Trump and some of his advisors also watch The Hill on YT specifically “Rising” with Krystal and Sagaar- Chomsky was on a few weeks ago and the comments section was full of references to Zinn.
Trump most definitely did not read Zinn's books, or Chomsky, or Greene, or the Bible, or the Torah, or Quran, or (and I mean it) the United States Constitution.
Indoctrination is in the eyes of the beholder. If you take a child and turn him or her against everything his or her whole family believes and make her or him unable to enjoy his or her family gatherings, then you have harmed that child. That happened to my daughter as a student at a gifted high school. Howard Zinn made young people ashamed of who they were and ashamed of their country. The assumption became marxism is good and democracy is bad.. That is horrible!
A characteristic of fascist leaders is to provoke nostalgia about a mythic past that was ruined by persons other than the base. "Make America Great " is the sort of appeal a fascist would make. The slogan sends a signal to Trump's base about a mythic past where women deferred to men, Blacks went to the back of the bus, and marginalized groups were nearly invisible.
Let’s not forget, Trump pardoned the Navy Seal who committed war crimes and left his fellow Navy Seals so disturbed they went to authorities. He has no issues with our past atrocities towards the indigenous and minorities.
@Marshall Kinnaird You do know you'r the only right wing twat over here? Too bad FOX news doesn't allow you to comment. I cannot wait until your kissing Donald Beelzebubba trumps backside in hell. You can cling so tightly to his leg that props up your mind everyday.
@Marshall Kinnaird calling reality propaganda is just gaslighting. Everyone here sees you as you are. Do as you are driven, but we will not give in to your attempt to manipulate.
Read his pal Native elder Robin Dunbar Ortiz book The Indigenous Peoples History of US...she complimented Zinns. 400th Mayflower settler ship arrival now.
I’d also add Edward Said’s “Orientalism”, Ivan Illich’s “De-schooling Society”, Jacques Ellul’s “The Technological Society” and Leopold Kohr’s “The Breakdown of Nations” to your great list.
@Marshall Kinnaird And you did not just claim something, without providing any evidence? Km sure, that you don't have any to support your claim. If you do, provide it now or keep quiet until you grow up!
It's the job of historians to be critical of the past, re-examine narratives we've been told all our lives and be honest with ourselves as well as others
@@EpicVideoMaster11 I have an advanced degree in history. While politics *is* history, and we are all a product of the times within which we live, historians don't conspire to foist their polemics on an unsuspecting public. Sorry.
Said people from every tribe in every country or empire ever. I'm sure there are exceptions, but they are few and far between. And it's not like our present is not still very brutal - especially to women and transgender people. Today women will be routinely brutalized physically and sexually across many parts of Africa and in Middle Eastern and Asian countries and only to a somewhat lesser degree in the supposedly more civilized West. And what will happen to some gay and trans people is beyond brutal. Hopefully we will evolve out of our brutality, but sadly we are a long ways off from that day. Hell, we can't even agree on our own history or stop repeating it. What a mess!
We should study our history, learn from it, avoid the bad, embrace the good. We shouldn’t indoctrinate the young. They have good BS detectors and will reject Donald Trump Thought.
We dont have to be any more ashamed than any other country but we do need to take off the rose colored glasses. We are just as flawed as everyone else.
Mark says Tony, we need to learn about or history in order to not let it happen again. The rotten people have children who have not learned the lessons of history.
I escaped in 1989 after the Reagan fiasco. The handwriting was on the wall farther back than that. There is a whole world out here and if you can learn to drop the American privilege and arrogance people will welcome you with open arms.
I escaped in 2017 to Côte d’Ivoire Africa. Is it perfect? No. However it’s a well welcomed upgrade from the USA. I recently “Put my finger on” Why I felt so good here? There’s 0 racism DUH! I had visited 3 countries of Africa in 2015. I loved the experience so much, that I didn’t want to return to the USA. Fast forward to 2017 ‘Je suis la!’ Finally my plan is‘getting wheels’. If you would like to view some of my journey? Search Expat to Côte d’ Ivoire Back To Kama.🖐🏿
@Ian Lev SADIST FOR TRUMP!! I'm raising my child to be just like trump, he's sexually assaulting, tax evading, pathologically lying and generally just a sociopathic cruel winner now!! Our whole town hates us!
I question if Democracy Now knows because they make it seem as if Zinn’s book is full of woke nonsense, which it isn’t. In many ways it’s a working class accounting of history directly critiquing concepts like “black capitalism” during the 60s portion of the book, and heavily pro labor as a means to unite against the 1%.
Not the truth about it tho. They always say oh they're heroes for fighting for freedom and states rights. Well freedom for white people I guess, because the black people there had none of that.
The trouble is, the right wing has already rewritten history and is why zinn’s books are so incendiary. Zinn presents a more accurate lens, and so trump wants to double down and subject America’s youth to further red, white, and brainwash..
Reading Howard Zenn in my 30s gave me even more pride in my country despite the horrible true parts of history he brought to light. Children must learn truth not just patriotic propaganda.
Howard Zinn was disingenuous in his interpretations of history. He knew most people would not read Columbus’ writings beginning to end, so he purposely pieces together different lines from different paragraphs to present Columbus as much worse than he was. Columbus was no saint, but he did not take part in a child sex ring and he never encouraged the atrocities that his brother committed in his absence.
we need to strike a balance of modern humanist ideas , and the different rules governing people's lives in the past .The brutality of past Wars could return , so teaching our Children to be pacifists which is what modern Politically Correct thinking leads to , may be foolish...................Germany at present could not possibly defend itself against Russia or even France , you gotta ask yourself have the Pacifists gone too far..................
