Thank you! Greetings from Australia. I love your teaching’s and your books so much. I had a dream a few years ago where I was walking along a beach full of brown pebbles and one bright white stone stood out. In the dream i was a young girl and I had just lost both of my parents and was feeling alone in the world. I picked up the white stone and a voice said “turn it over”. I turned the stone over and there was a name etched into it very clearly. The voice said “this is your new name”. I had such of feeling of belonging and was so excited when I woke up that I was given my name. At the time I wasn’t a Christian yet so I had no idea of Gods word. Now I can’t get enough of His word and Him! :)
Many years ago I had a vision while sitting in church. We began the worship portion of the service and I began to sing from my heart to Jesus. I closed my eyes and decided I wanted to just bow a little bit while I stood singing and I suddenly found myself in a place where the Lord Jesus sat on a throne high and lifted up. The throne was solid gold and was at least 100 feet high. As I looked up at Him, I saw He was engulfed with what looked like incense or clouds. In my mind, I asked what was I seeing and a voice said "The prayers of the saints ascend to Him from the fire of coals at the base of the throne." At that moment, I looked and saw an opening at the base of the throne and there were coals of fire burning red hot. The voice again spoke, "The prayers of the saints are offered upon the coals of purification and ascend to Him on the throne." At that moment, one dressed in a priestly wardrobe, wearing what looked like a white headpiece, walked towards the opening at the bottom of the throne. He had a long golden stave and there appeared to be what looked like a spoon at the tip of the stave. There was something in the spoon that looked like white dust. He walked up to the base of the throne and thrust his stave into the opening and flipped his wrist and the white dust fell onto the burning coals. The coals burned off a portion of the white dust and the rest ascended up the throne and to the top. I asked, "What is He doing? The voice spoke to me again, "He is offering upon the coals of purification the prayers of the saints.""Everything that comes before God must be purified." I felt compelled to draw near to Him that was on the throne. I saw a ramp on the side and walked over to it. I began to ascend. As my foot touched the ramp, I immediately fell to the floor and began to weep greatly. I felt the weight of sin like I had never known before. I began to crawl on the ramp. I was overcome with intense feelings of being a vile sinner. I could not even lift my face or body off the ramp. All I could do was crawl and I wept bitterly. A powerful presence was now affecting me and I thought I would explode. I confessed over and over that I was a sinner and a wicked man. After a long time, the weight of sin lifted and I no longer felt overcome with sin. I still was not able to lift my head but I opened my eyes and was shocked to see feet with holes in them. I realized it was Jesus and I collapsed again into weeping. Soon, I a hand reach down to take my hand and something was placed into my palm and then He closed my hand into a fist. I heard the words, "I did this because I love you." I opened my hand to find He had placed a little white stone in my palm with writing in it. At this point, I found myself back in my church pew. I don't know how I was able to get back so fast. I never saw His face. I was unable to speak for a long time. After I was able to go home, I walked into my bedroom and opened up my bible and the pages presented the words "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone, a new name is written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it. I have never forgotten that experience and to this day I often use Whitestone as one of my passwords. I began researching about the whitestone and discovered that in the days Jesus walked the earth, when appearing before a judge, and when the verdict was given, the judge would walk up to the individual on trial and present them with either a black stone or a whitestone in the palm of their hand. If you received a black stone, you were immediately sentenced but if you received a white stone, you were freed and the trial was over. God bless. Jon
Always amazed at this man's teachings. That He was able to spend more than an hour on one verse of scripture [Rev. 2:17] to unpack all of its hidden manna available to those who overcome is nothing short of inspired.
You just came through Anchorage, AK and things you said pulled on my spirit as “now” words, conviction of truth, etc, and I’m SO HUNGRY for it. I’m watching all your videos as it’s helping piece together so much of what God has been speaking to me personally and highlights from different places I receive from. Thank you for your obedience to Gods call, it’s a weighty thing; thank you Lord for what you’re doing in this time and using brother Paul Keith to share these messages. Bless him and his family, Lord, amen!
Praise God.. you are a good man sir and this spoke to my soul this video has said everything that’s been on my heart lately.. we need more guys like you shepherding the flock..
I had a dream of the white stone being handed to me 3-4 years ago. This year 2020 I heard 'audibly' my new name from the Lord spoken over me. I would take a thousand lie detector tests and pass every single one because it's Truth. Our "new name" is not a metaphor, it is real and, at least for me, stunningly accurate. I'm so blessed to have listen to this word tonight. The Lord never fails in His confirmations for me. Blessings
Thank you for doing this. Your teachings are totally sound and worth listening to more than once. I want to encourage you not to hold back please. There are new revelations granted all the time and we should share. God bless you richly for the time, effort and diligence that you put in to enrich our understanding.
