Chloe_Fatecraft
    @Chloe_Fatecraft 12 років тому

    dude i couldnt sleep but i didnt blink... only when you counted from 1 to 5 at teh end.... ad br... i feel SO confident

  • @tccrealsavings
    @tccrealsavings 12 років тому

    I watched this video for the first time the other day and later that day I made my first $400 sale. Just listened to it again today before another meeting with a business owner. Before this I wasn't having any success.

  • @jenniferhima537
    @jenniferhima537 11 років тому

    I have the confidence to click the like button and subscribe, grear job, I feel like I can fly, and I can do anything, thnx soo much

  • @mcuff01
    @mcuff01 9 років тому

    When you said sleep it scared the crap out of me, and I nearly instantly shut off.

  • @juksu9688
    @juksu9688 5 років тому

    I have been worrying over my driving exam so much I have failed it out of pure stress. Getting it through means everything to me since my job and home rn depend on it. I just did this hypnosis session and will get some sleep before my tomorrow's exam. Rn I feel more calm and am looking forward to it. Tomorrow could potentially be the best day of my whole year! Wish me luck. Might try this again in the morning to max the potential haha

  • @lionstudios1
    @lionstudios1 12 років тому

    When u said a lot of the instructions i followed them perfectly!

  • @ship13
    @ship13 11 років тому

    I fall asleep but woke up to his voice telling me how
    confident I am my eyes were still shut came back 100 percent awake felling just awesome i needed this

  • @themananswer2250
    @themananswer2250 12 років тому

    Just tried this. Almost worked-got one of the best naps I had in a while thanks. I didn't stare at the spinning thing. These videos are interesting-I'll keep trying.

  • @Mikeological
    @Mikeological 10 років тому

    That surprisingly worked! I expected it to be a waste of time that wouldn't do anything but it worked. Nice video. You should make one that makes you mora aware of every detail around you.

  • @dioneharringtonthedionsaur
    @dioneharringtonthedionsaur 11 років тому

    This really worked, thanks :)

  • @Myrjam19
    @Myrjam19 12 років тому

    Hello, thank you very uch for your work and that you put it on the youtube, to watch it free for us...I think it helped me, especially I enjoyed deep breaths that came by themselves..I will watch it more
    often..thank you

  • @dermonbaellre4481
    @dermonbaellre4481 10 років тому +11

    I'm scared to try this

  • @hazerlazer6402
    @hazerlazer6402 5 років тому +6

    Tomorrow I won’t be scared of telling my math teacher that I did not get homework
    Thank you

  • @bettytolken525
    @bettytolken525 10 років тому

    Thanks, enjoyed the video. I don't remember most of it, but like usual. I always feel more relaxed when I'm done. Now I'm also more energized as well...Cool.

  • @GregofCanada
    @GregofCanada 12 років тому

    This one actually works for me. I feel great. Thank you.

  • @matthewshmatthew
    @matthewshmatthew 12 років тому

    Very good. Please make a lucid dreaming one! I could see where, under your hypnotic guidance, one could reach a lucid state

  • @coolguyau1
    @coolguyau1 10 років тому

    great video thanks so much

  • @inferno573
    @inferno573 11 років тому

    It worked I built up enough confidence to ask a girl I like out on a date

  • @themadman5201
    @themadman5201 12 років тому

    oh man, i love you
    you r the only one who can hypnotise me

  • @UltraHypnosis
    @UltraHypnosis  12 років тому

    I did do a lucid dreaming video. You should find it in the videos section of my channel or by searching "ultrahypnosis lucid dreaming" I hope this helps you out. Thank you for your interest in my videos and have a good day.

  • @originalsin9226
    @originalsin9226 10 років тому

    This video was incredible. Such a great experience.

  • @kaecatlady
    @kaecatlady 7 років тому +12

    "Suggesting" that people like your video and subscribe to your page while they're still in trance is remarkably unethical.

    • @26bisket
      @26bisket 6 років тому +1

      anything free isnt a big deal......plus you don't have to do anything you don't want to do

  • @TheBeattie300
    @TheBeattie300 11 років тому

    i dont know why but i couldnt stop giggling because of the robot voice haha, thanks this cheered me up :)

  • @scarlettgaming9634
    @scarlettgaming9634 10 років тому

    I actually thought that this would be a dud. But it made me more confident and I feel more free.

  • @bellablyton5706
    @bellablyton5706 11 років тому

    that went really quick and after i felt so good and i felt like i really could do anything apart from when i woke up my neck hurt

  • @Gamerluigi444
    @Gamerluigi444 10 років тому

    I felt sooo relaxed and i feel 100xbetter about myself!

