AMWDW FireBrand and Anger Management

  • Опубліковано 10 вер 2024
  • Firebrand's Channel: / fobequestria
    Artwork provided by MrTomFox: mrtomfox.devian...
    Support DRWolf on Patreon: / drwolf
    My Little Pony Characters and Images belong to Hasbro.


  • @AnYEntertainment
    @AnYEntertainment 9 років тому +103

    Makes you wonder how much of that episode was in character and how much was humans behind the personas - in particular the "it#S good to be helping" part...

    • @NelsonDemifur
      @NelsonDemifur 9 років тому +1

      I was thinking the same thing

    • @DRWolf001
      @DRWolf001  9 років тому +20

      You've been a part of a Moment With DRWolf before AnY. You should know how Real it is.

    • @AnYEntertainment
      @AnYEntertainment 9 років тому +25

      DRWolf001 indeed - it is just such a surreal concept, that your catch phrase is something you actually do in real life as some kind of mantra :o
      Also there is this thing that one barely can completely drop the mask of the persona completely

    • @reflectivevagrant5531
      @reflectivevagrant5531 9 років тому +4

      For me... there is no difference, "Reflective Vagrant" is simply an avatar for the real life person and has no personality of his/its own.

    • @comic_nerd_1670
      @comic_nerd_1670 6 років тому +3


  • @DaWillstanator
    @DaWillstanator 9 років тому +123

    This discussion really sticks with me. I know that I myself have had anger problems, especially as a kid. I would get teased and put down a lot just because the other kids would either say I act weird or they would attack on something I had a burning love for. My mother/teachers/principals would always say the same thing to just ignore them, and they would tell me over and over and over again despite me trying said method and it constantly failing. I would respond to the people who put me down with such ferocious malice and I would think my thoughts were justified (the classic "Im right, youre wrong" mentality)
    But it wasnt til I matured a little later in life that I realized I was stooping to their lows; that I was starting to become the very thing I hated and I felt awful for it. Even to this day I struggle to keep my emotions in check, especially at work with my boss being so bipolar and, for a lack of a better word, being a dick. I know now at least to not expose my anger where/when its not needed and try to keep it to myself. But still, anger isnt something you can just make disappear.
    Firebrand, if you by some chance get an opportunity to read this, just know this. Everyone has flaws and virtues. But you shouldnt be afraid to speak to a loved one about your problems. Handling something like this by yourself is never easy. For example, think of Applejack in Applebuck Season. She put herself to a high standard to accomplish a difficult task by herself, and in turn bitten off more than she could chew and lashed out at her friends about it cause of her stubborness and pride. But in the end, she accepted the fact that she isnt Little Miss Perfect and her friends forgave her and helped her out.
    You can still keep to your virtues and set a good example, but dont let your own personal shortcomings get you down. We are only human. Nobody is ever alone when it comes to anger or other personal vices, nor should anyone ever be alone. Dont ever be afriad to ask for help, especially from a friend. After all, friendship is magic right?

  • @PieDislikerSwag
    @PieDislikerSwag 9 років тому +50

    DRWolf covered a very important point. If you're ever feeling down or struggling to deal with your emotions, finding someone to talk to will almost always benefit you. Even if they are busy and can not be spoken to at the moment, you should try and find someone else to approach. Multiple times I've had to help out friends in a moment of need, and I've needed emotional support from others. Don't try and solve these problems on your own, because they will just be much more difficult to handle, and you may not always be in the right mindset.
    Life can throw punches at you for any reason, at any time. You don't have to be alone to face it.

    • @sadlobster1
      @sadlobster1 9 років тому

      I am happy to have loads of friends and a good family to help keep my head on straight. They are also thankful that I can keep THEIR heads on straight with my general optimism and friendship.
      My motto of "When your heart wants lifting, think of pleasant things" really helps them out in some of their darkest or most stressful of times. One of my friends currently struggles with the loss of her husband, who died from suicide due to extreme mental health problems.
      While it doesn't offer immediate success, like Dr.Wolf would say. It does give them a positive...light at the end of the tunnel

    • @LaydiNite
      @LaydiNite 9 років тому +2

      The problem is that some people really don't have people that they can talk to. There were many points in my life when I had no friends, and no one I could approach to talk to. That isn't the case for me anymore, but I understand what it's like to try to deal with all of your problems alone, with no support.

    • @sadlobster1
      @sadlobster1 9 років тому

      Now, you don't have to

  • @charemchavrutah
    @charemchavrutah 9 років тому +34

    Wow, this series is going into some deep stuff: disabilities, despair, panic attacks, social anxiety, and now anger issues. You really have become the therapist of the fandom. I really like this direction you're taking, since everyone struggles with such issues. This series has become a medium in which to talk things out, compare notes, comfort each other, and maybe, just maybe, find solutions. Bravo, Dr. Wolf, keep it up!

  • @lightning-bliss
    @lightning-bliss 9 років тому +6

    Wow I felt the emotion and the thoughts of this episode...It's so good to hear things like this from others, cause then I don't feel so alone when I get angry or stressed. Nice job guys, thanks for this episode.

  • @omniviewer2115
    @omniviewer2115 9 років тому +86

    Man, did I need this. I've got a similar-but-different problem to Firebrand (less reactionary, more internalized), and I've been in a rut all week. On Tuesday, I watched the "Too Many Cooks" viral video, didn't like it, and left a comment simply saying that I didn't like it. I have received a regular barrage of insults ever since, calling me pretentious and a...let's say British cigarette, among other things. It's been wearing me down, and although I've tried to remain civil to those whom I replied to, I have just so badly wanted to let loose on them, even though I know I shouldn't have replied at all. I'm not even sure why I did, as I generally don't care what people think of me. I was ready to get especially bitter and sarcastic after seeing the new batch of troll vomit this morning, but then I saw this video. I'm just going to move on, and keep uploading my own stuff.
    Thanks, guys. From the bottom of my heart, thanks, and I will keep you both in my prayers. I wish I could repay you somehow.

    • @Oban2006
      @Oban2006 9 років тому

      uh wat?

    • @TimelessOne123
      @TimelessOne123 9 років тому +4

      Shadowtechnik For you, and others who can't read ENGLISH, and/or for others who don't WANT to read a paragraph because they are too lazy:
      Omni Viewer was (and is) in a similar situation to Firebrand in this video, feeling like he/she could let all of their pent up rage onto some unsuspecting commenter, but are just barely holding back from doing so. This video helped him/her deal with that stress in a good way.
      Does THAT answer your "WAT"?

    • @DoodleDabble
      @DoodleDabble 9 років тому +2

      Calm down, Timeless....
      I hear you. I've been struggling with this in my choir.

    • @TimelessOne123
      @TimelessOne123 9 років тому +1

      Doodle Dabble Sorry about that. Sometimes I get unreasonably angry over trivial and stupid things people say or do, so I can relate a bit to Firebrand, you, and anybody else who has even the smallest amount of anger issues. I mean, I don't maintain a youtube channel or do anything too stressful in my life, but lately I've been losing control of my emotions when it comes to unfair, stupid, pointless, annoying, and/or boring things and people, and I don't know why. I never had that problem when I was younger, since I was so shy that I barely made any friends, fearing that I will get hurt (I was teased for my weight, among other things, a lot back then).
      **sigh** I just need to calm down. It will be fine.

    • @DoodleDabble
      @DoodleDabble 9 років тому

      I forgive you :) and I'll be praying for you, too. You're at the right place, though- start with this video and talk with people about what's in your heart. It seemed to do well for Firebrand ;) I'm sorry people haven't been kind to or patient with you in the past.

