Spirit... cherub...Fairy..Inter-dimensional tourist?. WTF is it?

  • Опубліковано 18 вер 2024
  • This was recorded on my security camera...it was a strange set of circumstances that had me watching the feed live on my Chromcast when I noticed it..It isn't a bat, way to slow..., it isn't a bug...bugs can be seen as reference near the outside light. It's not a bird. WHAT IS IT!?..Notice as you watch that it is still for for almost a second before it moves out from between the 2×2 rail boards...it then moves...flys..kinda flits through the opening on the porch..actually going behind the boards at one time...it the morphs...dissolves into a mist... then proceeds to zig and zag straight into the sky. I have no explanation. I feel I was meant to see it..for some undetermined reason I can only speculate on. Strange things have been happening to me as of late..strangeness all over the world..in space...in inner space. Everywhere we look..nothing is as it seems.