natsu so simple and i love that about him also how wholesome to see not only his brother but mavis igneel larcade and august even if it's natsu mind it's still beautiful god does hiro mashima love them moments T_T
You know, if it was just Larcade there, it’d make perfect sense, but since August is there, something that Natsu never even indicated he knew about, it kind of begs the question if that really is Natsu’s version of mental heaven and is instead an actual form of the afterlife.
My head-cannon is: Natsu can smell people's genetics to know people are related. For example, he smelled Silver and noticed he smelled like Gray and deduced he was his father. He kept that to himself even when he saw Gray at Tarturos not even mentioning to him they were related before Silver took Gray off to somewhere else. After he found out Mavis and Zeref were "in a relationship", and he met August he probably figured out on his own August was related to Zeref and just kept that information to himself since it didn't change anything to him. He even had a stare-down with him to bond with his nephew lol.
My question is why is zirconis there? He never had anything to do with natsus personal life and was just a random dragon. They dont show him in the anime but they actually do show him and atlas flame in the manga
Also it cant be the afterlife cuz we know zeref and mavis reincarnated in the ending of the final season. Zeref also says "i wonder where my soul and my mavis's ended up or if they re happy". Oh they are 😆
@@thatanimegirlwiththecape4807 reincarnation doesn’t work like that. If they reincarnated, they’re supposed to start over as newborns. Also Zirconis was technically an ally as a spirit that Wendy channeled, so it’s possible for him to consider him enough of an ally to be around here.
@@jaredhamilton425 reincarnation is when your soul remains and comes back to life in a new body weather adult or young, in zerefs and mavis case they werent "born" but were given new bodies through magic power. Also zirconis wasnt really an ally in anyway. He still wanted to eat them but couldnt because he was a spirit. Zirconis was nothing but a messenger. He was still a dragon who was against humanity even after death. So its still suprising.
Even in Natsu's mind, Zeref and Mavis are happily married and able to live romantically. Yet the idea of romance seems to escape him whenever he's around Lucy. I don't know if that's intentional or if NaLu fans are going to feel more disappointment in the future
Just wait and let Mashima cooks he knows well how he treats his ship at the end of the story. Just like his other main characters and his heroines from his other works like Rave Master and Edens Zero. Haru and Elie end up with marriage, Shiki and Rebecca also end up the story with marriage and have a child.
Zeref instantly became my favourite character the moment he was introduced and never ever made me change it He's the best, amazing powers and a really really good backstory and what an amazing love story with Mavis, the best ship of the series imo
That Zeref has the same personality as the original BEFORE he started trying to find a way to bring the dead back to life. That was his personality before he was cursed.
@@Silver-Ball_Z Idk but the dragon itself said that they are not the real ones but what natsu imagine them to be now that they aren't alive anymore. It's just like if you had a grandpa that passed away and immagined him in heaven having fun with grandma and the other ancestors of your family. In reality ghe granpa may not even be in heaven but to your mind that's where he is
@@Silver-Ball_Z good for you but the dragon literally explained that they are not there because they're the real ones, they're there because natsu imagine them to be there
Natsu(my main character of 🔥🐉fire Dragon Slayer Magic), meeting his brother: Zeref & his Sister in law: my Mavis shisuta imouto-san, Along with Larcade, August,& Igneel.
Okay do anyone's doesn't realize that August and Larcade Aging souls were turned into children. There is a mysterious Magic power that is connected to the Dragneel's Family which I believe. A magic power that can turn into a child but this magic power is on connected to the Dragneel Family there could be other mysterious Powers within the Dragneel Family but I still don't know what other powers there are.
They might be real reincarnations. If I'm understanding properly, this Mavis and Zeref are more like imaginary versions Natsu has of them. Fairy Tail's always been weird with ghosts and imaginary beings
Only thing that bothers me is that August is here as well. No one knew of August's real identity. If this is Natsus imagination, he shouldn't be here as zeref and Mavis's child.
