The Inbetweeners Movie Destroyed Neil's Character



  • @crusherm3316
    @crusherm3316 2 роки тому +350

    I feel like Jay influenced Neil in this regard

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому +71

      Yeah, Jay might have inadvertedly turned Neil into the kind of person Jay was only pretending to be.

  • @Granticus
    @Granticus 2 роки тому +317

    I'll be honest, I don't really see how this movie destroyed Neil's character. I thought he was great throughout the entire film personally. If anything I'd say Simon had it worse since he generally was a twat throughout the entire film and that scene when him and Lucy were in the sea together in which they were just about to kiss, Simon recognises Carli and does the stupid thing to go after her. But for me, Neil was portrayed as a dumb character in a very comedic point of view that didn't know how to keep a steady relationship. As for Simon, his was just done very very poorly.

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому +36

      Simon definitely had stupid moments, but you need to consider the flow of the film. That moment where he chases after Carli at the beach at night is sort of post-Complication, pre-Climax. It's the point where the heroes of a story are meant to be at their lowest, where they're meant to make their biggest mistakes. This is so that they can work everything out in the climax and have a fitting ending where they learn something - which Simon does. He gets over Carli and realises he should have chosen the girl that actually liked him for who he was.
      Neil however has his climactic, developmental moment wasted on the scene I discuss in the video. I know this is Neil we're talking about here, so none of us are expecting a total turn-around into being a super-caring, tender nice guy. But in this act of the film where the rest of the guys are rising out of the pits they built for themselves and finding happiness, Neil just acts like a creepy arsehole, and the film rewards him for it. Not only is it incredibly out of character, it's a wasted opportunity to make more of a character out of him and treat him like he's really one of the boys and a character we all love, rather than a fucking jester.
      Cheers for watching, I apprecitate the comment and the disagreement. Glad that people are engaging with their own thoughts on the matter, shows that we all still care about the show enough to discuss it in-depth beyond the comedic parts.

    • @deliciousmilkman2148
      @deliciousmilkman2148 2 роки тому

      @@dennigalla i think you're talking shite

    • @CallumEder
      @CallumEder 2 роки тому +5

      @@dennigalla In a sense, yes, it's very out of character for Neil but as some others have commented, Neil has spent three seasons idolizing Jay. Not only does he listen to Jay's crap advice about girls, but his stupidity also kept him from fully understanding that Jay's waffle is exactly that, waffle. So perhaps this scene is Neil finally taking Jay's admittedly shit advice to try and pull a girl he really likes.
      Additionally, during the film's credits, we see Neil and his new girlfriend almost bump into the girl he has cheated on from home and Neil makes the pair run away. This makes it clear that Neil didn't think this through and his stupidity has shown its face, as usual, only this time, because his stupidity led him to do something stupid and bad, he's being punished with being caught, rather than rewarded like we've always seen in the show.
      Interesting video though. Nice to see this show being given this much thought. Much deeper show than many give it credit for, part of what makes it so iconic I think.

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому +3

      @@CallumEder It's interesting how deep this rabbit hole can go, for sure. When I was putting this video together I didn't give it a really deep level of consideration - though I wish I had considering this video has blown up to a crazy degree. It makes total sense that Neil would be taking cues from Jay with how to get girls, absolutely. I never thought of that. I still think that Neil's behaviour with Lisa in that scene runs really counter to his usual characterisation though, I don't think anything can change that in my mind. Even if he does get rumbled in the end, it doesn't really undo what happened before.
      And I agree about the show having more depth than people give it credit for. I've got a lot of comments slagging me off, which I've enjoyed reading through greatly haha. But it does frustrate me when people want to overlook this because it's not the kind of show that deserves any thought towards beyond its surface level content when it quite clearly is, at times. Cheers for watching.

  • @lepreconvict3606
    @lepreconvict3606 2 роки тому +76

    I think Neil doing this just emphasises the fact that even the nicest people on the planet can do bad things. Especially when they're young. Things they'll regret later in life and make sure to never do again. I don't think it destroyed his character, I think it added something to it.
    However, the 2nd movie destroyed EVERYTHING!!!
    They need to make a 3rd movie. A redemption must be made.

    • @Tom-ci4wn
      @Tom-ci4wn 2 роки тому +2

      I think they did do a 3rd movie but it was shit so they didn’t show it again

    • @rocharoch
      @rocharoch 2 роки тому

      Did they actually try to make a third?

    • @79MH
      @79MH 2 роки тому +4

      @@Tom-ci4wn no that’s not true there’s never been a 3rd film, only a reunion show with Jimmy carr

    • @dylanwyatt-brown3624
      @dylanwyatt-brown3624 2 роки тому +1

      @@rocharoch imo they should and they should go with something like American wedding where one of them gets married take your pick who but its the only logical way how I their 30s they could get together again.

  • @lukeanderson6669
    @lukeanderson6669 2 роки тому +84

    Idk considering he got the most action out of all of the main characters during the show it’s not hard to believe that he can say what he needs to say when he needs too. Especially since they are a little bit older and more developed in the film.

