Bersyukur kpd Tuhan krn ayah sdh dpt bertemu dgn kaka.. Dan masih terus berdoa biar Tuhan memberikan keajaiban ayah akan membawa kaka pulang kerumah berkumpul kembali bersama keluarga.. Semangat terus ayah.. Sehat selalu kaka sehat sllu ayah.. Tuhan menjaga dan menyertai mu
Hani baklimki onu eve götürmek istemiyorlar isteselerdi çoktan götürülerdi herkes bu küçük hayvanları bakıyor sadece bunlarami yasak geçin onları geçin kendiler verdi onu😢😢😢😢
Если б вы хотели забрать Кака уже давно это сделали,а вы просто зарабатываете на этих видио деньги,заберите ее и снимайте видио как раньше,из дома,где вся семья и обезьянки,если не можете забрать не приезжайте и не травмируйте Кака если она вам дорога,пожалейте свою дочь,которая ждёт Кака домой
@@LidiyaGermanovich If you were personaly involved in that difficult situation, you would'nt probably see it in such a simplistic way. There are many parameters, including all what we don't know and can't know. Don't judge too fast !
Papa nog usted ha demostado que tan grande cariño le tiene a kaka usted no aga caso de los comentarios negativos siga adelante con la lucha y sabemos toda la gente que lo sigue que no se quedara con los brazos crusados osea va ha buscar la solution para traerse a kaka como le he dicho llevesela en secreto yo desde mexico
We can pray to God and st.Antony the wonder worker to release kaka to coming back to home. St Antony's will help us winter is severe that can't survive KAKA in the forest. PRAY TO ST ANTONY the wonder worker.
Mr. Ngoc. You Love Kaka a lot. Not even words just by you do all of this just for the Beautiful KAKA! I wish you can get kaka back. Take Kaka home with you. ❤. Kaka also love you too. From Texas
Es por el bienestar de Kaká, dar seguimiento de su estancia en esa isla, no se debe abandonar y más que viene el invierno. Cuando en su casa le ponían, suéter, guantes, gorra. Ahorita si le hace falta, hacerle aunque una casita de cartón es caliente y podría vivir ahí debajo de las casas en construcción..espera a su papá con amor y alegría, ya no va lejos.
@@olimpiaandrade3385Yes, staying on this island is for Kakà’s well being, but how is she supposed to ADJUST to her new life if Ngoc keeps visiting her? The other day Ngoc wondered if Kakà was pregnant. She has a boyfriend now. She HAS to get on with her life. The Vietnamese government will NOT allow Mr. Ngoc keep a wild animal and Kakà is growing into just that ~ a wild animal.
Que triste Kakita no se puede adactar a la selva Ella fue criada en otro hambiente es dificil siempre esta esperando a su papito Por favor autoridades delen ese previlegio a Kakita de regresar a su hogar con sus padres adoctivos ella es feliz con su papito y Diem ellas se crearon juntas desde que nacieron hagan una eseccion y que el papa la registre con los papeles por favor selo agradesemos con todo el corazon ❤❤❤❤❤❤ ❤
Sr. Ngoc es muy NECESARIO Y URGENTE que contrate un ABOGADO ANIMALISTA, para rescatar a KAKA, tiene que ser Animalista internacional que sea muy decidido. En el extranjero hay muchos. Por favor hágalo en nombre de Kaka, no tenga miedo, nosotros lo apoyamos. Kaka está sufriendo. 😢
Nos precisamos de uma explicacao porque o Sr nao foi mais visitar kaka? O seguimos por causa dela ela e especial.Ha dias os videos sao repetidos precisamos de uma explicacao.
@@brigittepoixblanctouache7679non spiega perché manda vecchi video.. Sono anziana, e analizzo tutti i video,non sono un ingenua.. A meno che lo spieghi su Facebook, app. Che non ho mai voluto. Buona vita.
@mariarosaeconimo9289 tout au debut il a dit qu il repassait des anciennes vidéos à la demande des fans maintenant il fait 1 mixe 1 peu d anciennes avec 1 peu de nouvelles
@@brigittepoixblanctouache7679grazie x La risposta, non sono istruita come x me rimangono vecchi video. non vedo mix di vecchi e nuovi sei Lei è Convinta di questo, accetto, come ho già detto ognuno è libero di esprimere il proprio pensiero.. Andiamo avanti!!
Mi tesoro Kaká cuidate papá llevale leche ke le gusta mucho recuerdo cuando cogía sus tetabris del armario ella solita ke lista es porfa no dejes de olvidarla ke nosotros sus seguidores la tenemos en el corazón.❤❤❤❤💞💞💞🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦
Every time I see Kaka...Tears Pour out of me. I am Heartbroken for Her!!!! The Poor Girl is constantly wondering what she has done for this Punishment. Someone out there Please help her to go Home!!!
