Danke für Ihren Kommentar! Wir verstehen, dass einige Projekte Rauch oder Staub erzeugen können, und das ist nicht immer gesund. Wir bemühen uns, den Prozess zu verbessern und empfehlen den Menschen, bei ähnlichen Projekten Schutzausrüstung zu verwenden. Ihr Feedback ist sehr wichtig, damit wir sicherere und nützlichere Inhalte erstellen können!
Thank you for sharing! It's true that sometimes there are disrespectful opinions, but the creativity and intelligence of inventors are always to be appreciated. Wishing you a great day!
Thank you for sharing this profound thought. Indeed, learning and preparing for all situations is crucial, as no one knows what the future holds. We should always be ready to face any challenges.
¡Gracias por compartir tu opinión! Es cierto que en situaciones de emergencia, tener una fuente de luz de respaldo es muy importante. ¡Esperamos que encuentres útil este método cuando lo necesites!
Thank you for leaving a comment! It's true that most of us have convenient tools like can openers to make life easier. However, sometimes being creative and finding solutions using available items can be fun and useful in special situations.
Берешь жестяную банку. Нарезаешь полосками картон, кладешь свернутый картон рулоном в банку. В середину вставить фитиль и залить всё это растопленным парафином. Получается вечная свеча.
Спасибо за этот полезный совет! Это действительно умная и креативная идея. Такая свеча не только экономична, но и легко делается из доступных материалов. Надеюсь, вы попробуете сделать её и поделитесь результатами с другими!
"Thank you so much for the kind words! We’re really happy to hear that the video brought value to you. If you have more ideas or questions, feel free to share them with us!"
Haha, you just mentioned a very famous song! "Who let the dogs out?" is sure to remind many people of that tune. Thanks for leaving such a fun comment!
Merci beaucoup pour votre commentaire chaleureux ! 😊 Nous sommes ravis que notre vidéo vous évoque de beaux souvenirs. C'est un plaisir de partager ces moments de douceur avec vous. À bientôt pour plus de créativité et d'inspiration !
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Olive oil and sunflower oil are excellent choices-they're not only healthy but also versatile for many dishes. It's great to see you adapting and personalizing based on your preferences. Feel free to share your experiences too!
Thank you for your feedback! This video is just to share a creative way to open a can when you don't have a can opener at hand. However, using a can opener is definitely the most convenient option!
Dziękujemy za Twoje uwagi! Mogą zdarzyć się sytuacje, które są niekomfortowe, ale zawsze staramy się tworzyć jak najlepsze środowisko dla naszych widzów. Jeśli masz coś do podzielenia się lub sugestie, daj nam znać!
Thank you for your comment! We really appreciate the warnings from viewers to ensure safety and effectiveness. In this video, we tested an idea to see the results. We will take this into account and look for ways to create safer and more practical videos in the future. Thank you for your concern!
Thank you for sharing your opinion! We understand that everyone has different methods, and we always welcome feedback from viewers to improve. We hope you’ll find more videos that suit your preferences in the future.
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Diesel fumes can indeed be unpleasant. We recommend always using safety measures to protect your health when working with diesel engines.
Obrigado pelo comentário! Entendemos que algumas ideias podem exigir bastante esforço e tempo para serem realizadas. No entanto, esperamos que você tenha achado o vídeo interessante e que possa aplicar algumas dicas na sua vida. Vamos tentar trazer vídeos criativos, mas mais fáceis de executar, no futuro.
Thank you for sharing your opinion! It's true that using diesel requires caution as carbon dioxide emissions can be harmful in enclosed spaces. We recommend using diesel outdoors and adhering to necessary safety measures.
In der Not kommen Menschen auf viele Ideen um nicht zu erfrieren... Also.... Ich bin dankbar für jeden Tipp... Natürlich ist es gefährlich, wie so vieles auf der Welt...
Vielen Dank für das Teilen! Es stimmt, dass in Notfällen Menschen immer Wege finden, sich vor Gefahren wie der Kälte zu schützen. Dennoch sollten wir vorsichtig sein und sichere Tipps verwenden, um keine zusätzlichen Gesundheitsrisiken einzugehen.
Danke für deine Idee! Es stimmt, dass ein Dosenöffner eine schnelle und praktische Lösung in bestimmten Situationen sein kann. Allerdings sollte man vorsichtig sein, um Schäden an den Geräten zu vermeiden oder Verletzungen zu verhindern. Ich wünsche dir, dass du immer einfache und effektive Lösungen findest!
Obrigado por compartilhar! Um abridor de latas como você descreveu é realmente muito prático e seguro. Se puder, compartilhe mais informações sobre esse produto ou onde comprá-lo para que outros também possam conhecer!
Rzeczywiście, dym to czasami problem przy wykonywaniu takich trików! Będziemy dalej starać się znaleźć sposób na poprawienie tej sytuacji. Dziękujemy za opinię!
Haha, that's a funny way to put it! 😄 Sometimes we have the tools but still end up missing the essentials. If you need any tips or ideas for your project, feel free to ask!
Diese Dieselpunk Dosen-Power russt aber ganz schön! Da würde ich eher einen Teelicht-Blumentopf Ofen als Defroster oder SApace Heater basteln, oder eine Heizdecke mit 50-100 Watt empfehlen, ist deutlich sauberer.
Vielen Dank für die Idee! Es stimmt, dass Geräte, die Brennstoffe verwenden, Rauch und Schadstoffe verursachen können, während Lösungen wie Heizdecken oder ein Teelicht-Blumentopf Ofen sauberer und sicherer sein können. Eine sehr gute Empfehlung!
Danke für die Idee! Ein Dosenöffner ist eine einfache und effektive Lösung. Speiseöl kann auch eine gute Möglichkeit sein, um die Mechanismen des Öffnens zu schmieren, je nach Situation.
It seems like you're saying "Merci les poumons!" which translates to "Thank you, the lungs!" in French. Could you clarify what you mean by that? I'm here to help if you need anything!
Yes, that's true, many products are made thinner nowadays to save costs, but it can affect durability. Hopefully, manufacturers will improve the quality in the future.
Thank you for sharing such a helpful tip! Lowering or shortening the wick is indeed an effective way to reduce soot when using oil lamps. This also helps save fuel and keeps the space cleaner.
Thank you for asking! That's right, sometimes certain tips may not be entirely safe if not done properly. Always check and make sure everything is used safely to avoid risks. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!
