The Influence of Politics and Tribalism on Climate Science

  • Опубліковано 7 вер 2024


  • @homewall744
    @homewall744 Місяць тому +5

    A "real" conservative would want to reduce pollution and emissions.

    • @padraigadhastair4783
      @padraigadhastair4783 Місяць тому

      Everyone wants to get rid of pollution but CO2 emissions isn't pollution. CO2 is the molecule of life. It's 1 molecule in 2500 of our atmosphere. Negligible compared to many other causes for 'climate change' that are so numerous and varied that they cannot all be understood and even less accurately modeled. What hubris, wanting to control nature.

  • @kevinfluth3053
    @kevinfluth3053 Місяць тому +4

    I enjoyed learning the reason for switching to the term “climate change”. A year ago, after watching Sagan’s testimony to Congress from 1985, have reverted to calling it Global Warming every chance I get. For some reason, it just feels like a better fit. Great conversation!

    • @bunsw2070
      @bunsw2070 День тому

      They changed the name because it's not getting warmer. The last 11 years have been the coolest in 100 years. All planets in the solar system are changing in the same way. Warmer in the cold season and cooler in the hot season. We should be rejoicing.
      Notice how they didn't talk about the science in this interview. They only talked about how likable or bad certain people are. Is this a soap opera? It's about whether or not you are on team blue or team red. Otherwise, why no science?

  • @lestermarshall6501
    @lestermarshall6501 Місяць тому +3

    Merchants of Doubt is a good book to read about how companies hire people to cast doubt on real science. Everyone should read it.

  • @sulljoh1
    @sulljoh1 Місяць тому +7

    This has nothing to do with trusting the establishment. It's just about following the data.
    I have to use a calibrated CO2 sensor for work and occasionally stick it outside. I haven't seen a number below 400 ppm. It was 275 for most of human history.

    • @BillyTheKidCENTURION
      @BillyTheKidCENTURION Місяць тому +1

      Absolutely false, the CO2 ppm was 330 in the 1800s.

    • @padraigadhastair4783
      @padraigadhastair4783 Місяць тому

      Where the heck did you hear that nonsense? What do you have against CO2? It's the molecule of life. The more there is in the air the better off all plants and by extension, all living creatures, including us. Below 180, we all die! Try and use your tester to read ppm. in a crowded room, a classroom, an office conference room, subway train, and you will see that it's way over 400ppm. and no one is complaining. CO2 compromises 0.04% of the atmosphere, that's 1 molecule in 2500. That's the temperature control knob? That makes no sense. As far as I can see, t he more CO2 the better.

    • @BillyTheKidCENTURION
      @BillyTheKidCENTURION Місяць тому +2

      If you place a CO2 meter in a corn or wheat field, it won't even register above 50ppm. Before I pump CO2 into my greenhouse, it doesn't register above 50ppm, I try to keep CO2 in my greenhouse above 800ppm. The warning signal aboard submarines for high CO2 levels, doesn't go off until it reaches 7,000ppm. Several times during the 1930s, 1940s, and 1950s, it reached over 400ppm. At several points during the mid Holocene, it went over 400ppm.

    • @sulljoh1
      @sulljoh1 Місяць тому

      @@BillyTheKidCENTURION If you want proper readings don't go to a greenhouse or a cornfield.
      But fine. We can all individually only get so far with our own research and tests. We need larger groups of people to get many things done. So which larger groups do you trust (if not science)?

    • @BillyTheKidCENTURION
      @BillyTheKidCENTURION Місяць тому

      @@sulljoh1 But science does not prove that CO2 drives warming. You say I shouldn't go out into a greenhouse or corn field to measure CO2, yet greenhouses trap heat during the winter, and CO2 is what keeps the plants alive. Right now we are suffering from a lack of CO2, and when you say you daily use a CO2 meter, and get consistent readings of over 400ppm, I call B.S. Again, where are you placing your meter?
      CO2 rise increases only after heat rising. There is no consensus among scientists, that any warming that has taken place is antrophogenic, there is also no consensus among people who grow their own food.
      This response has been recorded, along with your response, and the video, to post to other social media platforms :)
      Just so happens that your meter that you put out daily, coincides with the IPCC ?
      Folks this is a bot, it is absolutely impossible, to get a steady over 400ppm.
      Let's see what YT says about this :)

  • @stevenmyers6291
    @stevenmyers6291 Місяць тому +3

    Excellent episode! This is what skepticism is all about. The parallels with the tobacco industry are perfect!

  • @rudycandu1633
    @rudycandu1633 Місяць тому +1

    When I saw the title, and then the channel name, I thought the video was going to be a climate change denial. But I clicked on it anyway. I'm so glad that my initial impression was wrong. I ended up listening to the whole program. And about to see what else is on the channel.

  • @sulljoh1
    @sulljoh1 Місяць тому +5

    I wish people listened to the podcast before spouting their home brew theories in these comments

    • @AegonCallery-ty6vy
      @AegonCallery-ty6vy Місяць тому +1

      My 'home brew theories' were almost perfectly confirmed in this video. Like, ALL of them. Red flags galore. Muchael and his guests clearly are ignorant about the climate science in detail. They just think they know or assume 'the experts' know. Same thing happened to Darwin, Einstein and many other independent scientists like Maxwell. If we only accept the consensus we get nowhere. Michael knows that. That's why it is so sad to see him captured like this, especially considering all the political moves the guest seems happy about. Same thing happened during Covid. It's a disgrace..

    • @sulljoh1
      @sulljoh1 Місяць тому +1

      @@AegonCallery-ty6vy Do you honestly believe that your personal theories are "almost perfectly confirmed?"
      What do you do for a living? Application and understanding of real science in real life is fucking hard work.
      Why? Because it's so easy to fool yourself. I do it. We all do it. If you think you're almost always right - then you're fooling yourself and don't even know it

    • @AegonCallery-ty6vy
      @AegonCallery-ty6vy Місяць тому

      I was right about being prejudiced towards the guest. Because they all use conjecture, consensus and rudimentary science. I dont need to be right nor does any climate alarm sceptic. But those who claim they are right and want things settled are ALWAYS wrong.

    • @bobcobb7992
      @bobcobb7992 Місяць тому

      I listened to as much as I could stand. 15 minutes' worth. This guy comes off as a typical self-righteous left-winger who loves to hear himself talk. I'm not wasting anymore time listening to his irrelevant pretentious nonsense about now obscure movies or how nuking Japan helped end the war (pretty sure that's debatable). And what about that Time Magazine piece from decades ago? The global warming "violence" hasn't happened as predicted but he's acting like it has. If only we had listened to those brilliant, ahead of their time fear mongers. The fact that he works for NPR and Rolling Stone told me everything I needed to know but I gave him 15 minutes anyway. I'm out.

    • @sulljoh1
      @sulljoh1 Місяць тому

      @@bobcobb7992 He does sound a bit arrogant lol. I'll give you that.

  • @randallbessinger1309
    @randallbessinger1309 Місяць тому +3

    Visited RJ Reynolds headquaters as part of my job about 15 years ago. Interesting in that smoking in the office was obnoxious. That said the Director that I met with was a very good runner and marathoner but he was a libertarian. He thought smoking should just be up to the individual without govt. intervention. Kind of made me think he didn’t think that much of the workers working under him.

  • @sbspock
    @sbspock 16 днів тому +1

    "Climate Crisis" is a far more accurate term.

