My Dad used to take us to the Silverdome for Supercross in the 70s... there were no fences keeping anyone out of the pits. My friend and I somehow ended up sitting on the hood of a pickup truck on either side of Bob Hannah, while he was signing autographs and talking with fans. We were 12 years old... he was so cool to us, and everyone there. Super hero... Hurricane Bob Hannah!!
Funny, I still have my Bell Moto 3 and my Blue and Red Scott racing boots from my days of worshiping Hannah. I also worked for a Yamaha dealer back in that time period who was nice enough to supply me with tires/chains/gear. Had a lot of fun back then racing and riding and wish I still had my youth to do it again.
Larry Huffman asked him why he never raced in Europe for a world championship. Bob gave a very good answer, but I have no doubt that if Hannah had raced for a 125 or 250 world championship in '78 or '79 he would've won. Kids today don't even know who he is. Sheesh
Growing up racing in the 80's this guy was the absolute man, along with the other legends of that time. My dad would regularly tell a story about talking to Hurricane near the starting line at hangtown when it was still in Plymouth. He told Hannah, "You better win, I got 1000$ riding on you!". Hannah, chuckled and said, "I'm a little hungover, so I hope you're working!"
When He broke His leg water skiing I think that kinda slowed him down some.Seems like He wasn't as fast after that or He couldn't maintain that fast break neck speed as before.Always A Legend to me.
@@markallen6818 I think it was a bad spiral fracture and then he had complications later and I think it kept him or 2 seasons. I’m going off memory and I was only 10-11 years old then. I’m gonna Google it.
@@markallen6818 I think it was a bad spiral fracture and then he had complications later and I think it kept him or 2 seasons. I’m going off memory and I was only 10-11 years old then. I’m gonna Google it. Lost his momentum.
Having to much fun at the River. It was a lifestyle at the time. As a youngster- when I heard about the accident, I knew he would never be the same, yet he came back and won some incredible races.
In 77 or 78 at the age of 13 or 14 a track here in Houston called Rio Bravo used to host the Nationals. Me and my buddy were at a turn that was a up hill tight right hander with a good size berm from what I remember. Anyways Hannah got pushed over the berm right past us. It was a 15/20 foot drop and he goes down. My buddy and I ran down there, helped him pushed his bike back up. He kicked it over and took off in last and he ended up winning the moto. I’ll never forget that day helping Bob Hannah get back on the track. He will always be my motocross hero. I had a 1977 YZ80 back then so I was a Yamaha guy as well.
that must have been a thrill. I was a big hannah fan back then, always loved it when he won, same goes for johnny o'mara and danny chandler, they had that killer instinct and determination to win. hannah had some great races (wins) even after he left yamaha and was on the awesome honda works bikes of that era.
For me, Bob Hannah is the king of saves in the motocross world. I've seen a lot of videos of him almost crashing but still manage to save it that to other riders would've bitten the dust.
Very few riders go 110% and fewer still can stay on the bike as long as Bob Hannah could. I was one lucky guy to have raced against him way back in the 1970's & early 80's. He was always after the track prize money with a hunger few have. Rodger Decoster was even better at saving an out of control bike under him.
@@franciscolopez3229 There are only 2 types of great motocross riders one has God given talent while the other has pure drive & determination to win. When the two are put together by a rider that has that God given talent you end up with a rider that can't be beaten on the race track. Watch how Ron Lechine beat the worlds best 500 cc riders on his 125cc at the Motocross De Nations race.
@@c10wiremantawwallace13 You got that right, Ron Lechine the mean machine. Even Rick Johnson himself admitted that even he gets a hard time with Ron on the track. God Bless you sir and may you have a pleasant Holidays with your family. Love and Peace to everyone.
@@franciscolopez3229 I was one rider that was lucky enough to be on tracks with all of those great riders and the best I could ever do wasn't close to what was needed to keep up with any of them for more than 5 laps. When Ron Lechine was on his game that day the last thing you wanted to do was make him mad. A mad man Ron Lechine was unstoppable, and he was pissed off at the Moto Des nations when he smoked the world's best in their backyard on his 125
My dad raced a yz490 back in the day and he win alot of motocross and he got 5th over all and got a grand National championship ring from Houston in 77 Number 13 Rick Aycock
Hannah and Magoo were my two favorite riders. I was at the 1978 Hangtown, the last year the race was in Plymouth, I was 12 and was a flagman so I had a great view. Back then motos were 40 minutes, in the first moto Hannah lapped all the way to second place. The only one he didn't lap was Kent Howerton. He took it easy on them in the second moto and I think he only lapped up to fifth. Glover got the 125 class that day. great time.