  • @MovieSketch
    @MovieSketch 2 роки тому +38

    I never thought of it like this. Really good video, the world needs more Inbetweeners video essays!

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому

      Cheers for watching man, and subscribing, I'm honoured haha. I think there is a whole lot of untapped potential for discussion on The Inbetweeners, yeah. Jay in particular has depth that I think gets kind of overlooked.

    • @MovieSketch
      @MovieSketch 2 роки тому +2

      @@dennigalla absolutely, there's more under the surface than it seems. Keep making content, I know how difficult it is to just keep at it. I mean... I've made 7 videos in 4 years haha

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому +1

      @@MovieSketch As soon as Uni finishes up I'll try and crank out a bunch. Don't you stop either, your Little Miss Sunshine video is a light in the darkness. I'd like to make a similar video talking about my mental health and how it relates to one of my favourite films soon.

    • @MovieSketch
      @MovieSketch 2 роки тому

      @@dennigalla Thanks, I think you'll find making that video quite therapeutic

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому

      @@MovieSketch Yeah, you're probably right. Though a spike up the arse would be therapeutic compared to my current degree.

  • @LexVanguard2004
    @LexVanguard2004 2 роки тому +28

    I didn't even notice he said that, you're right, it goes completely counter to his established character.

  • @darkman2807
    @darkman2807 2 роки тому +37

    She could've said "Your dancings incredible" or something to further pin them as meant to be and just had Neil snog her end scene.. Its her saying "is that true" that fucks it up. Just shoddy writing. It does destroy his character slightly but only if you think about it too much! Video was good, on point

  • @Cranndaddy
    @Cranndaddy 2 роки тому +29

    A fantastic personification of the entire feel of the films in my opinion. No real loyalty to it’s own story - especially in number 2. The entire vibe was just off wasn’t it.

  • @TheOldBlackShuckyDog
    @TheOldBlackShuckyDog 2 роки тому +24

    Tbh I completely forgot about that scene, the more I think about it I agree it is a weird addition. But I have no trouble chalking it up to a rare mistake from either the writers or from Neil as a character himself, he’s young people make mistakes.

  • @scottburton9741
    @scottburton9741 2 роки тому +3

    "In the interest of avoiding click bait..."
    *that's it, I'm subscribed*

  • @benbastianiartmusic1421
    @benbastianiartmusic1421 2 роки тому +16

    Yes, I noticed this as well, even the first time I watched it. It's out of character and makes him seem slimy rather than someone who just doesn't think.

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому +2

      Bang on the money. Cheers for watching.

  • @aj3852
    @aj3852 2 роки тому +4

    Tell you what mate I need more videos like these , analysing tv shows and movies , so far I’ve watched this video and your Wallace and gromit one and I’m hooked , can’t wait for more mate

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому +3

      Thank you very much, man. Hope you like the rest of the channel. More videos coming very soon.

    • @aj3852
      @aj3852 2 роки тому +1

      @@dennigalla can’t wait

  • @surgeland9084
    @surgeland9084 2 роки тому +107

    The other problem is that the movies legitimately hate women. The series mocks the main cast and their misogyny. When they treat women poorly, they are punished throughout all three seasons. Like when Jay treats his girlfriend with respect, he has a happy relationship and it is only when he starts hassling her and not listening that they break up. Likewise, Neil listens to the women he hits on and he genuinely makes them fell good. But in the movies―like here―the four of them are rewarded for treating women like dirt and it just kind of ruins an integral dynamic of the characters.

    • @Jake-d8d
      @Jake-d8d 2 роки тому +6

      To be fair, they are all rightly dumped by the sequel, with Jay's pining/vulnerability being a key plot point

    • @mankytoes
      @mankytoes 2 роки тому

      I think that only really applies to Simon, who is a complete dick to that girl, who completely nonsensically falls for him. The second film does the right thing by portraying her as borderline insane, because that's the only way to justify her behaviour.
      Jay is a wanker, but he doesn't get rewarded for that; he only gets rewarded when he has a genuine change of heart.

    • @surgeland9084
      @surgeland9084 2 роки тому +3

      @@mankytoes Jay is an interesting case but I would still point to Neil as an example of the same thing. The entire portrayal of Simon's girlfriend was a problem and it should have been rewritten. In both films the writing there comes across as misogynistic.

    • @starman9933
      @starman9933 2 роки тому +5

      @@surgeland9084 you ever met a teenage boy? Its realistic.

    • @surgeland9084
      @surgeland9084 2 роки тому +11

      @@starman9933 I was one. It is realistic, but consequences would make it even more realistic because that's how teenage boys become adults: by learning from their embarrassing mistakes.

  • @ao4698
    @ao4698 2 роки тому +8

    Let’s be honest, the whole film was a bit iffy with all their characters

  • @MyJoshishere
    @MyJoshishere 2 роки тому +16

    Yeah I thought the same. But he does make up for it with his life advice he gives to Will about making the best of things.
    "I stopped believing in God when I realised it was just Dog spelt backwards"

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому +1

      Aye, he's got a brilliant carefree-ness about him. The perfect person for a worrier like Will to play off.