  • @-LightningRod-
    @-LightningRod- Місяць тому +1

    i am ever so grateful for your efforts to expose these CRIMINALS,..
    I can only hope to live long enough to see them held accountable for the damage they are responsible for.
    #paulbeckwith #environmentalcoffeehouse #climatechat #petercarter
    i am surprised that you did not mention or reference the API meeting of 1958-9

  • @climatebell
    @climatebell Місяць тому +3

    Until people focus on the physics of the greenhouse gas effect, the effect won't be nailed down computationally from a temperature rise point of view.

    • @JMW-ci2pq
      @JMW-ci2pq Місяць тому

      Earth is being desiccated at an increasing rate. Earth loses H2 leaving behind the O due to
      accelerating thermal-mass loading of both atmosphere and oceans.
      Ocean rise due to thermal mass increase is logarithmic (expansion).
      Ocean Heat Content (Science Talk With Jim Massa):
      Ocean Temperatures for Last 700000 Years
      There is no mistake as to temp increase overall b/c of humans.
      How much energy and resulting heat and waste and unearthed material does it take to support
      one human for one day
      Living within an average to low income civilized environment?
      Technology is not going to save us, ecology will! | Theunis Piersma | TEDxFryslân
      It takes @least 3square miles of healthy wild-lands to support one one kg hawk.
      It takes x square miles of healthy: tropics; reef; glaciers; etc to support each and every 3square
      miles of healthy wild-lands for each and every 1kg Hawk and so on…
      For each and every volume of healthy wild-land & for each and every 1kg hawk a minimum
      volume of healthy reef; varied types of forest; grass-lands (like savannah); glacier; potable
      water;etc . Is needed
      This ratio holds for nearly if not ALL vertebrates (yes this includes ALL monkeys, even the
      hairless ones).
      Ergo the number of any apex species is limited to the benefit of all others which promotes
      bio-complexity. This obeys thermodynamics and gravitational harmonics.
      ~90% of All anthropogenic thermal mass since slash & burn (including heat and CO2) is in the
      Ocean Temperatures for Last 700000 Years
      There is no mistake as to temp increase overall b/c of humans.
      For each added milligram of any thermal-mass: mined; drilled; burned Earth's rate of heating
      accelerates continually.
      Earth's Atmosphere&Oceans experience an increase in avg pressure.
      Earth's Oceans experience an increase in avg rate of expansion.
      Earth's rate of out-gassing H2 increases
      Earth's rate of Bio - Complexity Loss increases continuously.
      Earth's rate of Extinctions of Species and
      Life Viable Eco-Systems Accelerates.
      incoming energy is largely micro-wave
      earth and oceans take up nearly all of this.
      What is emitted must pass through the atmosphere (see isothermic atmosphere).
      Emitted energy is an anagram of the motion of earth including its em field.
      Reflected light is a red shift. ergo momentum is lost to both reflection and gravity&spin.
      think of thermal expansion laws.
      exciting aerosols causing force (motion) putting pressure on the surrounding atmosphere.
      ie heat source
      now distribute that thermalytic pressure isometrically
      into the oceans with it following thermal-mass-density physics
      In open space, How do aerosols behave in relation to & with solar radiation and Sol’s Gravity?
      6th Grader:
      Picture the Earth
      Add a hand crank above the atmosphere at both polls.
      For every calorie of energy added to the surface (-11mi from bottom of Marianis Trench to top of
      Mt. Everest) there is the affect of pressure increase.
      For every volume of bio complexity lost, incoming solar plus geo thermal energy is unbound
      other than being used in anthropogenic systems. Ergo scalar heat.
      Add industry.
      The affect is increasing pressure against the direction of incoming radiation and against
      EarthGravity(effects of thermal-mass expansion. Inertial state change with respect to angular
      acceleration with respect to Earths rotation et-all).
      The big hand cranks should be in equilibrium
      with both upwelling thermal-mass & incoming thermal-mass.
      The hand that "twists" the cranks (like squeezing the atmosphere & Earth between thumb and
      forefinger) is spin and rotation of Earth (sort of a spiral within a spiral; PhysicsGirl on UA-cam
      did vid that shows this motion).
      Ice under the cranks causes thermal-mass to condense more efficiently.
      "MEERs" reduces this efficiency.
      Aerosols increase the efficiency within the max/min of the bound system.
      Angular Momentum Demo: Hoberman Sphere(Professor Boyd F. Edwards):
      Solving one of the toughest Indian exam questions (angular momentum & velocity)
      Why are there TWO high tides per day?
      Dr. Becky
      JEE Advanced Problem #146 (Isothermal)
      Solution to Problem #146 - Isothermal Atmosphere
      Damped Harmonic Oscillators -Physics This Week
      Nuclear Bomb Test Data Was Used To Discover That Earth Core Is Oscillating
      Anton Petrov
      When Water Flows Uphill
      Earth is a Dynamo:
      For every milligram of material that changes it's inertial state/position relative to core and mantle
      there is added cavitation system wide that translates to CC/heat
      PhysicsGirl Cavitation:
      Earth's Plate Tectonics May Be Actually Driven By The Moon, Study Suggests
      Anton Petrov
      Humans extract&relocate ~30Billion Tons of material/yer not includingice melt.
      Science Talk With Jim Massa - Antarctica, Greenland's Ice Loss
      Glaciers Are Disappearing Almost As Fast As You Can Ski Down Them | Climate Games
      Physics Girl
      Tech weighs more than all organisms (Science Talk With Jim Massa): lol
      Black Bear News (Kevin Sandbloom)

    • @padraigadhastair4783
      @padraigadhastair4783 Місяць тому +1

      Wicked word salad.

    • @AegonCallery-ty6vy
      @AegonCallery-ty6vy Місяць тому +2

      Indeed. The underlying physics pose a problem for climate scientists, even in regards to GHE. It's all based on a construct using a set of assumptions. And those assumptions REMAIN questionable. That is why you cannot compute your way out of this. Plus, there is no zero line, no steady state. It's all based on models and they ate NOT science. And if you manipulate data to fit the model you know you've been had..
      Most people are pretty ignorant about the underlying assumptions. But you cant be ignorant about people who use 'denial' as a weapon. That is bleeding obvious..