Iv been into moto since I was a kid but I’m a 90s baby… era was crusty Demons and terriferma. I never payed attention to this “old shit”. But my wife’s dad happened to be a moto nut aswell and specifically this era. We used to have long chats about the scene back in the day…..the suspension revolution… it went from air cooled to water cooled…..and of course oldschool riders such as hurricane Hannah. Watching these clips is so cool because it’s kinda like “ohhh shit…..he’s not lying about it all”. It puts a face to the stories and makes me happy knowing that there was a wild era before me…..a badass era right now…..and hopefully another era for peeps later down the road!
Moto hit its peak in the 90s - early 2000s it started to taper off In the 4 Stroke era. Even when my Generation (Gen Z) Riders grow old I’ll still keep watching. I mainly grew up watching the Millennials as of Tomac, Roczen, and Barcia (My Older Brothers age range) Jett is Good but man nothing like the Shark on the Gas or Roczen etching his name on a win. Old Guys rule 🙌
Best MX'ers that lived. The bikes were heavier, suspension was crap and the 2 strokes were scary powerful. You had to be strong and have more stamina to race back in the day.
@@borntwice4724 maybe some bean oil (castor) as well ' that's super sweet smelling. I envy you attending those races ' you would have seen Hannah ' Tripes ' Marty Smith ' Howerton. Weinert ' Burgett ' Glover ' Mosier' Reid ' Shultz 'Savitsky etc ' with me being on the side of the world I only got to see them in magazine's. 👍
G no better time to be alive and young. It was a magical time. Garage innovation Elmer welding up pipes in his garage. Im glad I was a part of it. I used to stand by the magazine rack waiting on the clerk to put the New Dirt Bike or MXA Mags out.
Such a Legend! I used to get U.S. 'Dirt bike' ordered at a local newspaper shop once a month in 1980 as a teen just to see to see what he had won next ! "Bob Is a Box of Bobcat s" was an American expression one journalist used to describe him. I Longed for him to come to Europe, We all did back then. Kool!
I first watched the pros at the Trans-AMA at Tulsa OK in 1971. We watched On Any Sunday at the drive-in theater the night before the race. I’d been racing for 4 years by then. DeCoster, Robert, Mikkola,the Flyin’ Haiiwaiian, etc.
Scott made the best plastic boot ,hands down,I've ever used.none of these new boots now,can hold a candle to a pair of scotts.they fit good,had a thin,comfortable toe box,easy to shift with,,easy to put on,take off,had great ankle flexibility, easy to ride in,easy to walk in..wish they would make them again,I'd go buy a pair next week!!!! All the rest I've tried,just suck
I never had the opportunity to try them but always thought they would be good ' I think Hannah said they were the only boots he could wear because they gave good support for his worn out ankles . I remember there was another brand of plastic boots back then'I think they made by" Vendramani" ? In 1980 I bought a pair of leather "Alpinestar " 'Hi Points 'as did a lot of other people '(I've still got them ) but I never really liked them 'not comfortable ' and difficult to put on ' and now they dont seem to be the right size for me ' my feet (amongst other things) have enlarged since being sixteen ' and now fifty eight.
@@gregmorrison7320 yeah ' I remember that M .Robert ' were they made by Vendramini? I seem to remember that name .They were advertised in Australasian Dirt Bike mag .
I raced motocross back in those days at Saddleback Park. I watched motocross heroes like Bob Hannah, Marty Smith, and Danny Chandler race at the Golden State Nationals at Saddleback Park a couple of times. I always raced Suzuki RM's because they may not have been the best handling bike, but they where guaranteed the fasted bike off the show room floor back then.
