
  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @12k83
    @12k83 Рік тому +1

    Thank you for your explanation of the verb "seem" , i'm from Brazil and i wanted to learn how to use the verb "seem". And you helped me🤜🤛

  • @mrs.hassan7195
    @mrs.hassan7195 2 роки тому +1

    I had a lot of confusion about the word seem but your lecture has resolved my all queries regarding this one.
    All children seemed very happy and event went without a hitch.

  • @aiden3095
    @aiden3095 4 роки тому +2

    I never seen such a good explanation of English grammar in my whole life thank you so much sir I am so happy for having you

  • @teachermarian9563
    @teachermarian9563 4 роки тому

    Paul, you are a real good teacher! I admire you!

  • @FallenAngelTeam
    @FallenAngelTeam 7 років тому +1

    Nice lesson,teacher!Thank you so much!Greetings from Brazil!

  • @Amore_more1000
    @Amore_more1000 3 роки тому

    I always wait for your new videos 😍 Many
    thanks for your work

  • @tigrish8750
    @tigrish8750 7 років тому +8

    Your Videos are very helpful,thank you so much.

  • @audreyanku721
    @audreyanku721 5 років тому

    for a while time you are the teacher I'm looking for. thank very much teacher paul

  • @gracienclaude1371
    @gracienclaude1371 5 років тому

    Mr. Paul you're a good instructor the best one.

  • @elieserantonio4364
    @elieserantonio4364 7 років тому +1

    thank you teacher, I love your videos. you are a good teacher

  • @eme9550
    @eme9550 5 років тому

    i like your way of teaching thanks man very big

  • @zaidshaikh5302
    @zaidshaikh5302 5 років тому

    I didn't know about seem thank a lot! very helpful video keep it up sir.

  • @hyperkiwi7878
    @hyperkiwi7878 7 років тому

    Thank you so for your clear explanation. It helped me to understand the word usage better.

  • @tarekkibla1379
    @tarekkibla1379 5 років тому

    The teacher, who is like you, is a prestigious person in the world

  • @florencewong6593
    @florencewong6593 7 місяців тому

    Thank you very much for your clear explanation 😊

  • @bhimsharma6988
    @bhimsharma6988 3 роки тому

    Very good Teaching. 🔥🔥👍

  • @휴정-y2s
    @휴정-y2s 5 років тому

    Thank you for the easy and lucid explanation.

  • @abdelrhimhagag8835
    @abdelrhimhagag8835 Місяць тому

    Teacher Paul thank you so much

  • @voskehatarshakyan9699
    @voskehatarshakyan9699 4 роки тому

    I am learning more for improve me English languge.thank you so much

  • @Hoangbao2010
    @Hoangbao2010 7 років тому +1

    Thank you very much my teacher

  • @paulocesaralvarengaalvaren9881
    @paulocesaralvarengaalvaren9881 5 років тому


  • @kavitamehta5875
    @kavitamehta5875 4 роки тому

    Such a nice information about “seem” thank you sir

  • @alexe610
    @alexe610 3 роки тому

    Thank you very much for your videos. Would you please explain the following and break it down: "it seems to be working". Thanks from France.

  • @asmafaisal651
    @asmafaisal651 5 років тому

    Best teacher I have seen

  • @lucianoval903
    @lucianoval903 7 років тому

    it is always a pleasure to see from your

  • @marinarubinos2580
    @marinarubinos2580 5 років тому

    Thanks teacher! For helping!😘😘

  • @moussabalqaissy7110
    @moussabalqaissy7110 7 років тому +1

    very useful
    thanks for the lesson
    you explain pretty well

  • @jkellyzephirinol2435
    @jkellyzephirinol2435 2 роки тому

    He seems a great runner!.

  • @banatkhan189
    @banatkhan189 10 місяців тому

    Great video sir

  • @kolin7296
    @kolin7296 Рік тому


  • @100nuinu
    @100nuinu 7 років тому

    thanks for your job! it is amazing chanel and project

  • @PepitoGrilloCanarias
    @PepitoGrilloCanarias 4 роки тому

    Hi there! I recently found your youtube channel and let me say that it's been a great discovery. I love your videos and the way you explain things. Thought you teach or speak American English your speaking is very understandable. Thanks for your work.

  • @luizaventurelli4570
    @luizaventurelli4570 4 роки тому +1

    so good

  • @Emarani
    @Emarani 5 років тому

    So helpful ,thanks so much.

  • @narjaswarad7556
    @narjaswarad7556 7 років тому

    Thank you teacher 👨‍🏫

  • @francescoantonioamoroso6681
    @francescoantonioamoroso6681 5 років тому

    Could you tell me please, a lesson about comparisons?