    • @JMW-ci2pq
      @JMW-ci2pq Місяць тому

      @@AegonCallery-ty6vy Learn
      "It returns all displaced materials to their inertial place of origin or it gets the oceans and dies again."
      -"Silence of the Physics"
      Earth is facing very very near term ~100 meters of sudden ocean rise.
      Climate models virtually ignore increasing pressure and 200 thousand years of anthropogenic thermal-mass (including heat & CO2) in the oceans.
      The models largely ignore Earth's spin and Gravity as well as mass movement to the tune of ~100Billion tons of material per year from deep underground to the surface.
      The ocean water rising will be radioactive as the ~1000 nuclear reactors around the world go supercritical (they can not cool as atmospheric and ocean temps increase) do to increasing thermal mass and pressure.
      It takes some 80 years to "shut down".
      There simply is no choice.
      The real "pandemic" is civilization. It is being removed as such b/c of the layers of relational physics which bring about the envelope of physics/harmonics for Life to exist.
      Humans have destroyed this envelope's ability to resonate within tolerances for that particular harmonic envelope to exist. Thus a
      change of state is occurring wherein a new stable thermodynamic resonance will exist that will not support complex life from what has been for 100's of millions of years.
      Many models (much as the IPCC) virtually if not completely ignore correlating changes in atmospheric pressure; ocean stratification and motion changes; exchange rates of various thermal mass gasses between ocean & atmosphere... etc.
      It also is miss-applying the "Boltzmann" principal of "radiative energy" -as relating to and with the above et-all.
      "Heat" cannot "radiate" to space from Earth in the way being described in many models. This would violate laws of thermodynamics which includes "Black Body radiation".
      ~90% of ALL anthropogenic thermal-mass since slash & burn and pointy sticks is in the oceans.
      What you are observing is "red-shift" as heat follows the path of thermal-mass capacitance (largely into the oceans).
      The most relevant affect/effect is logarithmic ocean expansion.
      This conserves angular momentum from the wave/particle outward.
      Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ? Physics.
      1.2M subscribers
      #123 - Mistery of Energy Loss Solved - Physics Works
      Relativistic Doppler Shift
      Amplified Arctic Warming Causing Stratospheric Polar Vortex Stretching and Extreme Cold Outbreaks (Paul Beckwith)
      All civilizations have collapsed into sand b/c of desiccation of the local environment.
      Bio-Complexity has been exponentially decreasing since pointy sticks & fire.
      the IPCC is vastly understating what is happening.
      As much as 80% of all non-human or agricultural life is already gone and going faster.
      There is only about 3% of Earth's forests left.
      ~90% of All anthropogenic thermal mass since slash & burn (including heat and CO2) is in the oceans.
      Ocean Temperatures for Last 700000 Years
      There is no mistake as to temp increase overall b/c of humans.
      Physics of Life & Climate Change:
      Angular Momentum Demo: Hoberman Sphere(Professor Boyd F. Edwards):
      Solving one of the toughest Indian exam questions (angular momentum & velocity)
      Any mass moved from one distance radially from center mass of a rotating system to a grater radial distance from said center mass alters
      the inertial state of said mass and effects angular momentum of the entire rotating system.
      Now visualize oil; water; iron; gold; lead; tin; copper; coal; sand; rare earths; zinc; mercury; silver; etc...
      All having been relocated from one inertial state relative to Earth's core & barrycentre (solar system center mass).
      The Entire solar system reacts to conserve angular momentum - All climate models can be derived from this albeit with much more alarming accuracy.
      In effect the Earth / moon experience an ever increasing force inward (towards center mass) This causes "bobbing" and more pronounced chandler's wobble etc.
      "Circular Motion" - Prof. Lewin:
      Remember to think of Earth as separate densities & rates (core; plasma/molten-fluid; mantle; oceans; atmosphere) when you watch the video or while reading this comment.
      Rotation and Torque - Physics 101 / AP Physics 1 Review with Dianna Cowern
      Angular Momentum - Physics 101 / AP Physics 1 Review with Dianna Cowern
      Gravity and Orbital Mechanics - Physics 101 / AP Physics 1 Review with Dianna Cowern
      Torque: Crash Course Physics #12 (CrashCourse)
      The Brachistochrone, with Steven Strogatz (3Blue1Brown)
      Simple Harmonic Motion - Physics 101 / AP Physics 1 Review with Dianna Cowern
      Circular Motion - Physics 101 / AP Physics 1 Review with Dianna Cowern
      Earth is being desiccated at an increasing rate. Earth loses H2 leaving behind the O due to accelerating thermal-mass loading of both atmosphere and oceans.
      Ocean rise due to thermal mass increase is logarithmic (expansion).
      Ocean Heat Content (Science Talk With Jim Massa):
      Lectures by Walter Lewin.They will make you Love Physics.
      1.22M subscribers
      8.01x - Lect 32 - Heat, Thermal Expansion
      CO2 is correlative and contributing NOT the prime causation.
      "Green" or "clean" energy is a myth.
      Civilization is orthogonal to Nature (actual reality).
      Nature is the Universal purpose b/c of complexity and thermodynamics.
      "The Earth is precious. If you alter it you will ruin it." -Lao Tzu
      The above Physics proves this statement without question.
      The "moral duty" is to protect; preserve; and nurture Natural complexity which IS in relative free-fall. The hubris one displays by predicating "civilization" and or humans is disturbing.
      Physics Support:
      Earth is a Dynamo:
      For every milligram of material that changes it's inertial state/position relative to core and mantle there is added cavitation system wide that translates to CC/heat
      PhysicsGirl Cavitation:
      Earth's Plate Tectonics May Be Actually Driven By The Moon, Study Suggests
      Anton Petrov
      Humans extract&relocate ~30Billion Tons of material/yer not includingice melt.
      Science Talk With Jim Massa - Antarctica, Greenland's Ice Loss
      Glaciers Are Disappearing Almost As Fast As You Can Ski Down Them | Climate Games
      Physics Girl
      Tech weighs more than all organisms (Science Talk With Jim Massa):
      Black Bear News (Kevin Sandbloom)
      Blackbody Radiation, Modern Physics, Quantum Mechanics, and the Oxford Comma | Doc Physics
      (Doc Schuster)
      Earth's Polar Drift Acceleration: (Anton Petrov)
      Earth's Magnetosphere is Creating Water on the Moon (Anton Petrov)
      Earth Seems To Be Wobbling On Massive Gravitational Ripples (Anton Petrov)
      Surprising Reason For Mercury's Large Iron Core - Sun's Magnetism (Anton Petrov)
      New Theories on the Origin of Life with Dr. Eric Smith
      @19:00 Convecton cool rock -->hotmolten
      @~14:00+ Solar Radiation and the planetary atmosphere
      Crystal's Edict
      "The Point" -Is so far reaching that it is nearly impossible to say in words. Speaking and lecturing or listening to speaking and or
      lecturing about "living; life/Nature" are mostly just received as some kind of esoteric truth and a longing for something more meaningful.
      The actual meaning of the same Truth is that only Heaven exists and humans are the only thing lost to it and from it. Servitude to Nature
      alone is the only road to redemption. Inside or outside. Death / life are just misnomers, change of state. The Purpose remains constant.
      One Soul many faces. No one form is superior to another. Civilization it's self is the cause of all life's destruction. Accepting this as
      some kind of necessary phase or step TO something is delusion. Now is always constant. All and every essence is always dying & being born.
      Action is now. Preservation of complexity for the sake of All beings NOT civilization at all And not humans first
      1billion humans to dismantle all infrastructure and returning ALL mined/drilled materials to their inertial place of origin by order of density and toxicity.
      1billion humans to create "Earth-Ship" type self generating environments from as much earthen material as possible. As many species as possible must be able to migrate to & from these ....
      All the rest to support the the first two.
      One Soul Many beings /faces/species
      Crystal's Law

    • @sulljoh1
      @sulljoh1 Місяць тому

      It's impossible to model the entire world in detail - but the modellers seem to be trying their best, and the basic physics makes sense.

  • @rogerdittus2952
    @rogerdittus2952 Місяць тому +1

    In the video Lipsky breifly mentioned "the historian of the insitute of physics" in discussing how the science came about. This probably would be Spencer Weart, who was the historian of the American Institute of Physics, and his book "The Discovery of Global Warming". The book is a fascinating read and covers how the branches of chemistry, physics, meteorology/ atmospheric sciences and others came together to make the sausage of the current dominant paradigm that really crystallied during the 70's and then refined to today, although the story goes back to scientists of various disciplines dating back to the 1700's. It is a story of correction, but one that follows along a path zeroing-in on reality that makes the psuedo-skeptic's story look quite lame in comparison. This is obvious if you think about the psuedo-skeptic claims from, say, 20 years ago and realize how they would generally not be claimed any longer. As just one example the claim that the CO2 rise may be natural was common two decades ago but has been replaced by other claims. But the psuedo-skeptics and the people that are taken in by them just keep on truckin' without ever self-critiquing. The followers of psuedo-skepticsm never review their epistimological algorithm (OMG, I can't look at whether or not this NASA, etc study is being characterized faithfully or not, or whether some factoid from a historical geology textbook is taken out of context and being stripped of important context. They never see if they can figure out if they're being lied to: this is the real problem laziness motivated by wanting to believe. The problem of global warming and what actions are possible and should be taken are complex, and humanity is not well suited to best address this category of threat. Psuedo-skeptics use this complexity to there advantage.