Unbelief is a very great sin, such profound revelation, timely and so very important. Fellow believers seek to find the truth and the truth will set you free. Shalom and Godspeed
Amen. Wonderful word. The hidden Manna. It's in plain view, yet only revealed to those that have an ear to hear. They'll , She'll sit with Him in his throne. Be Blessed His faithful servant. Shalom
i believe the same. i had reservations because of fanaticism of his followers and what others wrote of him,but i never ever saw anyone so accurate in their ministry which caused me much conflict. he never said those things of himself. the Lord spoke to me afew months ago and told me i was wrong on my escatology concerning the mellinial reighn because some things i put in the future have already taken place. One of those things was the seven seals of which some have been opened. I was told to listen to brother Brahnam on the subject. That was enough to convince me that he was the one.
WOW. Back in the early 2000' I lay sleeping early one Sat morning...I was awakened by a very loud voice which shouted at me these words...REVELATION 10:11
I also dreamed several years ago that me and my husband went down to the courthouse and went n2 the deed husband opened the deed book where our property was listed by our name...he erased our name and rewrote our name as a number....22.
My name is Mannaah only reason I watched this video is because my name is Mannaah, I needed this I was called to truth of Christ in Philadelphia after searching 13 years looking for the meaning of my name I found the Hidden Manna and My New Name in Rev. 2 - 17 ... Love Your Video ... Thank You ... Great Insight and You're correct Manna does change you ... You become like Captain America or Black Panther ... Brave and Empowered with new abilities, Ancestral Memory, and enhanced balance and endurance ... I Hope this helps someone else who changed ... but Meditation is How you Gather Manna and remember Hebrew is also a symbolic and pictorial written language and Manna is Aleph Nun Nun Aleph Mem ... Nun and Nun are Spiritual Seeds like Fish that exist in Mem or the Water of Creation or Chaos where One Nun is negatively charged and the other Nun in Manna is positively charged creating a new seed of Life from the Heavenly Waters or Space.
Thank you for showing us that you really wanted to know the truth to be good to love one another as how to love your love God more than to love your self...God will telling've done God commandments... To searching the person who has manna its still God happiness... But God will still blessed you even you Didn't found who is it...just follow his commandment and it will be enough to God Too..
healing is the children`s BREAD something i was shown while listening to this teaching mk 7:27....and jesus being the very living bread,makes sense as to why them that ate manna in the wildereness and died,they simply didnt recognize the importance of where and what that bread really was
Thank you , it's a desire of mines as well to eat of the spiritual manna and to go behind the veal with .his promise seeds in plasma 27 we shell dwell in the house of the LORD Eleyon. The unseen realmnants The Kingdom to know his Glory and to see him face to face. Seems we all want the same things.Please keep us in prayer and we will do the same. The living manna be blessed.😌
Dearest brother you could also look at Servant of God Luisa Picarretta. She ate only the Eucharist for many years. Her ministry was introducing the age of Sanctification.
In 1999 the Lord told me that he had given me the "Hidden Manna". I got the revelation of the White Stone also. You have to go to the Strongs Concordance to get the understanding of the White Stone. White=light or revelation....Stone=small stones used for the casting of lots. So thru revelation of the spirit God cast lots and gives you your allotment and spiritual jurisdiction with boundaries. This is not taught in church. Apostles understand apostalic field of authority. The Apostle Paul mentioned it in ..2Co 10:13 But we will not boast of things without our measure, but according to the measure of the rule which God hath distributed to us, a measure to reach even unto you. Spiritual boundaries are not taught in church. Sowing seeds in another mans field. This carries a different kind of authority, a new authority, fresh authority. Not a copycat fake authority. That is the New Name...aka New authority. Most christians don't understand boundaries. The whole passage above in that 3rd church talks about the Doctrine of Balaam. That doctrine is teaching that crossing boundaries is OK..Wrong. We are to respect other peoples boundaries. Remember in Exodus 19:12 the Lord set bounds round the mount on the 3rd day. ....When the Lord set my boundaries he came with a Sword also. Just like the beginning of the 3rd church says. No one teaches this in church. An angle with the sword of the Lord. Go back and check out in the Old Testament. Every time the angel with the sword of the Lord showed up, it had to do with boundaries. Kicking Adam out of Eden God set an angel with a sword to protect and guard the boundaries of Eden so Adam would not go back and eat the tree of life. Balaam taught Balak how to get Israel to sin..teach them to step out of their boundaries. So forth and so on.
