Can a 5 watt amp handle a drummer? Tone King Gremlin Head

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @LivingroomGearDemos
    @LivingroomGearDemos  3 роки тому +3

    Stuff I use at Sweetwater:
    Stuff I use at Thomann:

  • @ROAMZ101
    @ROAMZ101 3 роки тому +50

    How you only have 92k subs is beyond me. Your content has fueled 90% of my gear purchases.

    • @LivingroomGearDemos
      @LivingroomGearDemos  3 роки тому +10

      Haha thanks! I guess my channel is sort of a niche within a niche. I guess a lot of guitarists prefer the more classic guitar stuff. Also, extremly good players seems to do better on the platform. Tim Pierce, Pete Thorn and Paul Davids for instance. Whilst my skills are more in the creative yard than with the guitar itself. I dunno, many factors I guess! I also hear a lot of people say it's very difficult to get to a 100K subs. After that it's easier to grow. That's what I've heard at least. Cheers man!

    • @ROAMZ101
      @ROAMZ101 3 роки тому

      @Living Room Gear Demos totally get that, must be the algorithm also.

    • @roar140
      @roar140 3 роки тому +1

      @@LivingroomGearDemos Man, it is never about the subs/views. Most popular UA-camrs are boring and lack creative content. I think you are total opposite. I understand you get paid less but man, I would rather watch you than 1 milion sub guys. Rock on!!!

    • @ClaudioMartella
      @ClaudioMartella 3 роки тому +1

      a lot of high subs channels have very clickbait-y titles. They would have titled this video "I FOUND THE BEST AND ULTIMATE BEDROOM AMP" without giving away the video is about the Gremlin before you click, which in the end drove me away from those channels. Please, never fall into that trap.

  • @CaevanOShite
    @CaevanOShite 3 роки тому +27

    You missed using the guitars volume-controls along with your "touch" for cleaner tones. The best way to use an amp like this is to turn the amp's volume up higher than you intend to play *MOST* of the time, and *THEN* roll-back your guitar's volume-knob and adjust your "touch" for clean tones- and then roll it back up to graduate through from clean-ish to mean to scream, then kick in a pedal for "Beam me up, Scotty!"

  • @jamesnelson1443
    @jamesnelson1443 Рік тому +2

    Gremlin is killer, LOVE MINE!!
    A keeper for life!

  • @aidenmohrmann1850
    @aidenmohrmann1850 3 роки тому +3

    I’ve seen some great reviews on the Imperial and the Gremlin, but the Falcon seems to have a lot more complaints. I can’t afford an imperial but I need to be able to play over a drummer. Thanks for the video!

  • @glennevans5824
    @glennevans5824 2 роки тому +1

    Great demo I just bought used the tone king gremlin In turquoise…no less…love it…I too had a falcon grande not imperial but the 20 watts even at home attenuated was too loud…..this is a better option..great job..🤙🏻

  • @ifm12345
    @ifm12345 3 роки тому +28

    The problem is not only the power of the guitar amp but also the quality of the drummer. A good drummer should know how to play at different volumes. I've seen too many drummers playing too loud.

    • @paulcowart3174
      @paulcowart3174 3 роки тому +2

      Amen Brother

    • @75YBA
      @75YBA 3 роки тому +6

      If it’s too loud, you’re too old.

    • @ifm12345
      @ifm12345 3 роки тому +4

      @@75YBA Let me guess... you are "one of those" drummers.

    • @djfedezaza
      @djfedezaza 2 роки тому +5

      If 5 watts are enough to play with a drummer, you are not playing rock and roll music (or your drummer sucks)

    • @ifm12345
      @ifm12345 2 роки тому +2

      @@djfedezaza Read my comment all the times you need to understand it.

  • @paulcowart3174
    @paulcowart3174 3 роки тому +3

    Yes I've had a Gremlin head for a few months now I'll over it so I ordered the last matching brown and tan 1/12 cabinet Just noticed you had the tube compliment wrong The heads ship with a 5881.... combos the KT66 So have you tried a 4/12 ?? Surprisingly loud Plenty loud for drummer and gigs Great demo my man Cheers

  • @cgavin1
    @cgavin1 5 місяців тому

    Been using a slightly modified 5F2A (same circuit) for years. I bumped up the filter caps on the output which tightens the bass response and dropped the cathode bypass cap on V1 down to 1uf or thereabouts which kills a lot of the gain, giving it ~60% clean headroom. 12" speaker (WGS G12Q) and it does almost all my small venue gigs with a drummer and vocals just fine. Unmic'd its fine in pubs and bars and mic'd with in-ears its w/e it needs to be. If you want cleaner cleans or more fidelity for the ambient stuff then more tubes and bigger transformers help.. but for most blues/indie stuff 5w is plenty.