  • @SteveParsons-ns2qn
    @SteveParsons-ns2qn Місяць тому +2

    Incidentally, the renewed belief in nuclear power (fission) as a solution to the ´climate problem` is delusional - a technocratic fixation with the possibility of permanent motion machines - although once functioning the CO2 footprint of nuclear power stations is not high the construction (a process that takes 10+ years) the enormous use of concrete leaves a formidable CO2 footprint. Where does the uranium come from and what are the CO2 costs of its extraction and ´enrichment`? How is the radioactive waste dealt with and how much CO2 footprint does it entail? How about the problem of cooling and the enormous use of water (which last year already resulted in the temporary closure of French nuclear power stations situated by rivers as they dried out out). I recommend the recent book by the highly qualified scientist M. V. Ramana: “Nuclear is not the Solution: The Folly of Atomic Power in the Age of Climate Change” (Verso books, 2024)

    • @padraigadhastair4783
      @padraigadhastair4783 Місяць тому

      Nuclear is the way to go. It's been demonized so much and government has placed such heavy restrictions and red tape that the delays are prohibitive. If government got out of the way, it would be a great solution. As far as CO2 emissions from concrete in their constructions, I would take a gander over at the tower bases of a 'wind farm', now that's concrete. Modern nuclear plants have much less waste and storage has never been an issue. It's one thing to denigrate nuclear energy but quite another to propose a viable replacement. Don't forget that CO2 is the molecule of life.😊

  • @mdombroski
    @mdombroski Місяць тому +3

    Naomi Oreskes? She wrote a book with a pontifical title -- Merchants of Doubt. It's about four dead guys at an obscure think tank who almost nobody has ever heard of. From this she smears anyone questioning lunacy with being like the tobacco industry. She called nuclear power supporters like James Hansen a new type of denialist. She's now participating in loony lawsuits.

    • @JMW-ci2pq
      @JMW-ci2pq Місяць тому

      "It returns all displaced materials to their inertial place of origin or it gets the oceans and dies again."
      -"Silence of the Physics"
      Earth is facing very very near term ~100 meters of sudden ocean rise.
      Climate models virtually ignore increasing pressure and 200 thousand years of anthropogenic thermal-mass (including heat & CO2) in the oceans.
      The models largely ignore Earth's spin and Gravity as well as mass movement to the tune of ~100Billion tons of material per year from deep underground to the surface.
      The ocean water rising will be radioactive as the ~1000 nuclear reactors around the world go supercritical (they can not cool as atmospheric and ocean temps increase) do to increasing thermal mass and pressure.
      It takes some 80 years to "shut down".
      There simply is no choice.
      The real "pandemic" is civilization. It is being removed as such b/c of the layers of relational physics which bring about the envelope of physics/harmonics for Life to exist.
      Humans have destroyed this envelope's ability to resonate within tolerances for that particular harmonic envelope to exist. Thus a
      change of state is occurring wherein a new stable thermodynamic resonance will exist that will not support complex life from what has been for 100's of millions of years.
      Many models (much as the IPCC) virtually if not completely ignore correlating changes in atmospheric pressure; ocean stratification and motion changes; exchange rates of various thermal mass gasses between ocean & atmosphere... etc.
      It also is miss-applying the "Boltzmann" principal of "radiative energy" -as relating to and with the above et-all.
      "Heat" cannot "radiate" to space from Earth in the way being described in many models. This would violate laws of thermodynamics which includes "Black Body radiation".
      ~90% of ALL anthropogenic thermal-mass since slash & burn and pointy sticks is in the oceans.
      What you are observing is "red-shift" as heat follows the path of thermal-mass capacitance (largely into the oceans).
      The most relevant affect/effect is logarithmic ocean expansion.
      This conserves angular momentum from the wave/particle outward.
      Lectures by Walter Lewin. They will make you ? Physics.
      1.2M subscribers
      #123 - Mistery of Energy Loss Solved - Physics Works
      Relativistic Doppler Shift
      Amplified Arctic Warming Causing Stratospheric Polar Vortex Stretching and Extreme Cold Outbreaks (Paul Beckwith)
      All civilizations have collapsed into sand b/c of desiccation of the local environment.
      Bio-Complexity has been exponentially decreasing since pointy sticks & fire.
      the IPCC is vastly understating what is happening.
      As much as 80% of all non-human or agricultural life is already gone and going faster.
      There is only about 3% of Earth's forests left.
      ~90% of All anthropogenic thermal mass since slash & burn (including heat and CO2) is in the oceans.
      Ocean Temperatures for Last 700000 Years
      There is no mistake as to temp increase overall b/c of humans.
      Physics of Life & Climate Change:
      Angular Momentum Demo: Hoberman Sphere(Professor Boyd F. Edwards):
      Solving one of the toughest Indian exam questions (angular momentum & velocity)
      Any mass moved from one distance radially from center mass of a rotating system to a grater radial distance from said center mass alters
      the inertial state of said mass and effects angular momentum of the entire rotating system.
      Now visualize oil; water; iron; gold; lead; tin; copper; coal; sand; rare earths; zinc; mercury; silver; etc...
      All having been relocated from one inertial state relative to Earth's core & barrycentre (solar system center mass).
      The Entire solar system reacts to conserve angular momentum - All climate models can be derived from this albeit with much more alarming accuracy.
      In effect the Earth / moon experience an ever increasing force inward (towards center mass) This causes "bobbing" and more pronounced chandler's wobble etc.
      "Circular Motion" - Prof. Lewin:
      Remember to think of Earth as separate densities & rates (core; plasma/molten-fluid; mantle; oceans; atmosphere) when you watch the video or while reading this comment.
      Rotation and Torque - Physics 101 / AP Physics 1 Review with Dianna Cowern
      Angular Momentum - Physics 101 / AP Physics 1 Review with Dianna Cowern
      Gravity and Orbital Mechanics - Physics 101 / AP Physics 1 Review with Dianna Cowern
      Torque: Crash Course Physics #12 (CrashCourse)
      The Brachistochrone, with Steven Strogatz (3Blue1Brown)
      Simple Harmonic Motion - Physics 101 / AP Physics 1 Review with Dianna Cowern
      Circular Motion - Physics 101 / AP Physics 1 Review with Dianna Cowern
      Earth is being desiccated at an increasing rate. Earth loses H2 leaving behind the O due to accelerating thermal-mass loading of both atmosphere and oceans.
      Ocean rise due to thermal mass increase is logarithmic (expansion).
      Ocean Heat Content (Science Talk With Jim Massa):
      Lectures by Walter Lewin.They will make you Love Physics.
      1.22M subscribers
      8.01x - Lect 32 - Heat, Thermal Expansion
      CO2 is correlative and contributing NOT the prime causation.
      "Green" or "clean" energy is a myth.
      Civilization is orthogonal to Nature (actual reality).
      Nature is the Universal purpose b/c of complexity and thermodynamics.
      "The Earth is precious. If you alter it you will ruin it." -Lao Tzu
      The above Physics proves this statement without question.
      The "moral duty" is to protect; preserve; and nurture Natural complexity which IS in relative free-fall. The hubris one displays by predicating "civilization" and or humans is disturbing.
      Physics Support:
      Earth is a Dynamo:
      For every milligram of material that changes it's inertial state/position relative to core and mantle there is added cavitation system wide that translates to CC/heat
      PhysicsGirl Cavitation:
      Earth's Plate Tectonics May Be Actually Driven By The Moon, Study Suggests
      Anton Petrov
      Humans extract&relocate ~30Billion Tons of material/yer not includingice melt.
      Science Talk With Jim Massa - Antarctica, Greenland's Ice Loss
      Glaciers Are Disappearing Almost As Fast As You Can Ski Down Them | Climate Games
      Physics Girl
      Tech weighs more than all organisms (Science Talk With Jim Massa):
      Black Bear News (Kevin Sandbloom)
      Blackbody Radiation, Modern Physics, Quantum Mechanics, and the Oxford Comma | Doc Physics
      (Doc Schuster)
      Earth's Polar Drift Acceleration: (Anton Petrov)
      Earth's Magnetosphere is Creating Water on the Moon (Anton Petrov)
      Earth Seems To Be Wobbling On Massive Gravitational Ripples (Anton Petrov)
      Surprising Reason For Mercury's Large Iron Core - Sun's Magnetism (Anton Petrov)
      New Theories on the Origin of Life with Dr. Eric Smith
      @19:00 Convecton cool rock -->hotmolten
      @~14:00+ Solar Radiation and the planetary atmosphere
      Crystal's Edict
      "The Point" -Is so far reaching that it is nearly impossible to say in words. Speaking and lecturing or listening to speaking and or
      lecturing about "living; life/Nature" are mostly just received as some kind of esoteric truth and a longing for something more meaningful.
      The actual meaning of the same Truth is that only Heaven exists and humans are the only thing lost to it and from it. Servitude to Nature
      alone is the only road to redemption. Inside or outside. Death / life are just misnomers, change of state. The Purpose remains constant.
      One Soul many faces. No one form is superior to another. Civilization it's self is the cause of all life's destruction. Accepting this as
      some kind of necessary phase or step TO something is delusion. Now is always constant. All and every essence is always dying & being born.
      Action is now. Preservation of complexity for the sake of All beings NOT civilization at all And not humans first
      1billion humans to dismantle all infrastructure and returning ALL mined/drilled materials to their inertial place of origin by order of density and toxicity.
      1billion humans to create "Earth-Ship" type self generating environments from as much earthen material as possible. As many species as possible must be able to migrate to & from these ....
      All the rest to support the the first two.
      One Soul Many beings /faces/species
      Crystal's Law