  • @rustywrench500
    @rustywrench500 2 роки тому +10

    I truly believe that this can be boiled down to character development for each individual character, if they stayed exactly the same way they were in the series it would be a bit predictable and lack luster seeing as the main theme of the movie is the guy's moving on with their lives and becoming essentially different people from the past, this is just basically character progression in a nutshell even though it might not be satisfactory to some people.

  • @physixz5732
    @physixz5732 2 роки тому +11

    I didn't even realise he was lying; I thought she actually had dumped him, do we know conclusively either way? If not then its definitely a dick move by him, and against his normal character for sure.
    Thanks for the video.

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому +13

      That's what I thought the first time too. Maybe there were multiple cuts sent to theatres or something.
      A little more proof I never put in this video is in the mid-credits scenes: Neil's girlfriend is waiting on him at the airport and he runs away from her with Lisa. Dick move, aye.
      Cheers for watching.

  • @MichSciFi10
    @MichSciFi10 11 місяців тому

    I am so glad I found this video! This scene always really rubbed me the wrong way!
    Cuz when Nicole shows up at the end, I was so confused! it’s like, why the fuck does he do that? 😟

  • @miccul
    @miccul 2 роки тому +2

    Didn't expect to hear i-ninja soundtrack in a Inbetweeners video wow - not complaining, what a nostalgia hit

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому +1

      Had a few people saying this, and I'm glad to hear it. Great game, great soundtrack.

  • @kxtie3298
    @kxtie3298 2 роки тому +7

    At the end when they arrive back at the airport, neils girlfriend is there and he runs away with the girl he met

  • @seagull8415
    @seagull8415 2 роки тому +3

    Agreed, Neil came of as a scumbag in the movie.

  • @lamondlense
    @lamondlense 2 роки тому +4

    I think that the second movie completely destroyed his character as he got to Patrick star levels of stupidity

  • @BrandonTheOverthinker
    @BrandonTheOverthinker 2 роки тому +5

    I can agree but the movie is still great in my opinion and I also agree that the Mr. Gilbert scene is brilliant and should've definitely been kept in the final cut.

  • @TheNathanNS
    @TheNathanNS 2 роки тому +2

    The only complaint I have with this is, throughout the series, it's shown that Neil does not really care for relationships, like Will and Simon do, Neil seems to prefer casual hookups and gets off with a lot of girls that appear once and never again (the punk girl from the caravan, Kerry after Will upset her, Charlotte, and a girl at Jay's party), even in the first film he gets off with that old woman who's old enough to be his nan, so to me it's entirely in character for him to go for a quick hookup with Lisa as he doesn't take relationships seriously

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому

      Hey man. You're totally bang on with this. It's just that my issue is with Neil being a creative, intelligent liar, not a moral statement about his treatment of women haha.

  • @anoctoberdaybreak3365
    @anoctoberdaybreak3365 2 роки тому +12

    You're completely right. It's a weirdly mean spirited moment that felt like it belonged in the second film, which I've always found mean spirited and a awful send off to the characters.
    I loathed Inbetweeners 2

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому +8

      I really wasn't into the second film either. Totally unneccesary and built up to nothing. It was still funny, but they shouldn't have made it.

    • @anoctoberdaybreak3365
      @anoctoberdaybreak3365 2 роки тому +1

      @@dennigalla I just felt like the writers had so much disdain for the characters when writing it and the characters didn't really deserve the shit they get put through in it.

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому +8

      @@anoctoberdaybreak3365 There's just no way to make an Inbetweeners movie where they all have girlfriends and are more confident people all around so they had to undo all of the development from the first movie to turn them into gormless rejects all over again. It undid the sense that the first film gave us that these guys were improving as people and just gave us goofy/awkward hijinks again. Because that's what people wanted, right?

    • @anoctoberdaybreak3365
      @anoctoberdaybreak3365 2 роки тому +1

      @@dennigalla yep! It just sucked because I got invested in all four of them as characters in the franchise since nearly the beginning.

    • @chazgrahem5130
      @chazgrahem5130 2 роки тому +1

      With the second film it may have been mean spirited in many aspects but I feel it fit the original series tone. As the point was that this set of characters are the inbetweeners never on top of anything, so to have an ending in the first movie be so American in my opinion didn’t really fit. While the second film has its issues in the first half did what the original show did have these characters deal with the reality of life with everyone going some what their own way with uni and having these honeymoon romances not work out due to pretty realistic reasons it was very idealistic which goes against the realistic route the original show went down. Great video by the way!
      Quick edit just to say I agree the first film was the much nicer send off and overall a much better film, was just pointing that it was abit to idealistic.

  • @Tom-ci4wn
    @Tom-ci4wn 2 роки тому +5

    No I don’t think it does ruin his character. It may be a little out of character but I think it was executed in a way that went along with his character. Just floating through life and doing things as they come like in this scene a situation where lying in that way was necessary to him so he went with it.

  • @officialwillieg2001
    @officialwillieg2001 2 роки тому +4

    I haven’t seen the series or films in so long. This was a good video, very interesting👍

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому +2

      Glad you enjoyed it mate, cheers.

