I guess the donkeys are not native? Introduced species? Searched for it and found someone else just like you "Lisa's Van Travels" and her dog was also barking at the donkeys :)
Yes sir, per the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) most are descendants of animals that were released or escaped from Spanish explorers, ranchers, miners, the U.S. Cavalry and Native Americans. Pretty cool story and up in north AZ there are a ton of wild horses as well.
I guess the donkeys are not native? Introduced species? Searched for it and found someone else just like you "Lisa's Van Travels" and her dog was also barking at the donkeys :)
Yes sir, per the BLM (Bureau of Land Management) most are descendants of animals that were released or escaped from Spanish explorers, ranchers, miners, the U.S. Cavalry and Native Americans. Pretty cool story and up in north AZ there are a ton of wild horses as well.