1. Total Dependance on God - Learning to Trust, Obey and Let Go.

  • Опубліковано 13 вер 2024
  • Part 1 in the Steps to Life Australian 2013 series called "Prepare NOW for the Final Battle - The Showdown Between Truth and Lies."
    Our world is headed for an end-time crises. Only those learning to depend entirely on God will come through successfully. Learning total dependance is not optional.
    "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act." George Orwell


  • @Anna-dn3bi
    @Anna-dn3bi 5 років тому +2

    yay for Australia !!!! we are truly blessed !!!!! but there will be time coming that will be nothing like it is now , thank you God for our blessings and i pray that we are ready for your return

  • @marelynheadley8793
    @marelynheadley8793 5 років тому +3

    Sabbath blessings Pastor David. I know this message was preached few years ago, but I just was able to listen because God wanted me to hear it at this time in order for me to make a decision and let go something and trust God. The Holy Spirit was speaking clearly to me while I was listening. Thank God for your sincerity and your trust in God.. I felt a lot better after letting this burden off to Jesus. I am also a MM and a nurse, and would like to do more work for God. Please pray for me and if there is a way to connect with you pls send a note. May God bless and protect you and your family, and I know God is going to honor you for such work you are doing for the poor.
    Great work.

  • @didodinev471
    @didodinev471 10 років тому +4

    God bless you brother, this lifesaving message we need very urgent!

  • @marlenemignon-kennedy2385
    @marlenemignon-kennedy2385 7 років тому +3

    exactly, if we are striving to be more comfortable, we're not on the path!

  • @dolores.cstagno8853
    @dolores.cstagno8853 10 років тому +2

    thank you for this eye opening truth God bless you brother

  • @toleoki1
    @toleoki1 2 роки тому

    Pastor Gates, 7 years ago this sermon in Australia and 5 years after that 2019 the Covid19 happened. Now already two years ago.

  • @IsJ-gt2ly
    @IsJ-gt2ly 8 років тому +7

    It's true that the jazzy, rock sort of music is the devil's music and invites the evil spirits, but I believe they're lying to you when their agent says that they can't come in unless one plays that music. There are other things that people do to invite them in to influence their thoughts, and even if one doesn't play that kind of music in the church, I'm sure they're still there trying to stir up controversy and distract people or to get them to interpret the Word in a way that God didn't mean it to be understood, or to aggravate people to leave, etc. Not only do we need to pray for protection, but also discernment, and to guard our minds throughout the week as well.

  • @homesurvival
    @homesurvival 10 років тому +1

    Great Message.

  • @dannhtml
    @dannhtml 10 років тому +1

    pastor..Dios lo siga bendiciendo en su ministerio...me gustaria saber si esta predicacion esta disponible en español....y le pido un favor.. q ore x mi xq estoy quiero aprender a depender de Dios, sus predicaciones me dan esperanza....soy un estudiante de agronomia y como me gustaria depender en esta carrera de mi Dios.....Dios lo bendiga..y si no nos conocemos aki espero verlo en EL CIELO...en la casa de nuestro Dios...

  • @wwjd_
    @wwjd_ 7 років тому +4

    I am new to watching your videos and dont know how to find the next video after this one which is pt. 2...please tell me how to do this...thank you

