Quick correction! Did you know that the wheels on Top Thrill 2 (also on display at IAAPA) are a full 6" longer in diameter than the wheels on Falcon's Flight? 22" vs 16"!
I thought the wheel on TT2 were 20" (I hear 530mm on the reveal) that is massive too. The maintenance on this thing will be on another dimension, good luck to the people who will work there.
For all zero people who were wondering, Tobotronc, the world's longest alpine coaster, is still longer at 17,389 feet. Not arguing Falcon's Flight's record, it just still blows my mind there's an alpine coaster that's that long.
I think most people put alpine coasters in their own category. If you rank them with all of the longest coasters together, Steel Dragon barely makes the top 10.
@@Lemonaidz7I agree! While Alpine Coasters are still Coasters, they're not of the "Roller" variety lol. I agree they both share the same principals but they're certainly different enough to be put into their own category
@@joelsytairo6338 Its not, you can check the website and they have already finished construction of falcons flight. You can also browse through a selection of construction photos and other photos of the park. Its definately real.
I can remember seeing the first animation when this came out and I was just blown away and thought that it would never actually happen, but the fact that it’s now being built as we speak is insane to me. I can’t wait to see what it looks like once it’s done!!!!
First off, the music in the animation is stellar! I’ve seen a lot of comments of people saying this will be a boring coaster, but it looks like it will have several unique things going for it for those who will take the journey to ride. The duration of the drops will feel like an eternity, especially the drop off the cliff which the video had at 10 seconds. Speed will just build and build and give you time to soak in the speed and views. 150+ miles per hour is fast in an open-air vehicle, and as someone who has pushed these speeds on a motorcycle, it is nothing short of exhilarating. The riders will get to feel this sense of speed without the risk of crashing, as well as a fair amount of lower triple-digit speeds through the rest of the layout. Combine this with the proximity of the F1 track if the ride is operated during a race, and you have an experience that will likely never be replicated anywhere else! Real roller coaster world records will be broken once again, let’s go Intamin!
That stellar music is obvious temp music. Possibly from "Red Sea" by Hans Zimmer for _Prince of Egypt_ (@ 3-minute mark) but it may be a motif elsewhere in the score.
@@overlookersI'm pretty Sure they hired a Composer to do it. It very much Sounds Like Sampled Instruments, very good sampled Instruments but it isn't Hans Zimmer live Quality. In Addition to this there are many Composers that are better then the big movie composers at making small interesting Tracks vor this Type of Trailer music
That plane ticket cost getting to the coaster when it opens finna go crazy 😂 but seriously it looks like a great ride that'll hopefully thrill and inspire generations of people in terms of amusement park engineering
Nobody besides the Saudis have billions of state dollars to just absolutely blow on stupid crazy theme parks and rides. It is literally not fair competition...none of what they are doing has to make a profit to justify these stupid expenditures.
Everything after the camelback is giving me Dododonpa vibes, honestly. The first third of the ride is like Formula Rossa's finale. Sure, it'll be fun zipping through the final S-bends and wave turn at 100+ mph. But the turn radii are so huge that the Gs will feel underwhelming compared to Velocicoaster or I-305. This could feel like a steel version of The Beast - just substituting a double helix with a 300+ foot launched ascent.
@Studio732JRL Did you even watch the layout? It's almost entirely prolonged floater airtime, dude. Intamin clearly *held back* when profiling many of the elements. And the S-bends are so extremely drawn out they might as well be straight. Even if the second launch has a substantially higher acceleration than the first, I'm skeptical that it would be more intense than Lightning Rod's when it first opened. Keep in mind this is NOT being built for North American and European enthusiasts. It's being built for Saudis and residents of surrounding countries who haven't been on anything more intense than Storm at the Dubai Mall and Formula Rossa. And those who've been on Formula Rossa are not getting those intense 4.5 G helices here. It's a very different experience that should be more friendly to a GP that hasn't ridden multiple top Intamins.
Using Roller Coaster Tycoon Logic, that first "drop" is ~600 feet, since you never go 'up', the drop just gets less steep. Also, I can't believe that something I would have made as a kid in RCT is becoming an actual thing
I'm curious about their contingency plan for rollbacks on that airtime hill. I'm sure it will have occasional faults that cause the LSMs to misfire or normal weather like you see with Kingda Ka. My guess is if they make a way for it to automatically self-rescue, it might have to launch backwards and possibly fast enough that it gets all the way back to the top of the cliff if it uses the momentum from the initial drop to help get to that top speed. If that's the case, that would make for one of the most epic rollback experiences ever
@@fadbob_yes it will happen almost never but they still need a Back Up plan cause strong Winds can appear after the LSMs already launched Even Rides Like Taron do Roll Back occasionally and taron Launches straight into a High Speed banked turn
@@limonscore The LSMs will likely extend into the valley as well so they could likely swing launch it over the Airtime hill should it roll back rather than having to take the train off the track.
I haven’t seen the Falcons Flight train with my own eyes but on camera the train looks absolutely massive! Also something I think is super cool is that at 9:20 it makes it look like you are racing the go carts and there is go cart track right below you!
After Millennium Force debuted, I naturally imagined a coaster over 400 feet. When Top Thrill Dragster opened I was psyched, but was a bit disappointed it wasnt a traditional coaster. Since then I've been dreaming they would make something like this. I cant wait to book my flight to Riyadh.
I wonder how many coaster enthusiasts will go ride this thing, given the track record of the country who built it. I know I won’t be heading there any time soon.
Did you see the 22" wheels on the TT2 trains, I was speechless on how big they were, they are the same size as a juvenile mountain bike. They are HUGE!