No vemos que esté haciendo nadaa por Kaká ya déjala en paz 😢😢 nosotros queremos ver que estes luchando por obtener la licencia para regresarla , porque ella solo está sufriendo 😢
Why are the officials dump kaka on an island ? Have separated kaka and Mit ? Why do they target Kaka and Mit ? The officials are evil and heartless.😢😢😢
Si les personnes responsables ont agi de la sorte c'est qu'il y a une raison importante... On ne provoque pas ce genre de situation sans un motif valable... Ces familles en question ne diront jamais la vérité... Car Elles se condamneraient d'office.
Se papai está ganhando dinheiro ás custas de Kaká não condeno, pois só o fato dele ter reencontrado Kaká nessa imensa floresta já foi um milagre. Se para continuar ver Kaká tenha que pagar vale á pena. Pois amo Kaká e sua família.
Sr.Ngoc visite a Kaka ❤ siempre no la deje asi ,usted dijo en uno de sus videos si Kaka soportara el frio , vaya a verla como esta Kaká, algo puede hacer,
He went last week. The video with him wearing the grey jacket is the latest. He posted the first episode of that visit on December 11. He can't go everyday. He usually goes mid week. This is only Monday.
Dad usually announces when there is new visit but I have not heard it for a long time and see the searching videod are old. It is not bad about old video, it is I am worried about he cannot visit Kaka anymore. The ENV facebook says the previous owner is ban from visiting the monkey and a few people commented that dad is ban from visiting Kaka and dad never replied or clearify this. So i am worried about if Kaka keeps waiting and dad cannot come.
@ Visits based on date first video of each visit posted. November 21. First visit. Short sleeve black shirt. Black/Orange jacket. November 27. Second visit. Long sleeve black shirt. Black jacket. November 30. Saturday family visit. No video uploaded. December 5. Fourth visit. Blue heather long sleeve shirt. Green jacket. December 11. Fifth visit. Blue long sleeve shirt. Grey puffed jacket. He hasn't missed a week since the first time he found her. December 11 was last week. This week is just beginning.
Saya setiap melihat kaka selalu menangis entah mengapa mungkin melihat nasib kaka karena dari dulu mengikuti vidio ayah selagi kaka masih kecil it penyebabnya saya meneteskan air mata 😢 kami cinta dan sayang kaka ❤❤❤
Si, l inverno è alle porte e Kakà potrebbe risentirne. Abituata av casa al caldo, con le tutine, i vestitini... Quindi bisognerebbe costruire una casetta in legno con materassino e coperte, perché potrebbe ammalarsi per davvero ..... Quindi bisogna pensarci molto bene ora, adesso...... Aiutatela.... Povera creatura è da sola su quell' isola...... Bisogna aiutarla per davvero❤️❤️❤️🩷🌸🩷🐒🐒🐒🩷🌸🩷❤️❤️❤️
Зачем видео по второму , третьему кругу показываете, кто смотрит внимательно тот понимает,что вы обманываете людей, видео выдаёте за новое, при этом зарабатываете на этом деньги, сколько ещё будешь показывать старьё
А ему денежки капают, а больше ничего и не надо, по хрен что дочка тоскует, она бы может и забыла ,но не дают, каждый раз напоминают о Коке, по фиг, что девчонка плачет, главное денежки капают
El único inconveniente de que el video sea viejo es que mientras disfrutamos viendo a Kaká feliz, la realidad es que el señor papá está en casa y Kaká sola en esa isla 😭
Kk sdh tau ayah dtg kk langsung minta digendong kshn nasib kk skrg ayah trimksh byk sll mengunjungin kk demi km smua sy pgn ibu dan nenek gantian untuk mengunjungin kk mungkin kk jg kangen dgn mereka
Gracias por este lindo video, papá ama a Kaká. Es usted un señor Ngco muy amable. Pase lo que pase, Dios te protegerá a ti y a tu familia. Y te extrañamos querido Kaká. Y no te olvidaremos. Amamos a Kaká.❤❤
@@tamaratamara7009 I to je možné s kamerama, kdo chce psa bít vždycky si hůl najde jak se říká a ty špinavý úřady mají jen radost z cizího neštěstí a rádi to dělají ve všech odvětvích ne jen se zvířaty.
