How to Recognize Temptation (and Overcome it) | Exposing the Devil's Tactics | Melody Alisa

  • Опубліковано 28 вер 2024


  • @MelodyAlisa
    @MelodyAlisa  Рік тому +134

    hey, hey sis! let's chat: which of these 3 tactics does the enemy try (and hopefully FAIL!) with you most often?!
    for me, 100% lust of the eyes (materialism). there's this lie that the enemy stays trying to get me to believe that if i have "xyz" (insert whatever here), i'll be "satisfied" or "fulfilled". the thing is, what *actually* will give me satisfaction is JESUS. each and everytime, i have to fight back against His lies with this truth and that's how I overcome. In Jesus name.

    • @beautybycourt101
      @beautybycourt101 Рік тому +6

      This right here is exactly what Gods been highlighting to me lately. The enemy has really been using the prayers I’ve prayed and blessing my friends with it to make me feel a certain type of way. And I’ve been trying to fight back with scripture. There’s also this thought in my head that if I don’t have “this” or “this” fixed in my life that God won’t send my husband or do this or that for me. And lately this desire for a “minivan” I know sounds crazy. But he knows I desire a family and room for people to travel with us. So I’ve been fighting the urge to go into debt.

    • @lakeshaluckey7829
      @lakeshaluckey7829 Рік тому +6

      Yes, sister Melody the devil try to get me through the lust of the eyes ( materialism) when I find my self struggling in this area I first try to start off in prayer and continually seeking God . And getting quiet before the Lord. Recently Holy-Spirit has been showing me to Thank him for all the things I already have. And look for opportunities to Praise him for any and everything. So for example when I first wake up I Thank him for watching over my family and I for keeping us safe while we were sleeping, I Thank him for at times hearing the birds sing, for having a home to live in. My children and I went through homelessness many times. So I try to stay in Thankfulness. And have also been bringing my desires before Him. But allowing Him to refine me. In, addition I have been in prayer asking.Our Heavenly, Father to search my heart. And this is one of my answer prayers this video. However, To be totally honest I have been struggling with all three of these areas so another way I battled these tactics of the enemy is by prayer, fasting and seeking and studying the word. I have to say Thank you so much for being such a humble servant of Our Father!! You have such and wonderful Humble spirit about you and it shows through your fruits of your Spirit. Blessing to you and your family.

    • @jefferypowell31
      @jefferypowell31 Рік тому

      Is this a women class I love how u break the temptation down

    • @sadraolaedo4733
      @sadraolaedo4733 Рік тому

      Hi Melody, speak to God about this suggestion. Can you pray for we viewers after every sermon in the video, like the Spirit of God should help us walk in accordance to the word he speaks to us through you. Let the word fall on fertile ground produce fruit in 100 fold. Thank you Melly 😍🥰

  • @KJ_Appa
    @KJ_Appa Рік тому +81

    The devil tries to get me with egoism and pride for sure. I gotta look to the Father and remind myself that I am indeed, not all that. Lord Jesus is definitely reminding me to be humble instead of selfish and proud. It’s hard being a teenager in today’s culture but I’ve got the King of Kings on my side. God bless you Melody, always helpful and always on time. Much love 🫶

  • @Novemberlady09
    @Novemberlady09 Рік тому +77

    Definitely sin of the flesh. I've been celibate for the last 2.5 years. It hasn't been easy, but I try to watch and listen to, as well not putting myself in situations where I might be tempted. Most importantly, staying in the word and close to God.

    • @sarahkelly2268
      @sarahkelly2268 Рік тому +10

      Yes celibate for six years and it has not been easy. Pray for my strength

    • @dxaniie
      @dxaniie Рік тому +6

      Omg, same! Celibate for 5 months now and never felt so much peace.

  • @BrittbyBit
    @BrittbyBit Рік тому +207

    Every single time you post it is RIGHT ON TIME! I thank God for being such a good father.

  • @yasheekapalmer410
    @yasheekapalmer410 Рік тому +17

    For me it's lust of the body. I often struggle with explicit sexual thoughts and struggle with gluttony. But God is faithful. He ALWAYS provides a way out. This morning i fell into sexual thoughts and asked for forgiveness and He led me right here. I try to do what Jesus did and speak the word out loud when i am tempted. Especially the verse that says submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee and the scripture that says flee from sexual immorality...

