3:45 man you guys spoil a lot of noobs like me by making it look like a lemon squeeze. I only knew how hard actually it is capturing BIF when I went to the field only to have gigabytes of missed and blurred BIF shots. Huge respect! 🙌
@@jan_wegener Its crazy. Keep watching the bird movement, anticipate when it is going to fly and which direction it may go, press shutter, move the camera, follow the bird, try keeping it in composition, try keeping it in focus... It's a burst of mental gymnastics for split seconds.
Can you guys do a video on travel safety into the wild, travelling with expensive kit, how you manage it, particularly going off into remote areas etc. thanks
"there is no attractive big Z mount telephoto lens at the moment" - what? There's the 800mm at an incredible price point, of course, but also the 400mm TC, a unique lens that no other brand offers. Plus the 600mm on the roadmap that's probably not too far away and may also have an internal TC. Plus the 400mm PF on the roadmap. Quite a lot of attractive stuff, right? If anyone's telephoto lenses are unattractive at the moment, then it's Canon with their weird combination of cheap low aperture plastic lenses and very expensive primes that use the same optical design over and over again😉 I definitely agree on your wish for a 600mm 5.6 PF, though. I don't get why nobody produces one...
Hi Glenn, what do you use when carrying your tripod and 600mm, is there some kind of sponge for your shoulder? Also, how far do you walk with that set up generally please? I walk a bit with mine but get pretty bad shoulder ache, and also the legs keep twisting around and dropping when extended, whilst walking...Thanks
Thanks for all the work you guys do for our benefit! I know how easy it is to take for granted all the time and effort required to put together xx minutes of video, but… THANKS AGAIN!! Great job!
It looks like a Canon announcement of two APS-C bodies, the R7 and R10, is right around the corner according to Canon Rumors. The R7 in particular looks intriguing for amateur birders. Thoughts?
Hi Jan. Thanks for this great video. According to your experiance, which combo is better for for you for bird in flight photo? Canon R5 + Canon RF 100-500, Sony A1 + Sony 200-600, Nikon Z9 + Nikon Z 100-400? Or which camre you like more, Z9, A1 or R5?
9:31 Birds in Flight Tip! - You can also customize your AF area with firmware 2.0 to make it a bit more forgiving about the bird leaving a smaller AF area such as the one in the video
Thanks for another great video! Would love to hear your thoughts on binoculars for bird photographers and what do you recommend. E.H. 8x or 10x, pocket vs 32 vs 42. Another topic I would love to hear about is super zooms like Nikon p950 for bird photography. Thanks!
Love the buntings, great work! The 800pf definitely has some drawbacks, especially if you can get close to your subjects. It may not be ideal for larger birds, however once your subject is past the minimum focus distance (provided they’re not too large) this lens is unparalleled. I bet it would have been amazing for those Buntings!
@@jan_wegenerIm so random to reply to this 🤣 but I think the only lens that doesn't have a compromise and in my opinion, is the greatest lens ever made for wildlife/bird photographers is the Nikon Z 400 2.8 with built in 1.4 TC.. its super light, good minimum focus distance and its several big primes in one, especially if adding another 1.4tc to it all while staying 5.6 or lower... 400 2.8 and 560 f4 at the flip of a switch..or 560 f4 and 780 5.6 at the flip of a switch not to mention being able to switch a high mp body into crop mode. I guess price would be its only compromise to many... But to get 30k+ worth of big boy primes, for the price of one 13k, is definitely worth it.
Fantastic shots and video. I love that you can even see the dilation in the eyes change. The Orange Chested buntings really do stand out in the bushes. I hope top snap some pics of them later in the year. I'm curious how Glenn finds using a tripod and gimbal for fast moving birds in bush/forest. Does it help with keeping track while adjusting manual focus or is it more valuable taking the weight of the camera off movement?
I hired the Sony a1, loaned a Z9 from a friend and also had the R3. All have their advantages and disadvantages. If the R3 had 45mp it would have been my go to camera without a shadow of a doubt, beautifully constructed, excellent ergos and nicely placed buttons etc. The Z9 is just too heavy maybe a Z8 would hit the spot, so for me (at the moment) the a1 does most things well in a small lightweight package and above all the lens options are plentiful. Truth is any camera over 2k will do almost everything we need.
