Aziak Frontcountry vs. Outdoorsmans Innegra - Catastrophic Failure & Field Test Results

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @Outdoorsmans
    @Outdoorsmans 3 місяці тому +16

    Hey, Jay! As always, we deeply appreciate your opinions. We continuously seek input on our products from as many sources as possible, and we are grateful that the input is not always overly positive. We want to improve and make our products unquestionable, and your unbiased opinion is one we value. We’ve had MANY discussions about the issue(s) you had, and we’re working through some solutions.
    The big one is, honestly, a new one for us. Of the tens of thousands of tripods we have sold, you are the first to report the issue of a head falling off. Thanks to your feedback, we are looking into all sorts of ways to make this impossible in future iterations.
    The same goes for the center post wing nut. Again, we haven’t often run into problems with it, but if it could negatively affect ONE customer’s hunt, we will do what it takes to prevent that from ever happening again. The beauty of local American manufacturing is that we’re able to make inline updates in a very short period of time.
    As for the center post length, we’re with you. The Gen II is not designed as a shooting-specific tripod, but it is very often used as such due to its stability/weight ratio. That said, we’ve got an exciting update to that design that’s currently in the prototype phase.
    Again, we appreciate your honest review, and we can’t wait to win back your preference. As for any customer or prospective customer, our phone lines and email inbox are open for any question, comment, concern, or criticism.
    - Levi, Director of UA-cam Comments

    • @MindfulHunter
      @MindfulHunter  3 місяці тому +1

      Been a huge fan of outdoorsman’s for a long time and this is one of the main reasons. Always looking to improve. Thanks for taking the time to watch the review.

  • @ricklytton1045
    @ricklytton1045 2 дні тому +1

    FYI from Outdoorsmans website: "All Gen 2 Carbon Innegra Tripods now ship with the Pro Center Post. The "PCP," as we call it, breaks down into two sections and allows the tripod legs to splay completely flat for shooting."

    • @MindfulHunter
      @MindfulHunter  2 дні тому

      @@ricklytton1045 released well after this video was posted. They commented on this video saying they would take my feedback into consideration. Not taking credit for it but 🤷 lol

    • @ricklytton1045
      @ricklytton1045 2 дні тому +1

      @@MindfulHunter Also FYI, after extensive research of my own I just ordered the RRS Acend-14.

  • @danbond5971
    @danbond5971 3 місяці тому +1

    Another solid review ,there's no second guessing with your content. Honesty and to the point, You Rock Brotha ...dig the nail polish 😂

  • @veythach6101
    @veythach6101 3 місяці тому +2

    Thanks for another great review. I have the Aziak backcountry light paired with Wiser PH-170 ultra light pan head; I love the set up. As you said, I glass while sitting so that I can get stable, comfortable, & take pressure off my feet. I use it for shooting as well (as needed) and haven't had issues with it.

  • @zachs13
    @zachs13 3 місяці тому +10

    I always feel like someone is playing a sick joke or im living in some kind of dream world whenever Outdoorsmans tripods come up. You said it perfectly "The Outdoorsmans doesnt do anything the Aziak cant do, and the Aziak does everything the Outdoorsmans can." Where is the justification for the almost 400% price difference?? I'm all for spending the extra money when it makes sense, but this particular scenario always baffles me.

  • @Rcrestwell
    @Rcrestwell 3 місяці тому +1

    Great video Jay! I would really like to see a video on the spartan tripod/bipod system!

    • @MindfulHunter
      @MindfulHunter  3 місяці тому

      I’m currently working on a bipod comparison review that includes the Spartan system.

    • @Rcrestwell
      @Rcrestwell 3 місяці тому +1

      Awesome! Thanks for all that you do! I believe in you, a goat is hitting the ground for you soon…

  • @mattgarner1234
    @mattgarner1234 3 місяці тому +1

    Thanks for all the information! Let us know if Outdoorsmans follows up. I have always appreciated that you share how certain companies want to improve and support and others ignore.

    • @MindfulHunter
      @MindfulHunter  3 місяці тому

      Will do. I really like outdoorsman’s and have had great service in the past.

  • @vancejohnson1778
    @vancejohnson1778 3 місяці тому +1

    Great stuff man! Was bad ass to try em both out up there, nd definitely both came to same conclusion 💪

  • @StecherHockey
    @StecherHockey 3 місяці тому +1

    I used the RRS Tripod on my Goat Hunt with Greg, it was very impressive. They even used it multiple times to record video for the show.

  • @dkjj5r
    @dkjj5r 3 місяці тому +2

    Another excellent comparison. Rydell does make an exceptionally designed product. I was a fan after picking up his bino clamp and Backcountry Lite tripod and head. Have you looked into either of the ballheads he offers? The Front Country ballhead looks intriguing with the ability to use it as a pan/tilt option.
    It is mind boggling that the Outdoorsmans is missing a set screw to lock the head to the tripod. Even if the stud is loose, if the head is locked with a set screw, there's no realistic way of it coming unscrewed.

    • @MindfulHunter
      @MindfulHunter  3 місяці тому +1


    • @MindfulHunter
      @MindfulHunter  3 місяці тому +1

      @@dkjj5r I have used the ball head and they’re great. I think if you’re gonna shoot they’re a great choice but if I’m just glassing then I still prefer a traditional panhead.

  • @tonesmith909
    @tonesmith909 3 місяці тому +1

    I have never been able to shoot prone out in the field, plants always in the way, but when needed I can certainly just shoot off my pack.
    Yes, a level is incredibly handy on a tripod!
    Personally I I like the twist to lock over flip tabs, though neither is perfect.