    • @asmrjess6984
      @asmrjess6984 11 місяців тому

      Girl same

    • @kelsey7442
      @kelsey7442 9 місяців тому

      Trying to avoid certain websites. It comes and goes with how well I do.

    • @lakeishaatkins9110
      @lakeishaatkins9110 8 місяців тому

      Sis, these are my main two as well😮

  • @LifeWithBrandi
    @LifeWithBrandi Рік тому +85

    So glad I watched the full video on my lunch break. Being a Christian in todays world w/ social media is so hard. Your videos are always spot on!

    • @kilimanjaro5537
      @kilimanjaro5537 Рік тому +1

      I agree, I finally made an instagram after not being on social media for a long time and honestly, I prefer not having it but I believe I need to overcome my fear of social media so that’s why I made one but I legit don’t use it 😭. It’s just there.

    • @jadiew4840
      @jadiew4840 Рік тому +1

      Yes, I agree social media can be very addictive. I've tried this method where I log out of my account then I can't receive notifcations that remind me to go on it. I also just spend time meditating on God's word & praying & then I realise what is truly important. Try it, it might work

  • @gericurlz
    @gericurlz Рік тому +17

    The devil has been getting me lately. I felt so convicted a few weeks ago to let go of addictions and to stop being so lustful of the eyes with social media and I was doing good until I fell short. This video literally was a sign to get back on track & I thank you for that! Blessings to each and every one you all 🙏🏽

  • @nancymassiattie3892
    @nancymassiattie3892 Рік тому +5

    Definitely material temptations for me. It’s sometimes hard to see others have what I want and the desires of my heart crave that at this moment, (love family house etc) but I know God has a plan for me and I have to be patient and continue to focus in my pruning season. It’s tough but I’m learning.

  • @aprilbenson6943
    @aprilbenson6943 Рік тому +39

    For me its been the lust of the eyes lately I found myself falling into that patterns of comparing my life to the other and God had to remind me of this and I have struggle with lust of the body as well and pride this whole message was for me thank you melody

  • Рік тому +16

    I get tempted through hedonism and egoism a lot recently. It's find it really easy to believe I have the strength and power to sustain myself outside the power of God, especially in my relationships. I also tend to ignore the necessity of suffering and enduring the pain to achieve my goals and purpose in God too- which always never ends well for me, but God's grace is sufficient for me. He really does keep me on check...and I feel kinda exposed after watching this, but it's for my good :')

  • @AnaidRb04
    @AnaidRb04 Рік тому +96

    Recently the enemy has been trying to get me to not read the Bible with distractions, feelings of not wanting to. To do something more pleasurable etc. then I was sick had to miss a prayer night. But sticking to my discipline and around the Christian community it reminds me to go back to the source and spend time with Him. To read his word. Thank you Jesus for your daily mercies and reminders!

    • @lutendonetshikweta1177
      @lutendonetshikweta1177 Рік тому +3

      Omg me too. My prayer life isn’t the same anymore.

    • @christina8866
      @christina8866 Рік тому +2

      i've been finding the same thing! all these silly little things keep trying to get in the way of me reading God's word, and i find myself with less desire to spend time with Him. but i am trying to stand firm and ask Jesus to help me instead of relying on my own strength. God bless you, I pray that your spirit would be refreshed that you may experience the joy and desire of reading God's word again ❤

    • @createdtobelovedart
      @createdtobelovedart Рік тому

      praying for you to have a renewed thirst for the Word and feel refreshed as you come against the schemes of the enemy!

  • @tandikeza2613
    @tandikeza2613 Рік тому +19

    "What we worship reveals where our heart is" 🙌🏾 You couldn't have said this better Melody!❤ Thank you for another great vid!
    I find myself being tempted frequently with lust of the eyes/materialism and the pride of life/egoism.
    Recently it's been the latter temptation and journaling helps me see where I might have contributed to my own problems. When I read over what I write, I realize how prideful I might have been and that allows me to own up to mistakes, however small.
    My Bible studies also make me reflect on how I am displaying the character of Christ through my behavior. When I'm facing unhealthy familial relations, it's easy to think I'm a better family member because I'm making an effort to change etc. But, I now take a few seconds to remind myself that I'm flawed too, & act instead of reacting, so that I don't carry on the same toxic behaviors.
    As for the former temptation, I curbed it significantly by meditating on scripture that emphasizes God's faithfulness, which has allowed me to trust God to help me prosper in his own timing. I also endeavor to look for small things in my life to be grateful about, and reflect on the things I used to pray/journal about that God has answered.