Howard Zinn was disingenuous in his interpretations of history. He knew most people would not read Columbus’ writings beginning to end, so he purposely pieces together different lines from different paragraphs to present Columbus as much worse than he was. Columbus was no saint, but he did not take part in a child sex ring and he never encouraged the atrocities that his brother committed in his absence.
@Joker Smith AND recommended reading for all of us adults who got a crappy education. Authentic history is exciting to learn. We need to learn from the mistakes and be inspired by the good. America is left very vulnerable when we shellac stories and sweep the truth under the rug. I definitely plan to read "A PEOPLE'S HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES" by Howard Zinn.
trump is an idiot and an asshole, plain and simple. he'll lie about anything to try and get what he wants, and unfortunately there are enough sheeple in the u.s. who are either too stupid to see this or they are just like him and thus relate well to him and support him.
In 7th grade at the age of 12 in 1982 my history teacher showed us black and white Holocaust movies on the projector of what really happened in World War II without filter. Seems like America can point out the atrocities of other countries but can't acknowledge their own.
As fucking if there is anything comparable that the United States has done to the scale and determined atrocities other nations like Germany have commited. Does it have some perfect history? Obviously not, literally no nation should you trace back to its roots is perfect, but damn is it better than most.
@@jeanhunter3538 let's count the ways. Biggest genocide in human history is all the Native Americans that got killed deliberately or by disease. Slavery, multiple Jim crows and redlining, dozens of coups in other countries, military presence in other countries to exploit their resources, failed War on Drugs, largest prison population then any other Nation and we took all the Nazi scientists into our population after World War II. It goes on and on...
@@Toneloke-3000 1. you know that basically all of the native Americans that died LONG before even the English arrived in North America, and that Germ theory didn't exist for another several hundred years. 2. Slavery, basically any country if you go back far enough had it, and sometimes in far worse forms (still a bad thing yes) but the US and the UK helped stop in places like Asia and Africa. 3. Jim Crow in the south was awful yes as well as redlining when it is appliable. 4. Military coups during the cold war were bad but other countries including our rival the USSR was doing it too and is FAR from unique to either. 5. Military presence in the middle east, bad yes, most will agree on that, most other places they are asked for. 6. The largest prison pop is mostly because of the war on drugs, yes I agree minor things like drug possession without distribution should be decriminalized. 7. We did not take all of them whatsoever, we took some, yes, mostly the ones working on rockets, not the ones in death camps, the USSR and other nations also harbored those scientists.
I think the 'biggest genocide in history' part is easily the most uninformed and stupid take that I have EVER seen on people in the 1600s catching foreign diseases which no one knew about for another 200-300 years. And using that to blame a country that didn't exist until nearly 200 years after it had already occurred.
Im STILL trying to finish reading The People's History..there is SO MUCH info, and im talking FACTS, in that book. Hes my Hero. Writing and publishing that book took alot of Balls
Ian Lev. Just teach them truth! Are facts so scary? I see you are a book burner... like others in history... It can only end in your destruction as it has for all right wingers. Are you descended from generations of slaveowners or are you a recent immigrant? (Within the last 150 years?) just curious...
@Marshall Kinnaird there is such a thing as taking a statement too literally. You are assuming by the way that Trump would have a problem with torture. I'm not sure that he does.
@@thedudegrowsfood284 I've missed the sarcasm font for nearly twenty years! That's a brilliant idea. Please make it look like Comic Sans, but slightly more devilish.
Middle school students in Germany can tell you about their nations role in the Holocaust, as it is a required component of the national education curriculum. The students will also tell you that they are proud of their nation, and through learning about history good and bad, are better prepared to avoid repeating the mistakes.
This book was my text in college history! I did not feel ashamed. I was angry that our government and the elites that supported an anti-people agenda. I felt that empowered to change this and fulfill Americans promise!
Bravo!! Trained teachers need to use initiative to procure truth based information. The curriculum resources are not enough and are only sketches. If educators are expected to teach from ONLY prescribed resources then why do we need so much training? Some powers to be would like to see barely trained instructors in our schools, and it would save money! I commend your professionalism - from a retired Canadian educator.
I remember when i lived in Boston and Prof. Zinn would give conferences. The halls were always packed with standing room only. I am grateful for being present to hear him. And to him i am grateful for learning so much. How can we expect to improve our society if we are blind to it's injustices. As a historian he saw the great injustices that had been committed in his country, wrote about them , condemned them and worked to eradicate them. That , in any country is what a patriot does. He will forever be my hero. I love you Dr. Zinn
I think it's safe to say that young Donald had never heard of Howard Zinn five minutes ago, let alone read any of his books...or any other books for that matter.
People hate us because academics write books about our bad behavior. If only there was some way to get those horrible academics to stop writing books about our bad behavior. I mean we've tried having tv stations that pretend our bad behavior is good behavior but that hasn't done anything about those damned books though.
People hate us because we have over 200 military bases around the world, dictate and rob and murder and plunder other peoples, and other shit people don't hear about on the news.
i read "a people's history..." as an adult, i think after watching him on democracy now, democracy now is a GREAT initial source for books and literature. but i don't remember hearing howard zinn's name once in any high school or college class.