    • @emil11223
      @emil11223 6 років тому


  • @GMTS123
    @GMTS123 5 років тому +1

    EGW wrote always IT. Heavenly Trio is also not from her!
    "As to any special controversy, or agitation, over the matter of the Trinity, I cannot recall anything serious at all. Of course I have always known that Elder Uriah Smith was an Arian in belief, (‘Thoughts on Daniel and the Revelation’ reveal that!) and that our people undoubtedly generally followed that view. But we, as a family, had been brought up in the Church of England, and were naturally, may I say, Trinitarians. We just believed it, subconsciously, and I do not remember our ever discussing the question with the brethren who brought us into the Truth, Elder M. C. Israel, and young brother W. L. H. Baker. ONE THING I DO RECALL IS MY MOTHER’S REMARKING ON THE STRANGE LANGUAGE USED BY OUR MINISTERS IN SPEAKING OF THE HOLY GHOST AS ‘IT’ AND ‘ITS’ AS THOUGH THEY THOUGHT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT AS AN INFLUENCE, INSTEAD OF AS A PERSON. THAT SEEMED VERY STRANGE TO HER, AND IN A MEASURE TO ME ALSO (I was about 17 then).” {H. C. Lacey letter to LeRoy Froom Aug. 30, 1945}
    All Adventists have used IT and not HE for holy Spirit! Also EGW. After her death they changed all to HE. Just Dr. Kellog and A.T. Jones after his FALL used HE. Heavenly Trio is also falsificated!
    „I am sorry for A. T. Jones, who has been warned over and over again. Notwithstanding these warnings, he has allowed the enemy to fill his mind with thoughts of self-importance. Heed not his words, for he has rejected the plainest light and has chosen darkness instead. The Holy One hath given us messages clear and distinct, but some poor souls have been blinded by the falsehoods and the deceptive influences of satanic agencies and have turned from truth and righteousness to follow these fallacies of satanic origin.“ {EGW Ms 39, 1906.5}
    „We did not see anything to encourage us in the hope that Elder Jones is coming out from the darkness that is upon him. He feels that he understands himself; but he is as the blind and is feeling about to know what step to take next. I felt that I must speak plainly to him. I told him that notwithstanding the warnings that had been given regarding Dr. KELLOG INFLUENCE over him, he had gone into the very path he had been cautioned not to take; he had not spiritual discernment to understand the doctor’s religious standing. I told him that he had become Dr. Kellogg’s VOICE to the people.“ {Ellen White, Lt 234, 1908.5}
    „And the holy Spirit is a person. This great truth is NOT recognized, indeed it is not believed, by more than a very few even of Christians. For everybody knows that almost invariably, with very, very few exceptions, the holy Spirit is referred to and spoken of by Christians as IT.” But the word “it” never applies to a person. The word “it,” in the very genius of our language, refers and applies only to things, never to persons; to things of inanimate substance, as a stone, a horse, a tree; or to things of concept, or experience, as space, height, breadth, peace, joy, grief, an impression, an influence. But the holy Spirit is none of these: the holy Spirit is not an influence; nor an impression, nor peace, nor joy, nor any thing. The holy Spirit gives peace, and gives joy, assuages in grief, makes an impression, exerts an influence; but the holy Spirit is none of these things, nor any other thing. No, eternally no! The holy Spirit is a Person, eternally a divine Person. And he must be always recognised and spoken of as a Person, or he is not truly recognised or spoken of at all.“ {A.T. Jones The Christian Church, 1907, p. 201-202} {@t ( Internet p. 95, p. 96,- und p. 97}
    “He (Dr. Kellog) told me that he now believed in God the Father, God the Son, and God the holy Ghost; and his view was that it was God the holy Ghost, and not God the Father, that filled all space, and every living thing.” {Letter by A. G. Daniells to W. C. White on October 29, 1903 p. 1+2}
    „I am sorry for A. T. Jones, who has been warned over and over again. Notwithstanding these warnings, he has allowed the enemy to fill his mind with thoughts of self-importance. Heed not his words, for he has rejected the plainest light and has chosen darkness instead. The Holy One hath given us messages clear and distinct, but some poor souls have been blinded by the falsehoods and the deceptive influences of satanic agencies and have turned from truth and righteousness to follow these fallacies of satanic origin.“ {EGW Ms 39, 1906.5}
    HE, instead of IT was falsificated after her death!
    „Message after message has come to me from the Lord concerning the dangers surrounding you and Elder Prescott. I have seen that satan would have been greatly pleased to see Elders Prescott and Daniells undertake the work of a general overhauling of our books that have done a good work in the field for years. But neither of you is called of God to that work.…I have been instructed that the Lord is not the author of the proposal to make many changes in books already published." {Ellen White, Lt 70 - 1910-2+15}
    Heavenly Trio is falsificated and broth after her death. Look those two texts: completely incompatible!
    “There are three LIVING persons of the heavenly trio; in the name of these three great powers-the Father, the Son, and the holy Spirit- those who receive Christ by living faith are baptized, and these powers will co-operate with the obedient subjects of heaven in their efforts to live the new life in Christ. . . “ {"Ellen White": Testimonies for the Church, Series B, No. 7, 63, 1905. Evangelism, p. 615}
    “...it is God, the ONLY true and LIVING God, to whom our worship and reverence are due. ...Let the brightest example the world has yet seen be your example, rather than the greatest and most learned men of the age, who know not God, nor Jesus Christ whom he has sent. The Father and the Son alone are to be exalted.” {Ellen White: YI, July 7, 1898 par. 2}
    Also 1. Thessalonik 1, 9.10 Revelation 7, 2.3 Matthias 16.16
    It is just one of many proofs, that those FEW texts with Trio are all falsificated, to have "proof" that trinity would be "truth"..
    „Whatever wrong construction may be placed upon my testimony by those who profess righteousness, yet know not God, I shall in humility go forward with my work“ {Ellen White: SM1 p. 73}
    „Satan has worked upon human minds, and will continue to betray sacred trust in a spurious way.“ {Ellen White: SM Book 1 p. 57}
    “But after catechizing us upon the trinity, and finding that we were not sound upon the subject of his triune god, he became earnest in denouncing unitarianism, which takes from Christ his divinity, and leaves him but a man. Here, as far as our views were concerned, he was combating a man of straw. We do not deny the divinity of Christ. [..] We believe him to be the divine person addressed by Jahveh in the words, " Let us make man." He was with the Father before the world was. [..] We have NOT as much sympathy with Unitarians that deny the divinity of Christ, as with TRINITARIANS who hold that the Son is the eternal Father, and talk so mistily about the three-one God. Give the Master all that divinity with which the Holy Scriptures clothe him.“ {ELLEN WHITE, Review and Herald, 6. June, 1871, p. 196, Western Tour} {@t

  • @derrickzenner9300
    @derrickzenner9300 3 роки тому

    Running water 😁

  • @vlahopolfamily
    @vlahopolfamily 10 років тому

    Cum as putea asculta(viziona)aceste predici in limba romana?Exista posibilitatea subtitrarii???

    • @SorinSirbu82
      @SorinSirbu82 10 років тому

      In luna februarie am primit asigurari de la un translator profesionist ca mi le va traduce, apoi le voi uploada traduse.

    • @vlahopolfamily
      @vlahopolfamily 10 років тому

      Ah,ok!Si eu imi doresc mult sa le vizonez in limba romana,dar astept pana se va "indura"cineva sa faca subtitrarea!!!!