    • @amariiaesthetics9359
      @amariiaesthetics9359 Рік тому

      If you don’t mind could you give me a few scriptures that displays His faithfulness that connected with you

  • @leia2968
    @leia2968 Рік тому +22

    Devil's been trying to get me with egoism. I have to go to God and His Word. Thank you, Melody

  • @daydshae5430
    @daydshae5430 Рік тому +22

    I am simply blown away right now! I haven’t been going to church, so I decided to listen to yesterday’s sermon. And it was LITERALLY THIS SAME MESSAGE! Your video popped up just as that sermon ended, and I’ve been struggling listening to you because I’ve been running kids back and forth. I decided to listen while I was taking my daughter to her school for a play, and I am SHOOK! My mouth dropped open.

    • @melliemel32
      @melliemel32 Рік тому +1

      At my church too. Come on HOLY SPIRIT and we ALL take HEED!

  • @cristolhouey8519
    @cristolhouey8519 Рік тому +9

    Hello Melody, I've recently joined your channel about a few weeks ago and enjoy your teachings. I have been tempted by all of these at different points in my life. Lust of the body was definitely a difficult one and I struggled with that for many years. Pride is one that I have recently realized that I still had. It was so suttle that I didnt even realize it. To be honest, God is still working with me on that. Pride comes in many forms, and I didnt even notice it until God pointed it out. Im growing in faith daily and thankful for where God has brought me from. I know I still have a ways to go, but at least Im not where I was. God bless.

  • @sarai-wv1te
    @sarai-wv1te Рік тому +1

    Hedonism is the most common one for me. I’ve been struggling with a pornography addiction for years. I’m 11 days clean and I’m keeping my focus on God to keep myself in line. At night is the most common time and during that time I play scripture through my phone to resist temptation.

  • @melliemel32
    @melliemel32 Рік тому +2

    Oh…where does that dirty dog try to tempt me? All of this. It’s so important to stay on guard. Bless you my sister. I fight by remembering to take heed to anScripture I was meditating on this morning “Submit yourselves, then, to God. RESIST the devil, and he will flee.” James 4:6-7.🙏🏽✝️💗.

  • @christinawolf2633
    @christinawolf2633 Рік тому

    For me, egoism and pride. I walked around thinking I was better than everyone and I deserved things because I was such a good person. But in the last few weeks, God has shown me the truth of my actions. He has shown me what my sin has really done to the people around me. When I could finally turn away from this sin, I heard God’s voice so clearly and can now tell the difference when sinful thoughts creep into my mind. It’s a constant battle. Melody your message was an inspiration. God bless!!

  • @jolieswan
    @jolieswan Рік тому +6

    This was great. Thank you! These temptations are all interwoven for me. Materialism, Pride, and Hedonism.
    But, I've been listening the word more, fasting from secular music, and paying closer attention to my heart/admitting the truth to God and then repenting and asking for help to believe Him when I doubt.

  • @jazzmichelle12
    @jazzmichelle12 Рік тому +6

    Thanks for this! The devil temps me with my thoughts and my mouth. When I say my mouth just wanting to say things ungodly and just doubting God. Thought wise! Just having the thought of if I go back to my ex then this will happen or life would be better when GOD removed him out of my life for a reason. So thanks for this video I will continue to pray and ask God to give me strength.

  • @melliemel32
    @melliemel32 Рік тому +1

    Literally, this is the same topic and the same Scripture about Jesus’ temptation that my pastor talked about Sunday and I was in agreement through prayer that I would be further ROOTED and GROUNDED in the Word.
    Blessings to you Melody AND all others.

    • @MelodyAlisa
      @MelodyAlisa  Рік тому +1

      amen!! rooted AND rounded. yes, sis!