  • @MrValeska
    @MrValeska 2 роки тому +16

    Smashing video right here. I never even realised he spoke those 3 words. Until I watched this I didn’t think much of the scene, now I think I will drop my score for the film down to a 9… as you say in the video they handled the other 3 perfectly

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому +1

      Cheers man. I hate the idea of talking people out of loving something so I'm glad you still rate it so highly. I love the movie too, I think it was the perfect way to cap off the series, I just had to get this off my chest. Cheers for watching.

  • @Zoronita
    @Zoronita Рік тому +1

    Lol I never even noticed this, I would have assumed him saying 'if you like' was just his typical dumb naivety, like when he says he does things 'for a treat'. I don't think he lied about his girlfriend dumping him either, to me it just came across as him being daft and naive and not really taking life seriously.

  • @deusvultpictures6550
    @deusvultpictures6550 2 роки тому +3

    Never considered this, great vid. Please do more Inbetweeners analysis

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому

      I appreciate it man, but honestly I don't know what other analysis I could really do.

    • @deusvultpictures6550
      @deusvultpictures6550 2 роки тому

      @@dennigalla Maybe something on each of the archetypes of the four lads perhaps or whether the portrayal of young men's coming of age portrayed in the inbetweeners is still relevant today (I personally think it is)

  • @brandondixon7192
    @brandondixon7192 2 роки тому +3

    To be fair I do agree always had a weird feeling about this scene and how Neil was written in it, nail hit on the head with this one

  • @ciaranmcloughlin7165
    @ciaranmcloughlin7165 2 роки тому +4

    The movie was almost perfect for fans. If they just cut out that last line, it probably would've been fine.

  • @georgemather9082
    @georgemather9082 Рік тому +1

    Thing is, Neil is not as stupid as he seems. He acts dumb, but he actually get through life the easiest out of all of them.

  • @CMDParodies
    @CMDParodies 2 роки тому +6

    I don't know why there are so many salty people in the comments, personally I think Neil's character was turned into a vessel for bad jokes that the audience could just point and laugh at. And as for Inbetweeners 2, that should never have happened. It felt like the writers were forced to create it and had resentment which seeped through into the final product.

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому +1

      They did him dirty in the movies, 100%. I don't think any of us were expecting any colossal character development for Neil but they still managed to disrespect him and turn him from an idiot into an arsehole. Also, I'm totally fine with people leaving salty comments, it's all part of the process haha.

  • @alangiles2763
    @alangiles2763 2 роки тому +38

    I might be totally wrong here, but I know in soaps, for example, if an actor feels his character is acting out of character, they often go to the producer and say so. The fact Blake/Neil (who was my joint favourite character - Simon was the other) didn't and is apparently the one of the quartet who seems less anxious to play "Neil" characters now, perhaps he wanted a less pleasant aspect of the character shown to kill a little of the affection shown to Neil?. For me, he was always that happy-go-lucky, essentially kind and fair lad, who was always looked down on a bit (even by his own dad - and while we are here, how come Mr. Sutherland managed to produce a son so unlike himself? - perhaps it was Neil rebelling?), yet in many ways he had qualities the others didn't have. Jay worked for his dad, but Neil was the one who got a job at Asda, then at Thorpe Park. We assume neither Simon or Will had to, or wanted to get weekend jobs. Neil was one of those good natured and helpful lads who really do have Saturday jobs, a nice down to earth bloke. I can;t imagine why they included this scene myself, unless it was for the reasons I have suggested. This is much more a Jay scene. I still love the series and the characters though - they had a lot to put up with, though with Mr. Gilbert - would a 6th Form master still be calling the boys by their surnames only though?. He was brillinatly played by Greg Davies but I hope the Mr. Gilbert's of this world would be weeded out of sixth form duties now - he doesn't care a f*** about any of them,

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому +7

      That's an interesting angle, that Blake wanted to do something new with the character. He did play Neil totally straight though in the second movie, so I'm not sure.
      I think that there might have been a point in the original series that it would have been funny for Neil to just be juggling two different girls and lying to them both about them being the only one. But when that setup comes so late on, especially when everyone around him is being so sincere with their girls, I don't think it works. It's like saying "These are the same cheeky reprobates they always were!", when the movie actually develops 3/4s of the cast.
      And I have to disagree that it's a "Jay scene", because I'm such a defender of Jay. He obviously gives out an attitude of being a total lad who does whatever he can to get off with girls but he consistently shows he has a sensitive side and I honestly think that he'd respect an out-and-out girlfriend too much to do what Neil did.
      Thanks for watching, man, and engaging with some great perspective.

    • @alexsnell1046
      @alexsnell1046 2 роки тому +3

      @@dennigalla Jay really does have a sensitive side, looking at when he was with Chloe. Possibly the most sensitive of all under the boys.

    • @aetherialbeing4223
      @aetherialbeing4223 2 роки тому

      The Gilbert part of the comment made me cringe really bad

    • @alangiles2763
      @alangiles2763 2 роки тому

      @@aetherialbeing4223 Well, Gilbert made no secret of the fact he disliked all the lads and girls he was in charge of - especially Will, Jay, Simon and Neil. Reember him saying if you think abour coming back to see how we are getting on - don't, I was talking about rhe character, not the actor, and I believe most 6th form teachers do call their students by their first names. I can't see what was cringeworthy about what I said to be honest.