@@Spike-sk7ql they seem legitimately safe to prevent bearing burn out, I'm concerned that the wheels on Falcon's Flight may not be able to handle those super high speeds over the duration of the ride, and it would be spectacularly deadly should the wheels fail mid ride. The bearings on Ain Dubai failed last year and that wheel is down Indefinitely until they can figure out how to replace them, these are designed by the same company. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
@@BryanMark-mw8sz I'm pretty sure that the very smart guys that designed the wheels, have designed them with that in mind. The TT2 wheels make me think of driving around in the city and seeing a 1970 Chevelle sitting on 24" wheels with rubber band tires. Idk....there also doesn't look like there's much urethane, or nylon (speed wheels) around the TT2 wheels. One could say that maybe such a thin layer could possibly heat up too much? But again.... I'm sure the guys that designed those wheels took all of that into account.
@@BryanMark-mw8sz I don't even know what that is, let alone what happened to be completely honest. Here's the thing though, the size of the wheel for the most part, doesn't mean anything about the bearings in the hub. There could be any bearing that will fit in either one of the wheels we are talking about. There could be a 12" diameter bearing in Falcons Flights wheels. There could be a 5" diameter bearing in it. There can't be a 16" bearing in it though. The bearings probably would be the last issue they have. Overheating maybe, but not because of the bearings, but because of the friction of the track and wheel.
Between the announcement for this and the rumors of six flags combining with cedar fair, we really should've paid more attention to the rumors people thought were ridiculous four years ago! 😂
You better get there opening day because that will be the only time you can count on riding it. The Saudis care for mega projects, the climate and the sheer size of this will cause constant stretches of downtime. I can’t even ride Lightning Rod most trips to Dollywood, imagine flying all the way to a place like Saudi Arabia for something that has a 20% chance of being open.
So the tallest point on this coaster is the airtime hill and it's roughly 530 feet tall. The 640 feet of vertical difference stat is from the top of the cliff, to where it goes underground over near the race track near the end of the ride. With that logic, the Voyage might be a hyper coaster from the height of the lift hill to the underground portion at the end of the ride.
That seems to be the tallest point off the ground. I'm wondering if the drop off the wall has a larger elevation difference than that, from the top to where it bottoms out. Height of a coaster is usually determined by either height off the ground or elevation difference of the largest drop. Total elevation difference throughout the ride typically doesn't count. I heard that Banshee has a total elevation difference of over 200 ft due to terrain, but it's not considered to be a hyper or the tallest invert, since the low point comes several elements after the drop. I still find total elevation difference to be quite interesting.
@@OklahomaCoasterFan with that logic, I bet a mountain coaster in Europe is the tallest roller coaster in the world with the highest elevation change from the top of the drop to the bottom, since it's all one big drop hahaha
@@coastersandcosplays Good point. Maybe all the turns and helixes would disqualify it as one element. If so, I wonder how many moves it would take before it's no longer a single drop.
Got to see the car at IAAPA and can confirm, it looks amazing! The metallic glitter purple paint finish looks awesome in the light! I hope I get to do work for them so I can ride the coaster!
Best believe the maintenance team at this park is gonna be paid the big bucks lmao. Falcons flight, a gci, a relatively new/prototype model tilt coaster and a lot more
The thing that raises my eyebrows here is actually the interaction with the race track. Based on the visible F1 logos, it seems like Saudi goverment may seek to relocate the Saudi Arabia Grand Prix to this park once it's ready (or get another slot on the calendar, which seems absurd at this point). The animation shows the coaster passing directly over or very close to the track at multiple points. There's absolutely no way that the FIA will consider that to be legal, given the possibility of someone accidentally (or deliberately, this is F1 after all) dropping loose articles onto the track. There would have to some sort of safety barrier fully enclosing the coaster in these sections, or else it would have to shut down for the entire day (at least from when daily race track inspections begin) on any day that the race track is in use.
The plan is already in place to move the F1 track from Jeddah in 2027. I suspect the coaster will not be active during periods when cars are on the track, much like the Miami GP shuts down the gondolas during same periods.
This ride is like a spiritual successor to Steel Dragon 2000, which makes everyone losing their spaghetti over this ride hilarious when considering most people consider that to be the worst Giga (wrong).
Well it looks great, most likely will be great. However 95% of the people will never be able to experience this ride at least from the United States. The cost of going to and staying there would be to great for most enthusiast. I also do not see any other park in America doing anything near this scale of a ride. That is the most discouraging part for me. Thanks for the videos covering Falcons Flight.
Same here. and it sucks because this park is newer, so it won't have as many attendees than more popular US 6 Flags Parks. Lots of wasted potential there with that one, but they need to the land for it that's for damn sure.
Do I think this will be the best roller coaster in the world- NO, but it will be a one-of-a-kind experience and easily one of the most unique rides in the world, and it should be very good. And not to turn this into a political thing, but I only hope everyone is able to ride it. I have my doubts that will be the case.
Unfortunately, not everyone will be able to experience and enjoy this ride. Which is why I can’t get excited about all the news about it, even though I would love to do so. My family will not be able to travel there, and the whole thing is seriously bothering me.