  • @lakeshiavincent3505
    @lakeshiavincent3505 6 місяців тому

    This Bible study was right on time. Thank you for allowing God to use you and being obedient to his will. I feel like the devil is trying to attack me the hedonism. Sometimes I do what I want and defy God because I don’t want to do the thing he is telling me to do or not to do. I do give in to my own flesh. But one thing I do is fast and read the word. I know God allows us grace but I don’t want to just depend on his grace and keep doing the same things over and over again.

  • @lauralangley7240
    @lauralangley7240 Рік тому +1

    I really like that you covered the temptation of Jesus in the wilderness. In my recent Bible study, I chose to see what the Lord was trying to teach us by saying, "We don't live by Bread Alone, but every word that comes from the mouth of God. Jesus is teaching us that we must live in the word of God to stay alert to what God is doing in our lives. The Bible feeds us spiritually and we must rely totally on God. The Lord did this in the Old Testament when the Jews were in the desert. They needed to learn total dependence on God not just what they ate. Thank you so much Melody for your views on the tactics of the enemy. They are so helpful. Thank you.

  • @AggieWes
    @AggieWes Рік тому +6

    First, I thank God through the Holy Spirit that made you to post this video at the same time that I was studying Ephesians 6:10 and I was focusing on enduring Satanic attack because I felt I was being tempted. I so much needed this!
    The devil makes us to think about our desires, that is what we don't have making us neglect what God has given us. He also determines the time of the temptations, that is the moment that we are very weak. He also creates doubt in our mind about God. You begin to ask, why does God allow this or that?

  • @livjames3092
    @livjames3092 Рік тому +3

    I LOVE how lately in your videos you have been popping a lot of scripture onto the screen and tying it in to the point you’re talking about. Also I have been binge watching your last 10 videos the last couple days and they are all so on theme for what’s going on in my life right now it’s crazy!!

  • @thegalaxysia5438
    @thegalaxysia5438 Рік тому +1

    Hey Melody, just found your channel these days, you are so wise and smart that you let us through bible in a chilled and easy understanding way!!! I’m so thankful that I have you in my way of knowing out Jesus Christ ❤ by the way blessings from CHINA😊😊

  • @GlowithRafiaRah
    @GlowithRafiaRah Рік тому

    I won’t say I’m perfect in my walk seeking God daily , but one thing I always remember is that he will always be in my heart , there was a day ( a year ago) I was really low struggling I asked in prayer that he blesses me with his present ALWAYS for as long as I LIVE , no matter how I fall to keep him in my heart and his NEVER failed me , on days Satan is testing me I always remember his in my heart and this encourages me to keep calm and keep my cool❤

  • @estherbyoona1572
    @estherbyoona1572 11 місяців тому

    Number 2 materialism...Its so easy for me to wish I was elsewhere in a different season but God put me here for a reason...The Holy Spirit has kept speaking to me and assuring me he has good plans for me...materialism is not from God...Love this video...Thank you so so much ❤❤❤❤

  • @LifeWithBrandi
    @LifeWithBrandi Рік тому +2

    Lust & Egoism shows up almost daily, and mostly I give in. When I feel myself slipping into sin I find an online sermon or play worship music to keep my mind occupied

  • @joannaj.5253
    @joannaj.5253 Рік тому +2

    Your videos are always so timely... thank you for teaching us 💛🌻 I have always been attacked with hedonism. While listening to your video, The Holy Spirit pressed on my heart that bread (at least to my life) is satisfaction and comfort. I can't live on comfort alone... this video is definitely being used to correct my perspective on my life. Literally, I need to only allow God to be my true comfort and satisfaction in life. My life is about to change with this knowledge 😊

  • @carlettawalker3955
    @carlettawalker3955 Рік тому

    It’s definitely pride. I struggle with asking for help when I need it. I’m better with this but I can do better

  • @tatianahawkins421
    @tatianahawkins421 Рік тому

    I’m not gone lie sis, he be gettin me with all 3😅, as I’m growing in The Lord the ways I’m too combat these is with my worship and running too God like my 2yr old whenever something good or bad happens. Now that I think about which is funny too me my relationship with God rn is like how it is with my relationship with my daughter🤣🥰Thank you Abba for allowing me to come too you as a little child💗💗💗🙌🏽🙏🏽

  • @AshleyT716
    @AshleyT716 Рік тому

    Prayer and rebuking satan. Thank you for the word today.