    • @AegonCallery-ty6vy
      @AegonCallery-ty6vy Місяць тому

      It goes like this: if you are on the Greens/ settled science side you get applause. When you flip OR question any aspect of the green transition you will be hammered, including Hansen when he started to support nuclear energy. It clearly paints a picture of a cult..

    • @AegonCallery-ty6vy
      @AegonCallery-ty6vy Місяць тому +1

      And the climate alarmists ALWAYS reference the tobacco and oil industry, as if you cannot be an independent assessor of science. It is a clear stimulus-response mechanism and both people here are quilty of it. Whenever i speak about any sceptical view about the climate w anyone i just wait for it to happen. Within 30 seconds is about average. Just as sure that any mainstream media doc about nature references climate change. Now other subjects as well. Watching a BBC doc about Shackleton's exploratikns to the south pole. And yep, before closing, sure enough there it was..melting glacier. Is that what Michael calls 'proper collective action'?

    • @JMW-ci2pq
      @JMW-ci2pq Місяць тому

      @@AegonCallery-ty6vy you are really ought to read more books and study more physics.

    • @AegonCallery-ty6vy
      @AegonCallery-ty6vy Місяць тому

      Bah humbug. Those in the field know the variables AND the uncertainties. They just dont report them knowing they will be punished. Of the hundreds of protesters there is an equal nr of climate scientists who keep their head down. For obvious reasons. Anyone claiming the climate science is settled is by definition lying.

  • @AegonCallery-ty6vy
    @AegonCallery-ty6vy Місяць тому +4

    It is still important to point out that there is zero evidence that Co2 has a ( significant) influence on atmospheric temperature. This from a physics as well as a historical one.
    Zero as in nil as in 0. It is all based on a construct w questionable assumptions. The assumptions are stated as fact. THAT cannot be. It is a lie pointed out by many in the field.
    So, measure away..Co2 levels mostly do not corrolate w temperature fluctuations historically and when they do it's temperature first followed by rising Co2. The current narrative has it the other way around..

  • @DJD10
    @DJD10 Місяць тому

    Not sure staying in print is something to brag about, but all my love to Shermer, what a guy! I listen to every show and always worth it.

  • @mdombroski
    @mdombroski Місяць тому +5

    All right, Christopher Monckton is a bit weird. I think it's been at least a year since I've run across anything written by him. How about Judith Curry and Roger Pielke Jr. They both have books and are currently very active on the internet. They have a lot of interesting stuff to say that I don't see you guys addressing.

    • @padraigadhastair4783
      @padraigadhastair4783 Місяць тому +2

      Thank you for that astute remark. Well said.

    • @AegonCallery-ty6vy
      @AegonCallery-ty6vy Місяць тому

      There are hundreds of well informed and people w expertise who do not agree w the current climate narrative. It is easy to put them in a binary system and call them 'deniers'. That way you no longer have to address the many issues in regards to the climate story..

    • @AegonCallery-ty6vy
      @AegonCallery-ty6vy Місяць тому +3

      My last answer to yr post was removed. It contained other names which might be blacklisted. Not the first time. However, one is able to link a UA-cam video with the same names. It's weird but true.

    • @AegonCallery-ty6vy
      @AegonCallery-ty6vy Місяць тому +2

      Judith Curry is one of those uber nice people making a proper risk assessment in regards to climate measures, mitigation etc. That is her job now having basically been pushed off the academic platform. Her book 'climate risk and certainty' is a must read for anybody trying to get to grips w the issue. Alarmists ignore it, as usual. Anybody trying to make sense not on the alarm board has to be shunted. Sad..

  • @SamUrtonDesign
    @SamUrtonDesign Місяць тому +1

    The "Skeptic", hunh? Really?

  • @ferko6
    @ferko6 Місяць тому +3

    What ever happened with the "coming ice age" during the 70s?

    • @AegonCallery-ty6vy
      @AegonCallery-ty6vy Місяць тому

      Not mentioned by the guest, for obvious reasons..

    • @-LightningRod-
      @-LightningRod- Місяць тому

      maybe dont get your science from Dr Nimoy

    • @ferko6
      @ferko6 Місяць тому

      @@-LightningRod- oh so you're saying that he just made it up and there was no evidence for it at the time? And now we should listen to Taylor Swift and the rest of the celebrities as they fly their private jets to climate change conferences to tell us to walk to work or buy $80,000 electric cars or the world is going to end. Sure no problem. I suggest instead of following the science try following the money and see who it leads to

  • @AzimuthAviation
    @AzimuthAviation Місяць тому

    44:23 VP of Sustainability

  • @michaelo.1320
    @michaelo.1320 Місяць тому

    These climate people always have the same affect, it's weird.

