Just a Clueless 36 year old Starting a Vegetable Garden in the MIDDLE OF WINTER

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @DonnaBlissett
    @DonnaBlissett 7 днів тому +3

    I don't wear gloves either, so when the neighbor's kids ask,"what you doing ?"I Say Playing In The Dirt!😊 can I play with you? No go away!!

  • @rubieangelique
    @rubieangelique 5 днів тому +1

    Watching you from Puerto Rico 🇵🇷 and I’m so happy I have a plant UA-camr I can relate with the tropical climate here. I mainly grow houseplants outside in my balcony and indoors but I would love to have a herb garden. Will probably make that my next planty project, thank you for sharing Ebuka! 👀💚

  • @omolash
    @omolash 8 днів тому +4

    Finally! Nigerians growing much needed food!. Is is so easy to grow food in that environment 😃

  • @MaryObi-v5d
    @MaryObi-v5d 8 днів тому +9

    Who else from the Western world is shooketh??!! Why do they have us thinking there are only four seasons? Now I'm learning of a Harmattan?? At my age??! Goodness, this is why we all need friends from the Eastern world. 🤦🏾‍♀️❤

    • @TheMillennialPlantDad
      @TheMillennialPlantDad  8 днів тому +4

      Loool i wouldn’t blame you though. Harmattan is super niche , only occurs in a few West African countries, some people in Africa don’t even know about it . But now you do 🥰

    • @moiraslater8526
      @moiraslater8526 8 днів тому +5

      There are 6 seasons in Australia, at least for the original inhabitants. The colonisers use only four.

    • @TheMillennialPlantDad
      @TheMillennialPlantDad  7 днів тому +1

      @moiraslater8526 👏👏👏

  • @jodyelkins1924
    @jodyelkins1924 8 днів тому +3

    So great to see you growing an edible garden! Growing plants you actually use is so rewarding. Sweet Basil my favorite! The best smelling plant ever, I just love it. I can not get enough of it. I grow quite a few herbs and vegetables and consistent watering has been key to health and productivity for me .

    • @TheMillennialPlantDad
      @TheMillennialPlantDad  8 днів тому

      Thank you for the tip! I'll try to be more consistent with the watering. 💚💚

  • @christelarmstrong9598
    @christelarmstrong9598 8 днів тому +4

    Growing a herb garden is a game changer

  • @MaryObi-v5d
    @MaryObi-v5d 8 днів тому +3

    The 50's happy homemaker throwback music was chef's kiss, Darling! 😘

  • @julietmorris5430
    @julietmorris5430 6 днів тому +1

    I love watching you makes me smile trust me you don’t want winter and a sweater I have been cold all day heatin* is on and am in bed with my heat pad 😂knees are suffering from the cold 😊and well done with you’re herbs keep it up try min5 it grows very well but needs to be in a pot because it grows wild there are quit3 a few different varieties big hugs xx

  • @mahra8449
    @mahra8449 4 дні тому +1

    im sorry for laughing out loud the moment i saw that bell pepper 💀 especially from someone who can grow it well enough but barely fruits 😭

  • @rushiaj1222
    @rushiaj1222 8 днів тому +5

    I love growing a garden in the summer. I hope you have luck with ur lavender cause I just can’t seem to get it right. Maybe I can take some tips from you. Just wait until you taste the vegetables you grow. They taste so much better than what we buy in the grocery store. A garden tomato taste absolutely amazing. You’ll never want to eat grocery store veggies again the same for bell peppers 😋 I would say you have an herb garden. If I could make a suggestion, plant your bell pepper plant by itself. It will get quite big

    • @TheMillennialPlantDad
      @TheMillennialPlantDad  8 днів тому +1

      I've heard that, I'll be sure to try planting the bell pepper by itself. Someone else just advised this as well . Thanks for the tip! Also I tasted the parsley recently and I was like omg!! Is this what ihe been missing? I’m so excited!!!

  • @PattiBarahona
    @PattiBarahona 7 днів тому +1

    Bookmark is to cute, I want one.❤

  • @helenesolomon
    @helenesolomon 8 днів тому +5

    I had much fun watching this video. I can't wait to see how it goes for you. I have no outdoor space and grow my houseplants under lights. I have had the supplies and seeds to start indoor gardening for 2 years now but have not done so. Maybe I'll take the journey with you (on my new black metal shelves). Peace from NJ, USA.

    • @TheMillennialPlantDad
      @TheMillennialPlantDad  8 днів тому

      Thanks so much! Are those black metal shelves going indoors or outdoors though 👀👀

    • @helenesolomon
      @helenesolomon 8 днів тому

      @@TheMillennialPlantDad Unfortunately (as I commented last vid) I have no choice but to use black metal shelves for the first time in my life. I'm going to garden inside.

  • @garden_pink
    @garden_pink 7 днів тому +2

    It's so nice, my friend ❤❤❤

  • @lolareed9429
    @lolareed9429 8 днів тому +12

    Babe, the green pepper needs to be in its own pot. Its going to get too big and overshadow everything.... trust me... Nana knows!