    • @aetherialbeing4223
      @aetherialbeing4223 2 роки тому

      @@alangiles2763 You randomly added in a point about wanting Gilbert removed by the school board, that’s really cringe.

  • @0xflips
    @0xflips 2 роки тому +1

    i mean Neil always gets the girl, makes sense he has game

  • @benbastianiartmusic1421
    @benbastianiartmusic1421 2 роки тому +4

    I also find the episode 'Home Alone' is misplaced in the series and undermines a lot of character development. The group are basically back to acting like hooligans as they did in 'Bunk Off', and when I'm watching them drinking in the street, vandalising gardens, killing squirrels and just generally being mean to each other... it just bugs me. I feel like a lot of the learning curves and journeys they underwent just meant nothing.

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому +1

      I think you're onto something there, but I'm not sure I totally agree. Killing the squirrel, yeah, is obviously a bit much but I don't think up til that episode there had been much development that carried them out of being reckless idiots. Slagging your mates is a tried and true part of British culture, if they didn't do that they wouldn't feel like friends at all - in my opinion. But for me, the status quo is them acting like clowns and not thinking beyond the next 30 minutes.

    • @jeanmichellelaurent
      @jeanmichellelaurent 2 роки тому +1

      Home alone is just a weird Goldilocks zone, specifically with Simon, he just broke it off with Tara but he hasn't said anything about Carli, unlike what he does in like every episode.

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому

      @@jeanmichellelaurent Might have been made out of order, planned to be the series' first episode or something.

    • @jeanmichellelaurent
      @jeanmichellelaurent 2 роки тому

      @@dennigalla that would have made sense feels weird being penultimate if anything the fashion show would have been a better finale

  • @SamhMoore_
    @SamhMoore_ 2 роки тому +5

    i DO see your point, but can't we just enjoy it?

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому +7

      I do enjoy it! I love the film and think it's a crucial part of the whole story alongside the original series.

  • @shadysheep1984
    @shadysheep1984 2 роки тому +6

    youre video product quality is on par with other video essey channels but you only have like 80 more subs than me. what equipment do you use if its not a secret?

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому +1

      First of all, cheers. I put a lot of effort in to getting the best quality clips that I can and trying to make stuff look as professional as possible.
      The only real equipment I have is my Blue Yeti X microphone, and I edit my videos with Adobe Premiere 2015 CC.
      Does that answer your question?
      Cheers for watching.

    • @shadysheep1984
      @shadysheep1984 2 роки тому +2

      @@dennigalla yeah it does. sound for that

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому +1

      @@shadysheep1984 Any more questions, just let me know.

  • @anonanon561
    @anonanon561 2 роки тому +1

    That song in the background... Am I tripping or is that from I-ninja?
    Edit: No it is, holy shit you just unlocked a childhood memory. Subscribed 👍

  • @WeeLin
    @WeeLin 2 роки тому +1

    You speak the truth - justice for Neil's destroyed character, and dammit, RELEASE THE MR GILBERT CUT! Always nice to hear a fellow Scot cutting right to the point, nae messin'

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому +1

      Hey, cheers for watching and subscribing, I appreciate it. I could probably whip you up a Mr. Gilbert cut in about 3 minutes in Premiere Pro - just grab a copy of the Extended Cut and excise this scene with Neil and Lisa.
      And I'm surprised you can tell I'm Scottish at all to be honest - I feel like I keep my accent on such a leash when I make these videos 'cause I'm trying so hard to speak clearly and be understood, haha. Hope you enjoy the rest of the channel.

    • @WeeLin
      @WeeLin 2 роки тому

      @@dennigalla You're very welcome! Maybe I should rephrase that, and say "make the Gilbert cut canon". We Scots always know our own, especially in the wild. I make videos too, and I speak quite clearly in those, but the accent is still there (apart from the odd person who asks what part of Ireland I'm from and that one person who thought I was Australian!) Will deffo check out the rest of the channel, and thanks for the reply!

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому +1

      @@WeeLin Your channel looks like great vibes, definitely subbing. Check out my "Broadcast Horror" video for my channel's only Inside No. 9 reference.

    • @WeeLin
      @WeeLin 2 роки тому

      @@dennigalla Will do, because I will walk through fire to hear a No 9 reference on UA-cam!

    • @WeeLin
      @WeeLin 2 роки тому

      @@dennigalla Broadcast horror... it's Dead Line, am I right?

  • @horrorfanandy4647
    @horrorfanandy4647 2 роки тому +1

    Interesting video, you’ve earned a new subscriber. I don’t think it destroys his character per-say, but it is a moment that frankly should have been rewritten, it just comes off as lazy and out of character for a character that I otherwise adore. Otherwise I think the Inbetweeners movie is great and I love watching it, a (near)perfect send-off!
    Honestly I have much more of a problem with the way they undid the characters in the Inbetweeners 2, undoing nearly every bit of character development made over the series and and turning them into very _very_ exaggerated versions of what they previously were, to the point of self parody I would argue (Jay’s fantasy life in Australia was just so ridiculous, even for his standards) which just ruins it for me, I honestly hate that film.
    Technically it’s a well shot and well directed film, but I frankly like to pretend it doesn’t exist. Anyway, great video!