  • @AegonCallery-ty6vy
    @AegonCallery-ty6vy Місяць тому +1

    For those who support the guests view it is worthwhile to note Michael also had Steve Koonin as a guest who goes against the

  • @paulsnow
    @paulsnow Місяць тому +3

    99.9% of the energy budget of the earth resides in the oceans. We have not explored the oceans. We don't know the average temperature of the oceans at all depths.
    The atmosphere holds only 0.1% of the Earth's energy budget with the sun. And that energy is transitioning to space; it is far more transitory than the energy held by the oceans. The diurnal temperature range (the delta between low and high temps, or DTR) is generally 5° C for the atmosphere, but less than 1° C for the ocean surface, and negligible a meter or two deeper.
    If the atmosphere warmed by 5° C, but the oceans at all depths cooled by .005° C, the earth's energy budget would not change.
    Measuring the earth's global temperature by surface temperatures is like measuring an elephant's temperature by measuring the temperature of a cat sitting on the elephant's head.
    This channel should be more skeptical.

  • @donnadoes5738
    @donnadoes5738 Місяць тому +4

    I hope I live long enough to see the next trendy doomsday scenario.

  • @AegonCallery-ty6vy
    @AegonCallery-ty6vy Місяць тому +3

    Oh, i might point out that humans are tropical species. We are used to temperatures between 22 and 40 degrees Celsius. Just to think humans wont be able to cope w a few degrees C higher temperatures is so obviously wrong it is beyond stupidity to argue..

  • @robertbailey3449
    @robertbailey3449 Місяць тому

    Overshoot Wm Rees

  • @radman1136
    @radman1136 22 дні тому

    Sounds like a grade school primer. It is the year 2024. Can you say near term human extinction? Time is running out to cash in on a climate catastrophy book, better hurry to the publisher.

  • @globalwarming382
    @globalwarming382 Місяць тому

    At 57:11 its always about the Benjamins$$$$$$

  • @jasonraider3737
    @jasonraider3737 Місяць тому

    It is inaccurate to present the client question and skeptics as unitary, it would be helpful to divide it into several distinct questions: 1) Are temperature rising? Yes, skeptics are ignoring the data. 2) To what degree is this driven by human activity / carbon emissions? Skeptics are ignoring evidence. 3) Are catastrophic models of future increases accurate? Based on inherent problems in modeling, it is not unreasonable to be skeptical. 4) Is there any indication that policies that impose heavy economic costs in the west likely to have a significant impact on climate change? Here is where it is unreasonable to not be skeptical of official claims.

  • @RobThomson3501
    @RobThomson3501 Місяць тому

    AND I thought Michael was a Skeptic. Disappointing.

  • @spudrobinson9685
    @spudrobinson9685 Місяць тому +3

    Climate change is Michael Shermer's kryptonite. In most of his shows he throws in a gratuitous climate change reference, in this show it is almost entirely such. I don't deny most of what was said today. CO2 concentration is increasing due to human emissions. The temperature is rising in part because of it. There will be negative consequences that likely outweigh the positive consequences. I don't dispute any of the deplorable behaviors and actions derided herein. I find the Michael Mann worship to be tiresome and over the top; suing everyone he can find that disagrees with him, the scientific method in action.
    At least we got a reasonable evaluation of nuclear and fracking's impact on CO2 emission reductions. The non sequitur here is just because you are right on the cause of climate change does not mean you are right about the catastrophic impacts predicted. One throw away comment was that crops were going to fail; what tripe, yields have increased dramatically during the recent runup in temperature. Sea level has been rising for centuries and there is maybe a signal of a small increase in the rate of rise, maybe an additional 2 mm/yr? How will we survive an ocean that is now rising at an additional 1" per decade? Minimal global trends in forest fires, heat waves, accumulated cyclone energy, extreme precipitation events and on and on. Even Nobel laureate economist predictions are not catastrophic, yet you would think the sky is falling by the rhetoric. Trying to predict an extremely complicated system like the earth's climate and then add the complexity of the global economy and future changes in technology results in error bars that make the long term predictions basically meaningless; you can 't test a model until you have seen it's predictions against the results. Adaptation is discarded out of hand, which is almost a purely political response.
    Skepticism should mean a healthy challenge from any angle, sadly I see little evidence from Shermer, and to be fair other "skeptical" organizations of this ethos when it comes to climate change. Pure in group signaling, for some reason climate change is the sacred line that shall not be crossed.
    I will make a prediction of my own; in time the authoritarian green movement will move on to micro-plastics as the next scourge on humanity. They did get it right on human nature, personal, immediate and certain, is far more motivating than non-personal, future and uncertain. This suggests that public's tolerance for the Climate Change bleating will almost certainly wane, then it will time for a new crusade.

    • @AegonCallery-ty6vy
      @AegonCallery-ty6vy Місяць тому

      Excellent post. I do not agree w some of your assertions but that is besides the point being that both Michael and guest run roughshot over the complicated climate system and go all political gung ho over the 'obvious' solution to the problem of, of course, Co2 emissions. They want you to swallow the whole cake at once and NOT get sick. No weighing of pris and cons a la Currie or Lomborg or even Koonin. Disappointing..

    • @AegonCallery-ty6vy
      @AegonCallery-ty6vy Місяць тому

      I dint agree with some conclusions but you are right about the almost binary stance of the climate alarmists. A hermetically sealed program of right and wrong. Very cultish. And you cant doubt ANY of it. That is very typical of a cult. Because the holes in their arguments become very obvious very quickly. But of course i would say that, being in the pocket of big oil abd/ or tobacco..😄(i wish)

    • @AegonCallery-ty6vy
      @AegonCallery-ty6vy Місяць тому

      First time i heard:" bleating". Im used to 'parotting' Both appeal to me..

    • @AegonCallery-ty6vy
      @AegonCallery-ty6vy Місяць тому

      Climate alarmists almost never differentiate. You have to eat the whole pie in one go. That is an indication they are worried about the truth, whatever that may mean. They feel that as soon as someone starts to question one element others might follow. So you get the sealed box, not a balanced assessment of the many aspects in the climate system or risks. This cramped reaction should be a red flag to sceptics. But no, Michael is 'on board'. I wonder how many of the 'global problems need global solutions would welcome a fascist World Government? Will Michael be ok w that?

  • @Rational863
    @Rational863 Місяць тому +4

    I wonder if fossil future by Alex epstein will be mentioned

  • @dentman67
    @dentman67 Місяць тому +4

    I look forward to us going back to everyone thinking we are going to an ice age. That was the popular thought in the 70's.

    • @macgp44
      @macgp44 Місяць тому

      Wrong. There were a grand total of TWO (2) scientists back then that wrote an article saying that. It wasn't a "popular idea" but ignoramuses and fossil fuel merchants have used it ever since to dismiss the truth. Which are you?

    • @sulljoh1
      @sulljoh1 Місяць тому +1

      You'll be waiting a long time, my friend

    • @JMW-ci2pq
      @JMW-ci2pq Місяць тому


    • @AegonCallery-ty6vy
      @AegonCallery-ty6vy Місяць тому

      And not mentioned in this video.

  • @homewall744
    @homewall744 Місяць тому

    All of the changes are due to warming.

  • @pathcoinfirst8936
    @pathcoinfirst8936 Місяць тому

    He should debate Robert Darwell, author of "The Age of Global Warming: A History (2013) and Green Tyranny"; :Exposing the Totalitarian Roots of the Climate Industrial Complex (2017)". No financial interest.

