@lizardwar ok ok I did like this show but so did my 3 year old daughter lol :):):) they now have the D.V.Ds at walmart for like 5 dollers and Rolie polie olie and Higglytown Heros.
As a little girl, this show wasn't my favorite to watch on Disney Playhouse.In fact, I sort of use to not like it. But now that I see these shows these days on Playhoouse Disney, it makes me regret my judgement. -_-
i remember this show! i have to say one of the best baby shows ever! XD! but the baby shows from 2000 are better
I miss this show on Playhouse Disney, it used to be My 3 year old daughters faviort show
usually wen one speaks of another dey r referring 2 dem selves. i think it use 2 b ur favorit show :o)
@lololauren2001 yea, that was my fav show!!! and the one with the bear
I saw this episode a few months ago xD
@jsrcamp OMG I loved Rolie Polie Olie!!! I cant believe they took it off air
Simba: That baby is so adorable and you to jojo
I miss this show
i miss this show even tho im probably to old 4 it i still luv it
@benjaminkabukabu I want to buy the whole seasons of Jo Jo
Small Fry's cute!
@lizardwar ok ok I did like this show but so did my 3 year old daughter lol :):):)
they now have the D.V.Ds at walmart for like 5 dollers and Rolie polie olie and Higglytown Heros.
ahhh why did disney cancel all the good shows!!!
i love this show
@blubblub959 WAYYYY BETTER! Why cant they have the same shows? I mean really lol I loved 2000 shows
As a little girl, this show wasn't my favorite to watch on Disney Playhouse.In fact, I sort of use to not like it. But now that I see these shows these days on Playhoouse Disney, it makes me regret my judgement. -_-
memories with this show :)
i never knew jojo was a girL . . .
they freaked me out when i found out they where claw.i never played with clay again untel i had to go to school.
I thought it was the itsy bity spider?
lol evil potato
@lololauren2001 yea!!!!! it was really stupid that they did that
i never really liked this one.
i hate the way they acted...