The New Linux Lite 7! User Friendly and Powerful OS for Old PCs!

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @maheshwarasriram
    @maheshwarasriram 6 місяців тому +3

    Thanks for your effort to us ; new Linux users .

    • @quickandeasytools
      @quickandeasytools  6 місяців тому +3

      When I installed Linux for the first time, I was like, My God, is this thing usable?
      Up until that point, I had only seen Windows 95, and UA-cam didn't exist. I was lucky that my friends helped me with almost everything until I got comfortable with Linux.
      From this point on, my motto is "Pass on.".
      Thanks for watching!

    • @maheshwarasriram
      @maheshwarasriram 6 місяців тому +1

      @@quickandeasytools Thanks you for your story , and your moto , is also my moto !

  • @csh9853
    @csh9853 3 місяці тому +3

    linux lite is a great distro.

  • @zekarou7831
    @zekarou7831 6 місяців тому +5

    It depends on how old your machine is. If you have a 12 years old laptop like mine or older - Linux Lite is not for you. I used to use Linux Lite for a while but abandoned it after it's getting heavier and heavier with each release. Now, I'm comfortable with *LUBUNTU* as my daily driver. It is light and fast. 👍

    • @WitherSkell
      @WitherSkell 6 місяців тому

      try antix

    • @catwong9827
      @catwong9827 6 місяців тому

      it's not for my 15 years dell pc too, not as good as mint, mx and some others.

    • @d_faceedit3419
      @d_faceedit3419 2 місяці тому +1

      Bro my old secondary pc have intel dual core e5400 Pentium core what do I use

    • @d_faceedit3419
      @d_faceedit3419 23 дні тому

      after using linux many distro on my secondary pc i have some suggestion that linux mint is good if you like but it have some issue in it's OS because mint use many other open source resource and the task manager have some issue i notice and all time when i install it newly and latest, kali works fine but fails to accept the wifi adapter in some case you have to do manual copy paste and download to make work ubuntu is good but bit heavy on this still worked but i don't prefer on 2gb ram ddr2. linux lite also works but it is bit heavy i don't say go with that go kali or mint not the lite, arch is very good but need very coding and manage.

  • @JoseMariadeManila-g3f
    @JoseMariadeManila-g3f 3 місяці тому +2

    Linux Lite is a great distro but not as light as presented. It takes 1.03Gb of RAM upon boot without having loaded yet any use app. Linux Mint XFCE will use only 687MB and MX Linux about 800MB.

    • @techapproval
      @techapproval 3 місяці тому

      Which is best for very old leptop 2 gb ram

    • @JoseMariadeManila-g3f
      @JoseMariadeManila-g3f 3 місяці тому

      @@techapproval 2GB RAM is way too small. Try AntiX, and if this is still to heavy for your hardware - try Puppy Limux.

  • @prashantchauhan5778
    @prashantchauhan5778 6 місяців тому +1

    Hello brother. Nice video.
    Today I installed the Linux mint Xfce edition on my old PC which is running over the i3 3rd Gen and 4gb Ram. Because it was running windows 10 but it was slow and laggy. The Linux mint Xfce edition is working well. Should I install Linux lite over the mint Xfce edition? The only use of that PC is using a browser and that is all.
    Again nice and informative video. Thank you for making such videos.

    • @quickandeasytools
      @quickandeasytools  6 місяців тому +1

      Hello there! Thank you for the positive feedback. I would recommend that you keep the Linux mint Xfce edition, no need to install anything else. The desktop environment is completely identical to the mint Xfce, and I think that it is completely enough for your PC and for it to get it's job done.

  • @Jusmpty
    @Jusmpty 6 місяців тому

    only browsing works fine on 1 watt power usage?

  • @deetv1760
    @deetv1760 5 місяців тому

    In fact the installation very complicated, iso image must be verify gpg sha256.

  • @jimw7916
    @jimw7916 6 місяців тому +1

    what is the difference between LL6 and LL7 ?

    • @elprincipito6400
      @elprincipito6400 6 місяців тому

      base: LL6 (22.04) LL7 (24.04)

    • @jimw7916
      @jimw7916 6 місяців тому

      @@elprincipito6400 THAT is my point. Thank you. F-all difference between the ubuntu ones and guess what? ........ F-all differences with the linux lite ones

    • @tsulkalu4589
      @tsulkalu4589 6 місяців тому

      @@jimw7916 Newer kernel and newer version applications in repository. But desktop did not change much, because Xfce have slower development cycle than Gnome or KDE. If you want new flashy stuff Fedora or Arch will be better choice.

    • @linuxliteos
      @linuxliteos Місяць тому

      @@jimw7916 ouch. If only that were true. If you are actually interested in being factually accurate, check out our Release Announcements for each release from Series 6x through to Series 7x. Have a nice day :)

  • @TheMadSqu
    @TheMadSqu 6 місяців тому +5

    For old PCs??? There is not even a 32bit ISO...

    • @quickandeasytools
      @quickandeasytools  6 місяців тому +2

      Yes, unfortunately, Linux Lite supports only x64 processors, which is a minus for it.
      Thank you for watching.

    • @garygallagher6
      @garygallagher6 6 місяців тому +1

      Not that old bro

    • @janvangorp6918
      @janvangorp6918 6 місяців тому +1

      Linux 32 bit? antiX, and the best one is MX Linux, other one is Debian 12. But the biggest influence is the desktop, running gnome on 4gb-ram? Well, forget it. Xfce ,Lxqt, or ice-wm are the lightest

    • @zekarou7831
      @zekarou7831 6 місяців тому

      I'm now using LUBUNTU on my 12 years old laptop and very satisfied with it. The LXQT is really light.

  • @vallabh81
    @vallabh81 6 місяців тому +2

    peppermint os and antix are the best choice for old hardware.i am using peppermint os on my old pc.💐💐

  • @57barnowl
    @57barnowl 2 місяці тому

    Great distro no wifi connection so back to linux mint the old reliable