Great video, as always. Life-long enthusiast, long time viewer, first time commenter. I think just one point of clarification which I’m glad you touched on is probably the most disappointing feature of the ride. Let me explain. So, correct me if I’m wrong, the “tallest” claim on the ride simply refers to the max height of the peak of the track to its lowest point of track…so not to the ground, or land or sea level, or whatever technicality is used. I ask because as an enthusiast, it’s pretty self explanatory when we hear the fastest and longest claim; if anyone has an issue deciphering those claims, well, you may need a little bit of help in general, with all due respect. Anyways, the 640 in my eyes, or whatever we classify as “tallest”, should mean the peak drop height and/or distance of the ride imo. With this logic, then a ride perched up near the earth’s atmosphere (sarcastic exaggeration btw) and technically make this claim? What comes to mind is that spinny, green thing that’s built at the top of a 900gt building if I recall correctly. Anyways, not important, but just thinking out loud. I get the closed circuit versus open when we think about other records in our time comparing rides like Dragster and let’s say Superman, for example. Sounds like exact specs aren’t shared yet for Falcon? Because I know you are super thorough and put in all the required due diligence to get your data and corroborate if, and it looks like you’re making your best guess on the height of the peak descent, after the small course run at the beginning of this epic 3 part ride. Yeah, not disappointed by any means, and if I do ever make it out there which I plan on, this will assuredly be on my Saudi to-do list, not to mention the WWE experience, but the hopes of my child like dreamy imagination really had me thinking this would be a 600 plus foot drop. I’m from Toronto, so I was already mentally picturing how that could potentially feel in terms of pure length of descent and that epic weightless floaty drop feeling when compared to, let’s say, Leviathan. And it would be more than double…by my incorrect logic though. Sooo… TLDR: Falcon will technically have the tallest peak height to its lowest height in the world, however, Kingda Ka will still have the highest vertical drop in the world at 420ft)!? - assuming the peak drop on Falcon is in the 300 plus range as you assumed in the video. That is all. Cheers mate!
I kinda hate this ride simply because it and the rest of Six Flags Qiddiya is just a big investment to distract tourists and the general public from how terrible the country is. I’m genuinely pissed because of how I have to risk getting trafficked in order to ride the world’s tallest coaster.
@jgd5ygdyhcr6 I'm just saying you could have thought about what it would feel like to *ride* a coaster that breaks EVERY record before posting ;) This isn't a game - it's a $100+ M investment that requires 10,000,000+ people to not only ride it, but enjoy it enough to buy merch and tell their friends to go. Particularly people who likely haven't been to multiple major North American or European coaster parks. Being as intense as possible isn't the point of Falcon's Flight.
@jgd5ygdyhcr6 We're talking about a very real coaster, not a concept though. Your OP says that this very real coaster should have been built to break every record. And that's what I responded to. Some coaster channels just spitball and throw crazy crap all over the wall. CS isn't one of them.
Sort of a random speculation thing, but the train that was revealed at Iaapa has a carbon fiber square ring behind the seats that pushes the air out and the trains in animations don’t have it so I think the other rows might not have the windshields in front of them.
I think I may forsee structural issues atop the cliff after a while. Similar to how kings dominion had structure issues of the mountain that volcano was built around.
I think the main problem with this coaster would be capacity. 14 to a train already isn’t good and it’s a really long ride which means they’ll need to send out enough trains at proper intervals so that they can keep their hourly capacity at a passable amount. It’s not easy, and if you mess it up, it leads to cars colliding with each other. I think they either need to make the trains longer or make them 4 seats wide like a B&M Giga. It’s very weird what they’re doing right now because the train design seems more similar to an intimate blitz, which is odd because those coasters tend to be pretty tight and low to the ground. It’s just odd is all.
You can fit Kingda Ka under this giant airtime hill and it still will be almost 50 foot higher than Kingda Ka, let that sink into you how tall this airtime hill is.
Where are the block zones on this thing going to be? I can see one before the launch up the cliff and another before the drop off the cliff, but the part after that is super long and fast and I don't see any opportunities to stop the trains safely. Seems like this is going to be pretty low capacity and wait times are going to be insane unless the park is pretty deserted.
8:15 - I think you will have a fair amount of airtime, and for long! Going over a hill like that that requires such speed means it takes longer to decelerate over and accelerate down even at 0g! So you’ll quite likely have a microgravity moment on that hill lol
I wonder if this park will be able to financially sustain itself. If not, then this ride would only be open for so long. At the same time, Riyadh's metro has around 8-9 million people in it, and Saudi Arabia as a whole has 38 million people. The former number is similar to that of Dallas's metro. I found something mentioning Over Texas has around 2.5 million people attending it per year. But as a newer park, Six Flags Saudi Arabia will take more time to reach such a number. Will it be enough for the park to break even? Perhaps time will tell.
Quiddiya is a giant state funded area with many attractions (including the Six Flags obviously). Running at a profit is probably not going to be that big of a concern. But there's not much competition for amusement parks in the middle east, so they will get plenty of people & tourists to visit.
The only thing I worry about is how rough this could get. While I am not bothered by roughness on WOODEN coasters, STEEL coasters are a different story (something I "sadly" know too well)
It’s going to be a capacity nightmare. Can’t imagine queue times. So, I feel that it’d be so much better if it was split into two different rides. The first 1/3, low to the ground, weird turns and airtime, more of a “normal” ride, for coaster #1. And gave the other 2/3s for coaster #2. Ride up the hill, do some tricks on the quarry. big drop and hill, and end with the two coasters dueling. It’s cool as hell, but too extra.
Just a personal guess. I think you’re gonna be surprised about the airtime on the giant hill but imagine a swing launch between the giant drop and hill!
Average May to Sept temp is 39 Deg C, with the hottest days hitting 45-50 Deg C. At which point this coaster will probably feel like a ride through a blast furnace. And possibly pose a danger (due to elevated heart rate) to people who are not in tip top physical shape. Personally I wouldn't even think of going there during summer, only from Nov to Feb where the temp, while still very warm (equivalent to a European or North American summer), should be at least bearable.