Great Motocross and Supercross racer but what most do not know about Bob Hannah is he has been into Aircraft for many years and a great Pilot. He has his own aircraft business and he also flew in the Reno Air Races in the Voodoo P-51 Mustang. "In 1998, the highly modified P-51 raced at the National Championship Air Races in Reno as #5 "Voodoo" piloted by Bob Hannah"
You can see the progression from back then till now especially on jumps. I realize they didn't have the big jumps back in those days but that big roller section would be doubled and tripled and even quad by todays riders. A lot probably had to do with how soft the suspension was on those bikes. They were just starting to figure the engineering with air & gas shocks vs springs ran on all MX bikes not to many year earlier. Bob Hanna reminds me of RC with his will and determination to win. Good stuff
You got it, some of the bikes of old just didn't jump that well, they were built for flat and fast, then changes in suspension came and you could use an ant hill to jump
I remember when Bob raced in Phoenix and won. The Euros hated the track because it was dry, rocky, dusty, desert soil, but Hannah thrived because he was used to riding in the Mohave desert.
Big kicker jumps was one reason why Bob Hannah started slowing up a little, if you watch som of his last years racing,, he was going around those kickers. But still a way fast rider.
I remember I was about 10 or 11 and went to the trans ama at Lake Whitney Texas and Bob won the overall and Brad Lackey won a close second what a race!😁😁
Hannah was riding out near Lancaster, CA. These days the Environmental Protection Agency has totally locked down that part of the desert, so yeah, the fun police have ruined that bit of American fun. It's hard to believe, but Lancaster as a town is actually located in Los Angeles county. I think Bob moved to Idaho many years ago so he could do what he wants.
@@mcgoodle I used to buy Dirt Bike magazine in the eighties and they used to speak of the BLM as the agency who was wanting to shut down access to the wide open spaces ' It looks like the authorities got their way 'I live in New Zealand 'so I dont really know how much you've been restricted ' but from what I can tell you can only explore the desert areas on foot or on a horse .
@@barrycuda3769 And you are correct. I messed up. It was the Bureau of Land Management; it's been so long ago that I read that, I got my federal agencies mixed up. I too read Dirt Bike (and Motocross Action) every month when I was a kid. Bob Hannah, Mike Bell, and Broc Glover were my idols, at age 15.
@@mcgoodle do you still have your old magazines? I've still got every Dirt Bike mag I bought (and some Motocross Action) my first DB mag was in 1976 'it has on the cover 'Howerton 'Ellis' De Stefano 'etc ' inside it was De Coster ' Smith ' Hannah ' Al Baker 'Carl Cranke 'Dick Mann's TT500 'RMs' CRs 'YZs' KXs' MRs 'etc ' very inspirational ' I remember the guy behind the counter at the book shop said to me "you dont want to waste your money on this do you? " he couldn't have been more wrong 'I also bought Modern Cycle' Dirt Rider' Cycle ' Hot Rod 'Car Craft' Skateboarder' Surfer ' meanwhile my father had a subscription to TIME magazine 'how boring.🙂
@@barrycuda3769 No, when I moved out of mom and dad's house I threw them all away, along with my baseball cards. The irony is that I now have access (through YT) to old motocross races that we never could've watched in the pre-internet days. I'm too old and poor to actually ride dirt bikes anymore.
@@stayathome2 oh right he was riding his pedal bike and got hit by a car so sad what a waste glad I was born in 63 I WAS ACTUALLY IN A SOUTHWICK NATIONAL AND GOT PASSED BT HANNAH its cool to be able to say that what fun I missed qualifying for main by 4 or 5 guys they were soo fast and in great shape lots of memories wardy,, stanten ,bayle, bradshaw, carlo coen, leo fautex, rudniky, morrison, keller I beat dowd straight up in the holeshot in my qualifier got whooped but I tried best days of my life still cant believe I was there it was so much easier to get in back then just had to be a top 15 expert I believe
What year YZ? I picked up a 1976 YZ250 a couple of years ago for $250. Just gave it to my nephew whose a motocross racer. He's planning to get it going and ride it.
Nothing else comes close to the sound and smell of a healthy 2 stroke. It's kinda weird that Yamaha let Suzuki steal their "Yami Yellow". I do however, prefer the present-day purple. Hannah was a spectacular rider though.