  • @fredwhinery8016
    @fredwhinery8016 Місяць тому +7

    I’m afraid “The Skeptic” is a bit gullible.

  • @---...---...---...---...
    @---...---...---...---... Місяць тому +5

    The consensus was created by ruthlessly punishing anyone who questioned the forgone conclusion for three decades...

    • @grantaly
      @grantaly Місяць тому

      What is real science and what is exaggeration, perspective is difficult. I'm sure there is an element of using a crisis to subjugate the masses involved

    • @AegonCallery-ty6vy
      @AegonCallery-ty6vy Місяць тому

      That is the reason the Big Money people are involved. They love to control and eliminate the competition. They control the financial world through the ( central) banking system. They love this created Carbon Credit system. It is a great new market and everyone and everything falls under the umbrella. The Greens/ alarmists will be as much controlled as the rest of us. They are sleeping w several devils.

  • @SveaHovfel-qt6zb
    @SveaHovfel-qt6zb 28 днів тому

    If you want to know about climate science, then what knowledge would you expect from a novelist??? Would you not just rather read the science studies and make up your mind from that?

  • @davecampbell9803
    @davecampbell9803 Місяць тому +7

    Micheal is a pretty easy mark for these climate parrots.

    • @mrfugazi1181
      @mrfugazi1181 Місяць тому

      If you don't believe in real science that gathers data, conducts years and years of measurements and tests, this probably isn't the right channel for you.

  • @bryanutility9609
    @bryanutility9609 Місяць тому +3

    I went along with the climate nonsense for years without question. Wasn’t until the media coverage of Trayvon Martin that I realized how much we’re being lied to.

    • @macgp44
      @macgp44 Місяць тому

      Wow, you really are the king of the non-sequitur... or the bastard child of Mr. Dunning & Mrs. Kruger.

    • @javiert8551
      @javiert8551 Місяць тому

      Your statement is a non-sequitur. Wake up. Trayvon Martin has absolutely NOTHING to do with the scientific consensus of climate change. The school system has failed to develop critical thinking skills among its students.

    • @sulljoh1
      @sulljoh1 Місяць тому

      That's a good story, but I don't believe anybody watching a Skeptic podcast believed "without question"

    • @AegonCallery-ty6vy
      @AegonCallery-ty6vy Місяць тому +1

      But it remains odd that sceptics are supposed to accept 'consensus' science now. That should be a red flag but what do we spot here? The opposite. Irrational behaviour by people who think they know something..

    • @sulljoh1
      @sulljoh1 Місяць тому

      @@AegonCallery-ty6vy Scientific consensus has and will be wrong - but that's usually not the way to bet. Climate change as a theory was proposed in the 1950s and has been challenged in so many ways over the decades. It might be the most challenged scientific theory in history. And it's still looking pretty robust.
      At the very least it seems foolish to continue to run uncontrolled climate experiments - just keep increasing the CO2 level and hope it all works out.

  • @AegonCallery-ty6vy
    @AegonCallery-ty6vy Місяць тому +1

    I keep hearing these false stories here. Extreme weather is caused by different pressure zones. The big movers come from the temperature gradient difference between the equator and the poles. The truth is that warmer poles ( and higher global temperatures) create less temperature differences/ variants which mean LESS extremes, not more. Ah, waste of time to listen to ignoramusses..

    • @AegonCallery-ty6vy
      @AegonCallery-ty6vy Місяць тому

      And the melting poles narrative. Stupid upon stupid. It is NOT happening, people.
      See, ive become a DENIER. I deny the series of inferences by the alarmists.

  • @Agramer-bs8ez
    @Agramer-bs8ez Місяць тому +4

    So disappointed to see Shermer cave in to climate ideologues like Lipsky and also behaving like one himself in this interview. You're not being a scientist Michael here, you're speaking exactly like an activist, the type that you criticized your whole career.

    • @JMW-ci2pq
      @JMW-ci2pq Місяць тому

      Earth is being desiccated at an increasing rate. Earth loses H2 leaving behind the O due to
      accelerating thermal-mass loading of both atmosphere and oceans.
      Ocean rise due to thermal mass increase is logarithmic (expansion).
      Ocean Heat Content (Science Talk With Jim Massa):
      Ocean Temperatures for Last 700000 Years
      There is no mistake as to temp increase overall b/c of humans.
      How much energy and resulting heat and waste and unearthed material does it take to support
      one human for one day
      Living within an average to low income civilized environment?
      Technology is not going to save us, ecology will! | Theunis Piersma | TEDxFryslân
      It takes @least 3square miles of healthy wild-lands to support one one kg hawk.
      It takes x square miles of healthy: tropics; reef; glaciers; etc to support each and every 3square
      miles of healthy wild-lands for each and every 1kg Hawk and so on…
      For each and every volume of healthy wild-land & for each and every 1kg hawk a minimum
      volume of healthy reef; varied types of forest; grass-lands (like savannah); glacier; potable
      water;etc . Is needed
      This ratio holds for nearly if not ALL vertebrates (yes this includes ALL monkeys, even the
      hairless ones).
      Ergo the number of any apex species is limited to the benefit of all others which promotes
      bio-complexity. This obeys thermodynamics and gravitational harmonics.
      ~90% of All anthropogenic thermal mass since slash & burn (including heat and CO2) is in the
      Ocean Temperatures for Last 700000 Years
      There is no mistake as to temp increase overall b/c of humans.
      For each added milligram of any thermal-mass: mined; drilled; burned Earth's rate of heating
      accelerates continually.
      Earth's Atmosphere&Oceans experience an increase in avg pressure.
      Earth's Oceans experience an increase in avg rate of expansion.
      Earth's rate of out-gassing H2 increases
      Earth's rate of Bio - Complexity Loss increases continuously.
      Earth's rate of Extinctions of Species and
      Life Viable Eco-Systems Accelerates.
      incoming energy is largely micro-wave
      earth and oceans take up nearly all of this.
      What is emitted must pass through the atmosphere (see isothermic atmosphere).
      Emitted energy is an anagram of the motion of earth including its em field.
      Reflected light is a red shift. ergo momentum is lost to both reflection and gravity&spin.
      think of thermal expansion laws.
      exciting aerosols causing force (motion) putting pressure on the surrounding atmosphere.
      ie heat source
      now distribute that thermalytic pressure isometrically
      into the oceans with it following thermal-mass-density physics
      In open space, How do aerosols behave in relation to & with solar radiation and Sol’s Gravity?
      6th Grader:
      Picture the Earth
      Add a hand crank above the atmosphere at both polls.
      For every calorie of energy added to the surface (-11mi from bottom of Marianis Trench to top of
      Mt. Everest) there is the affect of pressure increase.
      For every volume of bio complexity lost, incoming solar plus geo thermal energy is unbound
      other than being used in anthropogenic systems. Ergo scalar heat.
      Add industry.
      The affect is increasing pressure against the direction of incoming radiation and against
      EarthGravity(effects of thermal-mass expansion. Inertial state change with respect to angular
      acceleration with respect to Earths rotation et-all).
      The big hand cranks should be in equilibrium
      with both upwelling thermal-mass & incoming thermal-mass.
      The hand that "twists" the cranks (like squeezing the atmosphere & Earth between thumb and
      forefinger) is spin and rotation of Earth (sort of a spiral within a spiral; PhysicsGirl on UA-cam
      did vid that shows this motion).
      Ice under the cranks causes thermal-mass to condense more efficiently.
      "MEERs" reduces this efficiency.
      Aerosols increase the efficiency within the max/min of the bound system.
      Angular Momentum Demo: Hoberman Sphere(Professor Boyd F. Edwards):
      Solving one of the toughest Indian exam questions (angular momentum & velocity)
      Why are there TWO high tides per day?
      Dr. Becky
      JEE Advanced Problem #146 (Isothermal)
      Solution to Problem #146 - Isothermal Atmosphere
      Damped Harmonic Oscillators -Physics This Week
      Nuclear Bomb Test Data Was Used To Discover That Earth Core Is Oscillating
      Anton Petrov
      When Water Flows Uphill
      Earth is a Dynamo:
      For every milligram of material that changes it's inertial state/position relative to core and mantle
      there is added cavitation system wide that translates to CC/heat
      PhysicsGirl Cavitation:
      Earth's Plate Tectonics May Be Actually Driven By The Moon, Study Suggests
      Anton Petrov
      Humans extract&relocate ~30Billion Tons of material/yer not includingice melt.
      Science Talk With Jim Massa - Antarctica, Greenland's Ice Loss
      Glaciers Are Disappearing Almost As Fast As You Can Ski Down Them | Climate Games
      Physics Girl
      Tech weighs more than all organisms (Science Talk With Jim Massa): lol
      Black Bear News (Kevin Sandbloom)