Nice bird catch Glenn. I find that with my amount of photos during photoshoot im not so bad. I often Wonder why Im taking so many photos and then choose only max 1/5 of them to be good. Jan. What Im waiting for is the body comparison between r5 and R3 from the photos perspective. You mentioned that for video the R3 is the winner but for photos it is more a tie.
@@GlennBartley Yes...but with the TC engaged is 560mm f4 which only 40mm short than 600mm. The beauty is you can disengage the TC in fraction of a second and you are at 400mm for closer subjects. I think is more versatile than 600mm imho. And everything works also with the classic TC. For example, if you put 1.4 TC to the body you are at 560mm at F4 and when you need you can engage the inside TC and you can make photos at 784mm at f5.6... and all of this with a push of a button. :) With 600mm you cannot do this things.
Jan & Glenn - Great video… Thanks for sharing… Glenn - I would greatly appreciate the brand name of your tripod head & gimbal setup that supports the very large lens shown in the video. THANKS!
Nice video - Wide area and then 3d tracking works everytime for me - you can assign a fn button for the 3d and press before bird takes off and it will track it throughout, I use a 80-400 g fmount lens with ftz adapter and it never fails
Lovely content again. I'm needing to upgrade and find it so hard between the Nikon Z9 and the Canon R3. How have you gone with the editing side of the R3 ? I have heard that the codecs can be tricky in Premier Pro. I am liking the weight advantage.
Great video as always. Would be interesting to hear your flight travel stories while carrying all this gear. Wouldn't be easy carrying a 600prime especially when the flight attendant mentions it is too big to carry as a handbag.
Buy yourself 2 tickets ....for the flight one seat for you and the other seat for your lense/gear .. And if you know where to look you find cheap flights on private jet's on the return leg .. Most people are unaware of that fact .
Hello Jan and Glenn, Jan, you said in the video that the z9 is not capable of keeping track of the bird and is better to let go the focus button and re-engage. Question is, based in your experience is the Canon better on this regard ? How about Sony? Thanks in advance for the reply
It can do it sometimes, but it would often lose it. All cameras do, really. The Z9 definitely found it again quite well a few times. So it's a mix of things.
Sure the 200-600mm is on the roadmap but is from a year to two away from being in my bag, given the delivery issues typical of Nikon. Hard to invest in a company that just doesn't deliver in a timely manner. Got my Sony 200-600 in a single day!
Nikkor 180-600mm is awesome. And nope, Mexico is not all hot and dry like you see it in cartoons. Mexico has desert, dry comfy weather and it has hot humid coasts, jungle, and very dry cold weather in the Sierra down south with an active volcano (Puebla)
I definitely find that when tracking a bird in flight that taking my thumb off and on the focus button (I use dual back button focus) helps regain focus. Presently using the R6 with Sigma 150-600C. I'm taking advantage of Canon's free lens hire to try out the RF100-500 early in June. I'm excited to try it out, but hope it's not too good as I'm not sure that I could afford to actually buy one.
@@jan_wegener Yes you are right, it does out perform my Sigma 150-600C on my Canon R6. I've only had it for 4 days but the tracking and image quality are noticeably better. I don't want to send it back, but sadly it has to go back tomorrow (Unless I "lose" it)
Curious Q for all - Is it only Sigma and Tamron that only make affordable 600mm Lense's Is there any other brand that also does 600mm/ plus lense at the same price points that of Sigma and Tamron ....
Thanks for sharing your wonderful video. I guess Z 9 + Z 800mm nice combo but price in EU is just out of sight.🤪 The birds from Mexico are really amazing. I salute you guys. 👍
Awesome twist: "Now we go live to our field reporter in the local car park". Who'd expect that in a bird show, heheh ;-) Anyways, the birds were amazing (again) and the interaction between the 2 of you even keeps improving on the high level you already started from ! Just wondering why the bar shouldered dove only appears when Jan holds the Z9 .. is that species scared of Canons and Sonys ??