  • @MatthewElectroThePanda216
    @MatthewElectroThePanda216 9 років тому +5

    Firebrand, i have anger too. extept i say the curse words in my head more than i do with my mouth.

  • @Doughboy123x
    @Doughboy123x 9 років тому +10

    While it's tough, it's never worth lowering yourself to their hateful, despicable level.
    Love both your friends and your enemies.

  • @RangerBravo2014
    @RangerBravo2014 9 років тому +18

    I both admire and relate to FireBrand. And honestly, I think I admire him more now for wanting to try to better himself as well as continue to be an inspiration to others, and for being open about such an issue. An issue that I can relate to. I started my channel because, like him, I wanted to entertain, to make people laugh. I've often times had issues with my own anger that I've had to learn to control, and sometimes I don't catch myself in time before my temper flares. Regardless of who you are, nobody is perfect. We all have flaws and personal demons that we must deal with every day. Sometimes it's easy, and sometimes it's all we can do to get by. And I've had trouble before myself with letting a negative comment get me down. Recently I participated in an argument with someone who was making fun of another brony. I I tried to defend the other brony, and tried to reason with the one making fun, but they belittled me and called my reasoning my attempt at looking intelligent. When I went to work that night the comments were still plaguing my mind, and I stopped what I was doing and wondered why it was bothering me so much. It's something I have to learn to deal with. There are things I can't change, people I can't reason with. Does it matter, that one person, that one thing? Life will go on anyway, as long as we allow it to do so. FireBrand, I really doubt you'll ever read this, but I really, truly wish you the best, and please know that no matter what, no matter what sort of hate you get, there's a lot more people that do care that you continue to inspire. People will always have something negative to say, regardless of what you say or do. But that's a small minority compared to the people that are your true fans and friends.
    Try to remember this: It's not about the people you couldn't reason with, it's about the people who's lives you touched.

  • @emanym
    @emanym 8 років тому +6

    Man, this feels like a real therapy session. I hope Firebrand is feeling happier now.

  • @XionTheSylveon
    @XionTheSylveon 9 років тому +21

    I love this series. Dr. Wolf, I am so glad I have found you. The advice you give to the people/ponies who come to you. Some of it resonates with me a lot. As for this one, this is amazing. To see The Fiery Joker here and discuss this topic, just made my morning. Thank you!

  • @LivingCrusader
    @LivingCrusader 9 років тому +8

    "Victory belongs to the most persevering."
    Napoleon Bonaparte
    Firebrand, we all have our demons and flaws to deal with. The very fact that you are seeking help in overcoming these shows how strong you are. As a fellow Christian and Brony, I hope you will remember, you are not alone (especially since you are also a United States Marine).
    Dr. Wolf, your interviews are amazing, don't stop.

  • @josephmccollum9374
    @josephmccollum9374 9 років тому +18

    Doc, you are the best, keep doing what you are doing, you can do a world of good for people/ponys, keep doing what you're doing

  • @catonfire4189
    @catonfire4189 8 років тому +21

    nah firebrand is still freaking awesome

  • @CrittersRule247
    @CrittersRule247 9 років тому +11

    Oh Josh you poor sweet soul - Once in a while we all must look at our flaws and remember we're human, but that phrase the Doc gave you, although I never thought much of its meaning before, it is a self reflection that only the best of us can say with any amount of pride - If you can say it and honestly believe it, then you are contributing to the good in this world and maybe those flaws aren't as bad as they seem.

    • @sadlobster1
      @sadlobster1 9 років тому +3

      I have come to grips with my own flaws, long ago. At one time, I had an anger problem but have begun to exercise my patience toward many things...and it's worked positively.
      Another flaw I have come to grips on is the fact that to a certain extent. I may not be as capable as the rest of my family.
      Due to a slight impairment in my motor skills. I can't drive, operate heavy/complex machines nor undertake in any tasks that may be too difficult for me.
      But I do my part in other ways; making feed for our animals, helping load hay, help split firewood, collect said firewood or coal to bring inside, make cider.
      When I remind myself of these things, I feel happy for who I am

    • @revaslatts8011
      @revaslatts8011 4 роки тому

      I couldn't agree more, folks.

    • @KororaPenguin
      @KororaPenguin 2 роки тому

      And contrast Josh's willingness to confront his failings (for which willingness I am sure Aramau must be grateful) with TK-MM letting his dark side fester until he let it lead him down a sordid path he probably couldn't even imagine himself taking even ten years ago.

  • @ewapogonowska3085
    @ewapogonowska3085 9 років тому +28


    • @DRWolf001
      @DRWolf001  9 років тому +7

      Glad to be of service.

    • @ewapogonowska3085
      @ewapogonowska3085 9 років тому +3

      Im like being so happy right now :3

    • @ahatt96
      @ahatt96 9 років тому

      Ewa Pogonowska Get over yourself the videos are staged anyway.

    • @revaslatts8011
      @revaslatts8011 4 роки тому

      @@DRWolf001 You're my hero, too.
      Also, why do you never respond to me?
      How is it so many ignore my comments?
      Am I just meant to be ignored?
      *sign* I need an appointment!

    • @theta8529
      @theta8529 4 роки тому

      @@ahatt96 not 100% They have Scripts, But Majority of the Issues and Topics are Issues that the people involved in the Discussions Have been through or have wanted to talk about. Take Finn's AMWDW, His Discussion involved The Loss of people close to him and Many people were Affected or touched by the Discussion. Claiming the Videos are "Staged" is Detracting from the Message and the Topics that are being spoken about

  • @chandlergodfrey5643
    @chandlergodfrey5643 8 років тому +13

    Dr. Wolf, thanks for this video. I've struggled with anger issues for a long, long time and I know that I needed to change. However, I never acted upon it. I knew that my over-reactions to small things that shouldn't affect me so much were not only hurting myself, but also those around me. I've decided now that I'm going to change; to become a calmer person.
    Just like Big Mac! Thanks to both Firebrand and Dr. Wolf. I needed this and I enjoy watching videos like this that the Doc has made. You say, "It's good to help...", and you have helped me as well as countless others in the world. Thanks again.

    • @DRWolf001
      @DRWolf001  8 років тому +2

      +Jackie Chandler Glad to be of service.

    • @ShakerGER
      @ShakerGER 8 років тому

      +Rainmaker If you don't try to fight the emotion of Anger you may strive in it and empower yourself. Anger just as love happiness and sadness can consume you if you let it happen. Either controlling your emotions or following them is what is to be learned. I promote the latter.

    • @Fauxbird
      @Fauxbird 8 років тому +1

      I have the same problem EVERY SINGLE DAY! Im almost a loner every day! anger problems are the worst! this sorta helps me. PS, YOUR PAWSOME!

  • @Source-Z-rer
    @Source-Z-rer 9 років тому +5

    Don't let those people effect you, FireBrand. Believe me, people attack me for just my profile picture. Those people are just looking for excitement and trouble to start. Don't stop working on what you love, both of you.

  • @AJponyAPschannel
    @AJponyAPschannel 9 років тому +50

    Well, I don't know if either of you guys will reply or if this comment will make a difference, but great job. Being autistic, I can easily get angered. Knowing I'm not alone, and seeing how up two talked about it, inspires me

    • @millie8943
      @millie8943 9 років тому +4

      Trust me your definitely not alone

    • @AwesTube
      @AwesTube 9 років тому +3


    • @AJponyAPschannel
      @AJponyAPschannel 9 років тому

      ***** I'll do my best, and thank you

    • @ianmcmullen662
      @ianmcmullen662 9 років тому

      I'm right there with you, man.