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому +1

      Cheers for watching, man. I don't even think I could bring myself to make a video shitting on the second movie, it's beneath contempt. It should never have been made.

    • @horrorfanandy4647
      @horrorfanandy4647 2 роки тому

      Couldn’t have put it any better myself.

  • @BrassBrutal
    @BrassBrutal 2 роки тому +1

    I saw Neil as a dark horse through out the series and all the movie did was point out how he was that dark horse with those 3 lines. He was the first 1 of the 4 that ever claimed to get anywhere with any girl and nobody knew how because of how he was and then boom the movie revealed all when it come to getting his end away he was ruthless. 😂

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому +1

      Honestly it might've worked better if they leaned into it more and showed that Neil HAD been a sly fucker the entire time. Would be a bit of a bizarre twist but if they fully committed it could've been surreally funny.

  • @Xighor
    @Xighor 2 роки тому +2

    Didn't even notice but it's those little things what don't sit right what made the movie feel off
    Wish we got more seasons over two bad movies

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому

      I'm still pretty fond of the movie overall, man. It puts the guys in a new environment, gives them some good development as people, it's still funny. There are a lot of great talky moments where they really open up to each other instead of just talking shit or trying to put a plan together that only lasts as long as the episode it's in. I get that some people think that it was a bridge too far but I honestly love it. Cheers for watching, man.

    • @Xighor
      @Xighor 2 роки тому +1

      @@dennigalla The First was ok I didn't like the second though

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому

      @@Xighor Agreed, the second one was a mistake.

  • @JackassJunior627
    @JackassJunior627 Рік тому

    Destroyed? Not even close, if anything the movie expanded it. And don’t forget it was him that taught Will that life is just taking risks and having a laugh, which encouraged Will to take the rest out for a night on the piss to cheer everyone up.

  • @shelleypark
    @shelleypark 2 роки тому +1

    Neil has found his soul mate for gods sake!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! sod the pigeon back home

  • @Elkay26
    @Elkay26 2 роки тому +6

    its a show mate

    • @MrValeska
      @MrValeska 2 роки тому +2

      What does that even mean?

    • @612M4CKA
      @612M4CKA 2 роки тому +1

      @@MrValeska its a show mate

    • @joshuataylor3550
      @joshuataylor3550 2 роки тому

      And it's just an opinion about a show.

    • @612M4CKA
      @612M4CKA 2 роки тому

      @@joshuataylor3550 its a show mate

  • @DendyJungle
    @DendyJungle 2 роки тому +2

    Movies were very mean spirited

  • @Dankyjabo
    @Dankyjabo 2 роки тому

    Brilliant video, underrated channel, keep it up, deffo subbing for the ride

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому +1

      Cheers mate, I appreciate it. It'll be a bumpy ride cause I'll probably have to disappear for a while here and there due to University work, plus my videos are pretty much always going to be on something different, but I hope you can find something else to enjoy here.

  • @lewisprescott2271
    @lewisprescott2271 2 роки тому

    No but the argument stands that when Noel says if you like that’s a response too Lisa saying so we can kiss for real

  • @chilldude30
    @chilldude30 2 роки тому +1

    I'd be we upto hear more extended videos about nvetweeners

  • @HITCFootball
    @HITCFootball 2 роки тому +2

    Great Video Mate 📹 👍 👏

  • @generichuman2044
    @generichuman2044 Рік тому

    I didn't like this scene but I think calling it a character ruining moment is taking it a little too far.
    For me it was more of a shock that didn't need to be there. It would have been better if the writers had Neil's relationship end at the start of the film, maybe even via a funny text like the one Neil lied about. Would have been nice for him to have a genuine and unproblematic love for a girl.
    My main issue with the first film was actually with Simon. It felt like they overplayed the Carly infatuation and it became rather tedious. Although I'm glad he finally had the big realisation that I was begging for in the final series of the show.
    The second movie is the biggest issue for me though. It really felt as if there were no strong plans on where to take the characters next or how to end the franchise. It wasn't awful but I felt it was much less funny and interesting than any of the 3 series or the first film

  • @abhainnxv1554
    @abhainnxv1554 Рік тому

    He actually says "We can kiss too, if you like". I can't tell if this video is meant to be a parody of bad video essays that intentionally misrepresent the movie to make a weird point. Neil wasn't lying when he said Nicole had dumped him.

  • @LukeyyH
    @LukeyyH 2 роки тому +4

    I know exactly what your talking about but the reality is probably a very small percentage of inbetweeners fans think like this and the rest just find it funny

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому +1

      You're right, it's not a commonly discussed thing so I'm clearly in the minority. In my videos, I'm only trying to show my own perspective and be totally subjective about things. The movie and show aren't ruined by this wee moment, I just hate it personally.