Faut les oublier puka le pere à jamais cherché il pouvait participé avec le père de kaka et mit interdit pareil pere la dit et répéter pourquoi toujours les mes questions
Most of the fans are BLIND in one eye and CANNOT see out of the other😢 Ngoc DOES NOT want Kaka or else he would have had her. EVERYONE else has their monkey. Kaka is SIMPLY being USED to FATTEN Ngoc bank account. He has the fans TOTALLY FOOLED!😢😢😢😢😢
Sr Noc, haga algo para llevarlo a casa, las veces que usted va el sufre y todos nosotros del mundo, el se queda triste cuando usted vuelve a casa, me parte el alma eso. Por🙏 favor. ❤️🇨🇱
Se qualcuno e nn mi stancherò mai di dirlo ha la facoltà di farlo, faccia il miracolo di far ritornare Kakà, la stellina Kakà a casa, dov'è cresciuta tra i suoi affetti🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🐒🐒🐒🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🍀🍀🍀🌈🌈🌈😔😔😔💔💔💔😔😔😔
Boa sorte senhor Nogc! Espero que vc encontre Kaká novamente. Não ligue pros comentários maldosos , tem pessoas que não entende que vc vai só uma vez na semana visitar a Kaká, e fica te combrando vídeo recente. Pra mim senhor Nogc não importa ser repetido não me canso de vê a kakazinha. Tragar ELA de voltar senhor Nogc.
Papá, qué pasa contigo? Porque muestra viejos vídeos? No pases por tonto, a los que queremos a kaka; solo queremos que vuelva a casa, como antes 😢😢😢😢😢mientras que tú y tu familia, van a estar festejando, y kaka seguirá solita en el bosque 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
kaka n'est qu'un outil qui rapporte à cette famille... Kaka a des sentiments par elle n'a connu que cette famille... Combien d'animaux dans ce monde aiment leurs bourreaux. car ils n'ont qu'eux... Triste monde!
@Pia-LisI believe he is not going anymore. He broke 2 of their rules, no food and no filming. It’s the dishonesty that bothers me. Be honest, tell us the truth and you won’t try to trick people thinking you are still going there.
Thank you Mr Ngoc and the team visiting kaka on a stormy day. I think Kaka has been sheltering under a tree. Try and talk to the authorities and get kaka back home. Kaka doesn’t need a scary life in the forest. She grew In a house since she was a baby.🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🥰🥰
It might be a wild animal in your eyes but like they said did you forget it wasn't brought up in the many more times!!! So that makes it unwild.. 🤔 it wasn't kakas fault. So there for hes not use to all this..who ever fault it is. That's what people mean 🙄
@ I know but he was raised in a home since kaka was a baby. Then why are other people having three or four monkeys in a house. The rules should apply for everyone 👍
@@enzacandeloro7555 The guides that are with him and the people who work there. It is illegal for anyone to feed any of the animals in the entire park.
Once again the old video posted. Ngoc is confusing us. I thought he was on a fresh trip to the island to meet Kaka and I was eager to see a new video of Ngoc with Kaka. It's been quite many days since he visited Kaka. It looks like he has been banned again from visiting the island. Maybe it is because of that he posts the old videos. But how long will he post the old videos ???
Todo el tiempo que subes videos es lo mismo caminar por el bosque y encontrar a Kaká ya la encontraste bueno disfrútala y listo. Pues lo que se nota es que te importa es grabar y visiten tu canal para generar dinero que decepción
They told him at the beginning he can’t bring food, yet yesterday on the video he tells the guy filming to leave the bag of food where he is sitting. They told him he could not film anymore yet he shows videos. I have kept every video he has done and I can see that he has been there only 3 times. There are a lot of ignorant people out there and many realized that he is going very often which he isn’t. He preys on those people to make money.
I’m trying to understand how that is a healthy place for Kaka. She only eats seeds every time ENV wake up there’s no fruit or anything else except grasshoppers. She needs fruits. Send her home to her human family who was taking much better care of her than being in that forest of nothing. This is total travesty. They did no good for any monkey, especially the ones have been raised from babies with humans you can’t just throw them into the woods what is wrong with you people those monkeys do not belong to the government God put those monkeys there and people are to help them. You’re hurting them. Vietnam government is disgusting.
When trying to get kaka back,you said you would not make more vids if she came home Nugoc ,you have been given the grace to still see kaka,and yet again you make money from her,if you truly cared you would just go visit her and not put on channel .