@@jan_wegener heheh, has to be the meow! Or else they are so tame you're close when approaching them with the 100-500. Maybe try the 24-105/4 like with the roundabout turkey (don't recall the correct name)
Same here in Bulgaria, that's why the 800mmZ lools like the best scenario as the "wildlife" here is 99% small birds while I can use my phone if I ever see a bear, for example. Before I start to run of course 😄
Awesome stuff, Glenn that would be tough to go through 40,000 images! I done a weekend trip and was left with 2000 shots and im just deleting 100 shots a day just chipping away at it and choosing what I like at the same time. My trip was similar in that it's usually sunny, my previous 3 visits to this arid bush area its been full sun, all I would have is about 1hr before the side lighting from the hides was too harsh. But I was blessed this trip of having just 1 morning with light clouds passing over, the sun was in and out but allowed me to shoot for 5 hours 1 morning! It made a huge difference and the photos look much nicer than the harsh light I had in previous visits.
Glenn how much did you're trip cost all in ?? . When booking Hotels .. if you book room only rate you can save money per night because you are not paying for Breakfast .. if you don't have it , In some cases you can save 15/20 plus Euro / Pounds a Night . If you don't like constant Sunny weather when you're at a location .. you should visit Scotland .. I''ll take Positive Climate Change [ Sunny Weather ] over depressing rainy days A Hotel will offer different rates .. on a room depending on the various booking sites they use .. advertise Question for all if you all drive .. is your journeys now costing more than what it was before ,, if the price per gallon has increased in you're Country ? And is the increase in Energy and Food costs affecting you're potential Gear Purchases [ Location depending ] ????? As it stands .. none of the channels has touched upon that subject
Wouldn't be a Friday night without you two. Thanks!!
Cheers ruuben!
Thanks :)
Congratulacions!! Excelent cámara and Great pictures!! Where did tour take your photos ? I mean in wich place of Mexico?
3:45 man you guys spoil a lot of noobs like me by making it look like a lemon squeeze. I only knew how hard actually it is capturing BIF when I went to the field only to have gigabytes of missed and blurred BIF shots.
Huge respect! 🙌
Yes, as you can see in the viewfinder footage, the action happens within seconds
@@jan_wegener Its crazy.
Keep watching the bird movement, anticipate when it is going to fly and which direction it may go, press shutter, move the camera, follow the bird, try keeping it in composition, try keeping it in focus...
It's a burst of mental gymnastics for split seconds.
Great episode guys. Jan where is that car park? Will be up there next week. And see you at the conference!
Will never miss one of your greatly entertaining and informative videos!!!
Awesome! Thank you!
Can you guys do a video on travel safety into the wild, travelling with expensive kit, how you manage it, particularly going off into remote areas etc. thanks
"there is no attractive big Z mount telephoto lens at the moment" - what? There's the 800mm at an incredible price point, of course, but also the 400mm TC, a unique lens that no other brand offers. Plus the 600mm on the roadmap that's probably not too far away and may also have an internal TC. Plus the 400mm PF on the roadmap. Quite a lot of attractive stuff, right?
If anyone's telephoto lenses are unattractive at the moment, then it's Canon with their weird combination of cheap low aperture plastic lenses and very expensive primes that use the same optical design over and over again😉
I definitely agree on your wish for a 600mm 5.6 PF, though. I don't get why nobody produces one...
The key is a 500 or 600 f/4
I was strictly talking as of today.
Once there's a 600 Z mount prime, I will take that comment back :D
Fully agree on the 600, the versatility is hard to beat and now that you know how lite it is…it’s nearly impossible to give that up.
Yes, only for something with same focal length and less weight :D
Hi Glenn, what do you use when carrying your tripod and 600mm, is there some kind of sponge for your shoulder? Also, how far do you walk with that set up generally please? I walk a bit with mine but get pretty bad shoulder ache, and also the legs keep twisting around and dropping when extended, whilst walking...Thanks
It's a custom pad that I designed and made.
Sometimes I walk all day 😳
Thanks for all the work you guys do for our benefit! I know how easy it is to take for granted all the time and effort required to put together xx minutes of video, but… THANKS AGAIN!! Great job!
