My suggestion and experience from other countries. Government must be out from private business with the exception of Natural resources like mining, gold, petro., etc. must be controlled by the government. I insist that the government should control gold mining, because it will protect the strength of our currency. US currency is strong because of its gold deposit. The government of Ethiopia must reassess its privatization policy.
one time seating in the porch drinking coffee tele communication 入eaipe 入 by long stick from the ground to the length 入哦入 See How we came envolvement A市 volve。。
Bayigebum Begebut Hagerochi Wusit Kalu Kalubet Bemitawokim Bemayitawokim Menigedochi Kalubet Fetishu Lemasotatim Bicha Sayihon Tekamiwu Lemawokim Atekalo Lemeteyekim Wosagnochi Nachewu Times Ethiopia Times East Africa IN Country Ethiopia
እውቀት የተሞላበት በጣም ጠቃሚ ውይይት ነው በርታ ሰሌ
My suggestion and experience from other countries. Government must be out from private business with the exception of Natural resources like mining, gold, petro., etc. must be controlled by the government. I insist that the government should control gold mining, because it will protect the strength of our currency. US currency is strong because of its gold deposit. The government of Ethiopia must reassess its privatization policy.
As we weaker internal,external pressure is stronger.
አቶ ሰለሞን ፡ ሰላምታዬ ላንተም ለታዳሚዎችህም ይድረስልኝ ። የዛሬው ኘሮግራምህ” የግል ይዞታን ላገር ሰዎችም ለውጭ ባለሀብትም “ ይሽጥ አይሸጥ ክርክር አጃኢብ አስብሎኛል ። ይህ ጥያቄ እንደኢትዮዽያ ሙስና ፡ ደህንነት ፡ አስተዳደር ፡ እንደጉድ በሌለበት ሀገሮ (ሁላችሁም ) ልብእያላችሁ እንዲህ መንግት በሌለበት ሀገር ያገሪቷን ሀብት እየተሸጠ በድሮን ህዝብ (ተቀናቃኞቹን እንዲፈጁ እየተባበራችሁ ነው የመሰለኝ ።
SILIKU AYIPON BIHON NORO TENINETACHU HABTACHU Hasabachu Yimeles Neber Yimelesu Neber Wodehualam Wodefitim Tiyakewochi
Berta Solomon anten alemadeneki nefugenetnw
ባለሀብቶችን የጠበጃ መግዣ በሚሊወን ብር ከልከፈላችሁ ተብለው ስቶች ተሰደዱ
መንግስት የህዝቡን ሀብት እወርሳለሁ ብሎ አድስ "የንብረት ማስመለስ አዋጅ" ይዞ መጥቷል።
እንደ Media የሚጠቅም ስራ የመስራት ፍላጎት አለህ ብየ አስባለሁ።
እስኪ በዚህ አዋጅ ላይ የሚያወያይ መድረክ አዘጋጅ
ይህን የ Communist አዋጅ ህዝቡ አልተረዳውም።
Biher,Biher ke maletachuu beft ye biheriin trigum tereduu(eweku)Ethiopia Impire mehonuwan alteredachum ende? Biher biher kemalet tekotebu.
ምንድነው ይህ ሁሉ ደጅ ጥናት ለመጀመር?
🐠🐬🦈🦢🚀Lelela Hager Alemeshetatachewu Newu Wuanawu Temerachu Ke Ethiopia Wuchim Honewu Ethiopianochi Lelan Hagerinim Liliku Yichilalu Lemegzatim Lemeshetim Polotikawochi Kemerakekachewu Yetenesa Yemiyazut Yemiteyekut Tikikilegna Irasachewu Alemehonachewu Yeserkewu Bicha Silemiyaz
one time seating in the porch drinking coffee tele communication 入eaipe 入 by long stick from the ground to the length 入哦入 See How we came envolvement A市 volve。。
Yemekinawochi Tilaksochi IRASU MIDIAWOCHI WUSIT Yemigebu Kehone Lemidiawu Lerasu Mehonun Irasu Margagchiyawu MESIMAT MASEMAT Bicha Lihon Yichilali Teteyakiwochi HAGER Woyinim HAGEROCHI Sayihonu Teknolojiwochi HULU Nachewu Meteyek Yalebachewu
Bayigebum Begebut Hagerochi Wusit Kalu Kalubet Bemitawokim Bemayitawokim Menigedochi Kalubet Fetishu Lemasotatim Bicha Sayihon Tekamiwu Lemawokim Atekalo Lemeteyekim Wosagnochi Nachewu Times Ethiopia Times East Africa IN Country Ethiopia