Dragi mi je da gledam stare snimke G Ngoc vi zaslužuje te da vas non stop gledamo da gledamo vaš trud i napor da pronađete našu Kaku da ona oseti vašu ljubav brigu i da zna da nije napuštena Volim vas puno Bog vas blagoslovio🐒🙊❤️❤️
Bersyukur kpd Tuhan krn ayah sdh dpt bertemu dgn kaka.. Dan masih terus berdoa biar Tuhan memberikan keajaiban ayah akan membawa kaka pulang kerumah berkumpul kembali bersama keluarga.. Semangat terus ayah.. Sehat selalu kaka sehat sllu ayah.. Tuhan menjaga dan menyertai mu
You found kaka, now get the correct paper work to bring.her home.! This doesn't make sense to torture little Diem by not bringing her home.
Tadinha kaka está querendo ir pra casa deixem kaka voltar pra casa com papai ❤❤❤❤❤❤
Hani baklimki onu eve götürmek istemiyorlar isteselerdi çoktan götürülerdi herkes bu küçük hayvanları bakıyor sadece bunlarami yasak geçin onları geçin kendiler verdi onu😢😢😢😢
Если б вы хотели забрать Кака уже давно это сделали,а вы просто зарабатываете на этих видио деньги,заберите ее и снимайте видио как раньше,из дома,где вся семья и обезьянки,если не можете забрать не приезжайте и не травмируйте Кака если она вам дорога,пожалейте свою дочь,которая ждёт Кака домой
If you were personaly involved in that difficult situation, you would'nt probably see it in such a simplistic way.
There are many parameters, including all what we don't know and can't know. Don't judge too fast !
Gravias señor por bisitar a kaka 😢es lo importante verla 😢pero esta muy delgada y dele tomar agua; pobre se
Papa nog usted ha demostado que tan grande cariño le tiene a kaka usted no aga caso de los comentarios negativos siga adelante con la lucha y sabemos toda la gente que lo sigue que no se quedara con los brazos crusados osea va ha buscar la solution para traerse a kaka como le he dicho llevesela en secreto yo desde mexico
We can pray to God and st.Antony the wonder worker to release kaka to coming back to home.
St Antony's will help us winter is severe that can't survive KAKA in the forest.
PRAY TO ST ANTONY the wonder worker.
@@williamn9852 hagamos cadena de oración por la liberación de Kaká y pueda regresar a casa 🏠🏠
Mr. Ngoc. You Love Kaka a lot. Not even words just by you do all of this just for the Beautiful KAKA! I wish you can get kaka back. Take Kaka home with you. ❤. Kaka also love you too. From Texas
Es por el bienestar de Kaká, dar seguimiento de su estancia en esa isla, no se debe abandonar y más que viene el invierno. Cuando en su casa le ponían, suéter, guantes, gorra. Ahorita si le hace falta, hacerle aunque una casita de cartón es caliente y podría vivir ahí debajo de las casas en construcción..espera a su papá con amor y alegría, ya no va lejos.
@@olimpiaandrade3385Yes, staying on this island is for Kakà’s well being, but how is she supposed to ADJUST to her new life if Ngoc keeps visiting her? The other day Ngoc wondered if Kakà was pregnant. She has a boyfriend now. She HAS to get on with her life. The Vietnamese government will NOT allow Mr. Ngoc keep a wild animal and Kakà is growing into just that ~ a wild animal.
😍💞😘🍀 Zlatíčko KAKA je Vaše třetí holčička.Je hrozné že Vás oddělili, patří do Vaší lidské a milující rodiny.Přeji hodně síly, zdraví a štěstí ✨🌲✨
Nossa linda kaka🐒💕 somos apaixonados por ela.
Que triste Kakita no se puede adactar a la selva
Ella fue criada en otro hambiente es dificil siempre esta esperando a su papito
Por favor autoridades delen ese previlegio a Kakita de regresar a su hogar con sus padres adoctivos ella es feliz con su papito y Diem ellas se crearon juntas desde que nacieron hagan una eseccion y que el papa la registre con los papeles por favor selo agradesemos con todo el corazon ❤❤❤❤❤❤ ❤
Pa pisalo je ranije da prilagodjavanje u pitomijim islivima traje bar hidinu dana
Família traga kaka logo pra sua casa 🏠 por favor não vamos abandonar kaka este momento ela precisa de vocês agora kaka nós amamos kaka ❤❤❤
رغم الفيديوهات القديمة الا اننا نراها من اجل ان نرى محبوبتنا كاكا رب يحفظها.
Mr.Ngoc you’re a good dad kaka loves you very much
Sr. Ngoc es muy NECESARIO Y URGENTE que contrate un ABOGADO ANIMALISTA, para rescatar a KAKA, tiene que ser Animalista internacional que sea muy decidido. En el extranjero hay muchos. Por favor hágalo en nombre de Kaka, no tenga miedo, nosotros lo apoyamos. Kaka está sufriendo. 😢
Love kaka ❤
Nos precisamos de uma explicacao porque o Sr nao foi mais visitar kaka?