Merci pour votre commentaire ! Nous comprenons que les gens puissent avoir des avis différents sur les méthodes créatives. Cependant, toutes nos vidéos ont pour but de partager des idées amusantes et utiles. Il n'y a certainement aucune intention de nuire à qui que ce soit !
Στην χώρα μου χρησιμοποιούνται πολλά καντήλια στα εικονοστάσια των αγίων στα σπίτια μας οπως και στα κοιμητήρια γυάλινες καντήλες με μεγάλα φυτίλια και παραφίνη . Ναι❤,στην Ελλάδα έχουμε ακόμα εικονοστάσι στα σπίτια μας και ανάβουμε καντήλι. Όποτε ενα τέτοιο το μόνο που θα χρειαστεί να γίνει η κατασκευή θα ηταν να ενώσει κάποιος τα δύο κουτιά ❤. Την εσωτερική κατασκευή καύσης την βρίσκει κάποιος πολύ φθηνά σε πολλά σημεία.❤
Σας ευχαριστούμε που μοιραστήκατε αυτές τις ενδιαφέρουσες πληροφορίες για τις παραδόσεις της χώρας σας! Όπως λέτε, η συνένωση δύο κουτιών για να δημιουργηθεί μια συσκευή για την ανάβασμα κεριού είναι μια πολύ λογική και οικονομική ιδέα. Είμαστε χαρούμενοι που μπορούμε να μεταδώσουμε αυτές τις δημιουργικές ιδέες στους ανθρώπους και ελπίζουμε ότι θα βρουν νέους και εύκολους τρόπους για να υλοποιήσουν τέτοιες ιδέες.
It indeed took quite some time, but with creative projects, every moment is worth it! Slow and steady wins the race, and the final result always makes me proud. 😊 Thank you for watching and sharing the fun!
"¡Gracias por ver el video! Nos esforzaremos por hacer los contenidos más cortos y accesibles en los próximos videos." Let me know if you'd like any adjustments
¡Gracias por preguntar! Es cierto que ya existen abrelatas especializados, pero a veces nos gusta khámpar otras formas creativas de usar objetos comunes." Let me know if you'd like any changes!
Die Idee ist ganz nett, aber nicht neu. Ich habe sie von einem anderen UA-camr bereits gesehen, allerdings ist es nicht nötig, die Dose mit einem Stück beweglichen Metall zu fixieren. Es würde reichen, einfach die Dose auf die andere daraufzustellen, denn die obere Dose ist unten am Rand nach innen gewölbt, so dass sie hervorragend darauf passt.
Vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback! Es ist großartig, dass Sie diese Idee bereits kennen. In unserem Video haben wir das bewegliche Metallstück verwendet, um die Stabilität unter verschiedenen Bedingungen zu erhöhen. Ihre vorgeschlagene Methode ist jedoch ebenfalls sehr hilfreich und könnte den Prozess vereinfachen. Vielen Dank, dass Sie eine alternative Lösung vorgeschlagen haben!
Thank you for sharing! Everyone has different preferences and viewpoints, but we should always respect each other and be kind. Wishing you a wonderful day!
Obrigado pela pergunta! Sim, pode ser usado em motorhome, mas é importante lembrar que ao usar combustíveis inflamáveis como o álcool desnaturado, é necessário garantir uma boa ventilação para evitar o acúmulo de monóxido de carbono. Sempre verifique o ambiente ao redor e garanta que haja fluxo de ar adequado enquanto estiver usando. A segurança é a prioridade!
Frankly speak I do not want to lose my precious time meaningless so I have bought a tiny oil lamp and I put it on my table in my office. So it briliantly makes warm my office and it is also decorate as like ornaments. One US $ gives a small happy to me
Thank you for sharing this meaningful experience! A tiny oil lamp not only brings warmth but also adds a unique charm to your workspace. Sometimes, little things like this make life more worthwhile. Wishing you continued joy in the small moments!
Mulțumim pentru părerea ta! Înțelegem că fiecare are o perspectivă diferită asupra ideilor creative. Acest video este doar pentru referință și distracție. Sperăm că vei continua să urmărești și să găsești alte conținuturi utile pe canal!
Les pots en terre cuite sont moins compliqué. Ensuite le truc c est un chauffage d urgence ben mal pris. Pas génial pour la suie . Bravo pour l idée, ça plus de chance de servir en ukraine qu ici pour le moment . Sait on jamais ....bon à savoir .
Thank you for leaving a comment! It's true that some people enjoy being creative and doing unique things, which adds to the fun of life. Everyone has their own way of spending their free time, and it can lead to unexpected results!
Yes, can openers do exist, and they are a very common and handy tool in the kitchen! If you'd like to know how to use one or learn about different types of can openers, let us know, and we’ll be happy to help further.
Przykro mi to słyszeć! Jeśli wydobywa się dym, może to być spowodowane przeciążeniem lub nieprawidłowym działaniem urządzenia. Sprawdź, aby upewnić się, że wszystko jest bezpieczne, a jeśli to konieczne, zaprzestań korzystania i sprawdź ponownie.
Σωστά, αυτή η φράση χρησιμοποιείται για να αναφερθούμε στις στιγμές που δεν έχουμε κάτι να κάνουμε και αρχίζουμε να κάνουμε πράγματα που δεν είναι τόσο χρήσιμα. Αλλά πάντα μπορούμε να βρούμε πιο χρήσιμους τρόπους για να περνάμε τον χρόνο μας!
Thank you, Paul! We also hope that you never need to use this solution, but we're glad to know that you find it helpful. Wishing you always stay safe and healthy!
Esatto, l'apriscatole è stato inventato all'inizio del XX secolo ed è diventato una parte essenziale della vita quotidiana. Grazie per aver condiviso l'informazione!
Vous avez tout à fait raison ! Avec une bonne police d’assurance, les risques peuvent être minimisés, et on peut aller de l’avant avec confiance dans ses projets.
¡Gracias por compartir esta información interesante! Es genial saber que esta lámpara tiene una historia tan larga. Nos encanta aprender sobre productos y diseños clásicos, y tu participación aporta valor a nuestra comunidad. ¡Esperamos que sigas compartiendo más historias e ideas!
Thank you for sharing the idea! A can of Sterno could be a good option for providing heat. However, it's important to keep safety in mind when using it to avoid any unwanted risks. We hope you'll try it out and share the results with us!
Vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback! Sicherheit ist das Wichtigste bei jedem Projekt. Wir bemühen uns, dass unsere Videos und Tipps so sicher und hilfreich wie möglich sind. Wenn Sie Tipps zur Sicherheit haben, teilen Sie diese bitte mit uns!
شكرًا على سؤالك! الخزان المستخدم في الفيديو مصمم لاستخدام زيت الديزل، ولكن إذا لم تكن واضحًا حول طريقة عمله أو الغرض منه، يرجى إبلاغي وسأشرح بمزيد من التفصيل. سعيد جدًا بمساعدتك!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! We understand that ads can be annoying, but they help support channels to keep creating free content. You might also consider using UA-cam Premium for an ad-free experience.
Merci beaucoup pour votre soutien ! Nous sommes ravis de recevoir vos retours positifs. Nous espérons que vous continuerez à suivre et à apprécier nos vidéos !
Haha, I get it! A real can opener is definitely handy, but sometimes you have to get a little creative. If you have any interesting ways to open a can, feel free to share them with me!
Que me recomiendas para hacer la mecha. Veo que pones un trozo de ropa... Yo eh utilizado cuerda de algodón ,estambre, venda,gasa, y algodón pero todos se consume en menos de 20 minutos no sirven como mechas
Thank you for your question! To make a long-lasting wick, you could try using a thicker cotton wick and soak it in vegetable oil or wax to help it burn longer. Additionally, you could try using heat-resistant cords, such as fiberglass or specialized wick cords. Good luck!
We're sorry if you feel that way! We always strive to provide useful and interesting content. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and we hope you'll find more suitable videos in the future.
Obrigado por compartilhar sua opinião! Sempre tentamos oferecer produtos úteis, mas entendemos que cada pessoa tem gostos e necessidades diferentes. Se você conhece produtos melhores, ficaremos felizes em ouvir suas sugestões para melhorar. 😊
Obrigado por perguntar! Na verdade, em algumas situações, usar uma ferramenta alternativa pode ser uma solução temporária. No entanto, usar um abridor de latas certamente seria mais eficaz e seguro. Vamos considerar isso nas próximas vezes!
Thank you for the suggestion! A can opener might be a reasonable choice in many situations, but sometimes using different tools can provide better results for specific purposes.
A Coke can is often used as a makeshift solution for certain tricks, like keeping heat or cooling for short periods. However, as you mentioned, it's not a long-term solution because it has limited heat retention and requires frequent refilling. That said, many people still find creative uses for the can in emergency situations or for DIY projects.
Thank you for your comment! A can opener is indeed an easy and quick way to open a can. However, sometimes we like to experiment with creative methods to provide you with new and interesting tips. We hope you still find the videos on the channel entertaining and useful!
Merci pour votre commentaire amusant ! C'est vrai qu'il existe différentes méthodes, et chacune a ses propres avantages. Nous voulons partager des idées créatives et intéressantes afin que tout le monde puisse les essayer. Nous espérons que vous avez apprécié la vidéo et que vous continuerez à soutenir la chaîne !
"That's right, a battery-powered drill will be very useful in case of a power outage. Be sure to keep the battery charged and ready for use when needed."
Köszönjük szépen a kedves szavakat! Nagyon örülünk, hogy hasznosnak találta az ötletet. Reméljük, továbbra is követni fogja a csatornánkat, és várja az új videókat!
Usually, cotton or soft fabrics like flannel are great choices for many tasks because they are easy to work with and won't damage surfaces. However, depending on the purpose, you can also try linen or synthetic fabrics for specific jobs.
Parece que você mencionou "TELMI," mas não ficou claro o que isso significa. Você poderia fornecer mais detalhes ou esclarecer para que eu possa ajudar melhor? 😊
¡Gracias por tu pregunta! El humo negro puede contener compuestos tóxicos y ser perjudicial para la salud si se inhala durante períodos prolongados. Para garantizar la seguridad, es recomendable usar el dispositivo en un lugar bien ventilado y usar una máscara si es necesario. Si tienes más preguntas, no dudes en compartirlas.
¡Gracias por tu comentario! Si hay demasiado humo, puede ser necesario revisar los materiales o el método utilizado para garantizar la seguridad y la eficacia. Nos encantaría recibir más detalles de tu parte.
Hvala vam na veoma praktičnom pitanju! Da biste sigurno ugasili plamen, možete koristiti poklopac ili predmet otporan na toplotu da prekrijete izvor vatre, čime ćete sprečiti dotok kiseonika i ugasiti plamen. Obavezno proverite da li se sve potpuno ohladilo pre nego što spakujete i nastavite dalje. 😊
Aby podciągnąć knot, należy upewnić się, że dolna część knota jest umieszczona w płomieniu lub cieczy palnej (np. oleju lub wosku), aby wchłonęła substancję. Następnie powoli pociągnij górną część knota, aż osiągniesz pożądaną długość do zapalenia.
Mulțumim pentru observație! Motorina poate fi folosită în anumite cazuri, dar trebuie să te asiguri că echipamentul sau vehiculul tău este compatibil cu acest tip de combustibil.
Vaša ideja je vrlo zanimljiva! Ako govorite o korišćenju konzerve za prekrivanje ili zaštitu stakla, tačno je da kada materijal postane vruć, može izazvati pritisak ili paru, što može dovesti do prskanja. Važno je biti oprezan i osigurati da se sve radi ispravno kako bi se izbegle nezgode. Hvala što ste podelili!
Merci pour votre remarque ! C’est vrai qu’il existe des ouvre-boîtes très pratiques, mais cette vidéo a pour but de montrer une méthode manuelle ou créative au cas où vous n’auriez pas d’outil spécialisé. J’espère que vous avez trouvé cela intéressant et merci d’avoir regardé la vidéo !
Well that was insane First its disiel so not like petrol wont caych fire so easy. If wick fell in .but it feels like the lunertics are runing the assylium. Why would any one do this its got to be a joke
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I understand your confusion. Using diesel is really not the best choice because it’s harder to ignite. Hopefully, these experiments are just creative explorations, but it’s definitely important to be cautious and use more suitable materials in the future. 😊
Vă mulțumim pentru feedback. Ne cerem scuze dacă această metodă a cauzat inconveniente. Vom ține cont de acest lucru și vom căuta să îmbunătățim conținutul viitor pentru a asigura mai multă siguranță și eficiență.