They didn't give any information about the Airtime hill at IAAPA, but I know from official information provided by the Qiddiya Plans for Falcon's Flight (CR1) & Sirocco Tower (CR2) Falcon's Flight: -Main Drop is 185m / 606ft Tall High at Cliff Face -Freestanding "Camelback" (Airtime Hill following the drop) is 162m / 530ft Tall Sirocco Tower -World Tallest Freestanding Drop Tower and Tallest Drop Tower stands at 145m / 475ft I also wanted to talk about "Spitfire" as that's also has been rumored to be the tallest, fastest, triple launched coaster.. will this break TopThrill2's record?
Might not wanna overlook the department of defense warning against travel to this part of the world . Not to mention this park is gonna be a target for terrorists.
With WHAT money????????? Dude, let's be real here, we can't even get a US park to build a giga anymore, and you want something not close to, but BIGGER????? Bro, it's never gonna happen.
Quick correction! Did you know that the wheels on Top Thrill 2 (also on display at IAAPA) are a full 6" longer in diameter than the wheels on Falcon's Flight? 22" vs 16"!
And that is concerning.
@@billchief397 i mean i guess, im no engineer tho the smart people know whats going on
I was gonna ask how they compared to TT2
I thought the wheel on TT2 were 20" (I hear 530mm on the reveal) that is massive too.
The maintenance on this thing will be on another dimension, good luck to the people who will work there.
wow I was at IAAPA all week as a vendor… walked right past this thing and had no idea this was for the new Saudi park
For all zero people who were wondering, Tobotronc, the world's longest alpine coaster, is still longer at 17,389 feet. Not arguing Falcon's Flight's record, it just still blows my mind there's an alpine coaster that's that long.
I think most people put alpine coasters in their own category. If you rank them with all of the longest coasters together, Steel Dragon barely makes the top 10.
Alpine coasters just don’t count as far as I’m concerned. They’re just so different than a standard roller coaster.
@@Lemonaidz7I agree! While Alpine Coasters are still Coasters, they're not of the "Roller" variety lol. I agree they both share the same principals but they're certainly different enough to be put into their own category
When they design an alpine coaster that has inversions I'll get excited.
Yeah, and 10 of the 18 minutes that ride takes is getting pulled up the hill 😂
There is only one word to describe this: unbelievable.
Can’t wait to see a POV of this thing once it’s done. I still feel like it’s a dream
It’s definitely fake
@@joelsytairo6338 ???
@@joelsytairo6338 check the update it's almost done
@@joelsytairo6338 Its not, you can check the website and they have already finished construction of falcons flight. You can also browse through a selection of construction photos and other photos of the park. Its definately real.
@@joelsytairo6338 its not fake. The works were completed this week!
I can remember seeing the first animation when this came out and I was just blown away and thought that it would never actually happen, but the fact that it’s now being built as we speak is insane to me. I can’t wait to see what it looks like once it’s done!!!!
I remember how much I loved Iron Rattler for its drop off the rock wall but this is on an an entirely different level.
8:39 "I wanna do it" The most taylor thing ever i love it XD
First off, the music in the animation is stellar!
I’ve seen a lot of comments of people saying this will be a boring coaster, but it looks like it will have several unique things going for it for those who will take the journey to ride.
The duration of the drops will feel like an eternity, especially the drop off the cliff which the video had at 10 seconds. Speed will just build and build and give you time to soak in the speed and views.
150+ miles per hour is fast in an open-air vehicle, and as someone who has pushed these speeds on a motorcycle, it is nothing short of exhilarating. The riders will get to feel this sense of speed without the risk of crashing, as well as a fair amount of lower triple-digit speeds through the rest of the layout.
Combine this with the proximity of the F1 track if the ride is operated during a race, and you have an experience that will likely never be replicated anywhere else! Real roller coaster world records will be broken once again, let’s go Intamin!
That stellar music is obvious temp music.
Possibly from "Red Sea" by Hans Zimmer for _Prince of Egypt_ (@ 3-minute mark) but it may be a motif elsewhere in the score.
@@overlookersI'm pretty Sure they hired a Composer to do it. It very much Sounds Like Sampled Instruments, very good sampled Instruments but it isn't Hans Zimmer live Quality.
In Addition to this there are many Composers that are better then the big movie composers at making small interesting Tracks vor this Type of Trailer music
By length, falcons flight is as long as steel dragon 2000 and desperado combined, which are the 9th and 1st longest rollercoasters at the moment
I feel like that cliff section is there to separate the trains so they can run 6 effectively without stacking them.
I'd hope so, because with only four cars to a train, id imagine capacity will be terrible
That plane ticket cost getting to the coaster when it opens finna go crazy 😂 but seriously it looks like a great ride that'll hopefully thrill and inspire generations of people in terms of amusement park engineering
Tickets to Saudi are kinda of cheap compared to a lot of the middle east. They're really big on attracting tourists but nobody wants to go there
Nobody besides the Saudis have billions of state dollars to just absolutely blow on stupid crazy theme parks and rides.
It is literally not fair competition...none of what they are doing has to make a profit to justify these stupid expenditures.
@@JakeDavidRobertsgee i wonder why nobody wants to visit Saudi Arabia
Everything after the camelback is giving me Dododonpa vibes, honestly. The first third of the ride is like Formula Rossa's finale. Sure, it'll be fun zipping through the final S-bends and wave turn at 100+ mph. But the turn radii are so huge that the Gs will feel underwhelming compared to Velocicoaster or I-305. This could feel like a steel version of The Beast - just substituting a double helix with a 300+ foot launched ascent.