I think every era is a golden era James Stewart, bob hannah, rick Johnson , rick cincarillo ,Jeremy McGrath etc. these guys are all hero’s and so many more WOW!!
My childhood heroes- Evel Knievel, Hurricane Hannah& Kenney Roberts. Needless to say , I made as many trips to the Emergency Room as all 3 combined. 🤣😂🫣
Me too Buddy, me too. Didn't matter if I was on my bicycle or my DT 100. I was always running full speed and looking for a hunk of plywood and some cinder blocks to set up those death trap ramps. That was almost 45 years ago and some of the scars are still visible. Good times.
Check out the YZ library, for everything related to vintage Yamaha YZ's:
Idolized this guy as a kid, still do, great guy and super ambassador for the sport. He has stayed true to himself, gotta respect him👍
Yep he did it his way. Made enough money to not have to work if he didnt have to. After him I was a D Bailey fan.
Me too! Roger DeCoster, Brad Lackey....
My Dad used to take us to the Silverdome for Supercross in the 70s... there were no fences keeping anyone out of the pits. My friend and I somehow ended up sitting on the hood of a pickup truck on either side of Bob Hannah, while he was signing autographs and talking with fans. We were 12 years old... he was so cool to us, and everyone there. Super hero... Hurricane Bob Hannah!!
The heyday of motocross. When men were men.
I saw a 1980's supercross race recently on UA-cam ' one of the announcers was Bruce (not caitlin) Jenner.
...... And sheep were scared.
@@ScottSmith-mw6lo why were the sheep scared? ' poor things.
@@barrycuda3769 can't believe you have never heard that saying before "back when men were men and sheep were scared" lol
How dare you say that
Aaaah!!! JTRacing, Gold Belt, Bell Moto III, Hi Point, DG, Scott goggles & boots…
I’m fucking old.
Funny, I still have my Bell Moto 3 and my Blue and Red Scott racing boots from my days of worshiping Hannah. I also worked for a Yamaha dealer back in that time period who was nice enough to supply me with tires/chains/gear. Had a lot of fun back then racing and riding and wish I still had my youth to do it again.
Will always remember Hannah! Those were great years and remember most the names in the sport like it was yesterday.
Bob “Hurricane” Hannah potentially the GOAT and a true 🇺🇸.
Proud to say I grew up racing motocross during this golden age …Braaap 👊
with ya there bud the best days things were way more chill
Me as well 👊✌️
My '76 YZ 125 monoshock with mild porting, FMF pipe and 520 chain kit was the holeshot winner every time!
@@halfmil6467 sweet bike ✌️
Back in the 80's as teen, I always went straight to the Bob Hannah pictures in my Motorcross magazine.
Bob Hannah’s signature style, the only thing touching the bike was his hands ! What a fantastic Champion he was !
Hannah is a underrated legend
how is under rated we stillllll talk about him today ?????
Larry Huffman asked him why he never raced in Europe for a world championship. Bob gave a very good answer, but I have no doubt that if Hannah had raced for a 125 or 250 world championship in '78 or '79 he would've won. Kids today don't even know who he is. Sheesh
... an underrated legend.
Over-rated Bottler !
@@mcgoodle what was his answer?
Growing up racing in the 80's this guy was the absolute man, along with the other legends of that time. My dad would regularly tell a story about talking to Hurricane near the starting line at hangtown when it was still in Plymouth. He told Hannah, "You better win, I got 1000$ riding on you!". Hannah, chuckled and said, "I'm a little hungover, so I hope you're working!"
In '78 and'79 no one could stop the Hurrican.
When He broke His leg water skiing I think that kinda slowed him down some.Seems like He wasn't as fast after that or He couldn't maintain that fast break neck speed as before.Always A Legend to me.
@@markallen6818 Yep, Tripes f..ked him up. Ha ha.
@@markallen6818 I think it was a bad spiral fracture and then he had complications later and I think it kept him or 2 seasons. I’m going off memory and I was only 10-11 years old then. I’m gonna Google it.
@@markallen6818 I think it was a bad spiral fracture and then he had complications later and I think it kept him or 2 seasons. I’m going off memory and I was only 10-11 years old then. I’m gonna Google it. Lost his momentum.