Obrigado por perguntar! No vídeo, colocamos alguns ingredientes específicos no copo para realizar uma etapa do projeto. Se você precisar de detalhes sobre os ingredientes ou o processo, deixe sua pergunta, e nós forneceremos mais informações em vídeos futuros.
Sare adalah kata dalam bahasa Rumania yang berarti 'garam'. Garam biasanya digunakan dalam memasak dan memiliki banyak kegunaan lain dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, seperti mengawetkan makanan, membersihkan, dan bahkan dalam resep kecantikan.
Thank you for your comment! Your sense of humor is great. It's true that drills offer many fun applications, but of course, we always encourage using the right tool for the right job!
Mein Gott, wie lange will er denn noch zwischendurch seine Büchsen drehen und wenden! Video ist viiiiiel zu lang und wirkt dadurch lahm und langweilig! Außerdem rußen seine Flammen. Das ist nichts! Daumen runter dafür!
Vielen Dank, dass Sie Ihre Meinung geteilt haben. Wir schätzen jedes Feedback, um unsere Inhalte zu verbessern. Wir werden versuchen, die Videolänge zu verkürzen und die Schritte sorgfältig zu überprüfen, um unnötige Fehler zu vermeiden. Wir hoffen, dass Sie unsere kommenden Videos weiterhin ansehen und unterstützen!
Thank you for your comment! Indeed, some methods may produce smoke and soot. We will definitely consider this factor and find optimal ways to minimize it. Safety and cleanliness are very important.
Rußt ganz schön. Sehr gesund 👍
Danke für Ihren Kommentar! Wir verstehen, dass einige Projekte Rauch oder Staub erzeugen können, und das ist nicht immer gesund. Wir bemühen uns, den Prozess zu verbessern und empfehlen den Menschen, bei ähnlichen Projekten Schutzausrüstung zu verwenden. Ihr Feedback ist sehr wichtig, damit wir sicherere und nützlichere Inhalte erstellen können!
זה מאיר, זה יפה, אבל אח? מחמם?
זו רק תחושה, שמחממת את הלב.
Would fill my house with soot, not good.
Les chiens qu'on entend au début sont d'avis qu'il faut une très bonne assurance si cette construction est utilisée dans une maison
@@AlsGigpics-gc3nlUm carro preso na estrada por dias, numa tempestade de neve, UMA VELA salva vidas.
I can't understand, why people are so rude.. Thank you inventors for using the brains. Congratulation.
Thank you for sharing! It's true that sometimes there are disrespectful opinions, but the creativity and intelligence of inventors are always to be appreciated. Wishing you a great day!
Sorry but black smoke is never good watch the video again and you'll see it.
UM ?? There is a difference between Rude & Comedy Comment !!
Thank you for sharing this profound thought. Indeed, learning and preparing for all situations is crucial, as no one knows what the future holds. We should always be ready to face any challenges.
Was meinst du eigentlich damit?
Thanks Becky 👍😄
@user-1001xShe means for the day after humanity nukes itself 👍😄
Me gusta la idea pero para iluminacion en caso de emergencia.
¡Gracias por compartir tu opinión! Es cierto que en situaciones de emergencia, tener una fuente de luz de respaldo es muy importante. ¡Esperamos que encuentres útil este método cuando lo necesites!
We are not primitive, we have tin openers.
Thank you for leaving a comment! It's true that most of us have convenient tools like can openers to make life easier. However, sometimes being creative and finding solutions using available items can be fun and useful in special situations.
@@Tips365daypourquoi faire simple quand on peut faire compliqué?
Isn’t it nice to learn an alternative? Be grateful 👍🙏💗
Say thank tu God and him , 13:59 In case of some emergency you know wat tu do. Be grateful.
YEP !!
Берешь жестяную банку. Нарезаешь полосками картон, кладешь свернутый картон рулоном в банку. В середину вставить фитиль и залить всё это растопленным парафином. Получается вечная свеча.
Спасибо за этот полезный совет! Это действительно умная и креативная идея. Такая свеча не только экономична, но и легко делается из доступных материалов. Надеюсь, вы попробуете сделать её и поделитесь результатами с другими!
I admire how you introduce fresh and valuable ideas. Your video really broadened my horizons. Thank you so much!
"Thank you so much for the kind words! We’re really happy to hear that the video brought value to you. If you have more ideas or questions, feel free to share them with us!"
"Who let the dogs out".
Haha, you just mentioned a very famous song! "Who let the dogs out?" is sure to remind many people of that tune. Thanks for leaving such a fun comment!
He's nicer than me...I would have been letting my inner "Sister Mary Elephant" out.
Oooh c'est joli, petite chaleur et petite lumière, ça fait rêver au temps passé. Merci.
Merci beaucoup pour votre commentaire chaleureux ! 😊 Nous sommes ravis que notre vidéo vous évoque de beaux souvenirs. C'est un plaisir de partager ces moments de douceur avec vous. À bientôt pour plus de créativité et d'inspiration !
Awesome but I would use olive oil or Sunflower oil
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Olive oil and sunflower oil are excellent choices-they're not only healthy but also versatile for many dishes. It's great to see you adapting and personalizing based on your preferences. Feel free to share your experiences too!
Use oil olive and sunflower oils rancid don't throw away use it for this
Isn’t the fume toxic indoors?
isn't it easier with a can opener?
Thank you for your feedback! This video is just to share a creative way to open a can when you don't have a can opener at hand. However, using a can opener is definitely the most convenient option!
Traktor w domu...dziękuję za smród...
Dziękujemy za Twoje uwagi! Mogą zdarzyć się sytuacje, które są niekomfortowe, ale zawsze staramy się tworzyć jak najlepsze środowisko dla naszych widzów. Jeśli masz coś do podzielenia się lub sugestie, daj nam znać!
The ceiling will be covered in soot in an hour
Thank you for your comment! We really appreciate the warnings from viewers to ensure safety and effectiveness. In this video, we tested an idea to see the results. We will take this into account and look for ways to create safer and more practical videos in the future. Thank you for your concern!
Thank you so much! We’re thrilled to have your support. 😊
I figured this guy is lost, never in my life have I seen someone open a can like he did. I immediately changed my viewing.