  • @tundun8365
    @tundun8365 Рік тому

    My pruning season was a lost of a lot of friends. Especially, the friends that I had come to spiritually depend on.

  • @HeyItsMaori
    @HeyItsMaori Рік тому

    I am praying that I know Gods word better than the devil. Whoo!

  • @destinynaree8376
    @destinynaree8376 Рік тому

    I can say !!! Omg I thought it was just me the battle has been very very intense, I’m trying to eat better myself and stop over eating Satan has been telling me no ! Why would the lord want you to eat being foods and these new age demons has been knocking on my door I need PRAYER

  • @BeautifulFavored
    @BeautifulFavored Рік тому +5

    So happy I’m following you. Your videos and testimonials help me so much. I use prayer, reading scriptures and fasting to help with temptation.

  • @jordanaqueen8213
    @jordanaqueen8213 Рік тому

    For me I would say instantly food for sure. I’ve realized that I struggle to pray and fast because there is a knowing I won’t get to indulge in the food and snacks I want to when doing it. And that by itself in a sense shows my lack of knowledge of why fasting and praying is important regarding the building and the strengthening of my relationship with God. I would probably call myself a “foodie” the turn emphasizing how much one loves food. And yes I love food BUT I rely on it to much as well as I don’t always feed my body the right foods as a 19 year old. To fight this off, one of the things I need to keep reminding myself is indeed that scripture of we do not live by bread alone, but by every word that comes from the mouth of the Lord. And it’s with remember that and really understanding what is means to rely on God’s word will help push against the enemy. It is when we feed our spirits with the word of God(that is everlasting) that we will be fulfilled.

  • @ysolinawilliams1293
    @ysolinawilliams1293 Рік тому

    🌟✨🌟Greetings Mrs.Melody! You put this Lesson so very Simple and Sweet! Thank You. I understand it better now! GOD BLESS YOU AND YOUR FAMILY 🌟✨🌟

  • @tsotetsiallinah6458
    @tsotetsiallinah6458 Рік тому

    I think the one temptations is egoism i sometimes feel like yeah i own the room or maybe i am the good Christian but then i would remember that if it hasn't been of good i wouldn't be here and i praise him more in everything that i do, you will never find me saying oh i did i always give thanks to good ❤. It was my first on your channel i enjoyed ❤❤❤

  • @IamJustDeanna
    @IamJustDeanna Рік тому +1

    This was an absolute RHEMA word and CONFIRMATION!!! Glory be to God! 🙌🏾 Thanks Sis!

  • @accordinto_ambiw6364
    @accordinto_ambiw6364 8 місяців тому

    I could definitely say all of them. I overthink a lot and it really causes me not to trust God, also because I want to be alert because I know when God move so does the devil to knock you off course. But I thank God for this video to know exactly what to look out for.

  • @cameronerwin6059
    @cameronerwin6059 Рік тому

    You are awesome!!! Keep letting the Lord use you!!!

  • @jadiew4840
    @jadiew4840 Рік тому

    Hi Melody,
    thank you for this video, this is so relevant to my life right now. It seems like the enemy is using hedonism to lead me away from God because I usaully plan to go to sleep by 9pm, but I always end up going to sleep much later, due to countless distractions.
    I know if I continue to meditate on trusting the lord with my heart & not leaning on my own understanding, the lord with clearly show me the way I should go from this point (Proverbs 3:6-5).
    I'm so grateful that the lord has placed you in my life because at the moment I really need someone like you in my life right now. The people in my environment don't seem to seek & abide in God the way I do. I pray that God will touch their hearts & re-dedicate their lives to him.
    I do plan on going to church, I haven't been in years, but recently I have spent time to re-purpose my life to abiding in Christ & God. I am so pleased to know God has found me & he's leading me closer to him & he's answering my prayers. 🙏🏽🙌🏽❤️

  • @khensanisuprise1481
    @khensanisuprise1481 Рік тому

    This helped me a lot, because I am struggling with all three temptations and its been so hard lately as I have been struggling with feeling like I don't deserve suffering and pain because I am praying and reading the word and that I won't be attacked by the enemy thinking I'm in control of my emotions and feelings, My virginity has been broken in the worst way and I never thought it would happen because I thought anyone coming in my life won't try to harm because I believe in God. I have realized that people who got pain and are suffering are not going through it because they are bad people, even good people go through that. It has been comfusing at first but now I understand. The lust of the eyes has been on me too, I have been thinking that tge grass is greeber on the other side and comparing myself to my peers, thinking if I was born in to a well financed family I woukd have a betterife and if my Father and sister were still alive I would not be suffering, thank God for this message and God bless Melody

