457s!? Thought 435 was big dog,, hitting claas site asap to get the details on that beast. Cannot figure why have the face of the stack so steep, struggling to push and no compaction up top?
2 loaders to keep up with the amount of grass coming in AND for the amount of compaction farmers want nowadays it helps, also towards the end of the job one loader can go off to next job with some of the trailers AND harvester, simple really!! And push off trailer’s??? If you mean ejector trailers ?
With the extra weight and power, That 457 is a beast. Seemed effortless.
Serious outfit that is!! That 990 is flying!!
Serious gear there, nice video. 👌
Thanks 👍
Great video Dave!
Thanks Brian 👍
Good video?
Serious outfit bai.
what does "bai" mean?
Shovels should have a push off buckrake that flicking motion wastes too much power
Awful painful stuff to watch no need for it anyway
Normal Where you see telehandlers they do
Class video and machinery
457s!? Thought 435 was big dog,, hitting claas site asap to get the details on that beast. Cannot figure why have the face of the stack so steep, struggling to push and no compaction up top?
Why 2 shovels for one harvester ??
And why no real (push off) silage trailers ? If you have the money for a 990 and 2 shovels ...
2 loaders to keep up with the amount of grass coming in AND for the amount of compaction farmers want nowadays it helps, also towards the end of the job one loader can go off to next job with some of the trailers AND harvester, simple really!! And push off trailer’s??? If you mean ejector trailers ?
With the way thst 990 is eating grass I would say u would need to shovels on the pit to keep up and compact! Serious bit of kit thst is!