its good to test vac and pressure on the crank seals ,repairing the oil pump feed hard line is fun,like the 034 super all around best power to weight ,the older ones didnt have the compensator port on the carb,ive got a couple ive delayed fixing the cylinder, but have the parts,46mm 034 and 48mm 034s and 036,very desirable ,i even modded the oil pump,i found the oil tank vent can clog,not allowing the tank to breath,it can be depressed w a paperclip,its pressed in check valve,
its good to test vac and pressure on the crank seals ,repairing the oil pump feed hard line is fun,like the 034 super all around best power to weight ,the older ones didnt have the compensator port on the carb,ive got a couple ive delayed fixing the cylinder, but have the parts,46mm 034 and 48mm 034s and 036,very desirable ,i even modded the oil pump,i found the oil tank vent can clog,not allowing the tank to breath,it can be depressed w a paperclip,its pressed in check valve,
That little hole in the shaft you can turn that into a grease port for baring by drilling a small hole
ill be updating the rim sprocket to 3/8 x7 on mine
just got a burned up one