  • @katejames3346
    @katejames3346 11 років тому

    i feel much better, thx a bunch!

  • @leonardomachado9423
    @leonardomachado9423 8 років тому

    I drifted once, but it seems I cant be peace and quiet anywhere without a loud noise bothering me. And here's a tip for future wiewers: don't watch this video anywhere you can be disturbed by anything, because you get really angry when something wakes you up. Well, it happened to me, at least

  • @hollieklem
    @hollieklem 10 років тому

    felt great!

  • @crazygeorgelincoln
    @crazygeorgelincoln 11 років тому

    the word confidence is often has negative connotations, try relaxed and positive as a substitute

  • @djsquare100
    @djsquare100 10 років тому

    This video helped. I fill alright with myself and who I am

  • @PositiveMindHypnosis
    @PositiveMindHypnosis 11 років тому

    "HYPNOTHERAPY" Progressive Relaxation Deepening Technique
    I'm utilizing hypnosis as a primary tool for assisting clients to achieve their goals. A hypnotherapist often differs from other therapists by focusing on the role of subconscious behaviors. These behaviors can be modified, good habits can replace bad habits, you can analyze and understand past events, deep rest and relaxation takes place and an overall state of well-being is gained.

  • @shebacynn1320
    @shebacynn1320 11 років тому

    i slept all day couldn't sleep all night this put me straight to sleep

  • @bezay9973
    @bezay9973 8 років тому

    it works and i really liked it and i was released i hope i will become a confident girl soon thank you.

  • @nikkolsult4647
    @nikkolsult4647 10 років тому +3

    Can someone who tried it reply and answer my questions? 1) Do you wake up after it's over 2) is it safe 3) does it work 4) does it make those creepy shadows people explained about in the comments on other vids?
    Thank you!

    • @johnv9658
      @johnv9658 7 років тому

      It worked for me. I was in a trance no lie. You can PM for more details, unbelievable

  • @jimmynch98
    @jimmynch98 10 років тому +2

    I can' sleep when i hear your words:( Anyone same with me?

  • @mackadoodle1231
    @mackadoodle1231 11 років тому

    wow i feel amazing like all tingly and nice this definitely helped me i feel confident already

  • @camrynwatson5860
    @camrynwatson5860 11 років тому

    i fell asleep and slept for about two hours during this

  • @loupardoe9502
    @loupardoe9502 10 років тому

    Wow... I'm definitely going to talk to Ian now.

  • @TheLeshegompe
    @TheLeshegompe 12 років тому

    this was the first time i sustained a trance long enough and actually felt a diffrence :) yaaaay

  • @sudharmajayasoma6743
    @sudharmajayasoma6743 2 роки тому

    Niceeee...its really great

  • @28and42
    @28and42 3 роки тому

    i feel so good thankyou

  • @bobjinkins133
    @bobjinkins133 7 років тому

    I am feeling free to comment and as a result am commenting.

  • @mikeyelliott5561
    @mikeyelliott5561 11 років тому

    green, just green. like the sun except i could hold it and feel it.

    @PaFINDER 11 років тому +1

    i feel like lamp lol. feels good :)

  • @jeffersoncooper459
    @jeffersoncooper459 9 років тому +1

    My mind is too hyperactive for this for this too work. My mind runs a mile a minute. Though for some reason tears kept running down my cheek uncontrolled

    • @freddierivera3721
      @freddierivera3721 8 років тому

      Jefferson Cooper this an old post but I went through the same thing. I was conscious but couldn't move my body and tears rolled down my face. definitely weird, I have ADHD so my brain is constantly on overdrive so not sure if it worked or not.

  • @juniecw
    @juniecw 11 років тому


  • @whitneylovesjesus3509
    @whitneylovesjesus3509 8 років тому

    Wow I felt really sleepy whenever he said sleep and I was totally "drifting"

  • @jkizla
    @jkizla 6 років тому

    weird i started listening just to see what it was like without really committing to it and as i listened more i started feeling something for sure

  • @ch1k3nz1
    @ch1k3nz1 9 років тому

    I feel good after watching this.