They don't even teach about it anyway! I remember one chapter in my history book in 4th grade that talked about slavery. It made it seem like it happened somewhere else.
From a distant shore. Some might say this is an example of brilliant oratory from a very stable genius who uses the best words. Others might say it's merely the ramblings of an ithering blidiot.
I have started to read Howard Zinn's book, thanks to Trump's free publicity. Although according to some reports, Trump has not read a book since college, he has done a lot to stimulate sales. As for Howard Zinn, he analyzes events from the perspective of the oppressed. He quotes primary sources in some detail. His voice should be heard. Schoolchildren shouldn't be fed pap just because Trump thinks his own version of history is a good wedge issue. Trump is trying to damage historiography the way he is doing to science and medicine.
It’s not until we get honest about our history and how our institutions function, that we can move forward as a nation. 🇺🇸🤔. “And they shall know the truth and the truth will set them free”. John 8:32
As someone who was educated in the 70’s and had all these figures propped up as near-saintly heroes during my elementary and middle school years, I feel betrayed... especially after having to spend the rest of my life dis-entangling these “noble” myths from the often horrifying realities. One can still be proud of being an American without worshipping these historically propped up idols. There are plenty of other true ‘heroes’ that deserve admiration and elevation.
@@FromAcrossTheDesert Honestly, a good one to start would be Mark Twain. Sure, he was a writer, but he was also a critic and a good friend of Hellen Keller, who was a socialist.
@@anthonyglover4767 Mark Twain was a highly opinionated hot head. The only reason his works were published in the first place, is because his wife (a more reasonable well balanced person) would run interference for him. Every scathing letter he wrote, his wife would take out of the mail box and destroy. It was only after her death, that people really started to hear from the real Samuel Clemens.
Bravo! Well said! Knowledge is Power, but it can also hurt like hell sometimes. Governmental mistreatment of its citizens...It's like a parent who abuses a child...really sad, but reality, still.
"Those who fail to remember their past are doomed to repeat it." We need honest history, not propaganda, else we are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past. We all (well, most) agree that, for instance, slavery was a bad thing. We all know it and POCs in our nation can't help but feel it, viscerally. We are not too likely to go back to that. We need to remember the rest. How we had to fight to end child labor, get weekends with our families, get women the vote. How some of our past "heroes" were less than perfect. No one "hates" George Washington, though we know he owned slaves. We don't hate Thomas Jefferson in spite of his reputation with them either. To the extent they were products of the culture they were raised in, we can admire the good things they accomplished This nonsense about teaching real history instead of propaganda should not even be a serious side conversation in our nation, yet, due to our unwillingness to vote responsibly (the turn outs have been horrible the past many decades), we have a conman, a money launderer and an outright thief in OUR White House. This is unacceptable. We are on the verge of becoming the next Reich and no one seems to be paying attention or willing to do anything to prevent it. I have never been more concerned than I am today, though I said those same words three years ago. It has only gotten worse since. PLEASE! Please world! Restore my faith in humanity! End this nightmare and restore sanity to my beloved nation. I'm 66. I don't want to witness the end of the country I have served and loved to come to an end while I still breathe.
Thank you Jim, for your post! My eyes have been Closed, My head buried in sand and SADLY My Mind up Lady Liberty's Robe, Far Too many decades! Just taking Baby steps here, But I Concur with you, Jim M!
I completed all 12 years of formal education, as well as 6 years of higher education. My degree is in US History, with areas of concentration in Appalachian History as well as the History of the Antebellum South. The only education that I received in our institutions of learning WAS this "Patriotic History" that Trump speaks of. I only learned so much of the untold history of my country AFTER I graduated and began teaching myself. This is just more of the Conservative push to privatize our education system after they have thoroughly discredited it in the minds of the average American.
We can't continue to go back in time to the 50's like Trump wants. We need to move forward to help our children correct the wrong of this country's past. To bring us into the future to make us a strong America not a wake one were we hide our wrongs !
Everyone should hear the entire truth about everything their parents did wrong, every evil thought, every nasty word, every immoral act they committed in private. Everything. Shout it from the rooftops! It will make society infinitely better. Promise.
He is so strange. Do you notice how he postures himself, cocking his head to the side and twisting back and forth as if he is conducting a sermon? It is unsettling and sends a vibe of deception. Oh yeah, that is right. It makes sense.
Hold on Democracy Now, when did Zinn’s book mention critical race theory? He’s closer to Adolph Reed in that his book showed racism to be a tool by the white elite to subjugate both poor whites and blacks to prevent an uprising during the revolutionary period. Zinn’s book was also pro labor unions mentioning the AFL-CIO stating “it created the possibility of blacks and whites uniting on the issue of class exploitation.” And was critical of the concept of “black capitalism” or as Doctor Cornell West says “black faces in high places” like Obama but no structural change. Martin Luther King Jr. advocated for an economic bill of rights for poor and working people of all races and Zinn’s book showed this, the opposite of the woke framing of certain dominant segments of the left and the RussiaGate madness that made liberals into war mongers where Zinn wrote that King connected our wars overseas with poverty in the home land. Do better Democracy Now!
Conservatives showing us yet again how much they believe in STatE RiGHts. By the way, can we please start talking about Trump's obvious neurological decline more seriously?
Our children need to hear the truth. Americans can face our history and we can correct our mistakes. We are not afraid. Truth and justice! Vote in November.