  • @nickspitzley8539
    @nickspitzley8539 3 роки тому +14

    With a mic and a good live sound set up of course. Can a singer sing over drums? Then why should your amp have too?

    • @queenpurple8433
      @queenpurple8433 3 роки тому

      Totally different, so much more sound design goes into guitar tone and changes a lot, multiple times per song. You can’t figure out if the tone sounds good with the drums unless you can hear the amp. Unless you want to waste an unrealistic amount of time sound checking. Even then, who wants to go to the trouble to mic up their amp every time they practice?

  • @Glicksman1
    @Glicksman1 2 роки тому +14

    I once threw a 5-wtt amp at a drummer who was particularly annoying. It handled him fine.

  • @commandercorndoggakadvs3768
    @commandercorndoggakadvs3768 3 роки тому +1

    Loved the queens

  • @zakgott
    @zakgott 3 роки тому +3

    7:13 I had stank face hard. Epic tones and playing.

  • @marcelmurar717
    @marcelmurar717 Рік тому

    excellent review - thanks.

  • @TheDenVamps
    @TheDenVamps 2 роки тому

    Another amazing review, one of the best guitar channels on youtube with excellent song writing

  • @albertcurwood7282
    @albertcurwood7282 3 роки тому

    1:25 sounds like Snake and the Prairie dogs by Cavetown lols

  • @martinskanal
    @martinskanal 3 роки тому +1

    Låter asolutt Tip Top, denne ampen!!!! For dem som trenger mer headroom i en lav-Watt amp så anbefaler jeg å sjekke ut Swart STR Tremolo. Min absolutte favorittamp. Med 6L6 powertubes starter breakup betraktelig seinere når man skrur opp volumknotten...

  • @paulcowart3174
    @paulcowart3174 3 роки тому

    So I really wanted to ask if you like the speaker in the TK cab...I have a Mojo Tone 2/12 w old 73 Vox alnico gold's and that sounds really good too Had them match it w brown tolex to match Matches my 61 Princeton tremolo as well Might try a small stereo set up would be the TK 12 and the Fender 10 w tremolo Will be interesting Should have the TK cab by Monday Best wishes and great demo

  • @lucascardozo7656
    @lucascardozo7656 3 роки тому +2

    Amazing content! What amp would you sugest for a Josh Homme tone? (on a super really tight budget, and easy to find)

  • @TFL1984
    @TFL1984 3 роки тому

    What song at 5:35? It sounds so good!

  • @rickmoore7501
    @rickmoore7501 3 роки тому +1

    Great demo Eirik what was that first guitar you used in this video with the drummer, the tele style one?

  • @DaddyoftheMack
    @DaddyoftheMack 3 роки тому +1

    Do I go for a Gremlin combo or an Original Falcon combo? For home use only. Thanks

  • @slash196
    @slash196 3 роки тому

    What was that octaver pedal you were using with the momentary switching?

  • @HeathWatts
    @HeathWatts 15 днів тому

    Was the drummer playing at normal gig level (loud) or was the drummer playing quieter than gig level?
    It seemed that your guitar didn't cut through well.

  • @jixxxxer17
    @jixxxxer17 3 роки тому +3

    Big Question, where are these Tone Kings made ? It's just amazing to me that when you go on the big online stores like Sweetwater or GC they never tell you in the product listing where it's made, I mean come on it's one of the most important factors in buying decisions . Peace !

    • @LivingroomGearDemos
      @LivingroomGearDemos  3 роки тому +1

      From what I understand it's made in US.

    • @jixxxxer17
      @jixxxxer17 3 роки тому

      @@LivingroomGearDemos Thanks !

    • @jimcamp2423
      @jimcamp2423 3 роки тому

      Baltimore, MD, USA.

    • @maseratination
      @maseratination 3 роки тому +3

      Yup Handwired in the USA, I just ordered one scheduled to arrive in Q1/Q2 2022! in communist 🇨🇦. You can thank Joe Biden for the delay.

  • @saturnskull1242
    @saturnskull1242 3 роки тому +1

    Great video man! I think one could use it as a preamp plugged either into an fx return or into power in (I think you mentioned the latter) but even into the input of solid state perhaps just to push the preamp section and give that tube feeling!

