Top 20 Best Plays | Worlds 2024 Knockout Stage

  • Опубліковано 18 гру 2024


  • @qlnzky
    @qlnzky Місяць тому +85

    you don't have to agree with the ranking but this worlds was really special somehow. semi finals and finals were absolutely out of this world.
    Faker went full demon kind this tournament.

    • @alihsaas
      @alihsaas Місяць тому +3

      Just remember reading that this worlds will be unmemorable, but here we are, we got the best games and twists we can wish for

    • @realiascailt
      @realiascailt Місяць тому +2

      Im glad we got an exciting finals this year. Semis last year were insane though, WBG beating BLG in a close series and T1 ending JDGs golden road

    • @Fabiocean2000
      @Fabiocean2000 Місяць тому +1

      Even quarters had 2 absolute bangers with GENG vs. FLY and BLG vs. HLE

  • @legless8528
    @legless8528 Місяць тому +20

    Glad to see the 3k elo Forellenlord shockwave is still being referenced today.

  • @ibrahimyeung4224
    @ibrahimyeung4224 Місяць тому +8

    the crowd at 2:50 is insane

  • @SuperDoggykong
    @SuperDoggykong Місяць тому +5

    T1 vs TES was brutal. zero kills by TES probably broke their spirits

  • @abhimanyuchatterjee2308
    @abhimanyuchatterjee2308 Місяць тому +47

    I would've swapped 4 with 1, but other than that, good list.

    • @ibrahimyeung4224
      @ibrahimyeung4224 Місяць тому +9

      imo the way faker plays that play from play#1 is just far more impactful

    • @Frey_TRO
      @Frey_TRO Місяць тому +1

      Then go edit your own

    • @cat-des650
      @cat-des650 Місяць тому

      last game last crucial fight and last play of this year to decide it all. galio-zin-zues play deserves it

  • @Unknown-gc7tn
    @Unknown-gc7tn Місяць тому

    Nice to see Kiin getting some recognition for his poppy. His poppy was one of the main factors why GenG was still in the game, playing the teamfights perfectly

  • @thaddaustentakel7620
    @thaddaustentakel7620 Місяць тому +10

    For me the instant Ace from Fly vs GenG at red side Raptors was the Number 1 play

  • @jstinpoy
    @jstinpoy Місяць тому

    13:00 can't believe light flashed away from alistar combo blind(nocturne ult)

  • @zaidhakim6496
    @zaidhakim6496 Місяць тому +1

    0:56 "and Hang is Hang out"💀

  • @jacobwise220
    @jacobwise220 Місяць тому +10

    Massu my goat ❤

  • @allanpatiga9276
    @allanpatiga9276 Місяць тому +3

    Where's the ult from Keria's Poppy to Knight's Ahri?

    • @Lethologican
      @Lethologican Місяць тому +1

      There's a minimap zoom showing the moment Ahri's icon goes flying.

    • @omniowl9987
      @omniowl9987 Місяць тому +1

      @@Lethologican Yeah this edit is good.

  • @mutlangen7
    @mutlangen7 Місяць тому

    where is the memories video from lolesports?

  • @awei2176
    @awei2176 Місяць тому

    Dear fans of the world championship! Hello everyone!

  • @ardellandaya1965
    @ardellandaya1965 Місяць тому +3

    how has faker gone and made some of the best plays of the tournament again? form is temporary, faker is forever indeed

  • @SmaDaijun
    @SmaDaijun Місяць тому +2


  • @celestialalba
    @celestialalba Місяць тому +2

    how the hell is not Delight's rell 4 man there

  • @peterwurst6942
    @peterwurst6942 Місяць тому +6

    Greetings, everyone coming after me

  • @exhausted5558
    @exhausted5558 Місяць тому +1

    naaah the faker thing on place 10 is sadge

  • @manuuuuulv
    @manuuuuulv Місяць тому

    elk should be one, amyways very good list in general

  • @romboyK
    @romboyK Місяць тому

    Weakest worlds in history, half teams don't play good. GG T1

  • @raiden-sunny4852
    @raiden-sunny4852 Місяць тому +1

    0 plays from lec 😂 Meanwhile so good tournament. A B S O L U T E C I N E M A

    • @ibrahimyeung4224
      @ibrahimyeung4224 Місяць тому +4

      lec wasnt in knockouts

    • @edz3592
      @edz3592 Місяць тому

      Yea, they are already knocked out before the knockout stage.😅

    • @raiden-sunny4852
      @raiden-sunny4852 Місяць тому

      @edz3592 I know. That's the point😂