    • @AegonCallery-ty6vy
      @AegonCallery-ty6vy Місяць тому +3

      Knowing quite a lot about the actual climate science it is bizarre how Michael seems captured by the 'settled science' and expert narrative. Which SHOULD go w increased skepticism, not decreased. I cant take him seriously now..

    • @JMW-ci2pq
      @JMW-ci2pq Місяць тому

      @@AegonCallery-ty6vy you are spewing absolute nonsense.

    • @JMW-ci2pq
      @JMW-ci2pq Місяць тому

      Earth is being desiccated at an increasing rate. Earth loses H2 leaving behind the O due to
      accelerating thermal-mass loading of both atmosphere and oceans.
      Ocean rise due to thermal mass increase is logarithmic (expansion).
      Ocean Heat Content (Science Talk With Jim Massa):
      Ocean Temperatures for Last 700000 Years
      There is no mistake as to temp increase overall b/c of humans.
      How much energy and resulting heat and waste and unearthed material does it take to support
      one human for one day
      Living within an average to low income civilized environment?
      Technology is not going to save us, ecology will! | Theunis Piersma | TEDxFryslân
      It takes @least 3square miles of healthy wild-lands to support one one kg hawk.
      It takes x square miles of healthy: tropics; reef; glaciers; etc to support each and every 3square
      miles of healthy wild-lands for each and every 1kg Hawk and so on…
      For each and every volume of healthy wild-land & for each and every 1kg hawk a minimum
      volume of healthy reef; varied types of forest; grass-lands (like savannah); glacier; potable
      water;etc . Is needed
      This ratio holds for nearly if not ALL vertebrates (yes this includes ALL monkeys, even the
      hairless ones).
      Ergo the number of any apex species is limited to the benefit of all others which promotes
      bio-complexity. This obeys thermodynamics and gravitational harmonics.
      ~90% of All anthropogenic thermal mass since slash & burn (including heat and CO2) is in the
      Ocean Temperatures for Last 700000 Years
      There is no mistake as to temp increase overall b/c of humans.
      For each added milligram of any thermal-mass: mined; drilled; burned Earth's rate of heating
      accelerates continually.
      Earth's Atmosphere&Oceans experience an increase in avg pressure.
      Earth's Oceans experience an increase in avg rate of expansion.
      Earth's rate of out-gassing H2 increases
      Earth's rate of Bio - Complexity Loss increases continuously.
      Earth's rate of Extinctions of Species and
      Life Viable Eco-Systems Accelerates.
      incoming energy is largely micro-wave
      earth and oceans take up nearly all of this.
      What is emitted must pass through the atmosphere (see isothermic atmosphere).
      Emitted energy is an anagram of the motion of earth including its em field.
      Reflected light is a red shift. ergo momentum is lost to both reflection and gravity&spin.
      think of thermal expansion laws.
      exciting aerosols causing force (motion) putting pressure on the surrounding atmosphere.
      ie heat source
      now distribute that thermalytic pressure isometrically
      into the oceans with it following thermal-mass-density physics
      In open space, How do aerosols behave in relation to & with solar radiation and Sol’s Gravity?
      6th Grader:
      Picture the Earth
      Add a hand crank above the atmosphere at both polls.
      For every calorie of energy added to the surface (-11mi from bottom of Marianis Trench to top of
      Mt. Everest) there is the affect of pressure increase.
      For every volume of bio complexity lost, incoming solar plus geo thermal energy is unbound
      other than being used in anthropogenic systems. Ergo scalar heat.
      Add industry.
      The affect is increasing pressure against the direction of incoming radiation and against
      EarthGravity(effects of thermal-mass expansion. Inertial state change with respect to angular
      acceleration with respect to Earths rotation et-all).
      The big hand cranks should be in equilibrium
      with both upwelling thermal-mass & incoming thermal-mass.
      The hand that "twists" the cranks (like squeezing the atmosphere & Earth between thumb and
      forefinger) is spin and rotation of Earth (sort of a spiral within a spiral; PhysicsGirl on UA-cam
      did vid that shows this motion).
      Ice under the cranks causes thermal-mass to condense more efficiently.
      "MEERs" reduces this efficiency.
      Aerosols increase the efficiency within the max/min of the bound system.
      Angular Momentum Demo: Hoberman Sphere(Professor Boyd F. Edwards):
      Solving one of the toughest Indian exam questions (angular momentum & velocity)
      Why are there TWO high tides per day?
      Dr. Becky
      JEE Advanced Problem #146 (Isothermal)
      Solution to Problem #146 - Isothermal Atmosphere
      Damped Harmonic Oscillators -Physics This Week
      Nuclear Bomb Test Data Was Used To Discover That Earth Core Is Oscillating
      Anton Petrov
      When Water Flows Uphill
      Earth is a Dynamo:
      For every milligram of material that changes it's inertial state/position relative to core and mantle
      there is added cavitation system wide that translates to CC/heat
      PhysicsGirl Cavitation:
      Earth's Plate Tectonics May Be Actually Driven By The Moon, Study Suggests
      Anton Petrov
      Humans extract&relocate ~30Billion Tons of material/yer not includingice melt.
      Science Talk With Jim Massa - Antarctica, Greenland's Ice Loss
      Glaciers Are Disappearing Almost As Fast As You Can Ski Down Them | Climate Games
      Physics Girl
      Tech weighs more than all organisms (Science Talk With Jim Massa): lol
      Black Bear News (Kevin Sandbloom)

  • @thepyrrhonist6152
    @thepyrrhonist6152 Місяць тому +1

    shermer, i know your deal, you let people on your show and let them speak their peace. but, this guy is the creepiest person i've ever seem on your show!

    • @biffandhapp418
      @biffandhapp418 Місяць тому +1

      I suspect Lipsky is at least literate. "speak their peace"?

    • @thepyrrhonist6152
      @thepyrrhonist6152 Місяць тому

      @@biffandhapp418 i will reluctantly accept a mulligan here, should be 'piece' - speed typing. original post conclusion stands.

    • @padraigadhastair4783
      @padraigadhastair4783 Місяць тому +1

      I think Michael was a bit complicit on this one.