Having to much fun at the River.
It was a lifestyle at the time.
As a youngster- when I heard about the accident, I knew he would never be the same, yet he came back and won some incredible races.
Saw the Philadelphia supercross in 1980 when I was 13. One of my favorite memories. It was held in JFK Stadium which is long gone.
Hurricane was the man, I raced Yamaha YZs then, the Bell Moto 3 helmet...Awwww to be young
In 77 or 78 at the age of 13 or 14 a track here in Houston called Rio Bravo used to host the Nationals. Me and my buddy were at a turn that was a up hill tight right hander with a good size berm from what I remember. Anyways Hannah got pushed over the berm right past us. It was a 15/20 foot drop and he goes down. My buddy and I ran down there, helped him pushed his bike back up. He kicked it over and took off in last and he ended up winning the moto. I’ll never forget that day helping Bob Hannah get back on the track. He will always be my motocross hero. I had a 1977 YZ80 back then so I was a Yamaha guy as well.
that must have been a thrill. I was a big hannah fan back then, always loved it when he won, same goes
for johnny o'mara and danny chandler, they had that killer instinct and determination to win. hannah had some great races (wins) even after he left yamaha and was on the awesome honda works bikes of that era.
The Hurricane Has Struck was ABSOLUTELY AMAZING to be witness to. Appreciate the Memories Sir 👏👏👊💪✌️😉
For me, Bob Hannah is the king of saves in the motocross world. I've seen a lot of videos of him almost crashing but still manage to save it that to other riders would've bitten the dust.
Very few riders go 110% and fewer still can stay on the bike as long as Bob Hannah could. I was one lucky guy to have raced against him way back in the 1970's & early 80's. He was always after the track prize money with a hunger few have. Rodger Decoster was even better at saving an out of control bike under him.
@@c10wiremantawwallace13 Well, I couldn't agree more with you sir. Truely you are lucky to have seen and raced with this lagends.
@@franciscolopez3229 There are only 2 types of great motocross riders one has God given talent while the other has pure drive & determination to win.
When the two are put together by a rider that has that God given talent you end up with a rider that can't be beaten on the race track. Watch how Ron Lechine beat the worlds best 500 cc riders on his 125cc at the Motocross De Nations race.
@@c10wiremantawwallace13 You got that right, Ron Lechine the mean machine. Even Rick Johnson himself admitted that even he gets a hard time with Ron on the track. God Bless you sir and may you have a pleasant Holidays with your family. Love and Peace to everyone.
@@franciscolopez3229 I was one rider that was lucky enough to be on tracks with all of those great riders and the best I could ever do wasn't close to what was needed to keep up with any of them for more than 5 laps.
When Ron Lechine was on his game that day the last thing you wanted to do was make him mad. A mad man Ron Lechine was unstoppable, and he was pissed off at the Moto Des nations when he smoked the world's best in their backyard on his 125
Thank you Bob Hanna I loved watching you dominate it’s been a great ride
My dad raced a yz490 back in the day and he win alot of motocross and he got 5th over all and got a grand National championship ring from Houston in 77 Number 13 Rick Aycock
Wow. Looks like the 1st bike i ever had. 80s Yamaha YZ 80.
I remember watching Hanna when I was a child. I would love to see a benefit ride old motocross bikes, old track and current pro riders.
Hannah and Magoo were my two favorite riders. I was at the 1978 Hangtown, the last year the race was in Plymouth, I was 12 and was a flagman so I had a great view. Back then motos were 40 minutes, in the first moto Hannah lapped all the way to second place. The only one he didn't lap was Kent Howerton. He took it easy on them in the second moto and I think he only lapped up to fifth. Glover got the 125 class that day. great time.
Iv been into moto since I was a kid but I’m a 90s baby… era was crusty Demons and terriferma. I never payed attention to this “old shit”. But my wife’s dad happened to be a moto nut aswell and specifically this era. We used to have long chats about the scene back in the day…..the suspension revolution… it went from air cooled to water cooled…..and of course oldschool riders such as hurricane Hannah. Watching these clips is so cool because it’s kinda like “ohhh shit…..he’s not lying about it all”. It puts a face to the stories and makes me happy knowing that there was a wild era before me…..a badass era right now…..and hopefully another era for peeps later down the road!