@Studio732JRL Did you even watch the layout? It's almost entirely prolonged floater airtime, dude. Intamin clearly *held back* when profiling many of the elements. And the S-bends are so extremely drawn out they might as well be straight. Even if the second launch has a substantially higher acceleration than the first, I'm skeptical that it would be more intense than Lightning Rod's when it first opened.
Keep in mind this is NOT being built for North American and European enthusiasts. It's being built for Saudis and residents of surrounding countries who haven't been on anything more intense than Storm at the Dubai Mall and Formula Rossa. And those who've been on Formula Rossa are not getting those intense 4.5 G helices here. It's a very different experience that should be more friendly to a GP that hasn't ridden multiple top Intamins.
This will not only be the wildest coaster. But also one of the wildest experiences you can get on planet Earth, if this goes as planned.
Yeah being beheaded for being gay is a pretty wild experience!
This is actually a rollercoaster
@@chrisogrady28imma have to hide it for this one
@@chrisogrady28boy am I glad I can pass as straight.
@@chrisogrady28don’t care am going
I guess it will have 6-8 sec. of continuous floater airtime, which would be insane. On that big hill I would love to have perfect 0G.
Using Roller Coaster Tycoon Logic, that first "drop" is ~600 feet, since you never go 'up', the drop just gets less steep.
Also, I can't believe that something I would have made as a kid in RCT is becoming an actual thing
Feels like my wildest dreams of track building in roller coaster tycoon has finally come to life. This looks absolutely insane!
That camelback is literally the size of the St Louis arch, which somebody flew an airplane through once.
630 feet is crazy 😂
I'm curious about their contingency plan for rollbacks on that airtime hill. I'm sure it will have occasional faults that cause the LSMs to misfire or normal weather like you see with Kingda Ka. My guess is if they make a way for it to automatically self-rescue, it might have to launch backwards and possibly fast enough that it gets all the way back to the top of the cliff if it uses the momentum from the initial drop to help get to that top speed. If that's the case, that would make for one of the most epic rollback experiences ever
that straight track after the cliff drop are rumored to be for lsms. Possibly could be acceleration adjusted based on wind conditions.
@@fadbob_yes it will happen almost never but they still need a Back Up plan cause strong Winds can appear after the LSMs already launched
Even Rides Like Taron do Roll Back occasionally and taron Launches straight into a High Speed banked turn
@@limonscore The LSMs will likely extend into the valley as well so they could likely swing launch it over the Airtime hill should it roll back rather than having to take the train off the track.
The tunnel on the drop will have LSMs as the drop alone is not high enough to hit 155mph
I haven’t seen the Falcons Flight train with my own eyes but on camera the train looks absolutely massive! Also something I think is super cool is that at 9:20 it makes it look like you are racing the go carts and there is go cart track right below you!
After Millennium Force debuted, I naturally imagined a coaster over 400 feet. When Top Thrill Dragster opened I was psyched, but was a bit disappointed it wasnt a traditional coaster.
Since then I've been dreaming they would make something like this. I cant wait to book my flight to Riyadh.
I wonder how many coaster enthusiasts will go ride this thing, given the track record of the country who built it. I know I won’t be heading there any time soon.
I'm willing to risk my life for a coaster and I'm mentally unstable
It’s not about you. It’s about the country where it’s being built, and it’s lack of basic ethics when it comes specifically to human rights.
not gonna do it
Looks like a safe country
I just couldn’t morally go to Saudi Arabia. They’re such an evil country.
Did you see the 22" wheels on the TT2 trains, I was speechless on how big they were, they are the same size as a juvenile mountain bike. They are HUGE!
Those seem kind of ridiculous, honestly.
@@Spike-sk7ql they seem legitimately safe to prevent bearing burn out, I'm concerned that the wheels on Falcon's Flight may not be able to handle those super high speeds over the duration of the ride, and it would be spectacularly deadly should the wheels fail mid ride. The bearings on Ain Dubai failed last year and that wheel is down Indefinitely until they can figure out how to replace them, these are designed by the same company. Be afraid. Be very afraid.
@@BryanMark-mw8sz I'm pretty sure that the very smart guys that designed the wheels, have designed them with that in mind. The TT2 wheels make me think of driving around in the city and seeing a 1970 Chevelle sitting on 24" wheels with rubber band tires. Idk....there also doesn't look like there's much urethane, or nylon (speed wheels) around the TT2 wheels. One could say that maybe such a thin layer could possibly heat up too much? But again.... I'm sure the guys that designed those wheels took all of that into account.
@@Spike-sk7ql did they take that into account on Ain Dubai?
@@BryanMark-mw8sz I don't even know what that is, let alone what happened to be completely honest. Here's the thing though, the size of the wheel for the most part, doesn't mean anything about the bearings in the hub. There could be any bearing that will fit in either one of the wheels we are talking about. There could be a 12" diameter bearing in Falcons Flights wheels. There could be a 5" diameter bearing in it. There can't be a 16" bearing in it though. The bearings probably would be the last issue they have. Overheating maybe, but not because of the bearings, but because of the friction of the track and wheel.
Between the announcement for this and the rumors of six flags combining with cedar fair, we really should've paid more attention to the rumors people thought were ridiculous four years ago! 😂
If they can pull this off, it's going to be legendary just for the effort alone
You better get there opening day because that will be the only time you can count on riding it.