Much appreciated!
It looks like a Canon announcement of two APS-C bodies, the R7 and R10, is right around the corner according to Canon Rumors. The R7 in particular looks intriguing for amateur birders. Thoughts?
Will make a video tonight :)
Hi Jan. Thanks for this great video. According to your experiance, which combo is better for for you for bird in flight photo? Canon R5 + Canon RF 100-500, Sony A1 + Sony 200-600, Nikon Z9 + Nikon Z 100-400? Or which camre you like more, Z9, A1 or R5?
Beautiful birds in Mexico!
I think so too!
9:31 Birds in Flight Tip! - You can also customize your AF area with firmware 2.0 to make it a bit more forgiving about the bird leaving a smaller AF area such as the one in the video
Yes, than can help
Thanks for another great video!
Would love to hear your thoughts on binoculars for bird photographers and what do you recommend. E.H. 8x or 10x, pocket vs 32 vs 42.
Another topic I would love to hear about is super zooms like Nikon p950 for bird photography.
Coole Bilder waren dabei, die Taube im Flug war schön aber auch die Triele.
Love the buntings, great work! The 800pf definitely has some drawbacks, especially if you can get close to your subjects. It may not be ideal for larger birds, however once your subject is past the minimum focus distance (provided they’re not too large) this lens is unparalleled. I bet it would have been amazing for those Buntings!
Yes, in the end every lens is kind of a compromise
@@jan_wegenerIm so random to reply to this 🤣 but I think the only lens that doesn't have a compromise and in my opinion, is the greatest lens ever made for wildlife/bird photographers is the Nikon Z 400 2.8 with built in 1.4 TC.. its super light, good minimum focus distance and its several big primes in one, especially if adding another 1.4tc to it all while staying 5.6 or lower... 400 2.8 and 560 f4 at the flip of a switch..or 560 f4 and 780 5.6 at the flip of a switch not to mention being able to switch a high mp body into crop mode.
I guess price would be its only compromise to many... But to get 30k+ worth of big boy primes, for the price of one 13k, is definitely worth it.
Informative and entertaining video as always! I agree with Jan that the ergonomics of the Canon integrated bodies are unparalleled....
Thanks :)
Another great video guys. Thanks. Glenn - can you tell us what harness you are using for your binos?
Excellent show!
Thank you very much!
Fantastic shots and video. I love that you can even see the dilation in the eyes change. The Orange Chested buntings really do stand out in the bushes. I hope top snap some pics of them later in the year.
I'm curious how Glenn finds using a tripod and gimbal for fast moving birds in bush/forest. Does it help with keeping track while adjusting manual focus or is it more valuable taking the weight of the camera off movement?
I think for smaller birds where you are more stationary a tripod has many advantages, even though lately I have been using a bit less
I hired the Sony a1, loaned a Z9 from a friend and also had the R3. All have their advantages and disadvantages. If the R3 had 45mp it would have been my go to camera without a shadow of a doubt, beautifully constructed, excellent ergos and nicely placed buttons etc. The Z9 is just too heavy maybe a Z8 would hit the spot, so for me (at the moment) the a1 does most things well in a small lightweight package and above all the lens options are plentiful. Truth is any camera over 2k will do almost everything we need.
Agreed. I am definitely want to see that 50mpix R3 style camera rather sooner than later!
@@jan_wegener Canon has to bring a hit.
Nice bird catch Glenn. I find that with my amount of photos during photoshoot im not so bad. I often Wonder why Im taking so many photos and then choose only max 1/5 of them to be good.
Jan. What Im waiting for is the body comparison between r5 and R3 from the photos perspective. You mentioned that for video the R3 is the winner but for photos it is more a tie.
I think the 400mm f2.8 is an amazing lens with incorporated 1.4 TC.
Definitely an awesome lens for some things. I'd personally prefer a 600 f4 in most scenarios...
@@GlennBartley well, if only that was actually existing now 😄
It would be, but a bit too short for me and then it becomes awkward if you start using external extenders and internals on the same lens
@@GlennBartley Yes...but with the TC engaged is 560mm f4 which only 40mm short than 600mm. The beauty is you can disengage the TC in fraction of a second and you are at 400mm for closer subjects. I think is more versatile than 600mm imho.