Moto hit its peak in the 90s - early 2000s it started to taper off In the 4 Stroke era.
Even when my Generation (Gen Z) Riders grow old I’ll still keep watching. I mainly grew up watching the Millennials as of Tomac, Roczen, and Barcia (My Older Brothers age range)
Jett is Good but man nothing like the Shark on the Gas or Roczen etching his name on a win. Old Guys rule 🙌
Best MX'ers that lived. The bikes were heavier, suspension was crap and the 2 strokes were scary powerful. You had to be strong and have more stamina to race back in the day.
Physical endurance is paramount in any motorsport.
@@halfmil6467and A Two Stroke is a Lot more especially without a good Setup.
They use to race 500 2 Strokes, look it up!
Used to see the magazine adds of Bob Hannah . I would then ride my new 1979 Honda XR 80 and dream of being an Enduro racer.
I went to the 1979 and 1980 super bowl of motorcross at the L.A. coliseum when I was a kid and still remember that time like it was yesterday.
There would have been a bluish nice smelling haze in the air . 👍
@@barrycuda3769 burning of that sweet sweet smell of Bell Ray oil.
@@borntwice4724 maybe some bean oil (castor) as well ' that's super sweet smelling. I envy you attending those races ' you would have seen Hannah ' Tripes ' Marty Smith ' Howerton. Weinert ' Burgett ' Glover ' Mosier' Reid ' Shultz 'Savitsky etc ' with me being on the side of the world I only got to see them in magazine's. 👍
@@barrycuda3769 also Jeff ward, Rick Johnson and Johnny O’mara just to name a few.
Yeah' very cool ' but a bit past 1980 ' you must have kept going to the race's.
Real legend he did it first
G no better time to be alive and young. It was a magical time. Garage innovation Elmer welding up pipes in his garage. Im glad I was a part of it. I used to stand by the magazine rack waiting on the clerk to put the New Dirt Bike or MXA Mags out.
Such a Legend! I used to get U.S. 'Dirt bike' ordered at a local newspaper shop once a month in 1980 as a teen just to see to see what he had won next !
"Bob Is a Box of Bobcat s" was an American expression one journalist used to describe him.
I Longed for him to come to Europe, We all did back then. Kool!
I first watched the pros at the Trans-AMA at Tulsa OK in 1971. We watched On Any Sunday at the drive-in theater the night before the race. I’d been racing for 4 years by then. DeCoster, Robert, Mikkola,the Flyin’ Haiiwaiian, etc.
Ha I was born in 1971 lol. And I'm old now and 51
@@lifeisgood3589 I’m 75, and ride a Honda crf250x.
I was there at the starting line in the Superdome .My first pro autocross. The sound, smell, and a ton of decals!
Nice ✌️
this segment is from the movie on any Sunday 2 I remember watching that at 14 years old. I’m now 50 brings back memories.
hannah does an awesome rick johnson impersonation!!!!
Bob is a legend for moto forever.
I was there at the Astrodome! My two favorite riders at that time were Mark Barnett and Bob Hannah.
Scott made the best plastic boot ,hands down,I've ever used.none of these new boots now,can hold a candle to a pair of scotts.they fit good,had a thin,comfortable toe box,easy to shift with,,easy to put on,take off,had great ankle flexibility, easy to ride in,easy to walk in..wish they would make them again,I'd go buy a pair next week!!!! All the rest I've tried,just suck
I never had the opportunity to try them but always thought they would be good ' I think Hannah said they were the only boots he could wear because they gave good support for his worn out ankles . I remember there was another brand of plastic boots back then'I think they made by" Vendramani" ? In 1980 I bought a pair of leather "Alpinestar " 'Hi Points 'as did a lot of other people '(I've still got them ) but I never really liked them 'not comfortable ' and difficult to put on ' and now they dont seem to be the right size for me ' my feet (amongst other things) have enlarged since being sixteen ' and now fifty eight.
@@barrycuda3769 There was a plastic boot made by M Robert, I had several pair over the years, best boot for me over that time.
@@gregmorrison7320 yeah ' I remember that M .Robert ' were they made by Vendramini? I seem to remember that name .They were advertised in Australasian Dirt Bike mag .