The Saudis care for mega projects, the climate and the sheer size of this will cause constant stretches of downtime. I can’t even ride Lightning Rod most trips to Dollywood, imagine flying all the way to a place like Saudi Arabia for something that has a 20% chance of being open.
So the tallest point on this coaster is the airtime hill and it's roughly 530 feet tall. The 640 feet of vertical difference stat is from the top of the cliff, to where it goes underground over near the race track near the end of the ride. With that logic, the Voyage might be a hyper coaster from the height of the lift hill to the underground portion at the end of the ride.
That seems to be the tallest point off the ground. I'm wondering if the drop off the wall has a larger elevation difference than that, from the top to where it bottoms out. Height of a coaster is usually determined by either height off the ground or elevation difference of the largest drop. Total elevation difference throughout the ride typically doesn't count. I heard that Banshee has a total elevation difference of over 200 ft due to terrain, but it's not considered to be a hyper or the tallest invert, since the low point comes several elements after the drop. I still find total elevation difference to be quite interesting.
@@OklahomaCoasterFan with that logic, I bet a mountain coaster in Europe is the tallest roller coaster in the world with the highest elevation change from the top of the drop to the bottom, since it's all one big drop hahaha
@@coastersandcosplays Good point. Maybe all the turns and helixes would disqualify it as one element. If so, I wonder how many moves it would take before it's no longer a single drop.
From this animation, the airtime hill looks way better than before. I'd say you'd get very strong and sustained floater the whole way down.
I think I'll wait for the version closer to home....
Whenever that is
i definitely have some concerns about reliability and safety. wouldn’t want a fury type of incident on that cliff hanging element
Got to see the car at IAAPA and can confirm, it looks amazing! The metallic glitter purple paint finish looks awesome in the light! I hope I get to do work for them so I can ride the coaster!
Best believe the maintenance team at this park is gonna be paid the big bucks lmao. Falcons flight, a gci, a relatively new/prototype model tilt coaster and a lot more
I'd bet more on forced labor. Because... reasons.
It's Saudi Arabia. They still have forced labor and modern slavery operating.
I can’t wait for ElToroRyan to analyze the operations and block zones
9:43...the blue coaster to the top left hand side, is that the S&S Axis?
@@CoasterStudios, yeah, I saw the Axis elements reveal, plus, the location. Thank you.
This coaster I feel is too ambitious.
It doesn't look that good tbh
It's not gonna happen at this scale
Yeah it’s gonna have SO many issues
@@NorCaliRailroading2023They’re already building it to that scale
@@cxllen9314Are you kidding? This thing looks absolutely insane.
I wonder if there would be any rollbacks on the massive airtime hill
The LSMs would have to go all the way to the bottom of the drop if that were the case then, right? Seems unlikely imo
@@scory22yea your right, in the review, the guy from Intamin said there will be LSM launch before it goes up the 🐪 back
I was iffy at first but the more I look at it, the more excited I am about it! It just looks wild.
I doubt that any other manufacturer would even attempt to build this, except intamin.
Wow! Seems awesome & something to be excited over......if you happen to live near the park.....in Saudi Arabia.
That giant airtime hill I’m sure will be the fan favorite moment
The thing that raises my eyebrows here is actually the interaction with the race track. Based on the visible F1 logos, it seems like Saudi goverment may seek to relocate the Saudi Arabia Grand Prix to this park once it's ready (or get another slot on the calendar, which seems absurd at this point). The animation shows the coaster passing directly over or very close to the track at multiple points. There's absolutely no way that the FIA will consider that to be legal, given the possibility of someone accidentally (or deliberately, this is F1 after all) dropping loose articles onto the track. There would have to some sort of safety barrier fully enclosing the coaster in these sections, or else it would have to shut down for the entire day (at least from when daily race track inspections begin) on any day that the race track is in use.
The plan is already in place to move the F1 track from Jeddah in 2027. I suspect the coaster will not be active during periods when cars are on the track, much like the Miami GP shuts down the gondolas during same periods.
This may hold all three records until the end of its life cycle.
Roller Coaster enthusiast AND formula 1 racing fan here. I will find a way to be there when this opens and a race is scheduled.
This ride is like a spiritual successor to Steel Dragon 2000, which makes everyone losing their spaghetti over this ride hilarious when considering most people consider that to be the worst Giga (wrong).
If it's record breaking and isn't in america, they will criticize the coaster and the country it's located to death
@@fadbob_ I mean that's probably better than criticizing a prince and getting bonesawed to death.
This looks like something you build in RCT3 or No Limits. I think I need to plan a trip to Saudi Arabia in the next few years
I wonder about the maintenance of that many LSMs with the sandstorms that will hit the park.
Yes, this will defiantly will be an ultimate in roller coaster world!
7:22 I think a 100mph mosasaurus role might dislocate your head from your body lol
Well it looks great, most likely will be great. However 95% of the people will never be able to experience this ride at least from the United States. The cost of going to and staying there would be to great for most enthusiast. I also do not see any other park in America doing anything near this scale of a ride. That is the most discouraging part for me. Thanks for the videos covering Falcons Flight.
Same here. and it sucks because this park is newer, so it won't have as many attendees than more popular US 6 Flags Parks. Lots of wasted potential there with that one, but they need to the land for it that's for damn sure.
I remember when the video of this first came out and the coaster community was like...naaaah this is ridiculously un real that'll never happen.....
that low to the ground turn after the huge hill is gonna put the huge turn after I305's drop to shame, at least it looks like it will
Do I think this will be the best roller coaster in the world- NO, but it will be a one-of-a-kind experience and easily one of the most unique rides in the world, and it should be very good. And not to turn this into a political thing, but I only hope everyone is able to ride it. I have my doubts that will be the case.