What are the foods that were meant to be shared by those who believe and know the truth? The ones set apart for the Word of God and prayer? 1Timothy 4:1-5
The hidden manna. The bread from heaven. Jesus said the He is the bread that came down from heaven. He said "...this bread is my flesh which I will give for the life of the world". Even after the Jews argued among themselves about this teaching, he continued " ..UNLESS you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood you have NO life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life". Many of his disciples stopped following him as they did not understand his words of eternal life. However the disciples who stayed with Jesus then found the way to eat his flesh and drink his blood. On the Passover, Jesus put his promise on the Passover bread as his flesh and the wine as his blood. Jesus said he has "eagerly desired to eat this Pass over before I suffer". Jesus established this new covenant with the bread and wine of the Passover. However this precious life giving truth was abolished by the Roman Papacy as prophesied in Daniel 7:25. The pagan feast of Easter took it's place. During the Dark Ages, the manna indeed became hidden and disappeared. However the 2nd coming Christ is to give us the hidden Manna (Passover) in the last days to give us salvation [Isaiah 25:6-9; Hebrews 9:27-28]. Now all peoples are streaming to Zion and are keeping the Passover of the New Covenant that has been restored by the 2nd coming Christ as he prophesied 2000 years ago.
Praise God for explaining these scriptures for the ones that have had a white stone placed in their forehead
Thank you! Greetings from
Australia. I love your teaching’s and your books so much.
I had a dream a few years ago where I was walking along a beach full of brown pebbles and one bright white stone stood out. In the dream i was a young girl and I had just lost both of my parents and was feeling alone in the world. I picked up the white stone and a voice said “turn it over”. I turned the stone over and there was a name etched into it very clearly. The voice said “this is your new name”. I had such of feeling of belonging and was so excited when I woke up that I was given my name.
At the time I wasn’t a Christian yet so I had no idea of Gods word. Now I can’t get enough of His word and Him! :)
Many years ago I had a vision while sitting in church. We began the worship portion of the service and I began to sing from my heart to Jesus. I closed my eyes and decided I wanted to just bow a little bit while I stood singing and I suddenly found myself in a place where the Lord Jesus sat on a throne high and lifted up. The throne was solid gold and was at least 100 feet high.
As I looked up at Him, I saw He was engulfed with what looked like incense or clouds. In my mind, I asked what was I seeing and a voice said "The prayers of the saints ascend to Him from the fire of coals at the base of the throne."
At that moment, I looked and saw an opening at the base of the throne and there were coals of fire burning red hot. The voice again spoke, "The prayers of the saints are offered upon the coals of purification and ascend to Him on the throne."
At that moment, one dressed in a priestly wardrobe, wearing what looked like a white headpiece, walked towards the opening at the bottom of the throne. He had a long golden stave and there appeared to be what looked like a spoon at the tip of the stave. There was something in the spoon that looked like white dust. He walked up to the base of the throne and thrust his stave into the opening and flipped his wrist and the white dust fell onto the burning coals. The coals burned off a portion of the white dust and the rest ascended up the throne and to the top.
I asked, "What is He doing? The voice spoke to me again, "He is offering upon the coals of purification the prayers of the saints.""Everything that comes before God must be purified."
I felt compelled to draw near to Him that was on the throne. I saw a ramp on the side and walked over to it. I began to ascend. As my foot touched the ramp, I immediately fell to the floor and began to weep greatly. I felt the weight of sin like I had never known before. I began to crawl on the ramp. I was overcome with intense feelings of being a vile sinner. I could not even lift my face or body off the ramp. All I could do was crawl and I wept bitterly. A powerful presence was now affecting me and I thought I would explode. I confessed over and over that I was a sinner and a wicked man. After a long time, the weight of sin lifted and I no longer felt overcome with sin. I still was not able to lift my head but I opened my eyes and was shocked to see feet with holes in them. I realized it was Jesus and I collapsed again into weeping.
Soon, I a hand reach down to take my hand and something was placed into my palm and then He closed my hand into a fist. I heard the words, "I did this because I love you." I opened my hand to find He had placed a little white stone in my palm with writing in it.
At this point, I found myself back in my church pew. I don't know how I was able to get back so fast. I never saw His face.
