并不是的。需要区分移民局面谈被拒和打庭被拒两种情况: 8 CFR 208.7(b): (1) If the asylum application is denied by the asylum officer, the employment authorization shall terminate at the expiration of the employment authorization document or 60 days after the denial of asylum, whichever is longer. (2) If the application is denied by the immigration judge, the Board of Immigration Appeals, or a Federal court, the employment authorization terminates upon the expiration of the employment authorization document, unless the applicant has filed an appropriate request for administrative or judicial review.
@@Yuepingsun 1. 移民局的I-589没有走钟可查,就自己看回执上的日期去计算; 2. 法院的I-589查走钟有两种方法--打800-898-7180电话查询,或者你的律师可以在自己的律师账号里查询
并不是的。需要区分移民局面谈被拒和打庭被拒两种情况: 8 CFR 208.7(b): (1) If the asylum application is denied by the asylum officer, the employment authorization shall terminate at the expiration of the employment authorization document or 60 days after the denial of asylum, whichever is longer.
(2) If the application is denied by the immigration judge, the Board of Immigration Appeals, or a Federal court, the employment authorization terminates upon the expiration of the employment authorization document, unless the applicant has filed an appropriate request for administrative or judicial review.
@@jiaweipengesq 您说的这段从字面理解上是被拒绝申请,拒绝申请的结果不仅有递解出境还有pd 和暂缓递解呀,好像没提到递解出境的意思,如果是被下了递解令驱逐出境,还能继续合法打工这在逻辑上就很矛盾,难道也可以继续报税嘛
上面引用的第二点字面意思已经很清楚了。感觉您对一些法律概念可能一知半解(比如PD完全不是I-589被拒了的意思,更不是“denied by an immigration judge”的意思”。)如果您自己的案件有具体的问题,建议找律师就您案件的情况详细咨询。😊