O seguimos por causa dela ela e especial.Ha dias os videos sao repetidos precisamos de uma explicacao.
E Lei pensa che ci darà una spiegazione..
Il la explique pourtant fallait écouter
@@brigittepoixblanctouache7679non spiega perché manda vecchi video.. Sono anziana, e analizzo tutti i video,non sono un ingenua.. A meno che lo spieghi su Facebook, app. Che non ho mai voluto. Buona vita.
@mariarosaeconimo9289 tout au debut il a dit qu il repassait des anciennes vidéos à la demande des fans maintenant il fait 1 mixe 1 peu d anciennes avec 1 peu de nouvelles
@@brigittepoixblanctouache7679grazie x La risposta, non sono istruita come x me rimangono vecchi video. non vedo mix di vecchi e nuovi sei Lei è Convinta di questo, accetto, come ho già detto ognuno è libero di esprimere il proprio pensiero.. Andiamo avanti!!
Mi tesoro Kaká cuidate papá llevale leche ke le gusta mucho recuerdo cuando cogía sus tetabris del armario ella solita ke lista es porfa no dejes de olvidarla ke nosotros sus seguidores la tenemos en el corazón.❤❤❤❤💞💞💞🇪🇦🇪🇦🇪🇦
The officers forbade the father from bringing Kaka anything, because it would make Kaka unable to adapt to nature.
Every time I see Kaka...Tears Pour out of me. I am Heartbroken for Her!!!! The Poor Girl is constantly wondering what she has done for this Punishment.
Someone out there Please help her to go Home!!!
@@SueMackintosh Asi es, el mundo 🌎 y sus leyes de injusticia en éste caso, hagamos cadena de oración para que Kaká regrese a casa 🏠🏠🏠🙏🙏🙏
Fale com alguém da polícia e peça pra levar kaka pra casa
@mariasilveira4890 Amen 🙏🙏🙏 hagamos cadena de oración para que la pequeña Kaká vuelva a casa 🏡🏡 con bien. Bendiciones 😇🙏🙏🙏
My prayers to you and kaka 🙏 I hope Sunday you bring her home
No vemos que esté haciendo nadaa por Kaká ya déjala en paz 😢😢 nosotros queremos ver que estes luchando por obtener la licencia para regresarla , porque ella solo está sufriendo 😢
Золотые слова.
Best wishes for the family 😊😊
Why are the officials dump kaka on an island ? Have separated kaka and Mit ?
Why do they target Kaka and Mit ? The officials are evil and heartless.😢😢😢
Si les personnes responsables ont agi de la sorte c'est qu'il y a une raison importante... On ne provoque pas ce genre de situation sans un motif valable... Ces familles en question ne diront jamais la vérité... Car Elles se condamneraient d'office.
Yes why ????? Is it that DAD didnt get a special licence ?????
Porfavor papá lucha por kaka necesita ir a casa con sus hermanas y sus papás estan buena y cariñosa ❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉
Mr.Ngoc you’re a good dad kaka loves you very much kaka Home
There should be special dispensation granted for him to keep Kaka
Sweet Little Princess ❤❤❤
Mi hermosa kaka no olvida a su papa de criansa que amor de kaka y lealta❤❤
Se papai está ganhando dinheiro ás custas de Kaká não condeno, pois só o fato dele ter reencontrado Kaká nessa imensa floresta já foi um milagre. Se para continuar ver Kaká tenha que pagar vale á pena. Pois amo Kaká e sua família.
I don’t care what anyone says the family still and always will love her so much she still part of them ❤
Please take Kaka home if you want you can get ❤
Malgré la méchanceté de l'homme vous êtes toujours ensemble c'est Dieu qui est fort et l'amour merci seigneur ❤❤❤❤
I enjoy watching old videos 😊😊
Vieille video.
Главным героем роликовв будет теперь не Кака, а её хозяин 😊😂
Porque ele aparece sozinho no Videio e? Vai arrumar o que fazer e deixa a vida do Nogc se ele tivesse mandando dinheiro pra você tava bom né ?