  • @rameshkumar-zc6mn
    @rameshkumar-zc6mn 6 років тому

    you're a good teacher

  • @garridoscar1
    @garridoscar1 7 років тому +1

    Excelente teacher Paul. Thanks. Is there any difference between 'seem' and 'look like'?

    • @rosemaryaraujo9133
      @rosemaryaraujo9133 5 років тому

      Yes my friend !
      Look like = physical apperence
      Seem = perception; idea; impression or point of view.

  • @luiz515
    @luiz515 7 років тому

    Paul explains in a good way in short videos.

  • @ato5249
    @ato5249 4 роки тому

    Teacher, can you make a video to teach how to use the word such? I have little confused about it.

  • @raphakim1936
    @raphakim1936 6 років тому

    Nice work

  • @zoyakhan3830
    @zoyakhan3830 3 роки тому


  • @BigBoyFX
    @BigBoyFX 7 років тому

    thank you
    ur videos r useful

  • @esterjpedrero5372
    @esterjpedrero5372 7 років тому

    He is one of the best teacher....... His name is Paul.

  • @askquiz871
    @askquiz871 7 років тому

    can adverb modify adjective clause?

  • @siavashkhazali5842
    @siavashkhazali5842 2 роки тому

    Seem+ adjective and seem to be+
    adjective are different?

  • @erickilkc2669
    @erickilkc2669 7 років тому +1

    please make a video about might

  • @jkellyzephirinol2435
    @jkellyzephirinol2435 7 років тому

    I like this leson

  • @firedrop6129
    @firedrop6129 7 років тому

    Love it!

  • @shaguftashabnam8359
    @shaguftashabnam8359 7 років тому

    plz explain where we use seems to have

    • @Learnamericanenglishonline
      @Learnamericanenglishonline  7 років тому

      It depends on the situation. Let me give you a few examples: "He seems to have the situation under control." The person speaking believes everything is okay but is not completely sure. "She seems to be having some trouble with the math problem." It appears as though she's struggling with it. "You seem to have a lot of time on your hands." This is my point of view, but I could be wrong, and I might be implying that you need to be more gainfully employed.

  • @AcademiaOceano
    @AcademiaOceano 3 роки тому

    The best!!!!

  • @rosemaryaraujo9133
    @rosemaryaraujo9133 5 років тому

    Thanks for help me teacher.
    Your explanation is so clear!
    But I understand well in this situation, but It in a large conversation is confused. I wanna speak with fluency and I need.

    • @luiz515
      @luiz515 5 років тому

      The best way to learn something is practice, practice and so on...

  • @محمدنعمه-ح3ش
    @محمدنعمه-ح3ش 6 років тому

    English language seemed difficult at first, but over the time (gradually) it got easy.

  • @mimii-w8i
    @mimii-w8i 7 років тому

    great !!!!!! thanks a million

  • @vivekkumaranand5272
    @vivekkumaranand5272 7 років тому

    nice video.

  • @saharasalad221
    @saharasalad221 4 роки тому


  • @gitishirasb7874
    @gitishirasb7874 5 років тому


  • @caneste
    @caneste 7 років тому


  • @Krucezam
    @Krucezam 4 роки тому

    Can I replace it with i think it is easy. Maybe he is tired

  • @princeyawenda7287
    @princeyawenda7287 7 років тому


  • @ольгасорокина-ж9ь
    @ольгасорокина-ж9ь 3 роки тому

    Thanks. I was very Interneting

  • @bibicr1001
    @bibicr1001 7 років тому +1

    I'm into you lol

  • @ahmedmakbool6581
    @ahmedmakbool6581 2 роки тому

    I got it, genius.

  • @saudwolf9226
    @saudwolf9226 4 роки тому


  • @rachelreyes5368
    @rachelreyes5368 7 років тому

    i just need seem in a sentence

  • @PankajKumar-ut3bd
    @PankajKumar-ut3bd 6 років тому

    He seems to very busy.

  • @raadalhashimi1904
    @raadalhashimi1904 2 роки тому

    It seems easy.

  • @biroloztekin6142
    @biroloztekin6142 Рік тому


  • @rachelreyes5368
    @rachelreyes5368 7 років тому


  • @rachelreyes5368
    @rachelreyes5368 7 років тому

    like not a ed or s just seem

    @ОХУЖИХУЙНЯ 4 роки тому

    The best videos at now time what I seen

  • @محمدنعمه-ح3ش
    @محمدنعمه-ح3ش 6 років тому +1

    English language seemed difficult at first, but over the time (gradually) it got easy.

  • @محمدنعمه-ح3ش
    @محمدنعمه-ح3ش 6 років тому

    English language seemed difficult at first, but over the time (gradually) it got easy.