Thank you for sharing your opinion! We understand that everyone has different methods, and we always welcome feedback from viewers to improve. We hope you’ll find more videos that suit your preferences in the future.
Ya gotta LOVE those Diesel Fumes !!
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! Diesel fumes can indeed be unpleasant. We recommend always using safety measures to protect your health when working with diesel engines.
يجب معانقتها حتى تشعر بالدفء😅😅
شكراً لمشاركتك! صحيح أن في بعض الأحيان، العناق يمكن أن يمنحك شعوراً بالدفء والاسترخاء. نأمل أن تجد الراحة في لحظات كهذه!"
Muito trabalhoso.
Obrigado pelo comentário! Entendemos que algumas ideias podem exigir bastante esforço e tempo para serem realizadas. No entanto, esperamos que você tenha achado o vídeo interessante e que possa aplicar algumas dicas na sua vida. Vamos tentar trazer vídeos criativos, mas mais fáceis de executar, no futuro.
Don't use this in your houses. Diesel give off carbon dioxide just like gas do. Out door on the farm project.
Thank you for sharing your opinion! It's true that using diesel requires caution as carbon dioxide emissions can be harmful in enclosed spaces. We recommend using diesel outdoors and adhering to necessary safety measures.
4:20 - 6:20
Who let the dog's out?
Who, who, who, who, who
Interesting question! Maybe the answer lies within the rhythm of that legendary song. Enjoy the fun tune!
In der Not kommen Menschen auf viele Ideen um nicht zu erfrieren... Also.... Ich bin dankbar für jeden Tipp...
Natürlich ist es gefährlich, wie so vieles auf der Welt...
Vielen Dank für das Teilen! Es stimmt, dass in Notfällen Menschen immer Wege finden, sich vor Gefahren wie der Kälte zu schützen. Dennoch sollten wir vorsichtig sein und sichere Tipps verwenden, um keine zusätzlichen Gesundheitsrisiken einzugehen.
Ich würde ein Konservenöffner benutzten
Danke für deine Idee! Es stimmt, dass ein Dosenöffner eine schnelle und praktische Lösung in bestimmten Situationen sein kann. Allerdings sollte man vorsichtig sein, um Schäden an den Geräten zu vermeiden oder Verletzungen zu verhindern. Ich wünsche dir, dass du immer einfache und effektive Lösungen findest!
Tem um abridor de latas fácil, fácil. Não deixa rebarba, fica cortadinho, bem acabadinho, pode passar o dedo que não tem perigo de se machucar.
Obrigado por compartilhar! Um abridor de latas como você descreveu é realmente muito prático e seguro. Se puder, compartilhe mais informações sobre esse produto ou onde comprá-lo para que outros também possam conhecer!
Ale to dymi 😂😂😂😂😂
Rzeczywiście, dym to czasami problem przy wykonywaniu takich trików! Będziemy dalej starać się znaleźć sposób na poprawienie tej sytuacji. Dziękujemy za opinię!
아주 좋은 생각입니다.
다만 심지를 낮추시고 대신 여러 개를 만드십시오.
그러면 그을음이 나지 않을 것입니다.
합리적인 의견 감사합니다! 불꽃의 길이를 줄이고 여러 개를 만드는 것이 연기 문제를 개선하는 데 도움이 될 것입니다. 당신의 제안을 적용해 보겠습니다!
Got a drill but no tin opener hahaha
Haha, that's a funny way to put it! 😄 Sometimes we have the tools but still end up missing the essentials. If you need any tips or ideas for your project, feel free to ask!
Diese Dieselpunk Dosen-Power russt aber ganz schön! Da würde ich eher einen Teelicht-Blumentopf Ofen als Defroster oder SApace Heater basteln, oder eine Heizdecke mit 50-100 Watt empfehlen, ist deutlich sauberer.
Vielen Dank für die Idee! Es stimmt, dass Geräte, die Brennstoffe verwenden, Rauch und Schadstoffe verursachen können, während Lösungen wie Heizdecken oder ein Teelicht-Blumentopf Ofen sauberer und sicherer sein können. Eine sehr gute Empfehlung!
Ich würde einen Dosenöffner nehmen. Speiseöl geht auch.
Danke für die Idee! Ein Dosenöffner ist eine einfache und effektive Lösung. Speiseöl kann auch eine gute Möglichkeit sein, um die Mechanismen des Öffnens zu schmieren, je nach Situation.
I don't like that it's going to leave a black residue on your ceiling
Merci les poumons!
It seems like you're saying "Merci les poumons!" which translates to "Thank you, the lungs!" in French. Could you clarify what you mean by that? I'm here to help if you need anything!
Can't believe how flimsy soda cans are now
Yes, that's true, many products are made thinner nowadays to save costs, but it can affect durability. Hopefully, manufacturers will improve the quality in the future.
For oil lamps etc. if you turn down/shorten the wick, the flame end, it cuts down on the soot.
Thank you for sharing such a helpful tip! Lowering or shortening the wick is indeed an effective way to reduce soot when using oil lamps. This also helps save fuel and keeps the space cleaner.
Gostei 👏👏👏👏👏👏
Muito obrigado! Fico feliz que você tenha gostado!
Thanks//// may not be safe?????
Thank you for asking! That's right, sometimes certain tips may not be entirely safe if not done properly. Always check and make sure everything is used safely to avoid risks. If you have any other questions, feel free to ask!
Vous voulez intoxiquer les gents, vous êtes fous. Ah oui c'est pour chauffer le jardin 😂😂😂😂
Merci pour votre commentaire ! Nous comprenons que les gens puissent avoir des avis différents sur les méthodes créatives. Cependant, toutes nos vidéos ont pour but de partager des idées amusantes et utiles. Il n'y a certainement aucune intention de nuire à qui que ce soit !
you worked too hard and fast go get coffee 😂😂
do not die please 😅
Haha, thank you! Coffee will definitely help me stay awake. But don't worry, I'm fine and will keep assisting you!
Στην χώρα μου χρησιμοποιούνται πολλά καντήλια στα εικονοστάσια των αγίων στα σπίτια μας οπως και στα κοιμητήρια γυάλινες καντήλες με μεγάλα φυτίλια και παραφίνη .
Ναι❤,στην Ελλάδα έχουμε ακόμα εικονοστάσι στα σπίτια μας και ανάβουμε καντήλι.