    • @PencilSticks
      @PencilSticks 9 років тому

      Not alone man. I was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome when I was 8. I'm 16 now and I've almost completely cured myself, but there still some things I have to deal with.

  • @TwiDashFTW
    @TwiDashFTW 8 років тому +8

    I know how Firebrand feels. I get into heated arguments online a lot and when I'm into them I'm into them until the other person or people leave or I find some way to calm myself down and well I usually can't calm myself down. I maoes me a bot upset that I do this because some of my followers may see these argument and either get scared or get mad at me and leave me and I don't want that, but still I can never stop getting into these arguments no matter what I try.

  • @rahulrajaram6891
    @rahulrajaram6891 7 років тому +4

    Firebrand forgot the golden rule of the internet: Don't feed the trolls!

  • @purlayumi5434
    @purlayumi5434 8 років тому +5

    This video is great every time I watch it, but one thing stands out in my mind; I could NEVER be as calm as Dr. Wolf in this case and scenario.

  • @khuzang
    @khuzang 9 років тому +8

    It's way too easy for a person with pent up anger to lash out on the internet. All the more reason not to take overly-toxic comments so seriously.
    Your energy is better spent on creating something you enjoy.

  • @TheMediaMage
    @TheMediaMage 9 років тому +5

    Firebrand, you remind me a bit of a friend of mine. He and I have been friends for over 3 years and like you, he sometimes gets angry rather easily. We could be having a simple conversation one minute and then a small thing can make him blow his top. I've found however, that by being there when he's in those moments. Being there to offer a hand or a few kind words can make a difference. I agree with Dr. Wolf when he says that talking to someone you trust about any issues you may be having is very helpful...because it not only helps dealing with the issues easier. It can make relationships become stronger.
    I hope this helps Firebrand. You'll always be awesome in my book dude! :)

  • @lialomax
    @lialomax 9 років тому +10

    MrTomFox YOU'RE BACK

  • @JohnnyFerno
    @JohnnyFerno 9 років тому +8

    I don't know if it's off-topic or not, but this reminds of when people always tend to talk about the bad side of fandoms. An example is people who keeps saying that bronies are bad because everytime they enter a side with ponies it's stuffed and forced down their throats. I personally think people ONLY seem to talk about this is because when it comes to groups, it's mostly the ones who yell the loudest that gets noticed. I think it's the same with comment sections in videos, no matter how much praise you get, if there is one person who screams foul and hate more than anymore, that will stick out, and that will really stick into your mind.
    Again, just my personal thoughts on it. Sorry if my rant bored you.
    And once again, great video Doc, cannot wait for the next :)

  • @thisisawsome34253212
    @thisisawsome34253212 9 років тому +3

    For me there are 2 things that can trigger deep rage.
    1. Trouble with college work or problems with a job.
    Last year I was a college freshman studying under a major that I grew to hate and it resulted in a near fatal GPA by the end of the second semester. After that happened I was furious with myself and depressed over my inability to immediately pick another major. Over the summer I got a decent almost full-time job at an amusement park but I was still unsure of what I could do when classes began again. Luckily at the end of the summer I had made up my mind and I have vastly improved in my current schoolwork. I can still be frustrated by it but I am continuing to get better. I did not working weekends this year but I have considered getting a better position at the park when it opens up again.
    2. When anyone tries to justify violence and/or verbal abuse with culture, mental and/or physical disabilities, religious backgrounds, etc.
    I am an American who was raised by a Roman Catholic family and I have Asperger's Syndrome. When I arrived at college my interests in religion became non-existent and I am questioning whether or not I am an agnostic. I do my best to learn and understand different cultures and different religious beliefs. I have realized that when preached correctly any religion can build and inspire great people. However, when people use hate speech and/or violence against others and later tries to justify their actions with the aforementioned it pinches every nerve. Everyone is different and everyone has their own personal beliefs but there should be a fine line between what is okay and what is not.

  • @classicrockkid345
    @classicrockkid345 9 років тому +6

    Josh if you're watching than I want you to know you are a great guy despite the anger issues whenever I have a bad day I watch one of your videos be it a countdown, a review, or a Let's Play and both you and Mr.Enter are poeple that I can look up to and can be honest with anyone and call people out on stupid bullshit and that's what I like about you I hope you can get through this and no matter where you are you always have people to help you overcome something.

  • @heatherriverstone3586
    @heatherriverstone3586 6 років тому +1

    I enjoyed this episode a lot! Firebrand was so full of emotion the entire time and I really got a feel for why he was so frustrated, even though I myself don't have these problems. As per usual Dr. Wolf was amazing and I'm glad the community has him, and that he has the community. The art style was wonderful as well. All around just a nice episode, I loved it. Good job you guys!

  • @GoldfinchAnimations
    @GoldfinchAnimations 8 років тому +4

    Aww, Firebrand...
    Firebrand, you are an awesome reviewer. The only way that someone would be so mean to you is that they are jealous. I have had anger problems too, sometimes, so believe me, it's hard to not lash out.
    Thank you Dr Wolf. You've helped me figure out how to deal with my anger.
    You both are awesome. Okay? Okay.

  • @AquatheOhioKittysDen
    @AquatheOhioKittysDen 9 років тому +7

    Wow, Firebrand and I kinda share a lot in common with his issues (minus the anger).
    What you've said Dr. Wolf has given me a few thing to try since unlike Firebrand I'm dealing with my anxiety and self esteem, both of witch has left me a shell of who I use to be around those I know. I'm willing to try anything at this point and I seriously love the message behind this one.

    • @DRWolf001
      @DRWolf001  9 років тому

      Glad to be of service.

  • @kaxthecactus5097
    @kaxthecactus5097 9 років тому +2

    I'm serious, I'm crying now. This video brought tears to my eyes and moved me in a way no other video ever had before. I can relate to this so closely and this really helped me. Thank you.

  • @CurlyHairedRogue
    @CurlyHairedRogue 9 років тому +4

    Doctor... thank you for making this. Firebrand, if you find this comment, know that I am one who shows passion for his perspective as well. I want to protect the people around me, especially my friends. But it does lead to anger and, especially, depression. I want so badly for the world to see everyone's worth, their abilities, their strengths as well as their weaknesses. I want so badly for the world to see things logically, and assess them without letting their emotions cloud their judgement. When I see one of my friends being attacked, I almost always jump to their defense. I do try to keep in mind that they have their own opinion, their own perspective. I even try to keep the arguments between my friends and their adversaries calm and collected. But it's difficult to stay calm when you can't see why, right? You can't perceive why they would ever think threatening you and your family or friends, or bashing you with negativity without reason, would ever be entertaining. Why? That question constantly resonates through your head as you look at the blatantly unfounded hatred. I do the same thing. And Doctor Wolf is right, we can't always make those people see what we see. I again pay homage to the Allegory of the Cave by Plato. We need to let these people believe as they will, because forcing them from the bindings of lies and deceit will only lead to their retaliation; their violence. We need to let them realize for themselves what lies outside the cave. For only they can make the decision to journey up and see the beauty that is the world above.
    Again Doctor, thank you for a wonderful bit of insight. In fact, I am reluctant to call it a mere "bit" of insight, as it seems so much more substantial to me. But I suppose that is perspective at work. I dare say Doctor, I may not want to be a psychiatrist. But I will strive to be as open-minded, calm, collected, and devoted to bringing happiness to those who seek it as you. You are a true inspiration, and a hero to many. May you live your life, as happy as you make me. ^_^

  • @forestcrow5491
    @forestcrow5491 9 років тому +2

    I love how calm Dr.Wolf is. I have never heard him snap on camera and he always calms everyone down when he talks with them. I know the negative comments hurt but I hope this positive one does some good. Keep it up doc
    Also wolves are my favorite animal ;)