Sr.Ngoc visite a Kaka ❤ siempre no la deje asi ,usted dijo en uno de sus videos si Kaka soportara el frio , vaya a verla como esta Kaká, algo puede hacer,
She so happy to see get here back please we really miss kaka
Я хочу ещё увидеть Мит.😢
❤❤❤❤❤Love KaKa😢😢😢😢😢😢
I'm so relieved to see you again with kaka 💕
We love you kaka nd mit please come back home ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
This all repeats no new video for number of weeks
Is that not allowed to visit anymore
Может кака и нет в живых. Но этому мошенники нужны деньги. Люди же ведутся на этого папашку
Чтонеразрешено? Посещение
He went last week. The video with him wearing the grey jacket is the latest. He posted the first episode of that visit on December 11. He can't go everyday. He usually goes mid week. This is only Monday.
Dad usually announces when there is new visit but I have not heard it for a long time and see the searching videod are old. It is not bad about old video, it is I am worried about he cannot visit Kaka anymore. The ENV facebook says the previous owner is ban from visiting the monkey and a few people commented that dad is ban from visiting Kaka and dad never replied or clearify this. So i am worried about if Kaka keeps waiting and dad cannot come.
@ Visits based on date first video of each visit posted.
November 21. First visit. Short sleeve black shirt. Black/Orange jacket.
November 27. Second visit. Long sleeve black shirt. Black jacket.
November 30. Saturday family visit. No video uploaded.
December 5. Fourth visit. Blue heather long sleeve shirt. Green jacket.
December 11. Fifth visit. Blue long sleeve shirt. Grey puffed jacket.
He hasn't missed a week since the first time he found her. December 11 was last week. This week is just beginning.
Saya setiap melihat kaka selalu menangis entah mengapa mungkin melihat nasib kaka karena dari dulu mengikuti vidio ayah selagi kaka masih kecil it penyebabnya saya meneteskan air mata 😢 kami cinta dan sayang kaka ❤❤❤
Si, l inverno è alle porte e Kakà potrebbe risentirne. Abituata av casa al caldo, con le tutine, i vestitini... Quindi bisognerebbe costruire una casetta in legno con materassino e coperte, perché potrebbe ammalarsi per davvero ..... Quindi bisogna pensarci molto bene ora, adesso...... Aiutatela.... Povera creatura è da sola su quell' isola...... Bisogna aiutarla per davvero❤️❤️❤️🩷🌸🩷🐒🐒🐒🩷🌸🩷❤️❤️❤️
Obrigada senhor Nogc! Amo a Kaká do fundo da minha alma. Meu sonho e que ela volter pra vcs. ❤
Зачем видео по второму , третьему кругу показываете, кто смотрит внимательно тот понимает,что вы обманываете людей, видео выдаёте за новое, при этом зарабатываете на этом деньги, сколько ещё будешь показывать старьё
Мы смотрим с огромным удовольствием , а если вам не нравится не смотрите , ни кто не заставляет !!! 😊
А ему денежки капают, а больше ничего и не надо, по хрен что дочка тоскует, она бы может и забыла ,но не дают, каждый раз напоминают о Коке, по фиг, что девчонка плачет, главное денежки капают
El único inconveniente de que el video sea viejo es que mientras disfrutamos viendo a Kaká feliz, la realidad es que el señor papá está en casa y Kaká sola en esa isla 😭
Nice to see you again kaka and god bless you both.. Mr ngoc bring home kaka please...❤❤❤🇵🇭🇵🇭🇵🇭we love you kaka
Kk sdh tau ayah dtg
kk langsung minta digendong
kshn nasib kk skrg
ayah trimksh byk
sll mengunjungin kk demi km smua
sy pgn ibu dan nenek gantian untuk mengunjungin kk
mungkin kk jg kangen dgn mereka
Merci monsieur Ngoc pour nous amener avec vous voir Kaka 🙏🐒❤️❤️❤️❤️🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🎄🇨🇵🇨🇵🇨🇵🇨🇵🇨🇵🇨🇵🇨🇵🇨🇵
Jak ona czeka .😂😂😂😂❤😂
Gracias por este lindo video, papá ama a Kaká. Es usted un señor Ngco muy amable. Pase lo que pase, Dios te protegerá a ti y a tu familia. Y te extrañamos querido Kaká. Y no te olvidaremos. Amamos a Kaká.❤❤
Я не поняла это же старые видио
Конечно старое. Но ему надо зарабатывать на кака.
Gente .Ele vai uma vez na semana visitar. POR FAVOR tente entender.
Anche io amo tanto Kaka mi manca tanto ❤
Къде е малката Мит_ другата маймунка на семейството?Радвам се, че вече севиждат с Кака!
Папа ну дай Кака, что~нибудь вкусненького! ❤
Вы понимаете , Нгоку не разрешают приносить еду , ему запретили .
Ой,да ладно!
Можно подумать, что на деревьях камеры висят !