    • @LukeyyH
      @LukeyyH 2 роки тому

      @@dennigalla aye it’s definitely strange for Neil to be so deceiving as his usual character is so stupid it’s impossible for him to be manipulative/ deceiving so your definitely right , what I mean is other people probably wouldn’t even notice this so it shows how good you are at picking up small details👍🏼

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому

      @@LukeyyH Ah cheers, man. But that's just what happens when you watch stuff over and over - I think I only realised the depth of this moment on like my fifth or sixth viewing of the film. Cheers for watching, man.

    • @LukeyyH
      @LukeyyH 2 роки тому +1

      @@dennigalla aye av watched it a good 3 or 4 times aswell and the scene never sat right with me but I never really thought about it with such detail until I watched your vid so thanks man👍🏼

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому

      Cheers for watching, mate, I appreciate it. Lots more to come.

  • @lordward9218
    @lordward9218 2 роки тому +1

    Bro neil literally said awababab in this movie I dont think they destroyed his character, good vid tho

  • @katonnor
    @katonnor Рік тому

    Neil's character as he is in the series wouldn't have even cared if he got off with Lisa or not. He had success with girls by not even trying and in the final episode of series 3 when he reveled he had sex the others asked what it was like. He could only reply "it was alright, my legs ached"

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  Рік тому +1

      Yeah, he's never put this much work into anything in his life.

  • @theeclecticacademic1642
    @theeclecticacademic1642 2 роки тому +2

    Uh, cheating on your partner overseas is a rite of passage for many, yet he's frequently deflected blame for his misgivings in the original series, mate.
    Need I remind you of how he came all over the yellow car only to refuse to clean-up his mess be saying that it was Simon's car? (Why would this one act undermine the character when he's incapable of self-awareness beyond being the "player" of his group of sods?)

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому +6

      Hey man. Maybe I didn't make this totally clear in the video, but my issue is with the inconsistency of Neil relating to what I think we can all agree, as fans of the show, is one of his major character traits - being carefree, maybe to a fault. I think this moment with Lisa demonstrated a sense of forethought or on-his-feet conman talent that's totally out of character for him. When I said "How do we know he hasn't done this before?", what I meant was that he could have pretended to be stupider than he was in the past to mask a certain sneaky agenda - as he does in this scene.
      I actually think this moment shows a vast amount of self-awareness that flies in the face of what's established with moments like the car scene you mention. And it's not really anything to do with the fact that he's cheating on his girlfriend, that's definitely something I'd expect from Neil. It's just how quickly and believably he lies for a lifelong airhead.

    • @theeclecticacademic1642
      @theeclecticacademic1642 2 роки тому

      @@dennigalla, agree to disagree.
      I'd argue that deflecting blame in cleaning up one mess (screwing a woman in Simon's car and ejaculating over the seats) is no different than coming up with an unconvincing lie to sleep with a woman already interested in sleeping with him.
      I mean, I'm a poly, yet the show's perspective of monogamy comes at odds with teenage hedonism. Why does it matter if he's lying to get laid at the same rate of him wishing to not clean up the jizz stains from the "failed" caravan holiday?

  • @cameronsonnex6276
    @cameronsonnex6276 2 роки тому

    This sounds like person is making theory

    @TOBYWASLOST0 2 роки тому +1

    Neil is dumb. That was his appeal. Naive and dumb and silly/ We all love him. Didnt ruin it for me amd will always be one of my fave tv series ever

  • @DerekDerekDerekDerekDerekDerek

    Neil has some intelligence cmon. Silly vid matey.

  • @TheMunch97
    @TheMunch97 2 роки тому

    Is that the iNinja soundtrack…

  • @guylawrance2216
    @guylawrance2216 2 роки тому +1

    He said “If you like” not “F.U. like”................?
    As in whatever works for you rather than I don’t care what you think.

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому +2

      Aye I know, that's just my accent man. I over-pronounced "if you like" to like put emphasis on how much it annoyed me, haha.

  • @EthanDJC
    @EthanDJC 2 роки тому

    sociopath neil is kind of an interesting angle

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому +2

      I wish I'd known that this would a) be such a contentious issue and b) blow up to become my most-viewed video by such a distance, and I would have delved deeper into the issue, haha.

  • @zakibbott
    @zakibbott 2 роки тому

    Maybe you just don’t know Neil like you thought you did

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому

      This is the correct answer.

  • @TheOnlyBiodude
    @TheOnlyBiodude 2 роки тому +1

    I disagree, infact your video showed me how Neil has developed via the influence of his buddies.
    Neil is still Neil.

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому

      That's a fair way of looking at it, man. Honestly a lot of these comments have made me re-think my attitude, and maybe see it as something that isn't so unexpected after all. I still stand by most of what I said in the video, especially that it's out of nowhere. But maybe Neil has just learned from trial and error, who knows.

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому +2

      @W2L That sounds like the basis for your own video man, that rotation makes a lot of sense. Wish I'd thought of that, haha.

  • @tiggasgaminghd4992
    @tiggasgaminghd4992 2 роки тому

    I love how this comment section is just in complete disagreement

  • @stretfordender11
    @stretfordender11 2 роки тому

    Most 18 yr old lads cheat on their girlfriend on a lads holiday.