  • @Dragonpit
    @Dragonpit 9 років тому +1

    I find that I understand what Firebrand's been going through; it resonates with me and some of my own struggles. I've always tried my best on a number of projects, even ones from as far back as high school, but I always found myself dropping them out of pure procrastination, and it always infuriated me. But rather than dispense with it in a health manner, I went the same route as Firebrand and took it out on myself. My family, save one member, was never any help, always trying to push me forward without regard with I felt. and so I fell into the same downward spiral. I punished myself for my failures, always reminding myself I need to do better, pushed myself hard on the next project, and then fail again, It did wonders for my self-esteem, in the worst possible way.
    In my experience, the advise here was sound. Accepting weakness, accepting help, it's all real. But, also, I think it is also important to realize why he was angry: because the negativity and hate he got made him feel that way. In my eyes, that proves something: that he cares deeply about helping others and having an impact in their lives; if he didn't, it wouldn't have upset him as much. In which case, if those feelings prove that, are they really a bad thing? Mind, it's not an excuse to act on them; the point is accepting those feelings.
    Which is why the advise works so well. Firebrand wonder if asking for help was a sign he couldn't help himself, but in this case, it is the opposite. If he was willing to ask for help, it will show he wants to help himself, because of the problem it pertains to. Because the fact of the matter is: everyone is connected in some way,and so our actions affect each other. And at times, we can't deal with things on our own. But there's no shame in that: early Untied States colonists had to hold onto each other to survive through harsh winters. They even received help from the natives. It was the only reason they could survive.
    There's nothing wrong with weakness; strength does not exist without it, and pushing weakness away means denying ourselves strength. But also, without help, a lot of things become tougher, even helping others. Because man was never meant to carry the weight of the world on a single pair of shoulders (Atlas, sure, but never man). So there's nothing wrong with asking. In fact, isn't that the very message that My Little Pony totes around every season (especially the one starting next Spring...!)? Friendship is Magic?

  • @irishhuskie2585
    @irishhuskie2585 9 років тому +31

    Ah, anger. One of the strongest emotions one can feel. I know exactly what it's like to lose control of yourself due to wrath or fury. I remember towards the end of 8th grade, I was having a particularly stressful day, and one of my classmates was constantly annoying me. She wasn't targeting me specifically, and if I had been in a better mood, I might have found what she was doing to be kind of funny. However, that wasn't the case, and I ended up lashing out at her in front of the class. You can probably guess how that ended for me.
    This is why I'm grateful for the internet, especially social media sites. Whenever someone says something that gets me angry in real life, I tend to express it immediately without thinking. On the internet, however, I am able to calm myself down before making a response that I regret because I don't have an obligation to make an immediate response. As a result, I'm actually a lot more pleasant here than I am in real life.
    In the case of you, FireBrand, I don't know how well my strategy would work considering how large your audience is. But if someone posts something that ticks you off, you are under no obligation to respond. However, if you do feel the need to respond, just remember that you do have the option to calm yourself down before responding. Again, your level of stress when it comes to this is probably something I could never even hope to experience, but this is just something to keep in mind: if you think that you have to respond, take the time to cool off a little beforehand; you do have that choice.

    • @Oban2006
      @Oban2006 9 років тому

      also fear

    • @Narrator007
      @Narrator007 9 років тому +1

      The way I've always viewed it is that others getting to hear a response from me is a privilege, not a right. If someone is acting disrespectfully, I choose not to respond to that person because he does not deserve the privilege of my response.

    • @irishhuskie2585
      @irishhuskie2585 9 років тому

      Narrator007 I often use this tactic as well. Sometimes, though, I do feel the need to respond to someone who either directly insults me or intentionally offends me. Rather than an angry remark, however, I usually resort to being a smarta**.

    • @Narrator007
      @Narrator007 9 років тому

      If you're going to respond in that way, it should be for the benefit of others and yourself, not that person. Someone insulting or intentionally offending you is going to take any kind of response, positive or negative, as a small victory.

    • @irishhuskie2585
      @irishhuskie2585 9 років тому

      Narrator007 I suppose that's true.

  • @a.r.hollowayauthor7210
    @a.r.hollowayauthor7210 9 років тому +1

    This one really spoke to me... I have had this same issue in the past, but thankfully someone kind, and loving like you Dr Wolf, helped me get the proper perspective.

  • @veggietalesfan65
    @veggietalesfan65 9 років тому +2

    I'm so glad I watched this video. I was hosting a livestream the other day and one of the watchers were talking about how they were so troubled that they were going through so much in their life and they were trying to keep their younger sibling form seeing that so they can be an example. I gave them the advice and they were so relieved and said they'd never thought about it that way. And the same with my younger siblings. I gain a new insight with every video I view ^^

    • @DRWolf001
      @DRWolf001  9 років тому

      Glad to hear that these videos are having such a positive influence on others.

  • @MasterSwo
    @MasterSwo 9 років тому +1

    Josh, dude, for all the praise and being looked up to, what you must remember is, your human.
    Plain and simple. And humans make mistakes, ALOT, sometimes the same one, what matters is that your able to except, and continue foward. You will learn from your mistakes with time, maybe not today, tomorrow, or next year, but you will. But if you keep dwelling on it, then it WILL get to you and it WILL overwhelm you, trust me, I've been there, and in some ways, still am.

  • @LilianOrchard
    @LilianOrchard 8 років тому +11

    If you're having a problem of somebody being deliberately antagonistic in your comments, ban that person from commenting. No reply, just a ban. It's an easy and effective solution to a problem. And it continues to baffle me how many people won't take this simple solution and even worse make excuses to not do it.

    • @Optimusprime240
      @Optimusprime240 8 років тому +1

      +Lily Peet They're probably scared of stopping people from expressing their opinions, even if its really just an attack. I would probably be just as weak if I had a channel. Yes, its a simple solution, but maybe the channel owner thinks they can convince the hater otherwise.... (dream on...)

    • @shojoe2517
      @shojoe2517 8 років тому +2

      +Lily Peet They can always create new accounts you know.
      Its not the best course of action.

    • @LilianOrchard
      @LilianOrchard 8 років тому +2

      ShoJoe It takes far less effort to ban someone than it does for them to create a new account. And if they pull the same shit, they can be easily banned again.
      It IS the best course of action.

    • @walkingtalkingcandytragedy5599
      @walkingtalkingcandytragedy5599 6 років тому

      you...I like you!

    • @christopherjones7023
      @christopherjones7023 6 років тому

      That creates a sense of you being "totalitarian", for lack of a better word. In short, you can come across as an unforgiving jerk that way. Sometimes it is the right call, but then, you could easily lose potential friends that way. Simple misunderstandings or disagreements taken too far can have drastic consequences. But, do what you believe is right.

  • @kaxthecactus5097
    @kaxthecactus5097 9 років тому +2

    I can relate to this one a lot. This is just what I needed at the right time. I just had one of those outbursts now.
    I'm there for you Josh, I'm there. Your amazing, and your videos are what helps me get through things like this in my stressful life.
    Also I have the same virtues and sins for you, and have the same problem.
    I'm serious, if this conversation was with me and the Dr, it would probably be exactly the same. Creepy.

    • @kaxthecactus5097
      @kaxthecactus5097 9 років тому

      This video inspired me. Josh, it's good to know I'm not alone.