  • @brandeshasworld
    @brandeshasworld Рік тому +1

    I was literally just studying Luke a couple of minutes ago.. this is so right on time!! definitely confirmed some things for me. Thank you Melody :)

  • @Nadiamatlala
    @Nadiamatlala Рік тому +3

    This was so good ❤ Thank you for sharing
    I think for me it’s egoism especially thinking at times you are better cause you Christian, pray, serve etc. And I’ve constantly had to remind myself that just cause you sin differently don’t make you better. And the scripture that says work out your own salvation, God was low key saying mind your business 🤣 Philippians 2:12

  • @mamacitaboo344
    @mamacitaboo344 Рік тому +1

    I love your videos!!!!!! This video was definitely needed; many others need to hear this message. I will be sharing. You go, sis!! Powerful message of how temptation gets the best of people. Temptation 1 when it comes down to wanting companionship, and temptation 3 feels like sometimes my passion can be twisted as egoism from others' point of view.

  • @HelenPolumeheich
    @HelenPolumeheich Рік тому

    Needed this. Think ego and pride is something I have definitely struggled with. Thank you for sharing.

  • @lynnbanks3
    @lynnbanks3 Рік тому

    Hedonism is tough for me, but the devil is a liar! 🙌🏽🙏💪✌️

  • @spirtedaway2
    @spirtedaway2 Рік тому

    Ouch and Amen you may not believe this but I was having a conversation some what like this with a coworker...God is good and always on time...I definitely need to guard my heart and myself my mind if this makes sense.

  • @kanoshothompson175
    @kanoshothompson175 Рік тому

    I came across your videos a few days ago & Woww!!! I’m watching & taking so many notes .. God bless you for taking the time to share the WORD in such an authentic way!

  • @LadyLex17
    @LadyLex17 Рік тому

    Oh man he tries to get me with lust of the eyes all the time, but i try my best to fight his temptation off by making sure i have a sound mind just really thinking before i seek and to not dwell too long on anything that will make me have lustful thoughts. ❤

  • @raeRenae1
    @raeRenae1 Рік тому

    Thank you! I needed to hear this.

  • @MichelleSears
    @MichelleSears Рік тому

    Melody thank you for digging into this topic and sharing biblical wisdom with us. This message was much needed. Thank you!!!

  • @pearlngoma6976
    @pearlngoma6976 Рік тому

    Lust of the flesh. I’ve been binge eating a lot lately. But im praying against it in Jesus name!

  • @itsci
    @itsci Рік тому

    I def needed to see this because I catch myself investing into material things to feel good in that short moment. I will definitely sit on this and look back at the notes I’ve taken from this to remind me that materialism isn’t healthy.

  • @wackywab8530
    @wackywab8530 Рік тому

    Perfect timing. Amen

    • @sarahkelly2268
      @sarahkelly2268 Рік тому

      Yes this is perfect timing. Yes wrong things trying to come after me.

  • @erlineantoine842
    @erlineantoine842 Рік тому

    This is so good! Great job!

  • @azariablaze
    @azariablaze Рік тому

    Your Brady and wisdom is so appreciated!!! Your videos have changed my mindset and my life and I thank you and pray God continues to bless you for sharing this with us!! Thank you. Sending so much love!! ❤❤❤

  • @donnaellis9721
    @donnaellis9721 Рік тому

    So good!
    One thing we know is that Satan uses the same tactics.
    He was able to get me with lust of the flesh - food.
    I was on a fast and all of a sudden everyone wanted to give me my favorite chocolate.
    But I learned from my mistake and I'm much stronger when it comes to fasting and I uave gained a deeper respect for it.
    Side note: No one knew I was on a fast but Satan did. Fast when God tells you to fast and keep it!! Some things don't happen and get done unless you fast. There is so much power in it and Satan knows that.