  • @nigelthornberry7936
    @nigelthornberry7936 2 роки тому +1

    Are you bored mate?

  • @RSProdism
    @RSProdism 2 роки тому

    Umm what are you on about that’s looking into it way too much
    A dumb character always has a scene that shows a clever side to them for example when you first see neil dance you can tell he’s actually good this might just be his scene in the movie where it’s a complete opposite to his normal character

  • @kb9072
    @kb9072 2 роки тому

    We all grow and change. Get over it.

  • @Jabbs.
    @Jabbs. Рік тому

    i saw this aswell

  • @wardjunior1450
    @wardjunior1450 2 роки тому +3


  • @alyx9191
    @alyx9191 Рік тому

    inbetweeners 2 was probably worse

  • @gowenlock9519
    @gowenlock9519 2 роки тому +1

    I dont understand?

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому +1

      Which part do you not understand?

    • @gowenlock9519
      @gowenlock9519 2 роки тому +1

      I don't know haha. I've seen the inbetweeners twice through atleast and the movies a good two times but I don't understand how these words destroys his character. Maybe I'm just stupid.

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому +1

      @@gowenlock9519 You're not stupid, man, you're allowed to disagree with me. "Destroy" might be me putting it a little strongly, but it's totally out of character for him and plants doubt when you look back over his past antics. I just think it's really calculated and sinister, which aren't two words I'd ever use to describe Neil in the show or the rest of the movie.

    • @joshuataylor3550
      @joshuataylor3550 2 роки тому

      It's extremely out of character, does cast a certain shadow over him. I know less people click but I think you'll hit a more receptive like minded audience with less sensationalist titles.

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому

      @@joshuataylor3550 Cheers for watching, man, but I don't think it's really sensationalist. They shoehorned in a weird, creepy angle that undermines everything that he's about. They had him come up with a deceitful plan, execute it perfectly and get no comeuppance - a series first that goes against what the whole show and this entire style of comedy storytelling is all about. It was a serious, serious mistake.

  • @shelleypark
    @shelleypark 2 роки тому

    Who should give a hoot if Neil does this, it aint real life, its fun. bugger off all nerdy moaners, critics

  • @alf2892
    @alf2892 2 роки тому +1

    Why are your Subs so low?

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому

      Not sure, man. I don't really promote my stuff outside of Twitter or posting them once on relevant subreddits on upload day, that could be it.

    • @alf2892
      @alf2892 2 роки тому

      ​@@dennigalla You're getting the views on some vids, but not the subs, just bad luck looking from an outside perspective. If you have the time , try uploading more, experiment, follow trends, clickbait some more, maybe change the name of the channel to something related to what you do, or alias or something. You have something here! Hope it only grows from here for you mate.

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому +1

      @@alf2892 I appreciate it man, that's really nice of you to say. But I'm not really too bothered about getting the numbers. This is just a hobby, I'm not looking to make money here. I'm happy just doing my wee videos about whatever takes my fancy, haha. Cheers for watching.

    • @alf2892
      @alf2892 2 роки тому +1

      @@dennigalla I respect that! It appeared that way. I was more focused on the potential aspect. But, aye can't hurt earning a little bit from a hobby. Respect man! cheers

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому +1

      @@alf2892 Cheers for watching mate. Appreciate the support.

  • @scothammond5736
    @scothammond5736 2 роки тому +1

    Jay was most certainly NOT the most confident he was the least confident and most insecure (that's why he lied so often) and Neil's lie didn't ruin the character it was par for the course because any teenage boy will say or do just about anything to get off with a fit bird like that

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  2 роки тому +2

      What I meant by "confident" is that he was outwardly confident. Obviously that's just bravado born from a total lack of actual self-confidence. I could have made that clearer.

  • @bobmarshall8527
    @bobmarshall8527 2 роки тому

    I think you’re overthinking it tbh lol

  • @cameronsonnex6276
    @cameronsonnex6276 2 роки тому

    This called grown up so why are complaining 🙄

  • @rohanverma6058
    @rohanverma6058 2 роки тому

    Idc tho

  • @robertheron7017
    @robertheron7017 2 роки тому +2

    Jesus I think u are over thinking this I mean what.

  • @inkmark0099
    @inkmark0099 2 роки тому

    It’s not that deep

  • @rossi6113
    @rossi6113 2 роки тому

    You need to get a life son.

  • @xonops
    @xonops 4 місяці тому

    You should really make a video about the down fall of American pie because think about it the only good ones are 1,2,wedding and reunion

    • @dennigalla
      @dennigalla  3 місяці тому +1

      Haven't seen them man, sorry.

  • @ConnorDurber
    @ConnorDurber 2 роки тому

    you’re so wrong and over thinking it

  • @mattjackson1732
    @mattjackson1732 2 роки тому +1

    Who cares

  • @jacobadams6748
    @jacobadams6748 2 роки тому

    Na you’re overreacting completely tbh

    • @CMDParodies
      @CMDParodies 2 роки тому

      Try not to be too salty that the movies ruined Neil's character