  • @Stentzen
    @Stentzen 9 років тому

    deep inhale, deep exhale... "be stronger than yourself" it is something I tell myself. I have multiple things i struggle with every day, and I know that if i can't overcome myself that means i'm unable to overcome any of them. Thanks to you and a lot of you guys in the community I am able to get through the days without being a wreck. It always helps to see you taking care of others problem because it helps me come to some understanding of my own.
    Thank you Dr. Wolf

  • @sadlobster1
    @sadlobster1 9 років тому +3

    I know how you feel, FireBrand. Years ago, there was a time were I also had trouble with anger.
    I hated being bullied and yelled at by others. So much so; I wanted to look them in the eye, scream at them and punch them until my knuckles bled.
    But...more civil-minded people told me that such things are never worth it. All it does is make things worse for you than they already are.
    Which is why, for me I live by a special motto. When your heart wants lifting, think of pleasant things.
    Whenever I'm stressed, angry or down in the dumps. I take a breath (much like Dr.Wolf does) and think of something really nice or funny.
    Things like an upcoming trip, a visit from someone I haven't seen in a while or a really funny joke or song. It was this mindset that helped keep me optimistic and sane through Middle School, High School and beyond.
    I try to spread the same creed unto all my friends and family. I hope it will help you, FireBrand; whenever you feel miffed about something.
    On a side note, I never knew you were a soldier. I salute your efforts in protecting the country. While still keeping your mind clear of the violence by making videos.
    You're a great man and I am proud to be one of your subscribers/followers

  • @Troublethegremlin
    @Troublethegremlin 4 роки тому

    I needed to hear this conversation so badly. I’m older than most but I STILL struggle SO HARD with this issue. The hate, the sting, the bitter anger and not understanding why someone reacted the way they did. It hurts. Truly does. But there are people who will always stand up with and for you when you need it! Just don’t waste your time on those who won’t be there for you through thick and thin... it’s so hard but it makes a huge difference. Support and talking are huge. The biggest key is making sure to RETURN the gesture, be there when a friend or family needs it. It is critical to keep bonds strong

  • @tanitluminake
    @tanitluminake 9 років тому +3

    i kind have a similar problem,
    normally im a up beat person who has high dreams and "not expecting high things" standards meaning if a episode or fan work is bad i go "meh" and just shug it off
    (hey firebrand that might help you :) )
    but i do have a temper and at times i can lash out badly and sometimes without realizing it. it rarely happens now but i did came up with my own technique and that was when i got really angry at a bully etc, i would found to five on my fingers and was to help calm me down and to let my friends know i was about to blow. breathing in deeply also helps especially since i have a mild form of asthma
    thx for reading this hope it might help some ppl

  • @aimfire1715
    @aimfire1715 8 років тому

    Firebrand, I agree with you. Last (school) year was my year of anger because of the way everyone acted. I'm a Christian and it's very hard to be around people who know you're a Christian, but act like they don't know it and they act however they want. I kept on getting so mad that I went outside and smacked the crap out of a tree using an old metal pipe, cause I didn't know how to actually handle my anger. Then my youth teacher at church taught me different ways to handle my anger well and it's been going good ever since. I actually saw this video last year and watched it several times, relating my anger with your anger...and I found that I couldn't handle my anger by myself either, I talked to my friends, family, and my church teacher about it and it's gone well. Seeing this video again made me think and made me feel blessed that now I don't feel as much anger anymore. I hope this made happy Firebrand, keep being awesome!

  • @TorridPrime217
    @TorridPrime217 9 років тому +3

    I feel this is something MLP should cover at some point

  • @SorceressZephyrYT
    @SorceressZephyrYT 8 років тому +2

    I really understand Firebrand's struggle with anger management. I may not be UA-cam famous, I may not have to hold myself to high standards, but I have a thing of cracking under mass amounts of pressure in my life. I have major issues with my stress levels, if the pressure and stress build up enough I end up just breaking down, it's either in tears or I end up yelling at someone for no reason. In turn it makes me mad at myself. And needless to say, I only have a small amount of people to be my balance and sometimes they're not always there. I'm going to admit here that I ended up shedding a tear or two, but because I can understand Firebrand. Dr. Wolf's message is also really well done. It almost makes me wish I could make out an appointment and talk out my own feelings.

  • @Zakattacks
    @Zakattacks 9 років тому

    You guys are both amazing. Don't even begin to doubt yourself, Firebrand. Forgiving yourself and just looking forward to the future, and learning to handle your stress is an amazing choice. Your struggles are endearing, and frankly, if I could, I would personally take you out for some chocolate chip cookie dough!

  • @CrescentGuard
    @CrescentGuard 9 років тому +1

    Weirdly, the thing I think I appreciate most in these videos is the bravery of the people who come to Wolf with these issues. I know part of it is the character dramatizing things, but you can feel it in Josh's voice that there's at least a kernel (if not a whole tree) of truth to what's being said. To be able to talk about these things and let them be placed up on UA-cam takes a lot of courage. I've had therapy sessions before, and I was always ashamed I even went, much less capable of talking with anyone about them. The good Doctor here is a wonderful person, and I'm so happy so many people are interested in his work, but I just can't help send my heart out to these people too.

  • @Shantaq
    @Shantaq 9 років тому

    I can't say that I know about his levels of stress as I'm still new in the Navy (haven't been on a ship yet) and for the most part my life is quite relaxed, but I can relate to having anger issues on some level. I get told that I shouldn't let things get to me, that I give people power over me by letting the little things they do chip away at my peace and calm to the point that I go from just anger to outright hating everything around me, minus family, because I can never hate them with everyone having done so much for me up to the point of me deciding that I wanted to join the Navy, and even still my dad who is a retired veteran along with my brothers and cousins, all give me their support. Okay, this is starting to become a little long-winded, but to put it simply, you're not the only one struggling with it. You got a supporter in me FireBrand.

  • @XclawX213
    @XclawX213 9 років тому

    I can relate to you firebrand, I don't fall under wrath as you do, I tend to lean under stress, in a sense when I do something wrong I get these strange mind cramps, best way to describe it, were I start to relive events in my past that put strain on my existence.
    You are who you are though, you aren't defined by what you did, but by what you do. Even if you have a hard time controlling anger, the fact you can tell you went to far and stop before you truly do something hurtful proves your a good person, and stronger then the person who made you angry.
    Take me for example, I work in a job I don't care for, worst off I have a degree to do something much much better, I always feel stress because I am not doing what I am good at but doing something anyone can do, with or without a high school diploma. Every day I am mad at myself more then the job and feel I fail myself. It has gotten to the point were I think joining the military is my best bet. I can't join military due to my weight, well not the air force. Anyways, you may think yourself poorly sometimes, but I think of you as a true hero. Take it how every you want, you are a real hero to us all.

  • @LostVioletLotus
    @LostVioletLotus 9 років тому

    I.. I've never even watched Firebrand's work but now... hearing what he's had to say here... I want to binge watch all of his content. This also provided me with a new perspective towards people I've had to face who are very influenced by their tenancy toward anger. I feel like I now can show respect towards people who are wrapped up in rage. I can tell myself, "There's a real, significant reason they're acting this way. I don't need to add to the flames but I also don't need to take what they're saying to heart." Thank you both for sharing this conversation.

  • @whitemoonwolf13
    @whitemoonwolf13 8 років тому

    this actually spoke deeply to me and Firebrand is honestly one of my fav analysts so seeing someone quasi famous struggling with a very relate-able issue has somewhat given me hope i guess? i've been struggling with depression for as long as i can remember but just recently it's gotten worse and i feel very much like josh that i don't want to push my problems onto other people, but more so because i think that they won't take me seriously cuz i'm always smiling or making someone laugh or trying to help people in my neighbourhood, they might think it's just for attention or something.
    regardless wheither this was scripted or real it still resonated with me. knowing someone somewhere has similar problems to you but have done something positive with their life sorta gives me a little hope.
    and thanks to the anonymity of the internet, having this written down with no one knowing who i am and therefore can't judge me personally is a bonus.