  • @georgesmile13
    @georgesmile13 3 роки тому +1

    Hey Eirik, can you suggest any budget-friendly models with the same specs ( abilities) for bedroom warriors with strict neighbors? thanks a lot.

    • @LivingroomGearDemos
      @LivingroomGearDemos  3 роки тому +1

      Hey George! Katana maybe?

    • @georgesmile13
      @georgesmile13 3 роки тому

      @@LivingroomGearDemos Thanks for the response & recommendation, I'll keep that in mind.

    • @klee_of_c8082
      @klee_of_c8082 3 роки тому

      “Strict neighbors!” That gave me a chuckle.

  • @75YBA
    @75YBA 3 роки тому +3

    You forget that with a bass player and/or another guitar player, 5 Watts isn’t gonna keep up. My old drummer had a 70’s Vista kit w/ a 26” kick….

  • @xhamilton91x
    @xhamilton91x 3 роки тому

    5 tube watts is just enough for a drummer? Especially how about a pearl traveler set? Would a 1 watt be enough for that?

  • @mantashaft
    @mantashaft 3 роки тому


  • @nitrogennick123
    @nitrogennick123 3 роки тому

    What modulation pedal did you use? Sounded great!

  • @PooNinja
    @PooNinja 3 роки тому

    Tonekingtone isn’t that a place in Utah?? A place that sounds awesome no matter what you play. 🤘🏽

  • @elijahawkins
    @elijahawkins 3 роки тому

    I own an Imperial because of your videos! Why'd you get rid of yours???

    • @LivingroomGearDemos
      @LivingroomGearDemos  3 роки тому +1

      because I'm stupid

    • @LivingroomGearDemos
      @LivingroomGearDemos  3 роки тому +1

      and I was broke

    • @ClaudioMartella
      @ClaudioMartella 3 роки тому +1

      @@LivingroomGearDemos would you say the imperial is playable at bedroom levels with engaging the attenuator and setting the volume to edge of breakup?

    • @BenStolz
      @BenStolz 3 роки тому +2

      @@ClaudioMartella yeah man - the 36dB attenuation is a lot. You could have a conversation over it.

    • @glennevans5824
      @glennevans5824 2 роки тому +2

      @@ClaudioMartella …no it’ll be too loud..I owned a tone king falcon grande 20 watts thought the same just way too loud even at lowest attenuation…so I got the gremlin after selling at a loss the grande…but that I expected ..I learned go with the gremlin which I have now…5 watts with attenuation much much better…for home use..hope this helped ..Glenn🤙🏻

  • @JacobH93
    @JacobH93 3 роки тому +1

    Sounds like a sweet little amp! I think for me personally I’d still want something with a little more headroom. But I’d like to have a tone king in the 20-30 watt range someday!

    • @napomania
      @napomania 2 роки тому

      For more headroom pick a deluxe reverb at full volume

  • @sebydipi
    @sebydipi 3 роки тому

    question: it has an attenuator, can you use it only line out without a cab? (probably no)

    • @LivingroomGearDemos
      @LivingroomGearDemos  3 роки тому +1

      good question. Not sure, need to check.

    • @paulcowart3174
      @paulcowart3174 3 роки тому +1

      I haven't tried it yet either but probably w a combo it would but thinking a head no

  • @ahhoiboy
    @ahhoiboy 2 роки тому

    Tweed sound is where it is at.

  • @nitrogennick123
    @nitrogennick123 3 роки тому +7

    Sweet sounding amp! Feel like it wasn't enough for playing with drummer though.

    • @peachmelba1000
      @peachmelba1000 3 роки тому +1

      Agreed. I think a loud bass guitar would completely swallow it up.

    • @jessemaes1990
      @jessemaes1990 3 роки тому +4

      I have to disagree. I own the combo version and it's my main amp for rehearsals. No problem at all.

    • @mossstephen1066
      @mossstephen1066 3 роки тому +2

      Think you have to own it and try it to know, and of course depends on how loud your band is! I have a different 5w class A amp that is loud enough to jam with easy. I have a 20w tube amp that doesn't sound any louder.

    • @paulcowart3174
      @paulcowart3174 3 роки тому

      Really depends on the circuit I'm thinking M Bartel made these really good and think took this into consideration With a drummer that has no dynamics and just slams all the time No Way But roots rock or blue's this thing is good to go I've tried it w 4/12's and unbelievable loud

  • @Rwtheking
    @Rwtheking 2 роки тому

    I think it’s better to compare this amp to the fender champ than the imperial. It’s a similar tone but it’s less complex and less powerful like how the champ is less powerful and complex than the Princeton.