  • @michellestandifer8283
    @michellestandifer8283 10 років тому

    I would like to cincerly thank you so much more than anything u litterly from this vid grout my grades from a c-d average to a B-A and I get strait As on my report card every time I go into trance it feels like the world is taken off my shoulder and I owe it all to you thank you so much

    • @michellestandifer8283
      @michellestandifer8283 10 років тому

      As well as u helped me with sleep deprivation and atchouly sleep now lol thank you so much

    • @michellestandifer8283
      @michellestandifer8283 10 років тому

      Ps lol I'm atchouly boy lol using my mom's account XD

    • @michellestandifer8283
      @michellestandifer8283 10 років тому

      Michelle Standifer Oh and one more thing would it be a good idea to watch befor going go sleep because I'm about to pass out but I'm not sure if I should watch this again first

  • @filipnikolic3740
    @filipnikolic3740 8 років тому

    Itsss soo good,I couldn't move

  • @Goastoid
    @Goastoid 9 років тому

    Was very relaxing cant wait to see if it worked

  • @thedragongirl12aj73
    @thedragongirl12aj73 11 років тому

    I love it!

  • @1bstrdzz
    @1bstrdzz 10 років тому

    I feel good perfectly safe to do

  • @JayLatne
    @JayLatne 12 років тому

    I'm a new man thanks ultrahypnosis

  • @christinemuse3557
    @christinemuse3557 11 років тому

    This video is awesome

  • @SlyTheeGamer
    @SlyTheeGamer 11 років тому

    Feels Great :)

  • @thedreamgirl6068
    @thedreamgirl6068 7 років тому

    I was doing this and my friend calls me and I was like.....DAMN IT I WAS GOING GOOD WITH THIS

  • @santeboodeas2911
    @santeboodeas2911 11 років тому

    even though I don't remember anything you did a great job

  • @saaqibz
    @saaqibz 8 років тому +6

    it's a nice video, but it's really messed up that you put the like and subscribe plug before asking the person to wake up.

    • @kaecatlady
      @kaecatlady 7 років тому +3

      Messed up? It's completely unethical.
      Thanks for the warning, S Zaman.

  • @Rotmgbestknight
    @Rotmgbestknight 12 років тому

    i feel so warm

  • @bzmouse
    @bzmouse 11 років тому

    real nice! :)

  • @emileemccormick8214
    @emileemccormick8214 11 років тому

    This totally worked for me I feel amazing

  • @fleamop1
    @fleamop1 11 років тому

    Good one.

  • @ryan53845
    @ryan53845 11 років тому

    Thank you

  • @lj5478
    @lj5478 9 років тому

    I was so happy

  • @RoseDuckers
    @RoseDuckers 12 років тому

    Thanks I feel great

  • @hmmidkkname
    @hmmidkkname 12 років тому

    feeling refreshed. feeling wonderful ^__^

  • @the_noob_yt8484
    @the_noob_yt8484 4 роки тому

    His snapped made me fall asleep like nothing.

  • @lucy_kitten0387
    @lucy_kitten0387 8 років тому

    I felt so relaxed. Would it be a good idea to do this before school?

  • @that1chic437
    @that1chic437 10 років тому

    I feel so happy and energized and apparently I slob a lot when I'm hypnotized 😂😂

  • @unknownbihonsumlowshi
    @unknownbihonsumlowshi 3 роки тому

    It keeps making me cry

  • @domsam31
    @domsam31 11 років тому

    It worked I just asked out this girl she said yes

  • @iheartpianoo
    @iheartpianoo 12 років тому

    I need an emergency button that I can push throughout my day and hear this: 11:37 to 11:44.

  • @SCP_O5_7
    @SCP_O5_7 11 років тому

    I can do whatever I want

  • @kingastusik255
    @kingastusik255 9 років тому

    it was amazing

  • @fleamop1
    @fleamop1 11 років тому

    Good video.

  • @linns24
    @linns24 11 років тому

    Holy fuck!! Watch this when you're high cause he actually puts you to sleep!! Holy shit!!

  • @brandbaard
    @brandbaard 8 років тому

    Doesn't seem to work on me. I was conscious the whole video and never really "slept" despite me trying my best to. I guess we'll see if it has any confidence boosting effects but I don't feel anything right now.

  • @kristinhubbard4865
    @kristinhubbard4865 5 років тому

    Does this also include being confident in singing while taking lessons?

  • @emilyazzopardi3894
    @emilyazzopardi3894 8 років тому

    Do a video about eating new foods and liking them pls

  • @ApatheticHeadphones
    @ApatheticHeadphones 11 років тому

    I started laughing. XD I'm sure it works for some people but I can't stop giggling

  • @imastupid5876
    @imastupid5876 8 років тому

    My siblings walked in around the end and now in not sure if it worked...