  • @desiringchrist9248
    @desiringchrist9248 Рік тому +1

    Amen 🙏🏾 Awesome Study, Thanks Lord🙌🏾

  • @tbgaming4199
    @tbgaming4199 Рік тому

    I’m Trust In God ❤

  • @nay9nay
    @nay9nay Рік тому

    Sis, I was thinking, but not sure if it was the appropriate time to comment, but I saw the IG clips within the video and you look good and keep up the great job.... Sometimes talking about weight is depending on the person and when you can say it and the exercise IG was a GO... so yassss🎉 we see you lol Have a blessed day

  • @dianacueto1992
    @dianacueto1992 Рік тому

    Love this video!! Thank you Melody. Praise the Lord 🙌🙌

  • @ashleyjames1158
    @ashleyjames1158 Рік тому

    Lust of the body is constant for me. I love the scent and feel of a man. SO… when I’m feeling fleshy, I literally CRY out to God. I go to my prayer space, lay on the floor and pray until the feeling passes.
    I think it’s real ballsy for the enemy to try to tempt the Word with the Word. You can tempt Jesus with Jesus. Jesus knows his Word, HE IS THE WORD! lol

  • @lakeshaluckey7829
    @lakeshaluckey7829 Рік тому +1

    Please, can you keep me in prayer I will continue to allow Holy-Spirit to prune me and heal me in every area that is not pleasing to him. Thank you and I will also keep you in Prayer as well. Thanks

  • @444cicirich
    @444cicirich Рік тому

    Yup , I’m glad I caught it ❤

  • @chanelbrunson
    @chanelbrunson Рік тому

    Another awesome word, thank you Melody for sharing what God has placed in your heart🙏🏽✨!

  • @ChemarJordae
    @ChemarJordae Рік тому +1

    Whew!!! I needed this today!!!

  • @sophianiyifasha4793
    @sophianiyifasha4793 Рік тому

    Thank you

  • @unapologeticallyromel7096
    @unapologeticallyromel7096 Рік тому +1

    Hey Melody ❤ this is a good video because it definitely helps people fight through it and to know the signs.

  • @TT-zc1pv
    @TT-zc1pv Рік тому

    On point!

  • @mommastephhh
    @mommastephhh Рік тому

    I am mindblown!!!! The sermon at church this Sunday was about this specifically #3. I’m so happy I came across your page. Look at God 🥹🙏🏼💛✨

  • @bunnygirl3357
    @bunnygirl3357 Рік тому

    Wow I needed this message saving this as a reminder to evaluate myself continously

  • @lonebutterfly38
    @lonebutterfly38 Рік тому

    I think it's materialism for me. I know I need to do better financially but I have to make sure I am not being ungrateful for what I have. I don't want to idolize my issue nor do I want my efforts to improve interfering with my time spent with God.

  • @Beautiiandlight
    @Beautiiandlight Рік тому

    Right on time, Melody! Thank you.

  • @hey2930
    @hey2930 Рік тому

    In my Single season and I haven been mentally drained. I want s kingdom spouse and I am going about it incorrectly. God is cutting men off left and right like God is not playing about me.

  • @victoriana1871
    @victoriana1871 Рік тому +1

    Timely ✌🏾

  • @Fry_Dumplin
    @Fry_Dumplin Рік тому +1

    That was so needed 🙏🏽

    • @MelodyAlisa
      @MelodyAlisa  Рік тому

      So glad it was timely for you! God is good!

  • @aleciavasquez3677
    @aleciavasquez3677 Рік тому

    Probably hedonism is the most common attack as I progress in my walk with the Lord. I would say that reading about Paul and others who became prideful always helps me come back from this

  • @shaonnahrenee
    @shaonnahrenee Рік тому +2

    Loved this! ❤

  • @baabaeshun18
    @baabaeshun18 Рік тому

    the lust of flesh and pride of life

  • @QUADacityLyfe
    @QUADacityLyfe Рік тому

    Lust of the body is for sure my weakness. I think I allow Satan to take Elohim's mercy and patience for granted. There will come a time where there is no more time to turn away from sin AND live by it. Since my situation deals with this sparking from a certain person, I feel like my only remedy is to distance myself just all together. A little disappointed since that person knows the walk I am on and still pressed on and got me to back slide. I know I ultimately made the decision though.