    • @MaryObi-v5d
      @MaryObi-v5d 8 днів тому +2

      Where the lie? 💁🏾‍♀️❤

    • @TheMillennialPlantDad
      @TheMillennialPlantDad  8 днів тому +4

      Oh my goodness!! Thanks for this , I’ll give her a few days to recover from the recent shock and move sis to her own pot! Thank you 😊

  • @rushiaj1222
    @rushiaj1222 8 днів тому +3

    I love growing a garden in the summer. I hope you have luck with ur lavender cause I just can’t seem to get it right. Maybe I can take some tips from you. Just wait until you taste the vegetables you grow. They taste so much better than what we buy in the grocery store. A garden tomato taste absolutely amazing. You’ll never want to eat grocery store veggies again the same for bell peppers 😋

  • @doreenrichardson906
    @doreenrichardson906 7 днів тому +1

    pair parsley and basil - they need more water than the peppers

  •  6 днів тому +1

    The sweater in this weather was a reeeally bold move 😂😅

  • @usa45CC
    @usa45CC 7 днів тому +1

    Have you tried papaya with honey and granola? DELISH
    The sound of children in the background is so sweet, it makes me happy. Love how you are trying to grow food, regardless of the weather. I live in a very hot and arid climate, near the MX border in El Paso TX and it's hard to grow food. Keep us posted please. God bless, adios!

  • @abiyo506
    @abiyo506 7 днів тому +1

    My spade is no where to be found 😂 I relate so hard

  • @yesidtac7863
    @yesidtac7863 7 днів тому

    😂😂 execelente actitud

  • @GmamaGrowz
    @GmamaGrowz 7 днів тому

    Very nice edible plants 🌿 TFS!

  • @qbsince1983
    @qbsince1983 7 днів тому +1

    I would pair your herbs and edible plants with flowering plants that repel insects and pests ❤

    • @TheMillennialPlantDad
      @TheMillennialPlantDad  7 днів тому +2

      Yes this is a good one thank you !! I’m going to be planting some marigolds soon

  • @joycelynorr4067
    @joycelynorr4067 8 днів тому +2

    Love the book mark 📚😂 I need one of those!

  • @doreenrichardson906
    @doreenrichardson906 7 днів тому

    love your herbal collection. Your basil will likely need a bit of shade

  • @julietmorris5430
    @julietmorris5430 6 днів тому +1

    Sweater 😂😂yes a sun hat is needed no jumper 😂

  • @PC-zg3eo
    @PC-zg3eo 8 днів тому +6

    I try to go vegetables but my green thumbs seem to be suited only for non-edibles. 😂

    • @TheMillennialPlantDad
      @TheMillennialPlantDad  8 днів тому +1

      🤣🤣 I know this feeling. Let’s see how it goes for me this time around

  • @Kkimmyb
    @Kkimmyb 8 днів тому +2

    The sweater cracks me up 😂

  • @kelsey9384
    @kelsey9384 8 днів тому +2

    Tomaatoes toahmaytoes I love it. Great video once again! Love it

  • @MaggieArmenta672
    @MaggieArmenta672 8 днів тому +4

    Pepper plants are perennial plants, as you take care of them, they last forever, compared to tomatoe plants 😊 I still had some but they cooked with our frozen weather 😢 it got below 20 few days ago 😔 I kind of giving up on plants Ebuka 😢😢😢 I tried to work in my greenhouse and I could not breathe 😮 my husband is going in there and smoking his cigarettes 😡🥵😱🥶😡 I can not say the right words but I am very upset !
    Men are selfish but mine it seemed he was doing ( building) adding more space for old greenhouse and it was for himself to have a place where he can play games in the winter, smoke cigarettes and be away from house 😡 and all my money spent in plants is wasted

  • @wishingonthemoon1
    @wishingonthemoon1 8 днів тому +2

    Is this one of those millennial-adulthood urges? 😅 I’m still under pressure of buying an air-fryer, renovating a room, getting a pet, and booking a vacation.
    I would love to have an edible garden/herb garden. But, I know I’d slack off at least once, and then it’d all be over for my poor herbs and veggies. That being said, I do have berry bushes on the balcony.
    Also love that you call papaya paw-paw. Pawpaw is a type of fruit indigenous to the US, and it’s very tasty :) You continued to inspire me, maybe I’ll get some herbs. Your edible garden is a really impressive collection. I tried lavender, and it didn’t love me. It wouldn’t return after it went dormant. You repot with such care, it’s like watching an artist work.
    I hope I can visit your country someday-even if it’s during Harmattan! :)

    • @wishingonthemoon1
      @wishingonthemoon1 8 днів тому +1

      Ok your joy at the bookmark-which was SO adorable and cute and silly-made my entire day 🥹 thank you for sharing!

    • @TheMillennialPlantDad
      @TheMillennialPlantDad  8 днів тому +2

      Such a beautiful comment , I don’t even know where to begin to respond to . Lol you are certainly right about these millennial urges. Suddenly you feel like you need to grow some tomatoes 🤣🤣
      In Nigeria we call it Paw Paw. Call it papaya here and people will think you’re a weirdo 🤣
      Hope you get to visit soon 💚

    • @TheMillennialPlantDad
      @TheMillennialPlantDad  8 днів тому +2

      It made my day too. The best thing I’ve spent with my money !!

  • @hanstera_deliciosa
    @hanstera_deliciosa 8 днів тому +1

    Thanks Global Warming! 😂 Mr. Brightside 😚

    • @TheMillennialPlantDad
      @TheMillennialPlantDad  7 днів тому +1

      🤣🤣. Why did this remind me of one of my favorite songs of all time !! Going to stream it now

    • @hanstera_deliciosa
      @hanstera_deliciosa 7 днів тому

      @@TheMillennialPlantDad because we are of the same “vibe,” my friend. 😚 enjoy

  • @Ameenamuhd
    @Ameenamuhd 7 днів тому +1

    Lavender drama queen