  • @anonman233
    @anonman233 8 років тому +2

    I too have a bit of a temper myself, I don't know why but I just get so angry and I'm usually a relax guy.

  • @pumpkinlightsfanservice9484
    @pumpkinlightsfanservice9484 8 років тому

    This video really struck me. I can empathize with the overactive justice affliction and struggle with intense bouts of anger. I hate so many things and so many people. What helps me with this issue is when I let go of my walls. If I'm so frustrated and angry I feel like I will cry, or feel like knocking out some worthless bully's teeth, I just take a breath and go over to my girlfriend's house. She knows what it's like to be so angry, so I am comfortable confiding. I'll cry and scream and let it all out, and at the end of it she's there to hand me some cocoa and cuddle on the couch. Finding some sort of outlet is extremely useful, especially if you feel you can't express your feelings in art or music. Dr. Wolf, I would love to thank you for uploading this, and Josh, thank you for admitting to your anger. It's good to be helping.

    • @DRWolf001
      @DRWolf001  8 років тому +1

      +Pumpkin Lights' Fanservice! Glad we could be of service Pumpkin.

  • @Dark_Tale_1985
    @Dark_Tale_1985 9 років тому

    Never realized Josh was having this problem. I always saw him as a rather calm yet funny person. But, after seeing this, I think I just refused to notice it. Josh is one of my favorite UA-camrs. And when you have someone that you look up to, you almost never see their flaws. You see them as this near perfect person and that's non fair to them. Josh still has very few problems in my opinion compared to myself and those I know, but it its still interesting to learn about him and know that he is facing these problems. I hope that things get better for him and I am glad yet again that you started this. I feel like we can all learn so much from these videos. So thanks, to both you and Josh. You are both an inspiration.

  • @thechaosjacket6136
    @thechaosjacket6136 9 років тому

    When FireBrand mentioned hearing the same monologue over and over, it reminded me of something I go through. While I don't deal with anger issues, I do have an issue with speaking in front of crowds (especially when it's for a grade or when I'm being judged). And sometimes it feels like I hear the same advice worded differently. And it feels like no matter how many times I talk to people about it, I never feel like I'm getting better at improving my public speaking. That makes me feel like I will never improve. Watching these videos makes me feel better. It also doesn't make me feel alone, that other people have difficulties dealing with there own flaws but never give up trying to improve themselves.

  • @CrystalArtest
    @CrystalArtest 9 років тому +2

    Awwww, the last part was the icing on the cake.

  • @ganondorfbrony4779
    @ganondorfbrony4779 9 років тому

    This was certainly a video worth watching because I can understand how Firebrand feels when it comes to dealing with this sort of thing. I won't deny the fact that I have anger issues of my own where I lash out if I get frustrated or stressed over even the most minimal of things. I do agree that it's a good idea to talk things out with people, so that you can find a means of a solution that will make you comfortable. No one should have to face their problems alone.

  • @samuelezichella4098
    @samuelezichella4098 3 роки тому

    I really like the complexity on display in these videos: It shows and remind us that, behind the characters, there are people, Real Life persons that work hard to enthatain us, to make us laugh and think. I love these videos because they show us who's really behind the scene

  • @TheYigafooWisperer
    @TheYigafooWisperer 8 років тому +1

    Scorcher mentioned that he feels like he keeps falling short even when he knows what's right. I have had similar experiences in my past. One thing I've learned in church about Christ's atonement is that it not only cleanses us from our sins but also gives us strength to do better than we could ourselves. When we feel we can't do something on our own, we can pray for the atonement to help us.

  • @princecrimsonrain
    @princecrimsonrain 9 років тому

    Firebrand, I know exactly how you feel. Heck, I still struggle with this issue to this day. I've had some moments where I have lost control, then immediately regretting it,,turning that rage in on myself.This video helped me realize that I'm not alone in this. So,thanks for everything.

  • @ten-fandoms-in-a-trenchcoat
    @ten-fandoms-in-a-trenchcoat 7 років тому

    Dr Wolf is a reminder to me that hitting back is never the answer. Only calmly communicating can fix a problem. Most people in my life don't believe this is true and can't wait to make people feel horrible. Thanks for this inspiration, Doc!

  • @rene9adekni9ht97
    @rene9adekni9ht97 3 роки тому

    Every now and then I find myself returning to this video because of my own anger issues. Stress is very difficult to handle when you're alone, and when that stress builds up, so does the anger. I get upset when I try to help others but they put up this wall around them and I can't get through. This video helps remind me that there is always a way to deal with ones anger, if we're willing to seek out others for help.

  • @twirltheflag1
    @twirltheflag1 9 років тому

    Thank you for making this. I commend you both for touching on this and sharing. Commander, I completely understand never seeming to learn from the past or how people keep telling you to not worry about the spiteful people. Everyone always says, "Ignore the haters". Easier said than done. For what it's worth, we are all with you. Stay strong.
    Dr. Wolf. As always, thank you so much for all your work.

  • @miniman649
    @miniman649 9 років тому +2

    that picture in the middle XD
    picture of a skeleton in front of a cave with the text "

  • @LegendOfMoriad
    @LegendOfMoriad 9 років тому

    While I can't say that most of these AMWDW videos have been very helpful to me, each one has allowed me an important glimpse into the mind of people that have problems I don't understand, because I don't experience them.
    Thank you, Dr. Wolf, and all your guests, for baring your soul to us. You're exposing your weaknesses, which allows us to help each other, and ourselves.

  • @ThatOnePersonsName1
    @ThatOnePersonsName1 9 років тому

    Hello Dr.Wolf, as a new subscriber I like to see what the chancels are made of. I didn't really expect much clicking on one of your videos but then I did find quite an interest in this. The videos you make have much more depth then what I've seen on other chancels and to be truthful, you blew me away with the content. I'm a person that strives every day to better my self in some shape or form and it's nice to know that other people (such as yourself) are willing to do the same thing. I do try to help my friends when ever I can with what ever they need and I often put myself in other peoples shoes to learn. Its wonderful seeing the AMWDW's because they do sometimes give me a new perspective that I have never thought of before and for that I am grateful. Thank you.

    • @DRWolf001
      @DRWolf001  9 років тому

      Pearl Progect Guardians Glad to be of service.

