Would you like to fact check? www.statista.com/statistics/1231728/market-value-of-football-teams-in-south-africa/#:~:text=As%20of%20September%202023%2C%20the,teams%20in%20the%20DSTV%20Premiership. Conversion rate as per 19 October 2023 R19.01 = $1
Compared to European clubs where some valued in billions (dollars), you would argue different. But nevertheless, your right, still a lot of money especially in African standards.
Would you like to fact check?
Conversion rate as per 19 October 2023
R19.01 = $1
That a lot of money on psl club
Compared to European clubs where some valued in billions (dollars), you would argue different. But nevertheless, your right, still a lot of money especially in African standards.