Unfortunately, not everyone will be able to experience and enjoy this ride. Which is why I can’t get excited about all the news about it, even though I would love to do so. My family will not be able to travel there, and the whole thing is seriously bothering me.
@@dianneketler7128 I pretty much agree with you. It is unfortunate.
Great video, as always. Life-long enthusiast, long time viewer, first time commenter. I think just one point of clarification which I’m glad you touched on is probably the most disappointing feature of the ride. Let me explain. So, correct me if I’m wrong, the “tallest” claim on the ride simply refers to the max height of the peak of the track to its lowest point of track…so not to the ground, or land or sea level, or whatever technicality is used. I ask because as an enthusiast, it’s pretty self explanatory when we hear the fastest and longest claim; if anyone has an issue deciphering those claims, well, you may need a little bit of help in general, with all due respect. Anyways, the 640 in my eyes, or whatever we classify as “tallest”, should mean the peak drop height and/or distance of the ride imo. With this logic, then a ride perched up near the earth’s atmosphere (sarcastic exaggeration btw) and technically make this claim? What comes to mind is that spinny, green thing that’s built at the top of a 900gt building if I recall correctly. Anyways, not important, but just thinking out loud. I get the closed circuit versus open when we think about other records in our time comparing rides like Dragster and let’s say Superman, for example. Sounds like exact specs aren’t shared yet for Falcon? Because I know you are super thorough and put in all the required due diligence to get your data and corroborate if, and it looks like you’re making your best guess on the height of the peak descent, after the small course run at the beginning of this epic 3 part ride. Yeah, not disappointed by any means, and if I do ever make it out there which I plan on, this will assuredly be on my Saudi to-do list, not to mention the WWE experience, but the hopes of my child like dreamy imagination really had me thinking this would be a 600 plus foot drop. I’m from Toronto, so I was already mentally picturing how that could potentially feel in terms of pure length of descent and that epic weightless floaty drop feeling when compared to, let’s say, Leviathan. And it would be more than double…by my incorrect logic though. Sooo…
TLDR: Falcon will technically have the tallest peak height to its lowest height in the world, however, Kingda Ka will still have the highest vertical drop in the world at 420ft)!? - assuming the peak drop on Falcon is in the 300 plus range as you assumed in the video. That is all. Cheers mate!
I kinda hate this ride simply because it and the rest of Six Flags Qiddiya is just a big investment to distract tourists and the general public from how terrible the country is. I’m genuinely pissed because of how I have to risk getting trafficked in order to ride the world’s tallest coaster.
bro TRAFFICKING? what does western media tell you guys about saudi bruh 💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀💀
How many on and off ride Head Choppers will there be?
Pause @ 9:40. That blue suspended coaster looks suspiciously like a Vekoma new gen or possibly a B&M?
looking to be a vekoma but after the seaworld's announcment of their B&M suspended coaster, could honesty be a b&m
RCT2 Scenario "Extreme heights" but its real.
In a way, that area on top of the mountain is the most interesting part IMO.
It's very unique.
I feel like they should've gone for every single coaster record there is with this thing. That would've been amazing
...Would you really want 15+ inversions on this monster though?
@brianfoss571 I mean it would've been interesting to see
@jgd5ygdyhcr6 I'm just saying you could have thought about what it would feel like to *ride* a coaster that breaks EVERY record before posting ;) This isn't a game - it's a $100+ M investment that requires 10,000,000+ people to not only ride it, but enjoy it enough to buy merch and tell their friends to go. Particularly people who likely haven't been to multiple major North American or European coaster parks. Being as intense as possible isn't the point of Falcon's Flight.
@brianfoss571 mate it's not that deep I was just thinking it would've been a fun idea
@jgd5ygdyhcr6 We're talking about a very real coaster, not a concept though. Your OP says that this very real coaster should have been built to break every record. And that's what I responded to. Some coaster channels just spitball and throw crazy crap all over the wall. CS isn't one of them.
Sort of a random speculation thing, but the train that was revealed at Iaapa has a carbon fiber square ring behind the seats that pushes the air out and the trains in animations don’t have it so I think the other rows might not have the windshields in front of them.
I think I may forsee structural issues atop the cliff after a while. Similar to how kings dominion had structure issues of the mountain that volcano was built around.
I think the main problem with this coaster would be capacity. 14 to a train already isn’t good and it’s a really long ride which means they’ll need to send out enough trains at proper intervals so that they can keep their hourly capacity at a passable amount. It’s not easy, and if you mess it up, it leads to cars colliding with each other. I think they either need to make the trains longer or make them 4 seats wide like a B&M Giga. It’s very weird what they’re doing right now because the train design seems more similar to an intimate blitz, which is odd because those coasters tend to be pretty tight and low to the ground. It’s just odd is all.
Absolutely insane!!!
Now this is what holiday world needed in 2024
I actually think the ride will be trimmed after the big airtime hill. Everything after the hill looks to small in comparison with the camelback
You can fit Kingda Ka under this giant airtime hill and it still will be almost 50 foot higher than Kingda Ka, let that sink into you how tall this airtime hill is.
This is the type of coaster that appears in your dream, and when you wake up, it just feels silly
The fact that this is ACTUALLY real is mindboggling. Hey guys? Remember when we laughed this whole project off the earth? well...
What is the height and speed of the alpine coaster?? Alpine coaster- is that a different category of coaster??