  • @jburdsinfuse
    @jburdsinfuse 2 роки тому

    The tones and info are always great…but live players knew the answer before the video started. With PAs and silent stages, the gigging world has evolved, but 5w is always going to be a practice or recording amp unless it has some help.

    • @Coolbeans1492
      @Coolbeans1492 Рік тому

      Its not a question of volume. With the right speaker you can push 100-110 db w 5 watts no problem. W pa’s too it makes gigging w 5 watts no issue. The issue is head room. Generally if youre doing that you dont need a clean sound, and you might have one pedal but the rest of the sound is the amp. If you want a loud clean tone then you need 20+ watts which adds 6 dbs which is enough to be perceived as double the volume.

    • @jburdsinfuse
      @jburdsinfuse Рік тому +1

      ​@@Coolbeans1492 you said it...unless you need headroom. I depend on dynamics in my playing. Both how hard I hit my strings, and how the effects blend. 5W just doesn't get it done.

    • @Coolbeans1492
      @Coolbeans1492 Рік тому

      @@jburdsinfuse for sure. To play w dynamics and pedals you need at least 15 watts.

  • @djfedezaza
    @djfedezaza 2 роки тому

    Great Little amp, definetely not enough to play with a drummer tho!

  • @Paul_Lenard_Ewing
    @Paul_Lenard_Ewing 3 роки тому +3

    I am 74 with years of experience. The power from any amp may be fine standing in from of the amp but standing in the center of a club at the gig even a 30 watt tube amp will become dwarfed by the drums. The ideal is a 50 watt tube amp and add an attenuator. Odds are you will not use less than 2/3 of the power. Not having enough power can be a very expensive mistake.

    • @paulcowart3174
      @paulcowart3174 3 роки тому

      Well good reason to drop a SM58 in front and put a touch out front but I agree with you especially if you're playing with multiple members getting drowned out is definitely an issue Hope all's well Paul

    • @Paul_Lenard_Ewing
      @Paul_Lenard_Ewing 3 роки тому

      @@paulcowart3174 A mic in front of an amp and a sound man I do not know? LOL, LOL and LOL.
      The last time I agreed to that I opened for Rush when I was in the UK Prog Rock band Tallis. But it was not an option. :-)

  • @jacobthomas2756
    @jacobthomas2756 3 роки тому +3

    Best sounding amp I've owned. But not loud enough for a rock drummer. If that's what you need, look for a cheap Siverface bassman.

    • @jacobthomas2756
      @jacobthomas2756 3 роки тому

      This is the first amp that truly made me enjoy the sound of humbuckers. Best dirt sound ever and it's so much thicker sounding IRL. If it was 20 - 30w with an fx loop it would be unbeatable. I plan on selling this and my matchless to buy a tone king falcon grande. Using a volume pedal with smeal one of these is fuckin dope

    • @paulcowart3174
      @paulcowart3174 3 роки тому

      Have you tried it w a 4/12 cab yet Plenty loud but haven't jammed it out w a drummer yet But I play blues and roots rock nothing slamming like I used too But it's LOUD w a Marshall cab

    • @paulcowart3174
      @paulcowart3174 3 роки тому

      @@jacobthomas2756 Yeah I was waiting on a FG from Sweet Water but turns out nothing till December they said So I picked up an old brown 61 Princeton tremolo Sounds so good But I have plenty of 30 - 50 watt combos.... Silvertone..Ampeg... Marshall a 100 watt Tonemaster from the 90's so have volume covered

  • @mattgilbert7347
    @mattgilbert7347 3 роки тому +3

    These Tone King amps are so sweet - and so damn expensive.
    I will have to stick with my cheapie, totally decent MIC Champ clone.
    Iron Man 2 has the best feature: Justin Hammer.

  • @salzulli6290
    @salzulli6290 3 роки тому +1

    As far as with a drummer, I think it only really would hold up as a rhythm guitarist, as it's just loud enough to hear it, but it's still quiet enough to not flood the mix, especially during someone else's solo.

    • @aronhallam6449
      @aronhallam6449 3 роки тому +1

      And obviously only really dirty, although that is where it excels anyway.

  • @DallasGunther
    @DallasGunther 2 роки тому

    If the drummer can be tactful and not beat the b'jesus out of the drum kit then yes, I've got a couple of 5 watt amps that I can jam with a drummer.

  • @justinpatalsky1
    @justinpatalsky1 3 роки тому +1