  • @Eggs_hatching
    @Eggs_hatching 9 років тому

    the older i get (the more confident, skilled, and competent) , the crazier i feel. I've even developed several ticks that show up whenever i start obsessing on the negative (like humming, clicking my fingers, or making little explosion noises-- physical reactions to break the negative spiral). What ive found, is negative thoughts breed negative thoughts, positive thoughts breed positive thoughts. So this is what i've tried (sometimes its more successful than others... if i remember to do it)-- I imagine the face of someone i love. For me, it is always my sister. I try to recall all their features and build an image of them as life like as possible in my head. Its harder than you think. But, when i start, it breaks the negative circle and i can physically feel the muscles in my face relax. If your focused on how much you care about them, it lets you move you thought process onto a more positive track. Its better than counting or deep breathing anyway :)

  • @annawildman2330
    @annawildman2330 5 років тому

    This video is one of my favorites.
    I understand what it's like to have poor anger management. I had poor anger management since I was little. It is not easy... It is very difficult to have good anger management...
    Firebrand, I adore you for coming out about this. I know it's hard, but will get better over time. It just takes a lot...
    And Dr. Wolf, thank you for making this video. 😊

  • @cannibalisticrequiem
    @cannibalisticrequiem 9 років тому

    DRWolf001 Bravo Dr. Wolf, you certainly hit the nail on the head with this one! I can see where Josh (er...FireBrand) is coming on this one. It's hard to open yourself up to others, and share your vulnerabilities with others, out of fear of how they might judge you for it. But also the frustration that comes along with keeping it to yourself, which can drive you crazy. It's why I try to be as open with my inner demons here on certain analysts channels. I hope that by sharing my concerns and problems with others, that it might reach one person dealing with the same thing, and letting them know that they're not alone in feeling that way.
    As for what I would suggest Josh do to help his anger problem, meditation can be a great way to unwind and relieve unnecessary stress and anger. It requires a quiet space away from people (which I don't know if he knows of any on his military base), and being able to allow yourself to relax and your mind to drift. You don't want to be thinking critically when you meditate, you want to be able to not have a million thoughts running through your head. Complete silence of mind, body and soul. Sometimes it helps to be listening to something relaxing, like your own deep breathing or soft music with no lyrics, or even something like the sounds of the ocean (or something to that effect). In practice, it can be difficult to accomplish as a lot of people can't just switch their brain off, and it requires a certain degree of relaxation, but not falling asleep.

  • @amitamaru
    @amitamaru 9 років тому

    Okay that ending got a smile out of me. Dr. Wolf, I know it's a gradual process but you are a miracle worker for these guys I'm sure.

  • @neotwilight31
    @neotwilight31 9 років тому

    i just want to say, thank you to both Firebrand and Dr. Wolf. for the chance to learn more and more about people is breath taking. not just ponys or bronys but the people behind them. something about it makes me wish to learn more about them for who they are... am i alone in thinking this?

  • @EvilFurrySkull
    @EvilFurrySkull 9 років тому

    Watching this has actually helped me with some on the issues I'm facing. I have the same problems and it helps just hearing you two talk about it. Thank you so much for making this video, both of you are so inspirational.

  • @Aereto
    @Aereto 9 років тому

    Truth be told, I hone on myself on and off (due to my frequently adapting moods), to do work on my skills. With few exceptions, I am taking criticisms well despite having me pushing myself harder until my easygoing/relaxation mood hits.
    I have anger issues, yes, though I don't lash out on others the best I can do. Yet the lashing goes inward as a result, pushing me to do it better, where pressure is my motivator and not being able to do something is what makes me nervous, not the task itself. I am cynical and sarcastic when irritable, soft-spoken and apologetic when learning, and thinking aflame when pressured. Such inward fury is what I became familiar with in high school. I know that the career I seek requires not only do things as a team, but also do things when on my own. I am not strong for a man, not shy talking about things that others say as too much information, and can be rather blunt on life's outlook.
    I don't speak out my problems, because I cannot take criticism from my own family members except siblings. It instills more wrath when it happens. My well-being can be considered unstable, yet self-stabilizing, and few of my original characters are rightly concerned. I don't have pride, and I don't take pride in my efforts because that's what I'm expected to do in my duty; such is how I can take criticisms, but I take them inward as means for me to do better and more efficient. The career I strive is where I tend to the people, ill or well, and see to it that they are comfortable and recovering. The fantasy I reside is where I know that I am not a powerful being, a mortal who interacts in a meta-verse I discovered and allowed to explore. Standing in both worlds, I know where I'm getting myself into, but such is life to adapt and live.
    I have a lot to reflect, but I am bound to forget to do so. My mind wanders, but it's somewhere than nowhere. I am starting to think that I am being very forgetful on other things, and that is concerning in addition to my inward anger. I... really should do something. I'm rambling here.

  • @ComicSansPony
    @ComicSansPony 9 років тому +1

    I have a bit of an anger management problem too. Though my anger usually breaks down to sorrow because I don't like being violent physically or verbally, when I do act out physically or verbally I feel really bad about it once I cool down and never completely forgive myself even if the others involved have forgiven me and I forgave them. Basically, I completely understand that cycle that Firebrand/Josh is talking about. I just hope that if I were to ever get hate on my videos, I can attempt to respond with a level head...

  • @MoonQueen1414
    @MoonQueen1414 9 років тому

    I struggle with anger myself Firebrand. It's never easy and I find myself feeling exactly like you a lot of the time. Frustrated and mad at myself. Shoot. I've gotten into huge fights only to end up crying on my bed holding my pillow pet afterwards because I feel so bad. I have to constantly remind myself that I can't change anything like that. Dr. Wolf has a lot of valid points. And watching him is helping me learn to somewhat control my anger. Watching you two interact, I can see myself in your position and seeing almost the exact conversation. I can't give you any pointers because I haven't found any that work yet. But I can offer support. I'm only one in a group of fans but I want you to know that I am one that is going through the struggle with you and I am backing you all the way.

  • @rillegas08backup
    @rillegas08backup 9 років тому

    It's interesting you say that you do your breathing thing multiple times a day. I've found myself doing it multiple times a day sometimes as well, less because of stress, and moreso because i enjoy watching these videos and breathing along with you at the end of each of them, and have gotten into the habit of saying "it's good to be helping" when i take a deep breath, even when i'm not really helping anyone, even myself most of the time. I smile every time you say it with each video

  • @talaedgefang5764
    @talaedgefang5764 4 роки тому

    I don't know why but I always think of Firebrand and DrWolf as the yin and yang. One being a calm,kind hearted wolf who's voice is as soothing as his fur. And the other being a military pony who's passions burn than the sun raised by Princess Celestia herself. Sure they may act,sound and seem different but they are still really good friends. And that amazese me. I imagine a movie about these two one day even

  • @sentry6479
    @sentry6479 8 років тому

    I have anger problems and social anxiety and its very hard for me to even post this because whenever I post something someone starts judging me and hating me its hard for me to even go outside because I'm a brony. one time this guy in my school pulled out his pocket knife and threatening me JUST for being a brony so life is hard for me and even my mom threatened me for being a brony but by listening to this (and the animated james one) and it really helped me out thank you keep doing what you do

  • @1tiptip187
    @1tiptip187 5 років тому

    I would like to thank Doctor wolf and Josh Scorcher. I've come to this video a number of times when I feel like I'm angry and obsessing over issues. I know it sounds odd, but a serious topic coming from a video of a cartoon wolf and military pony somehow helps to mentally put things in perspective more than talking to most people I know.

  • @sterlingwillis4940
    @sterlingwillis4940 9 років тому

    Josh I want you to know that you're not alone, you don't have to take the weight of the world alone. You are an amazing reviewer but you are still human or a pony in this case. We're all here for you bro and please, don't be afraid to ask for help if somepony cares about you then your problems will never be an inconvience to them. Dude, you rock!!!

  • @DreamD0g
    @DreamD0g 6 років тому

    You hit the nail on the head with the talk of your vertues firebrand, I to feel like mine are justice and wrath, always becoming angry or depressed when unjust things occure, especially if I can't do anything.

  • @sudokunerdthegremlin
    @sudokunerdthegremlin 9 років тому +1

    I have the same issues as FireBrand. I have anger issues, get annoyed at myself for blowing up, and try to avoid everyone so I can't lose my temper with anyone. I also don't like to ask for help due to not wanting to bother people. Another similarity I have to FireBrand is that I hold myself to extremely high standards and punish myself for not meeting them. I can't stand to make mistakes as well. I have tried everything to control my anger, but nothing works. This video really helped me feel like I'm not alone in this, and like maybe I will eventually be able to get over this flaw. I feel like my responses to everything said would have been very similar to FireBrand's replies, although I am not a comedian or a UA-camr.