@@barrycuda3769 I think Vendramini were another brand, maybe they made M Robert but the M Robert did not have any Vendramini branding on them.
I was at this race Oakland ca ,got Hannah’s Scott tear off lense ,it was a awesome race . Never forget it ❤️
Thank you for this video.
I remember those days very well!! 👍
Mono shock! Remember how cutting edge that was.
My first mx hero and still is
I raced motocross back in those days at Saddleback Park. I watched motocross heroes like Bob Hannah, Marty Smith, and Danny Chandler race at the Golden State Nationals at Saddleback Park a couple of times. I always raced Suzuki RM's because they may not have been the best handling bike, but they where guaranteed the fasted bike off the show room floor back then.
RM’s rules supreme back then. Too bad Suzuki isn’t really still on the game
I saw him at Southwick, dude is a legend
I was always a team Honda fan, but you gotta respect Hannah. I remember at one super cross it said no passing on the back of his pants.
Back when Yamaha was yellow... as it should be.
Great Motocross and Supercross racer but what most do not know about Bob Hannah is he has been into Aircraft for many years and a great Pilot. He has his own aircraft business and he also flew in the Reno Air Races in the Voodoo P-51 Mustang.
"In 1998, the highly modified P-51 raced at the National Championship Air Races in Reno as #5 "Voodoo" piloted by Bob Hannah"
You can see the progression from back then till now especially on jumps. I realize they didn't have the big jumps back in those days but that big roller section would be doubled and tripled and even quad by todays riders. A lot probably had to do with how soft the suspension was on those bikes. They were just starting to figure the engineering with air & gas shocks vs springs ran on all MX bikes not to many year earlier. Bob Hanna reminds me of RC with his will and determination to win. Good stuff
You got it, some of the bikes of old just didn't jump that well, they were built for flat and fast, then changes in suspension came and you could use an ant hill to jump
The Yellow & Black attack 💛🖤
I remember when Bob raced in Phoenix and won. The Euros hated the track because it was dry, rocky, dusty, desert soil, but Hannah thrived because he was used to riding in the Mohave desert.
That's a killer holeshot @ 3:18 by Hannah,
On any Sunday 2" I remember this well!!!
Big kicker jumps was one reason why Bob Hannah started slowing up a little, if you watch som of his last years racing,, he was going around those kickers. But still a way fast rider.
Love those MAC lightning bolts!!
I remember I was about 10 or 11 and went to the trans ama at Lake Whitney Texas and Bob won the overall and Brad Lackey won a close second what a race!😁😁
I was there too…good times. RIP Lake Whitney, what a great track.
I still have the original poster for the Super Cross at the Anaheim Stadium in 1979,
On any Sunday 2 my second favorite movie lol
Hannah lived it everyday and was one competitive SOB and man could he ride he made it all look easy
The voice of racing, Larry Huffman, You had to love the passion in his voice. Whatever happened to Larry?
Best Rider Ever
Imagine having that beautiful desert in your back yard to ride free in . I suppose it 's not allowed now due to the fun police.
Hannah was riding out near Lancaster, CA. These days the Environmental Protection Agency has totally locked down that part of the desert, so yeah, the fun police have ruined that bit of American fun. It's hard to believe, but Lancaster as a town is actually located in Los Angeles county. I think Bob moved to Idaho many years ago so he could do what he wants.
@@mcgoodle I used to buy Dirt Bike magazine in the eighties and they used to speak of the BLM as the agency who was wanting to shut down access to the wide open spaces ' It looks like the authorities got their way 'I live in New Zealand 'so I dont really know how much you've been restricted ' but from what I can tell you can only explore the desert areas on foot or on a horse .
@@barrycuda3769 And you are correct. I messed up. It was the Bureau of Land Management; it's been so long ago that I read that, I got my federal agencies mixed up. I too read Dirt Bike (and Motocross Action) every month when I was a kid. Bob Hannah, Mike Bell, and Broc Glover were my idols, at age 15.