I was unable to speak for a long time. After I was able to go home, I walked into my bedroom and opened up my bible and the pages presented the words "He that hath an ear, let him hear what the Spirit saith unto the churches; To him that overcometh will I give to eat of the hidden manna, and will give him a white stone, and in the stone, a new name is written, which no man knoweth saving he that receiveth it.
I have never forgotten that experience and to this day I often use Whitestone as one of my passwords. I began researching about the whitestone and discovered that in the days Jesus walked the earth, when appearing before a judge, and when the verdict was given, the judge would walk up to the individual on trial and present them with either a black stone or a whitestone in the palm of their hand. If you received a black stone, you were immediately sentenced but if you received a white stone, you were freed and the trial was over. God bless. Jon
Always amazed at this man's teachings. That He was able to spend more than an hour on one verse of scripture [Rev. 2:17] to unpack all of its hidden manna available to those who overcome is nothing short of inspired.
You just came through Anchorage, AK and things you said pulled on my spirit as “now” words, conviction of truth, etc, and I’m SO HUNGRY for it. I’m watching all your videos as it’s helping piece together so much of what God has been speaking to me personally and highlights from different places I receive from. Thank you for your obedience to Gods call, it’s a weighty thing; thank you Lord for what you’re doing in this time and using brother Paul Keith to share these messages. Bless him and his family, Lord, amen!
Praise God.. you are a good man sir and this spoke to my soul this video has said everything that’s been on my heart lately.. we need more guys like you shepherding the flock..
I had a dream of the white stone being handed to me 3-4 years ago. This year 2020 I heard 'audibly' my new name from the Lord spoken over me. I would take a thousand lie detector tests and pass every single one because it's Truth. Our "new name" is not a metaphor, it is real and, at least for me, stunningly accurate. I'm so blessed to have listen to this word tonight. The Lord never fails in His confirmations for me.
Thank you for doing this. Your teachings are totally sound and worth listening to more than once. I want to encourage you not to hold back please. There are new revelations granted all the time and we should share. God bless you richly for the time, effort and diligence that you put in to enrich our understanding.
Love this!! Thank you
💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖💖thanks be to God for His indescribable blessings!!!
Unbelief is a very great sin, such profound revelation, timely and so very important. Fellow believers seek to find the truth and the truth will set you free. Shalom and Godspeed
Amen. Wonderful word. The hidden Manna. It's in plain view, yet only revealed to those that have an ear to hear. They'll , She'll sit with Him in his throne. Be Blessed His faithful servant. Shalom
i believe the same. i had reservations because of fanaticism of his followers and what others wrote of him,but i never ever saw anyone so accurate in their ministry which caused me much conflict. he never said those things of himself. the Lord spoke to me afew months ago and told me i was wrong on my escatology concerning the mellinial reighn because some things i put in the future have already taken place. One of those things was the seven seals of which some have been opened. I was told to listen to brother Brahnam on the subject. That was enough to convince me that he was the one.
Thank God for this timely message! I have been blessed beyond my expectation. Thank you man of God🙏 to Him our Lord be the Glory Forever More Amen.
The spirit of Elijah Malaga 4:5 thank you for this prothic informative massage of Revealation of Christ
Thus said the Lord our god in pslmas 27 And we shell dwell in the house of the LORD for ever.
WOW. Back in the early 2000' I lay sleeping early one Sat morning...I was awakened by a very loud voice which shouted at me these words...REVELATION 10:11
The past few days I have sensed myself running around like a baby INSIDE OF YAHWEH.
I also dreamed several years ago that me and my husband went down to the courthouse and went n2 the deed husband opened the deed book where our property was listed by our name...he erased our name and rewrote our name as a number....22.
Thank you, Paul Keith Davis!
Such a wonderful teaching! Thank you!
🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦 Blessings!🇨🇦🇨🇦🇨🇦
Powerful message, you've spoken to me!
My name is Mannaah only reason I watched this video is because my name is Mannaah, I needed this I was called to truth of Christ in Philadelphia after searching 13 years looking for the meaning of my name I found the Hidden Manna and My New Name in Rev. 2 - 17 ... Love Your Video ... Thank You ... Great Insight and You're correct Manna does change you ... You become like Captain America or Black Panther ... Brave and Empowered with new abilities, Ancestral Memory, and enhanced balance and endurance ... I Hope this helps someone else who changed ... but Meditation is How you Gather Manna and remember Hebrew is also a symbolic and pictorial written language and Manna is Aleph Nun Nun Aleph Mem ... Nun and Nun are Spiritual Seeds like Fish that exist in Mem or the Water of Creation or Chaos where One Nun is negatively charged and the other Nun in Manna is positively charged creating a new seed of Life from the Heavenly Waters or Space.
