H.G. Chakravarthi Prabhu_SB-10.59.34-42_16.06.2024

  • Опубліковано 27 вер 2024
  • तं प्रविष्टं स्‍त्रियो वीक्ष्य नरवर्यं विमोहिता: ।
    मनसा वव्रिरेऽभीष्टं पतिं दैवोपसादितम् ॥ ३४ ॥
    tam praviṣṭaṁ striyo vīkṣya
    nara-varyaṁ vimohitāḥ
    manasā vavrire ’bhīṣṭaṁ
    patiṁ daivopasāditam
    tam - Him; praviṣṭam - entered; striyaḥ - the women; vīkṣya - seeing; nara - of men; varyam - the most excellent; vimohitāḥ - enchanted; manasā - in their minds; vavrire - chose; abhīṣṭam - desirable; patim - as their husband; daiva - by fate; upasāditam - brought.
    The women became enchanted when they saw that most excellent of males enter. In their minds they each accepted Him, who had been brought there by destiny, as their chosen husband.
    ŚB 10.59.38-39
    गत्वा सुरेन्द्रभवनं दत्त्वादित्यै च कुण्डले ।
    पूजितस्‍त्रिदशेन्द्रेण महेन्द्रय‍ाण्या च सप्रिय: ॥ ३८ ॥
    चोदितो भार्ययोत्पाट्य पारिजातं गरुत्मति ।
    आरोप्य सेन्द्रान् विबुधान् निर्जित्योपानयत्पुरम् ॥ ३९ ॥
    gatvā surendra-bhavanaṁ
    dattvādityai ca kuṇḍale
    pūjitas tridaśendreṇa
    mahendryāṇyā ca sa-priyaḥ
    codito bhāryayotpāṭya
    pārījātaṁ garutmati
    āropya sendrān vibudhān
    nirjityopānayat puram
    gatvā - going; sura - of the demigods; indra - of the King; bhavanam - to the abode; dattvā - giving; adityai - to Aditi, the mother of Indra; ca - and; kuṇḍale - her earrings; pūjitaḥ - worshiped; tridaśa - of the thirty (chief demigods); indreṇa - by the chief; mahā-indryāṇyā - by the wife of Lord Indra; ca - and; sa - together with; priyaḥ - His beloved (Queen Satyabhāmā); coditaḥ - urged; bhāryayā - by His wife; utpāṭya - uprooting; pārijātam - the pārijāta tree; garutmati - on Garuḍa; āropya - placing; sa-indrān - including Indra; vibudhān - the demigods; nirjitya - defeating; upānayat - He brought; puram - to His city.
    The Lord then went to the abode of Indra, the demigods’ king, and gave mother Aditi her earrings; there Indra and his wife worshiped Kṛṣṇa and His beloved consort Satyabhāmā. Then, at Satyabhāmā’s behest the Lord uprooted the heavenly pārijāta tree and put it on the back of Garuḍa. After defeating Indra and all the other demigods, Kṛṣṇa brought the pārijāta to His capital.
    ŚB 10.59.42
    अथो मुहूर्त एकस्मिन् नानागारेषु ता: स्‍त्रिय: ।
    यथोपयेमे भगवान् तावद् रूपधरोऽव्यय: ॥ ४२ ॥
    atho muhūrta ekasmin
    nānāgāreṣu tāḥ striyaḥ
    yathopayeme bhagavān
    tāvad-rūpa-dharo ’vyayaḥ
    atha u - and then; muhūrte - at the auspicious time; ekasmin - same; nānā - various; agāreṣu - in residences; tāḥ - those; striyaḥ - women; yathā - properly; upayeme - married; bhagavān - the Supreme Lord; tāvat - that many; rūpa - forms; dharaḥ - assuming; avyayaḥ - the imperishable one.
    Then the imperishable Supreme Personality, assuming a separate form for each bride, duly married all the princesses simultaneously, each in her own palace.
    As Śrīla Śrīdhara Svāmī explains, here the word yathā indicates that each marriage was duly performed. This means that the entire company of the Lord’s relatives, including His mother Devakī, appeared in each and every palace and attended each and every wedding. Since all these weddings took place simultaneously, this event was surely a manifestation of the Lord’s inconceivable potency.
    When Lord Kṛṣṇa does things, He does them in style. So it is not astonishing that the Lord simultaneously appeared in 16,100 wedding ceremonies taking place in 16,100 royal palaces, accompanied in each palace by all His relatives. Indeed, this is the way one would expect the Supreme Personality of Godhead to do things. After all, He is not an ordinary human being.
    Śrīla Śrīdhara Svāmī further explains that on this particular occasion the Lord manifested His original form in each of His palaces. In other words, to take part in the wedding vows, He manifested identical forms (prakāśa) in all the palaces.
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