  • @venessacollins3091
    @venessacollins3091 Рік тому

    Sis! Please keep making these videos. Idk about anyone else but these videos are helping me. All praises due! 🥲

  • @lazse5896
    @lazse5896 Рік тому

    The more scripture I memorize. The sharper my sword gets. Cause that troll under the bridge of Heaven likes to twist my promises into lies. So I can feel like I have drama in my life which is actually subconsciously intriguing, but truly ruins my peace. ⚔️

    • @MelodyAlisa
      @MelodyAlisa  Рік тому +2

      YES i love this!!! such a good reminder of the importance of KNOWING the Word of God so we can recognize how and when the enemy it twisting it!!

  • @taronyasmith4906
    @taronyasmith4906 Рік тому

    Hedoism related more to me. I am going through a separation after almost 14 years of marriage. I have been very lonely and isolated. I have notice a certain that I think is attractive and built u the nerve to talk to him on Saturday. (Before a hair appt.) After my appt. I went back in the store to just see him. He didn't even recognize me.. I didn't say a word and walked out. I believe this was the enemy's plan. I never should have approached this man. That afternoon a woman approached me and said "God said trust me." I have resisted this urge and walked in holiness. Which is where I should have stayed.

  • @yolandamoise3719
    @yolandamoise3719 Рік тому

    Thank you for this video

  • @theoverflow777
    @theoverflow777 Рік тому

    Ultimately, this is about spiritual warfare. You want to make sure you are always advancing the kingdom of God and in the offensive position. The way you study the plays is reading the bible, and you practice the plays by speaking the word ONLY over every situation. Jesus always responded with scripture when the devil tempted him. The devil even quotes Psalm 91. The enemy should not know more than you do and use it to manipulate. Afterall, evil is the perversion of the word of God. Make sure you know the word of God and walk everyday speaking it over your life and the lives of others.

  • @realsydney_za
    @realsydney_za Рік тому

    Today’s video color is bright 😭 please make it cool and cozy as usual unless you trying something new ❤️

  • @sar983
    @sar983 Рік тому +1


  • @jenniferromero571
    @jenniferromero571 Рік тому

    Hello. I just found your channel. I was wondering if I may ask which Bible you read? I read the KJV, I find it such a beautiful Bible.

  • @verymuchus6842
    @verymuchus6842 Рік тому

    Do you have any advice on how to keep faith believing things are working out even when you don’t see it ? sometimes I beat myself up bc I know I love God I know I believe in him but when things are tough even when knowing this it’s so hard for me to to say ya excited about it and I get sad all over again bc I can’t see it how do you hold on to what you know ?

  • @akedaaan
    @akedaaan Рік тому

    hedonism for sure i think. i think just first recognising that that is his tactic puts me in a better position to fight. it think just a higher level of discernment yeah, and praying into discerning the voice of God over what "feels" right. and then asking for the heart and strength to follow through by obeying God's answer. And with Jesus' example, He was able to resist what would have felt right with the word of God. so, living on nothing else but God's word. if something 'feels' right but doesn't align with the word of God, then mhhh ... a no-no.

  • @VirtuouslyWright
    @VirtuouslyWright Рік тому

    Materialism… to purchase the next thing…. Eyes on people instead of staying focused on the cross

  • @MissTracyyy223
    @MissTracyyy223 Рік тому

    Hi mrs melody can you please answer my question? Are we not to have any desires at all? We’re not allowed to have interests or hobbies or want certain things for ourselves? Is that a sin? Please make me understand.

  • @AyanaMiller2
    @AyanaMiller2 Рік тому

    Thanks . Are you on and social media sites

  • @CarasPlace
    @CarasPlace Рік тому

    I listened to this video while cooking. 🫶🏽 I love your content. Listening to this is so refreshing and peaceful. Keep going!

  • @thabisokganyago7365
    @thabisokganyago7365 Рік тому

    Melody, I feel so left out as a male because you keep referring to your subscribers as "sis" in every video.😢 Is your channel only for females? Great content by the way.

  • @doreen8855
    @doreen8855 Рік тому

    You are a chosen one 🤍👏🥲👍👍🌹🌹🙏🙏. Takes one to know one🙏I really truly appreciate your channel this is the best content on UA-cam it truly is the greatest content 👍👍🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹🌹👏👏👏👏💃💯🔥🔥🔥🔥