And everything works also with the classic TC. For example, if you put 1.4 TC to the body you are at 560mm at F4 and when you need you can engage the inside TC and you can make photos at 784mm at f5.6... and all of this with a push of a button. :)
With 600mm you cannot do this things.
Jan & Glenn - Great video… Thanks for sharing…
Glenn - I would greatly appreciate the brand name of your tripod head & gimbal setup that supports the very large lens shown in the video. THANKS!
Thanks. I think it's a Gitzo XLS 3543 & Wimberley Head, but he might chime in :D
Nice video - Wide area and then 3d tracking works everytime for me - you can assign a fn button for the 3d and press before bird takes off and it will track it throughout, I use a 80-400 g fmount lens with ftz adapter and it never fails
That's what I did a bunch too, but for BIF it seemed better to stay with Wide area
Lovely content again. I'm needing to upgrade and find it so hard between the Nikon Z9 and the Canon R3. How have you gone with the editing side of the R3 ? I have heard that the codecs can be tricky in Premier Pro. I am liking the weight advantage.
Compared to the R5 it has better codecs, RAW Light is easy to edit for instance. The Z9 with ProRes has probably the best codecs.
@@jan_wegener Much appreciated Jan.
Hope you can try it with the 800 6.3; that is the "big Z mount prime lens at the moment." It is amazing.
me too :) No word yet
Cant wait for your review on the RF 600mm F4 lens.
Awesome as always guys!
enjoying your efforts Jan - great work.
Many thanks!
Great video as always. Would be interesting to hear your flight travel stories while carrying all this gear. Wouldn't be easy carrying a 600prime especially when the flight attendant mentions it is too big to carry as a handbag.
A smile and a friendly attitude goes a long way!
I've actually never had any major issues getting my big lens on the plane. Knock on wood!
We have talked about that in a couple of past Episodes
@@jan_wegener Oh yes! I remember now. The post when Glen was off to Panama.....got it 👍
Buy yourself 2 tickets ....for the flight one seat for you and the other seat for your lense/gear .. And if you know where to look you find cheap flights on private jet's on the return leg .. Most people are unaware of that fact .
Hello Jan and Glenn, Jan, you said in the video that the z9 is not capable of keeping track of the bird and is better to let go the focus button and re-engage. Question is, based in your experience is the Canon better on this regard ? How about Sony? Thanks in advance for the reply
It can do it sometimes, but it would often lose it. All cameras do, really. The Z9 definitely found it again quite well a few times. So it's a mix of things.
Jan, why didn't you use Precapture with that perched Bar-shouldered Dove? I thought Nikon have a 600mm F4 and 200-600mm in their roadmap?
Cause I don't want to shoot Jpeg. That's true, my comment was about the gear available at this point in time
Sure the 200-600mm is on the roadmap but is from a year to two away from being in my bag, given the delivery issues typical of Nikon. Hard to invest in a company that just doesn't deliver in a timely manner. Got my Sony 200-600 in a single day!
another excellent video yet again 👏
Glad you enjoyed it
Nikkor 180-600mm is awesome. And nope, Mexico is not all hot and dry like you see it in cartoons. Mexico has desert, dry comfy weather and it has hot humid coasts, jungle, and very dry cold weather in the Sierra down south with an active volcano (Puebla)
I definitely find that when tracking a bird in flight that taking my thumb off and on the focus button (I use dual back button focus) helps regain focus. Presently using the R6 with Sigma 150-600C. I'm taking advantage of Canon's free lens hire to try out the RF100-500 early in June. I'm excited to try it out, but hope it's not too good as I'm not sure that I could afford to actually buy one.
I don't see a scenario where you don't find it "too good" :D
@@jan_wegener Yes you are right, it does out perform my Sigma 150-600C on my Canon R6. I've only had it for 4 days but the tracking and image quality are noticeably better. I don't want to send it back, but sadly it has to go back tomorrow (Unless I "lose" it)
Thanks so much for watching everyone!
Let us know if you enjoy the episode!
