I don't own fakes, but I can certainly understand why people would buy fakes, especially now that prices are rising and there are more and more quality issues with authentic bags. When my patience runs out, I will also go to kislux to shop what I like bag.
I remember that time, I accidentally stepped into kislux . Since then, I have a few more pieces of art in my wardrobe and less anxiety about bills.
Супер! Что-то свежее! 🔥🔥🔥
Artık çook zor defile beğenen ben sizi beğendim 😁
I don't own fakes, but I can certainly understand why people would buy fakes, especially now that prices are rising and there are more and more quality issues with authentic bags. When my patience runs out, I will also go to kislux to shop what I like bag.
Name of the second song? 8:14 ❓
Looks like homeless fentanyl w/neon shabby chic herion vibes
Most boring clothes ever