Who told trump about Zinn? I'm sure he didn't read it.
Trump and some of his advisors also watch The Hill on YT specifically “Rising” with Krystal and Sagaar- Chomsky was on a few weeks ago and the comments section was full of references to Zinn.
Trump most definitely did not read Zinn's books, or Chomsky, or Greene, or the Bible, or the Torah, or Quran, or (and I mean it) the United States Constitution.
@@fairdose he definitely has teams scouring comment sections for talking points.
MILLER & BANNON write his speeches
"patriotic education" isn't that called indoctrination.
A Hitler plan that worked on germany
Indoctrination is in the eyes of the beholder. If you take a child and turn him or her against everything his or her whole family believes and make her or him unable to enjoy his or her family gatherings, then you have harmed that child. That happened to my daughter as a student at a gifted high school. Howard Zinn made young people ashamed of who they were and ashamed of their country. The assumption became marxism is good and democracy is bad.. That is horrible!
Yes it is but Indoctrination goes many ways
Trump sounds more fascist every day lately. Escalating towards the election.
And people love it
Trump has all the qualities of a fascist but he lacks an ideology other than himself which makes him just a tin pot dictator.
A characteristic of fascist leaders is to provoke nostalgia about a mythic past that was ruined by persons other than the base. "Make America Great " is the sort of appeal a fascist would make. The slogan sends a signal to Trump's base about a mythic past where women deferred to men, Blacks went to the back of the bus, and marginalized groups were nearly invisible.
We should be thankful that Trump is not charismatic and eloquent.
To many he is
Let’s not forget, Trump pardoned the Navy Seal who committed war crimes and left his fellow Navy Seals so disturbed they went to authorities. He has no issues with our past atrocities towards the indigenous and minorities.
He sanctioned the chief prosecutor of the icc for investigating war crimes
Well-Obama gave us Bowe Bergdahl. He joined the enemy.
Holy hell..are Americans "debating " the idea of teaching the TRUTH ? Wow...that's not good...
@Marshall Kinnaird You do know you'r the only right wing twat over here? Too bad FOX news doesn't allow you to comment. I cannot wait until your kissing Donald Beelzebubba trumps backside in hell. You can cling so tightly to his leg that props up your mind everyday.
That's exactly what's happening! An astute observation on your part. Pretty well sums the whole thing up.
@Marshall Kinnaird calling reality propaganda is just gaslighting. Everyone here sees you as you are. Do as you are driven, but we will not give in to your attempt to manipulate.
@Marshall Kinnaird checked your bubble lately?
@Marshall Kinnaird if you were defending your bubble, you might be here.
Currently reading The People's History of the United States.
One of the greatest books of history wrote in modern times keep reading
I’m almost done with the book I’m on chapter 20
This Canadian will look for it.
Read his pal Native elder Robin Dunbar Ortiz book The Indigenous Peoples History of US...she complimented Zinns. 400th Mayflower settler ship arrival now.
I just bought the book a few days ago. Looking forward to reading it
Honesty is not something Trump adheres to. And from the looks of it, his base doesn't either.
Honesty isn't what is is with them, they have certain standard lines that they use in a way similar to Germany during the reign of the Nazis!
trump and his supporters turn to 'alternative facts' when actual facts go against what they wish to be true.
Howard Zinn’s People’s History of the US and Chomsky’s Manufacturing Consent should be required reading everywhere.
I’d also add Edward Said’s “Orientalism”, Ivan Illich’s “De-schooling Society”, Jacques Ellul’s “The Technological Society” and Leopold Kohr’s “The Breakdown of Nations” to your great list.
Michael Parenti: The Face of Imperialism, Democracy for the Few, Against Empire, Contrary Notions, Blackshirts and Reds, Dirty Secrets, ...
Stone, Kuznick: Untold History of the United States
Those books are horrible... how about Bastiat's "The Law", and "The Ethics of Liberty" by Murray Rothbard.
"Power and Money" by Murray Rothbard.
What’s the old saying” Those that do not learn for their history are doomed to repeat it”
Georges Santayana! 😀
which goes nicely with "stupid is as stupid does"
"you can't fix stupid"
@Marshall Kinnaird
...and you've read it? 😒
Remember, George Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose. How's that for accurate honest history?
@Marshall Kinnaird And you did not just claim something, without providing any evidence?
Km sure, that you don't have any to support your claim.
If you do, provide it now or keep quiet until you grow up!
It's the job of historians to be critical of the past, re-examine narratives we've been told all our lives and be honest with ourselves as well as others
It is not the job of a historian to be *critical* but rather to demonstrate conclusively his or her findings. Accuracy is paramount.
p dog impossible, you are daft if you think you can escape politics in a medium like History.
Xenophobic right-wing nationalists hate self-reflection. They refuse to acknowledge any truth that damages their collective ego.
@@EpicVideoMaster11 I have an advanced degree in history. While politics *is* history, and we are all a product of the times within which we live, historians don't conspire to foist their polemics on an unsuspecting public. Sorry.
z0e Thank you! Critical thinking should be a number one objective in any class! Question authority, always! Zinn is a great referent in US history
We should be ashamed of our own history. It's brutal.