The stats for this thing seem impossible. For some reason I still don’t believe this will happen. Even though they’ve made the announcement
There are pics of the layout being around 70% built. The massive arch supports for the airtime hill are in place
@@fadbob_ Ye, I knew some of it was already being built. Part of me wonders how they are gonna maintain this thing at such high speeds
@@hazza_builds753 exactly, especially when we can't see any catwalks in these renderings
@@fadbob_ and also how much noise it’s gonna make. As it’s going round the entire park. You could hear that thing EVERYWHERE
Quick correction- 639.5 ft tall, and the airtime hill alone at 524 ft tall, can the alpine coaster beat that? With 156 mph speed?
Where are the block zones on this thing going to be? I can see one before the launch up the cliff and another before the drop off the cliff, but the part after that is super long and fast and I don't see any opportunities to stop the trains safely. Seems like this is going to be pretty low capacity and wait times are going to be insane unless the park is pretty deserted.
8:15 - I think you will have a fair amount of airtime, and for long! Going over a hill like that that requires such speed means it takes longer to decelerate over and accelerate down even at 0g! So you’ll quite likely have a microgravity moment on that hill lol
I wonder if this park will be able to financially sustain itself. If not, then this ride would only be open for so long.
At the same time, Riyadh's metro has around 8-9 million people in it, and Saudi Arabia as a whole has 38 million people. The former number is similar to that of Dallas's metro.
I found something mentioning Over Texas has around 2.5 million people attending it per year. But as a newer park, Six Flags Saudi Arabia will take more time to reach such a number. Will it be enough for the park to break even? Perhaps time will tell.
Quiddiya is a giant state funded area with many attractions (including the Six Flags obviously). Running at a profit is probably not going to be that big of a concern. But there's not much competition for amusement parks in the middle east, so they will get plenty of people & tourists to visit.
Would love to see tobotronc in person, what is the height and top speed of it? Now, let’s get one built at over 1,000 ft off the side of a mountain 👍
The only thing I worry about is how rough this could get. While I am not bothered by roughness on WOODEN coasters, STEEL coasters are a different story (something I "sadly" know too well)
It’s going to be a capacity nightmare. Can’t imagine queue times. So,
I feel that it’d be so much better if it was split into two different rides. The first 1/3, low to the ground, weird turns and airtime, more of a “normal” ride, for coaster #1. And gave the other 2/3s for coaster #2. Ride up the hill, do some tricks on the quarry. big drop and hill, and end with the two coasters dueling.
It’s cool as hell, but too extra.
Just a personal guess. I think you’re gonna be surprised about the airtime on the giant hill but imagine a swing launch between the giant drop and hill!
8:32 - friggin helicopters man 🚁
or just an elevator lol 🛗
I want to see a stall as big as that air time hill
With only 14 riders per car and a track that long, the wait time will be insane. It'd guess 10-12 hour wait times.
I hope they make a second one elsewhere because I can’t see myself going to Saudi Arabia just for six flags lol
Sick coaster
I’m currently trying to create a layout similar, but better than it on planet coaster for my re-envisioned Six Flags Great Adventure, wish me luck.
Average May to Sept temp is 39 Deg C, with the hottest days hitting 45-50 Deg C. At which point this coaster will probably feel like a ride through a blast furnace. And possibly pose a danger (due to elevated heart rate) to people who are not in tip top physical shape. Personally I wouldn't even think of going there during summer, only from Nov to Feb where the temp, while still very warm (equivalent to a European or North American summer), should be at least bearable.
Imagine hitting the brake run at 80mph 😅
As a Lebanese Christian, this is for sure the only reason I would go to saudi lol
Yeah the other launch coaster is an Intamin triple launch, I met the guy responsible for the launch system on it.
Are you planning on going to this park once it opens?
Omg they made my roller coaster tycoon creation a real ride 😮
ya known that once this is built other parks are going to one up it so this one coaster should spark a new gen of coasters
Queue line would be craaaaazy
9:16 Do Dodonpa vibes?
They didn't give any information about the Airtime hill at IAAPA, but I know from official information provided by the Qiddiya Plans for Falcon's Flight (CR1) & Sirocco Tower (CR2)
Falcon's Flight:
-Main Drop is 185m / 606ft Tall High at Cliff Face
-Freestanding "Camelback" (Airtime Hill following the drop) is 162m / 530ft Tall
Sirocco Tower
-World Tallest Freestanding Drop Tower and Tallest Drop Tower stands at 145m / 475ft
I also wanted to talk about "Spitfire" as that's also has been rumored to be the tallest, fastest, triple launched coaster.. will this break TopThrill2's record?
So what would be the top speed on Sirocco Tower.
Is Six Flags planning to build something similar in the US?
This looks like something I made in sandbox mode on rct3 lol
Let’s see top thrill 2 go to 700 ft- go top thrill. Is that gonna be built or what are they saying?
Might not wanna overlook the department of defense warning against travel to this part of the world . Not to mention this park is gonna be a target for terrorists.
i hope it has decent looking track. straight white might work for some but if ur gonna go all out, go ALL out.
Love the stealth clone
Hello again, its an inverted tophat, multi launch, with a spike
That drop is jank how the angle of decent changes mid drop. It looks straight out of RCT lol.
cedar point will helpfully pull a reverse six flags and copy this design in the US but make it a little bit taller and faster. W
Aren’t they merged now
With WHAT money????????? Dude, let's be real here, we can't even get a US park to build a giga anymore, and you want something not close to, but BIGGER????? Bro, it's never gonna happen.
Doesn't have the space, unless they go into the water.
@@animal5085 it was a joke guys