Absolutely yes, great job as usual, all the best to both of you
Great show agian, guys!!!
What do you think about the Nikon 400mm 2.8 with inbuilt 1.4 TC?
Looks awesome, just too short for me personally.
@@jan_wegener 560mm are to short? 😃
You photography with a 100-500? 😃
As usual excellent 👍👍
Thank you so much 😀
Curious Q for all - Is it only Sigma and Tamron that only make affordable 600mm Lense's
Is there any other brand that also does 600mm/ plus lense at the same price points that of Sigma and Tamron ....
Sony 200-600 comes to mind
Where did you go in Mexico, Glenn?
For birds? They’re everywhere . Its overwhelming to see so much diversity
While Nikon does not have a 600mm prime, but their 400mm with the built in 1.4tc gives 560. This is great versatility…
Thanks for sharing your wonderful video. I guess Z 9 + Z 800mm nice combo but price in EU is just out of sight.🤪 The birds from Mexico are really amazing. I salute you guys. 👍
Thank you!
Great video.
Glad you enjoyed it
Awesome twist: "Now we go live to our field reporter in the local car park". Who'd expect that in a bird show, heheh ;-) Anyways, the birds were amazing (again) and the interaction between the 2 of you even keeps improving on the high level you already started from !
Just wondering why the bar shouldered dove only appears when Jan holds the Z9 .. is that species scared of Canons and Sonys ??
Maybe it's the bird sound you can program as the shutter sound on the Nikon 🤣
@@GlennBartley yess, that must be it, or maybe Jan programmed the Nikon to meow 🤣
I do have many in the backyard, but somehow the flight stuff only happened when I was out with the Z9 :(
@@jan_wegener heheh, has to be the meow! Or else they are so tame you're close when approaching them with the 100-500. Maybe try the 24-105/4 like with the roundabout turkey (don't recall the correct name)
Nice video
400mm 2,8...800mm 5,6PF...100-400mm...for wildlife, it is MORE then enough :)))
A f/4 super telephoto would be a good addition
@@GlennBartley yep, 400mm 2,8 + TC-14 = 560mm 4,0 :)
@@GlennBartley An essential addition for pro wildlife shooters.
They are good, but my life is incomplete without a f4/600 prime :D
Dudes. How easy is bird photography in Australia??? Jeez, there is nowhere in the UK where that would happen, except maybe in a zoo!
Same here in Bulgaria, that's why the 800mmZ lools like the best scenario as the "wildlife" here is 99% small birds while I can use my phone if I ever see a bear, for example. Before I start to run of course 😄
Might need to find new spots ;) I specifically search for spots where I can get close to the birds.
@@dicekolev5360 yup! 😆😆😆
Awesome stuff, Glenn that would be tough to go through 40,000 images! I done a weekend trip and was left with 2000 shots and im just deleting 100 shots a day just chipping away at it and choosing what I like at the same time.
My trip was similar in that it's usually sunny, my previous 3 visits to this arid bush area its been full sun, all I would have is about 1hr before the side lighting from the hides was too harsh. But I was blessed this trip of having just 1 morning with light clouds passing over, the sun was in and out but allowed me to shoot for 5 hours 1 morning! It made a huge difference and the photos look much nicer than the harsh light I had in previous visits.
Nikon is doing a good job. Z9 is just too heavy for my opinions and have some issues about af.
It definitely is on the heavy side
Nikon rules...
Glenn how much did you're trip cost all in ?? . When booking Hotels .. if you book room only rate you can save money per night because you are not paying for Breakfast .. if you don't have it , In some cases you can save 15/20 plus Euro / Pounds a Night .
If you don't like constant Sunny weather when you're at a location .. you should visit Scotland ..
I''ll take Positive Climate Change [ Sunny Weather ] over depressing rainy days
A Hotel will offer different rates .. on a room depending on the various booking sites they use .. advertise
Question for all if you all drive .. is your journeys now costing more than what it was before ,, if the price per gallon has increased in you're Country ?
And is the increase in Energy and Food costs affecting you're potential Gear Purchases [ Location depending ] ?????
As it stands .. none of the channels has touched upon that subject