Said people from every tribe in every country or empire ever. I'm sure there are exceptions, but they are few and far between. And it's not like our present is not still very brutal - especially to women and transgender people. Today women will be routinely brutalized physically and sexually across many parts of Africa and in Middle Eastern and Asian countries and only to a somewhat lesser degree in the supposedly more civilized West. And what will happen to some gay and trans people is beyond brutal. Hopefully we will evolve out of our brutality, but sadly we are a long ways off from that day. Hell, we can't even agree on our own history or stop repeating it. What a mess!
We should study our history, learn from it, avoid the bad, embrace the good. We shouldn’t indoctrinate the young. They have good BS detectors and will reject Donald Trump Thought.
We dont have to be any more ashamed than any other country but we do need to take off the rose colored glasses. We are just as flawed as everyone else.
Mark says Tony, we need to learn about or history in order to not let it happen again. The rotten people have children who have not learned the lessons of history.
Don't believe the biased Marxist . Read Mary Graber's book "Debunking Howard Zinn".
Passports are useless. We can't even escape this clown show.
I escaped in 1989 after the Reagan fiasco. The handwriting was on the wall farther back than that. There is a whole world out here and if you can learn to drop the American privilege and arrogance people will welcome you with open arms.
Read an article reporting a record number of American citizens have given up their citizenship.
I escaped in 2017 to Côte d’Ivoire Africa. Is it perfect? No. However it’s a well welcomed upgrade from the USA. I recently “Put my finger on” Why I felt so good here? There’s 0 racism DUH! I had visited 3 countries of Africa in 2015. I loved the experience so much, that I didn’t want to return to the USA.
Fast forward to 2017 ‘Je suis la!’ Finally my plan is‘getting wheels’. If you would like to view some of my journey? Search Expat to Côte d’ Ivoire Back To Kama.🖐🏿
And if you do manage to escape, you will get to see what US foreign policy looks like from the barrel side of the gun.
@@AssanRaelian Pan-Africanism.
Howard Zinn was a great American!
No such thing as a "great amerikkkan", that is an oxymoron if there was ever one
i doubt trump even knows who Zinn is and was.. what an absolute clown.
He's definitely just reading from a teleprompter
@@Drumz_of_Liberation and it looks difficult.. makes dubya look like a genius.
@Marshall Kinnaird Can you define a marxist beyond your FOX understanding of it being anyone to the left of Hitler?
@Ian Lev SADIST FOR TRUMP!! I'm raising my child to be just like trump, he's sexually assaulting, tax evading, pathologically lying and generally just a sociopathic cruel winner now!! Our whole town hates us!
I question if Democracy Now knows because they make it seem as if Zinn’s book is full of woke nonsense, which it isn’t. In many ways it’s a working class accounting of history directly critiquing concepts like “black capitalism” during the 60s portion of the book, and heavily pro labor as a means to unite against the 1%.
But he's sure proud of his Confederate Generals.
THAT is history he wants remembered.
Because its actual history
Not the truth about it tho. They always say oh they're heroes for fighting for freedom and states rights. Well freedom for white people I guess, because the black people there had none of that.
I'm proud to own a copy of Zinn's "A People's History of the United States" and it should be a welcome addition to ANYONE's library!
Just ordered it, and told all my friends on fb, mentioning Trumps "reverse-advertising" for the book :)
idiot book full of distortions. glory to columbus.
Oh God, now Trump is going to dictate what history is taught and how we think.
It's going to be an alternative history.
Amazing, isn't it? He has zero time to do his job, yet so much time to get involved where he does not belong!
The trouble is, the right wing has already rewritten history and is why zinn’s books are so incendiary.
Zinn presents a more accurate lens, and so trump wants to double down and subject America’s youth to further red, white, and brainwash..
Stalin and Russia Mao and China the list is extensive of history whitewashed.
Trump's either a stable genius or a fuc*ing moron depending on who you ask. I think it's the later not the former who will be dictating that history!
Reading Howard Zenn in my 30s gave me even more pride in my country despite the horrible true parts of history he brought to light. Children must learn truth not just patriotic propaganda.
Howard Zinn was disingenuous in his interpretations of history. He knew most people would not read Columbus’ writings beginning to end, so he purposely pieces together different lines from different paragraphs to present Columbus as much worse than he was. Columbus was no saint, but he did not take part in a child sex ring and he never encouraged the atrocities that his brother committed in his absence.
Pride in your country or it's people? Not to be nitpicky, but country may imply the state and it's flag
Reading Zinn is not learning the truth. His book is trash. Zinn is a liar. Easily and verifiably debunked by historians
Snowed completely snowed. He got ya hahahahhahahha
@@Gringosauruswhy don't you just admit that you have never read any kind of book in your entire life
"We should be honest about the history of hour country..." Germany learned that the hard way!
What the hell are you talking about?
Remember, George Floyd died of a fentanyl overdose. How's that for accurate honest history?
we need to strike a balance of modern humanist ideas , and the different rules governing people's lives in the past .The brutality of past Wars could return , so teaching our Children to be pacifists which is what modern Politically Correct thinking leads to , may be foolish...................Germany at present could not possibly defend itself against Russia or even France , you gotta ask yourself have the Pacifists gone too far..................
@@brettgbarnes Cute fantasy. Fucktard.
@Seone Abbyssia Exactly, let's ignore it. It's 2020, move on.
more people need to know about Howard Zinn so Trump actually did us all a favor bring his name back into the American mindset.
I like your perspective!