Thank you for showing us that you really wanted to know the truth to be good to love one another as how to love your love God more than to love your self...God will telling've done God commandments... To searching the person who has manna its still God happiness... But God will still blessed you even you Didn't found who is it...just follow his commandment and it will be enough to God Too..
Thank you Paul. I agree.
healing is the children`s BREAD something i was shown while listening to this teaching mk 7:27....and jesus being the very living bread,makes sense as to why them that ate manna in the wildereness and died,they simply didnt recognize the importance of where and what that bread really was
Wonderful teaching. Thank you
Thank you , it's a desire of mines as well to eat of the spiritual manna and to go behind the veal with .his promise seeds in plasma 27 we shell dwell in the house of the LORD Eleyon. The unseen realmnants The Kingdom to know his Glory and to see him face to face. Seems we all want the same things.Please keep us in prayer and we will do the same. The living manna be blessed.😌
I now what you are talking about. Amen
Dearest brother you could also look at Servant of God Luisa Picarretta. She ate only the Eucharist for many years. Her ministry was introducing the age of Sanctification.
In 1999 the Lord told me that he had given me the "Hidden Manna". I got the revelation of the White Stone also. You have to go to the Strongs Concordance to get the understanding of the White Stone. White=light or revelation....Stone=small stones used for the casting of lots. So thru revelation of the spirit God cast lots and gives you your allotment and spiritual jurisdiction with boundaries. This is not taught in church. Apostles understand apostalic field of authority. The Apostle Paul mentioned it in ..2Co 10:13 But we will not boast of things without our measure, but according to the measure of the rule which God hath distributed to us, a measure to reach even unto you. Spiritual boundaries are not taught in church. Sowing seeds in another mans field. This carries a different kind of authority, a new authority, fresh authority. Not a copycat fake authority. That is the New Name...aka New authority. Most christians don't understand boundaries. The whole passage above in that 3rd church talks about the Doctrine of Balaam. That doctrine is teaching that crossing boundaries is OK..Wrong. We are to respect other peoples boundaries. Remember in Exodus 19:12 the Lord set bounds round the mount on the 3rd day. ....When the Lord set my boundaries he came with a Sword also. Just like the beginning of the 3rd church says. No one teaches this in church. An angle with the sword of the Lord. Go back and check out in the Old Testament. Every time the angel with the sword of the Lord showed up, it had to do with boundaries. Kicking Adam out of Eden God set an angel with a sword to protect and guard the boundaries of Eden so Adam would not go back and eat the tree of life. Balaam taught Balak how to get Israel to sin..teach them to step out of their boundaries. So forth and so on.
What are the foods that were meant to be shared by those who believe and know the truth? The ones set apart for the Word of God and prayer? 1Timothy 4:1-5
Hello from Tyler ,TX.
I've seen so many preachers preach on elijiah but they never recognized God's prophet when the prophet came to them.
I have the crown of life and morning star and GOD communicates with me very closely.
What is the little scroll that John ate ?
The hidden manna. The bread from heaven. Jesus said the He is the bread that came down from heaven. He said "...this bread is my flesh which I will give for the life of the world". Even after the Jews argued among themselves about this teaching, he continued " ..UNLESS you eat the flesh of the Son of Man and drink his blood you have NO life in you. Whoever eats my flesh and drinks my blood has eternal life".
Many of his disciples stopped following him as they did not understand his words of eternal life. However the disciples who stayed with Jesus then found the way to eat his flesh and drink his blood.
On the Passover, Jesus put his promise on the Passover bread as his flesh and the wine as his blood. Jesus said he has "eagerly desired to eat this Pass over before I suffer". Jesus established this new covenant with the bread and wine of the Passover.
However this precious life giving truth was abolished by the Roman Papacy as prophesied in Daniel 7:25. The pagan feast of Easter took it's place. During the Dark Ages, the manna indeed became hidden and disappeared.
However the 2nd coming Christ is to give us the hidden Manna (Passover) in the last days to give us salvation [Isaiah 25:6-9; Hebrews 9:27-28]. Now all peoples are streaming to Zion and are keeping the Passover of the New Covenant that has been restored by the 2nd coming Christ as he prophesied 2000 years ago.
What is the living stone in Peter's book
brothers asked Jesus can we sit at your right and left
Jesus said can you Drink the cup
what dose sitting have to do with Drinking