    • @MindfulHunter
      @MindfulHunter  3 місяці тому

      Typically I’d agree but I just got back from a goat hunt where I was faced with an extremely challenging -28* downhill 500 yard shot and a prone tripod on the edge of the cliff would have been perfect.

  • @clunesadventures
    @clunesadventures 3 місяці тому +1

    Another solid review! Made me feel like a dumbass with the set screws as I didn't realize my backcountry lite had one until I saw changer

  • @tonesmith909
    @tonesmith909 3 місяці тому +1

    Wow, that pan head lock screw “feature” on the $1,300 outdoorsman is WILD!😮

  • @bx7993
    @bx7993 Місяць тому +1

    I agree! I have the compact and tall and the OD panhead and panhead sucks ! also the little blocks for the panhead that attach to your spotter always comes loose (the screw )which makes me have to pack a Allan key .
    I ended up getting manfrotto rc700 panhead and put that on the outdoorsman and it works a lot better .
    Crazy because their shit aint cheap especially for a Canuck 😂
    You would think paying that much they would have their product almost perfect

  • @Australian_Hunting_Backcountry
    @Australian_Hunting_Backcountry 3 місяці тому +1

    Looking forward to the next one with RRS and, any chance you can get the Tricer and Peak 44 equivalents? Im literally in the market for a standing height tripod.
    Love the nail polish - tell me you’re a daughter daddy without telling me you’re a daughter dad 😅

  • @drewolm
    @drewolm 3 місяці тому +2

    I’m not real familiar with Outdoorsman’s because, years ago when I started to get serious about gear l thought they were ridiculous on price comparatively. I had to rewind to make sure I heard the price correctly. $1400 for a carbon tripod? No F’n way as far as I’m concerned.

  • @MikeJones-vb1me
    @MikeJones-vb1me 3 місяці тому +1

    Someone needs to make a video about why that outdoorsmans is $1400 vs the $70 K&F from amazon that's actually lighter even with the ball head.

  • @jockindabomb
    @jockindabomb 3 місяці тому +2

    You shoulda researched the Outdoorsmans tripod a little more before you bought it and you woulda found out you can’t shoot prone off of it. That being a deal breaker for you seems a little unfair to throw a tripod in there that you knew before hand wouldn’t do what you wanted it to do then bag on it for not doing what you wanted it to do lol.

    • @MindfulHunter
      @MindfulHunter  3 місяці тому +4

      Here’s the issue with your comment. I run a gear review channel. It’s not realistic for me to only review things that work for my hunting system. I reviewed this tripod specifically because it was requested by the people who watch this channel and it was also requested by the manufacturer themselves because of previous reviews, I’ve done of their products. You need to remember that some people watching this channel don’t have as much experience as you or I and might not even realize what they’re looking for in a tripod until somebody actually reviews it. Also, I always stay in my reviews that I’m just pointing out what works and doesn’t work for me. If you don’t wanna shoot prone, the ability to shoot prone shouldn’t matter to you and you just look at the rest of the points I mentioned. All of that being said my comment still stands for a product at this price point. There is no reason not to have added adaptability to their system. I see it as an oversight and poor design.

  • @Eric-bh7jy
    @Eric-bh7jy 3 місяці тому +1

    I’ve never understood why people like outdoorsman’s stuff. They are ridiculously over priced and heavy. I have access to discounts with them and still won’t do it. There are so many better options as shown in this review that are a fraction of the price

  • @trident8872
    @trident8872 3 місяці тому +1

    You should throw both the tripods back to the seller and get back your money 💰💰 if this was the worst experience with both the tripods.

    • @MindfulHunter
      @MindfulHunter  3 місяці тому


    • @trident8872
      @trident8872 3 місяці тому +1

      @@MindfulHunter I mean if both the tripods did not give results what ever you expected so there is no point to use them, better return them and get your money back because your hunt was almost on toss.

    • @MindfulHunter
      @MindfulHunter  3 місяці тому

      @@trident8872 did you not watch the review?

    • @trident8872
      @trident8872 3 місяці тому +1

      @@MindfulHunter yes watched it,and in the beginning of the video you have said that you will not use these tripods again.

    • @MindfulHunter
      @MindfulHunter  3 місяці тому +2

      @@trident8872 nope. I said I will not use “one” of these tripods again. And then told a very detailed story of which one failed.

  • @blakecrawford9303
    @blakecrawford9303 3 місяці тому +1

    I know Canada is "different " than the USA. But we use something called LocTite.
    Another note, I never put my legs down. Panhead goes down into the pocket......however aziak fits the price for our shitty economy

    • @MindfulHunter
      @MindfulHunter  3 місяці тому +5

      @@blakecrawford9303 well I prefer not to cover up bad design with bubble gum and duct tape. No excuse whatsoever not to have a 15 cent set screw. I have garbage $100 tripods that have a set screw.

    • @blakecrawford9303
      @blakecrawford9303 3 місяці тому +1

      ​@MindfulHunter you got me with the bubble gum!Lol.
      Was it an outdoorsmans panhead that they installed? If so they need to replace that.

    • @MindfulHunter
      @MindfulHunter  3 місяці тому +1

      @@blakecrawford9303 you’re also not wrong that loctite would have saved my panhead. No it was a Wiser. They’re great though and they’re sending me another one.

    • @13hawks32claws
      @13hawks32claws 3 місяці тому +1

      Excellent comment section on a nice review. By the way your finger nail polish is chipping. 💪🏻

    • @blakecrawford9303
      @blakecrawford9303 3 місяці тому

      @@13hawks32claws I was trying to ignore that....