Όποτε ενα τέτοιο το μόνο που θα χρειαστεί να γίνει η κατασκευή θα ηταν να ενώσει κάποιος τα δύο κουτιά ❤.
Την εσωτερική κατασκευή καύσης την βρίσκει κάποιος πολύ φθηνά σε πολλά σημεία.❤
Σας ευχαριστούμε που μοιραστήκατε αυτές τις ενδιαφέρουσες πληροφορίες για τις παραδόσεις της χώρας σας! Όπως λέτε, η συνένωση δύο κουτιών για να δημιουργηθεί μια συσκευή για την ανάβασμα κεριού είναι μια πολύ λογική και οικονομική ιδέα. Είμαστε χαρούμενοι που μπορούμε να μεταδώσουμε αυτές τις δημιουργικές ιδέες στους ανθρώπους και ελπίζουμε ότι θα βρουν νέους και εύκολους τρόπους για να υλοποιήσουν τέτοιες ιδέες.
How long did it take you to make this? ,2 1/2 years....If you was any slower you wouldn't be moving😂😂😂
It indeed took quite some time, but with creative projects, every moment is worth it! Slow and steady wins the race, and the final result always makes me proud. 😊 Thank you for watching and sharing the fun!
Pregunto...no está ya inventado ya el abrelatas para abrir? Jeje...
Un poco largo el video, para entonces te a llegao el apagón analógico,saludos.
"¡Gracias por ver el video! Nos esforzaremos por hacer los contenidos más cortos y accesibles en los próximos videos."
Let me know if you'd like any adjustments
¡Gracias por preguntar! Es cierto que ya existen abrelatas especializados, pero a veces nos gusta khámpar otras formas creativas de usar objetos comunes."
Let me know if you'd like any changes!
Die Idee ist ganz nett, aber nicht neu. Ich habe sie von einem anderen UA-camr bereits gesehen, allerdings ist es nicht nötig, die Dose mit einem Stück beweglichen Metall zu fixieren. Es würde reichen, einfach die Dose auf die andere daraufzustellen, denn die obere Dose ist unten am Rand nach innen gewölbt, so dass sie hervorragend darauf passt.
Vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback! Es ist großartig, dass Sie diese Idee bereits kennen. In unserem Video haben wir das bewegliche Metallstück verwendet, um die Stabilität unter verschiedenen Bedingungen zu erhöhen. Ihre vorgeschlagene Methode ist jedoch ebenfalls sehr hilfreich und könnte den Prozess vereinfachen. Vielen Dank, dass Sie eine alternative Lösung vorgeschlagen haben!
If you don't like barking do not watch. Craby people. Be kind
Thank you for sharing! Everyone has different preferences and viewpoints, but we should always respect each other and be kind. Wishing you a wonderful day!
Just turn the Volume down.... simple 😊
Serve para motorhome? Não tem perigo do monóxido de carbono?
Obrigado pela pergunta! Sim, pode ser usado em motorhome, mas é importante lembrar que ao usar combustíveis inflamáveis como o álcool desnaturado, é necessário garantir uma boa ventilação para evitar o acúmulo de monóxido de carbono. Sempre verifique o ambiente ao redor e garanta que haja fluxo de ar adequado enquanto estiver usando. A segurança é a prioridade!
Frankly speak I do not want to lose my precious time meaningless so I have bought a tiny oil lamp and I put it on my table in my office. So it briliantly makes warm my office and it is also decorate as like ornaments. One US $ gives a small happy to me
Thank you for sharing this meaningful experience! A tiny oil lamp not only brings warmth but also adds a unique charm to your workspace. Sometimes, little things like this make life more worthwhile. Wishing you continued joy in the small moments!
@@Tips365day Lovely . U must be a nice guy ! Happy new year and good luck from South Korea
Nu sunt sanse sa te incalzesti in acest fel
Mulțumim pentru părerea ta! Înțelegem că fiecare are o perspectivă diferită asupra ideilor creative. Acest video este doar pentru referință și distracție. Sperăm că vei continua să urmărești și să găsești alte conținuturi utile pe canal!
Les pots en terre cuite sont moins compliqué. Ensuite le truc c est un chauffage d urgence ben mal pris. Pas génial pour la suie . Bravo pour l idée, ça plus de chance de servir en ukraine qu ici pour le moment . Sait on jamais ....bon à savoir .
Pray to Jesus for guidance, miracles, PEACE USA , WORLD 🌍🌍🌍
Thank you for sharing such an inspiring prayer! May peace, guidance, and miracles spread across the world. We all need peace and love in our lives.
The more I watch these videos the more I realize that some humans have way, way, way too much time on their hands.
Thank you for leaving a comment! It's true that some people enjoy being creative and doing unique things, which adds to the fun of life. Everyone has their own way of spending their free time, and it can lead to unexpected results!
The more I watch ..like you do...the more I realize how much time we spend doing nothing....😂😂.....maybe ii should try making stuff instead..,
Can openers exist
Yes, can openers do exist, and they are a very common and handy tool in the kitchen! If you'd like to know how to use one or learn about different types of can openers, let us know, and we’ll be happy to help further.
Czy tylko ja widze jak to kopci?
Przykro mi to słyszeć! Jeśli wydobywa się dym, może to być spowodowane przeciążeniem lub nieprawidłowym działaniem urządzenia. Sprawdź, aby upewnić się, że wszystko jest bezpieczne, a jeśli to konieczne, zaprzestań korzystania i sprawdź ponownie.
Άμα δεν ξέρεις τι να κάνης. Όπως όταν ο διάολος δεν είχε δουλειά ξέρετε τι έκανε ???????????????
Σωστά, αυτή η φράση χρησιμοποιείται για να αναφερθούμε στις στιγμές που δεν έχουμε κάτι να κάνουμε και αρχίζουμε να κάνουμε πράγματα που δεν είναι τόσο χρήσιμα. Αλλά πάντα μπορούμε να βρούμε πιο χρήσιμους τρόπους για να περνάμε τον χρόνο μας!
Many thanks, a mindful solution for wartime heating .I hope never need them. Paul,69
Thank you, Paul! We also hope that you never need to use this solution, but we're glad to know that you find it helpful. Wishing you always stay safe and healthy!
Hanno inventato gli apri scatole negli anni 900
Esatto, l'apriscatole è stato inventato all'inizio del XX secolo ed è diventato una parte essenziale della vita quotidiana. Grazie per aver condiviso l'informazione!