  • @christopherjones7023
    @christopherjones7023 6 років тому +1

    Guess I am certainly not the only one, but Firebrand, know this: that anger is a key part of who you are, part of your sense of justice. Evil is evil, wrong is wrong, and a spade is a spade, period. I just work part-time stocking shelves at a Goodwill, but I still hate letting my co-workers, bosses, and customers down. Then there's the "freelance cyber-apologist/motivator" side of me. That's where I tend to go at it with people. Someone makes a wrong crack against God, for instance, I feel compelled to react, and...things tend to go downhill depending on how much control I manage to exert/retain. Same when friends or family are insulted. I tend to be _very_ protective of my loved ones' reputations, and if any were in physical danger, I'd want to act. In a word, I have always been...impulsive, in that regard. My love drives my anger. In a way I _need_ that, deep down, for complex reasons I'd rather not get into. But I _don't_ want to rip someone a new one just because I'm upset. That has happened more times than I care to admit. Every time makes me feel like crap or still incensed before I finally get over it. Bottom line: I get it. I really, really do. If you need to vent, let me know.

  • @minterman237
    @minterman237 8 років тому

    This really explained my thoughts and actions and such, but instead of anger it's sadness. Usually I make a mistake that gets others to yell at me and makes me sad. Then I try to hold my emotions by myself in my room until I can't handle it anymore and I start sobbing. I think too much about the mistake I've made, then I become even more sad by remembering the many other times I've made that same mistake. This usually happens every couple of months after I tell myself to fix my issue but forget to do it. Then it repeats. I know this a different specific problem to Josh's issue, but I think that Dr Wolf's solution to his issue is the same for mine. So thanks Dr Wolf, I'll be glad to watching your videos when I get the chance.

    • @minterman237
      @minterman237 8 років тому

      Also, to Josh. My virtue and sin would be Patience and sloth.

  • @cookiejar258
    @cookiejar258 8 років тому

    This video helped me so much. I have always had a problem with my anger and thought and acted the similar way he reacted when it came to anger. I have never really talked about it because people might say I over react or tell me just to not react and shake it off, but like he said, people always say that and it never works. I like how this went a bit deeper than that and really talks about it.

    • @cookiejar258
      @cookiejar258 8 років тому

      But Firebrand, your awesome, and haters gonna hate. If some people just can't see how awesome you are, that's there problem, not yours. They are just a bunch of no life's that can't do anything so they rain in on people who actually do something with there life. YOUR AMAZING AND THATS ALL THAT MATTERS!!!

  • @keybladeduelist
    @keybladeduelist 9 років тому

    Wow...Its nice to see josh's struggles with his anger. I struggle with anger to sometimes and I hate when I go to far with it. Thankfully the whole, asking for help thing, is easy for me as I have my family with me all the time and a group of friends when Im in school. Josh, you are one of the most inspirational people I know and I thank you for always giving me a laugh when I need it. But don't beat yourself up over your shortcomings.

  • @bloodywoodall9724
    @bloodywoodall9724 6 років тому +1

    this video really helps me irl,everytime i watch it, i calm down

  • @ArchonSeachmall
    @ArchonSeachmall 9 років тому

    Have to admit Dr Wolf. I am impressed. It takes a special kind of person to willingly spend their time to help people... just out of the good of their heart. Tip of the hat to you sir.

  • @sethcarlow8363
    @sethcarlow8363 4 роки тому +2

    I am in the same place with FireBrand and some time i need Anger Management too.
    when i come home i am so anger at my self from work and i need some cartoon to watch to make me feel good again.

  • @larslionheart
    @larslionheart 8 років тому

    Thank you so much for this video, Doc. I relate a lot to what Fire is going through and how he deals with the idea of failure. I've been getting better about it lately and I hope I will keep doing so and I hope he will too. Love your videos!

    • @DRWolf001
      @DRWolf001  8 років тому

      +Lars Glad to be of service.

  • @Zum1UDontNo
    @Zum1UDontNo 9 років тому

    The way you respond to many comments with such helpful advice, and the fact that, from what I've heard, these are pretty much the person speaking about their problems through their persona… You're really good at being a therapist, but you're not actually a therapist, according to one comment. I don't know what to say. This would be a point where I'd ask you to help me with something, but… you already have. I'm more similar to FireBrand then I thought, even sharing the reason I didn't want to ask people questions. I couldn't agree more with the things you said, and I'm sure others say the same. I think… I think if everybody followed your advice, the world would be a much better place. You're an inspiration to us all.

  • @MidnightSonnet
    @MidnightSonnet 9 років тому

    If FireBrand ever needs advice on anger management, my fiance can offer him some, as he had to take classes for it. He learned a lot and has become a much more stable person because of it. I've also studied (still kinda do) psychology and love it to bits, so I love helping those going through emotional trauma/stress. I'm going through quite a bit myself, always have been. Life can be a huge struggle and, like Wolf said, one of the best things we can assure ourselves of is that we're never alone. There are those out there who can and want to help us be better people. I don't wanna take the place of Wolf, of course. I just wanna be an extra ear to FireBrand; someone that can also offer friendly advice/guidance. The more support, the better. It seems to me that FireBrand needs a lot of gentle support.
    So, yeah, I'm available and more than willing to help someone in need. :)
    Keep on being a great therapist, Dr. Wolf. You're very intelligent and what you're doing for this fandom is nothing short of amazing. Never stop helping. :)

  • @mirthfulArtist
    @mirthfulArtist 8 років тому +7

    I don't watch much Dr. Wolf, so this was surprisingly sweet to me. :)

    • @DRWolf001
      @DRWolf001  8 років тому +1

      Glad you enjoyed it. :)

    • @mirthfulArtist
      @mirthfulArtist 8 років тому

      +DRWolf001 It's certainly cool to see UA-camrs opening up and interacting in such a constructive way. There's not enough of this honesty online.
      ...I think mlforums would really appreciate you guys.
      Glad you're here.

    • @xiaomusmash1494
      @xiaomusmash1494 8 років тому +1

      DRWolf001 this was surprisingly heartwarming for me. I feel like this also shows how close you two are. I find that really sweet.

    • @gamershadow8
      @gamershadow8 7 років тому +1

      i understand Josh... i have anger issues of my own

  • @laneymontes
    @laneymontes 8 років тому

    My younger cousin showed me this video since I have the similar issue as FireBrand. I've had anger issues for a long time because of all the bullying I went through that I start thinking jokes are insults instead. So I guess what I'm saying is that you are a very helpful person Dr.Wolf and I am thankful you actually have videos to help others.

  • @Drayle88
    @Drayle88 9 років тому

    Wow... I don't know what's more impressive, the fact that I'm seeing one of my inspirations in a way I'd never thought before, or the fact that just listening to him talk made me even more inspire.
    All I do know is this, Josh is one of the best people I've heard of, and if I ever have the chance to meet him, I'd consider it an honor. He's cleared my head on many issues I didn't even know I had, such as ignorance of a subject or even self confidence.
    And to be honest, I feel like I could use a chat with this Doctor. He sounds like it would help out a lot.

  • @Fibonochos
    @Fibonochos 9 років тому +1

    dude this is ... one of the most helpful videos i've ever seen

  • @gbrincks
    @gbrincks 9 років тому

    Everytime I see one of your videos, Doc, I watch with a certain emotional disconection, I watch and agree with them, but I never think about it for too long and I never react to them with anything other than some nodding in agreement, but that ending made me smile. Not a happy smile, nor a sad "thinking-back-on-those-days" smile, but a calm, "everything-is-gonna-be-okay" smile