@@VydijaRuksana Well, it's not impossible I guess, but he wasn't able to determine when he first met with August - during negotiations. And I don't think it's possible that he knew and didn't speak up given that the negotiations were important and it doesn't make sense to not speak up that time... and the fact he never said anything about august to anyone ever? it's hard to believe he knew about august
This guy is always getting suppressed whenever he meet new opponent...up until how many opponents he had gone through and yet why does he still looking like a new fighter with no skill and no development at all
Can zeref come back to life so he can drain the life of the wood god dragon and make natsu accept the e.n.d part of him cuz it was already confirmed natsu still has end in him. god dragon that became a maze confirmed it and we all know natsu aint beating ignia without help and the only time he didnt recieve help from others was in dragon cry when he became half e.n.d and that was the only time he ever defeated a dragon on his own. and before you all say he did recieve help from the staff, it more of half awakened e.n.d in him leading to the incomplete transformation. of course losing lucy also triggered it but he still got bitch slapped by erza in the end
Natsu's Heaven is PEAK 🔥Subscribe 🥰
@1:36 LMAOOOO Natsu was like I KNOW your ass isn't in Heaven!!
natsu so simple and i love that about him also how wholesome to see not only his brother but mavis igneel larcade and august even if it's natsu mind it's still beautiful god does hiro mashima love them moments T_T
Both Dragneel brothers have a thing for blonds.
You know, if it was just Larcade there, it’d make perfect sense, but since August is there, something that Natsu never even indicated he knew about, it kind of begs the question if that really is Natsu’s version of mental heaven and is instead an actual form of the afterlife.
My head-cannon is: Natsu can smell people's genetics to know people are related. For example, he smelled Silver and noticed he smelled like Gray and deduced he was his father. He kept that to himself even when he saw Gray at Tarturos not even mentioning to him they were related before Silver took Gray off to somewhere else. After he found out Mavis and Zeref were "in a relationship", and he met August he probably figured out on his own August was related to Zeref and just kept that information to himself since it didn't change anything to him. He even had a stare-down with him to bond with his nephew lol.
My question is why is zirconis there? He never had anything to do with natsus personal life and was just a random dragon. They dont show him in the anime but they actually do show him and atlas flame in the manga
Also it cant be the afterlife cuz we know zeref and mavis reincarnated in the ending of the final season. Zeref also says "i wonder where my soul and my mavis's ended up or if they re happy". Oh they are 😆
@@thatanimegirlwiththecape4807 reincarnation doesn’t work like that. If they reincarnated, they’re supposed to start over as newborns. Also Zirconis was technically an ally as a spirit that Wendy channeled, so it’s possible for him to consider him enough of an ally to be around here.
@@jaredhamilton425 reincarnation is when your soul remains and comes back to life in a new body weather adult or young, in zerefs and mavis case they werent "born" but were given new bodies through magic power. Also zirconis wasnt really an ally in anyway. He still wanted to eat them but couldnt because he was a spirit. Zirconis was nothing but a messenger. He was still a dragon who was against humanity even after death. So its still suprising.
Even in Natsu's mind, Zeref and Mavis are happily married and able to live romantically. Yet the idea of romance seems to escape him whenever he's around Lucy. I don't know if that's intentional or if NaLu fans are going to feel more disappointment in the future
Well, their Exolas selves got together, so they will likely marry at some point.
@@fredfry5100 and their overseas counterparts are in a relationship in which lucy walked in on
Just wait and let Mashima cooks he knows well how he treats his ship at the end of the story. Just like his other main characters and his heroines from his other works like Rave Master and Edens Zero. Haru and Elie end up with marriage, Shiki and Rebecca also end up the story with marriage and have a child.
@@fredfry5100 Edolas*
Zeref instantly became my favourite character the moment he was introduced and never ever made me change it
He's the best, amazing powers and a really really good backstory and what an amazing love story with Mavis, the best ship of the series imo
GOAT Zeref returns
It's not the real one tho
But it should return, if he return he will be menace🔥🔥🔥
That Zeref has the same personality as the original BEFORE he started trying to find a way to bring the dead back to life. That was his personality before he was cursed.
'heaven' didn't occur to you? Cause you are here. That's hilarious 😂😂😂😂
This make me so happy both zeref and mavis really had a tragic tale and deserve to be happy
Actually chills
Uncle Natsu.