@@tamaratamara7009 I to je možné s kamerama, kdo chce psa bít vždycky si hůl najde jak se říká a ty špinavý úřady mají jen radost z cizího neštěstí a rádi to dělají ve všech odvětvích ne jen se zvířaty.
Незаметно в рот положить и всего то, а то Кака не может понять и обижается на папу, что он ничем не угощает, бедный кузнечиков ловит ест😢
Thankyou for not giving up.Make sure she is well settled.She deserves a beautiful life.
Mi hermosa kaka wue pasa que nos has podido llevarte a kaka a casa
Nie wiemy co dzieje się z Mtem i Puku to też są gwiady i mają swich wielbiciele
Faut les oublier puka le pere à jamais cherché il pouvait participé avec le père de kaka et mit interdit pareil pere la dit et répéter pourquoi toujours les mes questions
Most of the fans are BLIND in one eye and CANNOT see out of the other😢
Ngoc DOES NOT want Kaka or else he would have had her.
EVERYONE else has their monkey.
Kaka is SIMPLY being USED to FATTEN Ngoc bank account.
He has the fans TOTALLY FOOLED!😢😢😢😢😢
Sr Noc, haga algo para llevarlo a casa, las veces que usted va el sufre y todos nosotros del mundo, el se queda triste cuando usted vuelve a casa, me parte el alma eso.
Por🙏 favor. ❤️🇨🇱
Do you not think if he could he would? Write to vietnam president.
Госпади дай бог удачи встретить каку,я думаю она будет ждать
Pour qui qui diem viens pas voir kaka elle qui je adore cette petite fille très gentil avec kaka ❤😮😅😢😢
Si de verdad la amas demuéstralo 😮luchando por ella😢😢😢
Bố Ngọc đi thăm kk ❤❤❤
Se qualcuno e nn mi stancherò mai di dirlo ha la facoltà di farlo, faccia il miracolo di far ritornare Kakà, la stellina Kakà a casa, dov'è cresciuta tra i suoi affetti🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🐒🐒🐒🌈🌈🌈🌈🌈🍀🍀🍀🌈🌈🌈😔😔😔💔💔💔😔😔😔
Boa sorte senhor Nogc! Espero que vc encontre Kaká novamente. Não ligue pros comentários maldosos , tem pessoas que não entende que vc vai só uma vez na semana visitar a Kaká, e fica te combrando vídeo recente. Pra mim senhor Nogc não importa ser repetido não me canso de vê a kakazinha. Tragar ELA de voltar senhor Nogc.
Papá, qué pasa contigo? Porque muestra viejos vídeos? No pases por tonto, a los que queremos a kaka; solo queremos que vuelva a casa, como antes 😢😢😢😢😢mientras que tú y tu familia, van a estar festejando, y kaka seguirá solita en el bosque 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢
Vous écoutez pas quand il parle dans les vidéos il a expliqué pourtant
kaka n'est qu'un outil qui rapporte à cette famille... Kaka a des sentiments par elle n'a connu que cette famille... Combien d'animaux dans ce monde aiment leurs bourreaux. car ils n'ont qu'eux... Triste monde!
@Pia-LisI believe he is not going anymore. He broke 2 of their rules, no food and no filming. It’s the dishonesty that bothers me. Be honest, tell us the truth and you won’t try to trick people thinking you are still going there.
kaka linda Deus ajude ela retorna para casa❤❤❤❤❤❤amo
imádom az egymásra találásr! kis Kaka, végre itt apa!
Thank you Mr Ngoc and the team visiting kaka on a stormy day. I think Kaka has been sheltering under a tree. Try and talk to the authorities and get kaka back home. Kaka doesn’t need a scary life in the forest. She grew In a house since she was a baby.🙏🏽🙏🏽🙏🏽🥰🥰
Papa" non gli potrebbe portare qualcosa da mangiare o un po' di latte?chi lo impedirebbe, e' assurdo che anche questo gli venga vietato.😢
It might be a wild animal in your eyes but like they said did you forget it wasn't brought up in the many more times!!! So that makes it unwild.. 🤔 it wasn't kakas fault. So there for hes not use to all this..who ever fault it is. That's what people mean 🙄
@ I know but he was raised in a home since kaka was a baby. Then why are other people having three or four monkeys in a house. The rules should apply for everyone 👍
@@enzacandeloro7555 The guides that are with him and the people who work there. It is illegal for anyone to feed any of the animals in the entire park.
