Something Stupid (feat. Reese Witherspoon)

  • Опубліковано 21 вер 2024
  • Provided to UA-cam by Reprise
    Something Stupid (feat. Reese Witherspoon) · Michael Bublé · Reese Witherspoon
    To Be Loved
    ℗ 2013 Warner Records Inc.
    Drums: Abe Laboriel Jr.
    Unknown: Adam Greenholtz
    Guitar, Keyboards, Piano: Alan Chang
    Viola: Alma Fernandez
    French Horn: Amy Sanchez
    Violin: Ana Landauer
    Viola: Andrew Duckles
    Cello: Andrew Shulman
    Guitar: Andrew Synowiec
    Trombone: Andy Martin
    Background Vocals: Angela Fisher
    Violin: Armen Anassian
    Violin: Assa Drori
    Violin: Belinda Broughton
    Guitar: Binky Griptite
    Unknown: Bob Rock
    Guitar: Bob Rock
    Producer: Bob Rock
    Bass, Guitar: Bosco Mann
    Reeds: Brandon Fields
    Viola: Brian Dembow
    Violin: Bruce Dukov
    Trumpet: Bryan Lipps
    Viola: Cameron Patrick
    Cello: Cameron Stone
    Violin: Carol Pool
    Viola: Caroline Buckman
    Violin: Caroline Campbell
    Viola: Carolyn Riley
    Cello: Cecilia Tsan
    Violin: Charlie Bisharat
    Trombone: Charlie Loper
    Cello: Chris Ermacoff
    Violin: Christian Hebel
    Upright Bass: Chuck Berghofer
    Trumpet: Chuck Findley
    Trombone: Craig Gosnell
    Trumpet: Dan Fornero
    Reeds: Dan Higgins
    French Horn: Dan Kelley
    Upright Bass: Dan Lutz
    French Horn: Danielle Ondarza
    Violin: Daphne Chen
    Violin: Darius Campo
    Viola: Darrin McCann
    Violin: David Ewart
    Viola: David Walther
    Tuba: Doug Tornquist
    Unknown: Eric Helmkamp
    Viola: Erik Rynearson
    Percussion: Fernando Velez
    Trumpet: Gary Grant
    Harp: Gayle Levant
    Reeds: Gene Cipriano
    Violin: Geraldo Hilera
    Trumpet: Gilbert Castellanos
    Violin: Gina Kronstadt
    Orchestra: Gina Zimmitti
    Cello: Giovanna Clayton
    Violin: Grace Oh
    Guitar: Graham Dechter
    Reeds: Greg Huckins
    Drums: Gregg Field
    Reeds: Heather Clark
    Violin: Helen Nightengale
    Drums: Homer Steinweiss
    Bass: Hugh McDonald
    Violin: Ina Veli
    Violin: Irina Voloshina
    Violin: Jacqueline Brand
    Guitar, Keyboards, Piano: Jamie Edwards
    Reeds: Jeff Driskill
    Reeds: Jenni Olson
    Violin: Jennifer Takamatsu
    French Horn: Jenny Kim
    Unknown: Jeremy Miller
    Drums: Jim Keltner
    French Horn: Jim Thatcher
    Orchestra: JoAnn Tominaga
    Violin: Joel Derouin
    Violin: Joel Pargman
    Reeds: Joel Peskin
    Guitar: Joel Shearer
    Reeds: John Mitchell
    Violin: John Wittenberg
    French Horn: Jonathan Johnson
    Violin: Josefina Vergara
    Guitar: Joseph Crispiano
    Drums: Josh Freese
    Violin: Julie Gigante
    Violin: Julie Rogers
    Trumpet: Jumaane Smith
    Viola: Karen Elaine
    Viola: Karie Prescott
    Drums: Kat Hendrix
    Viola: Kate Reddish
    Violin: Kathleen Robertson
    Violin: Kathleen Sloan
    Violin: Katia Popov
    Harp: Katie Kirkpatrick
    Unknown: Keith Munson
    Guitar: Keith Scott
    Violin: Kevin Connolly
    Reeds: Larry Kaplan
    Reeds: Larry Williams
    Cello: Laszlo Mezo
    Percussion: Lenny Castro
    Keyboards, Piano: Leon Michels
    Violin: Lily Ho Chen
    French Horn: Lisa McCormick
    Violin: Lorand Lokuszta
    Keyboards: Lou Pomanti
    Viola: Luke Maurer
    Guitar: Lyle Workman
    Violin: Marc Sazer
    Violin: Mario DeLeon
    Violin: Marisa Kuney
    Violin: Marisa McLeod
    French Horn: Mark Adams
    Violin: Mark Cargill
    Viola: Marlow Fisher
    Viola: Matt Funes
    Unknown: Matt Harvey
    Cello: Maurice Grants
    Lead Vocals: Michael Bublé
    Guitar: Michael Landau
    Violin: Michele Richards
    Cello: Miguel Martinez
    Background Vocals: Monique Donnelly
    Violin: Natalie Leggett
    French Horn: Nate Campbell
    Background Vocals: Naturally 7
    Violin: Neel Hammond
    Background Vocals: Nekiesha Grier
    Trombone: Nick Lane
    Cello: Nika Ross
    Violin: Nina Evtuhov
    Piano: Otmaro Ruiz
    Violin: Pam Gates
    Bass: Paul Bushnell
    Cello: Paul Cohen
    Cello: Peggy Baldwin
    Reeds: Pete Christlieb
    Violin: Philip Levy
    Violin: Radu Pieptea
    Percussion: Rafael Padilla
    Additional Guitar: Ramon Stagnaro
    Trombone: Reggie Young
    Upright Bass: Rene Camacho
    Violin: Richard Adkins
    Viola: Robert Brophy
    Violin: Robert Peterson
    Viola: Rodney Wirtz
    Unknown: Roger Monk
    Background Vocals: Ruby Freeman
    Guitar: Rusty Anderson
    Reeds: Rusty Higgins
    Unknown: Ryan Enockson
    Co- Ordinator Production: Sandee Bathgate
    Violin: Sara Parkins
    Violin: Shari Zippert
    Viola: Shawn Mann
    Violin: Sid Page
    Violin: Songa Lee
    French Horn: Steve Becknell
    Cello: Steve Erdody
    Cello: Steve Richards
    Reeds: Stuart Clark
    Violin: Susan Chatman
    Violin: Tammy Hatwan
    Unknown: Ted Jensen
    Violin: Tereza Stanislav
    Viola: Thomas Diener
    Percussion: Tiki Pasillas
    Cello: Tim Landauer
    Cello: Timothy Loo
    Reeds: Tom Scott
    Cello: Tony Cooke
    Cello: Vanessa Freebairn Smith
    Cello: Victor Lawrence
    Trumpet: Wayne Bergeron
    Trombone, Tuba: William Frank Reichenbach Jr.
    Arranger: William Ross
    Trumpet: Willie Murillo
    Violin: Yelena Yegoryan
    Violin: Yvette Devereaux
    Writer: Clarence Parks
    Auto-generated by UA-cam.