@@mcgoodle do you still have your old magazines? I've still got every Dirt Bike mag I bought (and some Motocross Action) my first DB mag was in 1976 'it has on the cover 'Howerton 'Ellis' De Stefano 'etc ' inside it was De Coster ' Smith ' Hannah ' Al Baker 'Carl Cranke 'Dick Mann's TT500 'RMs' CRs 'YZs' KXs' MRs 'etc ' very inspirational ' I remember the guy behind the counter at the book shop said to me "you dont want to waste your money on this do you? " he couldn't have been more wrong 'I also bought Modern Cycle' Dirt Rider' Cycle ' Hot Rod 'Car Craft' Skateboarder' Surfer ' meanwhile my father had a subscription to TIME magazine 'how boring.🙂
@@barrycuda3769 No, when I moved out of mom and dad's house I threw them all away, along with my baseball cards. The irony is that I now have access (through YT) to old motocross races that we never could've watched in the pre-internet days. I'm too old and poor to actually ride dirt bikes anymore.
Tough motocross rider. Legend.
(saw it, know about it, believe it)
Great video
Wow….the Difference between Then &Now Of SX,so much Better in My Opinion
Imagine the bikes in the late 1990's in this era.
Haha I have a 79 YZ250 my bikes little sketchy but I'm sure Bob could handle it
Man I miss this era.
i cant believe bell and marty are dead, sucks!!
And Mosier.
Sadly our days are getting shorter also. But damn did we have a good time to grow up in!
@@stayathome2 oh right he was riding his pedal bike and got hit by a car so sad what a waste glad I was born in 63 I WAS ACTUALLY IN A SOUTHWICK NATIONAL AND GOT PASSED BT HANNAH its cool to be able to say that what fun I missed qualifying for main by 4 or 5 guys they were soo fast and in great shape lots of memories wardy,, stanten ,bayle, bradshaw, carlo coen, leo fautex, rudniky, morrison, keller I beat dowd straight up in the holeshot in my qualifier got whooped but I tried best days of my life still cant believe I was there it was so much easier to get in back then just had to be a top 15 expert I believe
He seems like a pretty humble guy...and I noticed he had a trump badge on his shirt in one of his recent videos. 🇺🇲🏆🏁
the guy who went down on honda at start of race looked like his throttle was stuck open. one guy accidentally did the bubba scrub and passed a rider😂😂
2:01 - 2:05 ... Jammin' Jimmy Wienert , am I not mistaken ?
I always wonder how fast hannah and others would have been if they had the bikes of today
Way to short! I would like to see a short mini series on the life of Bob Hannah during the racing years
I had the same YZ
What year YZ? I picked up a 1976 YZ250 a couple of years ago for $250. Just gave it to my nephew whose a motocross racer. He's planning to get it going and ride it.
Yes, the odor of Castor and the noise of a million wasp-nests being hit with large sticks!
Nothing else comes close to the sound and smell of a healthy 2 stroke.
It's kinda weird that Yamaha let Suzuki steal their "Yami Yellow". I do however, prefer the present-day purple.
Hannah was a spectacular rider though.
Funny thing about Yamaha if you replace the H with an m it says yamama
Weren’t they only 8 lap races back then?? I can’t remember!!😎💪🇺🇸
These days it’s 16 laps but lap times are :45 seconds.
I raced during these days,I been on the same track as that psycho hannah,and wise,and howerton,and smith.hannah NEVER let off,,,EVER
King Bob!
God I love the smell of klotz in the morning
5:40 Is that riding area still there?
@@EarthSurferUSA Communistic government👍
Probably not that exact one. But there are hundreds of miles available in the Mojave.
Compared to today…!!!
4:06 Bubba Scrub lol!
The golden era was Carmichael,McCarth,Reed etc
I think every era is a golden era James Stewart, bob hannah, rick Johnson , rick cincarillo ,Jeremy McGrath etc. these guys are all hero’s and so many more WOW!!
My childhood heroes- Evel Knievel, Hurricane Hannah& Kenney Roberts. Needless to say , I made as many trips to the Emergency Room as all 3 combined. 🤣😂🫣
Me too Buddy, me too. Didn't matter if I was on my bicycle or my DT 100. I was always running full speed and looking for a hunk of plywood and some cinder blocks to set up those death trap ramps. That was almost 45 years ago and some of the scars are still visible. Good times.