Cruel authorities .Mr Ngoc you pls contact the authorities.lf they didn't allow you to release Kaka from the forest you seek the the help of court
Los fanáticos no entiende que ustedes no la podrá yevar acasa ella estara a qui es el sitio mas seguro para ella❤❤😢😢😢
더이상 카카는돌아올수없는게 확실해요이젠야생에서혼자살아가아해요.더이상카카를 못보겠어.마음이러무아파요.다른아이들을사랑 받으면 잘사는데ㅋㆍ카는 왜이래요.동생과도헤어지고😢😢😢😢
Este video es Viejo 😢
Bendiciones 😇🙏🙏🙏🙏 señor Ngoc para Kaká, Mit y toda su familia. Amén 😇🙏🙏🙏
Pemerintah vietnam tolong kembalikan kaka pada keluarga tuan ngoc tolong pemerintah vietnam
Once again the old video posted. Ngoc is confusing us. I thought he was on a fresh trip to the island to meet Kaka and I was eager to see a new video of Ngoc with Kaka. It's been quite many days since he visited Kaka. It looks like he has been banned again from visiting the island. Maybe it is because of that he posts the old videos. But how long will he post the old videos ???
Old video from 2nd time (I think) he visited her.
@@gigicostlow4414 haters only notice “old” or “new”, but nothing about Kaka’s heartcry
Ya paso la epoca mas fria de ese país 😢
Puka n Kaka got released together,When Kaka was with her Daddy,Am sure that was Puka, waiting in that porch for Kaka ❤❤❤❤❤
Todo el tiempo que subes videos es lo mismo caminar por el bosque y encontrar a Kaká ya la encontraste bueno disfrútala y listo. Pues lo que se nota es que te importa es grabar y visiten tu canal para generar dinero que decepción
Si para mí es una alegría repetir los videos de Kaka todos en general ❤❤
They told him at the beginning he can’t bring food, yet yesterday on the video he tells the guy filming to leave the bag of food where he is sitting. They told him he could not film anymore yet he shows videos. I have kept every video he has done and I can see that he has been there only 3 times. There are a lot of ignorant people out there and many realized that he is going very often which he isn’t. He preys on those people to make money.
Ce monsieur est d'une incohérence pas possible... Immature à l’extrême, face à un scénario pitoyable... Tout cela sur le dos d'un pauvre animal.
No si nos damos cuenta ya q sabemos del gobierno de su país es muy difícil pero nosotros sabemos q no va toda la semanas
May b there is no more food atound this place. Pity kaka hav to search for food. So sad.
Pls stop uploading the old video over and over again.
Viewers get fed up with you again.
I’m trying to understand how that is a healthy place for Kaka. She only eats seeds every time ENV wake up there’s no fruit or anything else except grasshoppers. She needs fruits. Send her home to her human family who was taking much better care of her than being in that forest of nothing. This is total travesty. They did no good for any monkey, especially the ones have been raised from babies with humans you can’t just throw them into the woods what is wrong with you people those monkeys do not belong to the government God put those monkeys there and people are to help them. You’re hurting them. Vietnam government is disgusting.
When trying to get kaka back,you said you would not make more vids if she came home Nugoc ,you have been given the grace to still see kaka,and yet again you make money from her,if you truly cared you would just go visit her and not put on channel .
100% right. People who care would rather have the truth. You can’t see her anymore, quit trying to earn money by lying.
@@electra-gal I don’t understand your language.
카카가 보호서에서 섬으로 옮겼나요? 아~ 넘 불쌍합니다~ 어떡해야 집으로 데려올수있나요?❤ try harder you can't get here back we misse here everyday get here home please.😢😢😢😂
Geri alamıyacaksanız niye gidip kakaya travma yaşatıyorsunuz üzülüyorum onun hüzünlenmesine 🤔
Dragi mi je da gledam stare snimke G Ngoc vi zaslužuje te da vas non stop gledamo da gledamo vaš trud i napor da pronađete našu Kaku da ona oseti vašu ljubav brigu i da zna da nije napuštena Volim vas puno Bog vas blagoslovio🐒🙊❤️❤️
Es rraro que este señor alla de jado de venir estaría enfermo porque se guro que el seguirá viviendo mientras pueda😢
يرتاح قلبنا في كل مرة تزورها🙏❤️
@@ЛарисаЛычак-у3р C'est une bonne distraction n'est-ce-pas?
What happen to PUKA her dad never goes to search for her
That was not long in family , this KAKA is one of dads children !!!!😢😢😢😢😢4😢😢
I know PUKA was not a member of KAKA’s family he belonged to another family
Vamos chicos no perdais la esperanza!!!!!! Kaka estara en casa para el 2025 Asi sea, Asi sera ❤❤🎉🎉🎉