I just learned about Howard Zinn thanks Donald 🍊
Howard Zinn was disingenuous in his interpretations of history. He knew most people would not read Columbus’ writings beginning to end, so he purposely pieces together different lines from different paragraphs to present Columbus as much worse than he was. Columbus was no saint, but he did not take part in a child sex ring and he never encouraged the atrocities that his brother committed in his absence.
The epic streisand effect.
Zinn should be recommended reading for every single school in America.
I’d say required reading.
Zinn needs to STFU!
howard zinn is one of my favorite american authors, and proud to be an american!
@Joker Smith AND recommended reading for all of us adults who got a crappy education. Authentic history is exciting to learn. We need to learn from the mistakes and be inspired by the good. America is left very vulnerable when we shellac stories and sweep the truth under the rug. I definitely plan to read "A PEOPLE'S HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES" by Howard Zinn.
@@brettgbarnes Jerk!
Howard Zinn is worthy of a statue, a great writer, & truthsayer . . .
And I will tear it down, just like you people tore down so many others.
Trump has a problem with facts .
Thank the lord Trump only lies on days ending in "y".
Then he shouldn't have a problem with Zin's books, because they lack them.
@@Yothirjgdit9595Right because you with the roblox profile pic would know
trump is an idiot and an asshole, plain and simple. he'll lie about anything to try and get what he wants, and unfortunately there are enough sheeple in the u.s. who are either too stupid to see this or they are just like him and thus relate well to him and support him.
It’s nice to hear Zinn’s voice again.
In 7th grade at the age of 12 in 1982 my history teacher showed us black and white Holocaust movies on the projector of what really happened in World War II without filter. Seems like America can point out the atrocities of other countries but can't acknowledge their own.
@Marshall Kinnaird is part of our history, so yes, let's talk about it.
As fucking if there is anything comparable that the United States has done to the scale and determined atrocities other nations like Germany have commited. Does it have some perfect history? Obviously not, literally no nation should you trace back to its roots is perfect, but damn is it better than most.
@@jeanhunter3538 let's count the ways. Biggest genocide in human history is all the Native Americans that got killed deliberately or by disease. Slavery, multiple Jim crows and redlining, dozens of coups in other countries, military presence in other countries to exploit their resources, failed War on Drugs, largest prison population then any other Nation and we took all the Nazi scientists into our population after World War II. It goes on and on...
@@Toneloke-3000 1. you know that basically all of the native Americans that died LONG before even the English arrived in North America, and that Germ theory didn't exist for another several hundred years. 2. Slavery, basically any country if you go back far enough had it, and sometimes in far worse forms (still a bad thing yes) but the US and the UK helped stop in places like Asia and Africa. 3. Jim Crow in the south was awful yes as well as redlining when it is appliable. 4. Military coups during the cold war were bad but other countries including our rival the USSR was doing it too and is FAR from unique to either. 5. Military presence in the middle east, bad yes, most will agree on that, most other places they are asked for. 6. The largest prison pop is mostly because of the war on drugs, yes I agree minor things like drug possession without distribution should be decriminalized. 7. We did not take all of them whatsoever, we took some, yes, mostly the ones working on rockets, not the ones in death camps, the USSR and other nations also harbored those scientists.
I think the 'biggest genocide in history' part is easily the most uninformed and stupid take that I have EVER seen on people in the 1600s catching foreign diseases which no one knew about for another 200-300 years. And using that to blame a country that didn't exist until nearly 200 years after it had already occurred.
Im STILL trying to finish reading The People's History..there is SO MUCH info, and im talking FACTS, in that book. Hes my Hero. Writing and publishing that book took alot of Balls
Howard Zinn's writings should be mandatory reading for everyone on the planet.
They shouldn’t be mandatory, but they should be easy to find because critical thinking and free speech are vital.
Ian Lev. Just teach them truth! Are facts so scary? I see you are a book burner... like others in history... It can only end in your destruction as it has for all right wingers. Are you descended from generations of slaveowners or are you a recent immigrant? (Within the last 150 years?) just curious...
@Ian Lev
(though of course no book should be urinated on this is thuggery and stupidity)
@Ian Lev
no the nazis are far right and no you are still a stupid thug for wanting to piss on a book
name a single thing thats wrong in the book then
Enforced by the NKVD? Commies should all be pushed out of helicopters.
You know you're a legend when Trump hates your work. 😃
@Marshall Kinnaird is that the dr. they have doing the involuntary hysterectomies?
@Marshall Kinnaird there is such a thing as taking a statement too literally.
You are assuming by the way that Trump would have a problem with torture. I'm not sure that he does.
@Marshall Kinnaird actually, you're right. I hope I haven't hurt Trump's feelings. 😁
@@crazymulgogi I can't find a sarcasm font.
@@thedudegrowsfood284 I've missed the sarcasm font for nearly twenty years! That's a brilliant idea. Please make it look like Comic Sans, but slightly more devilish.
A People's History of the United States is historically accurate
Ashamed of our their own history? Many of us are deeply ashamed of things NOW
Middle school students in Germany can tell you about their nations role in the Holocaust, as it is a required component of the national education curriculum. The students will also tell you that they are proud of their nation, and through learning about history good and bad, are better prepared to avoid repeating the mistakes.
But we were noble going into Vietnam
@@Yothirjgdit9595 Keep telling yourself that, buddy.
We should teach our kids to love our country, sins, scars, and all.
Ha! I WISH I had learned the name Howard Zinn in school!