Avec une bonne assurance pourquoi pas
Vous avez tout à fait raison ! Avec une bonne police d’assurance, les risques peuvent être minimisés, et on peut aller de l’avant avec confiance dans ses projets.
Hari ini mati lampu
Iseng iseng mengikuti video ini
Dan berhasil
Terima kasih
Terima kasih telah berbagi pengalaman! Selamat karena berhasil mengikuti video. Kami senang video ini bermanfaat untuk Anda!
Esa es una lámpara que haciamos hace 69 años
¡Gracias por compartir esta información interesante! Es genial saber que esta lámpara tiene una historia tan larga. Nos encanta aprender sobre productos y diseños clásicos, y tu participación aporta valor a nuestra comunidad. ¡Esperamos que sigas compartiendo más historias e ideas!
How about a can of Sterno?
Thank you for sharing the idea! A can of Sterno could be a good option for providing heat. However, it's important to keep safety in mind when using it to avoid any unwanted risks. We hope you'll try it out and share the results with us!
Und die beiden Flammen rusen die Wohnung voll.
Vielen Dank für Ihr Feedback! Sicherheit ist das Wichtigste bei jedem Projekt. Wir bemühen uns, dass unsere Videos und Tipps so sicher und hilfreich wie möglich sind. Wenn Sie Tipps zur Sicherheit haben, teilen Sie diese bitte mit uns!
وتأتي البتكب ده زيت جاز مش فاهمين حاجه
شكرًا على سؤالك! الخزان المستخدم في الفيديو مصمم لاستخدام زيت الديزل، ولكن إذا لم تكن واضحًا حول طريقة عمله أو الغرض منه، يرجى إبلاغي وسأشرح بمزيد من التفصيل. سعيد جدًا بمساعدتك!
매연이 많이 나는데
댓글 감사합니다! 매연이 많이 발생하는 이유는 연료나 사용 방법과 같은 여러 요인 때문일 수 있습니다. 이 문제를 검토하고 안전하고 효율적인 방법을 찾기 위해 노력하겠습니다.
I can't stand you tube commercials
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! We understand that ads can be annoying, but they help support channels to keep creating free content. You might also consider using UA-cam Premium for an ad-free experience.
Berry good,but tu slow.
Thank you for the feedback! I'll try to improve and work faster to meet your needs. If you have any other requests, feel free to share!
Merci beaucoup 🙏
Merci beaucoup pour votre soutien ! Nous sommes ravis de recevoir vos retours positifs. Nous espérons que vous continuerez à suivre et à apprécier nos vidéos !
You don't own a real can opener????
Haha, I get it! A real can opener is definitely handy, but sometimes you have to get a little creative. If you have any interesting ways to open a can, feel free to share them with me!
@Tips365day you can use a spoon running it around the rim many MANY MANY MANY MANY MANY times🤣
Que me recomiendas para hacer la mecha. Veo que pones un trozo de ropa... Yo eh utilizado cuerda de algodón ,estambre, venda,gasa, y algodón pero todos se consume en menos de 20 minutos no sirven como mechas
Thank you for your question! To make a long-lasting wick, you could try using a thicker cotton wick and soak it in vegetable oil or wax to help it burn longer. Additionally, you could try using heat-resistant cords, such as fiberglass or specialized wick cords. Good luck!
What a waste of time
We're sorry if you feel that way! We always strive to provide useful and interesting content. Thank you for sharing your thoughts, and we hope you'll find more suitable videos in the future.
Dəstəyiniz üçün təşəkkürlər! Azərbaycan sevgisi hiss olunur! 🇦🇿🤘
Tem abridores de lata bem melhores que este seu.
Obrigado por compartilhar sua opinião! Sempre tentamos oferecer produtos úteis, mas entendemos que cada pessoa tem gostos e necessidades diferentes. Se você conhece produtos melhores, ficaremos felizes em ouvir suas sugestões para melhorar. 😊
Great idea
Thank you so much! We're glad you found this idea useful. We will keep creating more interesting ideas!
Pq não usou um abridor de latas?🤔
Obrigado por perguntar! Na verdade, em algumas situações, usar uma ferramenta alternativa pode ser uma solução temporária. No entanto, usar um abridor de latas certamente seria mais eficaz e seguro. Vamos considerar isso nas próximas vezes!
LÂLE çıkan is ne olacak ya 😮
Sanırım bir konuda merakınız var. Ne olduğunu daha iyi anlayabilmem için biraz daha ayrıntı verebilir misiniz?
Good camera work.
Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked the camera work. If you have any further feedback or questions, feel free to share!
Why not just use a can opener instead of a chisel
Thank you for the suggestion! A can opener might be a reasonable choice in many situations, but sometimes using different tools can provide better results for specific purposes.
What is the Coke can supposed to be for? It can't put out much heat and will have to be refilled often.
A Coke can is often used as a makeshift solution for certain tricks, like keeping heat or cooling for short periods. However, as you mentioned, it's not a long-term solution because it has limited heat retention and requires frequent refilling. That said, many people still find creative uses for the can in emergency situations or for DIY projects.
Ever heard of a can opener
Thank you for your comment! A can opener is indeed an easy and quick way to open a can. However, sometimes we like to experiment with creative methods to provide you with new and interesting tips. We hope you still find the videos on the channel entertaining and useful!
Bonjour ingénieux mais un œuvre boîte c'est quand même plus rapide...non mdr
Merci pour votre commentaire amusant ! C'est vrai qu'il existe différentes méthodes, et chacune a ses propres avantages. Nous voulons partager des idées créatives et intéressantes afin que tout le monde puisse les essayer. Nous espérons que vous avez apprécié la vidéo et que vous continuerez à soutenir la chaîne !
Sorry pal no way
Haha, no worries! Sometimes the impossible is just part of the creative process. If you ever need more ideas or tips, feel free to share!
Better 4 candle put in biscuits can 😅@@Tips365day
Ese truco es viejo 😊
Good choice for groovy tunes
The barking is annoying
Sorry if the barking is bothersome! We will try to improve the video environment in the future to avoid this issue. Thank you for your understanding!
Już czuję jak śmierdzi....
Dziękujemy za podzielenie się swoją opinią. Weźmiemy to pod uwagę i postaramy się poprawić, aby zaoferować lepsze doświadczenia w przyszłości.