No, I didn't cry when I saw Igneel again.😭😭
Just happy August got to be with his mom somewhere.
01:46 VERY VERY CUTE Voice
Man Natsu just wants his family to have a peaceful life
Natsu still has habit of suddenly hugging women
I’m glad to see Mavis and Zeref back with happiness.
They're not the real ones, just a construct of natsu's mind
@@ginocanterino258 how can natsu know about august...?
@@Silver-Ball_Z Idk but the dragon itself said that they are not the real ones but what natsu imagine them to be now that they aren't alive anymore. It's just like if you had a grandpa that passed away and immagined him in heaven having fun with grandma and the other ancestors of your family. In reality ghe granpa may not even be in heaven but to your mind that's where he is
@@ginocanterino258 i like to think that this is more complicated than just natsu's imagination
@@Silver-Ball_Z good for you but the dragon literally explained that they are not there because they're the real ones, they're there because natsu imagine them to be there
That music makes me cry
Natsu(my main character of 🔥🐉fire Dragon Slayer Magic), meeting his brother: Zeref & his Sister in law: my Mavis shisuta imouto-san, Along with Larcade, August,& Igneel.
I miss old animation 😞😞😞😞😞😞
Okay do anyone's doesn't realize that August and Larcade Aging souls were turned into children. There is a mysterious Magic power that is connected to the Dragneel's Family which I believe. A magic power that can turn into a child but this magic power is on connected to the Dragneel Family there could be other mysterious Powers within the Dragneel Family but I still don't know what other powers there are.
Natsu goes to Heaven
Soo this is hell cuz your here
Wait, I don't know why I hadn't thought about it until now but I realized that Mavis is Natsu's sister-in-law.🤯
Where is Natsu's scar?
So who the hell those two people that look similar like Zeref and Mavis in Fairy Tail last episode?
Reincarnated version I'm guessing
@@muhammadtarmizitahir6876 highly possible to be doppelgängers like Fairy Nail.
They might be real reincarnations. If I'm understanding properly, this Mavis and Zeref are more like imaginary versions Natsu has of them. Fairy Tail's always been weird with ghosts and imaginary beings
Only thing that bothers me is that August is here as well. No one knew of August's real identity. If this is Natsus imagination, he shouldn't be here as zeref and Mavis's child.
@@VydijaRuksana Well, it's not impossible I guess, but he wasn't able to determine when he first met with August - during negotiations.
And I don't think it's possible that he knew and didn't speak up given that the negotiations were important and it doesn't make sense to not speak up that time... and the fact he never said anything about august to anyone ever?
it's hard to believe he knew about august
Katsura?!?!?!errr i meant Zeref yoooo, zura.
Zura, wtf?!
This guy is always getting suppressed whenever he meet new opponent...up until how many opponents he had gone through and yet why does he still looking like a new fighter with no skill and no development at all
How they can fk in heaven it's supposed to be lust-free NNN for eternity
Can zeref come back to life so he can drain the life of the wood god dragon and make natsu accept the e.n.d part of him cuz it was already confirmed natsu still has end in him. god dragon that became a maze confirmed it and we all know natsu aint beating ignia without help and the only time he didnt recieve help from others was in dragon cry when he became half e.n.d and that was the only time he ever defeated a dragon on his own. and before you all say he did recieve help from the staff, it more of half awakened e.n.d in him leading to the incomplete transformation. of course losing lucy also triggered it but he still got bitch slapped by erza in the end
Anime name please
.... it's in the #'s.....
but i suppose that's to hard for you
this is Fairy Tail specially the 100 year quest a sequel to the original series
But the question arises is that how can they reincarnate in just 1 year?
Wtf is accel doing in Fairy tail ?
Wasn’t Larcade just another of Zeref’s demons that took his last name?
Yeah, but zeref used natsus dna to create him. So basically you could still see him as his child.
I have made a better edit on Reddit, this scene now includes better ost in background
2:45 his smile is so nice
The family who wished for love FINALLY got their wish. 🥲
not me crying when i see igneel "in your heart, Mavis, zeref and i are living happily" 🥹🥲