EVERYBODY should be reading People’s History.
This book was my text in college history! I did not feel ashamed. I was angry that our government and the elites that supported an anti-people agenda. I felt that empowered to change this and fulfill Americans promise!
Sorry I will be referring to and reading the People’s History to my kids. Have always referred to the Zinn website.
I know what I’ll be reading to my daughter at bedtime this evening. 💁🏻♀️
Don't do it at bedtime, maybe after supper??
Jacob Painter Oh you’re not trolling. Not at all. 🙄
God bless that child😞🙏🏼
@@Yothirjgdit9595 Oh god. 👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀👀Keep scrutinizing and seeing nothing.
I used his book as my history textbook for my students.
Bravo!! Trained teachers need to use initiative to procure truth based information. The curriculum resources are not enough and are only sketches. If educators are expected to teach from ONLY prescribed resources then why do we need so much training? Some powers to be would like to see barely trained instructors in our schools, and it would save money! I commend your professionalism - from a retired Canadian educator.
@@delmariecrandall9229 TY very much, my students loved it
@Marshall Kinnaird you're just pissed they won't teach creation.
@Marshall Kinnaird You couldn't recognize communism in a sixth grade civics test.
@Marshall Kinnaird WE THE PEOPLE is our national motto.
If trump is in favor of it, it can’t be good.
I found this book at the bottom of a box in a thrift store. Got it for $3. Great book.
Howard Zinn is a fine American!
I miss Howard Zinn!
From someone with no shame? If it weren't so damned vile, it'd be hilarious. 🤦
If Trump calls it propaganda, that's reason enough for me to believe that it must be a good thing.
I remember when i lived in Boston and Prof. Zinn would give conferences. The halls were always packed with standing room only. I am grateful for being present to hear him. And to him i am grateful for learning so much. How can we expect to improve our society if we are blind to it's injustices. As a historian he saw the great injustices that had been committed in his country, wrote about them , condemned them and worked to eradicate them. That , in any country is what a patriot does. He will forever be my hero. I love you Dr. Zinn
Howard Zinn's book should be required reading for children in schools. Trump has never read Zinn's book.
Sounds like stephen miller is still sitting in trump's ear.
One man is a national treasure, the other a national embarrassment. Too bad the wrong one passed in 2010.
Thank you! For sharing this interview.
It is little wonder that a profound liar like trump would want to perpetuate lies.
I think it's safe to say that young Donald had never heard of Howard Zinn five minutes ago, let alone read any of his books...or any other books for that matter.
Zinn is to History as Freire is to Education.
Trump doesn’t even know who Zinn is.
Good article Amy. Totally agree with you.
My God chump sounds stoned.
Bravo! 👏🏿
“ a lack sense of history makes us prey to manipulations” TERRENCE MCKENNA
Hopefully this causes more young people to read Howard Zinn.
People hate us because academics write books about our bad behavior. If only there was some way to get those horrible academics to stop writing books about our bad behavior. I mean we've tried having tv stations that pretend our bad behavior is good behavior but that hasn't done anything about those damned books though.
People hate us because we have over 200 military bases around the world, dictate and rob and murder and plunder other peoples, and other shit people don't hear about on the news.
@@karync.6707 - EXACTLY!
We glorify and sanctify white American history while demonizing, criminalizing, and making invisible its victims.
I'm ... reading ...what ... Steven ... Miller ... wrote ... for ... me ... from ... a ... teleprompter ...
should be honest about the past, but should leave the past.
i read "a people's history..." as an adult, i think after watching him on democracy now, democracy now is a GREAT initial source for books and literature. but i don't remember hearing howard zinn's name once in any high school or college class.
They don't even teach about it anyway! I remember one chapter in my history book in 4th grade that talked about slavery. It made it seem like it happened somewhere else.
From a distant shore.
Some might say this is an example of brilliant oratory from a very stable genius who uses the best words.
Others might say it's merely the ramblings of an ithering blidiot.
I have started to read Howard Zinn's book, thanks to Trump's free publicity. Although according to some reports, Trump has not read a book since college, he has done a lot to stimulate sales.
As for Howard Zinn, he analyzes events from the perspective of the oppressed. He quotes primary sources in some detail. His voice should be heard. Schoolchildren shouldn't be fed pap just because Trump thinks his own version of history is a good wedge issue. Trump is trying to damage historiography the way he is doing to science and medicine.
Howard Zinn opened my eyes even more than Noam Chomsky. Also, Zinn still had a great head of hair.
It’s not until we get honest about our history and how our institutions function, that we can move forward as a nation. 🇺🇸🤔. “And they shall know the truth and the truth will set them free”. John 8:32
As someone who was educated in the 70’s and had all these figures propped up as near-saintly heroes during my elementary and middle school years, I feel betrayed... especially after having to spend the rest of my life dis-entangling these “noble” myths from the often horrifying realities. One can still be proud of being an American without worshipping these historically propped up idols. There are plenty of other true ‘heroes’ that deserve admiration and elevation.
Like who in particularly? I know that Woodrow Wilson is probably the worst President in history.
@@FromAcrossTheDesert Honestly, a good one to start would be Mark Twain. Sure, he was a writer, but he was also a critic and a good friend of Hellen Keller, who was a socialist.
@@anthonyglover4767 Mark Twain was a highly opinionated hot head. The only reason his works were published in the first place, is because his wife (a more reasonable well balanced person) would run interference for him. Every scathing letter he wrote, his wife would take out of the mail box and destroy. It was only after her death, that people really started to hear from the real Samuel Clemens.