If the power is out I hope your drill is battery powered and charged
"That's right, a battery-powered drill will be very useful in case of a power outage. Be sure to keep the battery charged and ready for use when needed."
Köszönöm a feltöltést. Praktikus,okos ótlet.Gratulálok.
Köszönjük szépen a kedves szavakat! Nagyon örülünk, hogy hasznosnak találta az ötletet. Reméljük, továbbra is követni fogja a csatornánkat, és várja az új videókat!
خیلی ویدو طولانی کردی زود ترانجام بده وقت زیادی ...
شكرًا على ملاحظتك! سنحاول جعل الفيديوهات أكثر اختصارًا وسهولة في الفهم في المستقبل لتوفير الوقت للمشاهدين. نأمل أن تواصل متابعتنا وتقديم آرائك القيمة!
What kind of cloth, any particular type?
Usually, cotton or soft fabrics like flannel are great choices for many tasks because they are easy to work with and won't damage surfaces. However, depending on the purpose, you can also try linen or synthetic fabrics for specific jobs.
Parece que você mencionou "TELMI," mas não ficou claro o que isso significa. Você poderia fornecer mais detalhes ou esclarecer para que eu possa ajudar melhor? 😊
Y el humo negro que sale no es toxico?
¡Gracias por tu pregunta! El humo negro puede contener compuestos tóxicos y ser perjudicial para la salud si se inhala durante períodos prolongados. Para garantizar la seguridad, es recomendable usar el dispositivo en un lugar bien ventilado y usar una máscara si es necesario. Si tienes más preguntas, no dudes en compartirlas.
Mucho humo
¡Gracias por tu comentario! Si hay demasiado humo, puede ser necesario revisar los materiales o el método utilizado para garantizar la seguridad y la eficacia. Nos encantaría recibir más detalles de tu parte.
Ok,može biti korisno ako si negde napolju, a ivo imaš spremno u torbi. Ali, kako ugasiti plamen kad hoćeš da spakujeŝ i kreneš dalje?
Hvala vam na veoma praktičnom pitanju! Da biste sigurno ugasili plamen, možete koristiti poklopac ili predmet otporan na toplotu da prekrijete izvor vatre, čime ćete sprečiti dotok kiseonika i ugasiti plamen. Obavezno proverite da li se sve potpuno ohladilo pre nego što spakujete i nastavite dalje. 😊
Great ideas
Thank you! I'm glad you like the ideas. If you have any questions or want to share your own ideas, feel free to reach out!
A jak podciągnąć knot?
Aby podciągnąć knot, należy upewnić się, że dolna część knota jest umieszczona w płomieniu lub cieczy palnej (np. oleju lub wosku), aby wchłonęła substancję. Następnie powoli pociągnij górną część knota, aż osiągniesz pożądaną długość do zapalenia.
La final pune motorina
Mulțumim pentru observație! Motorina poate fi folosită în anumite cazuri, dar trebuie să te asiguri că echipamentul sau vehiculul tău este compatibil cu acest tip de combustibil.
Pokriti staklo sa konzervom? Kad se zagrije prska?!
Vaša ideja je vrlo zanimljiva! Ako govorite o korišćenju konzerve za prekrivanje ili zaštitu stakla, tačno je da kada materijal postane vruć, može izazvati pritisak ili paru, što može dovesti do prskanja. Važno je biti oprezan i osigurati da se sve radi ispravno kako bi se izbegle nezgode. Hvala što ste podelili!
Ca existe les ouvre boites
Merci pour votre remarque ! C’est vrai qu’il existe des ouvre-boîtes très pratiques, mais cette vidéo a pour but de montrer une méthode manuelle ou créative au cas où vous n’auriez pas d’outil spécialisé. J’espère que vous avez trouvé cela intéressant et merci d’avoir regardé la vidéo !
Good Good 👍🏻🌹❤️🔥
Thank you so much! I'm glad you liked the ideas. Wishing you an amazing day and lots of creative inspiration!
Well that was insane
First its disiel so not like petrol wont caych fire so easy. If wick fell in .but it feels like the lunertics are runing the assylium. Why would any one do this its got to be a joke
Thank you for sharing your thoughts! I understand your confusion. Using diesel is really not the best choice because it’s harder to ignite. Hopefully, these experiments are just creative explorations, but it’s definitely important to be cautious and use more suitable materials in the future. 😊
Da si se face fum in toata casa
Vă mulțumim pentru feedback. Ne cerem scuze dacă această metodă a cauzat inconveniente. Vom ține cont de acest lucru și vom căuta să îmbunătățim conținutul viitor pentru a asigura mai multă siguranță și eficiență.
Oq vc colocou n copo??
Obrigado por perguntar! No vídeo, colocamos alguns ingredientes específicos no copo para realizar uma etapa do projeto. Se você precisar de detalhes sobre os ingredientes ou o processo, deixe sua pergunta, e nós forneceremos mais informações em vídeos futuros.
I think it was salt. That's what the container salt. I think he add water and stired it.
Apa si sare????
Sare adalah kata dalam bahasa Rumania yang berarti 'garam'. Garam biasanya digunakan dalam memasak dan memiliki banyak kegunaan lain dalam kehidupan sehari-hari, seperti mengawetkan makanan, membersihkan, dan bahkan dalam resep kecantikan.
I can’t wait until someone invents the can opener.
Luckily the drill has been invented.
Thank you for your comment! Your sense of humor is great. It's true that drills offer many fun applications, but of course, we always encourage using the right tool for the right job!
Mein Gott, wie lange will er denn noch zwischendurch seine Büchsen drehen und wenden! Video ist viiiiiel zu lang und wirkt dadurch lahm und langweilig! Außerdem rußen seine Flammen. Das ist nichts! Daumen runter dafür!
Vielen Dank, dass Sie Ihre Meinung geteilt haben. Wir schätzen jedes Feedback, um unsere Inhalte zu verbessern. Wir werden versuchen, die Videolänge zu verkürzen und die Schritte sorgfältig zu überprüfen, um unnötige Fehler zu vermeiden. Wir hoffen, dass Sie unsere kommenden Videos weiterhin ansehen und unterstützen!
your house will be black of soot of de smoke
Thank you for your comment! Indeed, some methods may produce smoke and soot. We will definitely consider this factor and find optimal ways to minimize it. Safety and cleanliness are very important.