Bravo! Well said! Knowledge is Power, but it can also hurt like hell sometimes. Governmental mistreatment of its citizens...It's like a parent who abuses a child...really sad, but reality, still.
Don’t know history, never have to say sorry 😐
"Those who fail to remember their past are doomed to repeat it." We need honest history, not propaganda, else we are doomed to repeat the mistakes of the past. We all (well, most) agree that, for instance, slavery was a bad thing. We all know it and POCs in our nation can't help but feel it, viscerally. We are not too likely to go back to that. We need to remember the rest. How we had to fight to end child labor, get weekends with our families, get women the vote. How some of our past "heroes" were less than perfect. No one "hates" George Washington, though we know he owned slaves. We don't hate Thomas Jefferson in spite of his reputation with them either. To the extent they were products of the culture they were raised in, we can admire the good things they accomplished
This nonsense about teaching real history instead of propaganda should not even be a serious side conversation in our nation, yet, due to our unwillingness to vote responsibly (the turn outs have been horrible the past many decades), we have a conman, a money launderer and an outright thief in OUR White House. This is unacceptable. We are on the verge of becoming the next Reich and no one seems to be paying attention or willing to do anything to prevent it. I have never been more concerned than I am today, though I said those same words three years ago. It has only gotten worse since.
PLEASE! Please world! Restore my faith in humanity! End this nightmare and restore sanity to my beloved nation. I'm 66. I don't want to witness the end of the country I have served and loved to come to an end while I still breathe.
Thank you Jim, for your post! My eyes have been Closed, My head buried in sand and SADLY My Mind up Lady Liberty's Robe, Far Too many decades! Just taking Baby steps here, But I Concur with you, Jim M!
@@randolphdean836 I wish you good fortune and the best outcomes.
What is to be proud of history? A history drenched in blood? I rather bury it like the skeletons in my closet.
That classic quote from Howard Zinn “You Can’t Be Neutral on a Moving Train.”
This has the malevolent odour of Stalinist Russia, or Mao's China, or Mussolini's Italy, or dare I say the end days of Weimar Germany.
Love Zinn's work! So timely. ❤
I completed all 12 years of formal education, as well as 6 years of higher education. My degree is in US History, with areas of concentration in Appalachian History as well as the History of the Antebellum South. The only education that I received in our institutions of learning WAS this "Patriotic History" that Trump speaks of.
I only learned so much of the untold history of my country AFTER I graduated and began teaching myself.
This is just more of the Conservative push to privatize our education system after they have thoroughly discredited it in the minds of the average American.
Yes God forbid we tell our kids the truth... What do we expect from a guy who lies with every breath
He is rhe worst, he is a lier and he wants the country to continue to believe in our history when we know was not the truth!
We can't continue to go back in time to the 50's like Trump wants. We need to move forward to help our children correct the wrong of this country's past. To bring us into the future to make us a strong America not a wake one were we hide our wrongs !
Should we be told the truth? We will find out anyway.
I've never been so horrified by a president as I am with Trump. And I've never been so sadden that people in our society support him.
Many Canadians echo this.
The damage is done.
Without the lies of "American exceptionalism" the fascist America project falls apart.
there's a Special place in hell for Howard Zinn
Everyone should hear the entire truth about everything their parents did wrong, every evil thought, every nasty word, every immoral act they committed in private. Everything. Shout it from the rooftops! It will make society infinitely better. Promise.
My hero will always be Howard. He devoted his entire adult life to educating the young and standing for what was just.
As a former Zinn reader, I believe he was pushing propaganda.
He is so strange. Do you notice how he postures himself, cocking his head to the side and twisting back and forth as if he is conducting a sermon? It is unsettling and sends a vibe of deception. Oh yeah, that is right. It makes sense.
His speech writer called it propaganda. Trump does not read.
Zinn is legendary
Hold on Democracy Now, when did Zinn’s book mention critical race theory? He’s closer to Adolph Reed in that his book showed racism to be a tool by the white elite to subjugate both poor whites and blacks to prevent an uprising during the revolutionary period. Zinn’s book was also pro labor unions mentioning the AFL-CIO stating “it created the possibility of blacks and whites uniting on the issue of class exploitation.” And was critical of the concept of “black capitalism” or as Doctor Cornell West says “black faces in high places” like Obama but no structural change. Martin Luther King Jr. advocated for an economic bill of rights for poor and working people of all races and Zinn’s book showed this, the opposite of the woke framing of certain dominant segments of the left and the RussiaGate madness that made liberals into war mongers where Zinn wrote that King connected our wars overseas with poverty in the home land. Do better Democracy Now!
I had a copy of peoples history sitting next to me as I was live streaming Donald’s pseudorally event
So honest, thank you!🐶🌹
Howard Zinn is awful education...Period.
Conservatives showing us yet again how much they believe in STatE RiGHts. By the way, can we please start talking about Trump's obvious neurological decline more seriously?
Howard Zinn is a great American!
Only a govt can do propaganda
Good reason to home school to avoid absurd government propaganda
Our children need to hear the truth. Americans can face our history and we can correct our mistakes. We are not afraid. Truth and justice! Vote in November.
Its a good book. Its a shame Zinn didnt add Trump becoming fuhrer in the last chapter, as riding the wave to re-enslave